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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1903)
Vo1. XVI.--No. 27. CORVALLIS, OREGON. SEPTEMBER 1), 1903. B. F. IRVTNB Editor and Proprietor. THE . . i Extra Floor Space Added to our Store the past Spring , . WILL BE TAXED TO, ITS FULLEST IN -HOLDING OUR Large purchases of 'v Menu's Boys9,Clotlhiiog- Sweaters, Rubber Clothing, and Men's Heavy High-Cut Shoes.. Other departments 'contain Underwea r Hats, medium and vfiheShoes , J Slip pers, Hosiery, Umbrellas Watches, and in fact every article to be found in an up-to-date Gents' Furnishing Store. Call and see. ?' :- O. A: C; UNIFORMS. ate Do not Cfoe to as high a standard as our desire would promote ) us. but see that vou . ml 7 : . , the house that keeps the hig- , k ; - ; est standard of Grocer- , - ' : ies that is the : place to - ' ' . BUY fresh everything to be had in the market. ' We fj) run our delivery wagon and our aim' is . ':"'. to keep what you please. Call B fiorning 1 ) .?s;jU;.; ;A v-,. - , . ;..,:.... .. .. 3F YOU ARE 1 LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. ' I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, Philomath, Oregon.v H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. : Orders may be left at Graham & Wortham's drug store. DR. C. H. NEWTH, Physician & Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. 1 . make no mistake in want and to and see ( E. Holgate ; ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. '. Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg B. A. CATHEY, M. D., : ; Physician and Surgeon, ' Office, Boom 14, First National Bank Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours, 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p, m. AGAIN IN REVOLT KNIVES AND CLOTHES FOUND READY . FOR " , FOLSOM , , ,. CONVICTS' USE. - Two Convicts in a Fight Oae Slashes the Other Across the Abdomen With a Knife -; : Straightjacket Brought - ; into Use. ;'; v Fol'om, Sept., 1. A new out break of the convicts in Folsom prison has jast been prevented by timely revelation of plans and the discovery of some of. the 7 weapons! ' Knives that had ( been hidden away near the rock-crusher have been found, and with " them a lot of suits that had been made "out of sacks and were intended for use in attempts at flight.' : : " ' The most dangerous prisoners in Folsom are kept at work about the and there is much a larm over the new discovery. : ' !: ' Prison officials refuse to' talk a- boot the matter, but it is known that they . are keeping an exception ally vigilant watch over the men in stripes and that they are using ev ery precaution to prevent another uprising. " It f is stated that the guards have been instructed to shoot down the convicts at the first sign of insubordination with regard to the safety of any prisoner, offi cers or others involved, and to pay no heed to any contrary orders that may be given in such emergencies as the recent outbreak; It is -apparent, however; that the officials are ; taking good ' cvre to prevent themselves from' being made cap tives as they were on the former oc casion. rd-z,;-..;:.t. .'.J;. HH-' " ' Tie coav'c's have been embold ened by the success Of someof the men who participated in the recent outbreak, and there is a general feel ing of eullen regret among the more desperate long-termers that they did not take advantage of the occa sion. ';-(;. !. ; -.v .v- rV'i;;. Little information can be obtain ed from tbe prison authorities about the new find of weapons and ' eack cloth suits, but that there was such a discovery is admitted by some of the "minor officers. ? .?r y - "The knives and suits were found as the result of a statement made by one of tbe prisoners who - was threatened with the straightjacket," says a well-known official, and it is evident that; the convicts were ready for ! another outbreak. We found one of the knives on the per son of 'Redshirt' Hall, who is well known to be a very dangerous ma-o, and - then' a large ' collection ' 01 knives, some of tbem pretty ugly looking, were found near' the rock crusher; I do not know jast what the plan for ' the proposed outbreak was, but it looks as though the kill ing" of the guards was ' the 1 main feature of it. - -' ' , -" " 'Redfchirt' Hll was promptly thrown into a straightjacket - as a punishment for carrying tbe knife and for the purpose of eliciting gome additional information from him if po?Bible. Thus far, howev er, he baa refused to divulge any secret of the murderous gang." There are scores of knives among the prisoner, it is said, and a great many of the weapons had been se- otetly distributed f before the' out break of a few weeks ago. ' - Convict Burke made a savage at tack on-a fellow-convict . named Brown last week," and that was probably the incident that led to the general discovery of Ihe weap ons, although there has been a strong suspicion that weapons in tended for use in the project of a general prison delivery were still hidden away. Burke and Brown were standing in line ; inside the prison building when they got into a fight. , Burke drew the knife and slashed Brown across the abdomen, inflicting a not very . . dangerous wound. : . ..' - The knife, a long and well-sharp ened weapoD, was .passed along the line after the cutting, and although the omeers made an immediate and careful search, the knife was not found until more than 48 hours af terward. .v;;., v " ; . - This was another occasion for the use .01 the;-. straight! acket, ; which seems more likely to become more prominent than ever in the prison discipline. . ' ' . - ' Warden Wilkinson has evident ly concluded that ready resort to the straightjacket when the leaders of the prifon gang offer any; occa sion for tbe punishment, is the only thing that will have any effect, and in th8t conclusion he in backed up by the opinion of the prison direc tors. J ... The straigh'j.acket for ' James Roberts, the convict who was recap tured near Divisville on August 5 h is an order that has been re fractory since his return, and he is about as thoroughly scared a man as ever wore tbe Foleom etripes. The use of the straightjacket is ex pected to induce him to tell new se crets, for there is a great , deal.; yet to be learned about tbe plot of the outbreak. Roberts is not expected to hold out very long under.the tor ture, and in that way the prison of ficers may ' succeed in learning something about the origin and the concealment places of the weapons and bow possessed by the prisoners. The straightjacket - is now being made for Roberts,' who, although mainly very much frightened, went through the ordeal of being meas ured for it without giving up any of the information demanded of him. ' Hall, so far as can be learned on tbe outside, has thus far refused to tell where he got the knife that was found on him, and Burke is under going punishment with as little ef fect. Bat the straightjacket is a device noted for its staying . quali ties and it has finally broken down the spirit . of many a stubborn criminal. ',-.. '' ' ' : .". Dr. Benjamin A. Plant, the pris on surgeon, who is said to have eought safety in a guard tower at the time of the outbreak,, has re signed his position and he departed from Folaom this morning. . . Cincinnati, Sept. 6.- A mortgage to secure bonds on a new, railway from Columbus, O , to MaysvijLle, Kyi.,' to connect East, and , West trunk lines in the North with . the Chesapeake & Ohio, the . Louisville & Nashville and other Southern lines, was recorded yesterday, , and today it is announced that this new line will also extend 90 miles from Maysville, Ky.,: through Jackson, Pike, Floyd and Martin counties in Kentucky, so as to form an out Ut to tbe coal fields on the West side of the Big Sandy River. ' The Great Northern Coal & Coke Company, recently organized with a capitalization of $10,000,000, owns 000,000 acres of coal lands in that region and is said to be promoting the new railway. It is proposed to shin this coal- by rail aa well as down the Big Sandy and . the Ohio Rivers as has been done for years. It is said that the Great Northern Coal and the Pittsburg Coal com panies will then - control " the coal trade from Pennsylvania and all states along the Ohio River to New Orleans. . , ' , - - Large elevators and tipples are to b9 erected at Maysville lor trans ferring coal into barges for the trade along the Ohio and Mis sissippi valleys. , The Great North ern will have its land ancT railway headquarters in New: York, its ship ping headquarters at Maysville and its selling headquarters at i Cincin nati, 'i " i :!- It is said: that with connections at Columbus, O., this combination intends also to enter the lake coal trade.".;1 ; ;.-, r; t' A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's cough remedy has a remarkable record, It has been in use for over thirty years during rwhich time many millions bottles have been sold and used. It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of ' croup in thousands of homes yet 1 during all this time no case has ever been reported to the manufacture in which it failed to effect ' a cure. I When given as soon as the ' child becomes hoarse or even as - soon as the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is pleasant to take and many children like it. It contains no- opium or other harmful substance and may be giv en as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale- by Graham & Wortham. ' tt.-.'-.'C "-r't ... To Ice Buyers." '. " Orders for -io' cents , worth of ice or less, must reach the factory before nine o'clock, so as to go out by the first deliv ery, or they will not be filled . Orders for more than 10 cents worth will be fill ed at later hours.' All orders that reach the factory -before nine o'clock - will be filled promptly, as usual, h Corvallis ice Works. . CHEATED THE MOB. NEGRO JUMPS INTO RIVER AND DROWNS TO ESCAPE LYNCHING. ' Choked and Held White Woman " in Attempt to Rob Her Other Women Come to Her Res- 1 , cue Mrs. Bowers la v' . Charged With Mur-J i - ; der; Her Sister ' ' &8 Accessory. " . ' Kansas City, Mo., - Sept.' 4. An unknown negro, caught ; in the act of strangling - Mrs. Margaret Ga rhan, a white woman, in her home at Armourdale, Kan., a suburb, this afternoon, escaped to the Kansas river, where he drowned himself rather than run the chances of ' be ing lynched, a crowd having chas ed him to the bank of the stream. Tbe woman was seriously hurt but will recover. ?";': ' " ; "' . -; Mrs. Gerhan is' a widow 4.6 years of age;.' Her husband who was a packing-house employe,' and'1 her son were drowned in th6 June flood, and she lives " alone. i The negro, aged 30, cilied at the house aboot noon, and entering' stealthily locked himself in.7' He surprised Mrs. Ge rhan at her work and demanded her money. When she insisted that there was none about tbe house, the negro threatend to kill her and seiz ing her by the throat began chok ing her.-' - - - ' ' -'-: .r- . Neighboring women broke iD to the house after Mrs.' Gerhan had been in the negro's power for three hours, and found him . standing over-the prostrate woman sinking his fingers into her throat. The negro hurried from the house and ran to the Kan sas, river, two blocks distant, where he hired a boat and ordered the owner to row quickly to ; tbe . Mis souri side.. When the boat reached mid stream, a crowd of excited men and boys had gathered at the bank and 1 snouted to the owner 01 the boat to return to shore. He started to do so, when - the negro stood up in the boat and with the remark "I have lived too long to die at the end of the rope," dived into thewa ter. He drowned before the spot could be reached, and his body dis appeared. v 5 ' ' . -' - San Francisco Sept. 4. "We, the jury, find that Martin L. Bowers, aged 43 years, a native of Pennsyl vania, occupation a bridge builder, residence 37O . Clementina street, in the city and county of San Francis co, came to his death in - the Ger man hospital on tbe 2th .. day of August, 1903, from arsenisal pois oning, that the arsenic which caus ed death was procured upon a forg ed prescription written by his wife, Mrs Martha E, Bowers, and that we hereby charge said Mrs. Martha E. Bowers with . the crime of mur der." ;'. .. . -."We further find that Mrs. Z. C. Sutton, . sister of said Martha E. Bowers, procured the . poison upon tbe forged prescription written by her sister, Mrs. Martha E. Bowers, but we do not feel justified from the evidence submtted to the jury in charging Mrs. Z. C. Sutton . as a principal, but reccommend that said Mrs. Z, C. Sutton be compelled to stand trial as accessory to the crime." Such was the verdict returned by the coroner's jury today after hear ing evidence as to the cause of the death of Martio Bowers. . A a re sult both Mrs. Martha Bowers and Mrs. Sutton will be formerly charg ed with murder by the district at torney's office on Monday or.Tues. day of next week. Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. Sutton sat in the court room together with At torney Vaughn, who came down from Portland to defend them, and A. B. Loomis, "a nephew of Mrs. Bowers, from Portland. They took no active part in the : proceedings, and before tbe verdict was returned had retired to the jail, where the two women have ; a cell together. Attorney Vaughn ' after ' informed them of the verdict.1 " - ; - The two women ' at first showed an inclination to give way to their emotions, but quickly regained their composure, and when assured by their attorney that the prosecution's case was weak in many points they showed their old-time cheerfulness Of spirit. -' v ' ' .. i The defense did not attempt to combat any of the evidence submit' ted today, and not once during the proceedings did Vaughn or either. Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. Sutton or Loom-' is have a word to say to the jury."! They eat together chatting, appar- . ently uuaffected by all that was go' ing on. , ; , , - t't "The verdict," says " Attorney Vaughn, "will have no great bear' ing oq tbe case, when it, comes to trial. Moreover, I can point oat several weak points and places in the prosecution's case.. While Pe tersoo, the drug clerk, for instance, is able to identify Mrs. . Sutton so easily, how is it he cannot even re member whether it was forenoon or afternoon when he filled ; the pre scription. Further, what is his ex- cuse for filling a prescription which, 1 he now says no doctor could hava I writtnn. , ' . . - His Life Saved by Chamberlain's ' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea j Remedy, T.. . "B, L. Byer, a well known coop er of this town says '. he believes ; Chamberlains colic,; ch!lea and diarrhoea remedy sived tt. n rV la9t summer. He had been ik for a month with what tbe ''doctor? called bilious dysentery," and" couid get 1 nothing to do him any good until ' be tried this remedy. It gave him ' immediate relief," says R T. Lhtle'" merchant, Handcock, Md. For sale by, Graham &Worthanu ; ' REDUCED 'RATES. ' ,v 4 ' ' To the Seaside and ; Mountain Re: ' sorts for the Summer. 11 1 On and after Jane 1st, 103) the South-. em Pacific in connection with the Cor-, vallis & Eastern railroad wUl " have ' on? ' sale round trip tickets: from, points on. their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De-. troit, at very, low rates, good for return until October lo, N03. "Three day tickets to i 1 Kewport and ' Yaquina,'good going Saturdays and re- 1 turning Mondays, are also on sale from -all Easteide points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all Westside pointa enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. -" : - Season- tickets from all Eastside. points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and. from all Westside points are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates ' with stop over privileges at Mill City or at any ? point east enabling tourists to visit the, Santiam and Breitenbush as well as the . famous Breitenbush Hot Serine's in the- Cascade mountains which can be ' reach-' ed in one day i Season tickets will be good for - return. ' from all points until October loth. Three day tickets will be good going on Saturdays- and returning Moudays : only.-' Tickets from Portland and vicinity ' will ' be good tor return via the Bast or West 1 side at option of . passenger. Tickets " from Eugene and vicinity will be good' going via the Lebanon Springfield branch, if desired. Baggage on New-' port tickets checked through to ' New- . port; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina. only. 1 S, P. trains connect with the C. & at AiDany ana uorvams, lor - Yaquina and Newport. ' Trains on the C. & EL.' for Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m. en- , abling tourists to the Hot Springs to reach there the same day. Fall information as to rates, tune tables, etc can be obtained, on applica tion to Edwin Stone, manager C. & . . R R at Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P. A. S P Co Portland or to any S P or C E ! agent.'---- - -' - v Rate from Corvallis to Newport $3,J5J Bate from Corvallis to Yaquina fe,25-4 . Rate from Corvallis to Detroit, $3,25. . i Three days rate from Corvallis to Ya quina or Newport, $2.50, Mrs.'MacKinder states that he was hishlv educated, indsinir from" hs conversation. He left the place on a oicycie ana startea towara tnis city. His shoe priats, where he re- mounted ' the., bicycle indicated at . No. 8 or 9 shoe. V ',' Reduced Excursion Rates The Southern Pacific Company has placed on sale at very low rates ; round-- j trip tickets to the various resorts along ; its lines, and also, in : connection with the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, to De troit and the seaside at ' Yaquina Bay, latter tickets good for return " until Oct ober 10th.. Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay good going Saturdays Mondays are , now on, . sale at greatly reduced . rates from all ; points Eugene and north 90 both ; East and Westside lines, enabling people to spend Sunday at , the , seaside, Very low round trip rates are also made be tween Portland and the same points on the- Southern , Pacific, ..- good going Saturdays, returning Sunday or Monday allowing Portland people to spend Sun day in the country, and the out of town ' people to have the day in Portland. ' Tickets. from I.Portland' to . Yaquina : Bay, good or return via Albany and ; Eastside. or Corvallis and Westside, at option of passenger. : Baggage checked . through to Newport. A new feature at Newport this year will v- be an up-to-date kindergarten in charge on an ex perienced Chicago teacher. A beautifully illustrated booklet de scribing the seaside resorts on Yaquina Bay has been published by. the. South ern Pacific and Corvallis"& 1 Eastern and can be secured from their agents, or by addressing W. E. Coman,: O. P. A.; Si j P. Co. Portland, or Edwin Stoue, Maai ager C, &-E. R. R, Co, Albany, Or,