The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, November 11, 2016, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 3C, Image 19

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Sister misses younger sister
Dear Annie: My youngest sis-
ter, “Rebecca,” and I have not spo-
ken in over 25 years. She was the
golden child — never getting into
trouble, always getting anything
and everything she wanted. On the
other hand, my elder sister and I
were our parents’ worst nightmare.
Fortunately, we were able to grow
up before it was too late to repair
our relationships with our parents.
Our problem with the younger
sister is that as she got older, she
completely abandoned our parents.
When my mother finally had to be
put in a nursing home because of
Alzheimer’s disease, Rebecca did
nothing to help. I live 1,300 miles
away, so it fell to my elder sister to
deal with everything. My younger
sister went to see my mother once
in 10 years, even though she only
lived 4 miles away. She never
asked Dad to come over for din-
ner, Christmas or any holiday.
I have reached out over the
years, especially because we are
all getting up in age. I have given
up completely, as has my elder sis-
ter. Sometimes, siblings or not, it
is just best to let go. Some peo-
ple just do not want to be involved
with their family. As much as we
try, there are some things that
can’t be forgiven — and shouldn’t
Dear Annie
be. I have prayed over this for
many years and have finally found
peace. When my dad died, again,
nothing. Why should we even be
concerned with her at all? — Over
and Out
Dear Over: I’m so sorry for
what you and your family went
through with Alzheimer’s disease,
and my condolences on the death
of your father.
Everyone deals with grief and
stress in different ways, and it
sounds as if Rebecca resorts to
avoidance. It’s not the healthiest
coping mechanism by any means.
But just because she wasn’t there
doesn’t mean she wasn’t hurting.
Though you say you have
found peace regarding your rela-
tionship with your sister, your tone
suggests otherwise. You’re right
that “sometimes, siblings or not, it
is just best to let go.” But you can’t
very well let go if you’re holding
on to all that anger. Find it in your
heart to accept your sister for the
flawed person that she is, whether
or not she reaches out again.
Dear Annie: To “Tea Drinker,”
who wanted to know why cof-
fee refills are free but tea refills
sometimes aren’t: You’ve been led
astray. It’s in the bag. Coffee is rel-
atively inexpensive to brew pot
after pot. Tea you purchase by the
box, and it’s filled with individual
When a customer orders tea,
yes, the presentation is more
detailed, but frankly, it doesn’t
take that much more time. But you
are serving with a lemon, which
has its cost, and honey, which also
is an additional cost, and the tea
I have never worked anywhere
where we charged for a second
cup, but I do work in nicer restau-
rants, where the selection of teas is
already on the table —and you can
be certain that bags of desirable
tea flavors are stuffed in some peo-
ple’s purses when they leave. But
some places maybe can’t afford to
be giving free tea bags away and
serving the honey and lemon free.
— Server of Tea
Tomorrow’s horoscope
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your home
should be a refuge, and yet you spend an
awful lot of time tiptoeing around people
and circumstances relating to the domestic
lately. That’s not peaceful! Make a move to
improve this before it spoils your well-being.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Don’t hold
on to secrets or shame out of fear of being
judged. Half the time people are so into their
own dramas that they could care less about
yours. Tell, don’t tell -- that doesn’t matter.
But in your own mind, let it go and be free.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). What’s in
the stars for you now is a love as pure and
all-consuming as a mother’s love for a child,
only not from your mother and not for the
childish part of you. This is a full-grown af-
CANCER (June 22-July 22). To join an-
other person’s world requires you to leave
your own for a little while. Do you find this
scary or adventurous? Probably both today,
though you might be calmed by your accom-
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). When you’re in
that bubbly, break-the-ice kind of mood
you’re liable to say the things that bring peo-
ple together, make them giggle and also
possibly ruffle feathers. If that happens, it’s
par for the course.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Celebrities
lend their endorsements to products for fi-
nancial gain, but you have something much
more integral at stake. You only make rec-
ommendations for what you absolutely be-
lieve in, a habit you’ll repeat today.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Since you’re in
such a hurry this week, here’s a time-sav-
er: Learn as much as you can about where
you’re going before you take the first step.
See your desired result in action.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Whatever
you want to accomplish today, it will happen
through networks. Bonus: You’ll see where
you could add a few people -- people with
different skills who are thrilled to be aligned
with your specialness.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your
friends might falter. Now it’s up to you to
uphold the values of kindness and decency,
which, paradoxically, you’ll do in the most
humorous and irreverent manner.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your
whole being leans toward one primary aim --
to raise the energy around you wherever you
go. It’s a secret intention, perhaps an uncon-
scious one, and a noble purpose for sure.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). How do
you get better? The answer is really simple.
Live. Live consciously. Pay attention. Atten-
tion is love. If you seek improvement, you’ll
tend to it, which is the same as loving it,
which is eventually becoming it.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Do you
know someone who already has what you
want? This will be most helpful. You need to
analyze the qualities and know all there is to
know about them.
The solar year brings a sense of coming into
your age -- a new era of you! It’s something
special. There’s an expression you’ve been
wanting to project, and now you can’t help
but do so. It’s a fresh role. It changes your
whole game, from love to money to person-
al beliefs -- a real transformation. Capricorn
and Aries adore you. Your lucky numbers
are: 4, 6, 3, 39 and 22.