Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1911)
2 . MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1911. HORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CUT, OREGON" E. t. ROCHE, Editor and Publisher, Untaraa M r on d -class matter Jan. ttn . lltl. at. tha Hit aRWia l iWm PTj on. under the Act ol Marc i. im.- raw tr jcwctirnoN, On Taar, by mall . la Month. by mall . Fmr Moatha. by mall. Par weak, bjr earrlsr... ....Ill .... 1 I .... ' MVOTOMG UTtS First Pas, par men rtrat Insertion.... lis any pa. er Mas. First Pin, par Inch added Insart tons.. 10 rterwiel poeltlon flret Insertion..., fraferredr position BSde Snasrtlona Inch ....lie r la eh Ran paper othrr than flret pa, per mrh rtn Inearttoaj lie Run Paper other than first pa, par meh added Beartlon. So Local la par Una; to rerular adrer tlsara la Una. , Waata. For Rala. To Rent. etc.. ana ant a word first in semen; one-naif seat each additional. Rates far adeerttetn In h Weekly Enterprte will be tne same aa In the daily, for advertisements set especially for the weekly. Wltare the aarertlsement In transferred from the dally to the week ly, without ananae. the rats wfll be so i for run of I logs and that much of this money win find Its way Into the government de poeltory. There la absolutely no rsa son why anyone should distrust tha banks of Oregon City. There la no city la tha atata with sounder financial Institutions. But there arc always soma timid people, who will trust their money to no ona unless It ba tha Gov- eminent and tha deposits wtll show just what tha true condition Is. n Last Sunday waa the anniversary of the death of QroverXleveland, who passed in 1S08. Eight -years aa Presi dent, Cleveland represented the high est type of American statesmanship. There waa a man with back-bone, who had the courage of hta convictions. Ha served hta country well. Ha refused to. compromise upon quest lous of na tional honor, even at the sacrifice of harmony in his party and time has vindicated bis position. PIEPKES ARE ENTERTAINED. Students Celebrate Bitf Gift to Their College by Unique Parade . ... - -. the paper, and las aa men roc spenai poaittn. Caah ahould accompanr order where party la unknown In buatneee office of the Enterprise. Least advertising at legal advertising t ft tea. Clftrua advertising snd special transient advertising at tie to lOe aa inch, aocord ma to special condition governing the "FTee Sale- and Bankrupt Rale" advert isements tie Inch first Insertion: add! .tonal tnaertlona same matter 3c loch. Newa Items and well writ'en articles if BMtit. with mterest to local readers, will ba cladly accepted. Rejected tnanu sertpta narer returned unless aopompaa led by stiraoe to prepay poataare. Surprise Given Couple Who Move To Mains Farm. A surprise party waa tendered Mr. and Mrs.Ptepke. of Mount Pleasant, 1 at their home oa Saturday uiRht. A most enjoyable time waa had. Mr.J and Mr. Piekpe have recently taken poHe8slon of the Helm 'arm. . Re freshments were served. Those present were Mia Ethel Mather, Mlra Isabel Mather, Miss Gwendellyn Jones, Misa Hanson, Ml 88 Armstrong, A. I .Anders, Mr. Wood, O. Johanson. B. Flaherty, Walter Fos ter, of Clackamas; Mrs. Hargreavea. Misa Gertrude Hargreaves, Edward and Harry Uargreaves, of Portland; James Partlow and Frank Cinek, of mount Pleasant. wiq or I .J . .Sv f P 1 . v a wte j CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER, Viola Couple Wtda. Phrfafflsn Tnr. ind Xf lew Vfrla Tn. nmarArcn ler. of Viola, nrominent vouna- oeoDle u is not an prooaoie mat a news- of that place, were married Wednea- paper of the character of the Port-id". of last week, by tha Rev. William land Daily Newa will be conscious- J Kr"'-ri Pf ,0' , of i 'h Zi?n Lut! . , , . . . , iierah Church, of th a city. he cere- atrkken over the tragic death of CWef , mony WM nn arU. o'clock at uavia uampoeii, oi tne nre depart-! the home of the brlde'a parents. Mr. ment For weeks that publication baa made vicious attacks on Campbell, without foundation, purely to stir up public aentlment to a point where an Indign ant people would take his dismissal quietly, after Mayor Rushlight atapa in. Last Saturday tha Newa contained a ' particularly vituperous slander of Chief Campbell, charging him with in competence and going back alx years for an illustration for Its rotten story. Monday morning, within aa hour of the Chief's death, the Newa came out on the street with an. extra, and proved to the public that it had lost what little aense of decency it ever had. by permitting the Saturday story of the fireman hero to appear In the extra edition, along with, the tale of 'he death of the head of Portland's fire department. ' Dave Campbell waa a fearless fire fighter. He died at hia post of duty. His was a terrible end. Hehad no defense against a alanderoua Journal Hia passing Is awful testimony of -the- falsity of -the- stories that- were circulated for the express purpose of destroying hia usefulness la public life. 'But Providence intervened. ea - Oregon City is one of the few towns In Oregon that has a postal-savings bank. With no' little foreign poDula- and Mrs. Tannier. Misa Annie Rax waa the bridesmaid and Tllty Allen- bach was the bridegroom. PRICE BROS. BEAT MOLALLA. Game la Attended By Large Crowd From Thla City. There was a large attendance at the baseball game on Sunday at Mo- la I la, when the Molalla team played the Price Brothera of this city. The game resulted In a score of S to 5 in favor of the Price Brothers. Many persons from this city attended. Victim Blamed For Death. Coroner Fox, on Monday held an In quest into the, death of L. P. Davis, a bo was killed while blasting stumps near Eagle Creek. The Jury decided that Davis' death waa due to hia hav ing placed a too heavy blast in the stump. - 4 tr ' V! ii . -r1" --t.,vi t? lnotoe by American Press Association. s Ksrrick Plaada Today. Joseph Kerrick. proprietor of the Log Cabin Saloon, who Is charged wtin allowing women to enter his place, will plead before Recorder Stlpp today. The Recorder denied the mo tion to dismiss the case on the charge mat me complaint is not proper. MRS. E. H. SHOINERE DIES. TCDEN'TS snd graduates of the Btevena Institute ef Technology la Hoboken, N. J- reveuily celebrated the gift of Castle Stevens to the institution to be o--d as a dormitory and study ball The building had long beloused to the Stevens family, and the keya were turned over te the preaideut of the college ly the graudsoa of the founder. One of the fea tures of tbe celvbraikm sa a purnde in which representatives of every clsss graduated slure tbe ltmtlititiiii hh founded forty years ago participated. Tha former students wi-re varlou i-wtuuies reminiscent of the days of Colonel John Stevens, t he fu titer of Hie f "under of the Institute, and of tbe founder, both of whom were ureal liiveniom tud did -much lo make stesm boats and steam ratlnad ti-viriil The .class of 11? appeared aa a gtgantle T rail, tbat form of railrtutd trm-k linvlug teen Invited by a member of tbe Stevens family. .Mtxlel of lMinitfteti and steamboats Invented and built by tbe Steveuxe were nr i-iurled on rioaf. and a bugs wheel, known aa the circular track and tiiveiiW, n ttie eiiti hf ".W, waa also a striking feature of tbe parade, liritdiiini uf tiie arlumi who hold important engineering positions all ove.the-wor d reinrm-d ur llohken to take part la tbe celebration. Jack Johnson Goes to England With Diamonds and White Wife Aged Woman Moved Here Two Years Ago From Portland. Mrs. E. H. Sboinere, seventy-one years of age, and well known In this county and Portland, died at her home on Division -Street-iiear Sixteenth. atonaay afternoon. Mrs. Sholnere had been ill two yeara and her death tta. lt . to be expected that thoua-1 tWrM 5..? J?,!! I jn lij . . !.:;.. . aous .ui uuuais is mu away m atoca-1 cnaseo tne James H. May homestead. i "7 1 ; jA '''''it'''-Bjiajiajia) Annexation! Talk Is Nothing but Foolishness By Sir WILFRID LAURIER. Premier of Canada jTUCIi as 1 love tie American people, I love Great Britain I F I more Ine ebould be enough to ALLAY the I feara o'f manj on Loth sides of the border who are seriously thinking tbat the reciprocity pact will lead to the AXXEX- aaiw oi oanaua to tne unitel states. --t. 1 .In England also many prominent men are in donbt aa to tbe DESIGNS of the United States regarding Canada. , THEIR D0U8T8 ARE GROUNDLESS, SEEING THAT THE ONLY REASON FOR RECIPROCITY IS TO BETTER TRADE RELATIONS BE TWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES. ;Aa peace loving nations the United States'and Canada hare set tn example to the REST OF THE WORLD. Though baring the LOTUEaT boundary extending from ocean to ocean, both countries art liring'in peace irnd mutual respect WITHOUT a fortress, a soldier or a gun on either side of that boundary )T- - ) 1 1 &l' CJKV NOTED WRESTLERS TO GRAPPLE HERE BIRO, CHAMPION MIODLEWEIQHT, MEETS STRANGLE SMITH TOMORROW NIOHT. MATCH TO BE CATCH AS CATCH CAN Portland Man Espected to Make Great Showing With Strangle Hold Preliminaries Are ' . Arranged. John Hers, world's champion mid illewelsht wrestler, will make til Initial aixarano In Oregon t'lty on Wcdiieadiiy eveiiln at lite Armory In a catch -aa-cairn-cati mau-n wun StratiKler Smith, of I'ortliind. The meet will be for the beM two falls out of three,- no noiiis oarrcu. inns eiialdlna Hmltli to imu his fninous slrniiKle hold. While Hern will out weluh Smith several imiuiuIs the use of the stratiKle will equalise the till I ere lire between the men. This will bo Hera's first searniice In a match In the Northwest for more t hull two years aud aeverul parties of Portland eujliuslasla plan to be at the rltiKHlde on the nUttit of Ibe match, aa It will be the only oi'Krtunlty tttey will have to see Iters lu action. The great grappler wilt not participate lu other mutches prior lo his leaving for Kl Pa so, Teiaa, next week, where he KM- Into training to meet the winner of the Mac keuachmldl tlotch match In. ChlcsKo on labor Iay. Ilr( la con Itdetit that he will Ue able lo hold hia own atcalnst the winner of this Inter national meet and la keen to start (raining: '' When here before llerg Invested In total realty and It was fur the puroae of earing for thla that he came West. Following his match -here he will return to I'ortland for a few day a be fore laavlng for Kl I 'a so. Several t ellent preliminaries, will bo carded for Ibe match and the event will lie the banner athletic attraction seen in Oregon City thla season. No Guesswork about your menaw ...... a aeooaltor hare. " n arc Your bills art U aald by ohsoh. Your ahsok. whan . . semes a recsIpL No trouble about Changs, no dlsout.. 1r",d. msnts, no question aa to uhara your money has aona ."kb'ut you havs raeslwsd. Your pasa book and th, stubs af w. !!0w "i-oh always tall tha atory. C" ' ,hw kaik BE ON THE SAFE SIDE AND OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THE The Bank of Oregon Citv OLDEST BANK IN TUB COUNTY D. 0. LATOURKTTI President F. J. Utits - vaaiiai THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol OREGON CITY, OREGON V CAPITAL, 14000.00. Tranaateta a eerai wanning uainaaa. Open Inn a. m WOOL WANTED! Oregon City Woolen Mills Pays Top Prices For Clackamas County Wool. Real Estate Tranafers I'ankratlus John and Kasiwr Marugg lo William U liorthwlck. acres, ae' Hon 32. township 3 south, range 7 cast : f IU0. James M. and Hannah Erlckson to II llerg. east half of west half. southeast quarter, set-lion 8. township 4 south, range 1 east, except ! So acres; tl.ZOO. Fred 1 and Maude E. 8 trout to 11.1 II. and Kmma Case. 40 y acres, U I. t. Mtouretie donation land claim, townships 1 and 3 south, rants 2 euTt: lo. M. T. Hargrove, et al to K. J. Iloede- feld. 20 acres., sections 7 and Id. town- hip 3 south, range 1 east; lio J. W. Massing to t'harlea E. Inon. lota tti. 40. 47 and 48, block. 43, kiln- norn; iioo. i Hilda Tooe to Mack U I-ake, lots 12 and 13. block I. V. T. Too Ad dltlon to Oregon tltv: 110. s K. I. and Minnie tl. Htanffer 4o U IV and May flake, part of David Oil ing donation land claim, townablo 1 south, range 3 east, 34 acres;, loo. v. b. naiiser to F. F. Udgley. 10 acrea, section 12. township t south. anjm I west; $1,400. . tiuldo It. Clark to Hoy 1 Clark, lot block 71. Oregon City, and all. that part of blocks 174. 175. 178 and 177. lying south of Abernethy Creek, Ore- business Mondsy. CORRESPONDENCE CANBY. Mrs. Hpencer and daughter war In Oregon City on business Maturday Mrs Douglas and children, and Mrs. Km-ker attended lb Children's Day meeting at the Orange hall Satur day. A. J. Iiurdette vlalted hia parents at Newnrt Halurday. Ha relumed Momlay. Tho Junior league of tha Melho dlst church had a picnic on the old ramp grounds last Halurday. tiamea were played and at noon all partook of a aumptuoua dinner. Although the weaUMr waa threatening, all had a nice. time. The league bad Ita las meeting ttunday until Hentemtwr. The ball gam Hunday between the dprrn rungs and canby, waa won by the home team. Although the weather prevented them playing but sis Innings Canity waa ahead and at tha close of the gam the acora waa ;4 to I. . J. U Combs made a business trip io ronia oa, Monday and Tuesday Mr. Hchuller made a business trip io ronianq Monday, in tHirret brothers were la Port isnn on business Monday. mariey comba was In Portland on, -.i. . aa ! gon City; quitclaim. rurman and Myrtle Ilutbee to II. R nd Fannie Bmlth, south hslf of nonh est quarter, section 7. lownshln 3 south, range 3 east, and 3.K0 acrea. ownshlp 4 south, range 3 enst; lio. Heart to Heart Talks. Dy EDWIN A. NYR oeerai neraons rrtim ranbv at. tended the German picnic Hunday at omnns para in Marksburg. w..a a . . j-iiii fsewion ana son lHe were In I'ortland on business Mondsy. Miss Kdlth Krueger, who Is vlslUng at her sister's. Mrs. Kaunlseh accompanied by Mr. Kauplach to rornan:i on business Mondav. Misa Myrtle Henael. of Portland, la miss ura urn. oy iee ana nia aunt, Mrs. W. A. naumarsn, atlenle (he berry fair at i'"ii"n ibbi wees. Howard Ecclea made a business trip to mrtiand Hiiturday. John Molan. of imion Hall, died Saturday. He had lived In that dis trict fr some lime. The funeral waa neij mon.iay at x o clock. Interment was in ins zion eemetyy. AETRONOMICAL EVCNTS. (From niMiu tixlay tu num tomorrow.! Run sets 7 111. rises 414; moon sets 8:14 a. ui.' Photos by Ameiicao Press Association. J "JUST LIKE THE FLOWER" , Splehler'a Select Lily of the Valley Perfume, " It possesses all the fragrance) of tba . ' fresh flowers, Is very lasting and a ' . reat favorite with people of refined . .; taate. ' ..- , 't Is all tha rage throughout tba country, and la demanded by all up-to-date, particular people. Price per . oonce 11.00. , r , Select Uly of tha Valley Liquid - Soap 25e and 60c. .. For gale by ' Huntley Brothers Co., Druggists ACK. JOHN80N, champion heavy weight pngllUt, has cons to Enflsnd ii.. u.auiuua auu aim wane wire. Aner witnesalnK the coronstlon festivities he will sppesr m a London music ball and will then make a wrar 0i curopo py an to. us look two American care with blm and a negro chauffeur to ran tba ona belonging to his wife. Johnson will run his own car', the high powered racer that caused hia arrest severs I times lo this country. As Franca has prsctlcslly no speed regulations for sutos ha expects to "burn up- tba roads of thst country. Johnson snd bis wife traveled from Hew Tort aa rst clsss passengers. Tha stswsrd of the steamboat arranged separata table for aim and bis wife, and the other passengers did not bare to aawwclaU with thaw unlaws thay wished to do so. nrora tha hp .ailed Joansoa and hia wife posed for aameroiis pbotogrsphers. snd Johnson srsvelr axplaiiiad that he did aot expect te see King tTeorgs. Ona of tba reportara waa witnessed (ha departure of tba champion ssld tbat be was wesrtna only hia "morning jewels, a small memorial window in bla shirt front snd several cuuusa i' cut ..saw ro ma ungers. i ne pictures above show Johnson bis wlfa and a separata view of tba paglllst snd his famous golden smile. Notice of Application License. for Liquor NOTICE la hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting of tba City Council, apply for a license to soli liquor at my placa of busi ness. Tha Old Heldleberg Sslocm, 421 Main street, for a period of threa months. . D. M. KLEM8EN. for Liquor Notlca of Appllcatfon License. NOTICE la hereby given that I will, at tb next regular meeting of tha City Councils apply for a license to sell liquor at my placa of busi ness. 207 Eighth street, for a period of three months. HENRT OPPERMAN. THE COUNTRY URL IN TOWN. She Is going alone In the city. In the country hoiIiIhk Impiien Life there la a inonotutie And the vlrl oes not kliow that the greatest boon to lie content ami tloil the mil.i pliice are Hie (test. She la dlwonlenlnl. Does she not see I lie same fnees every KuiiUuy si the i hurrli and nt the tilrsf Mie ktioV4 one us "ll III." another us -)iirah." and the fumlllarlty bns become trite Ami over all the Countryside Im the never limigliig look of tliltics Yonder U the city; Every tbltiK there Is dnTereut-plenty of new fuces und seiiHiillotm. The scenes change like a ka leiloM-oe. Tbe city air In tonle. Hurely life Im fuller there. She Is younc and Innocent. Hlie (Ircuim funi Iful dreiinm. Hlie Is Impiitlcnt of restrolul. Hbe Im lured by tbe glumoiir of tbe town. Hliedce not know how safe la Hie sheltered life of the quiet nclghliorliood und bow dun gerotia the ( ty. ybe does not know the human limits of her virtues under strong teuipiatlou. Mlie doea not kuuw thst ber gcntlencH of tiuture prevents ber using upon the deceitful tempter tba force of scorn which tba sophisti cs ted coo summon to their aid. Hhe does not know her own weakness. Poor lassie! Her loving disposition knows bow to deny. Her sweet un- d"t of the United Htitte. iMirn at seinsiiuess scarcely Is able to refuse. Urslntree-. Muss ; died a.very best quality of ber girlish self lf4-Alexsnder llsmllton killed Id a may lead to ber undoing. There the by Aaron Htirr; Nirn 1757, defenseless chicken strsys. Over tbat IMH-Nomluntlon st Chicago of Clere- piace oovers ids cruel bswk and lnd and nendrlcks. which hmiialii swoops upon Its prey. Into power the first lemK rstlc nd- innocent gin: mlnlstmilon In twente rears July 10 In American History.. 1447- Dnte soinet lines naslgned for the birth st Cenia of l'hrlsioiher Co lumbus, discoverer of A merles. liSU-rrench army sml fle'l. under I(M-liambeau renched America to fight for the I'oioiilstM. lSHft-Jitlln llnrdner I yjer. Widow of President Ji'hu Tyier. died: Isiro 1HLU itsn-rresiiient Harrison signed the bill for I he aduilsaloo of Wyoming Into the Union. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon tiKlay to iummi tomorrow.! nun nets Ji'JK, rises l .'W; imsiii jwts 4 a. m.: moon fsrthest oiiih snd lot est; Hi At m. In., essleru lime, full moon in vunsiriiiuion ragiiiarius; sun a iwh inaiiou. -a degrees 14 ft minutes north of celestial trustor. t Notlca for Bids. NOTICR la hereby given that teaJsd proposals fu the construction and laying a sewer along tba south Una or District No. st the west end of alley dividing block So. Iheore east, erly along alley to northeast corner of lot J, block 6. on west side of John Adams street, thence south erly along John Adams si rest to tba southeast corner of lot 4, block M, at rirst street, thence westerly along rtrat street to southwest m. ner of lot 4. blfWk 3. thence south erly to alley dividing block II, tbenca westerly along alley to northeast corner of lot , block 14. on Washington street, tbenca along Washington street, "southerly to southeast corner of lot 4, block 14 on Houth itraet, tbenca westerly on Houth street to southwest comer of lot 4, block 14, Ihenca aoutberly to alley dividing block II, Ihenca westerly dowa alley .to west aide of Center at reel and at northeast corner of lot I, block 10, at Bouth Second street, tbenes Ihenca southerly along Center street lo southeast corner of lot 4, block 10, westerly along Houth Second street to southwest corner of lot 4. block 71. tbenca northerly along west Hoe of blocka 7ft. 74. 73 and 70, ww lit ba received by tba Recorder of Orefoa City, Oregon, until 4 o'clock p. bl, July 6th. Illl. Plana and specifications contain ing further Information and - tha kind of newer to ba laid will ba fur nlabed upon application lo aald n .corder. Kach bid must be ceo la ps n led by a certified check for a anm equal to five per centum of tha total amount of the bid. which turn will m aubject to forfeiture to Ore gon City In case of tho failure of tha aucceaaful bidder herein to fur 'nlsh required bonds snd enter Into a written contract for said work. If railed upon to do so, within tba ' time a peel fled for same In the Ord inance providing for such aewer. . Proposals must be made upon blanka furnished by Oregon City. Tha right to reject any and TI blda or to accept any bid consider- ed moat favorable to Oregon City laa VaaffaaK SsawawaWB Wakjf Hi aavsva awjavvi v va. Each proposal muat state the time required for tha completion of th antlra work for said aewer whirl work must ba done according to tbt Ordlnancea of Oregon City and thj charter thereof, and tha plana and specifications governing said work. This nollca Is published purunt j - . . v. - rv.,nM1 nf io aa uruer (I m v 117 v ."- Oregon City, msde snd entered st special meeting thereof held, on the 14th day of June, 1911. L. HTIPP. Recorder- Application for License to Run ana Regulate a Pool Hall NOTICES la hereby given that I wl. at tha next regular meeting 01 w City Council apply for a license w run and regulate a pool hall t our placa of bualneaa, 708 Main street, for a period of alx months. . COX WARtt , Notlca Of Application for Liquor . Lisa. . MntfV.-. la fcarahv alvan. that I WWl at the next regular meeting of to City Counc. apply for a license to-- July 11 In American History, l9 Sff ' scarcely 707-John Qulncy Adnmx, sixth presl- streets for a period of threa months. JOSBPH wiuw'" Application for Llcenee to Run,i"s RsQutata a pooi nso. V.H.. 1. h.k .Ivan, that I Willi at tha next regular mooting of the Council, apply for a license to run sna regulate a poo h-. """hm --'" a-- uniiisiniiion in twenty fonr years, reauiaie pooi ' ,Hod If she should cbance to faU Into the 180H-Horaherdment of Hsntlggo con- '" Mln miT& for. r rong set of associates and thr eluded; laat gun of tbe campaign of three months. MITH muld be no one nenr nnd Intimate flrad ... ' . " wrong should be no one nenr nnd Intimate enough to warn and guide why. God neip me cmia: If, however, tbe girl Is strons nt chsrscter, well Instructed by a care ful mother, cspsble of restraint, aeir rellant, she will take good care of herself, render a good account and rta above the dangerous ondcrenrrsnta of temptation. nut if not- If not she will be swallowed nr. hi tbe Insatiable maw of tbe city to km defiled and spewed out. bereft of all thsC makes hera sweet snd Innnoant tin fired. 1000 Professor Rlmon Newcomb. not ed astronomer, msthemntlrlsn and Notloe ef traveler, died In Washington! born 1835. 1810-Henry Deiter. art patroo and philanthropist, died; norn laTJ. for Liquor ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Prom noon today to noon tomorrow.! buo eete 728. rises 4M; moon rises 829 p. m. 1:10 a. m., moon la coo junction with C ran us, passing from west to east of tbe planet Application License. NOTICE In hereby given tht I wl11' at tbe next regulaf meeting of v' City Council apply tor a llcawt w .... .. tsea Of DUSi- sen liquor at v v . Tba Oambrinus Saloon, corner Bl and.Malo atreeU, for three months. ' C ft H0DM- '.William Mcrarl.nd, who bJ launch built r" ,u 7. " ' - RleeT tools put In a barrel of sir- I"" 4 00 July Fourth. nlflVert lima will nevar rust. . TourtD.