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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (April 19, 2017)
2A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2017 ‘It’s National Park Week. What’s your favorite park — national or otherwise?’ “Since I’m an Oregonian, I’ll say Crater Lake. But I could just as easily say Olympic National Park.” THE DAILY ASTORIAN // QUESTION OF THE WEEK Hobe Kytr, Astoria “Yosemite. I’ve been there several times, and it’s awesome and breathtaking.” Sharene Pasch, Astoria “Probably McCall Waterfront Park in Portland, on the Willamette River. I think so because of its beauty and the way the city of Portland has integrated the urban landscape into the natural landscape, enhancing the beauty of the river and making it accessible to people. It’s also a venue for city activities. Connie Hunt, Svensen OBITUARIES Ruth C. (Hess) Huckaby Curtis Lee Olson Seaside Jan. 24, 1932 — March 11, 2017 Wheeler Aug. 30, 1932 — April 8, 2017 Ruth passed away March 11, 2017. She single mother. Family was very important to her. was born in Astoria, Oregon, Jan. 24, 1932, to She was always telling stories of farm life with Charles N. Hess and Valda C. Edwards. six sisters, a high point of many family gather- Ruth attended Astoria schools, graduating ings. She enjoyed traveling around the coun- in 1949. She continued her educa- try, taking road trips as often as she tion, receiving her bachelor’s degree could. She loved gardening and play- from Oregon College of Education ing cards with her friends. Her heart in 1952. Later that year, she married was a gentle and generous one that Donald L. Hatcher. They have three touched many lives during her life. sons, Charles (Chuck), William and We will miss her greatly, but know James. she is fi nally able to rest peacefully. Ruth taught school in Washington As many of you know, she suffered and Astoria before moving the family from Alzheimer’s disease. to Omaha, Nebraska. Donald passed She leaves behind her three boys away in 1964. She returned to school and a daughter, Charles (Chuck) Ruth Huckaby in Omaha and received her master’s Hatcher of Astoria, Oregon, William degree in science at the University of Hatcher of Portland, Oregon, James Omaha, Nebraska, in 1966. After she Hatcher and his wife, Betty, of Asto- received her degree, she and her boys moved ria, Oregon, and Laura Magee of Missoula, Mon- back to Astoria to be near family. tana; two grandsons, Jake and Cole Hatcher of She then began teaching for the Warren- Astoria, Oregon; and three sisters, Nancy Hess, ton School District, retiring in 1993. She loved JoAnn Davis and Agnes Stocker. She was pre- teaching and her students very much, spending ceded in death by three sisters, Colleen Hippen- many after-school hours helping tutor students steel, Valda (Billie) DeBlois and Jane Hall. who needed extra time and attention. Ruth wanted a celebration of her life. In In 1973 she married Bobby E. Huckaby and honor of her request, a celebration will be held welcomed her daughter, Laura Elizabeth, into Saturday, May 13, at the Warrenton Community the world that same year. Center, in Warrenton, Oregon, from noon to 4 Ruth worked hard raising four children as a p.m. Curtis Lee Olson, 84, passed away April He gillnetted on the Columbia River 8, 2017. He was born Aug. 30, 1932, in and fished for many summers in Bristol Astoria, to Otto and Reta (Lynn) Olson, the Bay, Alaska, on his beloved boat, the Bev- middle of three children. Lee. He later spent 18 years with Rebecca Curt grew up in the Melville Myers (deceased, 2005), enjoy- ing playing cards and weekly din- area of Lewis and Clark, where he ners at the Buoy Nine. Following was involved in 4-H (dairy cows) Curt’s retirement, they spent win- and helped on the family farm. ters with fellow Astorian snow- He attended Melville School, birds in Yuma, Arizona. Another Lewis and Clark and Astoria High favored daily routine was morn- School. He was proud that he was ing coffee at the Labor Temple given a driver’s license at age 14 with friends. Curt was a long- to drive area classmates to school, time member of both the Elks as the bus did not go out that far. and American Legion, as well as Following high school, Curt Curtis Olson Moose and Eagles. joined the U.S. Army National Curt was preceded in death Guard, achieving the rank of ser- by his parents; siblings, Joan geant. He was sent to Fort Belvoir, Virginia, for training in heavy equipment Lindseth and Roger Olson; a sister-in- operation, and fondly remembered roller law, Carol Olson; and infant son, Russell. He is survived by his children, Marilyn skating on the National Mall. Curt married Winifred Schuster on May (David) Mears of Seattle, Keith (Shirley) 2, 1953, in Portland. They raised three chil- Olson of Seaside and Roxanne (Serge) dren, Marilyn, Keith and Roxanne, in the Boen of Albany; three grandsons, Abra- Youngs River area. He and Wini partici- ham and August Mears and Robert Olson; pated in a motorcycle club, played cards and a brother-in-law, Elmer Lindseth of and square danced. He also enjoyed hunting Seattle. A service will be held Saturday, April 22, and camping trips. Curt worked on a log boom in Youngs at 1 p.m. at Caldwell’s Luce-Layton Mor- River Loop, later becoming a longshoreman tuary in Astoria. A reception follows at the and proud union member of International American Legion. Remembrances may be made to Warren- Longshore and Warehouse Union Local No. 50. He also operated Olson Logging for ton Deep Sea Fisherme n’s Benefit Fund, several years. After divorcing, Curt married P.O. Box 1062, Warrenton, OR 97146; or charity of your choice. Beverly Patson (deceased 1987). FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR ASTORIA TONIGHT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 55 42 47 66 51 Mostly cloudy with a couple of showers Periods of rain Partly sunny and warmer SUNDAY 58 47 55 45 Mostly cloudy, a little rain; cooler Mostly cloudy with a couple of showers First two days of clam dig canceled The Daily Astorian ALMANAC REGIONAL WEATHER Tillamook 46/54 Salem 47/59 Newport 46/53 Sunset tonight ........................... 8:08 p.m. Sunrise Thursday ........................ 6:20 a.m. Moonrise today ........................... 2:47 a.m. Moonset today ......................... 12:34 p.m. Apr 19 First Apr 26 Coos Bay 47/57 Full May 2 Source: Jim Todd, OMSI TOMORROW'S TIDES Astoria / Port Docks Time 2:46 a.m. 3:27 p.m. Low 3.5 ft. 1.1 ft. Hi 81 52 67 73 74 74 90 37 82 79 82 82 75 86 83 84 81 54 81 62 86 60 67 57 62 Today Lo 64 45 47 38 51 52 60 17 74 64 53 62 58 65 73 64 68 50 61 53 68 44 54 47 57 Burns 38/51 Klamath Falls 33/52 The Daily Astorian Lakeview 35/51 Ashland 40/57 REGIONAL CITIES City Baker City Bend Brookings Eugene Ilwaco Klamath Falls Medford Newberg Newport North Bend Hi 59 56 54 59 54 56 61 57 55 58 Today Lo 38 35 46 44 48 33 41 45 46 48 W pc c r r r c r r r r Hi 52 50 56 58 54 52 60 58 53 57 Thu. Lo 29 27 42 37 44 26 39 40 42 43 W sh pc pc sh sh sh pc sh sh sh City Olympia Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem Seaside Spokane Springfi eld Vancouver Yakima Hi 57 65 58 58 59 55 61 59 57 65 Today Lo 45 43 47 44 47 47 42 44 47 44 W r c r r r r pc r r c Hi 56 58 59 60 59 54 53 59 58 65 W pc pc t s t t s s sh c pc s s pc sh pc pc pc pc pc pc pc c r c Hi 84 62 71 65 64 75 91 42 82 79 66 84 80 84 83 88 82 64 73 75 76 56 66 57 82 Thu. Lo 64 46 41 38 44 46 59 18 73 48 49 61 59 65 72 64 66 56 60 58 52 40 51 44 66 Thu. Lo 38 37 42 41 40 43 36 38 41 37 W sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. W s c c sh c t s s sh t c s s pc c c pc c c c t sh pc sh pc Roby’s can help. Lift chairs starting at $599. Side pocket to keep remote control handy at all times Battery support ensures lift mechanism works for one cycle without electricity. Available in a wide selection of fabrics and special-order fabrics ZERO GRAVITY device that supports legs, back, and neck Astoria - (503) 325-1535 1555 Commercial • WARRENTON — The North Coast Repub- lican Women will present a candidate forum for the Port of Astoria Commission. Three positions on the commission are up in the May 16 special district election. The forum will be held at 6:30 p.m. on April 26 at the Warrenton High School cafeteria. Index cards will be provided to those who wish to question the candidates. A modera- tor will read the questions, one at a time, for each candidate to answer. ON THE RECORD DUII • At 11:44 p.m. Monday, James Christian Marsico, 18, of Portland, was arrested by the Seaside Police Department on the 3000 block of Sunset Boulevard for driving under the infl uence of intox- icants. His blood alcohol content was 0.19 percent. CORRECTION Kindergarten roundup times — A 2A story on Monday about Clatsop County kindergar- ten roundups incorrectly listed the time of the events at John Jacob Astor Elementary School as 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on April 27. The roundups at the school will take place at 4 and 6 p.m. MEMORIAL Saturday, April 22 PITMAN, Jack W. — Cel- ebration of life and potluck from noon to 3 p.m., Astoria Elks Lodge, 453 11th St. TILLEY, June Mam- lock — Memorial at 1 p.m., Hughes-Ransom Mortuary & DEATH PUBLIC MEETINGS OBITUARY POLICY The Daily Astorian pub- lishes paid obituaries. The obit- uary can include a small photo and, for veterans, a flag sym- bol at no charge. The deadline for all obituaries is 10 a.m. the business day prior. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctua- tion and style. Death notices and upcoming services will be published at no charge. Notices must be submitted by 9 a.m. the day of publication. Obituaries and notices may be submitted online at obits, by email at ewilson@, placed via the funeral home or in person at The Daily Astorian office, 949 Exchange St. in Astoria. For more information, call 503- 325-3211, ext. 257. Crematory, 576 12th St., fol- lowed by a reception at the Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. LOTTERIES April 18, 2017 FARRIS, Frances, 99, of Astoria, died in Astoria. Caldwell’s Luce-Layton Mortuary in Astoria is in charge of the arrangements. Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. Need a Lift? Recent tests have found toxin levels at all ocean beaches meet health stan- dards, but the Washington Department of Health has asked for one more test to be sure, said Dan Ayres, a state coastal shellfi sh manager . GOP women hold candidate forum for Port races Ontario 45/60 TOMORROW'S NATIONAL WEATHER NATIONAL CITIES City Atlanta Boston Chicago Denver Des Moines Detroit El Paso Fairbanks Honolulu Indianapolis Kansas City Las Vegas Los Angeles Memphis Miami Nashville New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Philadelphia St. Louis Salt Lake City San Francisco Seattle Washington, DC Baker 38/52 Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2017 Tonight's Sky: Mars will fade into the western horizon after sunset. Jupiter will be high above the southeast. High 7.1 ft. 6.9 ft. La Grande 41/53 Roseburg 44/60 Brookings 46/57 May 10 John Day 40/51 Bend 35/50 Medford 41/60 UNDER THE SKY Time 8:18 a.m. 10:13 p.m. Prineville 36/54 Lebanon 45/58 Eugene 44/58 SUN AND MOON New Pendleton 43/58 The Dalles 46/62 Portland 47/59 Precipitation Tuesday ............................................ 0.21" Month to date ................................... 5.26" Normal month to date ....................... 3.38" Year to date .................................... 37.59" Normal year to date ........................ 28.22" Last OLYMPIA, Wash. — The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has can- celed the fi rst two days of a tentatively planned eight-day razor clam dig due to rising Shown is tomorrow's weather. Temperatures are tonight's lows and tomorrow's highs. ASTORIA 47/55 Astoria through Tuesday. Temperatures High/low ....................................... 58°/47° Normal high/low ........................... 57°/41° Record high ............................ 74° in 2016 Record low ............................. 26° in 1927 marine toxin levels. Digs on Monday and Tuesday are canceled. An announcement will be made next week whether the rest of the dig, now scheduled to begin April 26, will go forward. WEDNESDAY Seaside Tourism Advisory Committee, 3 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. THURSDAY Cannon Beach Parks and Community Services Com- mittee, 9 a.m., City Hall, 163 E. Gower St. Sunset Empire Transporta- tion District, 10 a.m. to noon, budget committee workshop, Astoria Transit Center, 900 Marine Drive. Cannon Beach Design Review Board, 6 p.m., City Hall, 163 E. Gower St. Gearhart Planning Com- mission, 6 p.m., City Hall, 698 Pacifi c Way. Seaside Transportation Advi- sory Commission, 6 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. Youngs River Lewis & Clark Water District Board, 6 p.m., executive session, 34583 U.S. Highway 101 Business. The Daily Astorian Established July 1, 1873 (USPS 035-000) Published daily, except Saturday and Sunday, by EO Media Group, 949 Exchange St., PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103 Telephone 503- 325-3211, 800-781-3211 or Fax 503-325-6573. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Astorian, PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103-0210 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper. SUBSCRIBER TO THE NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE MEMBER CERTIFIED AUDIT OF CIRCULATIONS, INC. OREGON Tuesday’s Pick 4: 1 p.m.: 5-8-6-2 4 p.m.: 1-1-5-1 7 p.m.: 1-6-0-7 10 p.m.: 1-1-3-9 Mega Millions: 8-29-30-43- 64, Mega Ball: 6 Estimated jackpot: $45 million WASHINGTON Tuesday’s Daily Game: 2-8-5 Tuesday’s Keno: 02-07- 11-14-21-27-31-32-34-40- 42-52-54-56-61-62-63-65- 70-75 Tuesday’s Match 4: 11-14- 17-20 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Effective July 1, 2015 HOME DELIVERY MAIL EZpay (per month) ................$11.25 EZpay (per month) ............... $16.60 13 weeks in advance ........... $36.79 13 weeks in advance ........... $51.98 26 weeks in advance ........... $70.82 26 weeks in advance ......... $102.63 52 weeks in advance ......... $135.05 52 weeks in advance ......... $199.90 Circulation phone number: 503-325-3211 Periodicals postage paid at Astoria, OR ADVERTISING OWNERSHIP All advertising copy and illustrations prepared by The Daily Astorian become the property of The Daily Astorian and may not be reproduced for any use without explicit prior approval. COPYRIGHT © Entire contents © Copyright, 2017 by The Daily Astorian. Printed on recycled paper