Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
U0RK1MQ ENTEI.PIIIPE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1911. Exclusive ladies' waists in jpring i"" styles. Notice Window Display. J. Lovitt SUSPENSION BRIDGE COR. LOCAL BRILTS William-. Wallace, of Shubel. was In iklitlty on a business trip Monday, Edsird H'lrnnliuh. of Shubel, wn i tht city on business Tueaday. The Produce I'nlon Hlla liar and fit. Geoue SN-vcn. of llMVfr Creek, til In ()r Kdii t'lljr on Monday. Jsroli ( ; i o-ttml 11t. of Bhttbcl, waa li this rliy on Monday. Tit Produce t'nton aella Arsenal) Mr. mil Mrs. J. L Swafford have vtamed a brief .visit to Crash is, where i hi y .ylslted friends. HIm Hi.l!.. Crlsswell. of Hubbard. tawl Sunday In thla city with her ill n MIkh Nora Crlaawell. Hrs. J. N Winner la III at her borne. Fred Wsrm-r la III at his horn on Tilrd aiul Center Afreet. AlMy aoiiM'thlnai new In the Mil- hrrj line. Mlaa C. Ooldamlth. Kit Tony Gelbrlch, of New Era. u In HiIh city visiting frlenda on KoDdajr nnd Tueaday. William Dnnlnl. one of the well kaown farmer of Beaver Creek, wai H (hit city on Monday. I r. flruns, of Bandy, one of the gonlnent young men of that place, m n thla city on Tueaday. John M Blcgmsn. of the tile Bend Hilling Company, wai In Oregon City bttlncH Tueaday. MIm Franrea Orleaahaber. who la "ttndlnc school at Mount Angel, and ko baa been very III, la improving. J. Coy via, of Deaver Creek, waS ona the Oregon City visitors on ToMday. Tbs Produce Union aelli berry- tut. Cordon A. Peel, of Balfour, Outhrle Compn. - Portland, waa In the rtr on liiiNiDtfaa for the firm on Tue tar. 8- 8. ijtrHcn went to Carua on Hon- In company with Mr. Mangold, a wnonatmtor for the United Stalea am separator. . , . Yotjffs fori! An Infant Industry. PJ 'If For and we will give yo with a ' NEW 4 months subscription. . By Carrier at 45c the month TO THE MORNING ENTERPRISE . A Beautiful China PLAQUE D"orated Handjomely There are a variety of patterns to choose from. Make your selection early. Subscriber May Have Them Too To any present subscriber who will bring us four, ew subscriptions we will present one of these : beautiful dishes. v v ' . .a , ' ALL SELECTIONS MUST BE MADE AT THE OFFICE OF THE BANK OP ORCGON CITY BUILDING tada, a prominent re.ldent of that nd'Sir? M liiZ,""n' "''''""'"nd, mbi ik ' . M"r' ""wood, spent the Oral part of thla w.l ttk Mrs. Henry Meldrum W'k W,,h Ht. PhuI'i (luw, will hold m apron sal rhtrdsy sftsrnoon at Mr' 7" slna yr residence, 413 High Hire. Hale commence al I o'clock. Kvery body Invited. r' T' i rr,H"Krt' "h" aa connected i. ""!" 1l4,l'h" Company In thla city three yeara ago, and who wai recently In Melco partlclpatm In the mn neu vera, hai returned to Oregon. Ila vlali. frUH. i city on Tueaday. 1 Mrs. Frank While and daughter. Mra. Fred (lulllott and the bitter's seven weeka' old aon. Virgil Auatln Oulllott, of Hedmond. Or., arrived In tola city on Tueaday. and are the guests of the former'! alater, Mra. Lloyd Wllllama. They will remain In thla city for about two weeka. A. O. Alldredge. who hua een seri ously III with einallm i ik la allghtly Improved, and hla recovery a now HNiaea rorwara to iiy trie two sttendlna Phyalclana and bl familv who have beeu In conatant attendance lor aeverai aaya. Mr. Alldredge fell while worklns about thru l u. and auatalned erloua Injury. E. 1 Bluraeaanil Mra A ll Htur.,. Of thla rltV. went In Purtlnnil nn Mnn. dy. where they were called by the tienm or wimam uuyer. Mr. .tiuyer died of rheumatlatn of the heart at Ht. Vlnceiiia lloapltal on Hunday night at 10 o'clock. The young man'a former home aa at Carua, but he left that pluce about nine yeara ago with bl paretita for Knatern Oregon, where he haa alnce lived He waa taken to Portland for medlcnl treatment. He waa a Unit 30 yeara of age, and leave ItealdtMi hla parenta, Mr, and Mra. Ja rob Guyer, four alatera and two broth era. The funeral aervlces were con ducted at the Klnlcy undertaking par lore Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the Interment waa In the River view cemetery. t . , "NEWLY WEDS" ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mra. Walter Well Give Whiet Mr." and Mra. Walter Wclla enter tained the "Newly Wed" at their home on Monday evening, when whlat waa the feature of the evening, tne prl.ea befhg' won by Mra. II. Hendry and W. It l.iit. A luncheon waa aerved and a mot enjoyable evening waa apeut by the following: Mr. and Mra M. Ii. Ijitourette. Mr. and Mra. W. It. Ixgua, Mr. and Mra George llanklna. Mr. and Mra. A. A. Price, Mr. and Mr. H. Hendry, IJopel Cordon and Adalbert (iordon. " ' OIL TRUST EXPECTED TO ADVANCE PRICES COUNSEL FOR CORPORATION SAY DECREE OF COURT WILL BE OBEYED NKW YORK. May 16. Higher prlc ea to the conaumer for oil and It prodncta. It la believed bere totloy, will be the only real effect of the United KlHtea auprenie court a decision de clarlug the Standard OH Company a rruat and ordering Ita dlaiiolutlon. HuHluena. meu M'ucrallyagre thnt Immediate advance In the trade are certain. niaciiaatng effect of the declalon, It la ixilnted out that for the Standard Oil Comnany of New Jeraey to re tranafer Ita proM-rtlea to the original companiea will not, change Ita owner ablp. although the atock will be dia trl tinted to numeroua etockboldera In atead of being In the poaaeaalon of the parent corporation. All the aubaldlary corporation of the Standard Oil Company, under the declalon of the aupreme court' will be niMiil hereafter aa dlatlnct con- cerna and though their operating ex- penae will be tbu increaaea, mere I at 111 no way to compel actual com petition. For the reaaon that concentration ha' been destroyed. It la believed there la no doubt that It will be neea aary to advance prlcea In order to ih. Inrreajieri exDenae Of the companiea' Individual ndmlnlatratlon. While oatenalbty mere will oe aepar ate oil compftnlea In the different nartoia nn ennrt mandate can pre vent them working along the linea now prevalent In the' iteei Duatneaa, by gentleman" agreement." vi l- willntt rhlef counsel for the Standard Oil Company, In a atate- mcnt laaucd here tonay, aeciarea umi k. oi.nHirii u-nulii nhev the decree of the United State aupreme court Askhig 6 months subscription By Mill at 25c the month and would t one. tak at.p. to dla- Klllott continued: "Not having en the court's decU "lm. It la Impoaalble for m to make a lengthy atalement. It may be aald now, however, that the Standard will oley th decree and that all compa niea embraced In the decree will con ouct their biiHlneaa under the direc tion of tbelr own offlcea through their own corporal orgitnltlona." Huylng by the abort lntret waa on an euormou acale and bull oper ator took on large line. The market cloaed atroug. Honda were Arm. CAN EASTERNERS STOHIGERS? Unless Thsy Do Am3rlcan League Race Will Become Procession. DETROIT STRONGER THAN EVER Manager Jannlng Cemplalnad of Hav ing Toe Many Good Young Twirlora. Team Batting Hard and Running Bate Like Damon. V TOMMY CLARK. ' Can the eaxtern teurua atop tlu li. trolt Tlgera. give them a aetlui, k ami other wine cauoe them to loae tliolr 1411111 eating way Tbla queatlou la now being naked by the bam-ball fiiua. The wonderful abowlug of the club and the fart that they entered the month of May with the longi-Mt leml In 1hhi ball blNlory have almost cnuned the block ,bnlra 011 the lieudw of Ilulnmo ami Connie Miu k to luru white. Never lu the bUtory of the guuie bait a team alarted off ho well. If It were a weak teum the other uiiiuugeri would have little to worry about, liut De troit la a different proportion. Jfii UlliKN hua u club tbla aeaaoii hnnl to tieat under any turn, and with n big lead the job la dimply (hut nni'-h biirder. Ijmt year the lHtroltw were the vic tim of the worat kind of bard luck; otberwUe. they would have U-en fac tor to a llulab. Tbla aeoaou every thing aeenta to be breaking tbelr way. And in addition the team baa been greatly atreugtbeued alm-e the clone of J Jl'10. A big hole baa UeciQllel up at flmt tiaxc, and the twirling ataff la the bent JeunlugH baa ever bud. In fact, the club I fully 30 'per cent atronger thnn litHt yenr. Here la another Kilnt: Detroit baa still a long list of gwi'tef W piny at home. If the eastern teams fall to stop the Tigers within the next few weeka Jennings and hi band of pill eaters will have a lend that will lie well nigh Invincible. ' From then on tbe American league rm-e will become a procession Instead of a fight. Although the season is still young, the Detroit club bns come pretty near putting tbe entire wewieni section ou tbe Mink by the most sustiilnci roh ever shown by any team. It will be reryJnterestltigto watchjbe work of tho eastern teams when they tackle Iietrolt It'a up to them to overhuul them, provided they are going to be overhauled. poor twirling helped lu keeping the Tlgera from lielug closer up lust sea son. Jennings receutly complained that be hsd too many good young twlrlcrs." It's a complaint that Is posi tively unique In tbe annals of base ball. It'a an affliction which many other clubs lu the league would wel come with becoming avidity. This Is In striking contrast to the condition of affair for tbe prrrloua two year. . Alway a great batting and base running club, It seems to have Im proved over previous seasons. Craw ford Is leading the league In batting, and Cobb la close up, while Galuor Is not very far behind. Morlarty I wal loping the ball harder than ever, and Delehnnty la also there with his big tick. Beside being tbe hardest hit ting team In tbe circuit. It la the great eet I wise running club In either league. With the team pelting the ball hard er thsn ever and the player running the sacks like demons, the twirling faff atronger than ever and luck fn Torlng the team. It will be bard work stopping them. Tbe catching tair could be Improved opon, but 1 not weak by any mean. "Jennings haa proved himself a re sourceful leader. lie ba been In charge of the team six seasons, dnr Ing which time be baa captured thre successive - pennant, an American league record. Ill method are unique. Jennings never drive bl players, but Instill never say die plrlt Into them which baa enabled the Tiger to win out In many games at tbe very last minute. When helTO took hold of the team the member were fighting among themselves. Tbe club was disorganized and finished way ilown In the second division. The following season be perrectea harmony to such an extent that the Tiger won the banner. Last year the outfielder were not on speaking term. Hughle parted with Mclntyr and made Cobb and Crawford make op. Once more Jenulng acored. Trobably no manager In h major leagues ha ripped op hla Infield a often a Jennlng. For a few of the rip be wa severely censured by the critic, but later laprwd on the back by tbe same men. When the Tiger won the pennant In 1W7 the Infield waa Roaman,.Schaefer. O'Leary and Coughlla Today not one of em Is left Mortality replaced Coughlln, Delehanty Bcbaeferand Bush O'l-eary. Tom Jonea wa on first last year. He waa alowlng up, so Jennlng let htm go. ; Another big mistake, said tbe ex perts. iSnf Jennings . has landed a, corking good first sacker In Oalnor The latter la playing a great game at the Initial station and batting Ilk a streak. Take off your hat to Hughle. n Is a leader to be admired by every fan In every city for hla managerial abili ty and hla never aay dl spirit ODDFELLOWS ELECT t PORTLAND MAN IS GIVEN HONOR FOR SEVENTEENTH TIME. J'ORTLAND, Or, v May 16. ( 8 pe dal, ) Three bunderd officer, dele gate and vlaltor were preaent when Grand Patriarch Lee Wlmberly called the 37th annual aeia'on of the Grand Kncampment, L O. O. F., to order in Oildfellow' Temple, Plrat and Alder atreeta, and at 1:30 o'clock thla after noon, to whrb bour adjournment waa taken, the number bad Increased to about 400. Reading of report, confer ence of thv Grand Encampment degree and appointment of committee con h umed the time at the morning aea alon, and thla afternoon legislative feature and the election of officer to erve for the enaulng term occupied the time until final adjournment, Twenty-eight paat chief patriarch received the Grand Encampment de gree, aa follow: M.. 8. Wan ban, C. I). Abbott, A. T. Driaco, O. W. Drink ard, J. P. Medernach, C. U Uonney, W. A. Ayrea. William Gunning, R. M. Taylor, Jame Watson, U O. Reynolds, H. E. Phelpa, C. R- Haworth, D A. Ilarman, J. A. Arbuckle, II. E. Cool Idge, J. P. gchall, P. II. Myera, W. C. Kndlcott, J. 8. Fine, J. R. Olmstead, V. II. Champlln, II. M- f'ockburn, J. W. Mulr, J. N. Wisdom, Roren Sorenson, W. I), pierce and J. G. Canady. At the annual election E. E. Sharon, of Portland, was re-chosen grand scribe for the seventeenth time and W. W. Francis, of Albany, grand treasur er for the alxth time. Other officer were chosen as follows: Grand pat riarch, O. P. . Miller," Portland; grand jhluh priest, G. P. Rlckley, Marrlsburg; grand senior warden, G. A. Pogue, On tario; grand representative, Uee Wlm berly, P. (J. P., Roseburg. DEMAND FOR BIG BUUILDING. IT IS 1 BELIEVED, WOULD DRAW PEOPLE TO PORTLAND. ' .PORTLAND. May 1C The auditor ium committee of this city hat re ceived Information that in 8L Paul some distinctive event is planned for every month in the year. These oc casions bring hundreds and even thousanda of people' from a distance. Every local business as a result bene fits, from wholesalers to retailer. It l announced from St. Paul that the splendid public auditorium there baa proven one of the bent business get ters for the city ever Instituted there, and In addition the city has tbe bene IH of the advertising that brings tbe convention. By some careful figuring." said Charles H. Merrick, chairman of the auditorium committee, of this city, "we have shown that even if the auditorium didn't nay for Its own op erations the cost would then be only about ten cents, for every 11000 as sessment. "This would mean about $10 for ev- .rv x lOOJUK). and how many business men who pay on an aasessment of spend more than flO a year dveitlslns: the city a an Indirect way of advertising their own business? Bui at that we have yet to hear of an auditorium that doe not pay it run- BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Cor; 8ta. SPOKANE PORTLAND May IS, 17, 18, 19. 20. 21. Game Begin Weekday at 3:30. dundaya, 2:30 P. M. LADIE8' DAY FRIDAY. Boy Under 12 Free to Bleachers - Wednetday. EXCURSION PARES ESST 1911 During the month of May, June, July, August and September, en date hown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC will sell round trip ticket from Oregon City Yia Portland a follow: FARE8 Chicago 73.00 Council Bluff Omaha - Kansas City St. Joseph St Paul St Paul, via Council Bluffs Minneapolis, direct ....... 60.50 60.50 - 60.50 60.50 60.50 64.40 60.50 Mlnneapol a, v a Counn I Bluff 64.40 Boston 110.00 New York 109.00 St. Loui 70.50 Washington, D. C 108.00 SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23 24, 23, 27, 28 and 29. Jun 5, 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and 28. August 3, 4, 8. 14 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 5, a d 7. Stop-over vlthln limit In either' di rection. Final return limit October 81st. For far on way through California Inquire of any Southern Paolflo agent, er write to WM. MeMORRAY, General Passenger Agent . Portland, Oregon. nlng expense through the rent for opera and exhibition of varlcu aorta. If we should fall to build tb auditorium now, tblnk bow much more the site would coat In ten year from now. Economy ay build now." Letter were sent to tbe principal of all Portland school telling them of tbe school children publio audi torium essay contest. Any pupil in any school, eighth grade or lower, may compete by seeding an essay ot from 31K) to boo word on the advantages of a public auditorium for Portland. It was first decided the contest should cloa next Friday, but tbe time has been extended until Saturday, May 27. Three prizes will be given the three beat, $10, $5 and 2 60. The proposed auditorium Is to cost $i;oo,wki. REV. WIEVESIEK REAPPOINTED Oregon Conference Evangelical Asso ciation CJee The Oregon Conference of the Evan gelical Aaitoclatlon which met n the Mllwaukle church, closed with the reading of appointments assigned the Various members of the conference for the ensuing year. A list of the ap pointments Is: .... Portland district, II. E. Hornschuch, presiding elder; Albany, H. R- Glel; Chehalem, H. Albright; Dufur, to be supplied; Fruit land, to be supplfed; Jefferson, 8. W. Launer; Little FalH, W. E. Simpson; Mllwaukle, E. Rode baugh; Monmouth, W. A. Gueffro, North Portland, to be supplied; Ore gon City end Canby, 8. Wleveslek; Portland First German, H. Shuknechl; Portland First English, F. B. Culver; Memorial, Morris Heverling; Salem Liberty Street, O. F. Llenlng; Cheme keta. Salem, F. M. Fisher; Sweet Home, H. C. Rolroff; Ylgardville. 8 Conklln; Veronu, E. Maurer. Marriage License Issued at Night. Cora Hathaway and J. D. Foss, of Portland, came to thla city at 11 o'clock on Saturday night, and ob tained a marriage 'license. " CORRESPONDENCE MILWAUKIE. The Linden Circle Women of Wood craft held a fine meeting Friday evening.- Four men were given the secret work also the men' side degree, which made fun for all present Re freshments were served and a good time had In general by all present. Tbe Guards are drilling for tbe con test which takes place on May 31 at the Arrnory- in Portland. CLARKS. Mr. Wettlaufer wsa In Mllwaukle last week. , r Ed Grace was hauling shingle last week. . Mr. Bergman lost a horse. M Fawner is working for Sam El mer. Mr. Battenmlller Is building a fence. Mr. I Marquard went to Portland on Monday. Sam Elmer was plowing last weeK. Ed Hettman Is building a fence. Pet Hnver bought a pig last. week. The Clarks school Is going' to have a pie and neoktie social May 20. Read the Morning Enterprise. Mr. Sullivan, tbe Road' Supervisor, Is working on the road. MOLALLA. The base ball game played here lsst Saturday between the Clackamaa and Molalla school teams resulted in 2 to 9 in favor of Molalla, thu giving Molalla team the silver cup. Sundav a South Portland nine came out to the Molalla diamond and played the Molalla regular nine losing to them by a Bcore of 2 to 4. Railroad surveyors are still work ing southward. Miss Alice Srague. who was operat ed on for appendicitis at the St. Vin cent Hospital on, May 2, came home last Saturday. Sunday morning she felt fairly well after the long ride out from Oregon City In a buggy and went to see her mother, who is 111, In the afternoon at Mr. E. K. Dart . V. w, Everhart and wife returned home from the State Grange showing the good effect of their kind treat ment at Corvallia. Mr. Wood la preparing to build a residence. Lumber Is being distribut ed on the ground. Robblns Bros, delivered a new E. M. F. to Mr. Cooper laat week and Mr. Ttibbs comes out with a new ear. In fact automobile are getting about a thick on the atreet aa the horses are. Mntaita rvennle were shocked on t.rinr of the sudden death of Ben Bovles. of Russellvllle, who died at hi. hum Prtdav nlrht of heart latiure He waa at Molalla on Ftiday and had a tooth broken by one or tne pnysi rlnni Mrs. Dr. Leavttt. of Portland, slater of Ben Boyles, deceased, came out 10 her brother' funeral which took place . ., pikw tv lie cemetery at ai 1 - ( - st'tlwlr n Til . A former resident of Molalla, after roaming about In search of the won derful places, neara aDom 10 u.un lands, haB returned to Molalla con tented to live and die here. He says what make Molalla the truly wonder ful place 1t is Is owing to ita many varieties of soil. That's it, we have the black loam, the red soil, the white soil and the gravel soil with all the variations. Read the. Morning Enterprise. OAK GROVE. The Oak Grove Senior Athletic Club team defeated the Baltimore Dairy Lunch team ofi Portland Sunday, May 4 Score 18-12. Batteries: Oak Grove Colman. Wonhlngton. Baltimore Fay and Rlvoe. Catcher. Worthing ton thumb waa apllt In the aeventh Inning. . H. Rlppey took hla place and In the ninth he waa hit on the nose. Pitcher Colman made a home run and fanned twelve men. Nichols of the rtaitimorea made a home run. Fay, the pitcher, fanned tlftVe men. Th rink Orove Junior team was defeated by the Vernon team Sunday score 11-9. . several of he men from huh nun spent Sunday at home with their fami lies. , Mra. Bertha Worthington returnea home Friday evening from Fairdale where she has been vlBltlng friends the oast two weeka. an iha nronertv owner on Lee Av enue 'got to work and cleaned the street outh of Center treet and the county road, and adding much to the, appearance of that atreet. . Mta. Henry Schnefler wa a Port land visitor Tuesday. , C. B. Bunnell was In Oregon City on business Tuesday. Mra. Guy White and son. Homer, spent Tuesdsy with Mr. Howell In Portland. - L- E. Armstrong and E: 'C. Warren made bulnes trip to Canby Tue- dfty O. Wlsslnger of Mllwaukle Waa here on business Tuesday morning. . ' 1 . . It Wouldn't Pay to Advertfce A Poor Article Nor a preposition of doubtful merit or honesty for ad-reader, nowaday, are DISCRIMINATING. Thy know value they knew GENUINE things, genuine oppertunltlea. Any article which can be sold by advertising Is, by that teat, a GOOD article. YOU are safe In buying a thing which ha "stood the flr of publicity." The maker of a widely advtrtlaed article, commodity; 'al way on trial for hi bualnes life. He cannot shirk, ner cheapen his a product and thi I the beet poaaible protection foe the conaumer. You are SAFE In buying advertised nowaday business conditions. Harvey O. Starkweather waa a Port land visitor Tuesday. Mrs. John Rlsley spent Tuesday In Portland. J. O. Staats of Oregon City waa here Monday evening. . Florence Gethlng and Edith Turner of Lents spent Saturday with Hester Armstrong. Mrs. W. M. Rice was a Portland vis itor Monday. C. N. Whit Is able to be out again and went to hi son's for dinner Sun day. Bert Staats and a friend have rigged up an outfit and will start to Montana In a few davs. - The Ladle Aid will .give their monthly tea Thursday at the home of Mr. George Sherk. All ladle Invited. Mrs. Krum spent Tuesday In Port land with her daughter. Ed Olds returned home Tuesday morning from Bull Run on account of his son, Orval, being sick, and will re main until he Improve. Mrl. Henry Suter wa a Portland visitor Tueaday. . Notice for Bids. Notice Is hereby given that sealed , proposals Tor furnishing all labor and material for Improving Twelfth Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from a . point 105 feet west of the westerly line of Main Street westerly to the east line of .Water Street, will be received by the Recorder of Oregon City. Oregon, until 4 O'clock P. M. of May 25th, 1911. Plan and speci fication containing further Informa tion and the kind of improvement " to be made will be furnished upon application to said City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for a sum equal to five per centum of the total amount of the bid, which aum will be sub ject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of the failure of the successful bidder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a written con tract for aald work, if called upon to do so, within the time specified for the same in the Ordinance providing for said street improvement Proposals must ne made upon hlanka furnished by Oregon 'City. The right to reject any or all bid or to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City Is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required. for the completion of the entire improvement work of said street which Improvement work must be done according to the Or dinances of Oregon City and the charter thereof, and the plans and specifications governing said work. Each bidder I required to furnish separate figures for the doing of all concrete work with Clackamaa river sand and gravel and for the cover ing of such concrete work with one half Inch wearing coat. Thla notice la published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, made and entered at a special meeting thereof held May 8tb, 1911. I STIPP. Recorder. ' Notice For Bid. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals for constructing and laying a sewer along Ninth Street from Tay lor Street to Washington Street with vitrified terra cotta pQe having an interior diameter of 11 Inches and an 8 Inch aewer laid along Tay lor Street from Seventh to Twelfth Street shall empty into a septic tank, located at Twelfth street Can yon and constructed of concrete and said sewer shall have the necessary manholes, lampholes, laterals and connections, will be received by the Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon, until 4 o'clock P. M. of May 25th, 1911. Plans and specifications con taining further Information and the kind of sewer to be laid will be fur--nlshed upon application to said Re corder. Each bid must be accom panied by a certified check for a sum equal to five per centum of the total amount of the bid, which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Ore gon City In case of the failure of the successful blder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a written contract for said work. If called upon so to do, within the time specified for the same In fhe Ordinances providing for ald sew er. Proposal must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid conslderd most favorable to Oregon City Is hereby, reserved. Each proposal must slate the time required for the completion of the I Per cher 00 St all ifloV WILL MAKE SEASON AT Oregon City, ia-Fameis' Feed Bain PfHidrPf. Sired by Polly; flrt dam, Queen; Second dam Ey r CUIgl Ct. allne. ColoT dappla bay, weight 1800 pounds. TpriTK. To insure mare with foal $12, Single aerrica $8. Sea I II IIU. 10 To in,,,,, coit to atand and juck $15. Care will be taken to prerent accident, but will not be responsible should any occur. If mare Is removed, sold or traded, money be comes due at once. G. W. Boyer . Owner and Keeps v I things It' the logie ef entire work for aald aewer which work must be dona according to the Ordinance of Oregon City and the charter thereof, and the plana and specification governing said work. Thla notice la published pursuant to an order of the City Council ot Oregon City, made and entered at a specie.l meeting thereof held May 8th, 1911. U STJPP. Recorder. - Wants, for Sale, Etc Notices under these claMlfted heaJHic will be Inserted at one orat a word, tint Insertion, half a cent additional laser lions, one Inch card. 11 per month) haJf Inch card, (4 lines) 11 per month. Caxh must accompany order unless one has an open account with the paper. N financial responsibility for errora; wherv errora occur fre oorrectrd notice vertU be printed for patron. Minimum eharo Ite. WANTED. WANTED Woman or girl for house work, telephone Main 3063 or apply 1305 Main Street WANTED Room with private family and occasional use of piano. Sher man W. Moody, at Andresen's Jewel ry Store. GIRL. WANTED Gtfl -ror general housework. Experience not so Im portant a willingness to learn. Jkp ply 1006 Main street, Oregon City. WANTED -Yon to know mat we buy all kinds of Curios, that we are In the market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. We also have a good assortment of second hand Furniture and Tools on hand for aale to those In need. Come anJ see ; perhaps we have juat what you want Indian Curios and trinkets for aale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near Fifth street FOR AUt. FOR SALE Bicycle cheap, inquire H. C. Washington Street' nearly new,' Hurlbut, 324 FOR SALE Good second hand deliv ery wagon. Inquire Royal pakery, 7th Street. - . FOR SALE Two fine residence lot! 9th and Washington St., very cheap. Terms. Enquire 418 7th St ACREAGE One to five acres tn sight of Oregon City, $150 and $200 per acre; good level land; one mile' from car line. Clyde It McRae, 1003 Main St., Oregon City. ; FOR SALE House, two lot, on cor ner, house recently bunt; 12x28, two rooms, brick flue, other improve ment, good soil, garden in. Splen did view of City and Mountains. Good reason for selling.. Price $575.00. For location Inquire Mr.. Winkle' store, West Oregon City. Harvey Buck, Oregon TJlty. LOST. LOST, 8TRATED OR STOLEN A sorrel horse one year old. $5 re ward, Gladstone postofflce. MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN I have at 7 per cent: $2000.00, $1800.00, $1100.00, $850.00, $400.00, $300.00. Improved real estate. 40 percent values. C. H. Dye, 8th & Main Streets. BUILDER AND COT"ACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all class of building work, concrete walk and reinforced "concrete. Re. Phone Mala 111." ATTORNEY. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstraots furnished, land title examined, estate settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. . TTRKN V SCHUBrBEL, Attorneya-at-Law, Dentaeber Advokat, will prao tlee In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office tn Enter prise Bldg Oregon City. Oregon. B. H. COOPER. For Fire lnanraner and Real Estate. Let as handle , your properties we bay, sail and exchange. Office la Katarprlaa Bldg., OrVgon City. Oragon. . Read the Morning Enterprise.