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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 2016)
5A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2016 Feds deciding if coal-export project violates tribal rights By PHUONG LE Associated Press SEATTLE — For centuries, LuPPi triEDO ¿sKerPen KDYe KDrYesteG, GuJ uS cODPs DnG ¿sKeG Ior sDOPon in tKe tiGe- ODnGs DnG ZDters oI nortKZest :DsKinJton stDte 1oZ, tKe triEe sD\s D Sro- SoseG PiOOion SroMect to EuiOG tKe nDtion¶s ODrJest coDO-e[Sort terPinDO tKreDtens tKDt ZD\ oI OiIe TKe triEe ODst \eDr DsNeG IeGerDO reJuODtors to Gen\ SerPits Ior SroMect, sD\- inJ it ZouOG interIere ZitK tKe triEe¶s treDt\-reserYeG ¿sKinJ riJKts TKe *DteZD\ 3Dci¿c Ter- PinDO, D Yenture EetZeen SSA 0Drine DnG &OouG 3eDN EnerJ\, ZouOG KDnGOe uS to PiOOion Petric tons oI Gr\ EuON coPPoGities, PostO\ coDO, Dt D GeeS ZDter Sort Dt &Kerr\ 3oint &oDO ZouOG Ee sKiSSeG E\ trDin IroP 0ontDnD DnG :\oPinJ Ior e[Sort to AsiD ,I tKe ArP\ &orSs oI EnJi- neers, tKe IeGerDO DJenc\ oYer- seeinJ tKe SerPittinJ Srocess, ¿nGs tKDt tKe SroSoseG terPinDO ZouOG GisruSt tKe triEe¶s riJKts to ¿sK in its trDGitionDO DreDs, it Zon¶t issue SerPits A Gecision is e[SecteG tKis ZeeN LiNe PDn\ triEes, tKe LuPPi siJneG D treDt\ ZitK tKe 8S JoYernPent in in ZKicK it ceGeG its ODnG Eut reserYeG tKe riJKt to Kunt DnG ¿sK in ³usuDO DnG DccustoPeG´ DreDs ³TKe &orSs sKouOG Konor tKe trust resSonsiEiOit\ DnG Gen\ tKe SerPit,´ sDiG TiPo- tK\ %DOOeZ, cKDirPDn oI tKe coDstDO triEe, ZKicK KDs Pore Alan Berner/The Seattle Times Tribal members from the Lummi Nation gather in 2012 to announce the tribe’s opposition to development of a facility at Cherry Point in Whatcom County, Wash., to ship coal brought by train from the Powder River Basin. They ceremonially burned a check on the beach to make a statement that no amount of money could buy their support for a project that would destroy their village and burial sites on the property. tKDn , PePEers DnG one oI tKe ODrJest triEDO ¿sKinJ Àeets in tKe countr\ ³2ur ¿sKerPen KDYe ¿sKeG tKere since tiPe iPPePoriDO´ SeDttOe-EDseG SSA 0Drine sD\s tKe &orSs sKouOG ¿nG tKDt SroMect Soses Oess tKDn D PiniPDO iPSDct on tKe triEe¶s ¿sKinJ riJKts TKe coPSDn\ contenGs tKDt tKe Post Sro- GuctiYe ¿sKinJ Ior tKe triEe Goes not occur neDr tKe ZKDrI ³TKe\ GiGn¶t SroYiGe reDO eYi- Gence tKDt tKe\ ¿sK tKere D Oot,´ senior Yice SresiGent %oE :Dtters sDiG TKe coPSDn\ DOso EeOieYes Dn enYironPen- tDO reYieZ tKDt EeJDn in sKouOG Ee coPSOeteG EDrOier tKis PontK, KoZeYer, SroMect GeYeOoSers DsNeG stDte DnG IeGerDO reJuODtors to teP- SorDriO\ KDOt tKDt enYironPentDO reYieZ ZKiOe tKe &orSs KeDrG tKe LuPPi¶s reTuest TKe terPinDO KDs EecoPe D OiJKtninJ roG in tKe GeEDte oYer ZKetKer tKe 3Dci¿c 1ortKZest sKouOG EecoPe D JDteZD\ Ior e[SortinJ IossiO IueOs to AsiD EnYironPentDO JrouSs stronJO\ oSSose tKe SroSosDO, ZorrieG DEout tKe JreenKouse JDses SoOOutDnts SroGuceG E\ EurninJ coDO DnG otKer issues sucK Ds increDseG trDin DnG Yes- seO trDI¿c 0eDnZKiOe, soPe Eusiness DnG ODEor JrouSs sD\ it ZiOO creDte KunGreGs oI MoEs DnG JenerDte tD[ reYenue TKe &roZ 1Dtion oI 0on- tDnD, ZKicK KDs Dn oStion Ior oZnersKiS in tKe neZ terPinDO, EDcNs tKe SroMect Ds YitDO to its Iuture LDZPDNers in 0ontDnD KDYe OeG eIIorts to EOocN tKe &orSs IroP Gen\inJ D SerPit untiO tKe enYironPentDO reYieZ is Gone ,I tKe IeGerDO DJenc\ Genies tKe SerPit on tKe JrounGs oI ¿sKinJ riJKts, it ZouOGn¶t Ee tKe ¿rst tiPe ³,t¶s IDirO\ coPPon,´ sDiG 5oEert AnGerson, D 8niYersit\ oI :DsKinJton ODZ SroIessor ZKo Girects tKe scKooO¶s 1DtiYe APericDn LDZ &enter ,n , tKe &orSs GenieG D SerPit Ior sDOPon IDrP Zest oI LuPPi ,sODnG EecDuse it ZouOG interIere ZitK triEe ¿sKinJ riJKts A IeG- erDO court uSKeOG tKDt Gecision :Ken IeGerDO DJencies OiNe tKe &orSs issues SerPits, ³tKe\ KDYe Dn oEOiJDtion to Srotect treDt\ resources TKe &orSs ZiOO KDYe to tDNe into Dccount ZKetKer tKere ZiOO Ee Dn DGYerse eIIect on ,nGiDn treDt\ riJKts,´ AnGerson sDiG TKe SroSosDO ZouOG ErinJ uS to YesseOs to D Sro- SoseG tKree-EertK ZKDrI in Dn inGustriDO ]one DEout PiOes nortK oI SeDttOe TKe coPSDn\ sD\s tKe site Sresents D uniTue OocDtion, SDrtO\ EecDuse it cDn DccoPPoGDte tKe ODrJest sKiSs in nDturDOO\ GeeS ZDter TKe triEe sD\s increDseG Yes- seO trDI¿c ZouOG GisruSt ¿sKinJ SrDctices, Ds ZeOO Ds e[Sose tKe reJion to SotentiDO oiO sSiOOs, EoDt coOOisions, SoOOution DnG otKer SroEOePs 3roMect GeYeOoSers sD\ tKe\ ZouOG tDNe PeDsures to DYoiG or PiniPi]e iPSDcts to triEDO ¿sKinJ, incOuGinJ settinJ uS D s\steP to Oet ¿sKerPDn NnoZ DEout YesseO Sositions DnG not DOOoZinJ tuJ or toZ oSerDtions Gue to triEDO concerns DEout Oost ¿sKinJ JeDr TKe triEe sD\s iPSDcts cDn¶t Ee PitiJDteG DnG tKe terPinDO DnG DctiYities ZouOG seYereO\ OiPit tKe DEiOit\ oI its PePEers to e[ercise tKeir treDt\ riJKts ASSeDOs court 4% ToP %rDG\ Pust serYe µ'eÀDteJDte¶ SenDOt\ By LARRY NEUMEISTER Associated Press 1E: <25. — 1eZ EnJODnG 3Dtriots TuDrterEDcN ToP %rDG\ Pust serYe D Iour- JDPe ³'eÀDteJDte´ susSen- sion iPSoseG E\ tKe 1FL, D IeGerDO DSSeDOs court ruOeG 0onGD\, oYerturninJ D OoZer MuGJe DnG siGinJ ZitK tKe OeDJue in D EDttOe ZitK tKe SOD\- ers union A tKree-MuGJe SDneO oI tKe nG 8S &ircuit &ourt oI ASSeDOs in 0DnKDttDn ruOeG -to- tKDt &oPPissioner 5oJer *ooGeOO GiG not GeSriYe %rDG\ oI ³IunGDPentDO IDir- ness´ ZitK Kis SroceGurDO ruO- inJs TKe sSOit Gecision PD\ enG tKe OeJDO GeEDte oYer tKe scDnGDO tKDt OeG to PontKs oI IootEDOO IDns DrJuinJ oYer Dir Sressure DnG tKe reSutDtion oI one oI tKe OeDJue¶s toS teDPs ,t is DOso OiNeO\ to IueO D IresK rounG oI GeEDte oYer ZKDt roOe, iI Dn\, tKe TuDrter- EDcN DnG toS 1FL stDr SOD\eG in usinJ unGerinÀDteG Ioot- EDOOs Dt tKe AF& cKDPSionsKiS JDPe in -DnuDr\ TKe 3Dtriots Zon tKe contest oYer tKe ,nGiDnDSoOis &oOts, -, DnG tKen Zon tKe SuSer %oZO TKe ruOinJ cDn Ee DSSeDOeG to tKe IuOO nG &ircuit or to tKe 8S SuSrePe &ourt, Eut it ZouOG Ee D steeS, costO\ DnG tiPe-consuPinJ cOiPE ,n D PDMorit\ oSinion Zrit- ten E\ -uGJe %DrrinJton ' 3DrNer, tKe nG &ircuit sDiG its reYieZ oI ODEor DrEitrDtion DZDrGs ³is nDrroZO\ circuP- scriEeG DnG KiJKO\ GeIeren- tiDO — inGeeG, DPonJ tKe Post GeIerentiDO in tKe ODZ´ ³2ur roOe is not to Geter- Pine Ior ourseOYes ZKetKer %rDG\ SDrticiSDteG in D scKePe to GeÀDte IootEDOOs or ZKetKer tKe susSension iPSoseG E\ tKe &oPPissioner sKouOG KDYe Eeen Ior tKree JDPes or ¿Ye JDPes or none Dt DOO 1or is it our roOe to seconG-Juess tKe DrEitrDtor¶s SroceGurDO ruO- inJs,´ tKe oSinion sDiG ³2ur oEOiJDtion is OiPiteG to Geter- PininJ ZKetKer tKe DrEitrDtion SroceeGinJs DnG DZDrG Pet tKe PiniPuP OeJDO stDnGDrGs estDEOisKeG E\ tKe LDEor 0Dn- DJePent 5eODtions Act´ TKe nG &ircuit sDiG tKe contrDct EetZeen SOD\ers DnG tKe 1FL JDYe tKe coP- Pissioner DutKorit\ tKDt ZDs ³esSeciDOO\ EroDG´ ³EYen iI Dn DrEitrDtor PDNes PistDNes oI IDct or ODZ, Ze PD\ not GisturE Dn DZDrG so OonJ Ds Ke DcteG ZitKin tKe EounGs oI Kis EDrJDineG-Ior DutKorit\,´ tKe court sDiG LDZ\ers on eDcK siGe GiG not iPPeGiDteO\ coPPent TKe DSSeDOs ruOinJ IoOOoZs D SeStePEer Gecision E\ 0Dn- KDttDn -uGJe 5icKDrG %erPDn tKDt Zent DJDinst tKe OeDJue, OettinJ %rDG\ sNiS tKe susSen- sion ODst seDson *ooGeOO insisteG tKe sus- Sension ZDs GeserYeG &KieI -uGJe 5oEert .Dt]PDnn GissenteG ³, DP trouEOeG E\ tKe &oP- Pissioner¶s Gecision to uSKoOG tKe unSreceGenteG Iour-JDPe susSension,´ .Dt]PDnn sDiG ³TKe &oPPissioner IDiOeG to eYen consiGer D KiJKO\ reOeYDnt DOternDtiYe SenDOt\´ TKe DSSeDOs court settOeG tKe issue ZeOO EeIore tKe stDrt oI tKe seDson, DYoiG- inJ tKe tension EuiOt ODst \eDr ZKen %rDG\ GiGn¶t OeDrn untiO D ZeeN EeIore tKe seDson tKDt Ke ZouOG Ee DOOoZeG to stDrt in tKe 3Dtriots¶ oSener LISTINGS M ONDAY E VENING A (2) (-) (-) (6) (-) (8) (9) (10) (12) (13) (-) (20) (-) (29) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (56) (57) (58) (61) (63) (64) (65) (162) L KATU KOMO KING KOIN KIRO KGW KRCW KOPB KPTV KPDX KCPQ TBS KZJO ESPN ESPN2 NICK DISN FAM FMC LIFE ROOT FS1 SPIKE COM HIST A&E TLC DISC NGEO TNT AMC USA FOOD HGTV FX CNN FNC CNBC BRAV TCM SYFY RFD (2) (4) (5) (-) (7) (-) (3) (10) (12) (-) (13) (20) (22) (29) (30) (31) (32) (34) (35) (36) (38) (39) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (56) (57) (58) (61) (63) (64) (65) (162) At orDO DrJuPents in 0DrcK, DSSeDOs MuGJes seePeG sNeSti- cDO oI DrJuPents on %rDG\¶s EeKDOI E\ tKe 1FL 3OD\ers AssociDtion &ircuit -uGJe 'enn\ &Kin sDiG eYiGence oI EDOO tDPSerinJ ZDs ³coPSeOOinJ, iI not oYer- ZKeOPinJ´ DnG tKere ZDs eYi- Gence tKDt %rDG\ ³NneZ DEout it, consenteG to it, encourDJeG it´ TKe OeDJue DrJueG tKDt it ZDs IDir Ior *ooGeOO to seYereO\ SenDOi]e %rDG\ DIter Ke concOuGeG tKe Sri]e TuDr- terEDcN tDrnisKeG tKe JDPe E\ iPSeGinJ tKe 1FL¶s inYestiJD- tion E\ Gestro\inJ D ceOOSKone contDininJ neDrO\ , PessDJes Evening listings MONDAY A PRIL 25 A - Charter Astoria/ Seaside - L - Charter Long Beach 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KATU News at 6 Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars (N) Castle "Dead Again" (N) KATU News at 11 (:35) Jimmy Kimmel KOMO 4 News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! Dancing With the Stars (N) Castle "Dead Again" (N) KOMO 4 News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel NBC Nightly News KING 5 News KING 5 News Evening The Voice "Live Top 11 Performances" (N) Blindspot "In the Comet of Us" (N) KING 5 News (:35) Tonight Show KOIN 6 News at 6 CBS Evening News Extra Ent. Tonight Mike & Molly (N) Big Bang Theory Scorpion "Toby or Not Toby" (SF) (N) NCIS: LA "Where There's Smoke" (N) KOIN 6 News @ 11 (:35) S. Colbert KIRO 7 News CBS Evening News The Insider Ent. Tonight Mike & Molly (N) Big Bang Theory Scorpion "Toby or Not Toby" (SF) (N) NCIS: LA "Where There's Smoke" (N) KIRO News (:35) S. Colbert KGW News at 6:00 p.m. Decision 2016 "Mayoral Debate" (L) The Voice "Live Top 11 Performances" (N) Blindspot "In the Comet of Us" (N) KGW News at 11 (:35) Tonight Show Seinfeld Pt. 1 of 2 Seinfeld Pt. 1 of 2 Modern Family Modern Family Reign "Succession" (N) Jane the Virgin "Chapter Forty-One" (N) KGW News at 10 (:35) Two and Half (:05) Two and Half (:35) King of Hill This Old House Business (N) PBS NewsHour Antiques Rd. "Omaha (Hour Two)" (N) Ore. Exper. (N) Ore. Experience The National Parks: America's Best Idea "The Scripture of Nature (1851-1890)" 6 O'Clock News Family Feud Family Feud Gotham "Azrael" (N) Lucifer "Take Me Back to Hell" (SF) (N) 10 O'Clock News 11 O'Clock News Loves Ray Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory FOX 12's 8 O'Clock News on PDX-TV FOX 12's 9 O'Clock News on PDX-TV Law & Order: S.V.U. "Repression" Law & Order: S.V.U. "Wrath" Name Game Modern Family Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Gotham "Azrael" (N) Lucifer "Take Me Back to Hell" (SF) (N) Q13 News at 10 Q13 News Modern Family American Dad American Dad Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad (N) The Detour (N) Family Guy Family Guy Full Frontal (N) Conan (N) Two and Half Men Two and Half Men The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Modern Family Q13 News at 9 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Friends Friends (5:00) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Texas Rangers (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter "GMs Roundtable" Sport Science "2016 Combine Special" NFL Live Baseball Tonight (L) Jalen & Jacoby (N) SportsCenter "GMs Roundtable" Hey Rookie Henry Danger Henry Danger The Thundermans The Thundermans School of Rock Paradise Run Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Bunk'd Girl Meets World Liv and Maddie K.C. Undercover Brave ('12) Voices of Billy Connolly, Kelly Macdonald. (:40) Best Friends (:05) Bunk'd Stuck in Middle K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie Bride Wars (2009, Comedy) Anne Hathaway, Bryan Greenberg, Kate Hudson. Monster-in-Law (2005, Comedy) Jane Fonda, Michael Vartan, Jennifer Lopez. MonicaMed "San Diego Bound" (SP) (N) The 700 Club (5:00) X-Men Origins: Wolverine (:15) X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009, Action) Liev Schreiber, Danny Huston, Hugh Jackman. (:25) Tron: Legacy (2010, Action) Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, Jeff Bridges. (:45) FXM Presents (5:00) To Be Announced War and Peace War and Peace War and Peace Mariners Access MarinersPre-game MLB Baseball Houston Astros at Seattle Mariners Site: Safeco Field -- Seattle, Wash. (L) Post-game MLB Baseball Houston Astros at Seattle Mariners NFL Champ. Chase "The Draft" (N) WPT Poker Alpha8 Fox Sports Live Fox Sports Live TMZ Sports (N) Best I Heard (N) Fox Sports Live TMZ Sports Fox Sports Live Fox Sports Live Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama South Park South Park South Park South Park 1/3 South Park 2/3 South Park 3/3 The Daily Show (N) Nightly Show (N) (5:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced Swamp People: Blood "Big Claw" (N) Swamp People "Home Stretch" (N) (:05) Iron/Fire (N) (:35) Iron/Fire (N) (:05) Iron and Fire Iron and Fire First 48 "Deadly Encounter/ Car Trouble" The First 48 "Bound and Burned" The First 48 "Dead Wrong" Bates "There's No Place Like Home" (N) Damien "Here Is Wisdom" (N) Bates "There's No Place Like Home" Dateline NBC "Fatal Attraction" My 600-lb Life "Melissa and Ashley" My 600-lb Life "Christina and Paula" My 600-lb Life "Zsalynn and Olivia" My 600-lb Life "Bettie Jo and Susan" My 600-lb Life "Melissa and Ashley" Street Outlaws "Fear the Reaper" Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws (SP) (N) Misfit Garage (N) Street Outlaws Wicked Tuna "Riders in the Storm" Port Protection "Dark Days Coming" Wicked Tuna "Riders in the Storm" Wicked Tuna "Comeback Kid" (N) Port Protection "First Kill" (N) Wicked Tuna "Comeback Kid" (5:00) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) Inside the NBA NBA Basketball Playoffs Live Free or Die Hard (2007, Action) Justin Long, Timothy Olyphant, Bruce Willis. (4:30) The Monuments Men TURN: Washington's Spies (N) TURN: Washington's Spies NCIS "Reunion" Modern Family Modern Family WWE Monday Night Raw (:05) Chrisley (:40) Chrisley Game "Redemption Tournament: Part 4" Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Cupcake Wars (N) Cake "Hollywood Panorama Cake" (N) Chopped "Healthy Rivalry" Chopped "Light Makes Right" Love It/List It "Mid Century Maternity" Love It or List It Listed Sisters "Renovation 101" (N) TinyHouse (N) TinyHouse (N) House Hunters (N) House Hunters (N) TinyHouseHunters TinyHouseHunters Here Comes the Boom ('12, Act) Salma Hayek, Henry Winkler, Kevin James. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013, Adventure) Kristen Wiig, Adam Scott, Ben Stiller. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty ('13) Ben Stiller. Anderson Cooper 360 Why They Hate Us Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Amanpour The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly Hannity The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly Hannity On the Record Shark Tank Shark Tank Billion Buy "Are You Jackin' With Me?" Billion Dollar Buyer Billion Dollar Buyer Paid Program Paid Program Southern Charm "HashtagNewCraig" Southern Charm "Miss Domesticated" Southern Charm "Hold Your Horses" South/ Charm "Birds of a Feather ..." (N) Wives Dallas "Making Frenemies" (N) WatchWhat (N) Southern Charm (5:00) Rasputin and the Empress (:15) Grand Hotel ('32) Lionel Barrymore, Joan Crawford, John Barrymore. (:15) Night Flight (1933, Drama) Helen Hayes, John Barrymore. (:45) Dinner at Eight ('33) Jean Harlow. (5:00) Freddy vs. Jason Robert Englund. Jeepers Creepers (2001, Horror) Justin Long, Jonathan Breck, Gina Philips. 12 Monkeys "Primary" (N) Hunters "Maid of Orleans" (N) Bitten "Truth, Changes, Everything" (N) American Rancher Red Steagall Horse Master Inside Reining Craig Cameron Rural Eve. News Rural America 'Live' American Rancher Red Steagall Product Showcase No reservations, please 14 OUN CE USDA CHOICE N EW Y ORK STEAK & BAK ED POTATO $9.95 M ust present co upo n to server. N o t va lid w ith o ther o ffers. All You Can Eat Chicken & Dumplings- Thursdays 4-8 pm $6.95 Prime Rib Fridays- 3-6pm $9.95 • BBQ Baby Back Ribs- Saturdays N O W O PEN Just 15 m in. fro m the Lew is & Cla rk Bridge o n H w y. 30 Fr i da y & Sa turda y Hump’s Restaurant- 50 W. Columbia River Highway 6a m -10 pm Clatskanie, OR. 503.728.2626 G u ess w h a t d a y it is! It’s Hump’s Day!!! AT HUMP’S RESTAURANT EV ERY W ED N ESD AY Video 4 -8 PM