The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, December 01, 2017, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 3C, Image 19

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Endgame with an abuser
Dear Annie: For 37 years, agers, he started abusing them
I’ve been married to a sociopath. verbally. My two elder chil-
When “Robert” and I met, dren and I eventually ended up
he was sweet, charming and in therapy, where we learned to
thoughtful. His father was an deal with this man. Now they are
alcoholic, mean physically in their 30s, and they still bear
and emotionally. Robert said emotional scars from things he
he never wanted to be
did or said. Robert has
like that. When our first
always refused coun-
seling, by the way. He
child was born, he was
will not discuss his
a good father. But when
moods with the family
I was pregnant with our
doctor. He thinks the
second child, things
problem is everyone
changed. He cheated
but him.
on me. When I had the
I became disabled
child and was released
a few years ago. We
from the hospital, I
have a younger child,
waited for three hours Annie
a 16-year-old, and my
for him to come pick
main concern right
me up and meet his new
daughter. He never came. He now is protecting him. Robert is
technically still my husband but
was out with another woman.
I was going to leave, but he is never around; he calls just to
sought forgiveness. Being in a make sure I’m taking care of his
deep depression, I agreed. In the stuff. He will be 59 1/2 in a few
years since, he’s cheated on me months, and he’s planning on
many more times.
taking the money in his 401(k)
I went back to work. Rob- and leaving us all.
ert got off work at an early hour
Robert and I have properties.
and was supposed to pick up He promised that each child
the kids from day care. But he would be added to the deed of
wouldn’t. He often went out all one place. I also need his med-
night “fishing,” yet he never ical insurance, and I feel that I
am entitled to half of everything
caught any fish.
When the kids became teen- plus child support and maybe
even spousal support. But I
cannot get the money to retain
a good lawyer. How do I leave
this man and not be a pauper so
I can protect my minor child? —
Desperately Need Help
Dear Desperately: The
National Domestic Violence
Hotline provides assistance to
victims of abuse, whether phys-
ical or emotional. The people
there can refer you to resources
in your state. Call them at 800-
799-7233 today so you can
begin safely planning for a new
life that doesn’t include your
Dear Annie: I have a solu-
tion for “Free Bird,” the man
who wants to be clothes-free
but whose wife does not want to
attend nudist events.
He said he researches nud-
ist locations online. If he found
all-male events, he could satisfy
his joy of being naked outside,
and his wife would be satisfied
that his joy is not being around
naked women. — Linda
Dear Linda: I like your
idea. It’s a simple, practical way
for “Free Bird” to find a like-
minded flock without ruffling
his wife’s feathers. Thanks for
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You were blamed
for something that wasn’t your fault, but that’s
just part of love. Two people in love project
things, mistake each other’s identities, see
only who they want to see instead of who is
actually standing before them.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There is no
circumstance or person who is completely on
one side of morality. “All human beings are
commingled out of good and evil.” — Robert
Louis Stevenson
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re finding out
that it’s better to have numerous friends than
to depend on one person for affection. Tonight
you’ll be the star, so dress the part. You’ll enjoy
it more when your outside reflects the role.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Those close to
you have needs, but you’re not the only one
who can fill them. Check in with yourself. As-
sess what you have to give. The saying goes,
“You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll reel in the
admirers with your social ease. And as long
as you stay aware of other people’s sensitivi-
ties and steer clear of them, you’ll keep those
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). A level of detach-
ment will help you achieve the peace you
crave. Neutrality helps you recognize the con-
sequences of any action. Often consequences
are neither reward nor punishment — just the
cause of another effect.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Financial exchang-
es are clean, but there’s something magical
about volunteer exchanges that beats a clean
deal. Tonight a friend’s introduction will set off
a chain of fortuitous events.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’re not sure
what someone wants from you, but you know
there’s something. Get closer and find out.
Extend a social invitation, and let the conver-
sation fly loose and lively.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Just
because you’re fortunate (and there are
many ways in which you have been blessed)
doesn’t mean you’re happy. Normalcy must be
breached! Challenge! Change! All are neces-
sary components of joy.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Today
you’re more of a pen than a pencil. Pencils
are creative and flexible, willing to be erased,
blended, reworked. Some days you’re like that,
but today your moves will be bold — maybe
even indelible.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). While the
scenario at hand may be very fun, you’re also
being assessed inside of it. People are getting
to know your style, and they are testing your
character by your reaction to freedom and
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Attention-need-
iness is a turnoff to you. You strive to be
self-sufficient emotionally and every other way.
Unfortunately, you can’t be. No one is. People
need people. The question is, how much?
heart connections are what fortify and inspire
you, and in the months to come your expres-
sions of love will be received in kind. Because
you’ve been a stellar team player, you’ll feel
what it’s like for the whole team to rally behind
you — awesome! There’s a payoff in February
and another in July. Aquarius and Cancer
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 20, 44,
19 and 32.