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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1904)
AGAINST SPAULDINCi LOSE LAND THEY FILED ON IN BENTON, Is Result of Land Contests Iade by Ambler, Charles Davis and Others Other Local ; News. V Title to a section of land in Ben ton county is involved in a decision just Tendered at the Oregon City land office. Mrs. Spaulding who resides at the corner of Seventh and Jefferson. Corvallis, with hjer son, danghter and grand daughter filed on a section of timber land . near - a saw mill, south of town. Henry Ambler, Charles Davis, William Mace and Mr. Burnap, all of Philomath, contested the claims on the ground that the Spauldings werenot Donafide residents, and were not homesteaders in good faith. There was a hearing of a week last ' August before County Clerk Moses, in which evidence pro and con was taken. Two of Jthe contests were also heard in Oregon City. A de cision just rendered by the land office officials- holds that the claims of the Spaulding's are invalid, be cause the filings are not in good faith. AS IT NOW STANDS. Judges and Clerks of Election The Revised List Some Changes. An adjourned meeting pf the county court as provided for by law was held at the court house Wednesday . to make required changes in the list of judges and clerks of election. A number of the appointees had signified an un willingness or inability to serve, and in the revised list several new names appear. The men whose names are printed below are those who will be on the battlements and preside over the several poling places on election day next June. The new list is as follows: Corvallis number i Judges, E. E- Wilson, chairman. P. Bilyeu, S. L- Shedd; clerks. Walter Locke, John Swick, H L. French. ' Corvallis number 2 Grant El gin, chairman, O. J. Blackledge, J. W. Crawford; clerks, J. L. Os- burn, William Moore, Miles Starr, Corvallis number 3 S. L Hen derson, chairman, E. B. Horning, E. J. Dunn: clerk", Charles Per not, Ed Smith, Alex Rennie. Corvallis number 4 J- D . How ell, chairman, E- H.. Taylor, E. Allen; clerks, W. T. Johnson," F. R. Overlander, W. H Dilley. Fairmount No. 5 H, J. Reese, chairman, F. H. Hughson, J. T. Mayberry; clerks. W. G. Abraham, F. M. Sharp, E. B. Small. Soap Creek No 6 E. F. Wiles, chairman, E. M. Dodele, E. C. Stellmacher; clerks. E.. A. Thurst on, Joe Smith, E. A. Blake. Kings Valley No. 7 L. G. Price chairman, By Frantz, F. J. Chamb ers; clerks, W. A. Winniford, Fred Groshong, Thomas Allen. Summit No. 8 E. F. Strouts, chairman, Fred Duncan. B. D. Pettit; clerks, Charles Savage, G. E. Barchard, A. Vance. Blodgett No. 9 Wm. Spencer, chairman, John Skaggs, G. H. Wamsley; clerks, S. R. Wood. A. L. Richardson, M. R. VanAlstyne. Wren No. io J. G. Springer, chairman. W. F. Bryans, W. A. Gellatly; clerks, George Harris, I. H. Jackson. George Bayne Jr. Philomath- No. 1 1 C. W. Davis", chairman, Sam Dixon, M. Burnap; clerks, C. G. Springer, Rufus Skipton, Robert Gellatly. Willamette No. 12 J. F. Porter, chairman, John Whitaker W, H. McBee; clerks. J. G. Buchanan, J. G. Winkle, George Mercer Jr. Alsea No 13 A. L. Clark, chair ' man, S. R. Strow, Willis Vidito; E. M. Kimball, M. P. Rycraft, J. F. Banton. . Bellfountain No 14 G. R. Hall, chairman, William Rees, J. P. Gragg; clerks, Ed Banton, H. T. Bristow. Monroe No 15 John Coffee, chairman, J. D. Hinton, Caspar, Zierolf; clerks, Charles Bowen, H. C. Herron, D. B. Farley. Loudon, Feb. 9. Hayashi this morning said it had today received a cablegram announcing the depar ture of the Japanese fleet for the Yellow sea, but no news of the en gagement at Port Arthur or of the landing of the Japanese troops at Korea. It says Russia is making deperate efforts through various embassies to have the powers inter vene. Russia is now willing to concede every thing, bat the offer comes too late. Go to Zicrolfa for fresh Yaquina oysters. Bay j rSBfgMOUfrj SIMPSON TALKS. . In Answer to "Bob's" Alleged Experi Z f, " ence at the Seance. I 9 '.In behalf of the media me, Broth ers Rowe aud Kajiouge, wto gave tbe seance, I wish to reply to an ar ucle published in the Gazette, en titled, "Woo Struck Bb?", These eeut'emen came to Corval lis opon invitation f:om myself acd wifV. They came highly recom mecdcd, and are gentlemen in ev ery respect. We never bave beeD in tbe habit, (or are not at tbe pres ent time) of arsocittsng with aoy people ef good character. The state ment in the Gazette is written as a burlesque and slur upon the above mediums, and the Spiritualists in particular. Before announcing peo ple as fxkei, I would suggest that tbe editor of the Gazette at least send a reporter, or attend a seance and see for himself, before making a publication which is a libelous and a slanderous insinuation upon the mediums, SpiritualUts and up on myself and family, knowing tbo$e gentlemen were guests in my borne at the time of said publica tion. Tbe "Bob" referred to' evi dently is Mr. Johnson. He attend ed the seance and conducted him self as a gentleman. - And there never wt-re aoy such actionB dnring tbe seance, as described in said ar ticle fas for Willie.) If bis. father had brought him up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, be no dcuSt would have learned to speak riebt out instead of giving the long, slow wiokp, wbich ate so very be coming 'o a bnsiQtss man ot the tOWn. CFYMOUR BIMPSON. President of First Spiritualiet Un ion of Coivalhs, Oregon. BILLS ALLOWED. List of Warrants Ordered Drawn at Last Week's Term of County Court The following bills were allowed by the County Court at its regular February term 1904, towit; T V Vidito const fees State vs Wagoner $ I 80 E HolgateJ P fees 3 05 T V Vidito const fees State vs Small J P court 6 00 ' Claude Walker wit State vs Small J P court 3 00 Oscar Hartly wit State vs .Small J P court 3 00 J S McMahon wit State vs Small J P court - 3 00 V L Hamilton wit State vs Small J P court . 3 00 L A Bundy wit fees State vs Small J P Court . 3 00 K Z Walker wit fees State vs Small J P court 3 00 R Healy wit fees State vs Small I P court 3 00 Chester Keady wit fees State vs Small J P court 3 00 Harvy Hart- wit fees State vs Smill J P court " 3 00 W L Price iury list J P court 3 00 . T M Ramsdell ast " " ' 200 TU Vidito const fees Small hearing 19 00 Victor P Moses computing 1903 roll 71 00 J H Harris supplies county poor 3 00 Bennett county physician 17 50 Allen & Woodward med co poor 11 15 Graham & Wort ham " " 6 25 E B Horning supplies co poor 11 00 Nolan & Callahan sup " 7 50 Mrs D Huggins care co poor 119 55 A Wilhelm & Sons sup co poor 4 35 J D Wells janitor ' 40 00 Corvallis limes printing etc 25 00 P S T & T Co telephone 6 60 J E Michael running ferry 53 35 OH D Butfum " ' Long Tom 20 00 O W Beckwith ferry work 50 J M Herron rent ferry boat 12 50 Fruit & Waggoner livery hire . 1 50 Price & McCallum road work 6 75 H T Maxfield road work 4 00 J S Miller " 400 City Transfer Co dray age 25 Benton County L Co lumber 20 65 Robt Lamberson gravel 5 00 K M Gilbert road work 22 50 James Martin gravel 2 41 D B Farley road work 3 00 City Transfer Co drayage 50 W C Corbett tiling for roads 9 60 G L Stoneback sal sup rddst no 1 16 00 T H Cooper " ' " 4 19 00 Lewis Wentz " " "5 600 E A Blake " " 6 19 00 J S Miller ' " " ". 7 26 00 W M Clark ' " "81000 A Cadwalader " " "9 19 00 WLRead " "103200 JRFehler " " n 33 00 GR Taylor " "12 300 GTVeinon " "133000 E N Starr " " " 14 9 00 John Crow " " "15 12 00 Albert Zierolf " " 16 5 00 DokeGray . " " " 17 400 J E Fai mer, trans Mrs. Marvin and daughter 88 50 R W Jones road work 6 00 Thomas Nolan wit pros atty 1 50 Geo Bryant " 150 CheBter Keady " 300 C C Cate " 3 00 Alfred Lewis " 150 RoyHealy " 450 Harvy Hart " 1 50 Robt Walker . T so Claud Walker " 1 50 Claud Whitehorn ' 150 Lerov McReynolda 1 50 J S McMahon " 150 Albert Strong " 150 Frank Thrasher " 150 O, L Hartly 300 M L Seits care pauper 75 M P Burnett supplies pauper 5 00 F L Miller mdse pauper 7 05 R S Irwin sal com 10 00 W A Jolly 11 80 ATTEST; - Victor P. Moses, County Clerk. . Dr. Wells, the Albany V S will be at Fruits livery stables every Friday of each week. Bring your horses and have them examined free of charge. IS A: GIANT.: SECRETARY ROOTS CHAIR ' JSVT BIG ENOUGH FOR TAFT. Was Afraid It Would Break Downt and : Had New One Made : . Comparative Strength of , Japanese and Russian .. Navies Other .' , - News. . ... Washiceton, Feb. 1. Secretary Taft'a firet official acttodav was' to summon tbe war department car penter and tell him to make a new de. k and chair, and be quick about it. Secietary Taft is six fett tall and weiebs 320 pounds. He found he could barely squeeze it to the chair used by Mr. Root. He could not sit comfoitible in it, and there was great danger that the chair would go to pieces under him if he moved Quickly. When he tried to get up to me desk he discovered that the opening was neither wide enough nor high enough to admit his legs. The best he could do was to pull out one of the small leaves of the dees aca try to write on that. . The desk and chair tbat will be built for the new . secretary will be of mammoth rroportions. The chair will be very strong, and will be braced with iron at every joint It is probable tbat a special chair will bave to be provided tor secre tary Taft in the cabinet room at tbe White House. The cabinet chairs are very large, as ordinary siz s go, but they are a tight fit for Mr. lait. O egon City, Ur Ueb. . 9 A series of revival meetings that has been conducted at Mulino by two Free Methodist, preachers, named Blair aud Ksywood, terminated rather abruptly a few days ago. The form of services conducted by tbefe men is reportel to have been similar to that of the Holy Rollers, of Corvallis fame, and the meetings increased in interest and enthusi asm until the usual quiet of the lo cality was considerably disturbed. The meetings were to have concluded-Saturday evening, but' on Friday night eome of the displeas ed residents of Mulino neighbor hood gained entrance to the hall in wbich the services were being held, and left a can of tar on the ros trum, betide which was deposited a note stating that in the opinion . of the law-abidiDg people of Mulitao tbe meetings had progressed about as far as would be tolerated. ' y ' The warning had the desired effect, and no further disturbance attended the evangelistic meetings, w hich have since been abandoned. Chefoo, Feb, 10. More than one I a If of the Russian officers at Port hur blame Admiral Alexiefi for tie disaster that has overtaken Is or. They believe that, instead ii spending the time sending com rt noications to St. Petersburg dur iii ( the last lew weeks, bewailing t e anxiety for peace that prevailed there, he should have been prepar ing his forces for the combat. In fact, the wish is declared to have been made by one of the admiral's former warmest supporters' that he would be recalled to St. Petersburg-, court maitialed and shot for in competency. The land forces are in a bad way and are ready to run at the first fire. A corpse of tbe determined Japanese infantry would have little trouble takicg the fortress with the squadron attackiag from the harbor mouth. The situation - at present looks as if Russia would be forced to abandon her "modern Gibraltar" within a very short time. Tokio, Feb. 10. Japan seized Masampho Sunday and dispatched a heavy force there. Japan will fortify the port and establish a mil itary and naval base' there. Ma sampho is an exceedingly import ant point, as it controls the Corean channel and is an excellent base for future operations. FOR SALE. Vetch, seed at Corvallis Floor Hills Farmers' Hotel, COKVAIXIS, OBEGON TABLES FURNISHED IN GOOD OLD COUNTRY STYLE. White Help Only Em ployed. Good Clean Beds and Comfortable Rooms. A home for fanners and labor ers. Rates reasonable on application. M.L. SEITS,. Prop. f Resolutions."; 'A I r Vhebkas, It has pleased, t ' , Father of all meicies to pfrncitte' hai d of D'ath to remove fiom our midst, t that mysterious bourne from whence there is no return, oor belovtd friend and brother, Oral W. Miller.. " - Whereas, - - The faculty and stu dent body of tbe college of Philo math' have . known him : to have been of marked individuality and sterling character, and recognize in his untimely death an irreparable lots of an affectionate son and broth er to bis family, of a devoted stu dent to the college of Philomath, of a loyal member ti the church, and of one wbes9 life gave promise ot great os-fulness to the community, therefore b it Resolved. That we extend our heart-felt sympathy to the grief s'rkktn relatives of the departed. Ba it . ;., Resolved. Thet we strive to emulate the noble characteristics of his life. And be it further Resolved.' That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, that a copy be plased in tqe college chapel for the remain der of this school term, that copies b9 sent ti the Christian Conserva tor and to tbe county papers. Sadie Crocker.) E. L. Keezel, Com. , "' ' " Rl'BY HlATT. ) ' London, Feb. 10. A special dis patch if om Ttkio, dated today, says it is reported that three transports of the Russian fleet, conveying a bout 2.000 soldiers, were captured by the Japanese, off the Corean coast; -: ' ' - . Dispatches to the Daily Mail from Tokio and Nagasaki, dated February 10, report tbe arrival , at Sasebo, Japan, of two large Ruf sian steamers. One is the Volunteer Fleet Association transport Ekaterinc elay, which recently landed troops and aims at PoJt Arthur, and the other is the steamer Argun, belong ing to the Chinese, Eastern Railway company. Both were captured by the Japanese cruisers Salyen and Hei Yen, in the neighborhoed of Fufao, Corea. The Katerinoslay is 10,000 tons displacement, and bad been fitted up as an auxiliary cruiser., one bad ou rines on coard and was on her way from Vladivos tok. ; The Argun ; was going to Vladivostok from Nagasaki. The Russian whalers Glorige, Nicholai, Alexander and Michael, cat tared by ths Japanese, have al so arrived at Sasebo. Astoria, Or., Feb 10. An elec tric storm of great severity prevail ed here today, lasting for more than two hoars The first clap of thun der came at this afternoon, and thunder and lightning occurred at intervals at 4:30. While little dam age was done, electrical appliances all over the ' city were interfered with and many persons received electric shocks. The storm struck North Head at 10 a. m., but did not reach Astoria for four hours. At North Head last night fully two inches of rain fell, but there was scarcely any precipi tation in this city. The electric storm had a singular effect on the government barometer in the local weather office, the record of wbich during the prevalence of the storm was of a ziz-zag character. ' During the storm lightning struck a tree near the residence of William Greenlund, on the hill side and sev eral windows in the house were broken. Mr. Greenlund, who was inside the residence, was knocked down by the concussion and stun ned for several seconds. The only other damage renorted is the burn ing of fases on tbe telephone lines and about 200 telephones were put out of business temporarily. Tonight a high wind prevails and indications are that a heavy storm will rage for the next twenty four hours. Several vessels are still weather bound at tbe mouth of the river. Forest Grove, Or., Feb. 10. Mrs. Thomas Rodgers, of this place received a letter from Wheatland yesterday, saying that 'the Holy Rollers, of Corvallis fame, are now located at Bill Isbam's, on a little island near that town. Residents at Wheatland say they are disturb ed most all the night with their nonsense, which causes them to sleep so late of mornings that they, the residents cf Wheatland,' are un able to get their children to school in the forenoon. ' Glens Falls, N. Y., Feb. 4. Re ports received here from lumber men who are working in the north ern part of Essex county say that deer ar,e falling an easy prey to the bitter cold weather becauee of the inability to obtain nourishment on account of the deep enow. Early in the week nine deer were found dead between the upper iron works and the river, and two were found dead by lumbermen between Trout pond and Perch pond. Mer and Builfling Material From now on we -will keep in stock a " ' Full Cine of Building Cumber s We have arranged with the Curtis Lum- f 'ber Co. to handle their lumber at Corval- V lis. v We are now prepared to offer Spe : cial Prices on a large stock of material. Gentral Planing Mills & Box factory. A G0LDEI1 OPPORTOmTY. Now is the time to think about Cbat Pair of Eyeglasses You were to treat your ej-es to. Come tp me and I will fit your eyes, guarantee the fit, and will be here from 7 to 6 to . make -good my guarantee. E. W. S. PRATT, 7 The Jeweler and Optician. 7 Close at 6 p. m. except Saturdays. January 5, 1904, is the Date For Opening after the Holidays. CORVALLIS BUSINESS COLLEGE. Cborougb, Short ana Complete Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Rapid Calculations, Commercial Law, Letter Writing, English, Punctuation.' - . I. E. RICHARDSON, Pres., Corvallis, Oregon. Willamette Valley Banking Company. COBVAIXIS OBEGON. Responsibility $100,000 A General Banking Business. Exchange Issued payable at all finan cial centers in United States, Canada and Europe. Principal Correepondetits. FOBTLAND .London & San FranclxcoBank Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce. SAX FBAJTCISOO tondon & San Francis co Bank Limited. NEW TOSK Messrs. J. P. Morgan ft Co. CHICAGO First National -Bank. LONDON, ENG. London & San Francisco Bank Limited. SEATTLE! AND TAOOMA London ft San Francisco Bank Limited. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton. In the matter of the estate of Jane E. Fisher, deceased. To Ethel E. Schou. Ida E. Morris, Margaret Fisher, aud Rowland Fisher, heirs and devisees of Jane . Fisher, deceased, Greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton, at the Court room thereof at Corvallis in the County of Benton on Tues day the 6th day of March' 190, at io o'clock in the, forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause if any exist, why an order of J sale should not be made as prayed for in the peti tion of . E. Wilson, administrator of said estate of Jane E. - Fisher, deceased, of the fol lowing described real property towit: Beglnnins at a point 37 chains east of the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 20, T. 11 ti. R. 5 w. and run thence north 60 chains; thence east 2.50 chains; thence north 30 chains; thence east to the West line of the donation land claim of Philip Mulkey, Not. No. 958 in T. 11 8. R. 5 W. ; thence south to a point 9.50chaius south of the northeast corner of donation land claim of J. C. Roberts, Not. No. 940, same Tp; and K.:- thence north 26 degrees 36 minutes west 10.62 chains to a point 4.75 chains west of said northeast corn er of said Roberts claim ; thence west to the place of beginning. Also lot 10 in section 22, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and b in section 21 T. 11 3. E. 5 W., except therefrom the following, beginning at a point 50 links east of the southwest corner of said lot 5 aud run thence north 4.09 chains; thence south 75 degrees east 10.23 chains; thence south 24 degrees east 1.48 chains to point on south boundary line of said lot 5 (said point being 4.40 chains west from southeast corner ot said lot 5) thence west on south boundary !lne of said lot 5. a distance of 10.55 chains to the place ot beginning, containing 2:82 acres more or less. Also a strip of land 30 feet wide running along the full length of the west Bile of a piece of land containing 17.83 acres des cribed as follows: beginning at the N. E. corn er of claim No. 55 T. 11 S. K. 5 W.. run thence W. 18 chains: thence 8. 9.91 chains; thence E. 18 chatns; thence N. 9.91 chains to plaee of be ginning. All the above being in Bentort coun ty, state oi Oregon. It being the intention to include in the above description all lands described in mortgage given oy Jane E. Fisher ahd husband to the state Land Board, boaring date December 8 1909. And you are further noUfled that this citation is served upon you, and each of you, by pub lication thereof in the Corvallis Timpn. nnw. paper for four weeks, under an ; order made by the Hon. VirgU E. Watters. judge of said court bearing date Februaiy oih, 1901. WITNESS, the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon io! the County of Benton, with the seal of said Court afhxed this 5th day of February, A. D. Attest-. VICTOR p. MOSE3, - ' Clerk. (Seal) E.E.WHITE Real Estate Co. Just a Few of Our Many Bargains. No. 64 120 acres, all fenced, 250 acres cultivated, good 8 room house. Could be d Tided np vei-y nicely for small colo ny,! if desired. All good land and only $25 per acre. No. 62 5 acres all out to prunes on College Hill, $1350. No. 63 5 acres in north part of Corral-, lis, $450. No. 69715 acres, 4 miles from Cor vallis, fair improvements, 15 per acre. , No. 68 80 acres, 8 miles from Corval lis, good improvements. $3.200. . No. 38 House and two lots, several fruit trees, $350. No. 70 Fine large house and barn and two lots on Third and Washington streets. A bargain at 1700. We are in receipt of letters from par ties in the East who are coming to Ore gon this spring. Several of the parties are chartering cars to this point, and we would be glad if yon have a bouse to rent if you would let us know; also if you bave property of any discription yon wish to sell, we would be pleased to have you list it with us. White & Stone First door North of Reading Boom. corvallis & Eastern railroad. Time Card Number 22. 2 ForYaquina: ' Train leaves Albany 12-45 P- m ' Corvallis 2:00 p. m " arrives Yaquina 6:2o p. m 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit 12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit.. .......... .i:0o p. m Arrives Albany 5:55 p. m Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train. Train No' 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giviDg direct ser. vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ine ample time to reach the Springs the ' same day. For further information apply to Edwin Stone, " ' - Manager. H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany, I j Taken Up. Notice is hereby given that I have at my place, 12 miles southwest of Corvallis anestray two-year-old Jersey heifer, having white spot on left flank; ao brands nor earmarks. Came to my plae Jan. 26, 1904. :'':!-' ' W.H.Ieh. ; x i