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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
Corvallis Timesr CORVALLIS, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAR. 29, 1907 The Armory Referendum. It is proposed to referendum the $vx:&qq appropriation by the late legislature lor militia , armories., , It . would not be a misdirected- efforjt. The days of wars are passing The best thought on earth ' is bent to ward peace and . . national . disarma ment. 1 That problem is to ( be- the theme at the coming Hague confer ence, which will be the most notable gathering of statesmen that ever ! ' took place in tbe world,w Forty na- ' tions will be reoresented.. . flaw to avert war,' how to promote peace . onVl lii-iOT to save the millions .-, of treasure annually, spent iff the world v for cannon, fordncations ana war craft will bediacussed. ,.. Tt will be a scene and. an occasion worthy, of the admiration and the benedictions of alt men. , Slaughter,, such ias war, means, is a lower occupation than dumb creation would stoop to. The bursting shell that mows down Tegiments might have been , aprop 03 in: the . Dark Ages ' when men . were barbarians. Butchery of hu man beines might have been ex cusable among ,the halt -civilized but it is a blot and a blight in the 20th century. . Armories ,and the other trappings of war should give :wav to home, building and . home blessine instead of home destruc tion and the swords be beaten into ploughshares and spears into prun ing hooks. , i : . "... .', , ' SAY SYSTEM IS WRONG. In Benton Methods of Making Assess- iment-rrThere Should , be . Field ( ?. , , . . i , . Deputies and a Quicker Assess t'j-i ment,' They say,' . ) ,. 1 f - .i . i i i "" There are those who" say the, t ar rangement for assessing in Benton county is all wrong-f... They are men too, rWhashow signs that, they know, whereof they speak. The particular i point in their contention, is, that it is lolly and, the: worst of folly for'one man to be required ,to do the who! Tob of assessing o the, county,,, ieven small as is Benton since a part . ,of its territory was hacked , off., f i Be fore he. gets the job ;4ane, many a large piece of property has Chang i ed hands.' ;:He icannot do , the ., as- i sessine in time; for the roll to be made up in a methodical, way. by the date they i are, - required, , under tbe law it. must sbe (delivered. L He cannot,! to save, his , life,- these f ex perls sajr,J personally ; see. ?all; i the taxpayers ia the,. countyi between March ist and the time he.,has to. turn his roll over; to i.tbe county board of equalization. ,1 Sometimes he goes as many as three, times to a man's homa and then, fails to, Snd ' him. 3 . With one man idoingj ; the stunt such: an a sessment . as,; the county ought to have is impossble, no matter how capable the assessor. That several persons should 'take the field on the first j of March, end do the work iquickly.iso that, proper ' time may be put on the roll, , these persons claim, would result in mon ey -saved to the county, uj a , m -1 ' Most counties ifollow that. plan. Polk for instance, ipeys. an - assessor $i,2oo and the county cottrt gives him five field' deputies i at , . $2 per "dayvo Columbia, ;' as cduntyi about :- the siie of: Benton; j follows a similar ' plan; .'tin I;inn,(i there. j are - seven fiefd deputies .; and; ' in Lane mine, and they are all rushing the assess - ment with great' vigor, t . In Benton county the assessor does , all the work alone, save in the making of ' the roll, when '. compensation is al ' lowed for an assistant. - - ' Knight Templar Easter Services. ' tt'.' Special Easter . services will be held the 1 Presbyterian ; church ; next Sunday at o'clock . p. : m. under-; the: auspices, of the; Masonic ordera of Albany ;ana vorvaius. 1 - in Members of Temple Commandary Knightsi Templar , of ( Albany and the order of Eastern Star and other tnimberSiOf ther .Masonic orders, of s that! city will come v; to Corvallis, oh' thej2:20j train; arriving at Cor" -vallis about 1-30 p. m. the train will tqp at Madison & 9th streets; and the Albany delegation u of 'Masons : willgdu to thejMasonic! temples ' from which' place 'iall Masons' and '.their' wives 'will gofri a body! to the t -. afternoon service.'..; All members of .the Masonic order are cordially ink - vitecT to- attend"; 'and. participate ' in this sfefyi; J "All Masons whs can andrespecially 1 he iaembers i of the Eastern :f j of ; Cofvalllisi 1 are re- quested-to 'meet fhje ' incpmlng train from Albany and accompany the " ' visiting-Masons and their.' wives to the Masonic temple of this city. , Committee. ALL ARE PREPARING fc ft " : - : f ! ?"',! ,i f'! Iff 5' - For the Easter Services What Pro V-V t--,V.;;i -t -i. x. ... grammes are at all the Churches. t- i 1 i t i . i Special Easter services are to be given in all the Corvallis -churches Sunday,. and big congregations may be expected." It will be - well, for the topic of the -1 isen Master will be a bright' one ond a' 'good; one to be heard, and even that one. . who goes to church once a year cannot! help but profit bv the experience! In the varibus' churches '-urograms will be as follows:.'. J , .!'. t CHRISTIAN CHURCH. ' i Easter services at the Christian church next Sunday begin at 6:30 a. m., with a sunrise prayermeeting At 10 o'clock 1 the ;Sunday; School will hold appropriate exercises.; The morning sermon will be, j , "The Resuirection." ' in, he, . eveningj, the pastor will preach on, " Womari- liness,,,, a ' sermon for girls and young women, i:c;'i j GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. i ' JLaster services will be held by the German Lutheran cqngregation. at the residence of A. Leder, Sunday, at 2 p. , m. AH are , invited t to at tend. ... I , ! . ', - METHODIST EPISCOPAL' CHURCH. , -1 f 1 , I I. T . , , i Easter services at ', the M. E. church Sunday as follows: ' Morn ing .subject. '-Behind. Mechanical Forces or Who Shall Roll, Away the Stone.' ' In the evening' there will be an Easter concert - given by the Sunday school. . ; ' J ' ' ' i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. i . i . .... ,. : ? . . r , . . . : At. the Presbyterian , church Easter services next Sunday morn ing and evening. The pastor, Rev. J..R,. Bell, at the morning . seriv vices will have fcr his theme, "We Know there is a Here, but is there a Hereafter,, that is the guestidn-" At 3 p. m. ,The Knights .Templar of Albany will worship ' at this church with the Masons of -Cor4 vallis.t Dn- Bell - will. j-preaqh ihe sermon and the .choir- will ; render appropriate music, Inf, the evening at- 7:30 aDEaster choral service will be-given,w consisting, of anthems, duets,- solos hymns etc," and the pastor will. give a short address ; on music.. Remember the .public is cordially invited to all three of these services during the. day. - k . ,- EVANGELICAL CHURCH. . , United. 'Evangelical church subjects, a. m. " - The Abundant Life" p. m, ,"The Supremacy of the Cross" v -This is the . last Sun- Oiay 01 tne secona year 01 tne pres ent pastor's work here and he de sires to. ; meet as many i , members and iriends of the church as possible at these services. Whether, he will, continue ta, work here !for aa other year will . depend., upon the action of the Annual,, Conference of the. church which meets in this cityt next week from the, 4th to. the 8th, inclusive. C. F. Hurd pastor. , CATHOUC CHURCH, . t ; Easter services' at "the Catholic churchrtomorrow as follows: Mass, 8 a. m High mass at 10:30 a. m. Evening devotion at v 7:30. Miss EdnaJ. Sheeby will have charge of ot the music tor these Easter ;)serv. ices, , All are invited, ' THEY ORGANIZE. Retail Grocers and Merchants 'of - Cor vallis Effect Permanent Or , ganization. . , , At a meeting of the business j men of Corvallis. last evening at Fireman Hall a permanent organization! was' effected and the following officers were elected: - '" President; -u&i L. Kline; vice president; 'AP KpRuss; secretary, Roy HoUeUberg; treasur er, T. A. Boulden. ' ' ' '. i-.i". Constitution' and ? by4kws: 'were adopted of which-' the ' following is the preamble : "In -order td ! foster and maintain a permanent social' feeling amongf the ' retail j 'grocers and merchants of Corvallis to oblit erate distrust and inspire confidence among the members of-the traded to remove 'by concert afetioti' such! evils and customs 1 as are acamsti innH policy and sound business principles whether' Ttbi selling tf the1 whole sale house at retail, improper house to nouse peaanng; -'tne distribution and ' consumption ' of 'adulterated1 and unwholesome goods,.' the ltise of fictitidus labels, the Use !ofi dis1- honst weights and measures, ' or whatsoever the evil 'may be; to dis seminate useful J information) J to watch and influence '' legislation to wards the better . protection of our capital; to assist ' oral me'mbers in collecting delinquent accounts; to encourage the ; observance of all lei gal holidays;' and tq 'attain! the ," re suits which exp erience 'has proved are not obtainable by individual of divided "effort ; for ' these reasons we, hereby resolve ourselves-into an; or ganization to be known as the Re tail Grocers & Merchants Associa tion of Corvallis." i FUMIGATION FUMIGATES. Interesbng Results with Formaldehyde . by Stadents at the College. ' ' v. ': ';".. 1 . ' The question of whether "or not fumigation -7 fumigates -has - been worked out with uiterestipg results by students ia the -' bacteriological department at the college. The, ex-; petimens began early in January and have been .conducted with great care byCalyin Ingle, and Arthut Berman under the . supervision of Prof.iPernot. For the fumigation formaldehyde was used," and the findings are that if .the gas is' "tho roughly applied, germs that are dangerous to man will 4 be killed, but if not thorough, the ! microbes will survive and be ready j to comr municate disease and death to, hu man beings.; It was also determin ed by the experiments that several of theJiarmless. germs will survive the . application , of formaldehyde ana live to pertorm vigorously in the world after the attack on them has been administered. " ' ' ' In the1 experiments, 'there were two processes of the fumigation. The room used was one in which a patient had died 1 of consumption. The first was fairlv thorough, the formaldehyde ' being' "introduced thrdugh the key hole in the door. Cultures of tuberculosis : and other germs were placed, in the room and allowed to remain there during the fumigation process. "The question at issue was whether or not as a re suit of the , fumigation the live germs in the cultures would be kill ed. ' In one ' culture were germs known to. laymen 1 as pus germs. Tney survived the experiment. Af- ,ter the fumigation, - bits of ' cloth were tut from draperies in the room that had been occupied by the pa tient. . One piece was from the car pet and another from ' the table cover. These were placed in cul ture media,, and , within 24 hours growths of germs began to appear, showing that the microbes ' in tbe carpet and drapery had lived tlwough the formaldehyde experience. They were however classified and found to be harmless.!, i -j -( , -. Afterward, a second 'application of thevJormaldehyde was made. Ev ery -precaution, was take.p sp. as ;to make its application: , perfect.-The result ,showedrt that ;fin -every case the - pathogenic-. germs -were killed thougb,,several of the barm-less- microbes survived s as I in . the first instance;' . The report made by the students.Jconcludes as . follows: :vf 'From, these and other tests tnjide we nnd that the maximum efficien cy of formaldehyde gas as a ..germ destroyer can only . be attained by confinement of the - fumes -in f. the room being disinfected;., . The pre caution tq close all : apertures, by which the gas might escape is very important. . The . growths- which occurred from ; those spore-bearing non-pathogenic varieties vin no way detracts from the .efficiency of for maldehyde gas as an effective dis infectant when properly used,".. rnw wuay, i nave eataDiisnea a junk business on. Main street near the i .'sorta. works where I. wilt buy all kinds 01 judk, lnclnding rags, rubbers, lead ; o,jper. btass etc, J. J. Brown, TIMES FOR JOB: PRINTING Garden aefeds of : all kinds at JZierolfs Administrator's ' Sale. & ...:.. , I will eell g public sale at the residence ot Isaac Porter on Ureasy Ureet, nve mile south: of iPhiloiaatb Spturdav, Mrch 30. '07, at -la , o'clock a. xa. for caahin, .bandj the foljpwing,, described prop erty, to-wit: I mrww , : ; v . , ( , 1 , , ,f Disc Gutter v' , V Farm Wagon : !- J ': Buggy; ' ' . Single Baggy Harness One set Hack Harness! 4 coUars 4 , (. "f Dozen. Chickens x Milk Cow " ' M Head Sheep ci ti rtt itHogi j. j ' 1 ,. t 20 acres , growinsr zrain I I 01 1 , a 4 tons Cheat Hay " ' -One Eoan Filly s yeart oldt1 X) uappie gr&y BUuuon 4, years old.i -j.t' Light gray: mare, about-ia, yrs. old. Bedjteads ' Bedding, ;4 chairs. ' 1 ' 1 ockirg chairi 1 1 ' t t, 1 ? ! 9 '1 cook stove vi'i .1 v tt-l 'i ' dinmg- table,-j ' ' ":' -Administratori i ' ' - ii iA. LJStevenson, i 'J .! .! U i' J -v j k 1' Auctioneer, , ' 1 ii j a , nil . j. Attention - Ranchers. We are cash buyers of all i sizes of veal, and can fnetvou more! than you are jreceivlngkExpress j your calves , toDur-aress, and mark your address plainly to Insure im- Fot SeJeTetiee5 write-'br' fall IflLbet io, west jpasr rroauce vo,. ADer deeo .Washingtoni h"i f -,.r -J -i! Garden eeeds, timothy and clover se and all kinds of field seeds at Zferolf NEW FURNITURE STORE , r North of HoteI,CorraIlis I have a. brand new line of Wall Paper, v Window lasslTfunksind Valises. And I make picture frames to order; ; 'Please give me a trial. . t u :: ? - O tl ;v A. : H. : Kerripin ! '''' "f No Prizes Chase & COFFEE 1 ' In fact nothing goei with our i SATISFACTION-. p. m:zierolf. , . . : . ; .,, . Sole agent for Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE What You See is Worth Twice What You tRead! As you are now coining to market with the opportunity of comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. We have a broken line of Ladies and Childrens Shoes, which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Come be fore your size is gone., n s , ; Also some remnants in Dress' Goods, Wash Goods, etc. r at bottom prices." J K 1 ! . v Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready 1 for your inspectton. Make money by buymg. our lines, and save ' money by getting ourprices. ' Henkle & Davis. This Isn't Where they give something for nothing But, with every 50 cent can of Bating Powder, you can get FREE the Finest Piece of Decorated Ghina, you ever got in this city; r . Come in and 1 Grocery Store '... " " ' l U i f ,1 ' - t - i ; ft .-! : v, . i .('.(! r c , , i : i ' :- teff l - r- i . 'f t-vV Mi. k Something Doing ' , Begmning March di there will be something doing in our De partment Store you will find us as usual jip.,.and.a-cpniuig in ourj, great Redaction Sale' for'March. Call in and we will convince you. R. I MOSES "& ' SON Furniture. Carpets, Mattin? -(Yoars:espectfully, Corvallis, Oregon. go with, our Sanborn Higb Grade coffee but cream, suf ar and the b convinced Corvallis. L.J: MOSES. " " Call for Warrants. NOTICE Is hereby given that there Is money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders indorsed and marked not paid tor want of funds, up to and Including those of March IV, 1907. Interest will be atopped on tame from this date. CoiTallis, Or., March 22. 1907, W. A. BUCHANAN, Treasurer, Benton County, Or. Notice of Final Settlement. - Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final nccount tor settlement of the estate ot Francis Slate, deceased, in the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county, and that said court has fixed the .hour Of 10 n' clock A.: II. of Saturday the ttth-da; ot April. 19o7, a bue wun i ijvm ui. reuu uuurfr kl L.ury ajjiM, ur egou, a the time for hearing all and' singular tbe matters in said settlemeut ' and all persons Interested therein are hereby notified of saiid fact Dated March 8, 1807. i - h, .... J. E. Henkle. i Admlnistrator of the estate of Francis Slate, de ceased. J - '-. n , , ;) . Notice Creditors. , ;'; In the Hatter of the Estate ) ' .- r ' i . j I ' ' of - ' . Isaac Porter, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate Isaac Porter, deceased, bv the county court of Benton county, state of "Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate of said Isaac Porter, deceased, are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri fied as by law required, wllhlu six months from this date to the undersigned at his residence in Benton county or at the office of SlcFaddeu & BjyBon, Corvallis, Oregon,' , i ; Dated this 16th day of March, 1907. ' '- J.F. PORTER, dmiristratorvfith the will annexed of Isaac . Poiter, deceased. . Notice for Publication. United States. Land Office: , ' .' Roseburg, Or., Feb."l907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tbe provisions of the act of coneress of June 3, 1878, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevaoa, and Washington Territory,' as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, James W. Walters of Monroe, countv of Benton state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 7817 for the purchase of tne norm l-a ot nortnwest 1-4 ot section no. 32 In Township U S, Range No. 6 W, and will offer prooi to snow mat me lana sought is mare valu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before county cleik and clerk of county court of Benton county, at his office at Corvallis, Oregon, on Thursday the 16th day of May, 1907. He names as witnesses: Ellis Hammer ot Monroe, Oregon Hanley Buckingham o " " Bvron W'oolrioge, of " Clyde Graves, of " ! Any and all poisons claiming adversely the above described lands ore requested to file their claims in this office on ot belore said 16th day-of May, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. B. A. CATHEY ' Physician & Surgeon I Office, room 14 BanB , Bld, - Hourti tlO o 12 and a ta V V - f Phone, office 212 Residence 1 SO. ,;, Corvallis, Oregon. G. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Rea idence on the corner of Madison and Seventh st. Phone at honse and office. : H.S.FERNOT, Physician & Surgeoa k!, ..: : j.. ; ; ; . d i Office over postoffice. Residence Cor Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to. 4 p.m. Orders ma; e eft at Graham & v' "ham'a iinn;ntw, J. A. WOODS General Auctioneer. A Square Dea and charges right Corvallis, Oregon. JV FHED FATES ATTOR&til-AT-LA W. . Zierolf Building. I Phone Ind. 384 Dr. Hanford " Successor to Bowen Lester Burnett Bldg." ' Corvallis, Or. E.E.WIIiSUN, ATTORNEY AT LJlW. F. C. M'Reynolds Teacher of Violin, Mandolin;'1 Banjo, Guitar, Viola and 'Cello OAC ! School of Music. " Music lurnished fori all oc casions. 5 Large"or small orchesfra. Willamette- Valley ' Banking Company r-r C6rvallis;:OkgbhT RESPONSBH4TY $100,000 1 1 D eMs ' Foreign1 and Domestic i. Exchange . Boys County, City and School Warrants. I: Prlncipal'Gorrespoiidcittf . SAV FSAKCISOO 1 . V POKXLAJTD SEATTLE! TAOOMA ,DO DMU W & California NTTW VfVRK TWmwnn. J. V. Sforaran Co. CHICAGO Kational-IBank of The Bapab lie. , '"' r LOHDOM, KHQ. K M BotbiebUdf Bon CAN ADA . Enlor Oant f Oanada