Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1911)
MORNING BNTERPRia Fill DAY, JUNK 23, 1911. " o Stories from Out of Town o . i . O DOVER. 8trawbenia are ripening alcely. U( pOUtOML Mr. and str. cnpp rturnd , tMk front Portlaad. Joseph DeShaaer and family vialted Suaday with Mra. Cooper. H. H. Udell baa bla gasoline ngin aet ap a ad la aawtng tor wood. Mra. KJtxmfller wss ap to her ranch Saturday picking strawberrt. Rev. M. M. Retd returned Friday froaa Satora. Mtas Lmi Morrison la horn from .Portlaad wltm aha apent carnlTal week. - , Helen Keith Wiirwd Sunday from a tare weeks' vtslt with friends In Port land and Bearerton. Rev. Calder held Quarterly confer ence at the DoTer M. E. church Satur day at tea o'clock. At boob the Udtea aerred lunch and had a Try enjoy able time. Alio Berghouse and Eleanor Bews .'. paaaed thf Sth grade examination. , EAGLE CREEK. Eagle Creek Granite held ita regular meeting Saturday. A fair aised crowd being present. There were three ean- the week-end with the former par at. Mr. Charles Caldwell waa girea a party laat Tuesday evening, the ooee- aion being hla thirty-nfia birthday, at hla home. The evening waa moat pleaaaatly apent with game and mu- alc. There were about 10 menda and relatlrea preeent. A delicious luach waa aerred the gueat. Mra. Frank Blacks brother, Mr. Car- rent and daughter Lola, of Portland, apent Sunday at her home. Frlenda from Mullno were gaeeta of Mr. and Mra. Harrey Sunday and en joyed a picnic In the woods. Mra. Martin and daughter, Demi, were visiting Mrs. IX U Boylan, of Oregon City. An old friend of Mr. H. Scheer, fro ay Oklahoma, la making htm alalL The annual school meeting waa held in the achool houee Monday evening. Mr. Bullard waa elected achool direc tor and M. J. Laiell, clerk. Warner Grange wui lend Us regular meeting next Saturday at New Era and Chtldren'a Day will be observed. LOGAN. The farmera were much aatoniahed to see some frost Monday. Ia some j placea pot a tor a that were In bloom dldates Initiated, one ia the first and wrn badly nipped. second degrees and two ta the intra rh ball game between the Logan and fourth degrees. , aD1 Clackamas boys resulted la a vie- There were several members of the j torT (or Logan n to 16. Damascus Grange visiting Eagle Creek : yr M1 Mra. T. E- Anderson enter Graags Saturday. Among them were j tined a few relaUves on the ISth Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chltwood and lnsU at ei, Bom) u blna; the third daughter, Mra. Herrings and Miss mnnirersry of their marriage. Chltwood, Mr. and Mra. prank atei- Adolph Frederick, whose foot waa leln. Henry Melletn and Roy White. merely cut with an ax. U getting earn es-asaj wm I m s a-fw v town aad la now harvesting hi mam moth crop of at raw be ms, Stafford. The weather haa beea and la atltl dry but not exceedingly warm. Gardens grow slowly but aurely It they are hoed and cultivated properly. Mrs. Fred Moeer lies critically 111 at her, horn here, Mrs. Gag Is still absent at 8L Hel ens with her son, John O. Gage, whose wife snd four children have all had th measles. Th children ar ail getting over them nicely but the mother re gain her atrength very alowty. Mr. and Mra. Mllun attended the burial of Mr. Carter at Oawego ceme tery on Saturday. He had been a member of Oswego Grang for a good many year. Mr. Gage aald a th raven fed Elijah of old. so a good neighbor left bread, the atalf of life, a delicious pi and cakea galore upon hla kitchen table while he was out doing his chores, snd departed a allently as he. or she, came. Stafford la noted for Ita neighborly ktndnesa and In the absence of hla wife Mr. Gage appre rtatea good neighbors. Something carried off ten turkey eggs, leaving not even a shell, and the good houaewtf had paid 10c apiece for them and all had anticipated a feast at Thanksgiving, with cranberry sauce, which demouatratea the oUl saying, "There la many a slip twUt the cup and the Up." Mr. Aernl went to camp meeting Saturday, returning Monday. Mr. Nuaabaura baa a lame horse. Th Qermaa Congregational church celebrated Chlldrea's Day last 8uaday. Hnry Maealnger la horn from A bar deea. Wash., where he haa beea at tendln achool th nail rear. Altha Steven la seriously 111 with diphtheria. John Heft haa finished Fred Lin dau'a how, at Clarke. At the annua) achool meeting Isst aignt, jamea iieeeon waa elected ui- rector for 3 years and Mrs. Ktrbyson waa re-elected clerk. GE0.1GE IS CROWNED GREAT BRITAIN'S KluG HII MAJEBTV ! NERVOUS QUEEN It NOT AFFECTED. UT WILSONVILLE. Mra. Frank llrobat and Mia Mary Brohat went to Foreat Urov on Fri day to attend a musical recital Mr. Bethune la building a new barn for Harry Say. Mr. Nendel I drilling a well In th Stafford district. Mrs. Keed Graham spent a few day In Sherwood laat week vlaltlng Mrs. lien Tooxe. J Mra. Johnson and two little) gtrla rroni Hoseourg, have been gueata at ths home of Mrs. Johnson' slatsr, Mrs. Aubrey Wood. Mra. Marlon Toung ha been III for about ten daya, having had a serloua nervoua collapse. Her many frlenda wish for her a speedy recovery. Mra Wm. Brobat spent aom time In Portland laat week vlaltlng her son and daughter. Mrs. Ira Seely fell down stairs last LONDON. June 81. Befor th as sembled nobility of hla realm and the representatives of foreign nation all over the world, King .Georg V. of England was today crowned at 11:37 o'clock la Weattutnsier Abbey. It waa Juat 10: St o'clock when King Oeorg and wueen war, in the atate coach, reached Westminster Abbey. From' the moment of their entrance Into the ancient structure. King George waa manifestly uneasy and waa bathed In a nervous peraplrstlon. Queen Mary, on the other hand, was apparently cool aa could b and cer tainly looked much mor regal with her than did her husband. During the actual coronation the Archbishop of Canterbury displayed little emotion. Ills handa trembled Tueaday evening and sustslned two somewhat aa he placed the crown on quit sever cut on th back of net George' head, hut otherwise th aged bead. Dr. Mount of Oregon City, waa prelate got through the ordeal eaally. called and Mra. Seely la now ablto At th ceremony l,ord Dsabley carried be around again although the cut th train of King George rob and talned Mr. and Mra. Ray Woodl at dinner Sunday. Mrs. R. B. Gibson spent a part of Sunday with her and and aunt. Mr. and Mra. How let t. along nicely. Monday was the annual school meet ing. Philip Kohl, the retiring direc tor, declined re-nomination as h had beea a member of th board a number of years. He was a very efficient Mra. vioia Douglass, him Ba j ottjclal H.nry Swale was elected Douglas. Mr. and Mra. Waiter Dong-, director and M. H. Riebhoff. clerk. A las and chidren were the guest of Mr. and Mra. Jim DeShaaer, of Fir- wood, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Huntington were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Howlett Sun day afternoon. . Th two photographers of Estaeada accompanied Claud Wood! to . this part of the country th first of the ! week and took aom picture. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Ther was frost In this vicinity Mon day morning which nipped th pota toes and squash vine. Paul and Robert BaDow. of Golden-, dale. Wash, ar visiting their grand-' parents, Mr. and Mrs. O- A. Vanhoy. Misses Pearl and Raby Francis hav altaarJoBa at Portland and stay at th aoss of Mrs. Childera, of SL Johns. Miss Gladys Bullard spent last week among relative at Car and aad n an time. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maatx spent a few days last week visiting thetr daugh ter ta Portland. Mrs. M. L Saortledg 1 out at Maple Lane this week at the boss of Mrs. Kttetnaa Mr. Silver aad family have rented tn Hickman cottage owned by Mra. Taadoag. of Highland. J. & Faircloagh returned to th amine agala last week. ; Frank Albright spent last Sunday at Portland visiting his mother and aster and expects to take a view of Council Crest next Sunday. Mrs. DuvaiL of Sellwood, was th gwest of Mrs. A. L Hickman over Sun day. B. F. Linn returned home from Soda Springs last week. Mrs. 8. V. Francis Is visiting friends ia St. Johns this week. Mr. D- F. Torrenc.. who went to Eastern Oregon and Washington last week, returned home well pleased with hi trip. Mrs. William Beard Is at Sellwood with her son. Ben and family. W. P. Hunt and wife, who are rlalt lag their relatives. 7. T. Curran and sisters, will sail for San Francisco Thursday. Henry Beard rial ted relative In Sellwood Wednesday. Mr. Haskell la able to b out (gain after hla fail from a building which he waa paintinc O. W. Griffin returned home Sunday after spending a week transacting business in Portland. two mill tax was voted for general school purposes. Why Is It people will pay any other tax for any other purpose more cheerfully than for the school? Th price paid to th creamery pat rona for May waa 26c a pound net and not 25c A light crop of strawberries Is re ported from all parts of th country. Mr. and Mra. J. P. Steins, from CurrtosYiUe, visited re la uvea ner this week. Clear Creek Creamery Is running full capacity. Durlr May th total amount of cream received waa 57.246 pounds, amount of butter manufactur ed I2.T3S pounda. Total price paid patrons for butter fat was ?5 cents pound net. Th company put In a new concrete floor In the churning room. In one day last week 1800 pounds of butter was churned-- This is the tlmo of year when especial car must be taken to keep the cream sweet. Cooling it immediately from the separator Is a safe and stir method. FIRWOOO. William Boa holm and family hav moved to Salmon River, where be own an Interest In a saw tnllL The Malar family and Mrs. M. Wis hon drove to Marmot and Bull Run Sunday. MARQUAM. A large crowd attended th achool meeting Monday. F. J. Riding waa elected director for thre year and Tom Drake for clerk in place of J. C. Marquam, who hai served aa clerk for eight or ten years. Dolph' Myers sold sotn fin "be( csttle Tueaday. Mr. Shoemaker has been hunting for his garden which he haa lost by th moles. Guy Larklns went to Oregon City Tueaday to attend th teacher' ex amination." ' Quits a frost here Tuesday morning, June 20. Some damage to potatoea and beans. The boys gsv the newly married people an old faahloned charivari. Thia time It waa Bolever Jaymes and Misa Mildred Hubbard. Jo Jackson baa a horse sick with lung fever. Chesley Bentley' has bought a two horse riding cultivator. Miaa Echo Larktna and Miss Nora Barth took a trip to ML Angel Tues day. .... r. Fred Myers haa just flnlahed plant ing 45 acres of potatoea; A social family reunion waa held at Mrs. P. J. Ridings last week. All of the children were present except Del mer Ridings, who Is in Montana. The Myers hotel haa taken on a new coat of paint ' Joe Jones bss bis barn about com pleted and he Is now preparing to build a house. ' Ferd Mortenaon hss been repairing th old Nearenson saw mill and la now ready to aupply those in need of lum ber. Roy Ridingi hss some carpenters framing a bare. Mr. Larson la having hla barn paint ed. MULINO. Mls Alma Aahley, of Salem, who has been vlaltlng st the horn of her brother Claud, returned to her home have not entirely healed, but ar do ing very nicely. Mra Norrla Young, who waa 111 for several week. I now well again. . Mr. Keed waa a gueat at the home of Ira Seely on laat Friday evening. Clyde Baker waa a vtaltor at th horns of hi pa rnt a laat wk. About 200 persons attended th lec ture and atraw berry featlval given lsst week by the Methodist Ladle Aid Society. Th lecture waa humorou and waa well received: th atrawber- Urd Revplatoke bor th crown. Th l'rlnci of Walvs wore ths robea of the Order of (he (Inner and th young er prince wer braw In plaid and tartan. Mr. Gould lleathman, Mr. and Mr. Hugh Robert and Mra. Joaea, Ml Scripture, Mias Helen Palntow. Mrs. M. Shaver haa returned from a short visit with th Watrfleld family near Jonea Mill. At th annual achool election held New Telephone Directory rod Oregon City WILL CLOSE I IL June 30th ANY changes or additions to llstlnas or advertising matter for this lv sue must be arranged for on or be fore this date. fnAOrlC TELEPHONE and Telegraph Co, IT Era to her oldoat sou, Joseph B. Ba rnard. Jr., who la named a executor nes an ice cream and cak wer of I on Monday evening Mr. Georg Shaver f ln ratal. Peter, a son, and Mary, tne mgneai oraer, ana tn proceed i wss siectea to aucceea nr. sad rtoetne i daughter, will recelt f i each netted a neat little sum, for th nw church now being erected. The laat bass ball gam of th W. A. C. with the Montarllla Cuba, of Portland, was a decided victory for the village team, the score being 6 to 0 In favor of Wtlsonvllle. Joo Thorn ton. who hss been forced to forego his uaual place aa pitcher, on account of a sors arm. was st his post sgaln, having entirely recovered, and hla host of friends wer glad to have him In the game one more. A bouncing baby boy arrived at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Baker on Sunday, June 11. The Children's Day program at the Hood View church waa aplendld and the attendance waa large. A baby girl arrived at th Raphison home on Wednesday of last week Read the Morning 'enterprise. A Children a Day service will be held In the A. O W. W. hall next Sunday evening, June 25, to which everyone is cordially Invited been care and will be eapeclally good. Don't fail to attend The many friends of our genial drug giat, Mr. Darby, will be sorry to know that he I selling out his Urge atock with the Intention of leaving our vU lag for some larger place. Mr. Darby haa everything marked away down and people are taking advantage of this sale to lay In a aupply of articlea always needed on the farm. and Mr. Harry Palntow waa r-lotd a clerk. Mra. Jennl Jonea and two son at tended th lectur at Shlvely opera hottse on Sunday when Frances J, Kluno spok. Mr. Adolph Baas, of Seattle, was a Sunday gueat of Mr. and Mra. 11. II. Kmmona at Stone Gablea. Mr. . A. McFarlan, of Wood burn. apent one day laat week with hla brother at this place previous to his departure to Wall Walla, Waah. Mr. Younger and Mr. and Mr. Man- son and family and Mr. and Mr. Lalng. of Portland, have been enter tained at the H. J. Robinson horn dur ing the week. Mr. and Mr.. Edward Porter Morae and thre son, of Portlsnd, apent Sunday with Mr. snd Mrs. Geo. Mora. Mr. and Mra. Wallace, of Mllwaukle, were caller at 0e Ifv C. Palntoi home. About on hundred attended th WANT'mmui adrtlmBta for thl ootama. Pla ry reason abl. to rat at ad of eolima. Cenundrwma. Who la tb tuoat aucceaaful aurveyorl A king, becaus be I monarch of all be survy When ia an original Idea Ilk clock) When It strike on. What caunot I called a tlalntrted act of hospitality f Entsrtalulog a hop When 1 a atlver rap moat Ilk sly t ranf When It la chased Why la a man Juat Imprisoned Ilk a boat full of water? Both need ball ing oat Why I a mouse Ilk a load of hay? Because the cat'll eat It tnMKF Why Is the II rat chicken of a brood naiiy invited. The program haa atrawnerry aociai at tn school bona u(V tb malnmaat of a ahlp? lUca prepared with a great deal of on Wedneadsy evening. It waa th fa a Utile ahead of tb main bate! Mrs Howe and sons. Ray and Fred. Wednesday. were called to Portland Saturday to , Edwin PoualHiutreredTmerlous-ac. attend the funeral of Mr. Howe a ; cident w hlle helping C. T. Howard granddaughter. kill hogs lsst Thursday. One foot The F. P. A. Saturday evening enter- slipped Into the vat, burning It badly, tained a large crowd. The young lad- sod it will be sometime before he will les aid weu m preparing an interest i be able to wear a ahoe on that foot. JENNINGS LODGE. TWILIGHT. Oliver Bailey, who ha flnlahed barn for Mr. Graves near Aurora, ex pects to build a bungalow for Mr. Sharkie. Mr. Mattoon, the road supervisor. has a larg lore of men and teams working the road. Mr. Bullard and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Faulk last Sunday at Aurora. Mr. Milton Mattoon and family spent CALL ON F. D. Sturges When you wish to hire an aotomobtle. At Elliott and Parks Garage. REASONABLE Home Phone A-72, B-80. Pacific 3302. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. ' Graduate Nurses Pac.2243 HomeD-293 BASEBALL " RECREATION PARK, ' , Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Eta. : TACOMA PORTLAND . June 20, 21. 22, tt, M, M. Game Begin Wky at a- m. Sundays, f.tO P. M. ' LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. r;ya U"df II Fre to Blaer v-- ing program. The boys' turn comes next. Mis Jennl LGrand, who haa been visiting at New berg for some time, left for Canada Monday. Mrs. Glenn Mrlntyre, of Brightwood, visited her sister, Mrs. B. F. Hart last week. The Wendlund boys made a trip to Bull Run Sunday, looking over the Im provement of the ML Hood Railwiy Company. Mrs. 8. B. DDI. who hss been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. E. D. Hart, for some time, returned to her home In Paaadena, CtJ- Between fwo and three hundred autos passed through Flrwood Sunday. An auto load of persons from Port land spent Sunday with th Alt family. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kossel, of Port land, visited over Sunday with the Stucki family. The annual meeting of the FirwooJ school board was held Monday and the following directors were elected: J. G. DeShazer, W. WUklns and Mr. Vfack. It was decided to have eight months of school the coming year. M. Walton and daughter and son were out from Portland Sunday look ing over the new building under con structions on the Walton ranch A. O. Adams and B. F. Hart eac.1 had an auto load of land seeker out Sunday viewing the country. The ML Hood Fruit Growers hold their regular meeting Saturday, June 24. SPRINQWATER. Children's Day exercise will be giv en June 25 at the Presbyterian church. The following program will be given Voluntary, violin music, Mr. Aw; song by choir; recitation, Sadie Wil cox; recitation. John cnena; exer cise, "God Is Love;" recitation, Eddie Schenk; recitation, Jame Closner; song, choir; recitation, Ethel New herter; song. Belva Schmidt and Mary Folsom: exercise. "Worker for Christ;" recitation, Freda Schenk; song, primary Department; recitation, Edna Newherter; song, choir; recita tion, Ethel Closner; recitation, Amos Tucker; ong, Elva and Evert Shlbleyj trio. Grace, Etnei and Rose Cioner; song, primary boy; recitation, Grac Closner; Violin solo, Mr. Awe; song, four primary girls with choru; clos ing song, chorus. Basket dinner in the grove. Preaching servlc after dinner by Mr. Aw. Everyone wel come to com. MEADOWBROOK Jack Frot was vlaltlng the garden In town a few night this week. Milton Chlndgreen was given a ur prise by a number of hi young friends Sunday evening, who gathered In to aaalst In turning another milestone. O. T. Kar returned Monday from an extended trip through Klamath and Lake counties. Mr. Kay Inform' ns that h likes that part of th country very much and expect to msk hi hom at LAkeview In th near future. Making hay I now In order In thl I part of th country. J. W. Staudlnger ha hi larg barn about completed on hi mountain ranch. . Mrs. Kay wm visiting her daughter, Mr. Standings, at Orchard Falla la( week. Cba. Colrta Is th bualMt maa 1n The many friends of Mis-Cront Jennings were very much pleased tp hear that she won prize three In the teachers' travel conteat given by Meier aV Frank atore, which mean a trip to London or Paris. Mlaa Jen nings received over a million votes. The paat week she ha spent with her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Spooner, of this place. He was taken home by Fred Churchill. Jobnny Edlckson made calls In Mu llno Thursday. He holds a good posi tion with the streetcsr company in Portland. Uncle Nick Darnall I barn on his property at Miss Edna Waldorf and er have been spending here with their brother Walter. We hear that Lebanon epidemic of measles. Miss Ruth Gibson, of Salem. Is visit- "P"1 the day at Aurora, th guest of Ing her grandmother. Mr. Daniels, at Mr- na Mn- WeygandL Mullno, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Aken. of Philomath, Mr, uoucher is spending a few days Oregon, wer also gueat of Mr. and second social gathering given by tb Community Club and haa been a very aucreaaful way of getting better ac quainted with the newcomer and to promote sorlallblllty among tb older residents. An Impromptu program ronalated of a duet by Mlaae Anna Gardner and Esther lleathman; a reci tation by Mr. Varney with, a soft piano accompaniment by Mia Palntow waa so well received Mr. Varney responded with vocal solo, playing hi own ac companiment. Mr. Greenwood fur nished some music. on the guitar. Ut ile Ruby Warner recited "Little Or phan Annie." which pleased her listen ers yery much and Mrs. Allc Paln tow giving the "inventor Wife." which waa well received. Mr. P. D. Newell, one of the promoter of this i business organization, spok In regard to the alma of the club and Ita or ganization and what the club has been batch. When doe cow becotn landed property T When turned Into a field When I a new draws older than aa old on? When It I mor (mutrsi an tique. Why la Fat bar Tim Ilk a modern boyt Because be travala by cycle I bicycles). MEN ENTERING HOUSE Two men made daring attempts to enter th resldenr at log Fourth r. .na ra trans aiaaaey. or Hooq, h, A -d w.. . ie.a..r. to .v. slreet shortly after II oHock Thurs- S building KIVr. apent lat week with Mr. and ,h. rvllee of he.rtn. th. remark, ri.. r.l.M Th- h,..,- I. ,w. .A K- thls plaoe. Mra- . D. Boardman. Mr. Maiiaey nf ' wh . - h tntmat , I, ' " ' " , :L little broth- having shipped hla fiv passenger mo- .,,-.. .,.,.- .....L: ,-u, , :,-". a, VT' a few days '".r car to Portland and they together rle- -'m .... ,. . . ' - '"A "" , K" h....i. J. L. with Mr. and Mrs. Boardman autoed thm ,ourh r. " - ' " -- I. having an Jojr"ee. "L"4 "A""! ! . iT-rnjn wm riina; iui m turn i ihrh urn-u mm nunimonea. dul wain with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Nob lett at Needy. Mr. Keeves, of Hood River, a mill wright. Is working on Howard's mill, getting in new machinery and putting the mill In readiness for the coming crop. Mr. Smith and Mr. Wallace are cut ting clover hay. Rev. Spencer, of Marquam. brought his family with him Saturday on his regular appointment at this place. They risked at Mr. Howard's. Frank Manning haa a crew of men slashing brush and clearing op his farm getting ready for the railroad. The surveyor are platting th town site, laying It off Into lot 50x100 feet A number of tb Mulinolte saw th base ball game at Molalla Sunday be- Mrs. Boardman during th week. Mr. Cal P. Mors and nephew, Ar thur Roberts wer over Sunday visit ors at the Morse ranch near Yamhill returning home on Monday. At the meeting of the board of di rectors last week of district 114, Mr. Geo. Thompson, of Willamette, waa re-elected to teach tb coming term of school. Master Newton and EUa Strain will enjoy their vacation on their Uncle' farm near Canby. Miss Mllll Hart waa a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pratt at. Carus. Mr. Hnry Smith also spent Sunday with bl sister, Mr. Pratt. Miss Mabel Morse left Wednesday ror me Mouna to remain for som tlm. months' stay at Seaside but expect to return to the Ixdge In the fall a they have purchased th Downing proerty. Mis Elizabeth Cook, who ha visit- he arrived th housebreakers bad gone. He locked th house add as sisted the women, who wr badly rrignteneti, to barricade th door a. A aharp lookout was kept for th men AIMOOBSEQi FLORAL TRIBUTE BUUTlfUl AT FUNERAL OF POPUUl. YOUNQ WOMAN, '" m aim acQuaiDlasre) af Mia May Ham bo, bo died at th koc of Mr. and Mra. William fUmoo, lauded I be funeral services Thunav morning at 10 o'clock, which mi.b at th family reaWnra n git ti John Adams streets ut0. . frlenda were unable to gain admliatoa to ibe house. The H. J. R. Lm iKirough, pastor of the Presbytertu church, conducted ths services. A quartet oornpoMd of Mn. W C Green. Mr. K Cooher. Mrs. Laos ! Uries and Mr. kirCa. ransV red Itnpresalvely 'Com L'sto Ma snd "Face To Face." Th pallbfaren were Clarence Alldredxa. Jna ail dredge, Hugh Kennedy. William Kts- neiiv, james llurniuaha ana Jnk. Mead. The floral tributes vara ha... Uful and profuse. The latnaM sis In the Mountain Vie otttry, sad many friends attendvi the asrvkwa at the grave. , ... Hotel Arrivals, Th following are retlstsrt it tkt Elect rlc Hotel; C. C. Hall, Mm. CC IUll, Portland ; W. g. Bag br . C imniugha, O. Nelgberg, I. Lupss, Porv land; J. J. Hcott. Albany; 0. a. M Farlane. Lllli llordenhomer, Oratoi City; Maml C. Faulk, MedfoN; George Hatfield, city; C. A. Win, t'auby; F. W, Itavldann, Purtlsai; t W. Part low, city; Mrs. Charles DarU, Molalla. ed with Mr. and Mr. W. F. Cook, de th rest of the night, but thy did not panea ror seaside on Tuesday to r-1 put m an appearance again. main during th summer. The Lodge people are Indeed glad to welcome Mr. and Mr. Wlcklln and two daughter and son to th Lodge, having removed from Portland to thl place on Friday and are occupying th varney cottaga. POINTS FOR MERCHANTS. ; OAKLAND DEFEATS ITCREDIEITES ACAIf tween the Molalla Grey and Canby Miss Morse will be th guest In Seat- Reds, Canby winning by a acor of 10 to 2. Miss Inex Snodgras finished her term of school at Beaver Creek Mon day and returned bom for the sum mer vacation. John Carlson had hi annual fir car Saturday, burning up some fenc ing along the road and having to call I In the neighbor to help him get the tie nf Mr. and Mrs. Dan Salt and while in Tacoma will visit Mis Palmer, who I In charge of one of the most Im portant positions In th Northern Pa- cflc Railway Company. After hr tar there will join her par enta at Seaside before taking up her office dutle la Portland. Rev. Goode, pastor of th Evangel! cal church at Lents, was at this Dlaoe fir under control. Thl I th third on Monday looking after th Installing year that he baa bad mor fir than of lights on the Evangelical Aasocla h could manage. Hon' camp ground at thla place. Th mis Mene Hewara, wno na Deen camp meeting will commence on July taylng with her sister, Mr. Bert 24th, this year. Wallace for the past few week, re- Mr. and Mr. Gould Heath man wer turned to Macksburg Monday. Portland business visitor on Wednes day of last week. SHUBEL. I Mr. Jsme Welch and Mr. Rlalna Mr. and Mr. Swop went to Ore- Halleck are enjoying a fishing trln on gon City on business Saturday. the Mackenzie River. Will Moehnk baa closed bis saw- Mr. and Mr, w. A. Mack hav had mill for several month. H will build the pleasure of a visit from their sls a house at Seaside for bl vacation. ter, Mr. Phelps, of Pbelo. Michigan. Born, to Mr. Frank Groumiller. a I And hav entertained manr of their iu pouDd dot. , inena at LAngnlot during th week in K. jr. umtner and K. umtner went fishing laat Thursday and caught nlne- ty-tnre nne trout. Mary, Helen and Katharine Swod visited Zllla Kirbyson. Rev. scbmld.t of tb Lutheran compliment to Mr. Pbelo On Wednesday evening of last week was th tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr. Hugo Sandstrom and some of th younger married aet very pleaaantty surprised them at thlr cuurcn, prescnea 10 a isrg auaienc nom on th East County Road. Tb in iu Lniinvr.D cnurcn- ner nunaay marriage ceremony was read from the morning. Thl will b bla last ser mon for some tlm. John Bluhm was busy Saturday run ning bl chopper. E. F. Olntber. Mr. Swop. Arthur Horoschun, Dvld Moehnk and R, negro aiaiect which afforded a great deal. of Tin. The wedding Dartv eon. slated of th bride and groom and Mra. Wm. Cook wa bridesmaid, Mr Hugh Roberta best man. whll Mr? jone wa th ring bearer and Mr, Warmer Say "Mad In Oregon" Slogan Ha Two Bid. LOGAN, Or., June 21. (Editor of the Enterprise.) We notice much said In the local paper In regard to mad in Oregon goods" and patronis ing in home merchant. Now. Mr. Editor, there are two aide to all que- BUDDY RYAN WITH HOME SAVES BEAVERS FROM SHUTOUT. RUN SAN FRANCISCO, Jun 22.-(8pec- tlons; on I "what th peopl ought lal).Th Beaver ctwldn't lilt Abies to do" and "what th merchant him- and Of Coiira. the IumI Th. "'i biiouiu mi. m oraer to noia tn was 6 to I. Ablea wa. th. hnl. ihn. farmer' trad why flon't some of your Arrayed In a red underahlrt, th giant Miiunpaw ruing ring around th Bea vers. (TP untlth ninth Inning not a vlaltor had reached third hiu .nd only two had broceeded aa far a. sen. ona. it looked for sll th. world .. ir ne would cum through with uu.iu-r .re ou.y Divvwi wui slumps i uouia Heatbman acted aa pag Th w.u rju pvwuw, nna poauet being canrtt wt.a Mr. and Mr. Frank Miller viltd Scrinture. Man ..a Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Olnther Sunday remembrances wer. i.r n h. h.. . afternoon. , I tinware. i er..m .f-.K.i Mr. and Mra. Ed. Hettman. of leak. wer. the. ..r. v. r". Clarke, visited bis mother bare laat wishes for a roM.n .nm..7 ' Sunday. extended to MY. end un o.n.. Th Shubel second nine dofaated br Mr. an Un Wm r.u . l'1 the Liberal nln on tb Shobl dla Mrs. Lehman. Mr. and u mond, 7 to $. Palntow. Mr. and Mra etr.i, Vr. " w - vriast awa , ana 14 merchant keep on hand th kind and quality adapted to tb needs and re quirements of farmer and their faml- nesr we win begin on shoe. (Thl I my own personal experience'.)) Look In the display window and see If you shutout to hi cVedlt, but la th ninth v.u m im.r m rem aensmie snoes iiiiaay Ryan, that ever-dangerou run for women and children. All you find ner, poled on out of th lot via the high heel and narrow toes. 1 right field fene and the Tlavr wr -..i . u, iroig io nna two pair or I saved rrom total dlsgrac. ciiniiiiv an ut-a ior my cnnaren. I I . wanieu iow neeia and wide enough for Pacific Coast Leagu Oakland 6. trim tnt mt 1 1. . n .f . l .. . , I n . . . - . V !. wunoui cramping. I t oruana i; ui Angeles 4, Sacramen- A well-known merchant ald, "w bar to 3 (13 Innings) j vrnon 8. San Fran " w Kma aeii. i con 1 1 Cisco J. I -.un . wuuiu oreas up any or your i wonnwstern league Portland 4 . ibw cases or A I lacopi x; neame b, Hpokan 3; Van 1 shoes of a common sense kind for couver 6, Victoria 9. people wno want a senslhla artlcl. I National TiainiPln.h... f ... ..ii . . I . " - . J., i.o ii was scnooi snoes innai caco a iioston hr.a, v,l t. o. that Will do for Children In town who I Loula 8. r'lnclnn.M 9. rkii..tvi- ' hav sidewalk to walk on will not Brooklyn 3 (called sixth Inning b " T, "i a.uiv uiiiiu ia in coun- c.uae vi rami. try who ha to walk a mil or mor American Leagu Cleveland 4 Do 1" ih " '"Wing to gat shoe trolt 3; Chicago 2, St. Loul 1; Nw biiu wrii-miuwu mercnani" wa i inn 7 luiifnn n nb.ii..inwi. mA . ... . , . " . I ... . . ' . w mi.uoijjui. m-u w iur . pair or anoes ior I WBSmnglOn 0, noy it year oia ana waited two week to get them for they had to mag a special order for them. w. psiromzeu in home merchant Paclfl Coast. o.r. .na preier to, ir n could see W, ui. w.x ciesr 10 ravor ut too in tb Portland 44 way I hav said. San Francisco 4fl FARMER. Oakland ; . 44 - MRS. SEMAND'S ESTATE $4,000, Isscramen'to , 86 Lo Angla ., 34 on an uaughur cut Off With Only Northwtrn. . ' w, ruur inousana dollar la th. vain. InnViu m ' th ".Ut ot th tat 8n Bernard Tacoma 40 wno aiea ust week At Mount PleanL Vancouver ..,.,.,.. 19 Mr. Bernard left a will. In whien .h. I tn uvi a naif Interest In 100 acre of Seattl 39 land betwn Oregon City and Nw Victoria 14 STANDING. U1 33 33 41 41 41 40 P.C. .371 .648 , .618 .808 .450 .410 Ral Estst Trsnsftrs. Oregon Iron A Hteel Coropaoy w Portland Cement Company, lots 1, 1 10, l and i:, block I. Oswego aM 1S.U50 square feet. In township I south, range I east; 110. K. A. and Ola tlwlna to J in-ooks. lot U and 13, block 21 Z brlst addition to Kit scads; $10. Jesse and O M. Iirooks to HaroM G. Kpton, lot It and 11. block IX brlst addition to Estscada; l. John R. and Julia C 1111 to Cut. Guddat, northeast quarter of north west quarter, section 4, .township I south, rang 1 west, and 11.(0 sent, section 4, townships south, ranit 1 west; flO. 3. U and Louisa II. Krut to Ho mer A. Kruse, i.2 acres, towatblp 3 south, range 1 east; It. C. F. and Bertha A. Wanr JJ Martin and Anna Dragsetli, UN acrea, township 3 south, rani 1 west; 1 10. J. C. and Mary A. 'Cbalupiir to Mary Zlvney, lot 13. block C. Wlln Vllle; 1480. , . Nancv and Jame Anderso to Irrls and Esther Brown. 20.18 sere, Tbo aa . Forrester, donation land culis, township 3 south, rn I lt,'r J. and Mary J. Thorns to Kll f. Taylor, 73.83 acres. Jsmes Dullock nation land claim, township 3 aw rang 1 aat; quitclaim. HARRINGTON ESTATE II Widow of Accident Victim I Ms mlnlstrstrlx. r Th estate of th lata Amot Hr rlngton, who wa drownt" 'J-T land a ahort tlm sgo, wa Thursday and Katie 0 wa appointed administratrix. Ttw tat Is valued at f4,:00. L. 35 88 85 i: 49 PC. .816 .818 .609 .489 .460 C. W. ROBINSdN WINS HOMO Former Oregon City Soy PIMrt , Matrful Oration. . Charlea W. Roblnon. of PorWM. . . . . t it m . nraiuir wno wa awarnea me - -t ..i .ir. .... iTntvertlif " Oregon, formerly lived In Or0" . Mr. Robinson delivered a troni' dr on "Tb Scapegoat," In he defended th J''h 1 ' . A A 'J THE MORNING ENTIU'rllC la on sal at th following t every day: Huntley Bro. Drugs Mala 8trt. J. W. McAnulty-Cl8 8vnth and Main. Becrst Confctlonry Main nr Sixth. M, E. Dunn Confectionary Nxt door to P. O. - City Drug Stor , , EIctrlo HotL WalUr Little Confectionery 614 Seventh Strt. V M. Volkmar Drug ( Svnth nar Cnfr. Bohonborn Confotlonry Seventh and X Q- AoamA