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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
IV MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1M1 Big Trade Starts This Morning : AT ' V-r : Is Now In IFtill Swing ' A ft v' . rr n , I Building nrl .aaao": ' - iig Saving In All Departments. Buy Now and Save MONEY. -I th&Main ' - Oregon City Suspensjoa Bridge Cor. AID) OREGON CITY'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE DOW T CU3 D S S T H D S -3 A L E tin REWARD Tor the arreat en conviction any person of pereone, who lawfully remove copies of Tbs rnlng Enterprise from th LmiM-a . of subecrlbera after hmr baa been piacea mere or C Through French Eyee. I i low tha ioitrlria ml II loo Ira marks billiard txre.-Pele Nielsen A Llndberg HIGH CLASS TAILORING 308 tailing Bldg Portland. Phone Main 6151. LOCAL BRILTS 'on ran get fresh ranch eggs at rrla' Grocery. ... s William Jones, of Union Mill, was Oregon C'ltr Friday. b. K. Reynolds, of Portland, wss In city Friday. Mli Uxxla Mulvany. of Union Mill, Is In thla city Friday. Try our 25c merchants' lunch, at k Fall Confectionary, 70S Main u Hark Irish, of Mullno. waa In thla ly on business Friday. Mm. Iwivld Moahnke waa imom tha regon City vlaltora Friday. C. KL H.vnnlda. of flalem. waa In 1 city Friday on business. Mra. A. E. Conlln vlsitea in rorv land Friday, tha guest of friends. Thomas Jones, of Heaver Creek, waa In thla. city on business Friday. "Mr. aniL-Atra. Kirk .Casseday and daughter, of Cama, were In thla city Friday. " ' ladles' high top tan shoes, $4 pair, at W. A. Holme.' Mra. Ilyrom, of Tualatin, la In thla city visiting her sister-in-law. Mra. Dunne Kly. Try our Fall City Creamery butter, tt'a alwaya right. 75c per roll at Har rla' Grocery. Oyatera, any atyle, at tha Falla Confectionery, 703 Main street Mra. Fred IJndsey, of Beaalde, who haa betn In thla city visiting, baa re turned to her home. norn. Friday morning;, to the wife of Postmaster A. H. Knight, of Canby, a seven-pound aon. - George Wella, well known realdent of Bcotia Mllla. waa In Oregon City Thursday and Friday, and registered t tha Klectrlc Hotel. Mra. Ethel Ferguaon. of Portland, who la vlaltlng her alatera, Mra. Adam Knight and Mra. Cassis Evana. of Canby. waa In Oregon City rnaay, . King frlenda. ' ir.l who haa been vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. Jacob Btelner. haa re turned to hla home at Rltivllle, Wash. Rev. F.aslg la a eon-lnlaw of Mr. and Mra. Stelner. To secure aud hold the beat tradj I a hard problem, but we have Its so lution. Alwaya buy the beat and make the prlcea low. Harris' Grocery. Mr. aud Mra. A. D. Vatcher, who have been residing' at Vancouver, Wash., for several months, arrived In Oregon City Vedneaday, where they are vlaltlng Jklr. and Mra. J. E. Vatch r i,r Twnifth and Center streets. They will remain In tbls city for a month, but have not aeciuea upon location. For adoption In Clackamaa county, Ana healthy boy, eight years old, who la good and obedient uerman aeaceui. father dead. Inaulre 717 Fourteenth atreet or Mra. Kate Parker, court matron. Mr. rharla Albrlaht. of Hood Riv m.r in thla cltv Thursday visit ing frlenda. Mra. Albright had been in iiriiin(t fnaveral days, where she waa called by the serious Illness of ber nephew, Jerome lorue, woo is ...w..rin frnm lirleht'a disease, but whose condition haa Improved the past two daya. V, knnall man la too Door to OU- t.ln rdlt at Huntley's. Our new charge system Inaurea absolute ac curacy, and arroraa a cneca uu e ery purchaae. As s aooui iu t a & iiavworth. Mra. D. C. La tourette. Mra. FTank Welsh. Mra. U H. Olmstead. Mra. Davla and Miss ..J. tiriiiiama ihn have heen attend- veua Ing the naptlst Stat ixmveuuou ai McMlnnvllle, returned to Oregon City r.i.i.v R itavworih and Mrs. La- tourette took an acuve pan on iu- program. $50.00 Reward To the person that can find a better line of candles than is iouna ai m. t.i. r.nrfv Rinra. 703 Main atreet. Get the habit and eat good candy. You -,m iiva nnr ana reel oeiwr. iu .r. made fresh dally at our factory v.. th real Macoy when you . t,.r. Mow don"t forget 8atur day. If you miss It it i vour fault, not ours. Fruit-bar at n ..mi nound. Saturday only Regular 60 cent kind for tbls occasion. Something extra. called attention to many of the prop erty owners who bad not atgned the remonstrance, and questioned the statement that eighty per cent had algned It. He and Mr. Cross had aev . . . ... . . .... ... f.t. erai veruai una, uui iu ui 1nf was maintained y-feoh- The council approvea an eigm nm levy, the same as last year, for 4ne atreet Improvement fund. An ordin ance providing for the Improvement of Fourteenth atreet. between Main and Washington, was passed. WILM IE VALLEY HAS OMAHA EXHIBIT EAST NOT READY FOR NORTHWEST WHEAT 30 COMMITTEE NAMEDTO REVISECHARTER (Continued from pag I.) Man-Tailoreo! Suits, Coats ano! Skirts for Women anol Misses By special arrangement we represent one of the most up -to-date tailoring establishments in, the country fnajiing only strictly man-tailored ' garments to individual measure. We cordially invite our customers and friends - to inspect our Portfolio of FasKions FOR FALL 1911 which includes seventy-eight distinctive, auth oritative styles and about three hundred and fifty materials ' . Prompt delivery and. satisfaction-In style, fit 7, and quality guaranteed. v W. A. HOLMES 617 Main Strt.t. ' ' good one, but waa willing that the v.. .ri.d w. A. Shewman sua- gested that one man be put In charge ...a v.M ..nnnslblel His Idea was to provide a government similar to the ooaraa 01 uiwwi - -. -Hons, to make the chairman of the board, ao to apeak, the responsible heAfter the names nad been aubmltted ... i Mavnr Rrawnell said that masa meetlnga could be held, ana the proposed charter inorougmy m ...oH hfore the special election .i.i.,v. iii h railed to vote upon It The mayor also promised that the revised Instrument woum oe pu""-" - ... ..nanAri ao tha voters could make a study of It. The motions that the suggestion or the mayor ds buuj. ed and the names submitted by him be anproved were made by Councll- n.,..r Tha followlna- memoera II1HII . 1 'J v ' . , of the board were present: Burke, r.i, iniiMun. Meyer. Michels, tin Hnlman. The absentees were Strickland and Hall, both of whom. It la understood, are favorable to giving the commission rorm a . Best Man Nameo. . rtrnwneu aaia Biier '"J"1 ..... . .1.. Ing that he was aeugaiea un i--7.n naannd uDon his sugges- tlon unanimously ana nu w . ...11- h it waa generally sgreed that he could not have named better men on me coihiiui. A. remonstrance, wnicu w i a k. .iirhtv ner cent of the taxpayers on Monroe street, against Improving tne aireei . Fourteenth at the present time was received. It waa held that the remon strance Bhould nave neen earlier and before the contract tor the work waa let. H. B. Croaa apoke against building tne siree,. in. a w. ter and F. J. Tooie urged that the work be started at once. Mr. Cross gave notice that he would fight to the last the taking of earth from the street In front of hla property for use Id building up the grade elsewhere. He said he would need the earth to fill several lots. Mr. Toose said that he had been misrepresented by per aona wanting the work declared that the city would be liable for damagea to the contractor If the contract were broken. Mr.' Toore The "live wires" or tne lour gri Willamette Valley countlea: Benton, Marlon, Linn and Lane, through the vwMMtratJve efforts of the county .nil nnmmerclal clubs In Cor in. ciom AlhariT ana KHeene. wui ' - - have what Is thought to be one of the i.. xkiiiita . of varied commercial uroducta of the Willamette Valley that r I J tka. 4"kmo. haa ever been aaBeniiueu, i u ha lnd Show which opened Tuesday. The offlclala of the Southern Pacific aystem have Jaken s very acUve . in terest In this enterprise ..v.ihi hna rxen sent to Omaha. The car la packed with a really re- n.rknh rollectloa oi norutunui . j Mhihlts. The ex hlblts Include fruits, preserved and r...k .ralH. hous. wool auu iuo luauui.'v. ; . r A U font in lnnCin BI1U 19 feet In width. n a prominent aisle of the great Coliseum at Omaha, will be .. A with hi hiti from Benton. UIKHCU wia. - . Linn and Lane countlea. Supplement ing this will be an annex oevowu w .ri which will occupy a separate space about forty feet in IHll. inll in wnicn Will uipi.;- ine kuiiii. .0 . ot.t. irair anown w d-" This panorama, wnicn auracvuu -great deal of attention at the State Fair, Is the work oi ueorge i mw - .t.n m k in charge of this sec CI, wu 1. writtx ihrM aaaisiania. uo mfc UUU 11 vm ... work installing this panorama ai i" W F. Groves, of Corrallls, whose clever arrangement of tne aispiaya oi nenton county at tne Biaie rir many encomiums, la designing ana consolidating the exnioua oi i ties. These will be surmounted by a large sign reading "Famous WlMa- tnette Valley. Oregon, auu by the names of Uie counties repre D7.iv , .... tlluatrated by Illum ined transparencies and pictures, will be riven tw ce aany in io "'" l .v- wnndera and beauties of the Willamette Valley and the op portunities for nomeaeeaeia exploited. The work la In !charge of XX C. Freeman, manager of the Eugene Commercial Club, who worked up the consolidated exniun piu, - Holbrook. of Albany. Towards the expenaes oi iu, A F. Hofer. aecreiary oi mo Board of Trade, aucceeded in getting ,rJ T.,intv court of Marlon county to make an appropriation The Unn county court appropr..leU. . .ur tlal aum. aa aia me wf-j 100 pounda. FEED Shorts, $29 to $30; rolled barley, $37.50; procesa barley. $38.50; whole corn, $37; cracked corn, $38; $26; white. $28 to $27. FLOUR $4.50 to $5.25. Butter, Poultry, Egga. A soecJal meeting sent to one of the leading grain bouses of Minneapolis by m local party disposes of the report that the East is ready to purchaae remaining supplies of Oregon-Wash-tngton-Idaho wheat. According to tne message tne wneai vrnurn in tha Pacific northwest la too soft for use there at the prlcea quot ed for Eastern hard wheats, therefore the value of the Eastern product can not be judged with the Eastern stock. The talk of heavy smpmenis 10 me East originated by the receipt here of . nutiiu frnm two houses of Minneapolis, who wanted to purchase 5,000 busneis or me imau inwu"-Pi-artlcnllv everr dealer in this sec tion received the same lnqulrlea. One large operator nere onerea me auuu eapolla people several hundred thous and bushels on ue local price ui but the Eastern interests came nacK with an offer aeveral cents less, i nai disposed of the Eastern business. Prevailing Oregon City prices are aa follows: umrs fnnvlnrl Green hides. 5s to 6c; saiters, 5c to 6c; dry hides, iv tn Mr- sheen Delts. 25c to 75c each. Hay, Grain, Feed. vtav muvlnart Timothy, $12 to $15; clover, $8 to $9; oat hay. best, $9 to $10; mixed. $9 to $12; airaiia, iia to $16.50 . OATS (Buying) uray, zo $27: wheat, $32 to $33; oil meal. $53; 8hady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter. 25c to 30c; fancy dairy. 80c: creamery. 30c to 25c. POULTRY' (Buying) Hens, 11c to 12 1-2; broilers, 11c. EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 30c te 35c. u Fruits, Vegetables. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes, on basis of 6 l-4 for 45 and 60's; peaches, 10c SACK VEGETABLES Carrota. $1.25 to $160 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 to $1.60; turnips, $1.25 to ii.6u; beets, fl.50 ... POTATOES Beat buying 70c to 85c per hundred. ONIONS Oregon. $1.25 to $1.60 per hundred; Australian, $2. per hundred. Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Llvs weight) 8teers. 5c and 6e; cows, 4ttc; bulls, I l-zc. VEAL Calves bring from 8c to 13c, according; to grade- MUTTON 8heep. 8c an 8V4c: lamba, 4c and 6c tirra 1R tn lift nnund hors. 10C 1 1.VJ - " - and lie; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and 10c . . - SUES FOR BALANCE ON ENGINE. John Kernan has sued Fred P. Hurst for $375 alleged to be due on a donkey engine and boiler. MEADE RELIEF CORPS ATTENDS INSPECTION Sanscrit for the DaJly Bnterprls. u.oa Hallof Cnrna of thla cltV was ftepresented at the annual Inspection of the George Wright Corps at Port land Wednesday evening, those going from this city being Mrs. Julia Tingle, Mrs. Roslna Fouta, Mrs. Martha Beach, -Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Katherlne DeFord. u... uinnU Donovan. Mrs. Amelia Maddock and Mrs. Nellie M.Alldredge. There were about 200 members In attendance, and after the bualnesa session refreshments were served, and a social time haa. ine nieiuu. .h fjrand Army of tne Kepuouc - - tended the meeting at the ctoae ot the buslnese and Indulgea in me w viUes. Uncotn-Garfleld Corn's and . in nf Pnrtland. and the DUIUUCl v - Vancouver Corps were In attendance. - Hotel Arrivals. - The following are registered at the Electric Hotel: George -Webb. San Francisco; Isaac Hudson, Jr., W. Y. ShulL Los Angeles: J. W. Fay man. San Francisco; William Saunders. George Wells. 8cotts Mills; J. W. j.,i vr t ij(.ne. city: W. Hoe- CHyTVD. Rice. C. 8 Payne. Ic. R- Fish. PortUnd; Ray Rue. C. E. Reynolds, Salem; u we- - SEEKS OWNER OF HORSE. Chief of Police Shar Is desirous of finding the owner of a horse which wss put in the pound several days ago. The horse weighs 900 pounds and Is about twelve years of afe-U Is a gray. . , " Small Stores Gain Business by the bright electric light for signs and win dows. Now that MAZDA lamps are avail able nothing is easier to obtain than profitable lighting. These new incandescent lamps we now offer to otir customers tinder Very favorable conditions. FOOTBALL TEAM READY FOR GAME TOMORROW fit. fnntha'll team held . i", nighi and will practice " ..a mnrnlna. Sunday after- oontCamah Park they will line up against the ra.t Club team or r-onianu.. i - -will play Sunday are as follows: Mont gomery. Iageron Sm h. Berry. Raher. C. Freeman, Naui .V:., white (Manager) KOOB, (VH"'M - Carothers, F. Freeman and Long. ... olnhhlna- offer. The Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonian, Dom uui.. ber 1, 1912 for oniy i. who. -October 81. 1911- Here is the Only Bargain House Cnmrmre 00r prices with others and you will he sure to trade here. New and second hssd furniture or an klnda. Granite, glass and light hard ware. . E. W. liellien Opposite The Grand More Electric Light can now be obtained for every dollar you pay for current than ever before. The MAZDA lamps give more than twice the light you have ever before considered it possible to obtain for a given expense for current. We are now ready to tell you how you can get the benefit of this great advance in electrical development. ' ' s ' PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN omCC 7th and Alder Streets . 0