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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1905)
LOCAL LORE. SEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items of Public Interest. Johnnie Irwin, deputy county clerk, left Monday as a delegate to tbe grand lodge of Odd Fellows at Portland. Next Sunday is Children's day at Simpson chapel. The exercises, conducted by the Sunday school, will be 'followed by a baske; din ner. . -7-Mrs. Grace Hall is suffering with an attack of appendicitis, with which she was prostrated Thurs day evening. She is improving and -it is anticipated that an oper ation will be avoided. Joseph Fierstein and family left Monday for Albany, to reside, expecting later, probably to move to Oregon City. Old Joe . has trimmed many a hedge and spaded many a rose bed about Corvallis, but it's all ofF now, and doubtless 3ome regrets will be expressed. It is no l. nger . Robinson & Fuller, the truckmen.. George W. Whiteside has fc ought Captain Robinson's interest in the business, and the firm is Fuller and White side. The change took effect " the Srst of the month. J. M. Howard . has become part owner in the City Transfer Company. He purchased the in terest of I. F. Wooster, and assum ed charge'Monday. The other members of the company are, Guy Seeley, Floyd Lane and John Cieson. Reports in the Portland papers tSat Mordaunt Goodnough had his pockets picked and his watch and money taken on a Portland street car are erroneous. ' : Mr. Good nough did not have his pockets picked. He did not lose any mon ey. He still has his watch. -. " Miss Weller, one of the public .school teachers, left Monday tor a visit at McMinnville, after " which she returns to her home at Browns ville for the summer vacation. She has been re-elected to her po sition in this city. Arthur J. Francis and wife arrived'Satnrday and are the guests o! Mr. and Mrs. John Allen. Mr. . Francis is a brother of Mrs. Allen. He is in businors in Manila, Phil ippine Islands, and is in Oregon on a visit. He is a Portland boy ' who went to the Islands six" years ago as an army clerk and seeing an op portunity, invested in business. William M. Castle has joined - the Benton county colony atlrrigon, . Eastern Oregon. , Elviri Newton sveit a short time ago, and some of the Henkle boys were already set tlers there. . The section is tribu tary to some of the irrigating propositions and is expected to be come thrifty. Most of those who Isave gone are taking up home steads. After a chaseof four hours, twa Bellefountain hounds captured a- coyote Sunday. The dogs be longed to Ed Belknap and James Winn. , . The Winn "dog started tbe covote Sunday morning:. - The flight led past Belknap's house, . where the second hound joined in the chase. ; The coyote had a wound in the foot, and after a run af fsur hours was :; overhauled by the dogs. A few days before the covote had killed five goats in . Homer Trout's herd. - The graduation recital of the piano department of O. A. C. oc curs at college chapel next Satur day evening at 8 o'clock. The following program will be given by Louise Smith Glanville. Sonata, . Op. 3r No i, Beethoven; If I were xbird. Henselt; Etude, Op. 10 No 5,. Nocturne, 6p. 15, No. 2, Valse, Op. 70 No. 1, Chopin; Hungarian .Rhapsody, No. 6, Lizst; Concerto in A minor, Hummel.. The -orchestral part will be played on a second piano by Mr. Taillandier. ' The Pioneer bakery has new owners. They are Keith Brown and Dell Alexander. The pur chase was made the latter part of Jast week and the new proprietors are now at the helm. . , A depart ment of fresh confections is. to , be added, Keith Brown having ;learn . ed the business during a recent so " Jottrn in southern Oregon. Clean: , iiness and enterprise y is to be the ; motto of the new firm, and there is ; bo doubt but they will succeed. . Dell Alexander will leave his place with J. H. Harris and become a , a. fixture at the bakery July 1st. -v Mrs. W. S. McFadden spent Saturday with Albany friends. Miss Marie Groves, who haa been attending ecbool in Albany, has returned home to remain. Mrs. Sarah Moore and Miss Eda Jacobs left Sunday to attend the grand lodge of Rebekah's which convened in Portland, Monday Gay E Moore is expected to ar rive today from Chicago where he ha3 been a student of dramatic art and physical science eince last Sep tember. Stanley Herbert arrived yester day morning from" Oakland, Cali fornia wbere he holds an important position &9 civil engineer for a big contracting farm. Mrs. Walter Palmer, nee Jen- nie Gelletlv, of Baker 1 City, and Mrs. Thayer, nee Nettie Gellatly, cf Astoria, arrived yesterday for a Commencement visit. A new diiectory for the Inde pendent Ttlephone Company 19 now 00 the press. They contain a large number of new names, and will be ready for use about the 10th of this month. Jesse Moses and J. J. Tryan of the firm of Moses Bros., gave a very nlf aaant party to a number of their friends Friday evening. There, were about twenty guests present. After Eometim'e spent in conver sation andy merrmaking, ice cream and cake were served. A petition before tbe council Monday nigbt asked , authority to build a cement pavement 12 feet in width in front of all the business property from the north lines of the Laffertv building south to the cor ner. The usual width of pavements on Main street is ten feet. The pe tition wa3 referred to thestreet com mittee. . ' " " . The "papers in the injunction suit to restrain . the city council from advancing monej to Fpay for the preliminary survey for moun tain water, were served Friday eve ning. All the councilman, the mayor, the police judge and the treasurer were visited by the sheriff. The surveying party, however, con tinues in the field, expecting to finish work in a( few days. M A plan to build a cement pave ment and entrance to the City hall is nnder contemplation. The wooden aff-ir oa the north tide of the build ing will soon be in ruin. At a re cent fife when a team drove up " to haul out one of tbe hose carts, otie horse fell .with a foot through the walk. The wonder is that tbe limb a9 bet broken, and a damage suit brought egainst the city." Bids were opened at a council meeting Mon day night iGr tbe "work. One bid der offered to do it for $220 and asother for about $250. One was to do some preliminary work, the o'.h er wa not. The bids were rtferred to the fetreet committee. . Eugene Guard: Since its de feat by Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis, May 27; the track i-quad of the University of Oregon has been training extra bard tor tbe state field meet at Salem on June 10. Henderson is not able to compete because he is obliged to leave college to eo to work, ilea derson will have completed his ex aminations before "this meet, but will return to enter the contest if he can arrange it with. his employ ers. Henderson means seven-points for the 'varsity. - Trainer Hay ward figuresv the result of the meet, provided Hendeison takes part, .thus: Eugene 59 points out of a possible 148; Corvallis, 56; Pacific University, . 25 1 and Willamette University, 7. . A dead horse Wa8 discovered m the mouth of Marv'a River the oth er evening. How it got there, no body know?. What disease it died with, whether with a malady from germs that might be fatal to man, is not known. The carcass was lodged against a Bballow spot in the mouth of the stream. Just how long it remained there is cot cer tain. A3 soon as it was reported to Chief Lane, a man was sent to remove it, but meantime, the car cass had, disappeared The river is low now, and. of course the wash from the carcass in all human prob ability swept into the water mains of Corvallis,' and made good drink ing for Corvallis families. Under the circumstances, how fanny it seems that there should be an in junction to6top a survey and delay the effort to get water : from the mountains. --- . - ! Revolution Imminent. - A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes- It nev er fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liv er, and clarify the blood. Run down sys tems benefit particularly and all the usu al attending aches . vanish under ' its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters u only 50c, and . that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfac tion. . Guaranteed , by Allen & Wood ward. ' - t - ON RECORD NOW. Water Committee Bound by Own" Act ion not to Oppose Change in . Water Bill. ' A resolution declaring the right J of the people to make the Water Commission elective, and declaring further that the water .. committee has no opposition to 6Ser to any movement by citizens for' securing a change in the law was passed by the Water Committee, at a meeting held Friday afternoon. The res olution was adopted with but one dissenting vote. Mr. Woodcock voted against it, and was given permission. to record his objection in the minutes of the meeting. His objection is that he does not pro pose now to take any action or en ter into any agreement that shall prevent him from pursuing any course that he may see fit in the 9. future with reference to the law. The resolution adopted is as ; fol lows: , Resolved that there is no question in the minds of members of this committee that the people have the right, at any time to secure from the legislature an amendment to the water bill so that members of the water committee, or commission, or both may become elective by the people, and that as a committee we have no opposition to offer .any movement bv citizens for securing such' a change: and be it further Resolved, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this committee and that a ' copy be fur nished the common council of Cor vallis under the direction of whose special committee said " water, bill was prepared and the members of this committee selected." a . There was discussion of the res-! olution. A majority of the memb ers favored a stronger resolution. The question came up as to wheth er it .was better for six members to pass a strong resolution, or all but one member adopt a somewhat milder one. It was concluded that the latter course would doubtless be more acceptable to the. people, and action was taken accordingly." The resolution was reported to the "city council Monday night and by un animous vote that body approved it and ordered it spread upon the minutesto stand as a record of the action of the water committee. : The resolution ought to- be the means of letting mountain water go to a vote of the people on its merits.; If the . members c of the, water committee themselves at their first meeting, officially suggest a change so as to make the commis sion of committee, or both elective by the people, putting the", resolu tion of record with the city council, there shonld. it would seem, be no further reason for fear that- the committee might hornswoggle all the water, - turn Corvallis : into a kingdom, skip w:th the water works, and cut off the heads of the leading citizens, send others into exue and condenm chains and slavery." the rest to Dr. I,owe wont be back fcr 6 months Sheriff's Sale. On Saturday the 24th day of June, 1905. at the hour nf one o'clock in theatiernoou. at tbe front doot of the court house in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hind allot the following described real prope ty situated in Benton county, towit: ' The southwest quarter and the west half of the souheast quarter of section 5, township 15, couth, range S west: also beginning at the south west corner of section d, township 15 South, rang5 west and running tbence south tothe county line between Benton and Lanecountv , In the state of Oregon, thence east along the Bald county line to a point south of the south east corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of said section 5 theuce north to said southeast corner of the said west hall of the southeast quarter of said section's and running 5 to the place oi beginning; also beginning at int soutn west corner 01 ine aouauon lana claim ot Robert Boyd, being claim -So. 44, in town shipl5 south, range 5 west, and running thence north along the west line of said Boyd claim to the center ot the county road as now traveled thence north 82 degrees ana 30 minntes west 4.10 chains along said center of road, thence west along the center of said road 16.30 chains to the point on the west lioe,of said section 5 township 15 south, Tange 5 west, thence south to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter ot said section 5, thence east to .the place of be ginning, excepting from last ': described tract a certain tract of land containing about 10 acres deeded by George A. Houck and wife to Char les Clem by deed dated AprllHth, 1898, and re corded In Book "W" at page 491 thereof records of deedsfor Benton county, Oregon: Said sale is made under an execution In my hands issued out ot the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, in the suit of Geo. K. Chamberlain, et al, constituting-, the State Land Board, plaintiff vs. H. M. Donat, et al, de fendants, a proceeding to foreclose a mortgage. May 27, 1U05. M. P. Burnett, , . Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon- Sheriffs Sale. On Saturday tbe 21th d:iy of June, 1905, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon, at the front door of the court house In Corvallis, Ben ton county, Oregon, I will Bell at public auction tothe highest bidder for cash In hand, all of the following described reai property situated in Benton county, Oregon towit: - ' ' -' The east half of tne southeast quarter cf sect ion 5; the west half of the - soumwst q uarter the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter the northwest quarter of the-southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, tbe south half gf tbe northwest quarter of Sect ion 4 all In townsblp 15 south range 5 west: al so beginning at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter ot section 5, township 15 south range 6 west, and run - thence west 15.25 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 15. chains, thence south 20 chains to the place ot beginning, containing 30X acres more or less Said sale Is made under an execution In my hands. Issued out of "the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, in the suit of Geo. E. Chamberlain et al constituting the State Land Boa: d, plaintiff, vs. George Schafer et al defendants, a proceeding to foreclose a mort gage.' i 'v .- ' !. .... -. v' . : 'Ov, M. V. Burnett, A . . ' Sheriff ot Benton County, Oregon- May 27th. 1905. When you get a hurry call for Trousers-for knock about or Sunday best-there's one sure place you can rely on, and that's right here. If you're looking for values you can t do better than Wer- nermade Pants." '- : When pou reach the question of "fit" try them on you will wonder why you paid more for the kind you're wearing Know where to come for ' Trousers, Be posted on "Wernermade" styles and "Wernermade" prices $1 to $5 S. L. Use ATHENIAN Patent Flour Tii?e a nansome CUP an saucer 1 l&C with every can of Old Glory Roast Coffee rThis coffee is packed in fourjpound tins and warranted to be of the finest quality. For sale at Hodes Use ATHENIAN - Patent Flour fa Our ad., but our goods change hands : every day. 5Tour money exchanged for Value and.: Quality is the idea. 4 m :, ,. ... ... . . ; S Bigl.Liiie 4 Domestic Plain and Fane? CMnaware " A large and We always keep when they are tobs ha d. e. oneer Hunters' Supplies, porting Goods, t., f n t:j ivcp ui an iviuub, H. E. MODES, - HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take ' pleasure in giving you all the reliable Information : you wish, also showing you over the country. AMBLER; 6c WATTERS , ' Real Estate, Loan and Insurance . . - , ' - f Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. ' KLINE Use ATHENIAN Patent Flour Grocery Use ATHENIAN ; Patent Flour and Imported. varied line. Vegetables when p. tore I Fishing Tackle, Sewing Mach. Extras, k j tjt! r..4.i k aiiu j. 111c v uuciy CORVALLIS. OR. Fresl Groceries Gun-.S B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bids'. Hoartt lO to 12 and 2 to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. . Corvallis, Oregon. P. A. KLINE - LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER P. A. Klines line Phone 1. O. Address, Box ir. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. L . . ; E. E, WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LA W. For Sale. Cigar clippings of out own manufact ure. Rose & Son. - m2S tf B. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor." Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & v,' -'ham's drag store. J. FRED STATES ATTORKt, I -AT-LA W. First Nat'l Bank Building, Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County G. R. FARRA, Physician &I Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett 'Brick idence-on the corner of Madison Seventh at. - Phone it hiassnil 1 a W. B. Yates Bert Yates Yates 6c Yates aw, Abstracting & Insurance. Zierolf Building Both Phones. Corvallis, Or. CORVALLIS RATES To Lewis and Clark Fair Over the Southern Pacific. Individual Rates. Rate One &nd one third fare for the round trip, 3:50. Sale Date Daily from May 29th- to Oct ober is, l9o3. Limit Thirty days but not later than .-. October 315.1905. Parties of lo or more Parties of 10 or more from one .oint, must travel together on one ticket both ways, party tickets will be sold as fol lows; Rate Ona fare for the round trip, $2.60. Sale Date Dtily from May 29th to Oct- oher 15th, 1905. Lamft -Ten days. Organized Parties, For organized parties of one hundred or more moving on one day from one place individual tickets will be sold as follows: Rate One fare for the round trip, $2 60. Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct- , ober 15th, 1905. Limit Ten days. Stop-Overs, No stop-overs will be allowed oa any of the above tickets; they mut be used for continuous passage in each direction,1 . For further information call on . W. E. Coman, Gen. Pas. Agt. . E. Farmer, Agt. Corvallis. Diamond Chick Food. Head Light oil the best for incubators. Field and garden seeds at WILLAMETTE VALLEY i . Banking Company . ' CORTALUa, OllEGOXi Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. ... Bays County, City and School Warrants.' Principal Correspondents - BAN FBANCISCO V POBTLAXD . ( The Bank o ' ' SEAT1XE .. f , f ; - California '. : TAOOMA . . - (TEW TORK-Messrs. J. P. aiorjran A Co. " CHICAGO Matlonal Bank ot Xbe.Kepttb - - Ho. , f - , LONDON, ENG N M Rothschilds & Son , CANADA. TJnloa Bank of Canada,