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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
Vol. XIX.-No. 3 CORVALLIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1906. B. V. IBYOT Hlk( - and Erop.ieto Summons. Ia the etrcnlt Court ol the state of Oregon, for Benton county:' J. W. Weitsmas, Plaintiff, vs. J. R. Ealnwatpr and Lucy Rainwater, hia wife: William Kainwattr and Srah Itulrivaier. his wile; Anna Kling and Peter Kling, ber hus band; Daniel Rainwater and Emma Rainwater, hie wife; Emmett Rain water and Mary Rainwater, bin wife: Mary Clrk and Jlerton Oirk. her husband; Anna Duley and Frank Du ley. ber husband; Emma Laughnead and C. H. I.aughead, her husband; and Leo Cohen, Bessie Muller and Paul JIulier her husband, delemlatue. To Bessie Muller, Emmett Rainwater, and Mary Knlawaitr, his wife, the above named de fendants: In the name of the state of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby summoned and required ! to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above entitled suit uow on file with the clerk of the above entitled court, on or be fore Ihe last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication of tbls summons, herein after referred to, to-wit, on or before November 23, 1906, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the ald complaint as herein required, U r want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the above entitled conn for the relief demanded in bis said complaint, to-wit: that he be decreed to be the owner In fee simple of the following describeo raal property, to-wit: Beginning at the N W corner ol the D. L. C, of A. M Rainwater. Not. No. 697. CI. 61 & 89 in T. 31 S. R. 3 and 4 W., of Will. Mir., Benton county, Oregon, and running intnre S. 26.94 chains, thence E. 1? 27 chain-4, thence 8. 83 deg., E. 3.10 Chains, thence 5, 29.14 chains to the N. bounda ry of said claim, tbence S. 82 deg. 15 min. W. along Said N. boundary to place of beginning, containing 43.20 acres, more or less, all in Ben ton county. Oregon, save aud except 13.18 acres heretofore sold and conveyed to S. E. Rainwater oesertbed as follows: Beginning at N W corner Of D. L. C Not. 697, CI. 1 aud 39 T. 11 o. R. 3 8nd 4 W. Will, Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and running thence N. 82 deg. 15 min. . along N. boundary of said claim 10.10 chains, tbence 9. to the N. boundary of W. V. & C. R. B. Co's right oi way, thence westerly along said North boundary to the west boundary of said claim thence N along sali west boundary to place of beginning, containing 13.18 acres, more or less: that the defendants be required to perfect the title of said land by making, executing, ac knowledging and delivering a deed thereto to the plaintiff, or that in the event they tail so to do that the dec ree of said court shall operate In lieu of such deed, and that plaintiff have his .costs and disbursements, an 3 lor general relief: , This summons is published lu The Cobvallis Times newspaper once a week, for mx successive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue ot October 12, '.K56. and enaing with the issue of November 23, 19C6, under and in pursuance of the directions contained iu an order made by the Hon E. Woodward, judge of the county court of Benton county, state of Oregon, dated- uctoDer li. lvte. pate ox nrai pnniisauon nereoi ts October 12, me. L. H. MOaTANYE & E. E. WILSON. Attorneys lor Plainilff. s I Good and Extra Good Boys School Suits at Nolan s. LEAVE order for piano tuning at Fish- . er's store. - . . . E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. Summons. In the Circuit Court ol tte State of Oregon for rteuiou couniy: Garrison Sheldon, plaintiff, Ella W. Sheldon, defendant -To E1U W. Sheldon, the above named defendant: in tne name oi the state of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required ) apiar and answer the complaint of the pi iiu. rl in the above entitled suit in 'he above entitled court, now on file in the office of the clerk of said court, on or beiore tlx weeks fiom the day oi i-e iirst publication nerooj. lo-wu on or before November 13, 19C6, and you are hereby notified that ii you fall so to appear ana answer tne mia complaint as here in required, for want thereof the Dlalntilf will apply to the above entitled court for tne relief demanded In his said ci mplalut, namely, for a decree of rivorce from the said detendant, for ever dissolving the marriage contract existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other lurther aud different rule, order or rener as to tne couu may seem proper, This summons is pmbllsbed in the CorvallU Times newspper once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of s.-ild newspaper of October 2, 1906. and enr.lng with the Issue ef November 13, 1906, under and In pursuance of the rircctions contained in an onder made by the Hon. E. Woodward, county jorlge of Benton county, Oregon, being the eoun ty were the above entitled suit Is pending In tue Huntn euuiita uruuit courr. aaiea oepiem bar 28. 1906. Tne date of the first publication usreoi is uciooer z, lauo. E. E. WILSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. E. R. Bryson, Attorney At Law. For The Ladies i - st Our Fall Line ot New Goods are Here! i . I s , i Big line of Dress Goods and Silks . Big line of Coats the latest . , ' Big line Shoes best wearers on earth . : ' ; 'j Big tine Skirts from two factories - ' I Big line Underwear Munsings, none better Big line Waistings and Hosiery a I A whole lot of other new goods. Call aed See s I a. HARRIS. Oregon Corvallis, Sewing Machines Carpets, Rugs Liuoleum, Lace Curtains. Another GRAND FISHING EXCURSION TO NEWPORT AND RETURN (RAIN OR SHINE) OVER THE COVALLIS & EASTERN SUNDAY OCTOBER 28th. Salmon are running freely in Yaquina Bay and in order to give all an opportunity to enjoy a day's sport trolling for this kingly fish, this excursion is run. Albany, Corvallis, Philomath, Wren, Blodget and Summit to Newport and return $ 1 :00. ' West Summit to Chitwood 75c Chitwood to Oysterville 50c. Leaves Albany 7:30, Corvallis 8:00, Philomath 8:1 5. Returning leaves Newport 5:00. Glorious Weather! Splendid Sport! Plenty of Boats! Rrin or Shine! Remember the Date! Rogoways Store It will pay you to come in and see us before buying your winter sup ply. We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture. Furniture, Stoves, Ranges Crockery, Glassware arid Graniteware. Watch Friday's paper for Price. We sell our goods for the lowest, possible, price. We pay the highest CASH price for all kinds of Second-Hand goods. Give : us a call. No trouble to show goods. : i Highest Market Price Paid for Money to Loan on all Kinds Hides, Pelts and Furs. of Security. North east Cor. 2nd and Monroe Sts, Corvallis, Or. New Goods, Latest Designs and PRETTIEST PATTERNS Our Fall Lines of Jewelry and Silverware are beginning to arrive and will be tbe largest and most complete line ever shown in Corvallis. "Swastikos," the Japanese lucky charm and the latest thing in , the novelty line, to be had in Fobs, Hat Pins, Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons and 0. A. C. Pins of all kinds. Alarm Clocks $1. Fountain Pens $1. At E. W. S. PRATT'S, The Jeweler and Optician. Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul tnd the East. 2 Trains i Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, r dally trains between Portlnd and Seattle Pullman First-class sleeping cars. Pullman lourist sleeping cars, Dlulng cars night and day. Skeervation aad Parlor cars. Vb.e regular Yellowstone Park acute via. Llv lwton and Gardiner, Mont., the government oScial entrance to the Park. Paek season June 1st to S9tember 20th. Bee Europe if yon will but see America first. Start right See Yellowstone National Park Nature's greatest wonderland. Wonderland Tha famons Northern Pacific book can be had for the asking or six cents by mail. The Route of the "North Coart Lsmlted" the Only Electric Lighted Modxrn Train from Port- . lana w tne .cast. The ticket office at Portland is at 255 Morrison street, corner Third; A. D. Carlton, Assistant vreuortu jrasaeuger Agent, roruanu, Ur, New Sporting Goods Store. A new and eomplete line consisting of Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicyole Satmdries In fact anything the sportsman need can be found at my store. , Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop. All Work Guaranteed. M. M. LONG'S Ind. Phone 126. Corvallis, Oregon. A WOMAN VICTIM HENRY HOSE DISCARDED BY NELLIE DOYLE, CUTS HER THROAT WITH RAZOR. Wstbes Blood from Hands', Goes to Station md Confesses Crime Killed -HerBecame She Thought More of an Astoria Gambler. Pcrtli.n1, Oct. lo. Portland Tel egraoi: is -cause Mrs. mine uoyle, alias Madge Wilson, informed-, him that she was tired of living with him, aod jealous of the attentions paid ber by another man, Henry Hose, formerly a Eoldier in the United States regular army, drew a razor this morning and while the vtoman lay in bed cut her throat from ear loear. Tbe murderer then was hod his hands and, proceeding to police head quar ers, cooley informed Cap tain Mocre that he had killed a wo man and desired to surrender him self into custody. Detectives Price and Burke were detailed to room 29 in the Winchester lodging house, Noith Third street, where Hose said the body of the woman lay, and there they found his victim cold in death. She was lying on the bed, fee? downward, with her - head against the wall and her feet projecting from its edge. Her night cloth: ing and half the bed were dyed crim- ton with her life fluid, great clot? lyiug here and there where fbe had tossed about in the throes of death. A gaping wound in her throat, extending almost from ear to ear, told the ttory of how she met ber deith The handle of a water pitch?! was covered with blood, showing that the murderer had grasped it after committing tbe a-en and poured some water in a bowl. The water was colored red tiom the blood he bad washed from his hands and a red-smeared towel lay on the dresser. On the floor bad bet n thrown the rszor with which the woman's ius- ular vein and windpipe had been severed. So deep had the slayer drawn the blade that it had struck her cervical vertebrae and tbe tm of the weapon had been broken. The handle of the rszor was also broken in the murderer's struggle with his victim. wnat did you km tho woman torr" yaried Captain Moore as soon as he received the verification of the story told by Hose. ''one took all toy money and when I was laid tip with rheumatism and unable to do any work, she wrote me a letter, saying she would have nothing to dp with me." calmly re plied the ex-soldier. "She was run ning around with a gambler from Astoria, whose first name is Frbnk, and I killed her because of the way she treated me." ;. The letter which ; Hose said had Deea sent mm by nis victim was handed Captain Moore by : the pris oner before he was searched. It was signed "Madge Wilson," and its text is es follows: "Henry: I suppose you will be surprised to get this note, but I do not think you can expect anything different from me, as I am afraid of you since you have bean acting and talking the way you have. I guess you think I did not pay any atten tion to those names you called me, also to your saying you were going to kill me. Well, as I am not ready to die yet, I think it is best for us to slay apart, for you know it is not very pleasant to live in fear of your life all the time. If you have anythicg to say, you can leave a note with Harry or Harper, and I will get it. Hoping you will see this in a reasonable way, I will close." The prisoner was asked by the district attorney if he wanted a law ytr. He showed no excitement in his answer, nor had he exhibited any while making his confe:3ion, saying that he had no money. "We will provide a lawyer if you want one, replied Mr. Manning. "Well, I guess you might get one and give him a chance to earn a few dollars," nonchalantly remark ed the murderer. Horror and disgust were inter mingled in tbe expression on the district's attorney's faoe. "Your nsck shall stretch at the end of a rope if ever a man was hanged for a brutal crime in tbe slate of Oregon." he emphatically declared." ' It was learned by a Telegram re porter that for the last week, Hose and the woman, Who pcs9d as his wife, lived at the Pleasaoton lodg ing house, 288 Third street. They went there last night before they secured a room at the Winchester House, and E. Hayes, the landlord, fltys ttey were refused the room be cause they were in ai rears in rent. All the articles they left at the house are tome old clothing and shoes, a few cheap novels, some odds and endssocn as a tobacco box filled with nails, screws and tacks, and a paper of opium scrapings. In one of the novels was found a note reading: HUNDREDS KILLED CRUISER BROOKLN IS DRIVy EN AGROUND AND CAMP COLUMBUS IS DEMOLISHED. "Dear Nellie: Please stay at home. Very important. (Signed) "YOUR HENRY."' A letter which the woman had started and left unfinished was dat ed Portland, Oct. 7, 1906. and was addressed to "Dear Relations." She apologized for not writing for so long and stated that she had sent a couple of letters to "Antigo for Ida." "The word "Antigo" i the only clue tbe authorities have diecovered as to where the relative" of tbe d'ed woman are located. Mrs. Hayes said that two yeai3 ago the woman lived at tbe lodging house with tier husband, Jack Doyle, and that both were forced to leave there because they smoked opium. The other dav I asked the man if he was living off the woman's earnings," eaid Mrs. Hayes. 'She said he had a sore thumb and was unable to work. He took the cue and added that be would work as soon as his thumb got well. He eaid nothing about rheumatism to me." ij Jack Doyle was once arrested for counterfeiting but was not tried for the offense. His sentence will not expire for having opium in his pos session until Christmas day. The telephone line to Kelly, Butte, where he is workirg on the rock pile, is out of order, and he will not learn of the tragic death of his wife nntil he returns from bis labor this eve ning. Mrs. Doyle according to the murderer, was to apply foradivcrce from her husband, and Hose was to pay the expense of legal proceed ings, until she became acquainted with the A9toria gambler, Jranfe, and becam.e infatuated with him. The victim of the crime was aed about 28 years, and was well known around North Jind joints, beirg re cently an inmate of "Liverpool Liz s" notorious resort at Second and Davis streets.. , Louis Tuiague, proprietor of the Winchester House, iniormed the police that the couple secured the room there between 11 and 12 o' clock last Dlght. This morning about y o'clock Hose borrowed a comb from him. 'He heard no com motion in the room, he said,, and did not know of the murder until Detectives Price and Burke asked him to open the dcor of room 29 lor them. The murder was committed about 9 o'clock, and it was an hour later before Hose presented himeelf at police headquarters. , . . Great Loss in Property in Havana the Result of a Cyclone Worefc Storm in the History of the Island Ship With 40 Aboard' Goes Down. Havaoa,,Oct. 19. As the result of the worst cyclone in the history of this city hundreds of persons ara known to be dead, hundreds of oth ers injured and millions of dollars damage done. The United States cruiser Brook lyn was torn from ite moorings in Havana harbor and :s thought to be hard aground. Others of tbe Americanflett are reported to be seriously damaged. It is believed that there iB great loss of life among the crews. Camp Columbus was practically wiped out, every tent was leveled and nearly all torn lo shreds. SDtre of the poorer sections of the outlying districts were swept clean of their shanty homes, which were only toys before the eighty-mi!e-an-hour wind. The only estimate of the dead so far is made in this city. Communication with the interior has been cut off for two days. There are the wildest rumors afloat and the destruction wrought, it is eaid, is terrible. There was a great losa of life in the piovince of Pinar del Rio. When the blow struck tbe har bor it was packed with scores of small veseele. Meny were torn from their- moorings. . Ships not dopked in Havana were dashed on the rocks and shores. Only the fact that the weather bureau gave only an hour's warn ing, permitting the sailors to pre pare, prevented much greater dam age. Most of the fata1, ties eo far reported are among the native Cu bans, though about a score of for eigners were killed, some being Americans. Many buildings in Havana were leveled as if by an earthquake. When the storm swept over the harbor the cruiser Brooklyn was one of the first craft to suffer, and is supposed to have been driven bard aground and badly damaged. The great ship was torn from its moor ings and driven before the cyclone continued on raje 4. Look for name in strap M The Kendal Brains evolved the Kendal. There's not an iota in its material and make that doesn t represent skilled shoe craft and shoe experience Patent leather lace boot, genuine seal top. heavy sole, narrow toe The man who wants enjoy the benefit ot the best shoe- j rf T f f l I'm, sm applied for his I i comrort snoma aary i wear the Kendal. . , f Most styles are $5 i J. M. Nolan 6c Son