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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 2015)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 150 H OMES FOR S ALE 150 H OMES FOR S ALE 2 bedroom 1 bath, big yard, water frontage, 92159 Clover Rd. Astoria. $130,000. (503)325-2068 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE CLASSIFIED ADS work hard for you. Try one today! EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "Any preference, limi- tation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or dis- crimination." Familial status in- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal cus- todians; pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any ad- vertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwell- ings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal oppor- tunity basis. To complain of dis- crimination call HUD at 1(800)669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1(800)927-9275. 205 C ONDOS FOR R ENT Astoria, Cannery Loft Condoʼs. West facing, furnished large studio. $1000 +deposit. Astoria Coast Inc. (503)325-9093 210 A PARTMENTS , U NFURNISHED 210 A PARTMENTS , U NFURNISHED Accepting Applications Open Waitling List Elderly/Disabled HUD Subsidized Housing Alder Court Apartments 235 SW Alder Warrenton, OR 97146 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts Approved for seniors 62 or handicapped at any age. NOHA Property Management 503-861-0119 x113 Toll free: 888-887-4990 TDD: 800-927-9275 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 2 bedrooms, $750 per month! Located near Fort Stevenʼs Park Beach/Schools/Shopping-No pets. Columbia Pointe Apartments 500 Pacific Drive, Hammond (503)791-3703 LOOKING for a new place to live? The classified ads offer a complete selection of homes, apartments and mobile homes to fit your needs. NOHA does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in the admission or access to, or employment in, itʼs Fed- erally assisted programs and activities. The person named below has been des- ignated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Developmentʼs regulations implementing Section 504 (24 CRF Part 8 dated June 2, 1988): NOHA Executive Director (503)861-0119, toll free (888)887-4990, TDD (800)927-9275. GE Profile side-by-side refrigerator/freezer. Great shape $500 OBO. Panasonic home theater surround sound system. 5 disk DVD player $100. (503)738-8104 Budget Ads All items under $1000! (Used to be $500) Subscribers asked for us to raise the dollar amount, and we listened! All items $1000 or less can be sold in the budget section. $9.00 for 15 words. If You Live In Seaside or Cannon Beach 325-3211 DIAL FOR A Daily Astorian Classified Ad If you have items to sell, give us a call today. (503)325-3211 ext. 231 or e-mail us at coa st weekend Y ou r loca l gu ide to A rt, En terta in m en t, Food & Fu n “In One Ear” (503)468-8753 Seaside 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment with in-unit laundry hookups. Section 8 Vouchers accepted. $725.00 per month. 1 year lease required with 12th month FREE! (503)325-2880 SEASIDE RENTALS (503)738-0178 Daily, Weekly, and Monthly, utilities included. Studio to 3 bedrooms availalbe. From $35 a night, $150 a week or $595 a month. Seaside: Small studio appartment, Ocean view, $575 month, utilities included (503)209-0333 View our listings at Beach Property Management 503-738-9068 Your new home for the New Year, 3-bedroom townhome $774. Parkview Commons, Hammond. Affordable-housing. (503)861-6031 Newly remodeled 1&2 bedroom homes by the bay. Call Today to reserve your new home at Bayshore! (503)325-1749 HOME DELIVERY! Your Daily Astorian should arrive by 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. If it does not, please call us at 325-3211 or 1- 800-781-3211. 215 A PARTMENTS , F URNISHED 220 P LEXES 340 F UEL & W OOD 230 H OUSES , U NFURNISHED 375 M ISC FOR S ALE Hammond: 3 bedroom 1.5 bath. Attached garage, w/d hookups, dishwasher, patio. updated introrier. No smoking/pets, $925 +deposit. (503)325-8722 For all our available rentals. CPSMANAGEMENT.COM (503)738-5488/ (888)916-RENT Newly remodeled home at harbor for 1 yr. lease. 3bed, 2bath, 1600sqft, all new kitchen and baths. Borders harbor with great views. $975/mo. + Utilities 360-713-3944 equal opportunity housing provider WE DELIVER! Please leave a light on or install motion detector lights to make your carrierʼs job easier. Thanks! THE DAILY ASTORIAN 255 S LEEPING R OOMS If you want results... 74% of Clatsop County Residents read The Daily Astorian and rated Classifieds #1 for the most read section!! (From 2010 Astoria Market Study, by Marshall Marketing & Communications, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA) (503)325-3211 ext. 231 or (800)781-3211 470 F EED -H AY -G RAIN Straw bedding/sediment bails. $4 a bale. (503)325-2068 485 P ETS & S UPPLIES SEASIDE AREA, From $150 a week, includes utilities, (503)738-0178. SEASIDE RENTALS 260 C OMMERCIAL R ENTAL 1159 Marine Dr., Astoria 1,250 sq ft commercial space, close to Liberty Theater. $750. 503-325-3900 leave message 340 F UEL & W OOD SEASIDE RENTALS (503)738-0178 Daily, Weekly, and Monthly, untilities included. Studio to 3 bedrooms availalbe. From $35 a night, $150 a week or $595 a month. FREE WOODEN PALLETS Available for pick up at The Daily Astorian loading dock. 949 Exchange St, Astoria NOTICE TO CONSUMERS Oregon Firewood Law requires ad- vertisements quote a price and also express quantity in units of a cord or fractional part of a cord. Ads must also identify the species of wood and whether the wood is unseasoned (green) or dry. A HOME FOR HOLIDAYS Sweet, mellow kitty needs adoptive family that will give insulin shots twice a day. Call Jan 503-440-0886 L EGAL N OTICES Need to publish a Legal Advertisement? Contact us at or (503)325-3211 ext. 231. Please submit all ad information 3 days prior to the date you want it published. BUSIN ESS D IRE CTO RY Y O U R GU ID E TO L O CAL PRO F E SSIO NAL S A RBORIST B OAT R EPAIR Bigbyʼs Tree Service ISA CERTIFIED ARBORISTS •Pruning •Removal •Stump Grinding •Excavator/Brush Rake •Vegetation Management (503)791-0767 bigbys tree Affordable rates. CCB#158562 coa stw eek en Astoria Cavalier Court Apts. 91817 Hwy. 202 Two bedroom, second floor $575 Larger end unit-Two bedroom $650 Screening fee $25 Warrenton four-plex. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $675.00 with 1 year lease. Call for more information. 503-325-2880. BUDGE T AD $ P lace yo u r ad to d ay | w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m 210 A PARTMENTS , U NFURNISHED 9A ARBOR CARE TREE SPECIALISTS ISA Certified Arborists ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Comprehensive Service, Pruning/Removal, Stump Grinding/Hazard Evaluations (503)791-0853 CCB#171855 WA#ARBORCI909RW Care for Your Trees ••OUTBOARD REPAIR•• Clatsop Power Equipment 34912 Hwy 101 Bus, Astoria 1-800-220-0792 or 503-325-0792 B UILDERS Jack Coffey Construction • New • Repair • Remodel •Drywall •Concrete •Decks •Licensed •Bonded • Insured (503)325-7406 * CCB#55284 H OME F URNISHINGS J&S Appliances & Home Furnishings 529 SE Marlin Ave. Warrenton (503)861-0929 If You Live In Seaside or Cannon Beach 325-3211 DIAL FOR A Daily Astorian Classified Ad L AWN & G ARDEN P ROFESSIONAL S ERVICES Dejesus lawn service Need your Christmas lights hung we can help •One time -clean up & year round •maintenance •Gutter cleaning •Pruning&hedging •Hauling any unwanted items no problem •Pressure washing. Call (503)791-5329 For an Appointment Terry Marshall Bookkeeping Service (503)298-0750 •Payables •Receivables •Payroll •Quarterly Reporting Express & Impress Yard Maintenance & More. Storm clean-up , trimming, pressure washing, gutter cleaning-more! Free estimates. Tony (503)791-8429 Bigbyʼs Tree Service •JIMʼS LAWN CARE• •Brush Clearing•Lawns•Shrubs •Hauling•Gutter & Storm-Cleanup (503)325-2445 •Free Estimates P RINTING V EGETATION M ANAGEMENT •Excavator mounted Flail Mower •Brush raking •Lot clearing •Scotch broom Removal •chipping •Invasive Species removal •Levey/Dike mowing •Low impact Logging. (503)791-0767 bigbys tree *Envelopes *Letterheads *Flyers *Inserts *Newsletters AND MORE ASTORIAN PRINTING COMPANY 949 Exchange Street, Astoria (503)325-3211, extension 256 Affordable rates. CCB#158562 CLASSIFIED ADS are used by people when they are searching for products or services. For fast results, use a Classified ad to attract people who are ready to buy your product. Oregon Construction Contractor's Law requires that all those who advertise remodeling, repair or construction services be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board. Registration means contractors have bonds and insurance on the job site. For your protection, be sure any construction contractors you hire are registered. If they are not, or if you are a contractor who wishes to register, call Construction Contractor's Board in Salem, OR 1-503-378-4621. Our own gossip column N o M atte r Y o ur N e e d s , W e ’r e H e r e To H e lp ! Pu t yo u r Classified Ad to w o rk fo r yo u … … an d b etw een p rin t an d o n lin e, have an au d ien ce o f 3 3 0,000 view yo u r ad ! Ca ll K im berly in Cla ssified s a t (5 03 )3 25 -3 211 ex t. 23 1 or em a il: cla ssified s@ d a ilya sto ria n .co m Fridays in T HE D AILY A STORIAN “74% of Cla tsop Coun ty Residen ts Rea d T h e D a ily Astoria n .” Cla ssifieds bein g th e #1 rea d section in Cla tsop Coun ty. 2010 M a rsh a ll M a rketin g & Com m un ica tion s, In c. S P ORTS YOUR SOURCE FOR ASTORIA FISHERMEN • WARRENTON WARRIORS • SEASIDE SEAGULLS • JEWELL BLUEJAYS • KNAPPA LOGGERS Check ou t The D a ily Astoria n every d a y for the la test scores, ga m e rep orts, p hotos a n d com m en ts from coa ches a n d a thletes W W W .DAILYAS TORIAN .C OM /S PORTS FOR VIDEO & AUDIO IN TERVIEW S WE CARE ABOUT PREP SPORTS ON THE NORTH COAST