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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1911)
HORNING BNTERPRISE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1911. THE PEMNG WEDGE of popularity for a news paper is the publication before others Of real and authentic news. The above combination accounts for the grouth in popularity of the only paper in Clackamas County publishing; all the news of the county and publishing it first. Are you reading it? If not sendyour subscriptionat once to the ' Confidence r F. TOU-NSEND SMITH Oarrtght by Aew Icaa Prase Aase- cwikhi. mi. Morning Enterprise OREGON CITYT)RET I uevea near a ring-few iua do aowadayebut If 1 were Inclined 10 do eo there to an Incident In wy Ufa that would prevent It I waa visiting my friends Mr. and Mra, Jliu rs body at their country place. Another guest wil Utaa Virginia Wotber spoon, lo wboin I bsd I itkcu a deeper ( fancy. Ouo afternoon after a game of Woala I H into lt bath room oo ttio floor br my room wm located fr a bath, aud on the marble basin I eaw a rlivf eot with four law diamonds, which 1 rerotsnlaed at once aa vuo I had seen on the duger of MUa Wotuerspoou. I took It to my room, Intending to band It lo Uer wbrD w met at, dinner. Jim called me to hla room to tell ma about souie amusements ho waa arrauglug. andI 14ft tha ring on tha mantel In uiyU room. II kept Ota half an hour, aud when I returned tha ring waa gone. . I waa liable to be considered a thief add of fearing appropriated to luyeetf tha property of a girl to whom I bad already given the biggest port of my heart. I waa euQVIently cool to think before arting. Whst would 1 tha aafeat couras for me to pursue! While welching tha proa and coua of different course dinner wa' anuouuc-ad. I one know a very aurremful man who eakl, reversing a common adage. "I oarer do to-day what I ran put off till tomorrow.' I wa much impress ad with tha Idea, and rather than de cide haatlly In thla Instance I conolod ad to defer decblon till after dinner. I decided dead wrong. I abould have brought tha matter out at one While I bad been In Jlm'a room the houa keeper had gone lnto mine to lea re noma towela and bad eeen tha ring on my mantel. MUa Wotberapooa mUaed It and ran to tba bathroom. Not Bod ing her property, aha made her loaa known to tba boateea. Tha boateaa communicated with tha honaekeeper, who aald aha hfd aeea tha ring on my mantel, riad I. on going down to din ner, mad tba facta known my atory would bava been bettered, lint, not earing a word about tba matter, It all COUNTY. COURT. District Ne. M. Jay Shaw ( I. Harrl A. l Oouske Kelt llroa. Diatrici no. aa Tha Oregon Iron A Hteel Co... It. JO (lleninorrla Quarry Co, . I. B. Darldaon 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 A V. Davidson tCd PaUa II. I. PnpounY. r. Rlaer Win. Dyer District No. 32. Voat Rogers ' , Morgan . ... Ilnlinaael M0 11.00 IIJ 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 A. r. A. W. W. P. Heater 1.00 11.00 1.00 17.49 "'.. C C. M John rtckaa ., John MattooQ li. II. Mattooa C Craft W. C. Ward A. H. Myar ..' ,,'" General a..... Coaat DHdga Cumpani ! Wilson A Cooke O. L Millar Standard OU Co, !."'" ' t Scripture luauiuj'" K Buffalo Itaam n.,n.- U: Oregon city Mch. Work K Human 11 ...... li t J, or" 1 00 Healer Ilrown 11.00 io.oo II. K. Iliilaop 10 00 j. iienou V. Wttlla Dlatrlat No, M. Eatacada Merranilla Co DUtrlct No, J4. Oregon City Machine Worba , A. Zimmerman J. Zimmerman ,. K Tledeman Mover Groaa Tledeman KelVnholTcr Kaiaer Horner flroa 0. 8. Owlnaa A. Moirow , (). H. Jarnha tralgbt A BalUliur. U'llxin A r...... ... vini Wm. Dutcbar John Uraan Uka May ,, C. R. Smith W. W. Bmllh J. fluraorna Wm. Dutchar John Oreen W. W. Hmlth C. K. Dauohr I 10.10 Wllaun A Cook. . ! T. Sinclair .... rfvuu inan .... Robert r. Snyder R. 8. Wllcoa ! T. Rawllna II. 08anford .... Q II. 8anford M.tO oao. Hathaway 1.00 10.00 J U BS X. et 46.10 US I 10 00 6.71 1 u.u 9. r. o. r. w DUtrict. No. 37. 1. J. i.ra.i. Ora. A Waah gewr A Pipe Co. S 10 IS J. v. Oraan Joe Carlson 1 1 M I U'n m.. - .. Om.ah..h I. . ...... uua it mo i hum. Kvana D. Iegler HIS Ik. Chilnn 36IS ISO CTArKruae R. I. Dupont Powder Co. , , DUtrlct No. SI II. Cartnlcklel ..1 O. P. Roetha ".. 11.71 DUtHet No. 40. Edwkrd Pai I 1T.B0 14.00 7.0 M. L. Johnaon Harvey Glbaon , Dlatrtet Mil at. looked rerr alnanllar to m ftivnda. I rtrwnnA I nk.. v w ----- w I " --'- " , , , , , .'...LI.. - . . . m . ... . I . - i-iuiuiui waa hn auoai aiuaj o(o-arry Morrlann rapooD a toaa. ana ai nrac inera waa no constraint at tha board, but before tba dinner waa flnlahed I noticed a conalderabla roolneea toward ma oo tba part of erery one, Jay Mnrrlaon Joaaph De8haier Lea Cooper Victor Hodely . . Kaowlnr wall tba can and rjeain. nlng to realise tba ttoaltlon I waa In. 1 grew ambarraaaed. I aaw that I bad mada a mlatake all aronnd and did not aea ant war to vindicate mrsolf. I did not know that tba ring had been u io my room, out li waa plain to I ma that my connection with It waa In I p'ul Magnola M . . . . I . -1. S. auio lonn kdowu. i naa Dot onouua i"wi theory aa to tba dlaappraranra of tba O. R. Woodla Web Roberta Wm. I'pDegrara Chaa. Updegrara A. rpdegrora . . H. Cupp ....... Da rid Miller OAK CROVE. Tba marrtaco of MUa MoOU Toaat aad Homer BaJlaatysa waa aofeny ntsed Taaaday erentng at 1:10 at tha Congreejatioaal Chorch la Portlaad by Rar. Dyott WaJtav BalUnVM, brother of tba groom waa tha beat man and Mlaal Lizzie Toat. alatar of tha bride, acted aa brtdeamaid. Only raladrea warn present. Mr. and Mrm. H. Ballantyna left Wadnaaday morning on tha Steamer Roaa City for Loa Angelea, CaL on a two weak'a trip and will ba at homa after Octo ber Sth, at 1331 MUwankla Avenue. Portland. Homer la aa old resident here and haa a poeitioa with the tha KJock Produce Company of Portland. Clayton Col man who haa been In Baker all aummer la hare on a Tialt of two weeks with relatlrea. He 'ex pect to remain la Baker thla winter, We Give Service We Give Service Even Children Can Operate It With Safety The Electric Radiant Toaster is sach a simple device that even children can operate it with perfect safety. This toaster is as SCIENTIFIC as it is SAFE and SIMPLE. It makes SCIENTIFIC Toast because its rad iant heat forces the absolutely necessary chem ical change in the bread. This means Perfect Toast in any degree that pleases YOUR in dividual taste Toast as digestible as it is de licious. : Mrs. R, L Herren and' eons Paul ana Tora, went to Woodburn Tue aay to apend tba week's end with Mra. Bonner. a T. Linu let the contract for bla new bouse to Tbomaa Toat of Mil wankle for tSft.oo. Tha n. hniM. Ing will be put np Booth of the old uome. W. A. Hadleon. of Portland, la build ing a nice alx room bnugalow on the acre ne purcnased rrom Mr. Marshall. ROT Kendall, of Portland I. KniiA. Ing a alx room log bungalow on tBe nuiiiui acreage. , Fred Harris and Edna Spldell were mamea ia Portland Saturday giving an oi iaeir rnenas a surprise. Mra. Cederaoa and Mra. Weber were, roruand rlsitora Tueadar.. .' Mra. Henry Schufler and son. Arth. nr. went to Portland to apend the day A ueauay. property that some one. probably a eervant, had gone Into my room and. aeelng the ring there, had stolen It After dinner I took Jim asldeand told htm tba whole atory. fie looked very eertoua. He aald that ha didn't doubt a word of what I bsd told him. but he didn't aee how wa were to convince the women of tha famllr. "They don't take the aame vUwa of I i...n. U. . . .. - -- I U.V.U ...or . L ."""t K. Cregeraon nwinmuit who uneir reel Inga That's the reason we men don't let them Into the Jury box. Tba main trouble la thla case U that all our a Tints have been with ua a long while, and. although we hsra l.rt cables where they could have been easily stolen without detection, wa hare never missed anvthlna-. nnt mi do the beat I ran for you. You never know what dirrmnt vlW. dlfr.PMift w, - u ID ..... . m - ... .. . i wm nit oi a i mystery lo which you are Implicated cr Mumpower goo va aaiw PUUjV-rt VI II. 'J Qf I af . U. MUmpOWr 11 1J Affile IUM..H 4H V.t a. a ...I ee li1 v i'-'ii iu tnai wuoie nousenoia District Na a? DUtHet No. 42. C. P. Hjrde , Aj E. Taylor , Omar Hartle Ray Olsen U H. Murry Edwin Jackson , Harrle Jackson r. J. Rldlnga IU II. Judd . I A. h. W. T. W. T. Wilson Yoder District Na. 41 Valen Henderson , Henderson DUtHet Na. 4, A Cooka a 6118 4.04 4.04 04 404 404 7.00 100 4 00 404 4.60 104 too 1.00 1004 US 11.75 1.60 1.7S I.0 178 1.78 1.60 1.40 1.78 S.80 84.78 160 8.00 1160 100 K U i n m m H M tti u i l u u u U b u -:; mi 1 ..... -- n. u. iteaiie Straight A Salisbury u . u. Miner u. n. Miner , O. E. Wyland ,Z J. W. Berkey A Ca .1 J. W. Berkey A Ca R. II. KaulTmao , C. W." Carotbera , C. K. Miller A. 8. Thorn peon 9. If. Kwuffman I J. B. Cumlna .. rred Heft N. Blair I 10.00 W. It. Uaitoon 8.04 Adktnalfke lumber Ca ... ttl u Ul u i rred Sailor 0. Krllo r., County Court N. Blair W. II. Mattoon ;,. A. R. Cnmmlnga C. a. Millar ... W. W. Bverbart' Elliott A Park . M. Seller A Co, J. F. Hodge ... R. W. Baker ... Geo. A. Browa. R. B. Beatla U Circuit Court John Wise Geo. Busch R. A. Wright Geo. A, Brown v T. M. Miller Justloe af tha.faasa, W. W. II. Samson M ..r .. Ba u HI U u u u u ts , u , ta E. Mumpower 4.00 lfra. w ir unit v.. . j 1 house to a family from Gladstone, pbo thoroughly believed my atory waa John 8levera ... 1 kiaaIB L Sbaw Mr. and Mr. nt w..e ... a noT v . ........1 61.00 " - a wui urJ home FYlday after a D leas ore trln of rwo weess to tba Tallowstona Km. tionai par Harry Ballantvna laft for hi. t.n. in the Mollsla Valey Tneaday morn- iu. E. U Sbaw M A. & Hughe U J. J. McQuillan L Aleg Lundgren I" m ir tM W C. Choppeel t . aa Chaa. White E. T. Maaa W. W. II. Samaoa Time required; less than two minutes. Cost per slice: the merest fraction of a cent. In addition to fta utility and economy the Electrlo Radiant Toaeter la distinctly unique end ornamental. You can operate It anywhere In the house where there la an ordinary lighting socket; Just attach ha plug, turn tha switch, and almost Instantly tha col la become radiant with a cheerful glow on the shining porcelain baas. After you. have used the Electrla Radiant Toaster ONE time you will follow thousands of others In asylng, prVhy haven't I had thla Toaster be ' foref PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MA I N O PflCE 7th and Alder Streets We Give Service We Give Service MILWAIIKir The Brtdce across Joh wil be comnleted bv tha end nt .. week and may be nsed hr tha m,hii neii ounaay. Lieiay in the work waa cauaeo ny rain. The bridge la single ateel apan 00 feet Inn. with aniM concrete abutmenta at both ends. It usea me place or a wooden apan which waa ready to collapse. Clack amaa county is conatrnrtln. th bridge. While closed traffic on the BinwsuKie roaa, which carrlea all the irsvei rrom me aonUi, la abnt off and can only reach Portland by the road wnich p-uni through WIDabnrg. It la planned to cut down the hill on the norm siae or tne bridge and fill the approchea aolldly to tha concrete aouunenia. I'll tell yon. After talking with Jim I .n Mi for a walk In order to leave blm to tell my story to the othm mnA tn quieted down. When I returned no one was about but on going . Into the drawing room Miss Wothenrpoon ad vanced and. nntlln . - . vuu fixing her honest eyes on mine, aald: "l have heard your explanation and have not the slightest doubt that every wnj oi u is absolutely true. By Jove! What An. tnn did? I opened the sprinkler In my yea. Pretty soon I want nn ti. - f V(1U WW to tell him the good newa. He listened to ma. bnt wlthnnt that n - - nuiUUKUUl 1 bsd expected. When I hsd flnlahed ha said: 'We most find tha thur t,.- .u. . M1' IU. vi way io exonerate you. I told Chaa. SUvers M. Rivera Normon Lauder W. H. Calklna-rr; E. Harrington ... If. Patera Brenton Vedder1 . O. W. Harrlnron Oeo. Illml.r What do you suppose I Clayton Freytag , Eli Rivera Mra. Nellie Sladan Merton Bell L. Blana W. r. Haberlach . C. H. Dauchy .... Wilson A Cooka Chaa. Patera . ao.uv n. Johnston 91.VV o oo C Tracy 54 00 Ralph Tracy JO.OO 6100 67.50 11.00 K.00 14.00 104.00 ft ... Sam Elmer waa threihlnr for Mr UtalMttaall AH W . via muuuiy, Misa EfHe Grace left for Eagle ouuuay wnera ana wn teach, school. . Mr. and Mra. Wettlaufer were In iwwu jaai, weea . Mr. Bottemlller ' la burning hla siumoe. . i Indiana went through Clarkee on "7 are coming back from boo picking. Mf- Oasser and family hare return- ai vug uuyyicHlllB Ed Hettman la intending to go to There m via aaavaas, OUUUBT form Canby to look at Mr. Aquardt a farm. , 4 Harry J"ord from Baatarn Oregon, Mr. Cumlna la back from Eastern Oregon. Mr. Hoag waa lo town on Saturday last week, i Wa had anntKa tt..,.- -v delayed threshera. vrfoe waiiace, of Highland, balled hay for Mr. W. O. Klelnamith. Do yon knew- blnar asked a man vi. an inan rnend tha nh A., speaking of a third person. -Know hlmr said the Irishman. "I knew him whan hla r.ihal . m..,. boyr " Ulu' Patrxnls our advertlaera. - yon that women ar. nI i L. ... . . U,,,r,e " aucb qoestlons cordanc. i7h T Z ,"rc"1- Co $106 05 their feellnes I am - unt . . . - .ui i n iieu at Miae Wothernpoon'a action, for both -71. na 1 not,rH Nodded partiality on bee part for yon.H man liod for thatr "My Wife In mora . wbb her to feol nrr.i. the matter and shall Uke measures to rir me mier." I left the next A.v nA-. . -i...- at leaat with Mra. P.i.- month. from fhat Um tb ,Mof hf , SDOonndT0 M'M Woth" . m"Wed. but Jim ,K - "'ni io wnom - - "hhj on ine aiata. I mJr9 nTOT "ythlng to do Ern"t Conrad WltD thvmi talnoak I ..... I U. A . nitaaavll Oeo. Pal Kit. P......!. . . Joseph Conrad .. r , :. ' reiataes. em is tba natural k .... I niii,i.i tafrt .liA " or me po a. latO, Wblcb amara ln - . . y I txr n ... of theM th. mn.:;" .r .T,.,,- . w alae all- -; "" " " ' Btanton ...N 'aniy notrltlons. with . f color and a thin akin . inT"r r. waua 0. T. Hunt ... J. F. Snyder .. H. H. Andera . J. C Dennis .. A. C. Andarann O. H. gsnford . , . " f. H. Da via rank Sanfofd ....ii,.' Oeo. w. Coll well ..' D'trlet No. 60. Oeorge Durgan J. P. Davis District No. 63. f. T. Ridings A. L. Yoder Neuenschwander ... W. W. II. flameon F. A. Mile Willie Smith Andy Smith O. R. H. Miller 41.00 JoPh Owena 14.00 1 Johnson J. I 8afford W. C. Burn a C. R. livaay Percy T. Shelley BJ.00 Bart Jonarud 1.00 S. C. Wllllamaon T.fto O. Teglea 0.6 Maynard Olda 1.70 H. Devlne J. Balllson R. BL Eaaoa B. r. Ornenett Oacar Dahlgran Henry Perrot " Jaa. DeShaaer "" 8. Barnee ' Edwin Batea W. A. Jonaa " 8., Lecroy " J6.00 0.Hown. . COO I rrank Howell V Arch Howell , A.' O. Howell " On A. O. Harberg .v 1.60 r' M- Morgan LTO 36.00 76.60 (4.00 82.00 B0.00 44.00 18.00 W t tH l IK t L U m i i L l If UK U 11 l ii i m K t i J-i ij tn i (TO be contlnnal) .$ 6.00 1 102.75 Mlaalonary Soouty i".j M ti.7g Tha Mlaalonary B""". ' ...Jchriatlan church me TtHW, :: :: noon at the noma or ".,. git " M whan a mlaalonary program wy till M Bafraahmania WSM larv 1.26 ni the afternoon. w.. I Q-t Fresh. '' BU"t,n ih mada. d . W"nU " Craaaon ' W. . Btanton wanta fi-h made. Prl. " " F- on 2ft Jnrt wait .Vv. m.'nu'e. lT """ Mor. Uklng.. cnpBos,on rr'nk acnot tbb- Craaaon Mm Raad tha Morning IkurprUa Craaaon Mil Co A. H. u. M IT. B. Lovlaca a , 114.00 14.00 11.00 K.00 ISO 6.00 .80 71.84 ,0.00 6.00 7.26 42.50 12.60 Patronigp our gdvartiaara, ' ( What Do Yoti Think orTt iara trarl. In aloht of Orsgf! j -- - - i.rii IW"-' T4muo of ear una , iip alao 28 aoraa 1-8 mil .m a with 000 cords af ffri , .tr: , or thaae and ffl Clyde, 1008 Main atrest, 0r" v