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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 2016)
5A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2016 Remains: DNA is ‘not the magic bullet everyone thinks it is’ Continued from Page 1A the elected attorneys balanc- ing heavy legal caseloads with death scene investigations, decisions about who should be autopsied, and searches for next of kin. As such, Bigelow is part of the loosely organized nation- wide network of family mem- bers, cops, volunteers and others who try, against long odds, to match the names of the missing with the remains RIWKHXQLGHQWL¿HG There is plenty of work for them to do. According to the National Institute for Justice , there are as many as 85,000 active missing persons cases in the U.S. at any given time. About 4,000 new unidenti- ¿HGUHPDLQVDUHIRXQGHYHU\ year, and about 1,000 of those KDYHQRWEHHQLGHQWL¿HGDIWHU a year. E xperts believe there are at least 40,000 known XQLGHQWL¿HG KXPDQ UHPDLQV in the U.S. NIJ Journal edi- tor Nancy Ritter has called the situation “a silent mass disaster” — a crisis with casualties that accumulate continuously. Recognizing the need for a centralized source of infor- mation about missing per- VRQV DQG XQLGHQWL¿HG DQG unclaimed remains, the insti- tute created the National 0LVVLQJDQG8QLGHQWL¿HG3HU sons System, or “NamUs” database in 2007. NamUs lists 565 miss- ing people in Washington alone, stretching all the way back to spring 1951, when 20-year-old Alvin Matlock disappeared from his home on Brown’s Mountain in east- ern Washington. The real numbers are probably higher — some disappearances are never even reported to police, much less entered into the national database . Bones on river banks The source of so much life, the Columbia River’s deep waters and swift currents are also implicated in a lot of deaths. According to an ongo- ing Oregonian analysis, at least 36 people have drowned in the Columbia since August 2006. The river also inevita- bly tempts individuals faced with the pressing dilemma of where to dispose of a body. In September 2006, a cou- SOH IRXQG D ODUJH EDJ ÀRDW LQJLQWKHULYHUQHDU3RUWODQG It contained the dismembered remains of Doug Adamson, 52. In August 2012, Grant County, Washington, deputies recovered 75-year-old Toshio Ota, a missing Seattle man. He was the victim of a homi- cide by blunt-force trauma. In January 2015, boaters discov- ered the body of Jessica New- ton, 40, on Bachelor Island QHDU5LGJH¿HOG6KHWRRKDG died a violent death. Bigelow knows all about the misfortune that can wash in with the tide. In 1998 — well before he was elected — a local found a dead woman on a small island in the river. To his regret, no one has ever been able to identify her. “I am going to keep it until I can hand ( the remains) to her next of kin and they can give them a respectful burial. There’s someone out there who’s missing that per- son … ,” Bigelow said, but he acknowledged that he has exhausted all of his ideas for ¿QGLQJKHULGHQWLW\ “I can’t think of a single thing I can do to contribute to that investigation,” he said. In 2013, a beachcomber discovered an accumula- tion of bones strewn along the riverbank. Some of them appeared to be human, including a partial skull with the upper row of teeth still intact. Bigelow sent the bones to Washington State Foren- sic Anthropologist Dr. Kathy Taylor, who determined which were human, and sent them on to the forensic labo- ratory at University of North Texas. Experts there extracted DNA from the bones, and entered the results into the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System, a database of DNA records. Nearly two years after the discovery, Bigelow and Tay- lor had an answer: The bones belonged to 44-year-old Molly Newton-Waddington, a beloved but troubled Kelso mother and wife who was last seen in Kelso on March 14, 2012. Kelso police continue to investigate Waddington’s death, which they consider suspicious. ‘That was when I realized the heartbreak’ Coroner duties consti- tute a relatively small part of Bigelow’s workload, but he takes them seriously. By carefully examining the lat- est remains, he found a few clues: The man spent at least a little time in western Wash- ington, died after spring THE DAILY ASTORIAN T HURSDAY E VENING A (2) (-) (-) (6) (-) (8) (9) (10) (12) (13) (-) (20) (-) (29) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (56) (57) (58) (61) (63) (64) (65) (162) L KATU KOMO KING KOIN KIRO KGW KRCW KOPB KPTV KPDX KCPQ TBS KZJO ESPN ESPN2 NICK DISN FAM FMC LIFE ROOT FS1 SPIKE COM HIST A&E TLC DISC NGEO TNT AMC USA FOOD HGTV FX CNN FNC CNBC BRAV TCM SYFY RFD (2) (4) (5) (-) (7) (-) (3) (10) (12) (-) (13) (20) (22) (29) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (56) (57) (58) (61) (63) (64) (65) (162) 6 Missing persons statistics Since it was founded in 2007, more than 26,000 documented missing persons cases had been entered into the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) as of April, 2016, and more than 10,500 cases had been resolved. Around 13,300 unidentified persons cases were entered during the same period, and just 2,150 cases had been resolved. Number of unsolved disappearances in Pacific County. Number of unidentified remains cases in Washington. Men went missing in Washington during the time when the Pillar Rock man likely died (roughly two years beginning in spring, 2013, according to NCIC). Number of unsolved disappearances in Washington. Year of the oldest unsolved disappearance in Washington. Estimated number of missing persons cases in U.S. at any given time: When investigators ran :DGGLQJWRQ¶V '1$ SUR¿OH through the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System , it quickly found her identity, but such clear-cut results are fairly rare. “Sometimes, you can come pretty close to knowing,” Bigelow explained. “Other times, depending on the qual- ity of the dental records or the remains, all you can do is say, ‘I can’t exclude this per- son .’” After that, it was down WR%LJHORZWR¿JXUHRXWZKLFK of the many missing men he could cross off of his list. Hours upon hours of reading, dialing, researching, and wait- ing, waiting, waiting on return calls, police reports, search results. “There’s a lot of detec- tive work, even when there are other potential matches,” Bigelow said. All over the country, other investigators are trying to do the same thing. “I got a call from a guy LQ 3KRHQL[ ² D GHWHFWLYH — about a guy who appar- ently disappeared from in front of a Circle K, leaving an 18-month-old baby in the FDU´%LJHORZVDLG7KH3LOODU Rock man’s records looked like a possible match, but the timeline was all wrong. “The baby is now old enough to drink. It couldn’t possibly be the same guy.” examine bones, or photos of bones found around the state. “A lot of what I’m doing is evaluating a bone and asking, ‘Is this human?’ Because there are bones everywhere,” Tay- lor said. In addition to using the databases, she works with police, the media, and other experts, including a forensic artist. She also spends a lot of time talking with the families of the missing, encouraging them to do their part to keep investigations active. “We really try to explore every avenue,” Taylor said. “If you know of somebody that’s missing, you have to report them, and you have to be vigilant to make sure that somebody is getting them into the system.” ‘Everybody should get a name’ Taylor cautions that DNA testing is “not the magic bullet 85,000 everyone thinks it is.” Frus- tratingly, sometimes there’s Sources: National Institute of Justice; Estimated number of known just not enough to work with, National Crime Information Center; human remains in U.S. that especially with old, weath- National Missing and unidentified have still not been identified: Persons System ered remains. Natalie St. John and Alan Kenaga/ “What we have to do then 40,000 EO Media Group is put it on the shelf and wait for the technology to get bet- ter, and then you resubmit it,” 2013, and had probably been for a middle-class person’s Taylor said. “You never give dead for about two years. He disappearance to draw so lit- up.” was probably middle-class, tle attention. It’s too soon to say whether and middle-aged. He prob- “This guy seems like the this man’s bones will provide ably died elsewhere, and kind of guy that people would usable DNA, or other clues to his body then traveled up or be looking for,” Bigelow said. his identity. Without a name, down the river with the cur- “He had Vibram-soled shoes investigators are unlikely to rents and tides. — those things are like $20 a HYHU ¿JXUH RXW KRZ KH GLHG Bones, everywhere Bigelow sent a detailed toe. It’s odd.” Bigelow again called on Sometimes though, fami- press release to media outlets Getting to ‘maybe’ Taylor, the forensic anthro- lies do get answers against and asked the public for tips, With small staffs and little pologist, for help. In her lab, all odds. Taylor and her col- just as he had done in 2013. “With Molly Wadding- technology at their disposal, Taylor will remove the man’s laborators recently solved a ton,” Bigelow recalled, “all rural coroners research cold remaining fatty tissue, then seemingly hopeless cold case we had was a skull. We didn’t cases on evenings and week- examine and preserve the IURP :KHQ VKH ¿QDOO\ know height, weight, gender, ends, or whenever they can bones. Just as with Wadding- met the victim’s sister, Tay- practically nothing. When borrow a few minutes from ton, she will send samples ORU¶V¿UVWZRUGVZHUH³,KDYH been waiting 20 years to talk I asked for assistance, the the reams of appeals, briefs away for DNA testing. A Washington native who to you!” world called me. Everybody and dense county reports that “Every one of these people who was missing anybody. continuously pile up. And earned her doctorate at the That was when I realized they seek help wherever they University of Arizona, Taylor that are in my care have fam- has worked out of the King ilies and are loved by some- the heartbreak — how many FDQ¿QGLW Bigelow took the man’s County Medical Examiner’s body. It’s excruciating not to people had people missing.” Bigelow began to feel guilty teeth to a dentist, who cre- RI¿FH VLQFH 7KRXJK EHDEOHWR¿JXUHRXWZKRWKH\ about “giving so many people ated records and turned them LW¶VDUHODWLYHO\QHZ¿HOGWKH are. You know that they are over to the Washington State demand for her unique ser- being missed. You just don’t hope of closure.” know by whom,” Taylor said. “They have some particu- 3DWURO 6WDWH SDWURO LQ WXUQ vices is growing. “Let’s just say I do not lack “You want to return them to lar person deeply at heart, and entered them into the National they’re just scanning all the Crime Information Center , an for work — I am very busy!” their families. Everybody should get a name. They came time, looking, and when they FBI database. The database Taylor said . Taylor sometimes responds into this world with a name. see one of these things, they FRPSDUHG WKH 3LOODU 5RFN pick up the phone and call,” man’s tooth charts to records to scenes when bodies turn up. They should leave it with a going back to the 1980s, and 3HRSOHUHJXODUO\FDOORQKHUWR name.” Bigelow said. This time, he was able spit out a list of 141 men who to provide more detail in his had gone missing in Wash- ington during the time period release. “As a result, I got very few when he likely died. NamUs, FDOOV ´ %LJHORZ VDLG 3HRSOH other databases, and tipsters Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber DUH RIWHQ VORZ WR ¿OH UHSRUWV added still more names to ever-expanding about people who have tran- Bigelow’s N orth w es t H a rdw oods • Lon gview , W A sient lifestyles, but it’s rare list. Contact: Steve Axtell • 360-430-0885 or John Anderson • 360-269-2500 W A NTED LISTINGS A - Charter Astoria/ Seaside - L - Charter Long Beach Evening listings THURSDAY J ULY 21 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KATU News 2016 Republican Convention (L) BattleBots (N) Greatest Hits "1990-1995" (N) Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! 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