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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1905)
LOCAL LORE. 3EWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. "The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men- tlon and Other Items Public Interest. of Mrs. C. E. Hout is very ill with an attack of appendicitis. , Born, Saturday, to Mr. and llrs. A. T. Grugett, a daughter. Claude Cate, a graduate of 'o., is spending the Commence saerit season with college friends. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Elgin left jresterday for a visit with Silverton md Salem relatives. Mrs. L. L. Porter of Oregon City is the guest of her parents in this city. Charles McKnight of Marsh iield is expected to arrive today for a Commencement visit with college irk ads. After a three month's visit with Santa Barbara relatives. Mrs. S- F. Pernot and children are ex pected to reach home next Thurs day. . Miss Annie Ewing, a former popular O. A. C. student, is mak ing a Commencement visit with Corrallis friends. Final examinations for the col lege year began at O. A. C. yesterday. They will be laid aside tomorrow for the State Track aieet, but will be renewed Monday, on which date they will all be fin ished? . A special meeting of the Coffee crab is called by Mrs. Moore, the president, for Monday evening at Sour orclock. Business of import ance is to be considered, and all members are urged to be present F. B. Linfield, director of the Montana experiment station, was !ihe guest list Saturday and Sunday of W. T; Shaw. Mr. Xinfield was aasich impressed with the beauty of O. A. C. campus. Mrs. Jones, nee Erma Law rence, of Oregon City and Miss Anna Samuels of Portland, both members of O. A. C.'s alum xsi are guests at the Spangler home. Milton P. Morgan is a Port land visitor thi5 week. He i-s there to meet his brother, a marine on the cruiser "Philadelphia' now stationed at Portland. Mr.' Mor gan will visit the Fair before his , return. It is claimed that the half mile race at the State meet tomorrow will be worth all it costs to go Salem ar?d return. Thei e .are those who beiieve that the distance will be run faster than it ever has been on the Coast. They figure that Green haw will be the man to do it, and -that be will win the event. ' Robert Cosh ow, of Silem. for several years pas'- connected with the woolen mills, was in town Wednesday, looking for a business , location. He traveled the town ovar but was unable to find a suit able dwehing. He looked at bus iness rooms available, present and prospective. He is in the clothing Ime. He made no engagements, but expects to make the town an other visit. Eugene is sending a big dele gation of student backers and others to Salem to the track meet, Soping the side liners may assist their track men to win. O, A. C lads, in poker parlance, are trying to "see their crowd and go it some better." With the unusually low fare, it looks now as if the O. A. C. delegation would be a very large and certainly a very enthusiastic one. The O. A. C. athletic union elected officers Thursday, naming Glea Goodman for president. Miss Bonney, secretary, and - Miles Belden treasurer. An import ant move made by the union was the determination to place the man agement of athletics into the hands of a graduate manager. This is the plan in vogue at all big institu tions. The management involves an allotment of time and trouble that no regular student is' in posi tion to accord to the work. In consequence, both the student and Sis class work ordinarily suffer. At the annual meeting Thursday, the union elected . . Fred Stimson graduate manager and adopted a resolution recommending to the Jaenlty athletic committee that he lbs paid a salary for his services. " - The 0. A. C. exhibit at the fair is to be found on the second floor of the Oriental building, next to the forestry building. . Prof. W. T. Shaw leaves next Wednesday for St. Paul, Minneso ta, to be in attendance at the Mar riage of bis sister, on the 20th inst. Prof. Shaw may remain East all summer. The indications now are that a crowd of possibly 200 people, if not more, will go to Salem this, Satur day morning, to attend the state track meet. A half fare rate for the round trip has been secured, making a routd trip ticket cost only $1.35, and a bi lotof students and others aie taking advantage of the occasion for a holiday. Toe cadet band makes the trip and fur nishes music at the meet. A two stcry stoceboilding, 100 feet pqaare with a theatre on the upper fluor, all for Corvallis, is talked about. It is, indeed, declared to ce projected, Marshall Miner ia, if the enterprise goes, to be the builder. He has told friends that he has btea considering such a structure for some time, and that he has at last determined to build That is all the Times knows about it, and it gives the statement herd or what it is worth, a diligent Eeirch yesterday having failed to fiad Mr. Miller in time to get a con tinuation. The proposed site 18 in the rear of Bcrman'e store. In jesterday'sOregonlan, Train er Jtiayward, ot Eugene, claims that he will win the state track meet at Salem for the university by a score of 61 to 58 for O. A. C. A schedule of the events and the pla ces Mr. Hay ward assigns appears with the Etatement. He claims that! his man Friessel will defeat Wil liams in the 100 yard daeh. The claims will probably tak a good many people from O. A. C. to Sa lem to see how the thing is all go ing to be done. Beginning tonight with the graduating exercises of the .depart ment of instrumental music, the programme for Commencement at O. A. C. Is as follows: Sunday, June 11th, 1045 a. m., Baccalaure ate sermon, Rev. Elwin L. House D. D., Armory; 3:00 p. m., meeting of Young Men's and Young Wo men's Christian Associations, Col lege chapel Monday, June 12th, 8:00 p. m., Exercises ofDepartment of VlcsI Music, Oollege chapel. Tuesday, Jane 13th, 2:00 p. m., Class Day Exercises, College Cam pus., 8:00 p. m., senior Play, Opera houee. Wed nesdaj, Jane 14th, 10 a. no., Commencement, Armory: 3 p. m., Bneiness Meeting of. the Alumni, College chapel, 8 p. m., Exercises 61 the Alumni, Armory. At(a -eghj-ar '"meeliBg of Cor vallis Assembly United Artisans of Corvallis, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: G. Lane, M. A.; Lillie J. King, Sup t.; Martha Abbott, Inspee tor; Eva Starr, spcretarj; George Carl, treasurer; Ethel Kyle, Sr Con.; Ellen E. Munday, M. O; Sa rah Stewart, Jun. Con.; Permelia Brien, J. F. Yates, F. C. After election of office's an open meeting was held for the members of the order and invited frisnds. A pro gramme was rendered and refresh ments weie served. Among others who took part on the programme were, vocal solos, Hazel Kyle; vo cal solo, Otto F. L. Herse; Guitar solo, W. G. Emery; Address, Geo. W. Denman. On and after June 1st. the Southern Pacific in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and ., Detroit at very low rates, good for return until October 10th, iqc 5. Three day tickets ,to Newport and Ya quina good going Saturdays and return ing Mondays ara also on sale from all eastside points from Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all westside points. Season tickets from all eastside points Portland to Eugene in elusive a n d f r o m all Westsid e . points are also on sale to Detrqit at very low rates -with stopover privileges at Mill City or any other point east enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Breiten bush hot springs in the Cascade moun tains which all can be reached in a day Season tickets will be good for return from all points October loth. Three day tickets will be good going Saturdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vicinity will be good for return via the east or the west side at option of passenger. ' Ticksts from Eu gene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon-Springfield branch, if de sired. Baggage on Newport - tickets checked through to Newpoit: v'on -Yaquina to Yaquina only.. S. P. trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany . and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E; for Detroit will leave A lbany at - 7:3o a. m. enabling tourists to the hot springs to reach there the same dav. Train froai and to Corvallis connect with all east side trains on the S. P. Full information as to rates, time ta bles, etc can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo, Geh. Pass. agt. C. & E. R. R.; Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P, A. S. P.: Co. Portland or to any S, P. or C. & E. agent. Rate from Corvallis to Newport, $$.75. Rate from .- ' to Yaquina, fcj.i? .. , ,,. to Detroit, 3.25. Three day rate from Corvallis to Ya quina or Newport, 2.50. v Philomath Items. Born, May 3lst, . to Mr and Mrs. John Bennett, a son. ' '': ; Rev. McBride and S. Wallace,! are making preparations to move to California. 1 hey expect 'to go with teams. V Rev. Loudy preached his fare well sermon last Sunday night. He expects to take an appointment in the Walla Walla conference next year. ... James Watkins who has been sick with typhoid fever is again able to be up. S. Moses went to Corvallie Mon day to bid farewell to his cousin, Miss Hatlie Moses, who is return ing to.her home in Tennessee, after a short visit in Oregon. - Mrs. Minnie Kisor and Mre. Pearl Friend are at Portland as del egates to the .Grand Lodge of Re- bekah's. - Bobbie Frink started Monday for Alaska for an extended visit with his sister, Mrs. Shepherd, whose husband has a government position in the life saving service. ,. Bishop Birkley is expected at Philomath this week on business connected with the college. Mrs, Joeeph Taylor and son are erecting a very nice residence for Mr. Carey, ou his lot recently pur chased in the south part of town. Ezra Walkins Is giving a new coat of paint to the school house. Rev. J. R. Parker has returned from Topeka, where he attended the U. B. gerjeral conference as a delegate. Mrs. Henkle, who was also a delegate, is visiting friends in Iowa. Commencement exercises at the brick college this week . Cuban Diarrhoea. U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba dur ing the Spanish war know what this dis ease is, and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so much water. Cuban Diarrhoea is almost as severe and dangerous as a mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, however, that can alwavs be depended upon as will be seen by the following certificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texas : hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic, Unolera and Diarrhoea Remedy cared my husband of a severe attack of Cuban Diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors but they did him no good. One bottle of this rem edy cured him, as our neighbors will tes tify I thank God foi so valuable a med icine." For sale by Graham & Wortham, For want of- room we will! close out at cost all our trunks telescopes, small Rugs and Art Squares. This Sale is bona fide, we want the room for a ladies Suit and Cloak dej'dttment.' J. M. Nolan & Son. Dr. Lowe wont be back for 6 months. : , Sheriff's Sale. Oa Saturday the 24th day of June, 190.). at the hour if one o'clock In the afternoon, at the front door -if the court honse in Corvallis, Benton Coui-ty, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the h ghest bidder, for cash in hand allot the following described real prope.ty eltuated in Benton county, towit: The southwest quarter and -the west half of the souheast-quarter of section 5, township 15, south, range 5 west: also beginning at the south west corner of section 5, township 15 South, rang9f west and lunning thence south tothe county line between Benton and Linecouutv, in the state of Oregon, thence east-along the said county line to a point south of the south east corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of said section a thence north to said southeast corner of the said west half of the southeast quarter of said section 5 and running thence west aloug the south line of said section 5 to the rjlace of besriunlllff : also hecrlnninsr n t: I the southwest corner of the donation land claim ot Konori any a, neing Claim so. 44, In town ship 15 south, range 5 west, and running thence north along the west line of said Boyd claim to the center of the county road as now traveled thence north 82 degrees and 30 minutes west 4.10 chains along sold center of road, thence west along the center -of said road 1G.30 chains to the point on the west line,of said section 5 township 15 Bouth, range 5 west, thence south to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said section a, thence east to the place of be ginning, excepting from last described tract a certain tract of land containing about 10 acres deeded by George A. Houck and wife to Char les Clem by deed dated April S'h, ' 1898, and - re corded in Book "W" at page 491 thereof records of deedsfor Benton county, Oregon: Said sale is made under an execution in mv hands issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, in the suit of Geo. E. Chamberlain, et al, constituting the State Land Board, plaintiff vs. H. M. Donat, et al, de fendants, a proceeding to foreclose a mortgage. May 27, 1S05. - M. P. Burnett, ' Sheriff of Benton County, Crepon Sheriffs. Sale. On Saturday the 21th day of June, 1905, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon, at the front door of the court house in Corvallis, Ben ton county, Oregon,-1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the following described real property situated lu Benton county, Oregon towlt: The east half of the southeast quarter cf sect ion 5; the west halt of the southwest quarter the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter of Sect ion i all In township 15 south range 5 west; al so beginning at the southeast corner - of the northeast quarter ot section 5, township 15 south range 5 west, and run thence west 15.25 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 15.35 chains, thence south 20 chains to the place ot beginning, containing 30 X acres more or less Said sale Is made under an execution in m y hands, Issued out of 'the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, in the suit of Geo. E. Chamberlain et al constituting the State Land Boa) d, plaintiff, vs. George Schafer et al defendants, a proceeding to foreclose a mort gage. . -. . . M.P.Burnett, .. . Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon May 27th. 1905... - - uiosins 11 YOU'LL NEVER FIND ,, Copyright 1 Hart Schaffner 904 by Marx S. L. KLINE Use ATHENIAN Patent Flour TT a handsome A awc. with every Old Glory Roast Coffee Thi coffee is packed in four'pound tins ' and warranted to be of. the finest quality. For sale at : & Hodes' Grocery ; Use -ATHENIAN Patent Flour WE DO MOT'; 0PTSN-- CHANGE v.Vii r j t x vyur au., uud uur . every day. lour money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. m UJfll f jn, m Dlgf.Sjiii Domestic f f Plata a! Fancy V 1 - A large and We always keep when they are tobe had. e. b. IPI 9 rv v Hunters' Supplies, j porting Goods, Sewing . Mach. Extras, I " Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery ( H. E. HODES, - CORVALLIS. OR. I Better clothes at any price than you find here made by Hart, SchafFner & Marx from $10 to 25. There's not a thread of thes. We put all wool and silk into ours, the label is the sign of it, a small thing to look for, a big thing to find, keeps their shape till worn out, a new one free if they go wrong. Mail orders filled correctly. For 'sale only by Use ATHENIAN Patent Flour cup and saucer can of 3 Use atheinhan Patent Flour' i j guuus uiiauge nanus rocerlBS and Imported. ware varied line Vegetables when fL m v-fe C -fl- nu -w. Fishing Tackle, Fresb C CblQ B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK BIdg. Hours lO to 12 and 2 to . Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER P. A. Klines line Phone I. O. Address, Box n. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Lire Stock. . Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. E.E.WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. For Sale. Cigar clippings of our own manufact ure, Rose & Son. m25 tf E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, . H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & '- ham's drug store. J. FRED FATES ATTORAn I -AT-LA W. First Natl Bank Building, Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County G. R. FARRA, Physician &ISurgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick idence on the corner of Madison Seventh st. phone i fi W. E. Yates Bert Yates Yates 6c Yates Law, Abstracting & Insurance. Zierolf Building Both Phones. Corvallis, Or. CORVALLIS RATES To Lewis and Clark Fair Over the Southern Pacific. Individual Kaies, Rate One and one third fare for the round trip, 3.50. Sale Date Daily fronv May 29th to Oct ober 15, 1903. Limit Thirty days but not later than : October 315.1905. - Parties of lo or IHOre Parties of 10 or more from one point, must travel together on one ticket both ways, party tickets will be sold as fol lows; Rate One fare tor the round trip, $2.60. Sale Date Dtily from May 29th to Oct ober 15th, 1905. Limit Ten days. Organized Parties, For organized parties of one hundred or more moving on one day from one place individual tickets will be sold as follows: Rate One fare for the round trip, 2.60. Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct- ooer iiu, Limic Ten days. ' Stop-Overs, No stop-overs will be allowed on any of the above tickets; they must be used for continuous passage in each direction, For further information call on W. E. Coman, Gen, Pas. Agt. - . E. Farmer, - Agt. Corvallis. . . . Diamond Chick Food. Head Light oil the best for incubators. Field and garden seeds at WILLAMETTE VALEY Banking Company Corvallis, Oregon. Responsibility, $100,000 - Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. - Burs County. City and School :'''-. Warrants. '.- Principal Correspondents SAN FKANC1SOO PORTLAND f fTho Bank o " SEATTLE f California 1AOOMA .,, 1 NEW TORK-Weasn. J. P. Morgan A Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The Kepnb- Ho. ' LONDON, ENG. N M Kotlischilds tt Sons CANADA. Union Bank of Canada .- .. .