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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 2016)
FAMILY-FRIENDLY FUN: MANZANITA MUSIC FESTIVAL INSIDE 144TH YEAR, NO. 15 // THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2016 ONE DOLLAR Another way out of town &RXQW\ORRNVDWEDFNURDGVQHDU$VWRULDDQG6HDVLGHDVSRVVLEOHOLIHOLQHV By KYLE SPURR The Daily Astorian MORE INSIDE A map outlining possible Seldom used back roads outside evacuation routes the county is Astoria and Seaside could offer a lifeline exploring is on Page 10A. LQD&DVFDGLDHDUWKTXDNH &ODWVRS &RXQW\ 3XEOLF :RUNV LV H[SORULQJ ZD\V WR FUHDWH DOWHUQDWH DQG FXUUHQWO\JDWHGRIIRQSULYDWHWLPEHUODQG HYDFXDWLRQURXWHV D QGKDYHLGHQWL¿HGVHY &RXQW\VWDIIDUH SURSRVLQJXSJUDGHV HUDO S RVVLELOLWLHVLQFOXGLQJV R PHWKDWDUH WR 3LSHOLQH 5RDG WKDW FRQQHFWV $VWRULD A car drives down Pipe- line Road, a potential emergency evacuation route, on Wednesday in Astoria. to the Svensen area, and the Lewis and Clark Mainline that runs outside Gear- hart and Seaside. 3LSHOLQH 5RDG LV DQ PLOH FRXQW\ road, with only 2 miles that are main- tained. Lewis and Clark Mainline is an old logging road that cuts along a ridge through the county. Danny Miller The Daily Astorian See EVACUATION, Page 10A DOUGHBOY TURNS 90 Merkley RQ7UXPS trade at town hall Democratic Party is making strides toward unity, U.S. senator said By ERICK BENGEL The Daily Astorian Danny Miller/The Daily Astorian The Daily Astorian The Astoria Victory Monument, also known as the Doughboy Monument to World War 1, turns 90 years old today . ¶7KHVWDWXHZKRVHRI¿FLDOQDPHLV³2YHUWKH7RSDW&DQWLJQ\´LVQDPHGIRUWKHYLOODJHLQ)UDQFHZKHUH WKH¿UVW$PHULFDQEDWWOHWRRNSODFHLQ'HVLJQHGE\-RKQ3DXOGLQJDQGFDVWE\WKH$PHULFDQ$UW%URQ]H )RXQGU\RI&KLFDJRWKHPRQXPHQWZDVSUHVHQWHGWRWKHFLW\E\WKH$PHULFDQ/HJLRQRQ-XO\¶ $PHULFDQ/HJLRQ&ODWVRS3RVWDQGWKH8QLRQWRZQ$VVRFLDWLRQDUHVSRQVRULQJDUHGHGLFDWLRQDWSP6DWXUGD\ :LWK WKH 5HSXEOLFDQ 1DWLRQDO &RQYHQ tion underway in Cleveland, U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley said at an Astoria town hall Wednes- GD\ WKDW KH LV ³YHU\ FRQFHUQHG´ DERXW WKH YLVLRQSXWIRUWKE\ 'RQDOG7UXPS ³,W¶V UHDOO\ RQH RI WHDULQJ GRZQ YDULRXV JURXSV´ SDUWLFXODUO\ 0H[LFDQ LPPLJUDQWV and Mexican-Americans, the Democratic senator said before a crowd of about 50 at the Judge Guy Boying- ton Building. Though he acknowledged his 7UXPS FRPPHQWV ZHUH SDUWLVDQ 0HUN ley made them before D UHFHSWLYH DXGLHQFH that seemed to share WKH VHQDWRU¶V PLVJLY ings about the real estate mogul and U.S. Sen. reality TV star who Jeff Merkley WRRN WKH 5HSXEOLFDQ nomination. “Most of us in this room are the children RI LPPLJUDQWV ,W¶V ZKDW¶V PDGH $PHULFD ZKDWLWLV´KHVDLGDGGLQJWKDW³LW¶VEHHQSDUW RIWKHFUHDWLYHSRZHURIRXUFRXQWU\WRKDYH WKLVLQSXWIURPDOORYHUWKHZRUOG´ 0HUNOH\DOVRTXHVWLRQHG7UXPS¶V¿GHOLW\ to American workers. “When you look at the details: He cheated his subcontractors, he cheated his work- HUVKHVKLSSHGMREVRYHUVHDVKHEURXJKWLQ See MERKLEY, Page 10A Riverbank skeleton an unsolved mystery 4,000 new XQLGHQWL¿HG remains are found every year By NATALIE ST. JOHN EO Media Group CATHLAMET, Wash. — Wearing jeans , a red but- ton-down shirt, gaiters and hiking boots, the skeleton recently found on the bank of the Columbia River looked like it was dressed for a hike. By the time a boater discov- ered him in a remote area near Pillar Rock in late May, the XQLGHQWL¿HG PDQ¶V RQO\ SRV VHVVLRQV ZHUH D SHQQ\ DQGDOHQVFORWKLQKLVSRFNHW But he still had his teeth, com- SOHWH ZLWK T XDOLW\ PRGHUQ dental work. To Wahkiakum County Coroner Dan Bigelow, it seemed like a decent starting SRLQWIRUDQLQYHVWLJDWLRQEXW two months later, he is still try- LQJ WR ¿QG WKH PDQ¶V QDPH :KLOHKLVOLVWRISRVVLEOHLGHQ tities for the middle-aged man NHHSV JURZLQJ KLV OLVW RI SURPLVLQJ OHDGV KDV GZLQGOHG WRSUDFWLFDOO\QRWKLQJ “Just about anybody who GLVDSSHDUHG DQ\ZKHUH LQ WKH Columbia River basin could FUHGLEO\EHWKLVSHUVRQ´%LJH low said . 'HVSLWH WKHVH VHWEDFNV %LJHORZ LV VWLOO WU\LQJ WR ¿QG out who the man was, and how KH HQGHG XS LQ :DKNLDNXP County. He recently delivered WKHUHPDLQVWRWKHVWDWH¶VRQO\ FHUWL¿HG IRUHQVLF DQWKURSROR gist, and he is taking a closer ORRN DW PLVVLQJ SHUVRQV FDVHV from across the Northwest and beyond. ³,W¶V D KHOO RI D VKDPH´ %LJHORZ VDLG ³, FDQ¶W KHOS thinking there is somebody out WKHUHORRNLQJIRUWKLVJX\´ ‘Silent mass disaster’ ,Q :DVKLQJWRQ¶V VPDOOHU FRXQWLHV SURVHFXWRUV DOVR Wikipedia Commons VHUYH DV FRURQHUV ,W¶V DQ Unidentified human remains are found with surprising LPSHUIHFWDUUDQJHPHQWWKDWKDV frequency around the U.S. each year, including in rural See REMAINS, Page 5A T H E O N LY 2240 COMMERCIAL ST. ASTORIA Washington state. Finding answers about them often is a difficult task, for which few resources are available. TH I N G TH AT H AS CH AN G ED I S O U R N AM E ! Formerly at 1055 Marine Drive Astoria Janitor & Paper Supply The sa m e grea t S ervice, Pa in t a n d Ja n ito ria l S u p p lies w e ha ve a lw a ys o ffered o u r cu sto m ers! 503-325-6362 800-344-1943 • MON-FRI 8-5pm See our ad on Page 3! Millpond Area