The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, April 29, 2016, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 6A, Image 6

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Tomorrow’s horoscope
Man tired of cheating wife
Dear Annie: I married my
high school sweetheart 39 years
ago. She is the only woman I
have ever slept with, although I
am not her only man.
When our second daugh-
ter was born, her new employer
paid the hospital bill. I never
suspected anything then, but she
started working late and going
out for drinks while I stayed
home and took care of the kids.
I became suspicious and one
night found her embracing her
boss in the parking lot of their
ofice building.
I now regret staying with her.
I wanted to honor my marriage
vows and see that my children
were raised with two parents.
It hasn’t been worth it. A year
ago, my wife convinced me to
sign a separate property agree-
ment where she got all of the
hard assets and the house, and I
got to keep personal items along
with my business. She then took
all of our joint funds and placed
them in new accounts and pur-
chased property with her boss. I
now pay her $2,000 a month for
household expenses.
I am now 60. I have worked
hard, but am no longer moti-
vated to support my wife in
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Mitchell and
Marcy Sugar
any way. I went to counsel-
ing because I was so angry.
She went for one session and
wouldn’t talk about it. I will not
cheat on her, but I truly believe
that if I were to die, she would
move into her boss’ house with-
out hesitation.
I could get a divorce and
move far away, but I could not
leave my girls and grandchild.
I know my wife would spin the
situation to make it seem that I
am a failure and she is giving
them everything. I don’t want to
play her game anymore, but I’m
stuck trying to igure out what
to do next. — Finally See the
Light, But It’s Not Brighter
Dear Finally: Being a lov-
ing spouse does not mean being
a doormat. You have allowed
your wife to walk all over you
and that includes signing over
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
property to someone you don’t
trust. Your children are grown,
and we can assure you that they
know more about your marriage
than you think. Talk to a law-
yer, a good therapist and both of
your daughters, and then get out
of this mess. Your wife cannot
“spin” the situation if you don’t
permit it.
Dear Annie: I read the letter
from “A Mother,” who worried
about her 36-year-old son’s vio-
lent Facebook posts.
Please suggest that she lag
these posts on Facebook. On the
top right hand corner is a little
arrow. When clicked, you can
choose “report” and then select
a reason why. This will inform
Facebook that something inap-
propriate has been posted and
they can review it. The person
who posted it will get a notii-
cation from Facebook that their
post might be taken down. The
complaint is anonymous, the
son will get the message and
maybe stop posting these things,
and Mom won’t be the bad guy.
— Facebook Friend
Dear Friend: Thanks for the
suggestion. Hopefully, Mom (or
her son’s wife) will report these
posts to Facebook.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). If you’re not
totally sure whether or not the one you love
shares your feelings, the question to ask is:
Why are you not sure? You deserve clear com-
munication from someone with a strong inten-
tion of loving you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). They’ll think of
you as an angel, dropped from the empyre-
an to give miraculous help and healing to the
mortals. Sure, you usually prefer a down-to-
earth assessment, but don’t shut it down too
fast. It might be a nice change.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You do like it
when they voice their support and approval,
but do you need it? Not in the least. Would you
proceed in exactly the same way regardless of
external support? Absolutely!
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Don’t let a rela-
tionship get bogged down in material exchang-
es. Fairness, justice, mutuality, reciprocity — it
all matters, but none of it is exciting or passion-
ate. Fiery love doesn’t squabble over pettiness.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). While the goody
two-shoes types are busy writing in their dia-
ries, the fun people are out making a life wor-
thy of those entries. You’ll be a little of both this
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You can be fine
with another person’s choices even when
those choices do not resemble yours in the
least. You deserve the same tolerance from
others. Get away from the judgers. Who needs
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). While others as-
sess your accomplishments to try to under-
stand you, you know that you’re much more
than what you’ve done. You assess yourself
by what you believe you are capable of. Your
assessment is closer to truth.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The qualities
that are alive in a special relationship happen
to be the same qualities you look for in any en-
vironment, including your home, work — even
your clothing. Comfort, utility and beauty are
the values to seek and uphold.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You and
your crew are developing a language together.
Maybe it’s mostly the same words you use with
outsiders but to the inside group they have
special, secret meaning, as well as bonding
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). In the pro-
cess of giving, you’ll wind up giving even more,
perhaps until you feel the pang that tells you
“too much!” On the bright side, you’ll never
look back and wonder if you loved enough.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). None of the
items you come across will have inherent val-
ue. You’ll have to assign it. Though strongly in-
fluenced by society, you still have free choice
in the matter. Declare value for a piece of cher-
ished rubbish.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). While you
have a viscerally negative reaction to a sink full
of dishes or a random paperwork pile, these
problems are your chance to straighten up a
corner of the world, thus making it a better
Name three destinations you’d like to reach by
your next solar return because a declaration
as such holds magic for you now. Next month
brings the passing of a test and/or an award.
July stitches your heart to the heart of anoth-
er. There’s a substantial sale in September.
This helps you to see your potential. Virgo and
Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 13,
20, 5, 25 and 11.