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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 2016)
2A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 &DOLIRUQLDWUDQVSODQWDVNV2UHJRQLDQVWRSD\IRUKLVUHWXUQ *R)XQG0H FDPSDLJQWR JHWEDFNWRWKH *ROGHQ6WDWH money where their mouths are. %XOOLQJWRQRI:HVW/LQQ DUULYHG LQ 2UHJRQ IURP 6RXWK HUQ&DOLIRUQLDDERXWPRQWKV DJR VHHNLQJ ³WKH SURPLVH RI JUHHQ SDVWXUHV´ KH VDLG +H IRXQGDMREVHOOLQJFDUV+HDQG KLV ZLIH KDG D EDE\ GDXJKWHU ZKRLVQRZPRQWKVROG %XW ZKDW %XOOLQJWRQ GLGQ¶W H[SHFW KH VDLG ZDV WKH DWWL WXGHVRPHLQ2UHJRQGLVSOD\HG WRZDUG&DOLIRUQLDQVOLNHKLP6R KH FUHDWHG D *R)XQG0H SDJH DQG LI KH UDLVHV KH¶OO By LUKE HAMMILL The Oregonian 3257/$1'²'DQLHO%XO OLQJWRQ LV FKDOOHQJLQJ 2UHJR nians who complain about Cal- ifornian transplants to put their PRYHEDFNWRWKH*ROGHQ6WDWH he said. 2UHJRQLV³DEHDXWLIXOVWDWH´ %XOOLQJWRQ ZURWH EXW ³2UHJR QLDQV DUH QRW NHHQ RQ &DOLIRU QLDQV,W¶VFOHDUO\DSSDUHQW´ The picture on the *R)XQG0HSDJHLVQHDUO\LGHQ WLFDOWRWKHDQWL&DOLIRUQLDVWLFN HUV WKDW DSSHDUHG RQ )RU 6DOH VLJQVDURXQG3RUWODQGODVWVXP mer. Of all the transplants that PRYHG WR 2UHJRQ LQ WKH 86 &HQVXV %XUHDX IRXQG FDPHIURP&DOLIRUQLD² $OHUWUHWXUQVIURP3DFL¿FSDWURO The Daily Astorian Submitted P hoto A gray fast response and pursuit boat from the ARM Revolucion, a Mexican Navy patrol vessel, cuts off an orange fast response boat from the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Alert in a practice exercise . ican navies last month. The DJHQFLHV DV SDUW RI WKH 1RUWK $PHULFDQ 0DULWLPH 6HFXULW\ Initiative, practiced pursuit and UHVSRQVHLQYROYLQJVSHHGERDWV and helicopters from each military. The Alert, commissioned popular Portland brunch spot 6FUHHQ'RRU%XOOLQJWRQZURWH And in an apparent nod to a certain presidential candidate, %XOOLQJWRQ HQGV KLV UHTXHVW ZLWK³+HOSPDNH2UHJRQJUHHQ DJDLQ´ In a phone interview, Bul- OLQJWRQDFNQRZOHGJHGWKDWLW¶VD WRQJXHLQFKHHNFDPSDLJQ ³,MXVWWKRXJKWLWZDVNLQGRI IXQQ\´KHVDLG +H KDG EHHQ SODQQLQJ RQ PRYLQJEDFNWR&DOLIRUQLDDQ\ way, he said, because many of KLVIULHQGVDUHDOVREHJLQQLQJWR have children and he wants his GDXJKWHUWREHDEOHWRJURZXS with them. ³, DFWXDOO\ ORYH D ORW RI WKH WKLQJVWKDW2UHJRQKDVWRRIIHU´ %XOOLQJWRQVDLG %XW GRQ¶W JHW KLP ZURQJ LIKHPHHWVKLVJRDOKH UHDOO\LVJRLQJWRXVHWKHPRQH\ he said. ³7KDW¶OO SD\ IRU WKH PRY LQJ WUXFN 7KDW¶V ZKDW LW FRVWWRJHWXVKHUH´%XOOLQJ ton said. Clatsop Community Action names new deputy director The Daily Astorian 7KH86&RDVW*XDUGFXW ter Alert returned to Astoria :HGQHVGD\ DIWHU GD\V RQ SDWUROLQWKH3DFL¿F2FHDQ The cutter patrolled off the FRDVW RI 6RXWKHUQ &DOLIRUQLD DQGQRUWKHUQ0H[LFRIRUGUXJ DQG PLJUDQW VPXJJOHUV ZKLOH ERDUGLQJ UHFUHDWLRQDO YHV sels near California’s Channel ,VODQGVWRHQIRUFHVDIHERDWLQJ and environmental practices. $Q 0+ 'ROSKLQ KHOL FRSWHU IURP $LU 6WDWLRQ 6DQ Francisco assisted the cutter LQ VRUWLHV H[SDQGLQJ WKH YHVVHO¶VFRYHUDJHLQVHDUFKRI illicit activities and mariners in distress. The Alert participated in 2SHUDWLRQ *UHHQ )ODVK ZLWK WKH5R\DO&DQDGLDQDQG0H[ IDU PRUH WKDQ WKH ZKR FDPH IURP :DVKLQJWRQ VWDWH WKHVHFRQGODUJHVWJURXS0HDQ while, home values and rents in 2UHJRQKDYHVKDUSO\LQFUHDVHG and the inventory of available homes for sale and rent has EHHQ KLVWRULFDOO\ ORZ ² D IDFW many locals have blamed on the transplants. 7KLVLVDFKDQFHIRU2UHJR QLDQVWRJDLQRQHPRUHKRPHRQ WKHUHQWDOPDUNHWHOLPLQDWHWZR FDUVIURPWKHURDGVDQGJHWULGRI two people from the line at the LQ LV RQH RI WKH &RDVW *XDUG¶VUHPDLQLQJIRRW medium endurance cutters. It is one of three stationed on WKH :HVW &RDVW SDWUROOLQJ WKH 3DFL¿F 2FHDQ IURP WKH &DQD GLDQ ERUGHU WR WKH *DODSDJRV Islands off the coast of Ecuador. 9LYLDQD 0DWWKHZV D &ODW sop Community Action hous- LQJ FDVH PDQDJHU UHFHQWO\ accepted the deputy director SRVLWLRQIRUWKHORFDOQRQSUR¿W 0DWWKHZV HDUQHG WKH WLWOH after many years of hous- LQJDQGFDVHPDQDJLQJKRPH OHVVIDPLOLHVDQGZRUNLQJZLWK WKRVH LQ GDQJHU RI EHFRP LQJ KRPHOHVV LQ WKH FRXQW\ DFFRUGLQJWR(ODLQH%UXFHWKH QRQSUR¿W¶VH[HFXWLYHGLUHFWRU ³6KH¶V EHHQ D WUHPHQGRXV DVVHWZLWKWKHDJHQF\DQGKDV KRXVHG VRPH SUHWW\ FKDOOHQJ LQJ FOLHQWV LQ D YHU\ FRPSHWL WLYHUHQWDOPDUNHW´%UXFHVDLG 0DWWKHZV KDV HVWDEOLVKHG and maintained multiple hous- LQJ DQG FOLHQW VHUYLFH SUR JUDPV LQFOXGLQJ FRQWLQXXP RIFDUHFRQWUDFWVZLWKWKH86 'HSDUWPHQW RI +RXVLQJ DQG 8UEDQ'HYHORSPHQW7RJHWKHU :H+RXVHDQG7LOLNXP As deputy director, her responsibilities will include DVVLVWLQJ %UXFH ZLWK FRQWUDFW development, human resources DQG RWKHU NH\ REMHFWLYHV WKDW WKHQRQSUR¿W¶VERDUGLGHQWL¿HG LQDVWUDWHJLFSODQ 6KH ZLOO DOVR FRQWLQXH WR ZRUN ZLWK &ODWVRS &RPPX nity Action’s s upportive c ase PDQDJHPHQW VHUYLFHV 7KH QRQSUR¿W ZLOOEHJLQVHDUFKLQJ IRUDQRWKHUKRXVLQJFDVHPDQ DJHUWRUHSODFH0DWWKHZV ³6KH LV XQLTXHO\ TXDOL¿HG for this position and will con- tinue to demonstrate to our cli- ents and our community part- QHUV ZKDW &&$ LV DOO DERXW´ Bruce said. ® ACCUWEATHER FORECAST FOR ASTORIA Astoria 5-Day Forecast Tonight Oregon Weather Shown is tomorrow’s weather. Temperatures are tonight’s lows and tomorrow’s highs Mostly cloudy 44° Friday The Dalles 45/64 Astoria 44/58 Portland 44/61 Corvallis 43/65 Eugene 43/62 Pendleton 40/62 Salem 43/64 Albany 43/62 Ontario 37/65 Bend 27/57 Saturday Burns 28/59 Medford 40/66 Variable cloudiness Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian Klamath Falls 28/58 Viviana Matthews, a former case manager with Clatsop Community Action, has been named deputy director. Warmer with times of clouds and sun Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2016 58° 43° 64° Sunday Monday Sunshine and patchy clouds 76° 47° Partly sunny 56° 74° 49° Almanac Sun and Moon Astoria through Wednesday. Temperatures High ........................................... 59° Low ............................................ 39° Normal high ............................... 56° Normal low ................................. 41° Precipitation Yesterday ................................ 0.28" Month to date .......................... 0.93" Normal month to date ............. 2.52" Year to date ........................... 35.31" Normal year to date .............. 27.61" Sunset tonight .................. 8:02 p.m. Sunrise Friday .................. 6:28 a.m. Moonrise today .............. 12:54 p.m. Moonset today ................. 2:51 a.m. Regional Cities City Baker City Bend Brookings Eugene Ilwaco Klamath Falls Medford Newport North Bend Full Last New First Apr 21 Apr 29 May 6 May 13 Under the Sky Today Hi Lo W 51 30 t 47 27 sn 53 44 r 55 43 r 55 47 r 44 28 r 53 40 r 54 44 r 54 44 r Hi 56 57 59 62 55 58 66 56 59 Fri. Lo 29 29 47 39 46 27 39 41 43 Hi 58 54 66 59 75 64 85 46 85 72 74 70 75 68 85 70 76 63 79 64 74 57 67 60 66 Fri. Lo 50 40 47 33 55 41 55 24 71 48 55 55 59 55 72 50 64 44 58 42 53 44 52 44 44 W pc pc pc pc c pc pc c pc National Cities City Olympia Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem Seaside Spokane Vancouver Yakima Today Hi Lo W 59 39 sh 59 40 t 58 44 r 56 42 r 57 43 r 56 47 r 52 37 c 56 41 r 62 37 sh Hi 60 62 61 66 64 56 60 59 69 Fri. Lo 37 37 43 42 40 44 40 39 39 W c pc c pc c c pc c pc Tonight's Sky: Mars and Saturn will emerge from the southeast horizon before midnight. Source: Jim Todd, OMSI Tomorrow’s Tides Astoria / Port Docks Time High 8:42 a.m. 7.4 ft. 10:11 p.m. 7.5 ft. Time 2:51 a.m. 3:44 p.m. Low 3.0 ft. 0.8 ft. Tomorrow’s National Weather Today City Hi Lo W Atlanta 64 51 sh Boston 50 37 s Chicago 60 38 s Denver 77 43 pc Des Moines 72 48 s Detroit 56 35 s El Paso 86 58 s Fairbanks 44 23 c Honolulu 83 72 sh Indianapolis 65 40 s Kansas City 72 50 s Las Vegas 79 57 pc Los Angeles 73 55 pc Memphis 73 57 sh Miami 85 72 pc Nashville 72 52 c New Orleans 77 65 r New York 60 40 s Oklahoma City 73 50 pc Philadelphia 62 40 s St. Louis 71 53 pc Salt Lake City 51 39 sh San Francisco 63 50 pc Seattle 59 45 c Washington, DC 65 43 s W c s s t s s pc c sh s pc pc s c t c pc s pc s pc sh s c s Fronts Cold Warm Stationary .LQGHUJDUWHQ5RXQG8SVVWDUWQH[WZHHN (OHPHQWDU\6FKRRODQGSP 7KXUVGD\ DW:DUUHQWRQ *UDGH 6FKRRO 7KHHYHQWVDUHRUJDQL]HGE\ Clatsop Kinder Ready, which partners with parents, educa- tors, healthcare and social ser- vices to help children from ELUWKWRDJHVWDUWVWURQJDQG EHÀXHQWUHDGHUVE\WKHHQGRI WKLUGJUDGH 7KH JURXS DOVR RIIHUV .LQGHU 5HDG\ ZRUNVKRSV IRU SDUHQWV RI SUHNLQGHUJDUWQHUV D OHQGLQJ OLEUDU\ DQG D FRQ IHUHQFHLQ0D\IRUSURIHVVLRQ DOVZRUNLQJZLWKRXU\RXQJHVW children. For more informa- WLRQYLVLWZZZ&ODWVRSNUFRP RUFDOO $SULO WKH 0RQWK RI WKH <RXQJ &KLOG QDWLRQDOO\ VLQFH LQFOXGHV VHYHUDO HYHQWV focused on childhood devel- opment and preparation for NLQGHUJDUWHQ The Preschool and Early Childhood Resource Fair will EH KHOG DW :DUUHQWRQ *UDGH 6FKRROEHWZHHQDPDQG SP 6 DWXUGD\ SURYLGLQJ SDU HQWV DQG JXDUGLDQV DQ RSSRU tunity to learn about preschool and other services for their children. .LQGHUJDUWHQ 5RXQG 8SV WKH DQQXDO UHJLVWUDWLRQ HYHQWV IRU WKH FRPLQJ VFKRRO \HDU ZLOO EH KHOG Q H[W ZHHN LQ all public elementary school DFURVV &ODWVRS &RXQW\ 0HHW staff and teachers; see class- rooms and campuses; and hear DERXWVFKHGXOHVEXVLQJOXQFK and other aspects of full-day VFKRRO6WDIIZLOOVKDUHWLSVRQ how to help a child and their family prepare. 7KH URXQGXSV DUH SP 7 XHVGD\ DW 6HDVLGH +HLJKWV (OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO DQG p.m. Wednesday at Jewell 6FKRRO DP DQG SP DW +LOGD /DKWL (OHPHQ WDU\6FKRROLQ.QDSSDSP 7 KXUVGD\ DW *HDUKDUW (OH PHQWDU\6FKRRODQGSP Thursday at John Jacob Astor LOTTERIES PUBLIC MEETINGS The Daily Astorian Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Forecast high/low temperatures are given for selected cities. Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. CLATSOP POWER EQUIPMENT, INC. SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS OREGON Wednesday’s Pick 4: 1 p.m.: 0-7-5-6 4 p.m.: 1-8-4-2 7 p.m.: 2-8-6-5 10 p.m.: 3-5-8-4 Wednesday’s Megabucks: 10-24-33-40-45-47 Estimated jackpot: $1.6 million Wednesday’s Powerball: 30-33-35-38-64, Powerball: 22 Estimated jackpot: $205 million WASHINGTON Wednesday’s Daily Game: 6-3-8 Wednesday’s Hit 5: 04-13- 17-22-23 Estimated jackpot: $150,000 Wednesday’s Keno: 02-05- 13-16-24-25-28-33-35-36- 38-41-44-50-61-63-64-70- 71-75 Wednesday’s Lotto: 01-03- 07-11-33-39 Estimated jackpot: $1 million Wednesday’s Match 4: 01- 05-16-22 THURSDAY Seaside Convention Center Commission, 5 p.m., 1225 Avenue A. Gearhart Planning Commis- sion, 6 p.m., special meeting and public hearing, Gearhart Fire Sta- MEMORIALS Saturday, April 16 /,77/(&DURO/RQJ²&HOHEUDWLRQRIOLIHIURPWR SP$VWRULD)LUVW%DSWLVW&KXUFK6HYHQWK6W /(:,6 0DU\$OLFH ² )XQHUDO 0DVV DW DP 6W 0DU\ 6WDURIWKH6HD&DWKROLF&KXUFK*UDQG$YHZLWKDUHFHS WLRQ IROORZLQJ DW WKH 6WDU RI WKH 6HD 6FKRRO DXGLWRULXP *UDQG$YH7KHIDPLO\UHTXHVWVWKRVHDWWHQGLQJWRZHDUDKDWLI possible. OBITUARY POLICY The Daily Astorian publishes paid obituaries. The obitu- DU\FDQLQFOXGHDVPDOOSKRWRDQGIRUYHWHUDQVDÀDJV\P ERODWQRFKDUJH7KHGHDGOLQHIRUDOORELWXDULHVLVDPWKH EXVLQHVV GD\ SULRU 2ELWXDULHV PD\ EH HGLWHG IRU VSHOOLQJ SURSHUSXQFWXDWLRQDQGVW\OH'HDWKQRWLFHVDQGXSFRPLQJ VHUYLFHVZLOOEHSXEOLVKHGDWQRFKDUJH The Daily Astorian Established July 1, 1873 (USPS 035-000) Published daily, except Saturday and Sunday, by EO Media Group, 949 Exchange St., PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103 Telephone 503- 325-3211, 800-781-3211 or Fax 503-325-6573. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Astorian, PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103-0210 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 34912 HWY 101 BUS • ASTORIA 503-325-0792 • 1-800-220-0792 tion, 670 Pacifi c Way, Gearhart. Hamlet Rural Fire Protection District Budget Commit- tee, 7 p.m., annual meeting, Necanicum Fire Station, 37240 U.S. Highway 26 (milepost 8), Seaside. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper. SUBSCRIBER TO THE NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE MEMBER CERTIFIED AUDIT OF CIRCULATIONS, INC. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Effective July 1, 2015 HOME DELIVERY MAIL EZpay (per month) ................$11.25 EZpay (per month) ............... $16.60 13 weeks in advance ........... $36.79 13 weeks in advance ........... $51.98 26 weeks in advance ........... $70.82 26 weeks in advance ......... $102.63 52 weeks in advance ......... $135.05 52 weeks in advance ......... $199.90 Circulation phone number: 503-325-3211 Periodicals postage paid at Astoria, OR ADVERTISING OWNERSHIP All advertising copy and illustrations prepared by The Daily Astorian become the property of The Daily Astorian and may not be reproduced for any use without explicit prior approval. COPYRIGHT © Entire contents © Copyright, 2016 by The Daily Astorian. Printed on recycled paper