Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 18, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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I Is more beneficial to you than the rain these hot dayi
we w r ,
V n I r
Became the big genuine 'reductions we are giving on
all hot weather wearing apparel, make it easy to
overcome the hot weather.
spenslon Bridge Cor. Oregon City
Anelhsr Matt
L Girl-Why do you Insist upon
vlng Lighter? He lau't to be
L Other (llrl-Why, I d truet blut
m life.
tit I mean ttit bt U Dot to be
d with anything valuable that
-n. W. 8. U'Rn, who baa been
line a few days at Columbia
h, returned to Oregon City on
lay. Mr. U'Ken aaya that Colum-
an Ideal resort for persons seek-
In rest. .
ilholt stage will leave the Elactrlo
I each day at S o'clock p. m. '
a. Samuel Maddork, or Portland,
In thla city on Sunday vlaltlng
coiialna, the Mleaes Cochran.
and Mra. Frank Brhoenborn
to Bbubel on Baturday evening,
a lhay vlalted relatives, and ra-
td borne by way or Naw Bra on
lay, where they attended the emp
K. Wilson, or CorTallla; Mlaa
v Harding, or Portland; Mr. and
L. E. Jonee, of thla city, formed
irty on Sunday and went to the
hoff place, where tbey apent the
(n flhlng. Tbey caught many fine
italn trout
nry Scoot t and wife, of thla elty.
In Portland on Sunday, wbere
visited relatlvea.
and Mra. Oeora-e Lowrr.of Weat
kn City, went lo Eldorado, on
Sunday, where they are guest of Mr,
and Mra. Anderson.
Dr. K. A. Sominer, formerly of Or
gon City, baa moved bla office to 1017
Corbett building. Portland.
Mra. Elmer Oly. of Carua, waa In
thla city on Monday.
Mlaa Ethel lleala, of Taooma, Wash.,
baa arrived In thla city and la the
gueat of her aunt. Mra. J. E. Jack. She
waa accompanied by ber coualn, Mlaa
Jeaale Hoblneon, who also will vlalt
Mr. Jurk
Mlss'Lcna Uoldamltb. or Ban Fran
rlaco, who baa been apendlng the past
two weeka with ber mother, Mra. A.
Uolilamlth and alstera. Mlaaea Gold
smith. left laat night for Eugene,
where abe will remain until thla eve
ning, visiting relatlvea, and from that
city will go to San Francisco. She
waa accompanied by Mlaa Lee Murray,
of Ban Franolsoo, who baa bwn a
gueat at the Ooldamlth borne, recently
returning from a trip to British Co
lumbia. Drink liartlett Water. Sold by all
cafes, grocerlea and druggist. ,
William B. Howell leavea today or
i?'Li,,ya,outlnf jatjNewport.
Mla Eva Jackaon, of Portland, la
the gueat of Mlaa Mamie Burroughs,
of thla city.
Mis Margaret Llppert, of Cleveland,
O . waa In thla city visiting frlenda on
J. P. Keating, of Portland, waa In
thla city on buaineae Monday.
Mlaa Edith Prlebe, of Portland, has
arrived In thla city to vlalt her parents'
Mr. and Mra. Charles Prlebe.
Mlaa Mable Francis haa gone to Bt
Johns, wbere ahe will apend a week
with frlenda.
Dr. L. A. Monia eipecta to leave
on bla vacation July 24. Patients de
siring work done before that date
should make appointments at once.
Mlaa Pearl Chrlatner, of Carua, waa
In thla city on Monday on bualneaa.
Mra. S. W. Chandler, of Ooldendale.
baa arrived In Oregon City, and will
vlalt Mr. and Mra. 8. V. Francle, for
several daya.
Mlaa Martha TJeaman, after vlaltlng
her grandmother, Mra. p. Bchmoker,
of HUlaboro, has returned to ber borne
in mis city. " ;
Mlaa Myrle Holmea, of Parkplace,
left for Eastern Oregon on Monday,
where ahe will vlalt Mrs. Myrtle Han
sel, who haa been vlaltlng at the
Leads all others. Remarkable results In two and three montha.
Salaries $50 to $80. Higher standard than bualneaa colleges.
Eclectic Business University
one A 8449
or MsrshalL 2751
WORCESTER BLOCK, Third St.. corner Oak
Portland, Oregon
Will Be Incomplete
It's worth the money.
. It's like a ; letter, from home
every dayi
It will keep you fully informed
about the happenings of your city
and.county during your absence.
........ Yotf can place your order by telephone. '
The I Morning Enterprise ii the jonly
. -daily; newspaper between Portland
' and Salem., It Is steadily growing
! N.fnpoptilartty;;;, ? j .
"Yod get all the newsQworth while In
The : Morning .Enterprise
Holmes bonis, and who accompanied
Mlas Holmes.
Mr. and Mra. C. 0. Parker and two
daughters, Mlaa Martina and Harriet,
of tula city, accompanied by Mlaa Beth
Root, William Dlckeraon, Harry Pal
mer, of Portland, will leave this morn
ing for the Cottle farm on the Sandy
Itlver, near Horlng, where they will
apend ten daya enjoying camp life
They will be joined by othera from
Portland at boring.
W. W. Jones, of Cambria. Wash.,
was In this city on Sunday and Mon
day, reglaterltig at the Electrlo Hotel.
V. Yelkes of Molalla, waa transact
Ing bualneaa In tbla city on Sunday.
Andrew II. Comber, of Enterprise,
Or., was registered at the Klectrlo Ho
tel on Saturday and Sunday.
Morris BiKbee, of Albany, was In
this city on Sunday.
A. A. Baldwin, of Aurora, one of the
well known residents of that place,
was in this city on Saturday and Sun
Lloyd E. Williams, county recorder,
haa returned from Raatern Oregon
where be visited relatlvea.
Lee Harding loft Monday for
Yarhats, Southern Oregon.
In a ault for a divorce, Mra. Cora O.
Sendera, who was married at Albany,
Or., June 12, 1892; chargea Morris
Senders with having a Jcaloua and re
vengeful dlepoaltlon. After years of
unbapplness they agreed to aeparate,
and their attorneya have stipulated
thst the demurrer filed by Senders
shall be submitted without argument
and Jf It la overruled, 8enderaahaii
plead no further and ahall allow Mra.
Benders to obtain an order of default.
Mrs. Sendera la to have the custody of
Veata and Albert L, Sanders, and Sen
dera Is to be given the care of his
daughter. Carrie I. Senders. There
la one child over the age of 18 years.
Lena A., and she may live with Sen
ders If ahe elects.
William Hammond New Council Com
mander of Camp.
Willamette Falla Camp, No. 148.
Woodmen of the World, laat Friday
Installed tbe following officers: E.
Mass, Past Council Commander: Wil
liam Hammond, Council Commander;
U P. narnea. Adviser Lieutenant;
Prank Oliver. Ocort; William Smith,
Watchman; C. A. Andrua. Sentry; L.
D. Taylor, Manager. Seven applica
tions for membership were received,
and one candidate waa Initiated. P.
C. 8andow, a former Council Comma n
der, waa preaented a fountain pen by
tne tnembera or the camp, tbe presen
tation adreaa being made by Council
Commander Hammond. Ice cream
was aervetf after the Installation.
IS I TO 2.
TAOOMA. Wash.. July 17. (Special)
The Rmdter4 found Hall'a curves
today and won 8 to 2. Lamtlne bad
mercy and was In trouble only In the
the home players virtually at his
fifth and aeventb. one score being
made In each. Portland scored 4 In
the second, sewing up the game. An
other was msde In the fourth and In
tbe seventh.
The results Monday were as follows.
Pacific Coast League Sacramento
5, Lo Angeles I.
Nortbweatern 'League Portland 0,
T acorn a 2; Seattle 12, Spokane 8;
Vancouver 8, Victoria 4.
American League Philadelphia 8, St
Iuls (; Detroit 3, lioaton 2; Cleve
land 2. New York 1; Washington 3,
Chicago 0.
National League Chicago 6-7, Boa-
ton 1J; other gamea postponed, rain.
Pacific Coast.
Portland 67
Oaklund .... 68
Vernon 65
Sau Franclaeo ....... 68
SHcramento 61
Lob Angeles 44
North wsstern.
' W.
Spokane 65
Vancouver ... r. 65
Tarotna ...i ........ 62
Seattle .... 44
Portland ...... 43
Victoria '. 23
L. P.C.
44 .664
53 .623
62 .614
63 .614
64 .486
05 .404
L. P.C.
37 .668
37 .68
39 .671
45 .494
46 .483
88 .263
Security Council, Knights and La
diea of Security, of Portland, having
as guests Eureka Council, alao of Port
land, came to Oregon City Monday and surprised the members of
Willamette Council. Tbe local lodge
had Juat finished a business meeting
hen the visitors arrived on a special
car. Tbey brought with them Ice
cream and cake enough for everyone,
and a band. Dancing waa Indulged In
until nearly midnight. The addreaa
of welcome was made by I. C. Bridges,
president of Wllllamette Council,
which waa responded to by Vice-President
Volkmer, of Security Council
There were snout 150 visitors, and tbe
teams made a fine appearance aa they
marched through Main atreet. Tbe lo
cal council had no intimation until tbe
arrival of their entertainers that such
a treat waa In store.
(Continued from page 1.)
J- M. Busby Leavea More Money In
City Than He Takes Away.
Unlike moat showmen. J. M. Busby,
owner of the minstrel troupe, which
gave an exhibition Monday night,
probably left more money here than
be took out of the city. Thla does not
mean that hla show waa not well
patronised, for the ' large tent waa
crowded, but Mr. Busby had a chance
to buy an automobile at a low figure,
and be took advantage of the oppor
tunity. It Is bis Intention, to motor
to Los Angeles.
Party of Seven Spend Day at Mount
Hood Resort.
Misses Edith - and - Let ha Jackson,
Nora Criswell. Stella Ciiawell, Mollle
Mitchell, Clara Mitchell, and Myrtle
Cross, composed an automobile party
that apent 8unday at Mount Hood.
Thla waa the largeat party that has
made the trip to Mount Hood by auto
mobile thla season. There were sev
eral hundred visitors at the varloua
summer r aorta along tbe route taken
by the party.
Justice Marriea Couple.
Justice of the Peace Samson on
Monday officiated at the marriage of
Elizabeth Ann Stone of Portland, and
Harvey M. Snider, of Spdfcane. The
witnesses were Robert E. Snider and
Alice L. Snider. ,
will be taking The Enterprise five and
ten yeara from now.
Tbey will undoubtedly aay that they
will. Many of them have been tak
ing It for yeara.
Suggest Advsnca Subscriptions.
Then they might aa well give you
an advacce aubacrlptlon to begin when
the present subscription expires.
Undoubtedly they will do so If you
auggeat It to them.
It won't cost tbem a cent more.
They won't lose anything and the
votes will be a big belp to you.
. Tbe money they will spend In future
yeara for The Enterprise will almply
bring them, the paper. If they will
apend that monej now they will not
have to subscribe again for a long
Tbey will avoid the possibility of
missing the paper between tbe ex
piration of one aubacrlptlon and the
renewal of another.
And now that summer la here, re
member thst the addreaa of The En
terprise subscribers can be changed
to wherever they go and then changed
back to their city or country home
when they return rom their vacatlona.
Another good point to remember la
that many people In Oregon have
frlenda In the East and Irk other parts
of the world.
Many of them are probably old Ore
gonlans, or Interested In Oregon.
These distant friends would be glad
to get The Enterprise and keep In
touch with their friends and the
growth of the atate through its col
umns. . ,
8o row that the contest has Jtrst
started enter your name at once If
It doea not appear In the above list
and win one of the valuable prises
to be awarded on the night of Sep
tember!. ,. ,
' - - , O . . 4
' ,
I wish to Nominate Mlaa
. Address 8
4 i . ' .
Nominated by
' .
This nomination blank, when properly filled In and brought or '
mailed to Contest Department of The Enterprise will count for '
4 2.600 votea. Only one of these blanks will be credited to each can-
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Netlei-a und.r thwee eMMirM h 4rms
will lr Insv t4 at ( a were, turn
lnrlkm. half a Mat aSdltioeaJ fcaasr
tlona. one laeh HL II pmr mtmUt. ftaJt
Inch ar4. U iibmj si per asoal.
Cash muat aomear erSar mnUua en
haa aa opSJ aooount with tfce saa.r. .
ftsMotaJ rMSvoalbllltir lor .rr.r.. whan
rrera eceiir fre rrc4 isUm will S
81014 for salrow. Minimus, etiarse U
WANTED Young lady atenograpber
by week to write. form letters. and
attend 'to office duties. Address
"J K: Enterprise office.
WANTED Male Help.
msy be earned with me than
other ways. Appltants must be
bright, nestly dressed, clean
bands and face. I want the
MANLIEST boy In the city.
Come early prepared for work.
WANTED Collectors to see my col
lection of all aorta of curios, an
tiques, and Indian trinkets; stamps
for atamp collectors; coins for
numismatists, arrow-beada for arcb
eologlata, etc I buy and sell all
sorts of curios; also all klnda of
second-band furniture and tools.
' George Young, Main, near Fifth
WANTZIaua4iadvemsements for"
thla column. pneaa very reason
able. Be rate at h4 of eol-imn
Read tbe Morning Enterprise.
WANTED You to know that the En
terpiise Job printing department la
the most complete In tbe State,
outside Portland. Try. It for your
est printing-
WE are offering aeveral Gladstone
acreage tracts at very reaaoname
figures) for outside clients. It will
be worth your while to see ua at
once. Cross & Hammond, Beaver
FOR SALE House, two lots on cor
ner; bouse recently built. 12x28,
brick flue, other Improvements;
fine view, bear Winkle's store. West
Side. Price, 1475.00. arvey Buck,
Oregon City.
THERE never haa been a disappoint
ed purchaser of Gladstone property.
A general and healthy growth and
rise in valuea have satisfied alL
Tbe last sale of acreage waa at $1100
per acre cash. Tbla aame property
was purchased only a few years
ago, at about $250 per acre. We are
authorized for outside clients to sell
ten acres on main Portland road
at a very low. figure. Terma might
be had. Better aee ua without delay.
Cross A Hammond.
FOR SALE Space in this column
Bell that old plow or harrow; yon
don't uae It since you purchased
your new one.
Did you ever stop to think
how much of the happiness
of your home is due to the
groceries you buy?
A bad stomach will ruin the best dis
position and poof quality food is tbe
safest way to ruin your stomacb.
Use tbe finest food only and be SURE
of making YOUR borne happy. It is
tbe kind of - groceries we - sell -1 bat - are
creating happy homes around yotf.
' 1
Opposite Coort Hovse Oregon City
Dated, July 11th, 11L
Notice of Application for License. to
Run a pooiroom.
NOTICE is hereby given that the un
- dersigued will apply . to the City
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at
the Council Chamber thereof, on
the 2nd day of August. 1811, at tbe
fcour of 8 p. m. of said day, for a
license to conduct a .poolroom, at
No. 217 Seventh atreet, Oregon City,
Oregon, for a period of three months
, from aald date.
LOST On Main street, Saturday eve-
nlng, bunch of three keye. Finder
will please return to Mr. iteiiog, mi
elevator of Masonic building, and
receive reward.-
FARM LOANS Dlmlck at Dlmlck,
Lawyers. Oregon City, Or. '
Louis Provensay Burled.
The funeral of Loula Provensay,
who died In the tubercular sanitarium
at Salem, was held Monday afternoon
from the Holman undertaking estab
lishment and later from St. John'a
Catholic church, the Rev. itillebrand
officiating. The services at the un
dertaking establishment were con
ducted by the Fraternal Brotherhood.
Mr. Provensay waa a mill hand, and
wns sent to the sanltarluh' by the
county. Tbe Interment waa In the
Catholic cemetery.
' This coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled in with the
name of tbe candidate you wish to vote for, will be counted as one
vote. ; ......
This con r on is void after July 24th.
Cut on tinea.. -Dont roll.' Bend In fiat. -
) , . ' ' ' : ' ' , '
Name of candidate....
Address ....... ,
O. D. BTBT. Attoroey-et-Lew. Moeey
loaned, abstracts furnished, lead
titles examined, estatea nettled, gwn-
eral law bualnea. uver Bank f
Oregon City.
U'REN A 8CHUEBEL, Attorneye-at
Law, Deutaceer Advokat, will prac
tice la all courts, make collections
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregon.
HARRY JONES Builder and Q en eral
Contractor. Estimates cneeiTuii
given on all claasea of building
work, concrete waika ana reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main lit
K. H. COOPER, Ft)' Fire Insursncf
aad Real Estate. ' Let ua handl
vour properties- we buy, aell and
etchange. Office In Enterprise
rude:., Oregon City. Oregon. .
Minstrels Please
Bradey Woodward, eon of Mr. and
Mra. R. E. Woodward, of Oregon City,
was Injured On Thursday at the ca.
barns. MrJ Woodward waa winding
an armature when It fell on bia leg.
crushing It badly. .The armature
weighed about 5,000 pounds, and U
was feared at first that Mr. Wood
ward's leg -would have to be amputat
ed at tbe knee.
THREE mares of the following des
cription and brands: l oiue roau
pony, white face, cropped mane,
shod with plates; 1 dark colored,
cropped mane, no shoes, branded V
on left hip; 1 bay colored, cropped
mane, bob tall, branded 71 and J.
F. Take the mares up. Notify
the undersigned owner, by phone,
Oak Drove Exc. Red 690, or mall
Jennlnga Lodge P. O. Liberal re
ward for expense and trouble. H. 8.
Pmlth. Jennings Lodge, July 13,
T Vawa. Alt a. TDActa.tlona realised
l. vratlfvins- and Dleaslng. and
It Is safe to say that the large and
'enthusiastic audience which filled the
tent of Buahy'e-Mlnatrels last mgm
had thoir ho Dee and anticipations
more than gratified.
From the rise or tne curia in, w u.
oii in n last act. there waa not a
dull or tedious moment, while the re-
uitt inmrM .ml lauehter that loi-
mv;v w v
InaaH .car. win w and Ink A. reflected
the audiencea' elncere approval and
Tbe atreet and stage wardrobe waa
the most gorgeoue, elaborate and ex
penalve over worn by any organixation
of like nature that- baa exhibited
here. And tbe band. It must not be
forgotten, for Its noon concert was
Alldredge Quartette Render Impres
sive 8ongs at Funeral.
Tbe funeral services of Mrs. 8. T.
Morrison, who died at the SL Vin
cent's Hospital in Portland on Sat
urday morning, were conducted Mon
day morning at 9 o'clock from the
Mountain View church, the Rev. Buck
bee, of the United Brethren church,
oflclatlng. W. W. Alldredge. John All
dredge, Joseph Alldredge and Frank
Alldredge. composing the Alldredge
quartette, rendered very Impressively
-Parte. Fade Each Earthly Joy,"
"Nearer, My God, to Thee." "Shall We
Meet Beyond the River." Tbe pall
bearers were J. J. Corbett, John Luell
lng, A. Mautx. O. A. Van Hoy, and the
Rev. Gross, and F. M. Darling. The
casket was covered with flowers,
manv friend a and acaualntancea Bend
ing floral tributes. Tbe Interment was
In Mountain View cemetery. Mrs.
Morrison came to Oregon City irom
Michigan about two years ago. She
was recently taken to the hospital
for an operation, but her condition
was such that an operation was aa
viaod arainat. ' She leaves, besides her
husband, 8. T. .Morrison, and aon, Ken
neth, or tnia city, ana a son Ainerx,
who Is In Michigan. One little son
died in this city about three months
Sunday being such a hot day aev
eral hundred person came from Port
land and spent the day on tbe river.
Mrs. Bertha White returned borne
Sunday evening from Salem and Al
bany where abe has been vlaltlng rel
atlvea and friends. s -
Mr. and Mra. Elhler and daughter
returned home from Walla .Walla,
Wash., 8uoday evening. Mr. Elhler
was doing work while taere for the
company he la employed by la Port- -land.
. Miss Elizabeth K. Mathews will open
a Normal Training school In Portland
this fall. The school will do prepara
tory work, leading to posltlona as in
structors in kindergarten and In the
primary departmenta of the public
schools, although those taking Its
courses way also fit themselves for
positions In the more advanced de
partmenta of the grammar school.
Mrs. Charles Worthlngton baa an
acute attack of tonaolltla. Dr. Messtn-
ger, of Oregon City, is attending.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whyte are
the parents of a little daughter, born
July, It,
Mlssea Anna and Marie Short, of
Portland, apent tbe week end with
Mlaa Lexy Graham, and attended the
Chautauqua Sunday.
Rev. Henry Spela preached In tbe
Methodist church Sunday evening.
'Mrs. McLesse entertained friends
from Portland Sunday for dinner.
Mrs. Williams' brother. Mr. Rowley,
of Washougal, Wash:, ; spent Sunday
Mis Kate Stein, the popular tele
phone operator la ahead In the Appeal
contest at Mllwaukie and we hope
ahe will win out and the, trip to 8an
Francisco. . .
Mrs. Schuman of Rtsley's Station,
was 111 8nnday. Dr. Mesalnger was
called and relieved the sufferer.
Not'cs cf Application for Vacation of
, Allay.
NOTICE Is hereby given that tbe un
dersigned petitionera have petition
ed the City Council of Oregon City
to reduce the width of the Alley In
. Block 66. of Oregon City. Oregon,
from 26 feet wide to 10 feet wide,
and that said matter will be heard
and determined at a special meet
ing of said Council to be held at
the Council chamber. In Oregon City,
Oregon, on tbe 10th day of August,
19H. at tbe hour of 8 p. m. of
said day. . , ;
Picnic at Schnorr Park Attended By
' 600 Persona.
The picnic given by the German
Vereln of Portland, at the 8chnorr
park at Willamette Sunday was a
big success, there being more then
500 persons In attendance. About
forty were from the Oregon City or
ganixation attended. The day wa
spent in dancing, games and singing.
One of the features of the program
wss the singing of tbe German Vereln
club of Portland. Their selections were
well received, and the singers respond
ed to many encores. Many remafned
nntll evening, and the park was bril
liantly Illuminated with Chinese lan
terns, and dancing was continued un
til a late hour. A basket dinner and
refreshments were served during the
The Cause of Constipation.
Constipation is. In some cases, the
direct result from a torpid or slow
acting Liver, brought about . by the
withholding of the flow of bile. Tbla
condition Is commonly . allied with
more or leas Indigestion and dyspep
sia, partly due to the constipation It
self. :. .... . ,
Many persons have found It eorp
paratlvely eaay to overcome such con
ditions with a treatment of Rex all '
Liver Salts.
In our judgment, we feel that ibis
preparation Is remarkably well fitted
to overcome these conditions, and rec
ommend them to you with the order
standing that any money you may have ,
spent with us for the preparation will
beneficial results.
In two sizes, 25c and 50c. Taylor's
Pharmacy. The Rexall Drug Store.
Bullock Named Administrator, i
George L. Bullock waa on Monday
appointed administrator of tbe estate
of tbe late Mrs. Martha Ann Bullock,
who died at Oswego laat week. Tbe
atate la valned at tftnfl. and Gordon
Bi Hayes la the attorney, .
C. 8cbuebel, wife .and daughter.
Roberta, leave todav on an automo
bile trip to Los Angeles. They will be
gone six weeks It la not the inten
tion of the party to try to break any
records the trip being entirely far ,
Various places of interest will be visit
ed by the party. - Mr. Bchuebel is one
of tbe roost enthusiastic autolsts ef
Oregon City and he baa been plannlj
tbe trip for sometime. . ,