Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 20, 1913, Image 3

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- if it"'
"In a race between an airship and
an automobile which would win?"
"Barring accidents, the airship ought
to come out on top." Chicago News.
Charles Mliddleton of Portland, was
in the county seat Monday.
E. W. Bartlett, a well-known Esta
cada attorney, was in the city Mon
day. J: G. Morton, of Portland, was in
Oregon City on legal business Mon
day. William Schumaker and Ben Gross
enbacher visited friends in Canem
ah Sunday.
Mrs. Bertha Lownsdale, of Port
land, was visiting friends in Oregon
City Monday afternoon.
The Clackamas County Rod & Gun
club meets for its regular monthly
session Tuesday evening.
O. E.' Freytag .publicity manager
of the Commercial club, was a Port
land visitor over the week-end.
J. T. Anderson, one of the best
known sales promoters in th9 North
west, was in town on business Mon
day. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Rugg fell from a wagon and
broke her colar bone the last of the
Mrs. Lucile Wagner, and son, of
Portland, were Sunday and Monday
visitors in Oregon City, calling ou
friends. "
E. H. Cooper returned from Pilot
Rock Sunday, where he had been vis
iting R. Ml Cooper, his father, whQ is
in poor health.
Benjaman Hughes and wife, of
Nonparail, Minn., were Oregon City
visitors Sunday, looking about with
a view of settling in the West.
Miss Grace Carter and Miss Rene
I. Smith, of Hillsboro, visited Oregon
City friends. Monday, coming out from
Portland in Miss Carter's auto.
The United Artisans will give an
entertainment in W. O. W. hall
Thursday evening. Good talent and
dancing. Admission 25 cents.
E. P. Preble, a timber man of Port
land and Washington - county, and
president of the Helvetia Merchantile
company, was in Oregon City Mon
day. Now is the time to set out plants.
Tomatoes, 10c a dozen; petunia's, 10c
a dozen. See H. J. Bigger for potted
Harry Staley, B. Weddermann and
Gustave Reichmann, of Portland were
among those fishing on ths Claclr
amas Sunday. They obtained several
good trout.
John W. Turner, a realty dealer of
Tacoma, was looking over land in
Clackamas county Sunday, making
quite an extended automobile trip in
the lower valley.
Huntley Bros, are installing a new
fountain in their Main street - store.
The aparatus is thoroughly modern,
and i3 decorated with Maryland
marble and plate glass mirrors.
We buy and sell for cash. A quick
dime beats a lazy quarter. Denver
Market Co., Cornelius & Mashk,
Mrs. Jennie Robertson, who has
been ill for some time, is again con
fined to her bed. Paralysis of the
right side is her present afflication.
Dr. Guy Mount is attending her.
David E. Lofgren, C. A. Apelgren
and G. Blain Nissen, all Portland at
torneys, were in town Monday on le
gal business at the court house. Mr.
Lofgren is a joint representative in
the legislature from Clackamas and
Multnomah counties.
The Midget baseball team of the
Oregon City high school met their
first defeat of the season at the
hands of the Milwaukie high school
at Crystal Lake park. The final
score was Milwaukie 8, Oregon City
J. E. Hedges, well-known as one of
Clackamas county's leading attorneys
leaves Tuesday for Eastern Oregon
on legal matters. He will be away
from town several days, and thus will
be unable to speak at the high school
assembly next Wednesday, as had
been planned.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Walker, Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Mtles, R. J. Hodson, James
Shannon, Mrs. Viola Godfrey and Mrs.
John J. Cooke, have gone to MedforJ
to attend the annual meeting of the
Grand lodge of Independent Order of
Odd Fellows and the Rebekahs. Mrs.
Cooke will go to Eagle Point at the
close of the Grand lodge and visit
Mr. Cooke's sister, Mrs. A. C. How
lett, returning home Sunday. The
other members of the party are ex
pected home Friday.
It WILL NOT If yovi tako
c They will cure any kind of Headache, no
. matterwhatthecause-torfeetlv Harmless. I
Prlc 25 Cent
KORKAH LICHTY KFG. CO., De Moines, la. j
awaaaMh FOR SALE BY i
We have a large stock
of these remedies, just
. fresh from the labor
atory. Pabst's Okay Specific
Does the work. You all
know It by reputation.
Price .:
Irving Higginbotham, the lanky
twirler once connected with the
Chicago Cubs, was with the
Portland squad of the Pacific,
Coast league last season. Los '
Angeles was playing on the Port
land grounds one day. It was
the eighth Inning, and the
score was tied, 3 to 3. The An
gel center fielder, Heitmueller
who died last year walked to
the plate and hollered out at
"Hey, you! Put that ball any
where near me and I'll shoot it
up against the right field fence."
. Higginbotham threw the ball
down in the box and walked off
the diamond.
"Not off me. yon won't!" he
The Portland manager couldn't
get Hig back in the box, so had
to send Koestner to the mound.
And the first ball be threw to
Heitmueller was hit against the
right field fence. At least that" s
the story Joe Berger tells.
German and American Club Agree en
All Conditions.
The German-American race commit
tee of the Kaiserlicher Yacht club of
Kiel and the Eastern Yacht club of Bos
ton has issued in circular form the
rules and conditions that are to govern
the races, beginning Sept. 1 off Marble
head, of the sonderclass yachts.
The trial races for the selection of
the three American yachts that are to
compete are to begin off Marblehead
on or before Saturday, Aug. 16.
j Each yacht must be designed, built
; and all sails, sailcloth and fittings
j made in the country to which she be
j longs, and the crew must be made up
! of amateur members of the yacht clubs
which are admitted to the trial races.
The crews are to consist of not more
than three persons, who must be citi-
zens of tha country in which the yacht
was built,.
There will be five races, for each of
which prizes wU be given by the East
ern Yacht club. The President Wilson
cup will go to the yacht which first
wins three races or wins the fifth race j
of the series. In case the deciding race
is the third, the winner will not be al
lowed to compete In the further- races.
When Not Catching He Will Play First
Bast For Cubs.
Jimmy Archer, .though signed to
catch for the Chicago Cubs, may play
first base the greater part of the sea
sou. Manager Evers can easily afford
to go through with this plan, as he has
j Roger Biesnahjiu to work behind the
plate while the squsit throwing receiver
I is on first base Evers does not paean
J that this should reflect on the playing
; ability of Vic Suier. the club's regular
first baseman. That is far from being
Photo by American Press Association.
in his mind. He considers Saier one of
the best fielding initial basemen In the
league and would not even think of re
moving him if it were not for his weak
ness in batting against south paws.
Slow curve balls thrown by the port
siders are Saier's hoodoo. Putting
Archer on first base will not lessen the
strength of the club in fielding. When
Frank Chance was unable to play two
years ago be took Archer from behind
the plate and put him on the first bag.
His work was as classy as could be ex
pected, and the bitting he did while he
was there kept the team in the race.
Pugilist-Pitcher on Browns' Staff.
Knockout Snyder, a pitching candi
date of the St. Lonis Browns, has
fought In several heavyweight prelim
inary bouts in western and southern
boxing clubs.
The Wake of a Ship.
"Wake" for the track of a ship is a
Scandinavian word, preserved In dia
lect. Its original meaning, as Professor
Skeats tells us. was that of an opening
in the ice, especially the passage cut
for a ship in a frozen lake or sea, and
then, from being applied to the smooth,
watery track left by a ship after its
passage through the ice. it came to be
used when there was no Ice at all.
This useful word Is one of the nautical
terms which the French have borrow
ed from the English, although It Is
not easy to recognize it at first In its
French form of "ouaiche," and it is
still used on the "Norfolk broads with
its original meaning of an open plac
In the tea. .
Iff x-
V your wife is a doctor, why didn't
you go to her for your cold?' .
"Too expensive, doctor. Last time
she ordered me to spend six weeks
at Palm Beach and came, with,' me her
Both Henpecked.
"We're henpecked, pa, ain't we?"
"Why, what do you mean, my boy?"
"Well, ma makes me wash my bands
before I come to the supper table, and
she makes you wash yours before yon
hook up her back."
He Got Even.
"Brown sent me a brick by parcel
post, but I got even with him."
"What did you do?"
' "Passed the word along to a number
of agents that he was figuring on tak
ing out more life insurance." e
"The man who runs this store has
got the right idea all right"
"How so?"
"He advertises, 'Bagpipes and musi
cal instruments.' "
Every cook knows the patience and
time wasted in hunting holders, which
seem to have a way of disappearing
Just at the moment that they are most
needed. All this may be avoided by
sewing two holders at the end of Inch
tapes, which are suspended from a
tape band which fastens around the
waist, just as an apron band does. Let
them reach to the bottom of the dress,
one at each side of the waist line. They
will always be ready when needed.
Have some of your, kitchen holders
made of double size and stitched to
gether on three sides, so that the hand
can be thrust into them almost as into
a mitten. This will save the hands
from getting red, rough backs, which
readily crack and chap. . .
A handy hook is made, by taking any
smooth stick and inserting into one end
a good strong screw hook, right angle
shape. It is nseful for various pur
poses. It wilj draw hot utensils from
the oven, pull down window shades
that have jumped beyond one's reach,
pull windows down from the top and
reach anything tucked away In the cor
ners of shelves, etc.
If He Only
Little Carlo Dear me; I wish he
whether he was angry or only in play.
Elephant Nurses.
India has some of the strangest chil
dren's nurses in the world, for many
elephants are used there in that way.
The mother or nurse who wants to be
relieved of the care of the baby for
awhile shows it to the elephant, and
then places it within reach of the long,
twisting trunk. No matter how the
child may try, it cannot get away from
the big beast, who gently brings- it
back by an infolding circle of the
trunk if It begins to stray. The little
creature may tumble about as it will
between the four big feet: not one of
them will brush Its dress carelessly.
Even elephants which are cross to
other people are gentle to their keep
ers and may be trusted with children
without the least danger.
Why It's Called Worsted.
The cloth is called worsted because
it was originally manufactured In large
quantities at Worsted. England, which
was then a comparatively Jarge and
flourishing place. .
He has achieved success who has
lived well, laughed often and loved
much ; who has gained the respect
of intelligent men and the love of
children ; who has filled his niche
and accomplished his task ; who has
left the world better than he found
it, whether by an improved poppy,
a perfect poem or a rescued soul ;
who has always looked for the best
in others and given the best he
had ; whose life was an inspiration,
whose memory a benediction.
Bessie A. Stanley.
Better Still.
"No woman knows how to drive a
"And what of that? Every woman
knows how to drive a man any way
she wants b,im to go." Washington
Sir George Turner is reported to
have said that, though leprosy Is usu
ally spread by contagion., most lepers
are not nearly so dangerous to the
public as a person suffering from con
sumption. ' -
Cupid and Card Index.
"Charlie is so systematic."
"How now?"
"I asked him in my last letter if he
liked my eyes, and now he refers me
to his communication of Feb. 24. Says
he treated the subject exhaustively in
that communication."
'Behind on His Schedule.
"What's the matter, old top?"
"I have a remedy I wish you'd try."
"I'll put your remedy on my waiting
list At my present rate of progress
I'll get to it In about two years."
Not Big Enough to Go 'Round.
' "One hundred ways to cook an egg,'
read Mrs. Newlywed from a new cook
book. "Oh. dear, I can only cook this
egg once!" Judge.
I An Old Favorite I
The Lost Chord I
SEATED one day at the organ,
I was weary and 111 at ease,
And ray fingers wandered idly
Over he noisy keys. .
I know not what I was playing
Or what I was dreaming then.
But I struck one chord of music '
Like the sound of a great amen.
It flooded the crimson twilight
Like the close of an angel's psalm,
And It lay on my fevered spirit
With a touch of Infinite calm.
It united pain and sorrow
Like love overcoming strife.
It seemed the harmonious echo
From our discordant life.
It linked perplexing meanings
Into one perfect peace
And trembled away into silence.
As If It were loath to cease.
I have sought, but I seek It vainly,
That one lost chord divine
Which came from the soul of the organ
And entered Into mine.
It may be that death's bright angel
Will speak in that chord again.
It may be that only in heaven .
I shall hear that grand amen.
Had a Tail!
had a tail to wag.
I conld tell then
A Legend.
I have heard that all the tears
That we never cry
All are saved throughout the years
Until some time by and by,
When they're changed to jewels gay.
Gems that fairies far away
Catch and fling upon the grass.
We can see them as we pass,
And they make the morning bright
With their gleaming, happy light
Think! Tho drops of dew you see
Might belong to you or me!
Youth's Companion.
When is a blow from a lady wel
comed? When she strikes you agree
ably. What snufftaker is that whose box
gets fuller the more snuff he takes? A
pair of snuffers.
Why Is a fishmonger never generous?
Because his business makes him sell
fish. Why are religious communities like
bees? Because they are ln-sects.
Why ought an omnibus to be consid
ered secure from lightning? Because
it has a conductor.
A Reliable Hair Tonic.
It Is an easy matter to prevent
baldness, dandruff and other diseases
of the scalp by using Meritol Hair
Tonic. It should be used regularly
to keep the scalp free of dandruff
germs, as these germs are ths cause
of the majority of cases of danlruff
and later, baldness. We ara author
ized to guarantee Meritol Hair Tonic.
Jones -Drug Company.
II Allium H IHLIPIJg. JWMJ. .p-JJl' - III ii I. I till IBWII 111 FT I lllli III I. .1 1 in-- ir I I .11 I I M II II I III I I T I III I I I
TRis is the Age of the Young?
Step back ten years and take a new grip on life, while your earning power
May be as great as ever, you know that the young man has the opportunity.
LA CREOLE restores your hair to its natural color:
For Sale and
Stats strawberries have been arriv-
ing in the Portland wholesale market
in 4orce, and have filled a long-felt
want.. Though the supply Monday
was generous, buying was eager, and
the stock was soon cleaned up. Sales
ran from $1.65 a crats down, the
lesser prices being paid for imported
berries from the south, which are in
poor shape.
The egg market is picking up again,
strength of prices in the Sound and
California centers being responsible.
From 18 to 20 cents is being offered
for ranch eggs, and indications are
that the price will better a few cents
on this before the end of tha week.
Asparagus, owing to continued de
mand and lack of supply has' risen
from $1 ta $1.15 per dozen bunches.
Stock is still prime, and the "grass"
is somewhat longer than that earlier
Sweet potatoes are bringing 4
cents in wholesale market. Ordinary
spuds are still ar glut, and are not
paying cartage expense.
Continued high water has boosted
salmon still further, and only retail
supplies are beine boueht. the Dack-
ing interests have left the field.
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and
8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs
6 to 6 l-2c. -
VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressea,
accor alia; to gnule.
WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c lb.
PORK 9 1-2 and I0e
POULTRY (buying) Hens 12
to 13c. . Stags slow at 10c; old roos
ters 8c;; broilers 22c.
APPLES 60c and $1.
DRIED FRUITS (Baying), Prunes
on basis 4 for 35 to 40c,
ONIONS $ 1.00 sack.
POTATOES About 25 to 30c f.
o. b. sniping points per hundred;
again stageant and not moving at
any price.
Butter, Eggs.
EUTTSR (J lyUg), Ordinary ecu
try butter 20 to 25c; fancy cream-
EGGS Oregon ranch case count
16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are as
HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 9c
to 10c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each.
Mohair 31c.
WOOL 15 to 16c.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building, Main Street
Because of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use "LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER. Price, SI.OO, retail.
recommended by
FEED (Selling) Shorts $29; bran
$27; process barley, $30.50 to $31.50.
per ton.
FLOUR $4.50 to $5.
OATS $28.50; wheat, 93 cents
oil meal selliag $38.00; Shay Brook
dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds.
Whole corn $31.00.
HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and
$9; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix
ed $9 to $11; valley timothy $12 to
$13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida
ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell
ing $20.50 to $23. ..
A Progressive Century.
The twentieth century lias given as
a satisfactory treatment for rheuma
tism. The American Drug and Press
Association, of which we are mem
bers, are manufacturing a prepara
tion called Meritol Rheumatism Pow
ders, from a formula adopted by
them after medical experts had pro
nounced it one of great merit. Give
Meritoi Rheumatism Powders a trial.
They are guaranteed.. Jones Drug
Get the news read the Enterprise.
Bowels irregular, blood bad, killing
headaches poor color, listlessness
Spring fever in your ystem drive it
out, come to life, take Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. a bracing, hustl
ing, cleaning medicine. 35c Teas or
Tablets. Jones Drug Company.
Boost your home town by reading
your home paper.
Young Looking People Are
In Constant Demand
Competition, is keen. You can't hold
down the Big Jobs if you are suspected
of being a "Back Number."
You can't expect to be a successful
wage-earner, man or woman, if you are
old looking, but whether you work or
not, you owe it today to yourself and
family to keep looking young.
Get a bottle of Hay's Hair Health
today. It solves the grey hair prob
lem for every man and woman, young
or old. It brings back the full, rich,
natural color of the hair restores it
The Superiority of ElectricToast
to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made in the
tedious old-fashioned way, is relatively the same as the
superiority of grilled steak to fried steak. '
For one-tenth cf a cent a slice the General
Electric Radiant Toaster makes Perfect. Toast faster
ihan you can eat it. It is Perfect Toast because the
radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change
in the bread. This insures delicious golden Toast .that
fairly melts in your mouth. . '
You can operate the General Electric Radiant Toaster on the
Jinest damask table cloth. Its neat porcelain base and cheerful
glowing coils add grace and charm to any table.
This little toaster is on display at our store in the Bea
ver Building on Main Street.
While conducting personal experi
ments with sodium, the better to dis
cover its properties, "Tub" Gault, a
student at the high school, discovered
Monday that wnen the chemical wa3
mixed with water and certain other
ingredients an explosive of no mean
force could be obtained. The result
of Gault s experiments sounded con
siderably like a Fourth of July cele
bration, and was followed by a show
er of minute particles of glass about
the laboratory. ,
The experimenter- himself was
about as surprised as his fellow stu
dents, and though the instructor in
chemistry was rather inclined to
take a serious view of the matter,
and discouraged original research of
such a nature, no damage was done.
After being reprimanded Gault prom
ised never to do it again, and even ad
mitted, with a twinkle in his eye, that
he probably couldn't do it again, be
cause he didn't know what he had
pournad into "the stuff to make it
go off.
Boost your home town by reading
your home paper.
Get the news read the Enterprise.
to its natural color immediately.
Don't waste time with substitutes,
there's only one. Hay's Hair Health,
used by thousands with absolute satis
faction for twenty years. Druggists
have sold Hay's Hair Health so long to
so many satisfied people everywhere
who come back again for it and won't
use any other, that they are perfectly
willing to guarantee it and give your
money back if it's not satisfactory
after a fair trial.
Free: Sign this adv. and take it to the
following druggists and get a 50c. bot
tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c.
cake of Harfina Soap, for 50c; or $1.00
bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two
25c. cakes of Harfina Soap Free, for $1.