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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1911)
. ; . MOItNINO ENTfiUPBISE, FJUDAY, OCTOBER 13, 121L President Taft Has Left Us The excitment succeeding him is the beauti ful line of men's suits on display at the J. Levitt Store. Best Values on earth and ve mean it. Fine, high grade, snappy clothes for young men. Clothes of the Fam ous Society Brand. 1 J. LEVITT See Our Window. Suspension Bridge Corner, COUNTY COURT Expenditure on County Read, Per September 1911. , Dletrlcl Ne. 1 ' Kelly Hardwire, pilot 4 furniture Co. I 8.09 II. E. 8b arrow r.... ...... 1.10 A. D. Klrkley is.73 O. A. Ilattla 0.00 C. E. Battln 20 00 J. A. Devle 7.60 VVm. Smart 30.00 Dun (luff ney 10.00 II. A. liattln ................. 4.50 M. E. Caffney 4.50 10 Rf WARD .... .k. arraat an CODrlCtlon If anr person or peraooa, who Inlswruuy k - - - - - kerning Knterprlee from tee r i.r ubecrlbero after Lper baa beon pieced there by trrlnr. R.dttmmg Feint. 1 Nlolmen & Llndberfj HIGH CLASS TAILORING SOS Selling Bldg., Portland. - Phone Main 5151. P. Palmer Diatrlet No. 2. II. P. Langenberg Jamea Johnaon Normnn Louder Ward J one K. R. Itoyer lillly Jone George Wlckluod .. Clmrltia Llacbke . V. Wlcklund .... Walter Johnson . J. W. Bennett' .. W. F. Haberlach W. Mundhenke nine De Haughty, will yon marry rWell. I like your oerre: Do yon really T Well. I bat la one Lid iwlut I win beginning 10 teer L-r wimi't a Iblug araml me the' vou LOCAL BRICPS Mr. Morey. of MolalU. wae In thl lty Thuraday. Trank Mueller, of Clarke, wm In bla city Thursday. Horn. October T. to the wife of R. . Vernlg. daughter. Ruhr Bmlth. of Canby, wae In Ore- kin City Tburaday. . r Thim Millar, of Molalla. WM In irvton City Wedneeday. r - Bom. October 10. to the wire of 1 Larf Bernard, a on. Dv.iara an atrle. at the Fail lonfectlonery. T03 Mala street u u..,.1ll..ra nt Aalnm. VII In thl I ... -... 9, , - - Mr on huslneae Tburaday, regiwenus It the Klectrlc Hotel . Edward Jone. of Carua. wae In Ore- inn City Wedneaday. A. T MiKira. of Salem, ill In thle blty Wedneaday and Tburaday., Itim fMfihr 7. tn fha wife Of C L Strong, of New Era, a on. Born fwinbar 10. at Clarke, to tbe Klf of Kdward Hettman. eon. Mr ami Mr. Monroe trlah. of Union plall. were In thl city Wedneeday. Try our 25c merchant' lunch, at the fall ConfecUonery, 703 Main St Mr. an. I Mr. Pharle SDangler, OI Cam, were In this city Thuraday. i 11. A. Berkman, of McMlnnvllle, was In thin city on bulneas Wedneeday. EVatrt I I nil At nil rianshter. Of Clarke, were In thle city Wedneaday. r I nna nt Wll-knOWn farmer or Molalla, was In this city Thurduy. t u. ....1 u 1 n Kaunlach. of Canby. were In this city on bualnea 1 nurndny. TrHcy McSheerey. of Newberg. was tmnn the Electric Hotel arrival Wednesday. Ur r.n tit Portland. win. Iinillfl nIHM v li In thl city visiting her daughter, Mr. Thomas A. Pone. Ma. II.. Hunk ia t.aa t.aan 111 at hi I r. 1 1 I n . . - - - home on Fourth treet, suffering irum larynitll a. Is cht y improvea. Jsok Irish, one of the well-known farm of Cams, waa transacting business In thl cite Wedneaday realdence I t lllKhland. was' among the Oregon City business vtaltors Thuraday. Mr. Andrew Todd, fwho has been vlattlnn her farm at Hubbard, returned to Oregon City Wednesday evening. L. C. Hubbard, of Colton, one of the well-known realdents of that plac, In this clqr on s buaineas trip Wdn8day. , Halibut, Salmon, Smelt, Newport Crabs, Black Cod, Shrimp. Hard-shell nd Ra,r dam, B1V Maekerel- and Herring, Olympls and Sea-ehlpt Oys ters. Tom Cod, Klppard and Smoked Balmon, at MacDonald's Fish Market. Mr. Frank Forsberg left Thursday morning for Portland, where ahe will a week-end guest of Mrs. E- P. Sum hiers, formerly of this city. y 1 Mr, w. C. Green, who hs Dn Hi for the paat week, will leave next ek for Redmond, Eastern Oregon, hre she will visit her parents. Mr. "d Mr. Qeorge Jloylan. . Mis Clara Miller and brother, Otto Miller, who left here In Augut for St. !, Mo., where they vieted rela tives, returned to Oregon City, after hvlng most delightful trip. Mrs. f. H. Call and Mr. Cobean, of .TortUnd. were In this city Wedneaday, suests of Mr. C. T. Tooe, of Thir twnth end Main atreet. Mrs. Call I daughter of Mr. and Mri. C T. Too. f, : - ' Two new tudent have already en rolled In the Portland Law School this w..i. - ....thar'lnnulrles. 1 Now is t good time to commence a Mr. Frank BeUel, who was taken where he underwent a aurglcal opera tion. I Improving. The operation waa performed by Dr. Coffey. The Women' Meade- Relief -Corp of thle city, waa lnieod Thursday by Mrs. WHIougbby. Inspecting offic er, at tbe Willamette ball At noon a dinner was served to tbe members. V. M. (llll. of Kstacada. xmm of tbe well-known reidents JUid former t-Hj hers of that place, was In thl city Thnnuli, mi hi. wav hnm from Ba. er Creek, where he baa been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mr. C. E. Kpence. He attended the Pomona (iranae-the convened at Mavle Lane on Wedneaday afternoon. Tbe- Kleetrla- Business Untreraiiy, l rai,Lvin ran. .roniinuaiiv lor euou stanograpbera Tbey placed a.atenv- trmhH wiin in. union Meat i.ora- pany, Portland, Monday, and on Tue dav received a call from a lumber romnanv for a ladv atenoaranher at ttui tue mnnlh Tha business nrma ID- predate the high standard work of tbe k. n. ir. VI r. U'llllam Norman Tldwell and daugbter, Ellaaoeth, are In thle city, and are visiting ai me nome w mr. Tldwell' sister. Mrs. Hrry Jonea Mr. Tldwell and baby will leave Sat urday afternoon on the steamer Hear for Oakland. Cel.. where mey win spend several months with relatives. They have Juat returned from The Italla. where they spent three week with Mr. Tldweirs sister. Mr, wiyae Rudelt. 15.75 ... 66.50 24.00 . . . 35.25 ... 35.25 ... 32.75 ... 70.50 ..." 13.00 ... 22.00 ... 35.00 . . . 15.00 ... 75.60 . . . 2.75 . . . 260 ......... Dletrlet No. 3. II. A. Heck J. r. Wllmarth U Ritier ...... J. A. Imel W. H. Card . U Putner ... O. W. Ikrlng R. Hlckey ... J. W. Roots 13-50 M. H. Wheeler ............... 4-00 J. W. Roots ft Co, 1.70 Strauss Lnmber Co. 116.65 DtWt No. 4.- .1 28.00 , . 20.00 , . 10.00 ,.'12.00 .. 4.00 .. ' 2.00 , . 12.00 .. 1.00 fkirnstedt Bros Jonsrud Bros. Nick Schmlts ........... Chs. Kreb ; Dletrlet No. 9. Tbeo. Herders N. Rath ! Fred Un Carl Line A. Swlrroan in Grafenheln Ray Ellla Ben Ellis Peter Ruhl U. Gansen A. II. Miller . .J Ed. Gurber .........-.. P. Rath .... Dletrtct No. 10. Ealacada Mercantile Co. ...l'-85 f 6.25 60.00 2.50 2.60 I 21.75 12.00 26.00 7.00 14.00 14.00 26.00 13.00 2.00 14.00 1.00 6.00 28.00 frit MSI j a Wm irv I ' la" ' . f f - . .-r.. cirri fz r ' 1 V 'M is r 1 Better Values DaiDv Dni Suits and Coats If you have not secured that new coat or suit, r here and now h the opportunity. If you have tried the Palmer Garment before you will want them again. We show a large : assortment in oar Suit room, v MORE AND BETTER HATS in our Millinery department. See the new ones jesirin. Prices Tery reasonable. r7Vk a rr OREGON CITY'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE $50.00 Reward To the person that can find a better line of candiee than la found at tbe Falls Candy Store, 703 Main treet Get the habit and eat good candy. You will live longer and feel better. They are made freah dally at our factory. You get the real Macoy when you come here. Now don't forget Satur ... anlal rlav. If you mles It It Is' your fault, not ours. Fruit-bar at 30 centea a pouna, oaiuruay uuu. Regular 60 cent kind for mis occaaiuu. Something extra. J.allff .. a Califf ., CJCVfceeler A. Woolaey C. Dean Fredracy .... C. McKenney .... 0. Coupland E. Marshall .... E. Bee be ...... N. McKentle ... Ingllah R. Palmateer .. P. Holm , Frank Marahall . Fred Marshall ..... W. Rhodes r. Mattoon L. Yocum ........... DAUGHTERS OF ARRANGE FOR BAZAAR ....... .4 ti.. n.n.htora nt the Klnr of the 8t. Paul's Eplcopl church met at the home Of Mr. A. U warurr i ui.a.ani wadneadav afternoon. allium 1 -"-- ' . ri. - maa for a baiaar to be given In the near future, but the date baa not been aeciaea upon. ii -. .... rfavntarf to making of - .r,inia Mri Warner served 1 ail v 7 . - dellrlou rerreehmenis. ine meeting will be held Friday afternoon . . b .ha hnma of Mrs. R. J. Goodfellow, when Mrs. L- A. Morris will be the bostess. Those attending were wra. 1. r i-n um vrfward Schwab. Mrs A I Beetle, 'Mrs. L. A. Morris. Ml. M. L. Holmes. kjtl Api-lwal. The following are registered at the Electric Hotel: a. 1. I). D. Mowery. roruanu; , T. McHheerv. Newberg! John M,DVn. Portland; C. W. Wows. and wife, cresweu; u. v. nuu . Colton: O. Adklns. John Bartenteln, Thorns Miller, Molalla; H. A. Berk man, McMlnnvllle; H. Schellberg. Sa lem. USTACADA WOMAN IS DEAD. Mrs. W. Jones Succumbs After Opera tlon in portieno. a wail-known and highly respected woman of Estacada, who underwent a eurgn-ai . hospital In Portland, died Wednea- . hnrf waa aent to oay ev i th. the family- oonit --7V:-7 deceased was tne wiie r " one of the business men of that place. Two young children survive. ' 1 FIGHTER, KNOCKED OUT, IS RECOVERING n . v. a.oiMrrar'ri. fwL 12. (SneC1 i.t iRestored to conscloushess today, George Murray, the North Beach featherweight, who remained tneensl. hie all last night after being knocked out In a boxing contest, 1 expected to recover. In tne. aixm ruumj ui with South Bide Jack O'Brien at Sau allto laat night, Murray went down and out by a heavy puncn w "'J-'' and was unresponsive to the ffortsJ of a physician. Throughout the night his life was despaired of. 13.00 13.60 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 4.50 13.00 13.50 13.00 13.00 13.00 9.00 6.15 6.25 ,4.60 27.00 39.00 36.00 31.00 27.00 26.00 26.00 22.50 26.00 11.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 18.60 9.00 3.25 J. Countryman F. Countryman E. A. Swansea P. O. Chlngren A. Johnson E. A. 8wanson A. Erickaon 0. Johnaon ................ A.' Swanson J. Erickaon ..rr; n... O. Asplund Schafer Lumber Co . Dletrlet No. 22. C. Engle . . . . . I . . 6.00 . 4.00 9.00 . 2.60 . 18.00 . 17.60 . 12.00 . 8.00 .. 6.00 ,. 16.00 rr 8.00 .. 2.30 ..I 8.00 F. E. Thomas . ... C. Duncan ........... L. Palmateer D. Palmateer r. Rhodes V. Wonaootl . n . O. Ingllah J. Schults Q. DeShlelds . O. Califf '..."." H. Tracy R. Ludlaw Duu F. E. Thomas District No. 11. John E. Smith 8. Forytha ............ t F. smith District No. 12. , Moaer Broa A. Eaden 0 F. W. Rlebhoft I0-60 Dletrlet No. 13. fred Wilcox Joe Hlnkle h G. Courtwrlght ... U Heulat j A. Schneider A. L. Allen T. Allen y 0. Welch J. T. Fullam ' District No. 15. O. Q- McClurt G. H ungate 4.00 A. Engle J. VT. Barlow . ' - Dletrlet No. 23. . ; J. J. Taylor t Wm. Rhodes rred Bachert F. Marshall : , Frank Marshall G. E. Oglesby O. Hsxtwlg .. G. Hartwlg S. H. Kauffman .. H. H. Deets N. E. Cole Wm. Winder Maple ft Masterton C. C. Rushing ..... 8. S. Miller . Dletrlet No. 25. Geo. B. Rate ft Co F. Davidson Wm. Dyer Cbaa. Horatman O. B. Gardner .'. . O. Worthlngton H. Worthlngton A. McVey Ray Likes ... F. Childs . . rrr. A. Worthlngton R. Wanker -. Win. Carll '..i... Wm. Wanker ........... A. Huffman ...I 5.00 4.90 6.00 C. C Knutaon B. Knutaon J. A. MUU F. Merts B. Alblker 8. H. Kauffman ..... J. B. Mitts '....'..'..., '"'"District' NoT2S." Robblns Bros , Scbsfer Lumber Co. 9.00 3.00 4.00 -2.00 17.60 6.00 , 6.M 17.60 37.60 2.35 11.33 30.00 2.00 16.25 1.00 2.00 10.00 2.00 ' 2.00 7.00 . 2.00 7.75 19.23 24.25 District No. 31. W, NusLaum R. W. Schat ............. A. H- SchaU '.. ....... A. Gebuardt .... Wm. Scbat I J. Buachbaum .......... A E. Athey ' ...i 8aum . ..T.... ......... W. Larson Schaber J. SchaU District No. 32. E. M. Chandler . , H. Voas i Heater Wilkes M. Chandler G. J. F. H. W. E. 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 24.00 20.00 6.00 7.60 10.00 15.00 10.00 12.03 Are vou anbarlher to tlie Morn mg Knterprln? II not you should enl' W. Ralney .... W. Johnson . . L. Mattoon 8. Nash w w Snook District No. 16. 8. A. D. Hungats A- SUehly ' Wm. Staehly 4 00 ..D'oc No.J7. u.nia a Masterton I O. W- Owlngs D. R. pimlek , J. M. Jones ........ -1 ' Ivan Dlmlck .......7 Dave Boyd ... 8. Latourette Ed. Roop J ... rvu - - - District No, 1S. T,.ft ... 80 r ?v T Moeer Fred Kamrath District no. i. R, D. Ball W. ft-' Gorbett J. Puts j. puu J. A. Oottnerg ......... Ed. Ball A. Q. Dlx Carl Strom gren Dlx Freeman A. Swanson .. 40.50 31.25 23.00 24.00 9.60 9.00 10.00 32.00 100 5.C0 6.00 4.50 4.50 2.50 7.50 8. Cordlll 1 M. Sprague J. Freyer M. Hungate C. Hungate R. Ec herd p. C. Miller .... D. Engle J. M. Austin ... P. J. Kayler W. W. Everhart 0. W. Robbln . W. H. Engle ... EL Schalxman .. 1. stelnlnger B. 8telnlnger ., S. Echerd J. Looney K. Powell ...I., a H. Looney . G. Cougbman . . R. Engle W. Larson W. Avlon F. Schntiman I 1.85 31.45 3.W .60 29.00 40.00 40.00 29.00 20.00 40.00 8.00 24.00 26.00 40.00 39.75 10.00 13.00 20.00 20.J0 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4 a An 38.00 4 A AA , ,,,, iw.v ;T;r.Trrrr- 24.00 W. C Heater , . Dletrlet No. 33. Horner Broa. Henry Cromer Ed. Young L. F. Roley i E. C. Lecy .... Jas. Marrs .... John Keller . . Q. W. Gray ' . . : Fred Mewhiter H. Cromer .... Ed. Young .... - Ed. Lacy McCurdy Lumber A Hdw. Co H. Cromer Dletrlet No. 34. ' 19.60 21.25 42.75 17.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 "6,00 LOO 37.00 23.00 6.00 .' 28.00 ; 16.00 i 16.00 t - , .$ too . 20.00 . 2.00 .' 170 20.00 . 15.00 .12.50 . 11.00 .; 1150 . t50 . 17.50 .8 18.95 . 4.00 . 12.00 . . 2.00 . 18.95 . 12.50 W., Douglas ........... J. W. Douglas R. B. Gibson .......... H. 8. Gibson .......... L Bart lemay ........ District No. W. R. Osborn ........ Chas. Rider .......... District No. D. Bonney ' District No. H. Wegner ..,7.";.... M. Rivers H. Peters R. Johnson v. C. Sievers ........... C. Freytag ........... G. W. Harrington .... W. H. Calklna E. Rlvei-a Nellie Sladen E. Harrington John Bievers Chaa Peters Geo. Himler S. Ioh"son ...... a Vedder ..... W. F. Haberlach rp, . .T .1 15.00 $183.00 15.00 28.60 9.00 4.00 11.00 8.00 -y.oo ' 3.00 8.00 25.00 14.00 2.00 1.85 ...... r.!tS.iillifREY IS ALOHA CIU3 HOSTESS 1 " . ,' ' The Aloba Club, which waa recently reorganized, met ' for the first' time for two years Tnursday.Aftemoon at the borne of Mrs. C O. Huntley, bridge being fbe feature of the afternoon. -, The prize was won by Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith, of Portland. It was a beau tiful Havlland china plat. Refresh ments were served. Tne next meet ing will be held Thursday afternoon of next week at tbe home of Mrs. O. W. Eastham. .-. i v. ' Tboee attending were Mrs. ' L K. Jones. Mrs. W. A. Showman, Mrs. O. W. Eastham. Mrs. J. N. Wlsner, Mrs. Nieta Barlow Lawrene, Mrs. H. 8. Mount. Mrs. L A. Mortis. Mrs. U. L Porter, Mrs. M. D. Latourette. Mrs. T. T Ortrrita nt Portland. Mrs. C3utrlee Griffith, Mrs. H. E. Straight. Mrs. B. P. Rands. HIM Beeeie unepara, 1 01 Portland, Mis Alice Lewthwaite. u e i e e 1 JDIstrlct No. 28. ' Wllaon ft Cooke . . ........ Robblns Bros. ............. T. 8lfle F. Hokle A. Zwan F. Bagby F. Ferlane Z. Bowman A. Carter . . . Scott Carter . L. D. Shank Jaa. Marts . . L. Bowman , F. 8herman , U Shank i.s o.ea 22.00 10.00 12.00 6.00 14.00 9.0J 11.50 9.00 20.00 8.00 3.00 'e-oo (.50 Wllkon ft Cooke 4 1 5 Tualatin Mill Company 66.79 J. Zimmerman 33.75 F. Gross 13 60 P. Schroeder 00 C. Zimmerman .10.00 E. Tledeman H. Brink 11.25 J. AdamoBky ?. -76 F. Zimmerman 3.25 L. Toedtmeler 8.50 E. Wllke .................... J. Shaw w J. Wanker . 100 W. Kaiser 30.91 District No. 39. H. Kuppenbender ,.... John B. Jackson Frank Jaggar tZ" Jaggar-: iTv-mrmr- Dietrlct No. 40. 1 Geo. Foreman ., ..... W, H. Stone , ' H. Gibson ' H. Gibson Chss. Fosberg ........... District No. 41- Harry Morrison J. Morrleon .............. (To Be Continued.) I ' t - REAL. ESTATE TRAN8EFERS. OanV A QwMnKtf PiimnMl to Sa lam Trott PnmninT 3A acrea of sec tion 24, township 5 south. , range 1 west; si.oou. Thnmaa ' f! and Cora D. HleKS tO Pharle Adams, section, 14. township 3 south, range 1 weet; $10. . Robert Ira Seely and Nettie H. Seely to Charles Adams, land in section 14, township 3 soutn. range 1 wesi; si. J. L and Theresa Eckerson to C A, Bradford, land In Philander Lee and wife, township 3 soutn, range 1 easi; $500. ' Chllon L. Dtck-on and C. L. Dick son to L. T. Trepcov. et a)., land is auction 28. townsblp 1 south, range 6 east; $1. ' Mra Kate Anaerson to rren Har irMTML BrinthwAst ouarter- of north west quarter of section 8, township 6 south, range a east; 11. High School Seefce Qamee. ' The 6regon City High School foot bail team haa open dates on October 21 and November 11. and is anxious to arrange games with high school teams averaging not more than 140 pounds. Arrangements may be made with W. E. Cau field, telephone Main 3324. Ore gon City. , ' .". . . 1 ' ' ii l ty i r ' Football Team WanU Game. - 'Tii. rtrAann r.itr football . team would like to arrange a game with a Portland eleven ' weighing not1 more than 145 pounds to the man for next Sunday- .Arrangements may be made by telephoning Harry wnne, manager, A-86, Oregon City. , " . . .. BENEFIT TONIOHT FOR CHOIR. The entertainment to be given this, evening for the benefit of the choir of the Christian: church at Gladstone promises to be a moot enjoyable event, and many tickets have tbeen sold. The affair is in charge of Oscar Woodfln. 1 you lira District No. 2ft. Joe Rech ,.$: 2.00 .. 42.70 1.70 3.25 17.00 -4.00 15.60 4.00 12.50 1.40 18.80 I''' mi- Lee Cooper .' V. Bradley .. C. Updegrave H. A. Cupp D. Miller Paul, Magnola J. Brews Y. Cooper H. Miller ........ 1. G. Sawtell f.l ...... J . . . . 22.00 6 00 40. )0 4.00 22.00 .w' 9.50 .. 18.00 '.. 400 1 8.00 2.00, ' 3.90 ,1.00 .,,,400 . I- 38.75 $ 20.50 -J - ff Watch Otir Advettisets i. i u'. " ' .-': I . . ' 1 ' ' ('..'