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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1911. OUR ANNUAL JULY learAnce sale Lit more beneficial to you than the rain these not dayi ,f .n x r Because the big genuine 'reductions we are giving on . all hot weather wearing apparel, . make it easy to overcome the hot weather - . Stories from Out of Town IS EE OUR WINDOWS J.LEVITT oipenaton Bridge Cor. Oregon City li have returnm! from abroad, but t aee an fureigu c berks oo your e." , h; my wife pluned tuetu ou bar ami Hie floa'a blanket" I Assurance Daubly lure. LOCAL PRtCrS Frank Olenuon. who suffered juke of apoplexy on Tuesday ere- la mill in critical condition. Telford and son. Johnnie, of tbla went totanby on business Wed iv. Mr. Talford la tha owner of trtv ai Canbv. nd whlla In t ht made aome Improvementa on tha Itiolt alalia will leave tha Electric II each day at I o'clock p. m. m Hesa Waruar, of Ibla city, went Ifer on Wednesday, and while i wat apHtnlHl ona of the teach f the Heifer achool. Tba achool will be elxht montha and will nenre on September 15. Mlaa tier will have tha primary claaa. a Madice Brlahtblll, of tbla city, recently took the teachers' ax lation, baa been appointed primary er of tba Ihirlng arhool, tba term numeric In September. Mlaa w Relllng will bava charge of tha r claaaea. xa Laura Lawrence, of Eugene, rrly of tbla city, baa arrived to in City, and la rueat at tba in of Mr a. K. Aodrewa and Mra. r, m, Fredrich,' of Molalla, waa In Ity on bualneaa on Wedneaday. in Kline, of Carua, waa In thla m Wedneaday. nk Bartlett Water.' Sold by all grocsrtee and drugglata. Inry Ilugbee, tba Beaver Creek hant, waa In tbla city on bualneaa bieaday.' m Elsie Scboenborn, Of Cam a. Iiu been vlaltlng ber parents, Mr, Mr. Richard Bchoenborn, of thla left for Cam a on Wedneaday er ic, and waa accompanied by her 4ir, Harry, who baa been In tbla on bualneaa. . . . . , t h Chrlatner and aon, William, In thla cltgr on bualneaa Tburaday. torney E. W. Bartlett, of Rata- i, waa In thla city on legal bualneaa Irsday. ra. Edward Fortune and alater, Fannie Vol, who have been aa nlng at Seaside, bava returned to !ton CUy. r. and Mra. Louta Levlnger and children arrived In thla city on neaday from Baker City, and are gueata of Mra. Levlnger alater, i. L. E. Jonea and Mra. Levlnger family and Mr. -and Mra. L. E. i-a will leave on Saturday for New !. where they will apend aeveral ka. Mirl I-atourette, who la houeefather he Kappa. Sigma fraternity at Univeralty of OregonEugene, will it for that city on Saturday even- and from that place ha win go to ML Oregon, where be will vlalt a few daya. . , Ira. Sinclair, of Carua, waa In tbla on Tburaday. , ! frank Mueller, one of the well wn farm era of Clarkea, waa In thla on Tburaday, lr. B. A. Sommer, formerly of Ore- City, baa moved hie office to 1017 bett building, Portland, ercy Caufleid left on Tueaday mor- iK for Seattle, Wash., where ha bed a party which left for Mount nler on Tburaday morning. Tba ty will climb the mountain pro- kd tha anow la so" that the aacent ly be made, and 10 day will be nt In that vicinity. Mr. Caufleid led Wallace and Raymond Caufleid HooMter Ilock before departing for kt tie. The latter two will return to ficnn City within the next two 'ka, after which they will go to nt Hood to apend their vacation. Mra. W. A. Dlmlck - and aon have pe to Forest Drove, where they will it Mra. Dlmlck'a parenta, Mr. and Caplea. Upon their return tbey go to North Beach, where they I sojourn for, aeveral weeks. " plra. C. H. Caufleid and daughter a, la Edna and Mlaa Clara, after a alx ka' vlalt In the Eaatern atata. Ke returned to their homes in thla While in the Beat Mra. Caufleid 1 her daughtera vlalted many of the mlnent clilea Including New York, lengo. Boaton, Washington.-- They o vlalted In Virgtnlafl Tbey feund weather extremely warm, eapecl In Boaton and In . Chicago, the rmeHt the people have experienced years. , ; Mr. and Mra. W, P, Hawley, Wtllard wley, Mra. George Puaey and aon, 'fRln, who have been vlaltlng Mr. 1 Mrs. C. tT. Barlow, the later who, a alater of Mra. Hawley, In Oakland, ve returned. They had a delightful p In the Hawley automobile. Many mmer resorts of California were vis- fi by the party, who made the trip er the mountains without ml una p. , Miss Mania Mill went to Beaver eek on Wedneaday evening, where attended the party given at the pence home In honor of Mlaa Echo lence't birthday annlveraary. There were about 60 friend of MlaaSpenoe atrelcllng. Mlaa Mill returned to Ore gon City Thursday morning. Johnny and William Davis, of Carua, were In Ibla city on bualneaa 1 buraday, Joseph Btumleman, of Bbubel. waa In thla city Tburaday on bualneaa. Mra. Klrbyaon and daughter, of Hhubel, were In thla city vlalllug frlenda Tburaday Mlsa llnxel Kenton, of thla city, baa gone to Carua, where aha will be the gut st of frlenda and relatives. Mra. William Stuart, of Carua, waa transacting bualneaa In thla city Tbura day.' Mlsa Ittl Llvermore. of I'eudl ton, who has been" vlaltlng her alater, Mra. A. U Beetle, has gone to Port land, where she will vlalt other sister and before returning borne at Peodie ion alio will return to thla clty-for a few days'-vlslt. Mr. and Mra. E. J. tiaulton and two daughtera, Misses Helen and Ileaale, III go In thmir auto next Bunaay morning to Mount Hkk1, where they will speuj the day. .. Uvy Stlpp ia suffering from a sev ere attack of polsou oak. Mr. and Mra. Aahton have returned to oreiam City from Carua, where theythav len Vlaltlng fnetida. Colonel Ilolwrt. Miller, well known PortUnd attorney, with offices la the Worebeetar Block, waa In Ore gon C"X- Tbri SHIRTWAIST PARTY DELIGHTS-YOUNG FOLK The first ahlrtwalat party of the season given at Huach'a hall on Thurs day evening by K. H. Buach and F. L. Hoag waa a dwlded success, and from all Indlcatlona tbla will not be the last, aa those attending had a fine time. The weather waa delightful, and be tween the dances the verandaa were filed with the merry dancera enjoying the breeaea from the river. The ver andaa were beautifully Illuminated with Chinese lanteraa, and with vlnea and plants made a moat attractive scene. The Interior of the hall waa artistically decorated with evergreena, festoons of American flaga, pennanta of bright eolora were used In profusion and the atalrway leading to the bal cony, where waa atatloned tha Par son'a orchestra, of Portland, waa de corated with palma. The orchestra played the latest aelectlona, and many encores were given much to the ap preciation of tbe dancera. The floor committee waa composed of F. H. Buach. F. L. Hogg. Frank Rotter. Edward Buach, U Mlddleatadt, John Buach and Otto Hogg. Much credit la given these gentlemen for tbe auccesa of the dance, and tbe gueata were enthnalaatlc In their pralae of tbe entertainment. The punch booth presided over by two little girls, waa prettily decorated, and waa one of the moat attractive placea In the hal.l BEAVERS BEAT SEALS WITH HOME IN BOX SIX RUNS IN FOURTH CLINCHES GAME FOR McCREDIE'S PLAYERS. PORTLANn, Or., July 20. (Special) San Francisco took Ita third atralght drubbing from Portland to day. The score waa 7 to 3. Renkle pitched for the home team, and while the Seala made nine hlta, he kept them pretty well scattered. It waa hla third atralght victory. Moaklman waa lp poor form and 14 binglea were made off hla delivery. Each eam made an error. i The Beavera made alx runs in the fourth aa follows: Krucger alama the pill to center for a alngle. Rappa followa suit with a poach to left. Kuhn scores Kmeger with a single to center. McKune aafe on Mc Ardle'e error-, Peck scoring. Henkle whlffa the otone. Chad singles to left, acorlng Kuhn. Browning re places Moaklman. 8heehan triples to center, acorlng McKune and Chad. Ry an alama tbe pill for another addition to the alaughter and Sheehan cantera home on the atngle. Ryan out ateallng, Vltt to McArdle. Rappa enda tbe agony, McArdle to Tennant. Six runs. Following were the reaulta Thurs day: Pacific. Coast LeAgue Portland 7, San Francisco 3; Oakland 2, Sacra mento 0; Vernon 6, Loa Angelea 0. Northwestern League Portland 3, Tacoma t; Seattle 6, Spokane 2; Van couver 11, Victoria 2. American . League Cleveland 8, Boaton 7: New York 8, Detroit 6: Chicago i, Philadelphia 8; 8. Louis 2. Washington 0. National League St. Louts 8, New York S: Pltteburg 6-9, Boston 8-5; Cin cinnati 4, Brooklyn 3; Chicago 4, Phil adelphia 3. STANDING. JENNINGS LODGE. Tbe annual camp meeting and con vention of the Evangelical Associa tion will be held at tbe HI ver View camp grounds at thla place from July 26 to August 3. Tenia may be had by applying to Rev. M. Heverllng, 68 Eaat 181b St. Portlsod, not later than July 20th Meala may be had for twenty-five cents or twenty for three dollars. On Monday, July 31, tbe'a Missionary society program will be held, and Tueaday and Wedneaday will be given, to the Hunday achool league program, and Tnuraday for tbe Young people'a Alliance. On Tbura day evening, August 3rd, F. C. Berg streeeer will deliver the sermon. From the 25th of July until July 31st, tbe camp meeting proper will be held. Tbe many Lodge frlenda of Mra. Sbupp, of Tacoma, will be pleased to learn that aha will have charge of the W. M. S. program at the camp meet ing on July 31st. Mrs. Sbupp la the wife of Rev. Shupp, former paator at Mllwaukle and at Grace Chapel but are now atatloned at Tacoma where Rav. Sbupp la presiding elder of the Puget Sound dla'rlct. Mra. Horace' Cuahlng left on Wed neaday for a week's vlalt with a Bister in Seattle. Mra. II. J. Robinson will go to Seat tle thla week where ahe will Join ber husband whoee bualneaa Interesta has called him from home for tba paat month. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, of Seattle, have leased Rock Lodge for tbe re mainder of the aeaaon. Mr. and Mra. Wlaner and aon, of Oregon City, were Lodge callers last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kruger, of Portland, were Sunday guests of the A. C. Mac Farlane family. Mr. and Mra. Sheppard and two aona, of Portland, apent Sunday week at Iluena Vista, tbe home of Mr. and Mra. Horace Cushlng. Walter Beckner, of Coronda, Califor nia, waa calling on friends here thla week. Mr. Beckner reporte a delight ful climate In aouthem California bnt thinks Oregon Is a good place to be and haa about decided to again locate here. Shelby Shaver la receiving con r rat u- Intlona npon receiving the second prize a allver medal for taking second place In the seven -day marathon rare' held at the Chmtatiqua thla year. Shelby la the only son of . Mr. George A. Shaver of thla place and la very much Interested In all athletic events. When Mr. and Mra. Howard N. Smith returned from Chautauqua on Wedneaday evening of last week they found their boraea out of the pasture. Thinking they would not atray very far away awaited till morning before a search was made for them. Al though a description haa been aent to the local papers no trace, of them haa been found and the auppoaltlon now la that ther were stolen. Leas than three montha ago P. IX Newell lost three head . from thla place. ' Rev, Smith haa offered a reward of 110 for their retura. At the special meeting of thla Dis trict No. 114. on the evening of July 13th at the achool house. Mr. A..C. MacFarlane waa elected clerk for the ensuing year It waa voted a two mill tax be levied to finish the south room of the achool house. Some of those who have children In school were In hopes of a three mill tax so the room could be furnished as well aa finished and another teacher employed. Oeo. Thompson, of Willamette, waa a caller at the Lodge on Tueaday. On Friday evening, July 11. an lee cream aoctal will be given at the home of Mrs. Harry Palntow for the benefit of Mr. J. P. Strain, who met with an Accident eome weeka ago and who haa been confined to the 8L Vincent hoapltal ever since. Mr. Strain Is very worthy and It la hoped that the Jen- nlnga Lodge folka will turn out en ma sae and help awoll the proceeds which will be used to defray hla ex penses at thla time. Men are bually engaged today wiring the dining1 halt and tabernacle at the River View camp grounds. Gould Heathman baa sold his Inter ests In the at ore at this place to his brother of La Conner a, Waah. Mr. and Mra. Heathman expect to leave during the coming week for their farm In Minnesota. Mr. Chubb and daughter. Mlaa Eve lyn, of Oakland, Cal., stopped for a abort vlalt with the A. C. MacFarlane family while enroute home from New York and Chicago. Mr. Chubb, being a brother-in-law of Mra., MacFarlane, the short vlalt waa Indeed an enjoy able one. The many frlenda of Rev. Morria Heverllng were sorry to hear of hla mishap, having fallen from a cherry tree and sustained bruises which ren dered htm unconscious for aeveral houra. . . The well drillera have completed a well for Rer. Wlnlama, of Covell, and wll remove to Bolton where they will drill for Mrs. B. N. Shaw. , - Mr. and Mra. Watdron are enjoying a visit from a daughter, Mra. Brlckett. Of Boaton, Maaa. . ( Mr. Wilcox, of Portland, and family. have located on the Vandermee. riv er property. i . Mian Christina Lehman la enjoying her vacation at Seaside, Oregon. Mra, Anderson, who haa apent some montha with her brother, Mr. Thomp son, haa gone to the seashore for a few daya. i Much Improvement Is being made on the eaat county road from the Zim merman dairy farm south- A road Is also being made through to the Clacka mas country and will greatly add to property In that locality and many lit tie homes are being built there thla aummer. Meadamea Pierce, MacFarlane and Roberts chaperoned a awlmmlng party on the west bank of the Willamette ast Wedneaday. The party constated of ten of the yonnger aet who are be coming proficient awimmera. , Paelflo Coast. ' W. Portland 60 Vernon ...... 57 Oakland V.,... 69 San Francisco ,.4,., 66 Sacramento . 63 Los Angelea ........ 44 Northwestern. ' - . ' W. Vancouver Spokane , . Tacoma ... Portland ., Seattle . . . Victoria .., A.. 68 66 62 40 46 23 L. 44 62 66 '66 65 65 L. 37 39 42 46 46. P.C. .677 .523 .61M .600 .491 .404 P.C. .611 .589 .653 .600 '.500 71 -.245 OAK GROVE. Mra. J. H. Shuppe and daughter. Mra. Howard Skoog, went to Tualatin to visit ' Mrs. Shuppe'a stater, . Mrs. George Horgan. Mra. William Cederson waa a Port land Vlaltor Wednesday. Mlsa Lexy Graham la vlaltlng rela tives In Portland and making prepara tions to go tfl the Coast. , Mra. Julia Holt la the Oak Grove candidate In the Enterprise eonteat. Anyone having votes are requested ta leRve them with her at the postofflce. Mlaa Louts Kennedy was a Port land visitor Wednesday. Mrs. L. E. Armstrong celebrated her birthday Wt(tnedHy. Edith Turner, of Ienta, waa a dinner guest. BLWOOO. Home Oregonlana nave expressed their urprlne at tbe unusual . hot weather of late. Even the thunder ahower of last Tburaday did not les sen tbe sultry beat. We ought not to find fault aa tbe Kanaaa farmer does over drouth, or growl as hla dog, whose feet blister while walking over tbe hot sand. A different hum from the dally song of the aawmllls la that of tbe mower cutting bay and tbe wood aaw which lessens tbe old way or manual labor. The most profitable and latest mask worn by tbe "Elwood Robbers" la the bee mask, worn while hiring and ateallng the honey from the over crowded ssucr worker. Rev. J. M. Park 1-f t on a pleasure trip to California. J. Arquetle and family have gone to the coast Mr. Arquette la fishing and pleasure aeekera, some borne procur era. Mr. and Mra. D. Stablnecker vlalted Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vallen Sunday The latter has fine millet and very good vetch hay, which any farmer would be proud of. Jack Oiiudstaff is making band abaved cedar ahinglea. The houee wives are buay canning cherries, raspberries and atraw berries. Mr. Ed. Dibble sold cherries at 6 cents per pound and delicious to can. The farmera are making a raid on the grey aqulrrela. They are a grain destroyer. lw Vallen aided T. W. Henderson In storing away ble bay. Klwood misses the morning and evening alnglng of J. Johnson. Per haps he alngs at hla work in tbe har vest fields of Eastern Oregon. A midnight wanderer awakened a few Bleeping farmers by his loud aalu- tatlona and exclamations for tbe light road to Colton. i Mlsa Johnson, of Portland, la Buying with Mrs. Iieardsley while Mr. Beard- sley ia away working. Amlle Blttner sold bla partnership ahare in the ehlngle mill on, Clear Creek Jo James Park. The former with family haa moved near bla father's mill, where be and brother will take charge of tbe Blttner sawmill. Just keep one eye open to see a motor dray hauling lumber from this vicinity. A fisherman of Clear Creek, who brans on his diving, fell backwards Into tbe water. When hla temper cooled Off a friend ejaculated, "I thought you were a lover of diving?" Tbe asealled replied, "Well, I want one dry dud on tbe bank aDd time for a glance that all Is clear between me and the water, at least.'' WILSONVILLE. Mrs. Howard, of Portland, haa been visiting friends In Wilaonvllle and vi cinity, for a couple of weeka. Mra. Larsen haa been spending ten daya In the Rose City, enjoying a abort vacation. Norman Say, accompanied by hla mother and alster, Mrs. Annie 8ay and Mra. Draper from Santa Paula, Cal., apent Sunday In Forest Grove with J. H. McFeeters, who la a relative of the 8aya. Church aervlce-wlll be held In the afternoon next Sunday at three o'clock In the A. O. W. W. hall; Sunday achool at two o'clock. Everyone la cordially Invited to attend. Mlaa Graham entertained gueata from Portland last Sunday, who came by auto. - - If no one from Wilaonvllle entera the eonteat for the Enterprise prizes. Borne one might reap a harvest of voles by going tbe ronnda here, Tbe oil well machinery broke down on Saturday afternoon, but repairs have been made, and the continuous bun of the engine Indicates that something Is doing. , Everyone waa' glad here when the cool breete from off the Columbia be gan to fan away the heat ' wave of laat week, although the farmers who almost all have bay In the fields are hoping that It will not rain, aa the hot weather haa been Ideal for tha hay harveat. Work on the electric depot Is still going on, and It will not be long be fore Wilaonvllle will have a station that will be large enough for the traf fic which grows steadily all the time. All the swimming places have been alive with people trying to cool off during the pant week, and we have had a good chance to realise tbe value of our village location on the banks of the river. Quite a number of village folka at tended the Chautauqua at Gladstone and seem to think It haa been the best ever held. The speakers and musi cians were selected from the world renowned and people who- have been unable to attend have surely missed a rare treat. Superintendent Gary haa been untiring In his efforts to make this summer's program one long to be remembered. FIRWOOD. The F. P. A. will dispense with the regular meeting. The next meeting will be held on the third Saturday of September. The young" men of the neighborhood furnished the entertain ment laat Saturday evening. Their parts were Btippoaed to be original, and the boya all displaced their tal ents In fine shape. . In fact they did so well that they are requested to give tbe next program. W. F. Fischer and E. D. Hart were in Portland the first of the week transacting bualneaa. Clair Corey haa gone to Pleasant will lay In a winter aupply for him self and his father-in-law, L. Baker. Home to make hay, while the sun ahlnea. Tbe young people of the Alt family apent a few daya at the mountains last week. Mra. B. F. Hart and chldren and John Sinclair apent Sunday at Cot treB. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Searls and daugh ter, of Sioux City, Ia., are visiting Mr. and' Mra. E. D. Hart, Tbey expect to apend the aummer In Oregon. Tbey have apent the laat two yeara In Cali fornia at San Diego. Los Angeles, Long Beach and Santa Barbara, and want to aee how Oregon comparea with California. So far they are pleased with the country. ' A number of Flrwood boya are work ing at the new sawmill at Brlghtwood. ' Mra. Bosholm and children returned from Brlghtwood Saturday evening. Mr. and Mra.. HS. D. Hart and Mr. and Mrs.- Searla and daughter drove to the mountatna Sunday and apent the day. Considerable work la being done on the Mount Hood road thla year. It will be one of the finest thoroughfares in the country. POCAIMAS DEGIEE PIM BIG PICNIC MRS. RICHARD ITTNER, FOR- MER'hEAO OF ORDER, OETS ' FINE PRESENT. The Degree of Pocshontaa held Its regular meeting In tbe Wigwam at Knapp's hall on Wedneaday evening, there being a Urge attendance of members. All tbe 22 officers of tha lodge were present, and much enthus iasm was manifested. After the Initia tion of two candidates, a committee waa appointed to arrange for a picnic In September by tbe Degree of P ora tion tai and the Kedmea order. Dwlgbt Bain, Emil Swanaon and Henry Hen nlngsen waa tbe committee appointed to meet with tbe Redmen next Tues day evenng at Knapp's hall, at which time the committee from tbe latter order will be appointed, and tbe date of tbe picnic aet. One of the features of the meeting Wednesday evening waa the presenta tion of a, handsome emblematic pin nd baudpalrited dish to Mrs. Richard .Blttner, who is 'Past Pocahontaa. The presentation speech waa made by Mra. Henry Hennlngaen, depnty great sachem. Mrs. IBttner desponded feel ingly. During tbe time In which'Mrs. Blttner held tbe chair of Pocahontas ber work was so well executed the lodge wished to show Its appreciation of her good work and the Interest sh"S had taken. This order will have Its next meet ing on Wedneaday evening, August 16, at which time further arrangements will be made for the picnic.' Patronise onr -adfrtlaera. MOUNTAIN VIEW. The funeral of Mrs. Morrison, waa held at the church laat Monday morn ing and that of Ralph Burd on Friday of laat week. There was a very large attendance at each. The floral offer ings were beautiful. F. M. Darling haa built a 6 foot aide- walk in front of hla property. Frank BnlUrd's family have "moved to their ranch near Redland and are greatly missed here. Bernard Dolan, of Sellwood, vlalted ba uncle, Frank Albright, then went out to Mullno and spent a few daya with bis uncle, Charley Albright and family. A. W. Walker and wife, of Mayrille, have moved Into the house belonging to Tom Carrlco, of Rockwood. Miss Emma Vanhoy, of Ooldendale, Wash., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Vanhoy. .. Otis Roberta apent a week vlaltlng Bernard and Arthur Grubb, of Arjeta, Mra. J. E. Calavan and daughter. Brma, are at home after spending a month at Prinevtlle with Mrs, Cala van's parents. 1 at the akatlng rink enly 1, la out on crutches this week. Mrs. William Beard Is -still In Sell wood. John Darling, Jr., and wife, of Ard- enwald.- were vlaltlng their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Darling and Mr. and Mra. E. W. Imbler laat Sunday. Chris Bullard and wife are living In the Stewart houae on May street, late ly vacated by Mr. Charles McGlnnia and wife. 1 George Ingram was taken to the hospital thla week. 1 Father Dixon Is 111, as Is also Mr. Crawford. ' Mr. Newman and family have moved to their property at Mount Pleasant Harvey Hickman and wire, or Port land, apent Saturday evening and Sun day with hla mother, Mrs. A, L. Hick man. ' Mra. Golden, of Ooldendale. Wash., who waa camping at the Chautauqua, vlalted Mrs. A. L. Hickman. Mrs. Vandong. who haa been in Seattle since laat fall, has moved In to her new home, tbe Hickman cottage. Hot weather Is tbe main topic of tbe day; 90 degreea In tbe coolest shade. Tbe thermometer regtatered 96 degreea in some places here. ' Y MARKETING 4x TELEPHONE OUR FAITHFUL Bell Telephone always at your elbow, steadily increases in usefulness. It I aew a.. Joes a score ol errands while- a messenger is doinir one. You - v ? - come to accept telephone service as a matter of course, like the air ypu breathe or the water you drink. . Your Bell Telephone performs these daily services of neigh- borhood communication, and it does more it is a unit in the ' universal system and enables you to reach any. one, any time within the range of the Long Distance Service. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. ' Every Bell Telephone is tbe Center ot tbe System Rheumatism Can be NATURAL HOT MINERAL BATHS. Cured Nature's , Way, i Writs' For Booklet Hot Lake Sanatorium HOT LAKE, OREGON. 10 REWARD For the arrest anrf conviction ot any person or peraona, who unlawfully remove conies of The 4 Mnmlnf Rnternrlse from the premises of subscribers - after 4 paper haa been placed mere ny carrier. COUNTYJCOURT. EXPENDITURES Of ROADS - IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. District No. Portland Wire and Iron Beall at Company' . . . , W. S. Davia A Son II. E. Sharrow . ,4.., A. B. Klrkley .,..7...' II. A. Battln CV E. Battln G. Attwood O. A. Battln H- Kile C. Dunham .......... J. A. Davis , Dan Gaffney Wm. Smart R. Rosenau J. Huffman C. Battle '. District No. W. F. Haberlacb ....... A. Mather Ward Jones ..........I Norman Lauder Dick Johnston ........ J. W. Bennett George Wlcklund T.. ... Walter Mundhenke .... I. Kelly f ." John Henrlch Wllaon t Cooke ....... District No. W. W. Cooke F. O. Cooke ........... Clarence Dallaa Ray Dallaa Hugh Lays , . . John Moor Henry Troge 1. Was. 2. . . r .$ 6.30 . 34.25 . 4.20 . 15,10 . 49.50 . 112.60 . 61.2S . 17.60 . 107.50 1 4.50 . 42.75 . 23.75 . 90.00 . 87.00 . 77.50 . 12.60 . 7.50 .$ 28.40 . 6.50 . 51.25 . 62.50 . 51.25 . 70.00 . 87.50 62.50 . 45.00 . 20.60 .. 1.60 ,.$ 20.65 ,. '12.00 , . 27.00 ,. 47.00 ,. 34.00 ,. 12.00 ,. 12.00 STUDY LAW Nothing will give you more power and Influence In the world than a thor ough knowledge of the law. "It la the combined wisdom of the agea.". Three years' course with degree. Standard is equal to the Eastern law schools and the work la most thoroug hly done. Fully prepares for the Bar examinations. , The school la in session al the yea r In both day and night classes. Eav roll at any time; do It now. " - PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL IRVING E. RtCHARDtO N, LLD, President-Dean Phones, Marshall 2761. A 6446. 631 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. UNIVERSAL SHORTHAND Leads all others. Remarkable results Id two and three months. Salaries $50 to $80. Higher standard than bualneaa colleges YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE OUR WORK. Eclectic Business University Phone ' A-5446 ' or Marshall 2751 WORCR STKR BLOCK, Third St. corner Oak ., . ' Portland, Oregon R. Sumner 62.00 Q. Llujle 18.50 L. W. Warren t' (.00 Frank Thebo 8.00 Marlon Tong 4.25 Walter Thebo 20.00 Harold Gerhardus 12.60 Herman Gerhardns 20.00 Chris Eckert 26.00 S, Svendsen .' 2.00 Fern Thebo 10.00 Frank Good son 6.00 Fred Eckert .30.00 Grant Mumpower 29.40 J. A. Byers .40 District No. 4. John O'Connor $ 80.00 Linsey Hale -52.00 RobL Currln ..k. 72.00 Martin Bauerflend . 20.00 a Fuliard .'..'.. 22.00 Norman Linn". 68.00 Ed. Sailing ., 62.00 Art Nlckejg 20.00 Fred Bannister 11-00 Mr. Scott 20.00 Henry Glthens 4.00 Joe Fields N. , 13.00 John Clthena 62.50 Ruben Coop 88.00 j Harry Kltchlng 27.00 Lelca Cook 16.00 D. Matson 18.00 Lester Hale ..... ..I......... 2.00 George Kltchlng 13.00 3. O'Connor .....r.... 350 Charles Kltchlng . 22.00 E. E. Erlckaon 44.00 C. Butler 36.00 W. C. Myers 36.00 C. R. Lovell 36 00 John Glthen 4.00 ' ' District No. 5. J. A. Imel $ 50.50 H. A. Beck 48.00 John Rlchey 36.00 O. W. Boring 2.00 J.'F. Wllmarth .. 84.00 , Wm. Henderman 20.00 i Henry Humflett 44.00 Llndow Rlchey 18.00 j W. H. Card 20.00 j John Russell 16.00 H. Fredeicka 38.00 A. J. McClung 4.00 j Harry Safford 50.00 Charles Livingston ... 40.00 H. O. Knox 12.00' W. Fredrick 9 2.00 J. W. Roots 50.00 i R. 8. Smith '. 8.00 J. W. Roots ft Co 96.10 Straua Lumber Co. 692.07 f. Paul R. Meinig Joseph Haaelwander H. Luebke Nick Schmits Chas. Krebs ) y District No. Paul R. Melnlg Ernest Leaf . George Gibbons .. Joe Clark t.... Onle Clark H. TenEyck Henry Aschoff Emery Burbank Ray Dunmlre Alex Holmes P. R. Melnlg .......... Johnson Lumber Co. . . . . . . 10.55 10.00 10.00 29-00 4JS SOS ' 98.00 SL60 30.00 20.00 44.00 24.00 40.60 , 34.00 8.00 84.SS 4.66 District No. 8. W. Allen L Ware J. Wall C. Alt F. Kennlcker M. McCormlc ....... J. Maroney ........ J. Mclntyre G. Fllnn H. Bridensteln ,..,.' G. Cratty Q.. Couper a Alt ............. W, O. Hugh A. Gardau . . . . . K. E. Brawn son F. Beechel .... D, W. Douglas .$100.00 . 96.00 . 87.60 !. ' 36.00' . 15-00 . 10.00 i . 1160 . 12.50 . 18.75 . 27.B0 . 34.40 . 18.75 . 13.50 . 13.50 . 7.60 .. 6.25 8.75 . 60.00 District No. 9. District No. 6. J. B. Allison ..... .$ 1.80 Peter Ruhl Otto Paulson . J. Paulson George Leyde . Thao. Harder Harold Joyner". C. A. Johnson Henry Johnson . R. Miller A. Swelrmart (,,.. Ed. Guber ...... II. Kllnker Ray Ellla II. Ellis A. II. Miller N. Rath Fred LI us ...... Henry Smith . ... II. Ruhl A. Stelnke ....... Peter Rath ...... J. V. Hart Wm. Held Frank Ahnert .... Nick Bchee'l Batacada Mercantile a f 0 " " i a a t a Co. .. 64.25 48.60 .48.00 ' 18.00 66.75 4.00 60.00 (.00 18.75 3100 1100 18.00 1L06 9.60 3160 30.00 64.00 13.00 11.50 13.00 60.00 -8.00 33.60 13.46 13.00