Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1911)
1: MOUNINO ENTERPRISE. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1911. n 1 Our Souvenir Opening Day and Twentieth Business Anniversary Wednesday, December 6th TpHlS being m double erent for us to b thankful for, we hope to make our Opening Prjhjs, 1 time one long to be remembered. We bought our Souvenirs ten months ago and now have 1 hree big cases of China in our warehouse imported expressly for this occasion. The souvenir will be a large handsomely decorated 9-inch China Salad Dish. This dish cannot be bought in the Urge art stores for less than 50 cents, and many stores will get as much as 75 cents.- We will give it absolutely free with any purchase amounting to 50 cents or more, but one only to a customer. We want you to come just the same whether you buy anything or not If you come just to look around and hear the music you will be just as welcome as if you bought. We have provided musk for the afternoon, and all of you who have been attendin g our Souvenir Day Openings in the past know we will do our best to give you a good time. We ask you to come and pass judgment on what we believe o be the best Holiday Stock ever shown in Ore gon Gty. OUR TWENTI ETH BUSINESS ANNIVERSARY Many "Old Tuners' w31 remember the successful drug atore conducted by Mr. El G. Caufield twenty years ago. They will also remember the good substantial reputation the store had for honesty and fair dealing. Since 1891, when Mr. Caufield . retired from the drug business and the present owners took his place in the drug store work of Oregon Gty, they always kept in mind the high standard of business integrity set by him. The business has grown wonderfully since then from a store conducted by two people to one employing fifteen, and the high mark set by the old store has been the greatest factor in our later day success. Not a day passes but we see in the store from Fnre to twenty-five of these old customers of 20 years ago. We want to thank you here and now for your continued patronage, and to express the hope that you will visit us on Wednesday, December 6th Our Twentieth Business Birthday. One Salad Dish free with a 50 cent purchase.1 None reserved after opening day. One dish Souvenirs given' free from 8 a. m. as long as they last. No dishes given to children. Conditions of Souvenir Gift only to" a customer. HUNTLEY BROTHERS COMPANY ' Christmas Headquarters - - Oregon City, Ore. I , , j . ' REAL ESTATE-TRANSFERS. Charles A- Daugherty to CC Har grove), SO acres of section 1. township 3 south, rang 3 aat;flO, . Eatacada 8 tat Bank to J. Wtttaed and A. EL Sparks, lot 11, block T. and lot j aad 3 la block , Estacada; - SIM. : William X. Smith and Saras A. Smith- to Mary K. and Ethel Thomp son, lot 15. block 1. C T. Tooxa Ad dition to Oregon City; $L William U. Smith and Sarah Smith to May K. Thompson and Ethel Thompson, lots U. 12. block SL Gladstone; $10. A. il. and Amy Hulburt to W. A. Jones. 30 acres of sectloa 30. town ship 4 south. raae east; $10- WllUam KeUendonk to W. IL Kel lendonk. land in Clackamas cooaty; $1-00. Ella K. Howell to Daniel snd Sophia Gnenther, land in Oregoa City; $X. Nels N. and Anna U Rodlan to Carl Cast and Ida Fransen, 20 acres sectloa 17, townihlp 1 south, range 3 east; $1,100. A. Vester and Anna Yeetsr to Mpees Anrbock. tract 11. Gordon Glenn Home Tracts. Deep Creek Junctlonj $10. Henry A. Kay lor to Emma A. Fea gaa. 30 1-3 acres of D. L C of Wil liam Engle, No. 44. township I south, range 3 eaat; $3,000. DO TOU KNOW that the Enterprise year-end Bargain Period Is now on See M on back, page for particulars. FOR STORE LIGHTING "i: MAZDA Lamps are Unrivaled " ' -: I ,'7 '. . - .. ' .' They enable any store to use electric light at a cost which is less than would have to be paid for any other illuminant on the market. We Furnish Klazda Lam pa to our central station customers at very liberal .terms, in all sizes suitable for all lighting needs. Every merchant should look into this question of more light for his business. We have scv era! interesting propositions for merchants. . Heart to Heart Talks. try EDWIN A. NYE. .)!., I ! I PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN OPflCC 7ffand Alder Streets t . IF WERE A BOY. If I were a buy again I would not choose to I reared doder different parents or under different lauueoree. but- " If I were a r egsln I would do s lot ef things I did o-M do sod leare undone mid of the thing I did do. If I were bnr auuln I would go swimming and hunting Jut an I did sud ofteor If I could. I would play aa bard and aa often aa I could la the open air and build me a strong and suiple Ixidy. If- If t.Wrre a bnjr again I would read more bouks and Ixtier booka Ibao I did read, and I would thn And oat huw the ret and moat HUiTraaful men got n In the world. If- . If I were a nor again t would be as nnr-b na xlule with pemonM nldr tbnn mytwf. I would trv to get front prwmal contact all the grace ayid the manners of aurb peraona and learn from their own II tbe atory of tbelr Urea. 1'- If I were a boy again 1 would not reaent my mother's little scoldings, knowing that I well deferred them, nor acorn to take tbe good ad rice of my father. Nor would I think myeell wler than botb my pa rents -and tnr preacher thrown In. If- :' ' - - 'v. If I were a boy again I would go to Sunday school, whether 1 was told lo go or not. Kut I would rvsllze tbe Itoportince In my education of real knowledge of the nibte.' If- lf I were s boy again I would dream tbe drenma of ; boyhood and then some. And no doubt when I was par ticularly. diHnppolnted with the world 1 should dream tbe dream of being s lawleaa pirate of the blgb seaa. with s price npVn my bead snd tbe aknll snd croHabonea at the peak, lint If I were n boy sgnln I would most ly dream of tbe dny when I ahould grow np to be a good sud useful man. If I were boy again Hut. deary me! It baa been so long ago. And should I hare tbe chance to do and dream I mltchT do better boy than I was or worse. Who knows? Where He Came In. lie gazed tenderly Into ber eyes ss sue spoke. HlAf0," she murmured dreamily, la sfter sll nothing but a. romance In wblcb we are the characters, moving hither sod yon as the supreme Author of our being directs." "And In the uorel of your life." said be tenderly, "where do I come In 7" ; "TouT she snswered with a smile. Oh. yon arelet me eee-one. two, three yoa sre Chap ferenteen nr prs Weekly. . OtVORt-S NKKVKI 00T tilt OF HIM IN WORLD'S SKHII. Joh perore," th little eut Bolder of the niNiils. made a world'a rrlea rerd In the aec otid game at ,hlld.'li.lils when be atwh out four muea. r'ddle IMank entiiueenrd bliu. serTlug a cure wh.n he Huked for s fsat ball, ami r. leore waa peevml lie turned le the aniplre lunieeil of the ball When IVunolljr t-Nlld btm wut the aerfiml tle be toued hla bat is abow bla tilNtu!- The third time be tried to argue, but Con nolly walked sway. It was the same the fourth trip .Couoolly Ignored the kWfc. but Busily levure gtt on bla serves. When the third strike waa call ed Derore said oiiiethliig. snd Connolly palled hla msk Lsler Connolly related tbe con eerstloo. -It la eaay to see how you bold your Job In I be A luetic a league." sald lVore. "It's bard to see bow you bold yours with the O'subnl rei.ud ed CiXinolly. HMtHHfH COFFEY COMING CHAMPION Callteeelas Ha SHewM Oreal frm Im RmM attics. Walter C'etTey. Ibe Cs.irornla ailddie weight, wbe ba been trltumlng sll tbe ersrks u the eM, b uutjr tweuiy-one years of s(e. Me bsa been s bard worker for tbe lst few year and ! stronger sod more rugged than lbs arersge of ttie reent dy mJ of tbe class. Coifey put In s lot of lime working si tbe oil wells down la Kent rouuty. O. before be left Ibe rat. lie J the work sud tbe fellows you bump np sgslnat around tboee oil flelda arelwn of the toughest propueitlona In the world. CohVy baa s corking left band and Kiwnri a punch, la hla battle with foung Unghrey of rblladelpbls Is New York recently Coffey showed br bad s wsllop by rsrlng In two of tl Quaker boy a ribs. There U no other lighter who remlndi one so much of Kelrbet la general makeup. Whether he can fight half sa well ss Ktaaley did during his brief rs reer In the ring Is s queatloa. . SOPRANO GOES ABROAD. f The Humer ef It Stalls Were yon shopping today Bella Tes; I got some tbltfgs to si. change. New York Run. Nsted Qraod Clre-U Mara Seld tk AwatHan Trf loprsnovSn. f.rtr holder of the world's rseord fur tbryearold Allies, the faateaf BTe-yenr-oht sia'e f Ibe paat seaiun. tbe worUI's fa.tmt four year-old mere In s race. Joint qMer of record for tbe fatet Hotter of the es son lo s race snd Ibe most rouletent ef tbe past aesann. re-ently srrtved In Auatiia Iter new owner, l-eopold llsuwr. purrhawMl Ibe anperb dsngh ter ef llelliul. 7 13.. from Jobs K klsdden dorlniftbe Iilngtnsi trots re realty 4 DEFI FROM CHOYNSKI. Old Time Heavywt'tM Analewa le la tum te Pting te fight. Joe Cbnynakl who In hla day stop ped Jack Jobnaon. but whose day was supposed e be done. Is amloiia to re turn to the ring and m seeking a match. Kurk Crouee of riti.burjb hi tbe man Choynakl especially diKir te meeC sad a challenge iaaued by the eeteran Is directed st tbe tighter named. . . CboynakL who la regarded a one of the cleverest men who erer steptet FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. ; The Hals Are Seeds CevsessV FesWsh NskMss Very Bew sre the but ahai revered with suwle or auede cloth, I he latter decorated wllh flwwyrs having very poluled pelala Tbee sre t luolered on the brim. l b Is lurnd bscb flat lleoistltctilng Is a favorite touch Is Bew freucb .fsatiliins, and Its bM proiulueut use (a In hekwea Tbe double bresMrd recftr rust Is a smart one for little Imys. Tbe real ( v S Photo by American f'raas Aaaoclatloa JoBOuoTnasL Into tbe ring. Is now a director of ntn Irtics In 1'lttsburgh. Like .McCoy and other veterans, he regnrda the men wbo are getting tbe nioney at prwnt s set of counterfeit, and he he Ueres deaplte hla age Hint he can beui most of them. fight crlth-s regard Crouae aa one of tbe best of the prtment crop of pugil ists. 7 Llndrum te Play Billiard In England. Fred Undruui. one of the bext 1 1 Hard players in AuMrullii. Is snout to visit Kngland and mnj be mntvtied to meet Cray, hla fellow countryman, lu a coolest V'hl' b ahould arutiMe vrent interest, as (Iray's playing has been ths sensational order. Barry te Meet Langferd In Austrslls. Jim Barry, tbe heavyweight pugilist la now In, Aoxtralla. He will be matched to meet Sam Lsngford there. sts tns uuten. D'AnberYotir daughter nslnts tbe Dutch school, does ahe nofv Mr. f Kewrich Not much ahe doeao't! IVr pay fl0 a quarter to give ber private leasons at home. Dutch school deedr-rhlliidelphls Record. In In Net Chsrgsd. Tsrdon ms." said tbs smiling ens tomer. "but is this miners! wster chsrgedT "Not any." replied ths fsir girl st tbs counter. -Ton pay the ceahler'-nsl-tlraore News. i CJb a asss cot pictured raa be ma le with or witbul the shield, so that It Is edsped to both very cold weather and te tulid dsys. JI'IUC (.IIOM.rrr This May klseins twlient is eel ht Met tor sots f . fuvr fi4 i years ef SS. SmI M le I his (Am Sl'S tanK tJSS. eS M U be pmnptlv rnf ardwt lo rtt Sy stall II la Mie a4 SS a-MIIMuil ! rant Maws fee tenet (ataa. hb mur. ixwt aeotust S liver? WhM erSwias ees eeusM- ho. Slav. r)OM.. ............ Address.... FRIBBLES OF FASHION. Oswdy Bells Are, Wseti ex Wlstee . Ceaifc i The SddKtoa of s a oms mesial bell a great help le many rusts The French isllor sre ulng man of tbem. snd I hey make sn olil rust look tlks new. rnvMed wir' figure ess stsed It. It la a guild ecbeme. Iiala palest leather Is od: slso lea! ber with sooares of colored enamel or gill metsl To renovate sn okl blouae Jut sdd s Soppy rev era sad a f'rid sailn girdle 'A - fvl 1 Wj4 i - f O0!o olMb a l:.: r, a. with s plalleil mil attarhed to It snd the trick Is done. If there Is some fringe handy use It,, too. aud the op lo date effect Is scroinpllahed. Tbe bsnd bag of elaborate ftbrlc grows more conspicuous as the days go by. The velvet bng Is usually trim med In souis way. sud thai of heavy brocade Is beaded or braided lu tu treating or self loues. For s young girl's dam-lug frock Ibe costume lllimtrnfed is mighty good looking. The nh la a partlculnrly new restore, snd the frtne which trims tbe frock Is snot her modioli touch jijnm uim.vri tlAFLE UM t ELECTS Q T-s Mspl. una 0t11, Urdsy at ths CJrang. ? ! Use, and eltled brfic fr the ensuing y.r - " -ss tshea up by tha' basinL?8 order The folio. in, " Sleeted I , Master, j. LsjeSLT 1 s.r. Nr o. A. altaw; ftj i UsIs; chaplain. Mr: T steward. Mrs. Wllliw lu t tsnl steward. I). r. AaCk I tr, A. J. HohbU; aerrtZS A. Ulllrit; Cerss. rich; I'omons. Mrs, J ? ' Flora, Mlas K,ro nim keep. Wllllara OtJTL" steward. Mrs. Ii.ll. One sppllcsut f.V to.aXS. ' admitted and four .h?n, their Intent k.a at beeo,, In the near future. vlaltors frn Abernib, UUers snd Mrs. Ilsyf,. Tk1 big aileadsnr, m os. iTj ures wss the hot dlnne, the wouten. .. I The follosing prtigraaj M ' J 4: H-ng. -The fciver JJ i. llrsnge; roll rait, riij anta Claua Mytha; diirZS. V tlll.lng.- C. Y. BillwM?L2 William IW-rd; rerlu fft Slaters lio,- 9ltmmj Mt, reammded lo an encore. syg lie the first On,- ril,, Ul- Tsgeskopf; st;,. Threads Among lhe a K.llle (lardnar -- - I sv (Jllasss) A. J. Ils. William u..a vm sa. OREGON CITY HARD GAME, 6 TO ( In one of the bardMt foailu J Iron -battles of the brnt . . I Oregws) Cl'y football tsj .... , . , .... ,MB iai iirouain Altl(lc Clk i I'orllssd. on Ibe Csii.iuak Pari bs Hundsi to h. Il wss a battle mviL iv.i ' DghUng desperslely (or tks s4tumI Ibe ball see-saalng barb aa brl nearly always In the renter st ib flsld t Oregon City nearly scnrW h at second Quarter hen the less) Ul s ball on lirooklyn's ooeysrd itas. TW referee's whistle was all last mi lbs local tsds from Worlsc Oregoa City's tourbdova ss aa la Ibe last period wbea attar i ha ble by lirtajklyu, Hller, Oreoas Qyi right end, sctioped up Ike ksfl as rsred a yards aero, tat fsl sa lilamsrk kicked goaL UrtMiklya played the beat naUa. dsy of any of the visiting Imsm .14 hsa sppeered here They ewt a fast as rbsln lightning ss4 yutMd many oral play. I4pey, Klebrrts snd Older tum s tbe visitors, while Carotkers ta4 U renre shlned for the lorsta Knee City Psrk tesja m by ss Clualons with the Oregon City ws on Canemsh field eeit Ssadiy. ' The line np follows: Oregon City. " Brsolht Monigomeri 0M C, Ward Caasy nou rreenisq, C. st RTU BeilerV Hoar rreemsa, W OoUoal U.K. tjiwrence Buas LTR. White Os IJCIt Dlsmsrk Urw Q. Carothers, (Cspf I freeman. F. Bpsy UIR fimlth Jrt' F. HISSES PORTER AT CHARMING HOSTES i 1 One of the moat delightful rW ever given In this city wst that a, hrdsy afternoon wheo MIm rutf Porter and Miss ste Porter f Ulned a few of their friends slf the prises being hsndpslntad rt They were won by Mrs M- B tourette snd Mrs. John l-V? A delicious luncheon wss ervelTiJ rooms were profusely a"T with red carnations snd ferns, and showsd murk sruss tsate . n. Present were Mrs. Tbeodor , . . ..ikvilift. sr. mono, sira. joon - , M. D. Utourette, Mrs. ""TOf.'J ley. Mrs. K. P. Rsnda. Mrs j. ker. Mrs. II. R. Btrslght, Mrs. Oreenmsn. Mrs. W. R- If"1 K. S. Mount. Mrs. Uonard CJW-" Mrs. II. 8 Moody. Mrs. John r." Mrs. O. W. Ensthsm. M,..J--tlumphrys. Mlas Nrll O. A. Harding. Mrs. Nta Uwrenrs. Mrs. It T. FM Kenneth ptsnton, Miss A"f ' non. Mrs.'B. T. Avlsot. Mr nollsck. Miss Bmlly OMsllor. Mall, of Portland NOT EXPENSIVE ( Treatmsnt at Hot Lsbe, Including msdlcal sttsntlon. Ixisr baths, costs no mora than you would pay to lira t any flr" tf hotel. Rooms can ba had from 75 cents to 12.50 par day. In. the cafslerla are served from 10 rents up and In ths (rill usual trllr-prlrss. Baths range from 50 csnta to fl.OO. Wc Do Ciire Rhcamatism ' ' . '.in.rai nats Hoi Wise .-- , B. snd mud s-l"n jjndsf Jj tlfle direction bav 1 thenfsands. Writs W jJ trstsd booklst dVupimWni Hot Ukt H" the methods W0'i t Uke Sanatorium U Ibis a. It is locstsd dir. ly on tha main Una O -W. UN. rsliwr. special aPrlon rai to bs had at ll tlmss. A agents. . HOT LAKE SANATORIUM v " HOT LAKK, ORIQON. WALTER M. PICRCC. Prcs.-Mflr. I " 'S "' sw "' 1 '