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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 2018)
2B THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2018 SELF-HELP GROUPS US Bank supports school workshops at Liberty Theatre Al-Anon (Astoria) — 7 p.m. Tuesday, Peace Lutheran Church, 565 12th St.; 12 p.m. Wednesday, First United Methodist Church, 1076 Franklin Ave. For informa- tion, call 503-325-1087; 7 p.m. Thursday, Crossroads Commu- nity Church, 40618 Old Highway 30, Svensen. For information, call 503-458-6467. Al-Anon (Clatskanie) — 7 p.m. Monday, Faith Lutheran Church, 1010 N.E. Fifth St., Clatskanie. For information, call 503-728-3351. Al-Anon (Nehalem) — 7 p.m. Monday, Riverbend Room, North County Recreation District, 36155 Ninth St. For information, call 503- 368-8255. Al-Anon (Seaside) — 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, call 503- 810-5196 for information. Al-Anon (Tillamook) — 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, St. Albans Epis- copal Church, 2102 Sixth St., call 503-842-5094 for information; 9 a.m. Thursday, 6505 Headquarter St., Tillamook; noon Friday, 5012 Third St., call 503-730-5863 for information. Al-Anon Family Groups in- formation, Oregon Area Al-Anon website. Alateen (Tillamook) — 4 p.m. Monday, 5012 Third St. For information, call 503-730-5863. Liberty Theatre The Liberty Theatre has received a U.S. Bank Play Grant of $2,500 to help fund the Classical Series and accom- panying school workshops during the 2018-19 season. Pictured, from left, Katherine Watson, Astoria U.S. Bank branch manager, and Jennifer Crockett, executive director of the Liberty Theatre. Alcoholics Anonymous — To find a meeting in Clatsop County, call 971-601-9220, in Tillamook County, call 503-739- 4856, or go to Celebrate Recovery — 6 p.m. Thursday, The Table Church, 852 Broadway, Seaside. Faith- based 12-step program designed to help anyone struggling with hurts, habits and hangups, in- cluding drugs and alcohol, anger, co-dependence, domestic abuse or sex, food or pornography ad- dictions. Being religious not re- quired. Free dinner and child care provided. For information, call D.B. Lewis at 503-741-5977. Eating Disorders Anon- ymous — 1:10 to 2:10 p.m. Wednesdays, River Zen Yoga, 399 31st St. A 12-Step program. For information, call Susan Wil- liams at 510-417-5553. Men’s Sexual Purity Recov- ery Group — Tuesday nights. Part of the Pure Life Alliance ( in Portland. For information, call the confiden- tial voice mail at 503-750-0817 and leave a message. Narcotics Anonymous — The Northwest Oregon Area of Narcotics Anonymous (NWONA) holds meetings in Clatsop County. For full schedule details, as well as upcoming special events, call the Helpline at 503-717-3702, or go to Overeaters Anonymous — 1 p.m. Sunday, Suzanne Elise As- sisted Living Community library, 101 Forest Drive, Seaside. Call 503-738-0307 for information. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) (Astoria) — 5 p.m. weigh-in, 5:30 p.m. meeting Tues- day, First Lutheran Church, 725 33rd St. For information, call Tri- sha Hayrynen at 503-298-9058. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 4-H — Looking for 4-H leaders. For information, call Sandra Carl- son at the Oregon State University Extension at 503-325-8573. American Red Cross — Needs registration volunteers (donor ambassadors) in Clatsop County to provide customer ser- vice and enhance the blood donor experience. For information, call Angela Basurtto at 503-528-5430. Angels for Sara Senior Dog Sanctuary — Needs volunteers to help care for elderly dogs who are unable to stay with their owners. Anyone interested in fundraising, yard maintenance, spending qual- ity time with the dogs or fostering a senior dog, short or long term, contact Jacque Pressly at angels- or call 503- 325-2772. Astoria Column — 1 Cox- comb Drive. Volunteers needed to welcome visitors, provide informa- tion and answer questions about the Astoria Column and the city of Astoria. For information, call the Friends of the Astoria Column Visi- tor Center at 503-325-2963. Astoria Riverfront Trolley As- sociation — 111 W. Marine Drive. Needs conductors/motormen to operate trolley and narrate points of interest. One or more three-hour shifts per month. For information, call the 503-325-6311. Astoria Senior Center — 1111 Exchange St. To volunteer, call Larry Miller at 503-325-3231. Astoria Veteran Van Drivers — Volunteer drivers needed for the Disabled American Veterans van for one or more trips per month. The van leaves Astoria at 7 a.m. for the Portland Veterans Admin- istration Hospital and returns in the early afternoon. To volunteer, contact Dick Lang, Astoria DAV van coordinator, at 503-298-8757 or Drivers receive free breakfast and lunch vouchers for the hospital canteen on every trip. Astoria Warming Center — 1076 Franklin Ave. Winter over- night emergency shelter for home- less persons needs volunteers for three-hour shifts from evening through the night to help with wel- coming guests, serving dinner, cleaning the kitchen, monitoring the sleeping area overnight, and closing the shelter in the morning. Volunteers also needed for weekly litter patrols in the neighborhood. To volunteer, email astoriawarm- Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce — 111 W. Marine Drive. Volunteers needed at the chamber and for events. For information, call 503-325-6311. Camp Kiwanilong — A large variety of volunteer opportunities are available. For information, call 503-861-2933 or go to campkiwan- Cannon Beach Academy — 3781 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach. Volunteers needed for breakfast or lunch preparation and cleanup, reading groups, math groups, lunch/recess duty and housekeeping. Shifts are 1.25 hours or longer. For information, call 503-298-5245. Cannon Beach Library —131 North Hemlock, Cannon Beach. Volunteers needed for a variety of tasks and time commitments, including alphabetizing book- shelves, covering books, doing minor building maintenance, help- ing with a speakers’ series, and participating in annual book sales and other events. For information email info@cannonbeachlibrary. org or call 503-436-1391. Caring Adults Develop- ing Youth (CADY) Mentoring Program — 800 Exchange St., second floor. Needs mentors for youths ages 10 to 17 at risk of school failure. Time commitment: one year, about eight hours per month. For information, contact Laura Parker at 503-325-8601 or Clatsop Animal Assistance Inc. — Needs volunteers who have a strong commitment to work on behalf of the Clatsop County An- imal Shelter’s dogs and cats. For information, email info@dogsn- or call 503-861-0737. Clatsop Care Center — Vol- unteers needed daily for all three meals to provide one-on-one as- sistance to dining dependent res- idents. Volunteers must participate in a 16-hour training program. For information, contact Mandy Brenchley at 503-325-0313, ext. 209. Clatsop County Animal Shel- ter — Animal care volunteers age 16 and older needed for one 3-hour shift per week. Pick up an application at 1315 S.E. 19th St., Warrenton. For information, or to schedule orientation, call Leslie Atkinson at 503-325-1000. Clatsop Community Action Regional Food Bank — Volun- teers needed to help hand out fruits and vegetables at the weekly produce pantries for two hours on Thursdays, from April to October, in Seaside and Warrenton. Ware- house attendants are needed for food packing or processing, pick- Overdose Awareness vigil planned at AHS The Daily Astorian A Candlelight Vigil for International Overdose Awareness Day, to remem- ber those who have lost their lives to the disease of addiction, is being held at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 31 at the Astoria High School track, 1001 W. Marine Drive. Those wishing to par- ing orders for agencies, light jan- itorial and housekeeping, or lawn and grounds maintenance. Three to four-hour shifts are available Monday through Friday. To volun- teer, call 503-861-3663. Clatsop Community College Outreach Literacy — Needs volunteer literacy tutors to work with adults, native and non-native speakers. Training available. For information, call 503-338-2557. Clatsop County Public Works — 1101 Olney Ave. Adopt-A-Road volunteers needed to remove litter two times (minimum) per year for two years. Safety equipment and supplies provided. Volunteers must receive safety orientation. For in- formation, call 503-325-8631. Clatsop Cruise Hosts — Looking for volunteers to meet and greet cruise ship passengers and crew, provide information and answer questions about the Clat- sop County area. Ships arrive in the spring and fall, about 20 ships each year. Work all the ships or part of them. For information, go to Coast Community Radio — Volunteers needed for a variety of opportunities and time com- mitments including weekday front desk, music library digital conver- sion, graphic and sign making, booths at farmers markets and special events, landscaping, and mailing parties. For information, email or call 503-325-0010. Columbia Memorial Hospital — Needs volunteers to provide assistance to patients, visitors and hospital staff. Training provided. For information, go to columbiam- To schedule an inter- view, call 503-325-4321. Columbia River Maritime Museum — 1792 Marine Drive. Volunteer opportunities for those ticipate are encouraged to bring a chair and/or blan- ket, and if desired, a photo of a loved one. Battery operated tea lights will be available, but attendees can bring one of their own, or a glow stick. No actual can- dles will be used. This event is spon- sored by Jordan’s Hope for Recovery. with an interest in maritime history. For information, call the volunteer coordinator weekdays at 503-325- 2323. Columbia Senior Diners — 1111 Exchange St., Astoria Senior Center. Volunteers need- ed weekdays to serve tables and for kitchen help. To volunteer, call 503-325-9693. Community Emergency Re- sponse Team — CERT volunteers needed for community events and disaster response with local police, fire and emergency medical ser- vice agencies. Training includes fire safety, first aid, traffic and crowd control, communications, damage survey, disaster planning and civic events within city limits. For information, contact CERT coordinator Kenny Hansen at or leave a voicemail at 503-325-4411. Friends of Seaside Library — 1131 Broadway, Seaside. Vol- unteers needed to staff the fund- raising store. For information, call 503-738-6742 or stop by the library. Haystack Rock Awareness Program — Needs volunteers for general office assistance and to assist lead interpreters on the beach with signage, ropes and set up during low tides and talking to visitors about the rock and the local flora and fauna. Must pass a basic background test. Children are always welcome; must be supervised by a parent. For in- formation, contact Lisa Habecker at 503-436-8064 or habecker@ Knappa Rural Fire Protec- tion District — Needs volunteer firefighters. Training provided. For information, contact any of the ac- tive personnel or call Chief Paul Olheiser at 503-458-6610. Long-Term Care Ombuds- man — Certified ombudsman volunteers advocate for the rights, care and dignity of the elderly and disabled living in licensed long- term care facilities. Many residents have no one to watch out or speak up for when things go wrong. Vol- unteer Ombudsmen talk to the res- idents, investigate complaints, and work to resolve problems. Flexi- ble schedule, four hours a week, mileage reimbursement available. Training is provided. For informa- tion, call 800-522-2602 or go to Lunch Buddy Mentoring Pro- gram — Adults needed to mentor elementary and middle school stu- dents once a week during lunch. For information, call (219) 331- 6427 or go to NorthWest Senior & Disabili- ty Services — Needs dishwashers and volunteers to serve and clean up weekdays at a meal site, and drivers for Meals on Wheels. For information, contact Candy Foster at 503-738-9323. Providence Seaside Hospi- tal — Needs volunteer drivers for Community Connections, a free program that transports people to services and appointments relat- ed to health and well-being in the Portland-Metro area. Mileage re- imbursement available. For infor- mation, call 503-717-7171 or email Providence Seaside Hospi- tal — Needs volunteers who en- joy meeting, interacting with and helping people. Opportunities are available in the hospital gift shop, café, and as greeters and for spir- itual integration. For information, call 503-717-7171 or email Alana. River Song Foundation — Looking for people to assist with Trap/Neuter/Release/Feed (TNRF), especially in the Seaside and Knappa/Svensen areas. TNRF involves setting and/or monitoring traps, and daily feeding of cats and maintenance of any shelters, and is a proven, science-based method that along with spay/neu- ter programs is the only effective and humane way of ending cat homelessness and suffering. Call 503-861-2003 for information and to volunteer. Seaside American Legion Veterans’ Assistance & Reha- bilitation — Volunteers needed to help knit/crochet items for hospital- ized vets and cut coupons for mil- itary families. Donations of fabric/ yarn especially welcome. Group meets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. sec- ond Tuesday of the month at 1315 Broadway, Seaside. For informa- tion, call 503-738-5111 and leave a message for Marilyn Faulkner. Seaside Downtown Develop- ment Association — Volunteers needed to help with local events happening throughout the year. For information, call Sarah Dailey at 503-717-1914 or email direc- Seaside Museum and Histor- ical Society — Volunteers needed to help as docents, maintaining and creating exhibits, and various events throughout the year. Small and large projects available. Any amount of time will be greatly appreciated. Call the museum at 503-738-7065 or email seaside- Start Making a Reader Today — Needs volunteers to read to stu- dents one-on-one for one hour a week at local elementary schools. To volunteer, call 503-391-8423 or go to Svensen Congregate Meal Site — Wickiup Grange Hall, 92683 Svensen Market Road. To volunteer, or for information, call Debbie Dunaway at 503-791-7298 or 503-861-4202. Titanic Lifeboat Academy — Volunteer to help care for animals and assist with sustainable living projects; minimum commitment of four hours per week requested. Some training provided. For in- formation, contact Caren Black at 503-325-6886. Tri-City Spay and Neuter Thrift Store — 600 Broadway, Seaside. Needs volunteers inter- ested in improving the welfare of animals. For information, call 503- 738-7040. U.S. Coast Guard Auxilia- ry — Uniformed civilian volunteer branch provides boating educa- tion courses, vessel inspections to public; offers chance to learn new skills and qualifications. No former military or boating expe- rience needed. Meetings 7 p.m. first Wednesday of the month. For information, call Della Wilson at 360-244-7062 or email at wilson- Warrenton Senior Lunch Program — Warrenton Communi- ty Center, 170 S.W. Third St. Vol- unteers needed to help with Meals on Wheels and in the dining room Mondays or Thursdays. For infor- mation, contact Barb Balensifer at 503-861-1341. Wildlife Rehab Center of the North Coast — Needs volunteers to help rehabilitate orphaned and injured wildlife. For information, call 503-338-0331 or go to coast-