Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
The enly da"r MW1IH a two" Portland an Salem; lata In every eeetlen ef Cla- mm County, wtth popaiatle af 10.000. Art you an aeVertleer f cur Fair Saturday: e northwesterly wind. ' v 111 flat. WEEKLY CNTCRPRI.St ESTABLISHED 1306 ps Week, 10 Cwttj OREGON CITY, OREGON, HATU.HdXy, OCTOBER 21, 1911. ENTEGMilSE no rn NO 11NI8TER JAILED AS GIRL'S SLAYER JOUNO CAMBRIDUB Uivin AC CUSED OF POISONINQ FORM, gpt FIANCEE. E THAT HE BOUGHT DRUG the iHiTtE'n1 PERPETRATED BY WAIT MP DOUGALL : ilea Kp AH Nlght Vigil At Waca Whr Aecud Board Engaged Ta Marry Another. . iuimt(jN. Oft. 8. A narrow call In Iharlra 8irt JU tonight hohla iba Lv Clarence Virgil Thompson Rlcbe- ..u.i,, nf lha Kmniail- tn, tne yu".i I impiiit Church. Cambridge, who ... arrested today for tn aiiegeu Lr.W of AvJ Llnneli. of lloysunls. , u whom ba bad been engaged. . i.iHTTOtnnanr-to-jmttrttita-at b ... a... Anrmm mill. marked a temporary and to a of clrcunitnoa which police Lartlvr have followed since the Ln.h of Mla IJnuell last Saturday by fc.iiWl of potassium polauulug. MM. IJnnall. wno waa nineteen nr old and a student at tha Conser- m A . a I (iitory of Music, waa louna ua iu ho bathroom of tha Young womenw rliUn Association home here. At first the police, believed that ahj ud committed aulrlda but later de- n-kipnicuU Indicated that she nad un- .uowlngly taKen cyanlda of pottaslum .111 her bv aoma otltat person, in m L llcf that It would remedy her am amusing physical condition. Kr several day ma pome L..i. utti nroarcaa. but Information C 1 1 1.1. airdav that Mr. Rich- Ln had bought cyanlda of potassium a drugstore in Newton ia me 1.1- ... mm Mb arrest A Coivn offlcere, headed br Superlnten- .nt Watta. wara wrcea to mimi n all night vigil outalda tha faahlon- l.i. k..m. in iirnoklina of tirant sa- iiaiKla whara tha clergyman had bean ylnc during tha lat weg ueior- Irhrnon waa taken Into cuatooy. Kreaiient nulla at tha dooruella. rap .mi .hiiiita failed to brtna any kBoniie from thone within the houae, nil tha police, wno ware wuuwui Warrant, wera unwilling to mene nrrllila entrance, u. la the father of Mlaa .11. - - - v Am mwiAm tar whoa marriage n.i Mr Rlrheaon. on October 31. card had Iwen laaued. Thane invitation- are recalled today. 11 M.riw i OURSPECIMtN CENTENARIANS. SART0RI5 GUY SHRIMPF. 09Tt HasntsTKMaxJ or LtiithaJ aioaa b . I H..... a..L Lt. I . Never1 CUlil 4. . I i .1. . ,jAm I .1 t 1 1 Iaua AmJ U"im , i J I tlwidelaa Tram cldeeTo tfasoland Walk fully una ht-uJradnOO) mile every yor. Nvr cliewa ln'a rood . edu Tobiaco 0 nd ' loldiiiato'iavr m-ni5lK Rut THLOPOMPUSFOSH A.B.LL0.MA0 F ii4iTerold. S It! 5i f and J 9 trX-arJdilv. L .. Ct" MArls In " . i Cot worm Twist" rides bl- Nevr wears ovwrccxy or un - ercions oi leepa In thai opam In Wfntar-. Has Hdv favr In Fibroavry. RAIN AGAIN HALTS WORLDS SERIES TAX LEVY URGED TO GIANTS ' AND ATHLETICS FAR FROM SOCIABLE AND TROU BLE IS FEAREP. m'graw Makes serious charge New York Leader. Angered By Repri mand, Saya National Com. mlaalon Wanta Phila delphia To Win. BUILD ROADS RESIDENTS OF MOUNT PLEASANT . DISTRICT HOLD ENTHU SIASTIC MEETING. J. D1MICK CALLS ATTENTION TO WASTE Soeakere Suggaat Improvement Of Thoroughfare To Markete Land Valuea Certain To Advance. PHILADELPHIA. Oct 20. (Spec ial.) Wet ground caused tbe nation al commlaslon to 'again postpone the fourth game of tha world'a champion ablp aerie between' tbe Phlladr'nhla Atbletlca and tbe New York Glanta. Rain fell laat night and the grounds wera like a regular lake when tbey were Inapected by the umpire this morning. COMMITTEE HO TO REVISE CHARTER MAYOR BROW NELL UPHELD IN PLAN TO TRY COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT. COUNCIL UNANIMOUS E( Sl'rrUT Btlpp, Stavene, SchuabaL Haramg, Andreaen, Holman And Tooaa Named Meet ' Next . . Thuraday. OREGON CITY AND LINCOLN PLAY TODAY Thr.i..k mlaiinitxratandlna tbe Oraon flty High Brhool fotitball team 111 nut play the Jefferaon itign leem, I... win nlav Unrnln lllah'a aecond tiatn on Gladiilore Park field thla af ternoon at s o clock. The Oladatona field haa been pui Inln fiinitltlnn for a football field and vorvii.i,.. win ha In readiness for the game today. The wncoin w" wlch about 145 pound and U f vlovi-n hlrh will make: the Oregon (Mty tpam fight hard if ihey win. The Oregon City team held ineir iai pr--tloe liint night and I primed up for tlie game. The team which .will be uoe.l today la C. Oault. R. 0.: J. 1 tie. K. T.; Damliack. R. E.:.8heahan, L O.; Qulnn. I T-: Rotter, U B.: Crave, g.; Wilson. R. II. T Croaa. U 11. rauflleld. T.: Mlchela, aubatltutea, V. lit'iiile, Waldron and Fredrick- ANDRESEN WAITS TO SEE PETITION U'llll.m iniluun nmaldnnt Of tha city council, who haa been urged to mane the race Tor mByor, asm m rtnv v "I cannot make definite atatemenl .....ii . ,hih t nn- wiiiu i ape me pennon, wu...., derRlaml la halna- circulated. Aa Boon a It Is presented. nd I have had tlmu m i k l will doclde. ' i The petition, It I Bald, 'baa baen luiw.rf t... iknn rnnroaenta- - r i . . . 1 1 j mi,! v vunu - " - . live rltlxeni, and entlment ii trong In fnvor of Mr. Andreten, making th mn llak V.h l.aAn av mum Ua r of to city council Big yesrf, and, Ma urged that hla eiperienre as head of the flniiPclul affairs of tha city and hla crvlce ln the council mnke him mom iiaiiirahiA man for the mayor V CARL BURGOYNE IS SHOT WHILE HUNTING C'nrl Hurgoyne. aon of John Bur- goyne, of New Kra. ana iroior ui Herman Ourgoyne, of thla city, waa ahot and aerlously wounded while hunting with three companlona near New Era Friday afternoon. The young men were alttlng on a log when Hur goyne'a gun waa dlacharged, tha ahot tearing the rauaclea of his left ahoul der. He waa taken to the homa of Joseph Hoffman, where he waa at tended by Dr. Mount Hla father, brothera and alster Joined him apon after the accident. The young msn la employed In the Southern Pacini railroad, office In Portland. PORTLAND TROUNCED BY SAN FRANCIS WOODFIN PUPILS GIVE DELIGHTFUL RECITAL AUTOMOBILE BIG AID IN HUNTING RABBITS ;co n.u i-uivnarn ict. 20. (Spec .i iti. uoaia walloued the Heavers WaL. . .mr. of 12 to 4. McCre- dle a men were never In the running !... inasmuch as tney nave wie i-- ik.. An nnt rare. San Iran mil wuu - . . -i . m . in rnn niiiu. w. - tk a in Ilie UllU a.iu ... i..v.iv Tha Reavers got one in the fourth, one In the fifth, and two th n nPh. Haraness nnuu hits and nrownlng nine. The resuhe Friday follow: Daifla Coaat League. San Francisco 12. Portland 4. Los Angeles , vernon t. Sacramento 7. Oakland 4. STANDING. Paclf'o Coat. W. 1 PR . .111 76 roniana ...... v i- K7t . . ...iiii n i !erV"n. " in 97 .631 oaaiunu 4C3 Hacramenio 4M Han rnmuu 893 UOB AHB"" Are vou Bubat riner to the Morn ... KnterrrirjT II not you ahould call and lot ua pu' your name on tne ui aerlntlon llat Immediately ally i 9 F O T IS TODAY ALL 0. C. He s. ve. LinCOLN ;H. O. 2nd , - ' : GLADSTONE PARK 3:00 P. One of the most enjoyable musical entertalnmenU ever given In thla city waa that on Friday evening at the Congregational church when Oscar Lawrence Woodftn presented thirteen of hi puplla In a piano recital. The auditorium of the church waa crowd ed with frlenda and relatlvea of the pupils and of the Inatructor. Mr Woodfln. The deeoratlona were very .-..i nl Krlaht rnliired autumn n I u.uvt leaves Intermingled with ferna and cutflowers were used. Indian baskets filled with marguerttea and utumn i.. v.. Mimnleted tha decorations and added to the beauty of ne room. The numbera on tne program w arranged to splendid advantage, and were from favorite ana wen Known composere Grieg, Chopin, Schuman, Krogman, Beethoven and otnera. Every one Uklng part in thla pro gram did exceedingly well and ahowed much musical talent, ana me msirut- tor' deaervea great credit tor the manner In which ne nas Instmcted hla pupils. one ae- nervlng tnuch credit is Miss Mamaa .. whn haa had hut one month of instruction and her rendition of "Eve ning Song ', waa won received. Mr. Woodfln rendered six selections, Including "Wedding Day." (cradle song). "Japanese Fan wauxe, Nachtstuke." (Night Song), lium- oreske," "WalUe ln D Flat." Tne lai- ... nunnnuil hv Mr. WOOQIin. auu was well received. Mr. Woodfln haa a bright future aa a musician, and every number rendered by him waa ariisnc, his technique waa perfect and Inter- pretatlona were pleasing. . . . ...hit n.mlla Mr. woounn nas iimuj ni t-i"-ho wfll appear In public at a later date, the claas being presentee Fri day evening were tne beginnera. vic tor Gault actea a usner oi iui nlng. and little Arlolgb, Reed, of Glad atone, waa flower bearer. The following program was bivbh. Contentment" "A Sum mer Moon," Violet Beaullau. Wait. March Haxel Miner. ( At Momenta.- "Alice Faltn." Mar- Jorle Reed. 'The wnisiung ocnoom" " Frost "Goodnight" Gladys January. "The DoU'e Walts" Nao:nl Arm strong. -Tha Fairies. "Hing iiooin biiib, Walts Wllla Woodfln.. ' "The Robln'a Lullaby" (Duet) Freldn Martin and Gertrude Jeremiah. "The Cuckoo," "The Princess" (Air de Ballet) Gertrude Jeremiah. L. -Santa Cmus Guards," "Urauie Song" Clyde Morreu. .., "Farewell to the Piano" Carrie Cross. ' ' "Evening Song" wiaiuaa myers. "Wedding Day," "Berceuse" (Cradle Song), "Japanese - Fan Wait. "Nachtstuke" (Night Song),. "Hu moreske.' '"Walta In D Flat-Oscar lturence Woodfln. v Lloyd Wllllama, Edward' Rechner and Charlea Ely. of thla cltv, went to Molalla Weaneaday evening. and from there they accompanied W. O. Vaughan and 81m Llndsey.-of Canby, In the Vaughan automobile on a rab bit hunt. These -men have a new scheme In chasing the rabbits, and do not use the dogs aa la customary. The lighta of the automobile are used aa a means of putting the men on the track. When the rabblta see the glar ing light of the macnine tney run across the road In front and the men ahoot them. Sim Lindsey waa me champion of the evening, and ahot more rabbits than the rest Although the party remained out but a few hours they ahot fourteen Jack rabblta and one Cotton Tall rabbit A movement Is on foot now to or ganize a rabbit club and baa atarted with five charter members, Thoae wishing to become members may com .,nioBi with Kim Llndsey. Canby, nr ihu race track. . There baa been some complaint In the way the ,.),kii. hava mnltlDlled - within the ni.t rw veara at Molalla. and It la planned to have them thinned out PLANS MADE FOR SONS OF VETERANS' CAMP The game will be played tomorrow afternoon provided the weather Hons will permit. Tha rain makea it nosslble for Math wuin tn niton tomorrow and It la be lieved that McGraw will send htm to the mound. For the Athletics, Bender, the star Indian twirler, who lost tha first game of tbe aeries after striking out 11 Giants an4 pitcning a wonaeriui game, la crazy to get another chance to piUu hla team to victory, but it la thought tnat Mack win aena in nana, using Uenaer in tne mm game. Tbe Atbletlca and Glanta are far from being a aoclable party at present and It ia feared that the next game will develop bad blood on both sides. MeGraw Is sore over the letter of reprimand sent hlra by. the National Commission,- while Fred Merkie la in a aimilar state of mind on account of the $100 fine which waa Imposed on him for Improper language on the neia last Tuesday. Baser s cuts, re-i rolvad from Rnodrraaa' anlkes. are hurting, with tha result that tbe Httle Athletics" third baseman la becoming peeved over tbe incident, while 8nod grass la angry and disgruntled over the chargea of "dirty ball" which are being made against him. Thal John J. McGraw openly aocis el tbe National Commission of having the world series "Oxed" in favor of the Philadelphia Athletica during tbe tlrada nf a him which he emitted on the diamond ln laat Tuesday's game here, la tne statement mane toaay ny uan jonnaon, president ot ine Ameri can league. Following tbe dispatch to McGraw by the commission of a letter warn ing him that further unseemly conduct on hla part would cause hla suspen sion lor tne remainder oi ua worm series. Johnson aaid: "During Tuesday'a game MoGraw, while coaching hla playera on the aide lines, continually aaaressea remark toward the box where the members of the National commission were an ting. After Merkie was called out while trying to steal second base Mc Graw walked over to the Glanta' bench, calling out so the members of the commission could hear; 'Thla la a aure thing game Old American league methods You alwaya wanted 200 per cent the best of It, and you are getting it now. u is a nne ining to have Connolly, Mack's brother-in-law, to timolre for vou. You've fram ed It np to rob us!' "Connolly la not related to Mack, ant la an eminently fair umDlre." ad ded Johnson. "Connolly treated the Giant aquarely ln every . game. I called the attention of President Lynch and Garry Herrmann, member of the commission to McGraw'a be havior, and they agreed wlttt me tnat aomething should be done about It." The umpires have been instructed by the. commission to rule McGraw from the field the Instant ne snows any sln of an eruption, similar to that of Tuesday. Commissioner Herr mann declared today mat tne umpires have been ordered to enforce the rules fearlessly. BIO DANCE TONIGHT.. One of the social aventa of the aea son will be the dancing party given by Milton Price and Frank Busch, Jr., at the Busch hall thla evening, when the Rowker's orchestra of five pieces from Pan Francisco, will furnish the muslo for the dancing. .A large at tendance I expected., '. pntronun our auvenlaeri. , or.,,, nf Votarnna' Camn will be Dunn ' w nni,.H in thla cltv Wednesday' at ternoon and evening at wiiimu Hall. The afternoon ana evening win v.. A-vntA In anencn-maKina aim wv ... . ... - ... Tha aftnrnonn Session Will IIIUBIV.I ..w commence at 2 o'clock ana tne eve- . ....inn at T. Kenneth wooawara .in tin. and Comrade-LXauchey will spesk on "Flaits." Mr. Dauchey haa the largest collection of Confederate flags in the state, having obtained them at Washington, D. C. Comrade j a. Roman will talk on "Picket m rnmrada Clyde on "Battles,1 and Comrade Ockley, "Camp Duty in ii.. Armv " In the evenlne the All- nnariire itrothera' Quartet will render avnrai musical selections, and iHon n n nmlr-k will aDcak. Miss Eula Schnebel will recite and Mayor George n nmwnall will deliver an address. V. -"----- . There is no doubt as to the organise i,.n havlna- a large membership, as the movement haa been on foot tor aome time and many have signified their Intention of becoming members DAUGHTERS OF KINO MEET. preparations Msde For Big Bazaar To B Held December 9. The Daughters of the King of the et ranl'a tfntsconal church met at the home of Mrs. Robert Goodfellow, the hostess being Mrs. A. L. Morris. The aftamonn waa devoted to sewing pre- for the bazaar to be given December &. Refreshments were serv ed. Tbe next meeting will be held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs wl A. Rhewman. . i . Present were Mrs. w. A. Bhewman, Mrs. J. J- Tobln, Mra, A. L. Beetle, Mrs. 11. 8. Moody. Mrs. C. G. Huntley, Mr. Theodore Clark, Mra. Arthur Warner, Mra. Edward Schwab, Mra Theodore Osmond, Mrs. E. T. Fielda, Mts. R. J. Goodfellow, Miss M. L tiolmes, Miss Elizabeth Roos. More than 100 realdenta of tbe Mount Pleasant neighborhood at a meeting' held Friday night under tbe auspice of tbe East Bide Capital irfirhwav Aaanclatlon voted lor A res olution providing for a special tax levy tn be used in ouiiaing roaaa. mere waa not a dissenting voice, as nas been tbe case In other sections of tbe county. T ha attandancaL vu una nr me 1XK- est at any ot the meetinga held by the association, and all present were en thusiastic over the prospect of .the countv aoon having much better thoroughfare. Addresses were made by G. E. Dimlck, member of the Capi tal uiffhwav Commission: Gordon E. Hayea, J. F. Kertchem, George La- zelle, Tom Llndaey, C. Thomaa, 8. O miimin w v. Vonnr. J. M. Warnock Grant Criteser, Lou Phiester and Wil liam Hedges. D.nnl. Una rv Work. Tnitn nimlrlc declared that the best ..uiii In the .countr were In the anrinrwater district where the money had been raised by aasessmenta. He .rtari that these roada ahould fur nlsb an example for the rest or tne county. "The people must depend upon their own resources In building roada." aaid the apeaker.- "Yon cannot expect the county to assist, except to give Its district its proportion of the-general levy. Good roada bring the market .closer and enhance the value or tne land. The only way to build tnem ia to ralaa-the money and go to work. At least one-third ot tne money na been wasted ln building roada la many Inexnerlence. The dirt roada ahould be built high In the center with the best possible draln- Ti mnrh nalna cannot be taken tn building the macadam roada. The common farm travel doea not hurt the , v.nrn.,.vr.r. It la known that wood UUftU - wagons in on district did $10,000 dam age In a abort period. We ahould bear in mind that speculators anu niunr vh.n there are rood roada, good .hnnia and the neoDle are nroaperoua. We should work for the Improvement of the thorougbTaree to me maraei. o.nUM Judge Hayea declarea that the way imnntM land valuea waa to lm- niviva tha land and the roads. He sals h. n.rk.maa county virtually i. ... 4nf.n anil It could be built III Bla U . up only through thrift. Industry ana efficient management u.u. I aurfa Firmtn. "The farmers are the backbone of the country." declared the speaker, and much of tha work rest with them. Good public schools and good roads will make thla one of the great est countlea In any atate. Peraona who own ten or twenty acre farms n, .it. miinc.ll. at a meeting Fri day night by a unanlmou vote adopt- ; ed tbe auggestlon of Mayor BrowneU that a committee of aeven be appoint ed to revise the city charter to pro vide for a. commission ionn oi . ment. The following men auggeated for membership b- the mayor were unanimously approvea oy mecou.iv.... . Uvy SUPP, H. U. lvea, v. "" w-i r i unimm. s. 1. Tooze. George Ar-Harding aad William Andreaen. A meeting oi tne couiiuiujm been called for next Thursday evening at the office of Mr. Stipp when an or- ( ganiiaUon will be" effected and the work started. a waa tha unanimity of sentiment regarding giving the pro posed change a tnai among i bera of the council and .the citizens . present. , Mayor Outlinee Plan. t in bringing tbe matter before the council Mayor BrowneU aaid that there had been mora or leaa factlon with the present charter and It waa believed that with a commie alon form ot government better re suits could be obtained. He declare that the plan haa oeen wherever It bad been inea, - eonldent it would be so m u. j. Mayor BrowneU was one of the Brat to auggest a commission form of gov- -emment here, and he haa been active ... . v T ..... kafnr. lh. Till fV in getuna mo iumi.i - lie. . . ... "I feel confident tnat we comm. aion form would be a success here. said George Randall wno was ui. to give bla viewa. "While the govern ment la satisfactory at present we - should rot overlook an opporunj w Improve It" .lit-. "The charter nas uiauy featwrevev-," T. J. Toose , aw Improvements can be made. Other clUea find the commission form of gov- ernment satisfactory, ana i would prove bo here. - We ahould pro vide a meana of aaving eery dollar possible to the taxpayer. Everything that la goon in me om vu be retained in the revised one. The people ahould nave a the charter before they are called upon to vote upon it ', Stevena Favore vnann. H a Stevena aaid that he favored the commlaaloa form of government and that tbe-charter ahould be re vised as aoon aa possible. He opposed a plan auggeated by Councilman Mlchela that the the matter of naming a committee to revise the charter be voted upon at tbe coming election, declaring that It would be confualng. 3 w. Molfatt aaid that the water board and county court furnished an Illustration ot what could be expected of a commission government He thought the present government a (Continued on page two.) . (Continued on page 8.) COMSTOCK FUNERAL HELD. Servlcea Ar Attended By Many Mam- nera or i. u. u. r. TVi. ri.nof-nl QAFvloea of the late FY.nk n rnm.tork. who died at bla home at Willamette Wednesday, were held Friday arternoon ajz ocioca at the Holman undertaking parlors, Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, pastor of the M. E. church, officiating. The deceased was a member of the I. O. O. r. oraer ana many of the membera attended tne services. The Interment waa In the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Monntaln View. Mr. Comatock was aoout iiny years nt maa and raoontl arrived with his family at Willamette from Denver, Col. He IB survived Dy nis wiuow auu a son. Read the Morning Enterprise Tom)Air THE TWO ORPHANS In Three Separate Parts. 3000 feet of fine film. ' Thirty Gallons v of Milk Wanted Daily AT THE Cartis Jersey Dairy Elizabeth Roos TEACHER Or VOICK Graduaie of Aren't Vocal Studio . New York City ' 21 tKMk . - yrtal 1321 Six Per Cent Semi-Rnnual interest Coupon Bonds. THE CLACKAMAS SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Is now offering to our home people ite ft rat morUgage 6 p.r cent Interest coupon bond, and aa th. bond, .re limited to tlea. ralla and equipment and all other work, euch aa grading and bridgea, era paid for by atock aubacrlptlona, the bonda lued by thla company are flrat ClaM.' ' , ; ' j ' ' Tha bond, are laaued in tha following denomlnatlona, vlx.: Hoc $600, $i,ooa " , ' The Clackamae Southern . RaMway Company offer the following reason why the bond ahould behold In Oreaons FIRST It Is an Oregon enurprl and owned by Oregon peopl. SECOND Tha country travrad by thla line ia thickly popu lated and haa fr.lght and pangr traffic In alght to mak It the beet paying road in Oregon for Ita lenth. ' i . . ' '. ' " . THIRD Tha beat buln men and.,farmer n the County arc tocknoldera In thla read and authored tha la.u of thaw bond at th stockholder' meeting by unanlmoua vote, FOURTH Thee bonds draw f per cent Interest and the holdr geta hla Interest twice each yar. . , . , ..,..,;,,( : Call on or addreea, l , (. ' ' - ''). G. B. DIMICK , Secretory C. S. Rv-Co. ADC.llOOIOn ZBo