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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1906)
Vol. XIX.-No. 1. CORVALLIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27. 1900. B. F. 1KV1HB Editor and Proprleto: r .1111 mi iin n u H 1111 iih- Jo Ho Harris For the Early Spring j BMyers flamiy Receipts I Of the very latest spring wash fabrics are to be seen at our store. This spring brings the prettiest and most attractive cotton fabrics and the loveliest wool and silk dress goods of any previous years. Our store is filling up on these things. Come and get acquainted, with what the spring and summer has to offer. Prices are the lowest 0 0 o Corvallis, kERIS. Oregon nn mi mi 1111 un nu uii Bfru an un u u- Are You Curious? Would pou like to see inside a human eye? Call at Pratt the- Jeweler & Option store at any time and he will ba pleased to show you the nerves, veins and arteries as seen through the latest and most scientific combined Opthalmsscope and Retnuscope. If you have trouble with your eyes call on Pratt The Jeweler 6c4 Optician. All Things are Now. Ready Having secured the services of J. K. Berry, who has eight years experience in bicycle and general repair work, I am now prepared to all kinds of repair work on short notice. 1 All Work Guaranteed Come and see the Olds work. M. M. LONG'S LOST HIS LOAD MOVING ENDPIECE OP WAG ON HIS ORANGES ROLLED OUT. Revolver in Hand He Rushes down the Street to Capture the Cul prit Jobann Hoch ; Pays the Penalty for His Murderous Crimes. Portland, Feb. 24. When war broke out Thursday evening between the fruit peddl-rs and a crowd of boys, at First and Harrison streets Captain of Detectives and Inspect or of Police Bruin, like a true soldier,-found himself In the thickest of the' fray. For a time he must have thought himself on the battle field ia the far-away Philippines, for the bullets went Binging iown the street, there was a rush of the pursued and the pursuers,': and : all of the din,and noise. that accompan ies a clash of arms.- The first thing Captain Bruin saw whee he realized that hostili ties were on, was Emil Potter, a young man, who came tearing down First street from Harrison, hatless, breathless and with hair standing up. At each step or so, a ballet would whistle past the" lad. It was evident there was trouble. "StoD!" commanded Captain Bruin, leveling his revolver at the head of young Potter. "Throw up your hands, or 1 11 blow oat your brains, if you have any." Potter stopped, and at that in stant a man dashed up. He proved to be M. Weiser, a fruit peddler, and when be found Captain Bruin was an officer he turned and walk ed rapidly away. Later, when act ins Detectives Murphy and Welch arrived, and a consultation was held it was found that Weiser was the man who fired the shots, and he was taken to headquarters. In the municipal court yesterday morning he pleaded not guilty and swore that Captain Bruin was the man who fired the shots. Captain Bru in denied it, and several small boys said Weiser did the shooting. "What started the trouble?" ask ed Daputy City Attorney Fitzger ald of young Potter. "I don't know," was the rsply. ''Did you hear anything about some boys taking out the endpiece of Weiser'o wagon and spilling his orangefi" asked Mr. Fitzgerald. "No, sir," sid Potter, and he looked vtry sober, while the other Lids, standing afar off, laughed heartily, as though they had heard of something of the sort. .The fact was, the oranges did roll out of Weifier's wagon, and it is al leged he took the shots at Potter because Weiser thought Potter guil ty of the trick. "How many shots were fired?'' asked Mr. Fitzgerald of Potter. "I didn't stop to. count them," re plied Potter, and the spectators laughed so that Judge Cameron threatened to cleir the courtroom. The case will be completed this morning. HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargainsin ' Stock, Grain,. Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. AMBLfiR 6c WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. Deputy Sheriff Peters, agreed to the delay: Hoch then asked: that his dinner be Bent for. His wish was granted and he ate with an evident relish and apparently . without thought that he would never enjoy another meal. .' It was exactly at 1:32 o'clock when Hoch, preceded by Deputy Sheriff Peters and attended by jail er John L. Whitman, Rev. Schleter ana JKev. j. it; uuraiana, stepp;a upon the scaffold, and two minutes later he was a corpse. He walked upon the scaffold quietly, and stood directly under the noose with heelB together and head erect like a soldier on paradf . He was pale but composed, and full of courage. Rev. Mr. Burkland was reciting the prayers for the dying when Deputy Sheriff Paters asked Hoch to step back on the trap. He took two steps quickly, glanced down to see if he was in the proper place, and thenturtifcd his face to the dep uty Sheriff. ' : ' "Do you want to say something? ' asked Deputy Sheriff Peters. "Yes, Baid Hoch." Mr. Burkland was still reciting the prayers, and Jailer Whitman held out his hand .to silence him. The clergyman, not noticing, kept on with the' prayer, and one of the guards spoke to him. ' He ceased immediately! and Hoch, as soon as he could speak without interru ption said in a strong German accent: "Father, forgive them; they know not what they do. I must die an innocent man. Good-bye." He chopped the last words off in short, incisive manner, and. before his voice was silenced the drop lell. Dr. Francis W.' 'McNamara, the jail physician, was at Hoch's side the instant he fell, and declared tnat death had been instantaneous, the neck being broken. WHO WILL GET IT? A Splendid Prize will go to some Corvallis Home. I have for sale here ia Corvallis a beau tiful Schumann piano. As ia well known it is a most superior iestrament ia every respect, being one of the old reliable makes, it has been familiar to the mu sical world for over fifty years. There is the ne, delicate artistic timbre to the Schum ann tone that places it in the class of the very finest makes. It is well con structed in every particular, and all the materials entering into its makeup are the very beBt. This Schumann piano, which I am going to sell, is one remain ing of a car lead by a representative of Eiler'B Piano House, at a town near hers. I have been authorized to close it out at at a price way below what it ordinarily sells for. It 19 the best value I hwe ever been able to sell in Corvallis. Is is hand somely cased in mahogany. It may be aecured by paying thirty-five dollars and small monthly payments. The Eiler's Piano House full guarantee goes with it. G. TAILLANDIER, 17-19 Ind. phone 185. feb27 3t. SECRETS TOLD HOW DYNAMITERSJCONTROL : FEDERATION. IN INNER ', CIRCLES. Denver, Colo., Feb. 23. Djtec tive James McParland has left for Idaho, with all the documentary evidence in the Steunenberg mar der case, including Harry Orchard's confession, 'n hie possession. . He will testify betre tne grana lory which is to begin its investigation next Monday. He will be the prin cipal witness, and his examination will probably occupy a full day or two. Before leaving he asserted that no ons could wish the accused federation officiils a fair trial more than himself, but declared he is amply able to prove his charges. Orchard's confession, a copy of which is on file in this city, embra ces IO4 pages, typewritten, and contains fully 25,000 words. It was secured by McParland, with his stenographer, while he inter viewed Orchard in the penitentiary at Boise, Idaho. It is signed and sworn to, and the main points embraced tnerein are said to have been fully corroberated. The doc ument will comprise the basis of the trial of Moyer, Haywood, Pettibone and others. Chicago, Feb. 23. Jobann Hoch, convicted of the murder of his wife. Marie Welcker-Hoch, was hanged in the county jail today at o' clock. Three times resetted. Hoch insisted to the last that hebegrsn- ed all the delay that the law con ceded him. Under the wording of his sentence, Hoch was to hang be tween the hours of 10 a. m and 2 p. m. When the last resource of his attorneys an appt al " t: the Federal court alleging a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which forbids that a man shall be deprived of his, life without due process of law had been denied. Hoch abandoned all hope of Baving Mb life, but still in sisted that he be allowed to live as nearly to 2 o'clock as possible. When Jailer Whitman, who has long been a friend of Hoch, appear ed in his cell and remarked, It's all off, John,' nothing more can be donej for you," Hoch replied: "That's all right, I want to have all that is coming to . me in point of time. I'll go when 1:30 o'clock comes, but if you try to take me be fore that time, I'll fight. "It wouldn't do you any good to fight," replied Jailer Whitman. "I knowthat,' replied Hoch, "but I want all that is coming to me. I'll go all right at 1:30." The jailer, after consultation with Indianapolis, Feb. 23. A strike of the 2oo,ooo farmers composing the American Society of Equity, an organization with headquarters in Indianapolis, has been called io March 1. who responds to this call will agree to withhold from marketing any agricultural products excepting at prices that are up to the level decreed as equit able by the officials of this organi zation. This organization claims that the producers ought to get at least $1 a buBhel for wheat, no matter what mav be the slz9 of the crop. The call of the strike sets forth a mini mum selling price on all farm pro ducts, prices which tha agricultural strikers claim they are entitled to and can get if they stand together Kansas and Minnesota are being flooded with copies of this call. It is the claim of this organization that if these states bold out for higher prices the movement will be a success. Money Ib Their Real Object When Trouble Begins, (subscriptions Pour 11a Former Leader "Who Seceded Reveals Inner Workings of" Terrorists. Denver, Colo., Feb. 24. A man closely associated with the Western Federation of Minors for years, who held executive positions and was close to the inner workings, so much so that he retired in disgust and loathing, tonight gave i the history of the "inner circle" from its found ations until recent times. Ha said; "It was in May, 1898, that the 'inner circle' of the federation was formed. We were holding the an nual convention .of the federation that year in Salt Lake City. A short time before the Banker Hill Sullivan mill at Wardner, Ida bo, was blown up. The authorities were after the federation pretty bard, and something had to be done. The convention was too big to handle. ' Most of the delegates were union men, and they were opposed to violence. Of course, the average miner is not squeamish, but he will not stand for murder. But tbe cry among the leaders even that far back was for force. Thtv ridiculed the conservatives like myself, who were opposed to force and wanted to build up the unions by different means. "I remember the first thing that convention did was to vote $5,000 as a retainer to Patrick Reddy, the San Francisoo lawyer, to defend the Idaho men and to hide the books of the federation in preparation for a raid. "Hugh Boyle, who blew up the Bunker Hill-Sullivan mine, was in hiding in Silt Lake at that time, and he took quite a a active part in forming the inner circle. George A. Pettibone, who had just been re leased from the penitentiary alter serving several years for throwing dynamite down a flume in the Coeur d'Aleoes, was another, and Dan McGinty, the 'hero of Bull Hill,' as we called him, . was the third. "A ritual prepared by Dr. Carr, of Hill City, S. D., was need. This man was a crank oa thia kind of work. He is still forming societies with huge rituals. But he had nothing to do with the inner circle outside of framing a ritual used by the order. It was improved on af terward. But even at .the begin ning it was one of the richest I have known of. The oaths to be taken would make the ordinary individu al shiver, and you know the men wanted for the inner circle were of the superstitious kind anyway. It took a member several days to get over the : initiation, and eorne men that I know never got over it. "A? long as Ed Boyce was pres ident, the inner circle was kept in the background. It Used to do things then, but it did not run the federation as it fcas cfooe for years. About a dozen men run th& inner circle, and this runs the executive committee and the federation. "Since Haywood got hold, the irx- ner circle has run the whole organ ization with its 90.000 members and its income of $300,000 to $500,000 a year. Poor Moyer was not such a bad fellow. He was easily led and fond of trouble, but I do not think he would have done the things charged against him if be could have avoided them. "Haywood and Pe'.tibone are the braios of tbe inner circle. And do you know that Pettibone swore that he would kill Haywood on sight and got ready to do it for something that 'is often justified by the public, but the inner circle jumped in and said: 'We cannot have any scan dal. Quit.' And I guess they did. ''The inner circle has bad charge funds of the federation for several years. Walt until an investigating committee from the outside goes after these books. If Moyer and Haywood are convicted, then you will hear something drop. Men who very likely had nothing to do with any of the deeds of violence, but who were aware of what was going on, will be seeking other climates. "II the true story could be told, the enormous income of the federal tion in the last few ytars would be at the bottom of much of the crimes committed. The more trouble tbe more money; tbe more persecution, the bigger tbe subscriptions from outside unions. The only way to get the money to come in was to have trouble with the authorities and arrests. The Cripple Creek ana leiiuriue anairs meant nan a million dollars to the inner circle. If any one can get at the books they will show that I am within the continued on page 4 H ome tnsn with Spraying andWhitewashing Done in first class manner. Montgomery & Tedrow Phone-374. ' 2-20-im Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given to all concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed the executor of the last wiU and the estate of Har riett Hill, deceased, by the oounty court ot the Btate of Oregon for Benton county, and has duly q alliied for the duties ot said trust. All pep sons having claims against the deceased, or her estate, are required to present the same duly verified to the undersigned at his residence in Philomath, Benton county. Oregon, within sis months from this date. L. W. HILL, Executor ot the last will and estate ot Harriett Hill, deceased. Dated Feb. 3, 1906. Baking Powder The United States Agricultural Department has issued (and circulates free) a valuable report giving the results of elaborate experiments made by and under the direction of the Department, a ...... which show the great saving from baking at home, as compared with cost of buying at the bakers. All bread, cake, biscuit, crullers, etc., are very much fresher,cleaner,cheaper and more wholesome when made at home with Royal Baking Powderj ROYAL BAK1NQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK,