Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1911)
MORNING iCWTlCftPnTapl THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911, ' .... .... mat Ike Ea' HOMIIKG EHTERPRISE OREGON CTTT, OREGON C. K. BR0D1E. Edits and Publisher. a bmIhIui "saatter )tt- urr . ttll. at tha Boat affloa at d iTtrwasx-. uaeat im Act as TOMS Si SUBSCIirTWII. , 3a Year, ay Mail .. ....USS la Moat, by auUI IM Pour Month. ' by atall....... lee ar vmI, er'earrter 4 COlfTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Inl Pa, par laoa rtret hvaartM.. ...laa rtra Ftp, eat Inch edeae teaarttoae. .lea Prafarrrd aonttwa may pee, per Bsc (im aiaarrtoa...., las PiafyiTa position any pas, par as tSord laarrtkma "vr1? Aaw papar etbre taaa, rtrat aar. aar Baok mi Bwrtloa la ftaa paper ethar -aa Itoat aee. par teak ..... ... a tssals IS ar Uaa; Waata, Far Sato. T aet. .. aa jaet war flret BteerUaa; aa naif aaal aca additional Rata tor adrttat la Aa Waaktr - Cntarprtoa will ba tha mum aa la ta aaiijr, tar adrarttaaiaaata art aapaotailr .W Mia waakty. Mm tha aeeartlaaaiaat a) traaafrrra' rrotn tha daily ta tha mt . . arttkaat cn. tha rata wtll aa aa am lac tor rua of tha ajar., and la aa act tor pacta! aaattMav , Caah ahauld aeeoaipaar ardar naaia party la aakaewa la baatn.aa afflaa af taa Kaf rpnea. Las' adrartiata al lags! aa-arUata ( rvtraa advrrtlatac and epaetal traaataal dvarUauta at taa t See aa inch, aaoard mt ta special condltloaa imrela taa -ra-a Bala" and Bankrupt Stale a4rer tnanaaui ttc Inch flrat tiaartta: aJ torml teaartlona mum atattar lee teea. Naw ItrM and wall wrtta artkoUa ' J BMTtt. with lataraat to loeai raadara, win M gladly accepted. fUJvetad am " auitpoj nerar rvturaad aalaaa aooompaa laa ay etLsroe ta prepay snaiaai, CITY OFFICIAL. NEWSPAPER. -THE-MORNlNtt ENTERPRISE rlim sal at tha following store a every day: Huntley Broa. Drags . Main Street. J. W. McAaulty Clears l Seventh and Main. ' Becreat Confectionery Mala near Btxta. . M. E. Dunn Confectionery - Next door to P. a City Draff Stor Electric HoteL Bchoenbora Confecttonery Seventh aad X Q. Adaaaa. - Sept. 21 In American History 1851 Thlrty-Ure killed and wonnded on Btramef7tmea Javtaon oeai Enawaeetowa. I1L 19Q0 Governor John A, Johnaon of ' . Mlnneaota died; bora lML 1910-Forty-two killed wben tnterar baa electric cars collided . near ' Blnffton. Ind.' ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Troni noon today to noon tomorrow.) Bon nets 520. risea 5:43: moon rise a. m.:93 a. nu eaatern time, new ooa. Planet Mercury risible low In east, and possibly Venn still tower, before dawn. tltude. They at once befaa talking of settling the thing In another way. The fugitive tiara law was being op enly Yiolated.". Men who attempted to enforce It, nnder the decrees of courts,' were defied and orerawed. The 8oath, as well as the North, reaUsed that the court h not spok en the laat word. The opinion of the court. In fact, seems to hare been brushed aside almost with contempt Mr. Lincoln In his 8prlngfleld debate with Douglas, declared openly that It would hare to be revised. . And It was about that time that somebody smelling ' the blood that was to be shed, sang: Never mind "the weather, tor we're la for awful trouble. , But we're bound for the happy land of Can a a. Mr. Bryan continues , to pussle us. One day he proposes to start a lemon farm and the next he announces his firm determination not to lose his sweetness of disposition. e Champ Clark says that Colonel Roosevelt knows a little more about things than any other person living. Is Champ beginning to get peeved so early In the game? -e ee l-he national Republican party Is In search of a manager for 1912. Have you filed your application yet? -Oa- COURTS OF LAST RESORT. "The Works of James Buchanan." In twelve bulky rolumea are 'timely In one way. They shed light on the Infallibility of Judiciaries. Borne late talk growing out of the Arizona veto and controversy most have Impressed foreigners, temporarily .among us, . that many Americans regard the er mine as a robe of1 heavenly light. That we do not. these reminiscences concerning Buchanan and Including much of his correspondence, will serve to show. j - Buchanan. Is shown to hare been in correspondence with Justices of the 8upreme Court before the mak ing public of the decision In thp Dred Scot ease. He is shown to have used bis offlcal influence in advance n consolidating the court on the line of that deliverance In his Inaugural address, two days before that d clsion was delivered, he admonliihed the public to "cheerfull submit" These revelations sufficiently prove that the court was being tampered with, but there was not a particle of evidence of the fact at that time. What proves that the people never regarded the decision as flnal( con clusive, binding, or In any way a sacred thing, was shown by their at- Is It possible that there will not be a candidate for Mayor this fall? Hardly. Albeit Its a goodly time for aspirants to make their aspirations public As Sam Blyth would say. "nothing succeeds like the aspiring of an aspirant" With" aflrst-classstocK company working nightly, a naval officer, giv ing lectures at a theatre daily and free band concerts, Oregon City Is right in the forefront histrionically, oratortcally and musically. . POTATOES EXPECTED TO BRING HIGH PRICE The outlook for favorable potato prices In the-Pacific northwest dur-In- tha remainder of 'the season Is oce-of the best in recent years. With California shipping hundreds of carloads to the South at thls efcwe, a condition that Is most-, unusual. It begins to look aa if potato growers of Oregon and other Northwest points will receive far better returns than had been expected. While at first It was thought that the heavily Increased acreage of tu bers in the country would more than make up for any deficiency in the crop per acre, this has not proved true In the sections where the crop bss already been dug. Shipments of potatoes hare been made to Southern centers hy Idaho parties already this season, but the movement Is naturally limited, and only a small amount of the crop has as yet been dug there. The crop in Oregon Is coming for ward In much better shape. For a while it was feared that far the great est percentage of the early produc tion would be of small size, but this has not been the case, for the pro duct is as good slsed as usual Iate potatoes are showing wonderful growth, and the expectations are that the late planting will make up for any possible deficiency In the early stock. HIDES (Buying Green hides, 6c to 6c; aalters, sfte to 6Hc; dry hides, J 2c to 14c Sheep pelts, 25c to 75c esch DRIED FRUITS tocal prices are firm at from 8c to 10c on apples and prune?, peaches are le. 8 ALT Selling SOe to 90c for fine. SO lb. sack, half ground 40c; 71 for 100 lb. sscka Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots fl.25fft1.50 per ssck; parsnips, $1.25 11.60: turnips. 11.2511.50; beets. 11.50. ONIONS Jobblne prices: Oreaoo $2.75 per 100; Australian, $3.60 per .100; Texas, $2.25 per crate: Califor nia, $2 per rrate Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS ..ogs are quoted He tower Dolls' Day" One. of the Unique Children's Pageants of the Country a. . at.kti.-. . jr y 1 aahi h. fit . : - 'fc-. I 1 litiat WAN l a w , terprlse Joh prlntlaf department ! the aiost compleu la the Btata, ostalde Portland. . Trf It for four next prlntisg WANTKD Slgo work. Everything from muslin sign to a brone tab let. Stnyto. rnone ioji VoT Vale. FOR SALE-rSpace la this columa 8ell that old plow or harrow; yt don't use It since you purchased your new one ORKGON CITY WARRANTS In any amount from $J00 to $2,700 against the 81xth Btreet Improvement Fund. Have been drawing Interest since Bepiember 10th. Will run approximately six weeks. Will sell tbem at Par. Oregon Engineering and Con struction Company, UixAn It, le rer Ilulldlng 6t FOR 8ALE One thoroughbred Jer sey bull cair, i montns oiu, j for service, calve'a mother 1.200 oounda of milk Mrsi SO days after she was fresh. R. L. Badger, Oregon City. R. F. D. No, J- "FARM LOANS." FARM LOANS Dlmlck Dlmlok, ATTORNIYm. O. D. EBT, Atiorney-at-Law.' Money loaned, abstracts rurnlehed. lead titles examined, estates settled, gen eral law bustneea. ; Over Bank el Orafoe City. IT'REN A BCHUEBEU Altorueye-at Law, Deutseber advokat wilt ra ties la all courts, make coUeetloa arise niagu Oreaoa CUv. Oregon BUILDER AND COT"CT0R. HARKT JONES Builder and aeaerai Coatractor. Estimates cbeeitully glvea on all classes of balldlni work, ooocrele walks and relsforoee -oaaerete.THes. Pboae MaU llt , INSURANCE H. COOPER." fy Fire iBsuranor and Real CsUta. Lat us aaadis your propertlee buy, sell and exchanges Office la Eaterprtse Bldg.. Oregon a7. Oregon. 4 ! Air Navigation Belongs to the' Civilization of the Future, War to the Past By WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST. Publisher . . s BLAvK BAH OF THE AIR CIVILIZATION OF THE FU THE BARE THRESHOLD OF WAR BELONGS TO THE PAST. THE NAVIGATION CONDUCT OF ARISM OF THE ELONQS TO THE BRIGHT TURE, A CIVILIZATION ON s WHICH WE REVERENTLY TREAD. i ' War might hare Use for the arts and sciences of civilization, but a rnonEi. civilization can never consent to lend It. aeencies for the PERPETRATION OF THE CRUELTIES ;AND BARBARITIES QF WAR. ( J. I. I believe that a rery, lew years will see the armies and navies "of the WHOLE WORLD reduced to form merely disciplined forces bf INTERNATIONAL POLICE. ' and the dutieJ of these forces .'will be not to make war, but to keep the PEACE. ' In those happy days of universal peace and international police . protection the military departments of our government may have use for an aeroplane uiviaion. but only aa s sort of AERIAL BICYCLE 'UAD. Photos by American Press Asaoclatlon. ra OTHER has her day. Father hss his dsy. Children hare thrlr dsy rw ' lotlv has her day. And why uirtT la not dolly ra'tk-nlly as Oxed V an Institution a any of the ret 7 The annual parade of d.rtln. which - - is held during the height of the summer season at Long Hrsm-u. N. J has come to be one of the greatest attractions of that resort It certainly stand oat as the unique children's pageant of the country. It Is one of the proudrtct days In the Uvea of the little folks wben they march along the board walk, their dolls In arms or in carrlagee, and receive the plaudits oT the on-, lookers. This yesr's parade took an hour to r"s a given point and wes wit nrasnl nr .V.ono persons. There were 800 rhl fn In line, none of there more than seven years old and the majority of theiu fancy costume of the dolls displayed much Ingenuity of romvption ana ex cellence of execution. Two of the most attractive dolls In the parade were those of Audrey Msy Jollne. two and a half years old. and Tearl Maps, Are rears old. Mlna Jollne. shown la the upper picture, won nr prlie. From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. lc, from 160 Iba. to 200 lbs. lc ' BACON. LARD aud HAM. are Bra VEAL CALVES Veal calves ortng from to luc according to grade. BEEF STEERS Beet steers for the local markets are fetching Vctn IHe llva eeigoc SHEEP r nrm at so to Se Ure weight. 1 Ouotarrana Oregon Ct. 'POTATOES Beat, Buying Hi cents pound. ' PLOTJR AND FEED Flour is steady, selling from $6 to IE 30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyng) Gray, IZJ to szi. white, from $25 to $20. , BHTTER (Boyingi Ordinary country brings from ie to zoc, fancy dairy from 20c to 22c. cream ery 22c to X5c. EGGS Best grade 26 cents. ' POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16e to ISc, with good demand. - . : WOOL-HBuy-.ntf "ool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. - FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled bsrley, $31.60 to $32.50; process bar ley, $33.00; whole corn, $39.00; cracked corn, $40.00; wheat $32.00 to $33; oil meaj, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.26 per hundred pounds. HAT (Buying.) Timothy $1$ to $17; clorer $9 to $10; oat hay, best, $12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14. The Pyramids. Scattered about Egypt, the only one of the seven wonder of the world which are still standing as sentinels of the rery tlMant past, are the pyra mids, seventy lu number, and. as Thomas Falter describe them, "doting with age. bare forgotten the names of tbelr founders.' To fully appreciate the wonderful work required In tbelr construction, a blxtorlan ha reckoned that It required 100.000 men ten. year to build Ibe pyramid of GIzeb and to build the great pyramid It required at east twenty years more, and consum ed a mass of stone weighing. It Is cal culated, not less than eAOO.OOO tona -Exchange. rveman's Age. Indelicacy of mentioning tbe age of women is not a modern notion, Women are referred to In large nam' bers In tbe Old Testament, yet tbert was only one Sarah. Abraham's vrif wbose age is recorded. Useless, "TIow can one overcome slelples- nessT "Say tbe multiplication table op to twelve times twelve." - ' f "Bat I can't get the baby to toon If BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, ' Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Its OAKLAND N PORTLAND V . September 19, 20, 21, 22,-23, 24. Games Begin Weekdays at t a- m. , Sundays, 2:$0 P. M. LADIES' OAY.;F.RipAY. Boys lTdar 13 Free fb Bleacher NOTICE FOR BIDS. . t Notice la hereby given thai- sealed poposals for the improvement ot Alley In Block 6. Oregon CHy. Ore gon, will be received by the City Recorder of Oregon City. Oregon, until 4 o'clock, p. m., October 4th. 1911. Plans and specifications contain ing further Information and the lttle moilBiTTialHfC TTM kindlpnmFrOvemPf to be made will be furnished upon application to the CUy.RettH'der- Ea"h bid "must be accompanied by a certltled check for a aum equal to five per centum of the total amount oJL!he bid. which sum will, be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of tbe failure of the successful bl1der herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a written con tract for said work. If called upon to do so, within the time specified for same In the Ordinance provid ing for such improvement. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid conald ered moat favorable to Oregon City Is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the entire work for such street Im provement, which work must ha done In accordance with the Ordln ances of Oregon City and the char ter thereof, and the plans and specifications governing such work This notlas Is published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, made and entered at a apeclat meeting thereof, held on the 18th day or September, 1911. L 8TIPP, Recorder, Wants, For Sale, Etc THE MAN YOU WORK FOR probably starred In business with less than you now have. His success baa not been accidental, but la ths the result of devotion to duty, pains- taktnc and laborioua work, the recog nition of opportunities and the cour age to venture. Tbe man who does not always ao bis beet, who has not enough confi dence In his own powers to give up a position that offers no chance of advancement, and who la deterred from starting a business of bis own by fear of failure x will never get ahead In the world. Get out of a rut, banish fear and go Into a business on vour own account or get a more deferable tfKMtlbn -by -reading ,and 1 . Mff ImrnM.' na Matters uadar thane aUaatfiae hit. wilt ba Inesta4 at ana cant a rerd. ftret wwriMi hair a -nf ad.lltlmal ruwia .ma turn car. It aar moath men ears, u uses; st par month. r-aah rmmf imniMfr ardar nl-aa ana aaa aa Vara aeeonnt wHta tha pa par. N- naant'tai rr. ntrtiltv tor arrara: whan errors occur traa eurractrd nottre wIM k urlnird for patron Minimum eharaa Mr WANTED. WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of all sorts of curios, an tlques, and Indian trinkets: stampa fot stamp collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow-beads for arch eologlsts. etc. I bny and sell all aorta of curios: also all kinds of second-hand furniture and tools. George Toung. Main, near Fifth street. r WANT -I ma i j advertisements fo' this mtnaaa. prVree rery reason ante, fiew rates at head of eotima Read tbe Morning Enterprise. E. W. Mellien Now open for business with a full line of new and second-hand furni ture."' 7 A PfilCES TO SUIT, THE CUSTOMER Mtahest Price" Paid for Second Hand Furniture In the new Brisk Building, Sixth and Main Streets. COAU COAU We have the best at low est price. Lay ta winter supply now. - Korrect Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co ' J 11TH ANO MAfN STS . Orsaon city. , . CITV NOTICES. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed poposals for the Improvement of Wster street, Oregon City, Ore gon. .from the north side of Sixth street to the south 'side of seventh street, will be received by the City Recorder of said Oregon City, until 4 o'clock p. m., Octoner 4ta, 1911. Plans and specifications contain Ing further Information and the kind of Improvement to be made will be furnished uHn application to the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for a aum equal to five per centum of the total amount of the bid, which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In ease of the failure of the successful bidder herein to furnish required bonds and enter Into a written con- tract for said work, If called upon to do so, within the time specified for same In tbe Ordinance provid ing for auch street Improvement. rrouosaiB must n made upon Dianss rurnisnea ny Oregon City, Tne right to reject any and all bids or to accept any bid v-onsld ered most favorable to Oregon City ia uorrujr reservea. Eacn proposal must state the time required for the completion of tne entire work for said street Im provement, which work must be aone in accordance w th the Ordln ances of Oregon City and ths char ter thereof, and the plans and specifications governing such work This notice Is published niirmsni to an order of tbe City Council of uregon city, made and entered at a special meeting thereof,, held on me mn aay or September, 1911. L. 8T1PP, Recorder. ' NOTICE FOR BIDS. police is nereny given that sealed proposals for the construction of a concrete Drain Culvert, Oregon City, Oregon, from Fourteenth street northerly along John Adams street to the Abernatbr Oaair , be received by the City Recorder of am city until 4 o clock p. m., on Plans and specifications contain lurjprr miormation and the aina or improvement to be made will be furnished upon application to the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check . equal to flr per centum of tbe total amount of the bid which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of the failure of tbe successful bidder IU i auW into a written con tract and to furnish the ra. quired bonda. if called upon to do so, within the time specified Hox7 to Get Rich Live within your means, Until your wants while enlarging your resources. Dispense with luxuries as long as you can pay only fw Independence by becoming a well aa a money earner. M You can buy an Interest bearing Certificate of Deposit M . a deposit In our Savings Department every time you B dollar - a The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BARK 111 THE C0UHTY t . Mllt Cm. D. O. UkTOURarTTB Praaldeat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON ' . CAPITAL - Teensasu s wnerel Banhlns oelneee. A. S). ts k for same In said Ordinance provtd ing for aura Improvement. Proposals must bs msde upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid consid ered niot fsvorshle to Oregon CUy Is hereby reserved. Kach proposal must stats the time required for the completion of the entire work for said fonstmo tlou which work must be done In accordance with ths Ordin ances of Oregon City governing such work. This notice 1 published In pur suance of an order of the City Council of Oregon CUy, made and entered at a special meeting there of, held on the 1Mb day of Septem ber. 1911. L 8 Recorded. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is. hereby given that sealed poHul for the improvement mi Munroe street. Oregon CUT, Ore gon, from the south side or TUira street to the south side of Four tsenth street. Will be received by the City Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon, until 4 o'clock p. m , Octo ber 4th. 1911. I'lnns and specifications contain ing further Information and the kind of Improvement to be made will be furnished upon application to the City Recorder? Each bid must be accompanied by a certified cheek for a sum equal to five per centum of the total amount of the bid, which sum .will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In ease of the failure of the successful bidder herein to enter Into a contract and furnish the required bonds If railed upon to do so, within the time specified for same In the Ordin ance iprovldjngfor8uchlmp InenC Proposals must he made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid consid ered most favorable to Oregon City la hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the entire work for such street Im provement, which work must be done In accordance with the Ordin ances of Oregon CUy and the char ter thereof, and the plans and specifications governing such work. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, made and entered at a special meeting thereof, held on the lHth dsy of September. 1911. L BTIPP, Recorder NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice Is hrreby given that sesled proposals for the construction of Sewer District No. 9. will be re ceived by the Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon, until 4 o'clock p. m.. October 4th. 1911. Plans and speclflcatlonB contain ing further Information and the kind of sewer to be laid will be furnished uion application lo the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for a sum equal to five per centum of the total amount of the bid, which sum will be subject to forfeiture lo Oregon City In case of the failure of the successful bidder - herelln to - furnish required ImhkIb and enter Into a written con tract for said work, If called upon to do so, within ths tl ipe. for same In the Orolainee aJ Ing for, such sewer. Proposals must bs tu blanks furnished by OrsgoiQKi Ths right to reject uy w i bids or to arept gar all a ered most favorable to Orera (s ' la hereby reserved. ' , Each proposal amst ui t ! time required for the eompirtlc, tbe entire work li aM which work must be does tctet Ing to the Ordinances of City and the charter there a. the plana and specification rm Ing such work. i This notice Is publishes pvJ to an order of the City Couou Oregon City, made and eatwsli a special meeting thereof, hnt a the Hth day, of September, un ' L STIFF Rm. TdTsciriANitm - NOMce er ppiicauen par paa as Lksnse. I NOTICE Is hereby given I a s at the next regular martini , City Council, apply for a hex 1 to conduct a pool roots st a; pa of business. 503 Mala strep; bm period of three months : if. il iitrri j Net lea of AppllalTonrrsrsm Lksnse. j NOTICE Is hereby gives thtt n at the next regular meetlaisTk City Council, apply for l has to conduct a pool nxna at ear pat of business. 70S Mala street, kri period of three months. j . COXA WU1 J Notice of Application far Use License. ' 1 NOTICE U hereby given tint I rt at Ibe next regular martini a a City Council, apply for a Uceaai sell liquor at my place of Mas 471 Mala Btreet, for S swW i three months. j I). M. KUM8P j Notice ef Apptleatlen Per Use License. NOTIHC la hereby gives that t at the next retular mastlaistk City Council, apply for s Bcemi sell liquor at my place of keiss Eighth near Main street, for lod of three months. I HENRY OPTEI Notice of Application Far Use License. NOTICE Is hereby gives thai I va st the next regular mestla City Council, apply for s lkj sell liquor at my pleee of lews 219 Seventh Btreet, for S r1"' j threw months. ' M C. MOB MERRIAM TO ADDWIM BlU P. A. Herrlam. Chief United States Navy, will ad boys of ths Naval Mllltla tk at the Orand Theatre st $:U I s All those interested, or requested to attend sns brisiu" friends, aad all boys will MS should wear them. Mr. snW deliver a special lecture to uwp alter ins regumr aw. The Ten Commandmeflts of Advertising. a At the grrnt convention in Boston a short ti1 ("jo of the Xutional Association of Adverting men, Joseph Appel, Advertising Manager oj Wanamaher's Philadelphia store, gave to tU lteUtil Advertisers' Division these ten eommandr went of advertising: . . Thou shalt have no other jrods in advertising but truth. Thou shalt not makti -anv graven image oj wealth, or power, or station and thou hnlt w how down thyself to them, nor servo them except with honor. - , : ' Thou shalt not uhc tho power of advertising !11, an unworthy cause or in behalf of unvvorw go'Hls. . ... ; ; . HememU'i' the working day to keep it holy.' Honor thy husiness and thy advertising, tow they may honor thee, and thy days of usefulness be long upon the land. ' ... Thou shnlt not kill fajr competition from wtn mt nor ambition from within your organization- Ihou shalt not lie, misstate, exaggerate, mis represent nor conceal; thou shalt not bcAr fa witness to the public, but thou shalt be fair to thy merchandise. Thou shalt not steal by false pretenses in. statements, spoken, written or printed. , i . rhou shalt not permit adulteration nor auW tuuon m advertised goods. . tUj uciguDor s name, nor nis his wares, nor his trade, nor anything that is i neighbor's. ; 7