Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1911)
V MORNING ENTERPRISE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1911. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGOW CITY, OREGON t. C. tROCXC. Editor a Fwbllalr. t. 111. at tN mm( at Oi ra if sctsctirrm. (W Tar. r Mil M is Momha. aaail 1 M row Muaiiha. by Mil I N tr 14 CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES tee ,.IH flrni faa pa rtra Ptn, POT tac alda rwwnK poautaa any fovt In mm nun hWwT poaiitaa a para. aaVset twaarttoata laa tun paper mttT Ukaa first pac. par took nrm InearUun IS Hum papa othar .haa fra( paaw, par kaoH know th history of Ohio politics b . Inn tug with th yar 183 eaa not help but wonder when corrupt k In politic began to b t source of worry , to McLe.. Of course, the Knqulrer U opposing progressive constitution. Of court it is fight in bouklr to shoulder wttn other Interests against the election of delegates to the constitutional conven tion pledged to the Initiative and Kef erenduin. It Is possible that sums fu ture legislature, may be open to the kind of argument necessary to securv repeal of t direct primary law and of course It would Mot be hard to con vine such a legislature that the own er of a certain five-cent Cincinnati lea 1 morning dally la the proper man tor I'nlted Slates Senator. Hut that pos sibility will cease to exist as soou as the Initiative and Referendum be come part of Ohio' fundamental law. riutocratic papers were some ago exploring the case of an Orvson judge named Coke. It seems that In a murder case Judge Coke chargvd the jury In a way that resulted in ac quittal of the prisoner. Some persous did not approve of the verdict and started a petition for Judge Coke's re call. Of course, the recallrs failed to get the required 25 per ceut of the voters to sign. Few voters will sign a recall petition without understanding that there Is sufficient cause for it. and in this case the sufficient cause seems to have been lacking. But while the attempt to get signature wss being made, the plutocratic press began, to make statements giving read- varttatn at lie tu tc aa inch, aacars- era the Impression that the recall of te special condition, corarnlnc the jU( coke was an absolute certainty and then proceeded to argue from this how Iniquitlous a measure the Recall was thus shown to be. Now that the actual result of the test has been to prove how ground less are the objections that have been urged against recall of the Judiciary It is interesting tj note that none of the papers- which went Into fits over Judge Coke's p .'. x-t've "martyr dom" has yet lnformeot aders of the outcome of that case. What la more. It will probably be a long time before the New York Times, Philadel phia Ledger, or other papers of that Wnd.-wtll do a In a manner thatwltl enable readers to learn the whole-, truth. That shows that extreme cau tion Is necessary before accepting at face value any account published In these papers of the practical working of progressive measures. (morale Ite ar ttna; t raawlar aavar iai is Hna. Waata. Fr Sal. Te Rani. ate., en ami a wr flrart sawxttan: owe-half ean a-h additional Rata for aawtkalaa ta ka Waafctr BbtrprM anil ha th aaua as In ta allr. for aoTrerttaecaMt ant tar the weakly. Hi th aavarti at lraarrrr1 from tlx oalty te IK. aaa. if. without cwaaa. the rate wlU ha Se an taoh far turn the papar. an4 IS an tact far apaoaal poaioom. Caah ehouM arrotnpaay ar4r ahai a party la uaknearn to bautnaa affta af h. EntrrprtM. Lsa a4vrttaB at lal 4rtfcn raira ""treua advarttatna and special traaatant Ftr Bala" aad Bankrupt Bain . tptanenU Be Inch first Inaartioa mmml aaaartiwi aaaa matter St two. 5iw Hotm and wall wrifaaa nitfalan af aaertt. with tntamat to locnl rannatw. arfN ha sladly accepted. Ratted .nana raturnad uiuna aereaapan- IHrrpajr aalpu nanrar rat la by atamna to CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAftH. ' - THf MORNING ENTERPRISE Is oa sale at the following stort . Try day; Huntley Bros. Dn,' Main sirec J. W. McAnul' Cigars STeotb and slain. 8eciyn Confectionery alaia near Sixth. f. K. Duna Confectionery Next door to P. O. ' City Drug Store EH ec trie HoteL Schoenbom OonfectJoaery Seventh and Q. Adams. vlda else, Wall St'eet wanU the world to dl- sympathy with It, but nothing -a- Oct 11 In American History. 184 Harrk-an la Uavana harbor wrecked three French and four teen Spanish men-of-war and sixty three merchantmen. 18C5 President Andrew Johnson or dered the release of all captive of ficials of the former Confederacy except Jefferson DavUT- 1890 Danghters of the American Rev olution orgs nixed. 190O Colooel Richard Elenry Savage, soldier, author, traveler and scien tist, died: born 1846. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) San sets 622. rises 6 .04: moon rises 725 p. m.; 2 a. m.. moon at perigee, nearest earth, dlstsnt 22S.S00 miles: 12:44 a. m, moon In conjunction with j xiars, passing rroui went to esse m the plsnet, 4 1-3 decree north thereof. - tolf must ba-dull and Insipid game to Uncle Joe Cannon after sev eral terms as speaker of the House. Alfonso Is uneasy. His subjects are quite a little more so Begins to feel like football weather! This happened at the last County Fair. The attendant at one of the local merchants' booths was busy handing out advertising cards to the children and samples of medicine to their parents. Along csme a woman who was surrounded by eight chlldreu of various ages. The desr lady looked as If she was having the time of her life and bustled up to the booth with a smile and the question. "What have you got for nothin'T" The attendant handed her a smsll package and said a few words about the value of the medicine and she went away very happy. In about an hour a very dif ferent looking woman came back to the booth. She gave the man In charge , a beautiful curtain lecture on the One of the beneficial results of the I topic of "pokin fun at women," and Ohio direct primary law is that it has I said that it was s mighty good thing LIVE WIRELETS (BT EDGAR BATES.) CANDIDATES AND STATUES. entirely destroyed sll that was left of the chances of one John R. McLean becoming a United States Senator. No one knows this better thsn McLean himself. Through the columns of his paper, the Cincinnati Enquirer, he is indulging In wails of distress over the ' great misfortunes In store for the na tion from direct primaries and other forms of direct legislation. One of the great evils he professes to see Is the spread of corruption. Such a complaint Is "to lauch" when "for that sleek look In' young feller that her man was to home." A rather smusing discussion took place, but the woman could not ' be pacified and finally went on her way muttering that It was "real smart of that fresh city chap to give me a bottle of liver medicines." a a Between seven and ten In the eve ning the benches in the Seventh street square don't seem to be occupied like tht-y were before the public fountain the center of the nark. 1 It a case of being too cold or a little too much light to suit the bench warmers who used to fhck thr In twos' and two's snd two's and more two's. a a a Tis about time that "m" digs down In the old trunk and pulls up some of thst winter uuderwear that don't stop at the knees. a a a A sign In a local wludow says "hunt ing season will open the 15th." Don't think that this mean pheasants. Noth doing for two war more. a a a A youug Qregxin City girl who Just entered the University of Oregon wrote to her parents that h- was coming botuo uules they sent her the Morning Kuterpris every morning. She said that she was so home sU-k that ah could hardly stand It, but If sh received the Enterprise right along so she could keep in touch with all the happenings in her home town she might b able to stick It out. . a a Clackamas county takes front rauk among thos interested In the Capital Highway. With plenty of suitable ma terial at haud. an ldval location for a rock-crusher promised at New Era we are ready to betslu operations. Gov ernor West sas t has a number of convicts selected for transportation to the scene of activity, and everythlug seems to be ready. Let the good work commence. a A Portland paper takes a half col; umn to tell how people are packed in cars like sardines on the return trips on Sundays on the Oregon Elec tric. We have the very same thing to contend with every evening coming out of Portland between & and 7 o'clock. ' Each car carries more than twice the normal load, many persona being compelled to stand sll the wsy to Jennings or Meldrum. -a a a What kind of a citizen do you think you are? Ar you too busy to notice the forward movement that is going on, on .all sides of you? You know that we have a new high school, but have you visited or examined this modern.-and- splndidly-nquipped-4as( tution or learning?" . What do you know of the public library? Have you seen the beautiful new fountain In the City Park? Have-you noticed the at tractiveness of the McLoughlln Home and the surrounding pretty lawn, with the fountain, flower gardens, and shrubs? Have you taken a walk about the residential district of the city since All of those street improvements have been made? - Have you noticed the lumber of new houses which have been built lately, the majority of them having beautiful lawns and.cement I walks? Take an hour off today, walk up the hill, look about and see what a pretty town we really have. We can hardly believe the report that comes from our sister state on the north. A man who was convicted of a certain charge was sentenced to serve a number of years In the peni tentiary. Upon hearing the sentence this man, who was out on bail, volun tarily went to tb depot and purchased his ticket and unaccompanied by any officer or guard,' has started onThis Journey to begin his sentence. Motor That Whirls Aeroplane Propeller Occupies Little Space I I : " OPPORTUMTIES fa man and Mmaa nff ihifAnl . - -..r .paa , A bank account In an svldanc. character, and a bank book sh. rtgulsr dspeslt I the nastpon ta opportunity and th hay t aucctss. Enroll yourself a depositor hcVa at one and bssam a member of tha "opportunity club." On dollar will start a ssvlnni account ,rka. The Bank of Oregon Gtv OLDEST BANK 1H THE COUWTT 1 n f). ijTtURrmi ftMn. -. Cat THE FIRST NATIONAL BAT, of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, IM.KM.0o, tanking Buelneaa. Photo eg Anarlcan Praa association. - ' k UE aeroplana, Uk th aotomoMIe, owes Its xltnc to tb wonderfni Improvement mad In recent years In the gsaolln engine. Without then powerful and comparatively tight motors tbe modern autuiuo bile and th heavier thad air flying marnine would be impoasibi Tbe picture above shows a detail of tb propeller used by Urebsme-Wblie, the English aviator now in tb United Mtatns, and th manner in which It la driven byth Unom motor. This particular ngibi small though It Is, de valops svnty horsepower. Th striking feator of th Unom motor la that tb Tyttnders sr irrsn ped to s Tlrcl rasTMd or in on or two rows. n i. much ligbtvr tn' proportion to th power developed Ibsn the other type of ntina f 1 15 to $1 50; turnips, 1 1.3ft to 1180; heeta, 1 60 I'OTATOKH Ut buying, 1 He pr pound. ONIONS -Oregon. fVSS to 10 per hundred; Aiixtrallan, 13 per hundred. Livestock, Moats. IlEEr (! wlght) Slr, Bo and &V; cows, bulla, I 1 lo. VEAI Cslva bring from to to 13c. according to grsd ML'TTON-8hp, c an . JHe; lambs, 4c and Se. HO;i-i:i to 140 pound hogs, 10c and lie; 1(0 to 200 pounds, lOo and 10c. COOPEHS HOLO REUNION. Two Birth Anniversaries Ar Observed At 0Habtful Mtlng. A family reunion was held Hundsy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C, FooperTln "honor'of lh fl f I UOTMrfbT "djy siinlverasry of Mr. Ciper and of th first birthday .an niversary of his granddaughter, Nellie Karon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs I. K luron. of NrtUnd. Tb ocranloh nss a moat enjoyable on, and th houae decorations were of Law, Deutnnh Advokat. will prae tlo In all courts, make coUactlona prla Bldgv. Orncon City. Oregon 4 UILDER AND CQTStACTOR. This Alaskan matter will certainly have some bearing on tb next presi- j dentin! election. This question Is one of the really Important matters that j will soon hsv to be settled in some j way that will be satisfactory to all i partlen concerned. HARKT JOreS naflsor and General Contractor. Estimate cbnerfntl; g1ea on 'nil elaasss ef bwlldtBg work, concrete wants as relaforr concrete. Rna. Phone Maln.lt1 INSURANCE. K. H COOPER, ro' fir Inaursne and Rnnl Ratal Lot ns hnndle rrmf properties e huy, 4e n4 ccksng. Offlcn In Bntrpr1s Wlae fl rMnn rltv nraanw - Secretary Fisher, I u on his return from his trip of Investl- j MISCELLANEOUS. gation, did not seem to have very much to say but intimated that noth- i Notlc of Application for pool Room Ing could be done Immediately. Taft j License, says that Alaska will be opened soon. ! Notice Is hereby given thst the nn This "soon" will not suit a large num- 1 derslgned will apply to the City ber of people, who will Insist upon i tounell of orexon City. Oregon, nt i action at once. Tbe outcome of the i matter will be most Interesting. ' $11; mixed. 09 to III; alfslfs. f IS to 116.5". OATS -(Buying) Cray, :S to t:c: white. $: to$:7. FEED Shorts, 12 to $30; rolled barley, 137.60; process barjey, 3S60; whole corn, $35: cracked corn, $3; wheat. $32 to $33; oil meal. $al; Bhady Urook dairy feed, $Wt- per 100 pounds. FLOUR $4.60 to $5 16. Butter,- Poultry, Eggs. BUTTER (BuJIng) Ordinary country butter. 25c to 30c; fancy dairy, 30c; creamery, J0c to 35v brlsbt colored dahlias. On of (he fea tures wss the birthday dinner prepar ed by Mrs. Cooper. Those attending were Mr and Mrs. U. JC-. lurun-snd daughlntV-NnlllnMr, and Mrs. Kdsar Ingram aud tbr rhildren, Virginia. va and Evelyn. Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Coper. Kst Cooper. Opn Iwiu' CONCERT FOR OF CHOW: A CM. rM l U glvHMtt,! Hall, (ilsdatone. nrt Pri4t nT for tb liirfli f lo. ehatf ChHstlan eimrrk .f that lwa k, b under lb direction of 0w,il rnr Woodrin. on of tk nihi musicians of this city. Mua S have already Ihm. uM, aa4 iWd b a large attendsuo. rm will partli lpai ar .u ktoikt rlty. and bar apr4 hi enierlslnnmnta The following .r th. wnhw,. will b given: Piano duet (a I "Military Hondo" ..... f (bi-l'lUiiiwe-Mt - vjetorf.-: . Miss Mrrtl Molina ui On i u wHtrig I Reading T) lladng of Titar' Miss KuU SrhttH j Vcal tk and Violin Ofcltntt j "B'sg Mt T fc ..Mrs. Fre.1 T Bmlik. fnt Bngr (vMilla). I Reading 'Titliuk Mlas Kvsdn HmtImb. i Violin ol la) "Melody of U.v' ...gar (b) -t0 th lloiilarard ..m Jdrrrauh Uuack--- Vocal Holo "Th Trsrsir....Tmi Mr. Victor Gsiut ) Reading ..... "Tb Mat ATHLETICS ARE AIDED BY DOYLE'S HIM NEW YfUtK. tKt. 10. (Special.) (iloom pervades th rank and flln of (ilant supiiorters her today as n re sult of an Injury lo Captain Larry oyl. who Is out of th gsm with a Wants, For Sale, Etc Kclen andar Haai elaaalfiaa) tadar wui b Uiaa(ed at an eeat a word fr lnarllon. half a cent aditlllunaJ "y tlnna. OW toarh ear. II ar mattl XaJ' toco card, (t imaej (I par month. Caah must aanaajs y eraar unl-aa ant haa an aa a anoont with the ii-ar. N flnaneta' raaponalblllty for err'-r: whan arrrs ooenr frea eari't4 nHca will a printed for pmlrem. Mlnimiim rbars lt WANTEP Us next regular meeting to l held at the City Hall on th lit day of November, 1911. at the hour of 8 p. m. of said day, for n license to con duct a pool room at No. 415. Main street, Oreon City. Oregon, for the I Quarter endlnar December 31. 191 1 I The said pool room to have two pool tables therein. CHARLES DITIS. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon. Oct. 11, 1911. TOILTRI IHUyingl liens, 'lie .r.lnMl ,.u Tl,a fana fnar that (to 12 He; broilers, 13c. ! m.yle will not recover In tlmn o parll- EGGS Oregon ranch eggs. 28c to'rllllle , he morM, championship 3c- 'series with the Philadelphia Athletics. Fruits. Vsgstsbl. i Nw Y),rk wwl)(, tt) materially weak- I IRIED FRUIT8 (Buying i eiied without their crack aecond base Prunes, on basis of S l-4c for 45 and I man. 5's; peaches, 10c. j - BACK VEGETABLES Carrots. ! The Enterprisers a poslllon open $1.25 to $1.60 per sack; parsnips, j for you. Call at one. , Miss Itess Plrktbart Vocal Rolo (at "An Open Hecret"....'a (bl "I Think" DTU. Miss Juliet Cruaa. I Piano ttilo I (a) 'Walts In l FUl .l OsrInt (b) "llnmorest" Mr. Oars r lnrnr Wow. March irM Mr, Frank Ihisrk Two Coupltl 0t Llcsam , Marrlag llcenaes wr Imn1 lh folios Ing Tseadsy: Qieti Jone and Clyde V. Andraos, tm lnlion snd Charles MrChtrs. j Rod Mn Inlt'st Tkmt. Three rsndldstes wr ItllUKll th W schema Tribe of M sal n regular meeting Tuesday tn After lb Initiation a soppsfH and venison was served. ' Th KnterprlM hss a soaltloi m for you. Call at one. j I one considers tbe source. Those wbowlth the lighted dome was placed In Aeroplane That Can Defy Rough Weather Is the Chief Need J By CLENN CURTIS S. Veteran Aviator 1 WANTED Tourists and local people to see my cl-II-hm Um of rrow-heaJn coins, India.) trinkets, ild ntimji and curios of i.: sorts Will bti or sell in thu iiiie Mnvt tome koo'I bargains in sef mid hand furnltii'o and tools. Cor5- Vounr, Mali-. -i., near Fifth. IT in OBVIOUSLi' APPARKNT that the aeroplane wl.icl. will be -of the OKEATJ--ST value te MILITARY (if;. , GANIZATIOXS is the oik; that ran o ojratcd un!cr any and ALL WEATHER CONDITIONS. Tim i im portant thnn the inatu-r of carryinj cxiiivt'i, inuhimirh un the f-xjilo-eires would be of no value for this purpoxf if there were no aero plane to carry them in rough went her. Under ACTUAL CONDITIONS of WARFARE there could be no waiting until the weather conditions Furnld beeome favorable. The military aeroplanes 'MUST I5E 'READY for IMMEDIATE ACTION in any emergency. Such a machine would not only meet the most IM POHTANT REQUIREMENT of MILITARY AVIA TION, but it would alio be the mrwt useful machine for COMMER CIAL PURPOSES. If one army equipped with SPEED UI PLANES should en counter an adversary having SLOW FLYING, weight carrying aeroplane and ROU01T WEATHER conditions should prevail the resultant advantage to the array equipped with speed machine would be EVIDENT. I would eummarize the points to be taken into consideration in ,f determining the beat type of military aeroplane as follows, naming each point in the order of it importance according to my views: DEGREE Or SAFETY WHEN OPERATED IN ROUGH WEATHER. SPEED IN. ALTITUDE CLIMBING, '- SCOPE OP VISION. OP OPERATOR AND PASSENGER. FACILITY ,POR ALIGHTING ON EITHER LAND OR WATER AND RISING PROM EITHER LAND OR WATER. FACTORS OP SAFETY IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. WEIGHT CARRYING. '! WANTED Live solicitors for county. Liberal terms to handle the Morning Enter prise and Weekly Oregoiflan during bargain period which ends October 31. Call, phone or write Circulation Manager, Oregon City Enterprise. WANTED Female Help. WANTED Girl for general house work; must be good Cook; good wug-s. Phone Main 3041, or write Box 4u!, Gladstone, Ore. rORSAlt FOK 8ALE Suburban home of seven acres, fine soil, all level, good road, near school, 3 acres clear, balance slashed, some wood, all fenced, tele phone service, small cabin, Mont Pleasant precinct, 2 1-2 miles from Oregon City. Prlc f 1,000, small payment cash, balance easy terms. Frank Rotter, owner. Eleventh and Monroe street. No. 1106, Oregon City, Oregon, phone 3532. FOR SALE By owner ten acres good timber land on Clackamas Southern railroad, two miles . from Oregon Clty tlmttsorl "Highland road; all level; $165 per acre. Address Ore gon City, Route No. 3, Dox C3. FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE 4f acre farm 2 miles northeast of Oregon City; sale price $6,500; rent, price $100 year Inquire Mrs. Lilile Aune, 1 f 1 4 Center street. LODGING HOUSE to rent. House for sale. Inquire 213 Fourth street, Ore Gon City. FARM LOANS. ' Farm LOAK&ft miar Lawyers, Oregon City, Or, "Inmlck, ATTORNEYS. O. Di sTBT, Aturay-t-Lw. Money lewaed, abstracts furnished, land rJtU xaaalsd. ( settled, a rml law frusta s Over Bask M Cttr. ' .j- POTATO BUSINESS. HAS FINE PROSPECTS There Is Increanlng business In the potato trade so far as shipping Is con cerned, hut lors I - transaction are limited. - Buying for California account Is pro gressing around $1 per cental f. o. b. country shipping points for best qual ity. This means practically 95c In the country. There Is not a great amount of plots, toes offering at this fjme because a large amount of the. early crop has not fully ripened. The quality is ex cellent while the crop Is fair. are good and taken altogether the early crop is all that consumers can wish for except quantity. Ho far as late potatoes are concern ed, the prospects are unusually good. Tests made by digging at various points In the Willamette Valley show that the crop has already reached ma turity and the only thing needed now Is a good frost wbi-n will ripen the tu bers. The bIzch of the late potato crop are said to be the best produced In this state during the past few years. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green hides 6c to 6c; sailers, 5c to Cc; dry hides. 12o to 14c; shiep pelts, 25c to 7$e each. Hay, Grain. Feed. HAT ( Bnyingt Timothrr $15 to $16; clover, $8 to $9; oat hay, best, REACHING OUT FOR BUSINESS trftEN A SOHL'rU AttornyMt COAL! COAU We have the best at low est price. Lay in winter supply now. Korrsct Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co. 11TH AND MAIN STS ' Oregon City. Every effort to attract trade helps, even if it only draw s a child's wish for candy.' Electric light for wind ows and signs should be given a chance to be useful Every mer chant can now get double electric light at no increase in cost for elec tric current by using MAZDA iPAJWadeinall sfaies. have them and will be glad to you about them. ' We - ; tell PORTLAND RAILWAY, & POWER CO. LIGHT MAIN omCE 7h and Alder Streets