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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1904)
LOCAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People! Social Gossip, Personal Men- . tion and Other Items of Public In.terest Miss LWetoe JonPs cf Amity, la a guest at the X. i''. Gillespie borne. GecrsjB Belt left Sunday for a week'u outlug at Newport. Misses Melvtra aid Mary Elgin were visitor at the Bay Sunday. The Tbrasoer-MUIhollen-Portfr party returned yesterdty from their outing in Al-ei. ' , - : Heory HiDton of Bruce, left Mon day for S ileal, to consult aa eye specialist. Elvio Crutebfleld of Albany, was the KueaV of C.rvallis friends over Sunday. ., Mr. and Mro. Willed Gilbert of Dallas, arrived Saturday and are guests at the Gilbert home. W. A. Bwd&ni Mies Maud Bu chanan of Wells, were Corvallia visit ors Monday. Miss Adelaide Grefftz arrived from Portland Saturday, for a visit with Oorvallis relatives and frlecds. Mrs. Ed DeArtnood arrived yes terday from Suver for a visit with her mother, Mra. Margaret Oummines, on College Hill. Dr. J. M. Guthrie formerly of Payette, Iowa, now at Seattle, la a guest at the Colbert home. The Bebekahs had a jolly time , In -their hall Monday eveulog. Ice cream and other dainties were featur es of the occasion. Earl Landls, of the dispatcher's offloe at Boseburp, wai the guest ot nl.iiidft ovr Sucday.etiroute to Newport. Mr". Ward Wlso-arver of M?. iuiuuviup, icu ouoaay ir ner ti.atue unci a visu ai me nome or tier pa enta j w..,.m n.. t,.,.-L nrd Mrs. FrBnk Whltber and Miss Maud Whi'aber frrmed a party! that left Saturday tr nlg for a carifelng inp at JtacnatB. -. Bev. F. L. Moore and fam returned from Canby, Saturlay, where thpy have been attending the camp meeting. U. G.M, manager of the J. K. Spaulriiog fcglng eompaoy, was In Oorvallis SiitiTrday, with a raft of logs enrsute Peoria, 1 Rev. Carrlck BTeacled at Browns vlllo Sunday, extutnaltig pulpits for the day wlin Bev. Prjitt. who spoke at the Presbyterian church In Corval lls. H. H. Goodppeed of Butte, Mon tana, has arrived, and Is -at the borne of bis sister, Mrs. Mulkey. He suffers with asthma, and contemplates change or location Miss Juliet Cooper returned day from a visit wlta friends in land. She was accompanied ho Miss semeie urrat who will r for a visit In this city. Horace Locke, who Is travel! saleemaD for a Portland implement houfo, left Monday for that city, hav ing spent Sunday in Corvallls. There wps a Hg turnout at the Plymouth icecream social Saturday evening . A hay rack party from out in the hills brought a large number to tbs score, and several from Corval lls were present, besides tb usual crowd from the neighboring country. Everyone had a jolly time, and a tidy sum was realized from the sale of refreshments. Wash Ballard came Saturday to dispose of to Corvallls hla mohair, aod transact other business. Hlsleaaions. ..Ihajjung girl is a sister of irienne say tnat it was a commnatfon onions and eardlnes that causeir tbe serious illnees that followed, Saturday evening. For a while It eeenjBd that Mr. Ballard's time hsd com, but tbe oppoi tune arrival of Dr. Peguot with suitaDle remedies, resulted 18 a cure, aid ti-e ! atiiEt was soon able to re turn home. I Tne tlarper-Auen camping party arrived Sunday evening tfrom a two weeks outing in lseaA The party was cattfed on tjie AlaeaViver at David To mV place i dzjn cauaWra including peop!eficjh Indepecde and Portland werftjln the vicinity Game and fish wprJp aburdacce, and the trip was Telfy pleasant. The members ot tte fltrtyVfre Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Mjf. and Mto. John Al ien and Mrs. Mary BrysodV . i-A twelve year old cephew of J, K. Berry of this city met with a rain ful accident a day or two ago. The lad'a home Is at Peoria, but he la vis itlng in the Big Elk country, and was handling hay whan tbe accident hap pened. In some manner, young Ber ry tea on i a pitcn tori, tbe tines en tering at tbe elbow and tearing their way through tbe muscles cf the fore arm for a conatdorable distance. Tbe wound la a b id one, iltbough no Fe loua results are anticipated. ' &je h Harold WVkina arrived Sunday after a few weeks' fay In Portland.' Mies Bentba Thrasher ia visiting Albany friends this week. Mies Luli Busk of San Francis co is visiting her mother in this city. Ms. Lara Campbell arrived from Albany Monday and la the guest of Oorvallis frfecdav- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith visited relatives at Peoria Saturday and Sun day. Miss Mabel Cady is tjae guest this week ot friends a few nflea north of town. ; . . A party, of -Oorvallialtea visited Sulphur Springs Sunday and report a jjlly time. , -.. Hod. J. H. Sooit and wire of Dal las; were guet8 over Sunday of Cor vallls 'rle'rd. " , Alfred Johnson spent Sunday ?lih bis family, wbo are at Summit fjr their summer out!ug. -v.-'.:--. Miss Sadie Graves of . Independ ence is vUitiog for a few dtije - witn Maud GItaaon., , Today the Pater Rlckard thresh er begins operations on fall grain. ' It will thresh first for Mr. Blceard. The city debt of Albany Is, irf round numbers, $111,000, or,- abou five times the debt ot Corvallls. Dr. Robeits will remain a few day longer at the Occidental. Bush business prevented his the date inter; dad. departure o After a two wetka' outing at Cad cada, Frank Woods and family, an W. H. McMahoo and family returne home Saturday. A number ef ia ly mends wen pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Fre Yates at her home Satuiday after! noon. V M. P. Burnett left yesterda morning for a few days outing at Gad cadia. His family has been there fol two weeks. Miss Cora Scott of Tangent, ba been the guest for the past week ol Corvallls relatives, She left 'for hd home Sunday. . The Coffee C1 ladles had pleasant meeting iremen ball,Mori- day afternoon, were a feature. ty refreshments Mr. and Mr?. D. C. Cadewho have Deeo guests of Mrf. Caroline Mssfleld in this cUY; left Sunday for LMHume la em. - vements now in prog es. about t ollege grounds, is a new wilk leadl from the end of tbe cement wa Alpha ball to Cauthorn balW TWjO new top buggies left town SatUEday, having been purchased from liocSl establishments. They were bought by Ben Martin and W. NG. Rice. Mrs. Elizabeth Gerhard and daughter, MUs Mae, expect to leave today for Belliogham, Washington. They will be absent a month, or six weeks. Last Saturdaya conwact was let by tbe county to SxHpeterson for building a bridge acrqi Muddy near Grange Hall. The oOlyNither bidder was B. M. Gilbert. w The petition of E. M. Kimball for a gateway has been dismissed by tbe couutv court through lack of jurisdic- r JirSi Herron adMrs. Tollefh of Falrbury, Nebraeka.jjftrrived Monday for a few days vUltjrwvn Bev, Mark Noble and family. Tb ladles were members of a sjijirch over which Bev. Noble presided, thirty years ago. ugh Herroo, down yesterday from Irish Bend, says grain, both fall and spring, promises a. much better yield now than was expected a tew weeks ago, when predictions ot a slim crop were rife. In some Instances. Mr. Herron says, even spring grain promises at least, a passable yield, Miss Clara Brown, who Is a suf ferer from spinal trouble, is to be brought to Oorvallis from her country home in a few days, to receive treat ment from a local physician. A plas ter cast will be plaoed on tbe body, and left there for a number of days, this having been a mode ot treatment that has afforded relief on former oc- miss uaisy Jtsrown, ot mis city. , A new telephone directory has been issued by the Pacific States Co. for Corvallls and adjoining cities and county. It gives the complete list of subscribers at Albany, 500; Browns ville, 45; Corvallls, 210; Crawfords ville, 20; Ha.risburg, 16; Sclo, 105; Shedd, 9, and public offices at Blodg- ette, Crabtree, Dusty, Foster, Geilatiy, Holley, Hoekins,Lacomb, MUlersburg, Monroe, Peoria, Plalnview, Bowland, Sodavllie, Spicer, Sweet Home, Tan gent, Wells and Wren. o Yaquina Bay. On June 1st, the Southern Pacific Co, will resume sale of excursion tickets to Newport and Yaquina Bay. Both sea son and Saturday to Monday tickets will be sold. This popular resort is growing in favor each year, hotel rates reasonable and the opportunities for fishing, hunt ing and sea bathing are unexcelled by any other resort on the Pacific Coast. W.E. Coman, Gen, Passenger Agent. Buy your harvesting' Nolan a Callahan's. outfits at 1 - 31 ft ifcar cursion Kates! 1 1 1 11 HE MAY OWN UP "I HAVE CONFESSED TO GOD,' MRSy CROSS SAYS MUR DERER WILLIAMS TOLD HER. She Urges Him to "Confess to M.n" He Has Become a Holy Roll v er Conversion Not Thor- ough Other News. . ' The Dalle 8, Dr., July 22. Daniel Norman Williams has become a Holy Hollar. Through the efforts of Mrs. J. H.Cross.aprominent woman of that taith, the condemned man awaiting execution for the murder of Mrs. L. J. Nesbittand her daugh ter. Alma, has become a disciple of the doctrine made famous in Ore gon by Apostle ' "Joshua Creffield. And to Mrs. Cress, his religious tu tor, in his private cell, Williams has virtually confessed his crimes. The confession not complete. to prosperous grocer. Her dauguief is also a convert to the doctrines advocated by the peculiar sect. It was shortly after his trial and con viction that Mrs. Cross began to vieit Williams. " She was shown a little more consideration than oth ers who had called to see him by Williams on the occasion of her first visit. This woman look ' books and pamphlets dealing . with religious subjects to the condemned man, howevi r, and in these he soon be came much ioteretted. The result was that when she returned he .was in a more hospitable humor and the two had a lengthy conversation. Since then Mrs. Cross has called on Williams on an average ot twice a wetk. In fact, she is tbe 00 ly vis itor be has ever consented to re ceive. She soon began to urge him to accept salvation aod between her arguments and pondering over the religious works given him for peru fill Williams soon became mc&t pi ous in bis demeanor. One day last week, when he had t ad been exbottsd to embrace ' Mull and free ealvatfon" he broke (i wn and wept like a child, wrung o.a hands in anguish, Mrs. Cross rivs, and moaned. "Ob, I am an h ful guilty man. I have done H-me terrible things. But I have confessed it all to God.' I believe he will be merciful." . "Mr. Williams, a confession to God is necesaary," eaid Mrs. Cross, "but you should remember that no matter what yon have done, God knows all about it, anyhow. What he expects of you, in order to be convinced of your penitence, is that you confess before all men." - Williams staited to dry his tears and after a few sobs managed to control himself. He heaved several long sighs, opened bis mouth once or twice as if to speak, and then hung his head without saying any' thing. On being again urged to make a public confession he re plied: "I know that I am not saved. I know that I must do other things But wait. Many things may hap pen yet." Since his conversion Williams has appeared to be in fairly good spirits and eats and Bleeps well. He is not allowed the daily papers, by order of bhentt u. bexton, but is permitted to have a magazine occa sionally and all tbs religious books he wants. He will accept the lat ter class of literature from nobody but Mrs. Cross.' ' Armagh, Ireland, July 24. An enormous coucourse from all parts of Ireland was present today at the ceremony of the reopening of Ar magh cathedral, after four years' work of redecoratioD, which includ ed the covering of the entire walls with mosaic pictures. Cardinal Vannutelli, as the legati of Pope Pi us, and many Irish and foreign pre lates, among the latter Bev. Dr. Charles McCready, of Holy Cross church. New York were present. ' Rioting between Orangemen and Catholics took place here yesterday following. iha cocsforaticn of Ar magh cathedral. Many windows were smashed and btfndredsof shots fired. The constabulary were ston ed when they endeavored to restore order, and were finally compelled to use their batons freely. Many persons were woundedon both sides, but none was killed outright. ' r Tokio, July 25. The Tokio cor respondent of the Times, in a dis patch dated Jul? 24, says he be lieves the object of the Vladivostok squadron is to interrupt trade be tween the United States and Japan, and that steamers on the way from Canada and San Francisco are in serious danger. He says that a nother aim of tbe squadron is ap parently to seal Tokio Bay. ' Teacher's Examination. -' -' . i" ' - . . -- Notice is hereby given that a public examination will bs held for all appli cants for teachers certificates in the court house in Corvallia, Oregon, begin ning at 9 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, Aug ust to, i904, and continuing until Sat urday August 13, 1904, at 4 p. m. The following program will be followed. 1 ' For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 10, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing unti Saturday, August 13 at four o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. , ; Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psy chology. v , For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, Augnst 10, at nine a. m. and continuing until Friday August 12 at four p. tn, ,.' First, Second and Third Grade Certifi- : cates. Wednesday Penmanship. history orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic school law, civil government; Primary Certificates. ' Wednesday penmanship, orthogra phy, reading, arithmetic. - ' Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology ' Kated this 23rd day of July, 1904. Geo. W. Denman, County School Supt. Bridge Bids Winted. Bids will be received by the county court until 10 o'clock a m Saturday July 23, 1904, for the construction of a bridge across Muddy, at Grange Hall, nine mi les south af Oorvallis. pjans and speci fications are on file at the office of the county clerk. All bids must be accom panied qy usual deposit. ' The court re Serves the right to reject any or all bids. Thos. Jones, - ' Co. Surveyor. Corvallis, Oregon July 15, 19"4., 5 X - Ciyen His Time- Notice is" hereby given that my son, Belford Nois, aged 16 years has been given bis time by me, and that hereafter I will not be responsible for debts con tracted by hfm. Bated at Blodgett.Ben ton County, this the 27th day of June 19O4. William Nois , CROUP. Is a violent inflammation ot tbe mucous membrane of the wind pipe, which some times extend to the larynx and bronchial tubes: and is one of tbe moat dangerous diseases of children. It almost always comes on in the night. Give frequent small doses of Ballard's Horehound Syr up and apply iJailard'B enow Uniment externally to the throat. 25c 50c, $1. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Cheerfully Recommend atisms. for Rheum- O. G. Higbee, Danville, Di., writes Dec. 3, 1901. "About 2 years ago I was laid up for four months with rheumatism. I tried Ballard's Snow Liniment ; one bot tle cured me. I can cheerfully recom mend it to all suffering from like afflic tion." 25c, 50, $1. Sold by Graham & Wortham. E. E.WHITE Real Estate Co. Are you looking for a Home Or a good Investment? - If so we take pleasure in showing y6u over the country and are confident we can give yon the right price on some thing will suit you. ' -- We have tracts from 5 to I500 acres.' We have Fruit lands, Hop lands, Farm lands, Poultry ranches. Stock ranches and Timber lands. . Ranging in price from $7 to 125 per acre all owing to lo cation and improvements. We also have a nice list of city proper ty. Lots from Jts to $500 each. Resi dences from $350 to $3000 each according to location and lmprovemente we also have some good business locations. , . , Offices first door sooth of reading room. ' White & Stone, Corvallis Or. From the many styles we have in stock we present style No 74 Rycroft Last Patent Corona Colt . They need no breaking in S. L.' KLINE, REGULATOR OF : LOW PHICES Man's Aii Wool Suit $10.00 MD1SKLB & DAVIS Gorvallis.' Are you going to buy a suit or a pair of pants? Let us quote you priees. Call and see our line of ready made clothing. We will save you money. ; E. W. S. PRATT, .,.Piotieer (foui Store., Buntcrs Supplies, Tisbing icacklc, Sporting Goods. SEWING MACHINE EXTRAS Stock of 6. Bodes at Big Bargain E.E.WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office la Zierolf Biildiag, Cimllva. O P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER : CORVALLIS, OR. Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. O. Address, Box n. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. , . E. R. Bryson, , Attorney .3. t law. Reduced Round Trip -Rates Ac count World's Fair. First class tickets on sale June 16, 17, 18, July 1, 2, 3, August 8,ti, 10, Sept 5, -iS, 7. Oct. 3, 4, 5, Corvallis to St. Louis and return, good 90 dajs with stop over priv ileges at rates ranging from $67,50 to $82.50 according to route chos en. Passengers will have privilege of starting on any date which will enable to reach destination within ten days from the sale data. In quire at Agent -' Southern Pacific Co. Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad Time Card Number 22. For Yaquina: , .vx; ' Train leaves Albany. 14145 p, m . " Corvallia 1-45 p. m 1 " arrives Yaquina...... 540 p. m Returning: " A'vi Leaves Yaquina........... 7:15a. m Leaves Corvallia. .....11:30 a. m Arrives Albany......; 12:15 p. m For Detroit: Leaves Albany 1:00 p. m Arrives Detroit....... 6:00 p. m from Detroit: ,. . Leaves Detroit 6:30 a. m v. Arrives Albany...... ,il:ij a. m Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of.S P north bound train. i - Train So a connects with the S P trains at Corvallls and Albany giving direct ser . vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbusb and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at : 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit at 6:00, giv- . . ing ample time to reach tbe Springs the same day. . For further information apply to ; 1 ' Edwin Stonb, ifv - 1 Manager. H. H. Cronise, Agent Oorvallis. Thoa. Cockrell. Aeent Altwny. ; C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. Every Suit Guaranteed "An ounce of preven tion Is worth apiiund of cure." Prevent any abnormal condition of the eyes by properly fitted glasses and you'll prevent at the same time years, of mis ery and pain. The Jeweler and Optician. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY CoavAius, Qregox. Responsibility, $100,009 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School . Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SEATTLE TACOMA Tjniflon A San Tan. Cisco Bank Limited. NKW YORK M!egsrs. J. P. Morgan & Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The'Repab. -lie. . - LONDON, ENG. London & San FrauclMMk Bank Limited. CAN AD V VnlonBank of Canada. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Beaidence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & Wortham's drug store. ' ' "For Sale. ". ' ' A few choice Poland China pigs, both sexes, from registered stock, t5 per head in quire of Eobert Wylie, Le wisburg.