Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1911)
m ' ENTEMOSE (jilt r """ 'wr Mfrnin W oc The eely dally nr-rr-' . tweet) Portland and t ess ; late In vary soothm e C e) mae County, with poor' i t 10,000. , Are you an S-. f mnwr will be resolved for I ml llmltee" lm ' I ..i.. MM In your reef tedsy 4 MM In your ereer today MMflt of law price. WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1500 VOL. 1 No.. 108. dBso;i qu ITS;' STIMSON GOES IN POLITIC SAID TO HAVC CAUSED RETIREMENT OF SECRE TARY OF WAN. EOBOX'pinD AT OUTS C. t- Mllllngton, AnathOf New York Man, Made Assistant Beers tary of the United " States. WAHIIlNOTON. Maytll. (PpocJal.1 Secretary of War Dickinson, haa re nlgord, and Henry U Stlmeon, of Now York, recently the Republican eandl- trn glvan tha iortfollo. Dickinson In i kniorrat. Pressing business wss1 the resson assigned for bla resigns, lion, . , 11 s-as reported, however, that fric tion h been caused la tbo cabinet baue of, Mr. Dickinson's politics, int thai Ibla waa tho cause of bla retirement. The new secretary will bo swornjn Monday. Mr. Stlmeon waa Roosevelt's ranrtldste for governor of Now York and waa defeated by DU,1 tho Itrhio crat. C. 8 Mllllngton, of New York, waa today appointed aaalatant treasurer of the , ('nlted Hfatee. Ho la a rloao frii-nd qf Vice President Sherman. It la believed by many Ibat tho ap pointments U1 straighten out tha Republican tangle la Now York. It was -declared tonight that Mr. Dickinson and Horrotary Knox were ant paprrlally frlondly. PACKERS MUST STAND TRIAL. CHJCAUO. May 12. Judge' Oeorge A Carpenter, of tbo I'nlted Statee Dlotrlrt Court, overruled a demurrer lo the Indictments against J. Ogden Armour and other Chicago moat pack ers and decided that they must fo on (rial on tho charge of unlawfully con aplrlog to control the prlcea of freah meat In violation of tha Sherman anil tnmt law. The declaloo waa a tremendous blow to the defense tha packera bad made In an effort to prevent the caaca going, to trial. .The court holda that aot only la tho Sherman law consti tutional but he alao declares that the Indlrimenta are In legal form and con tain f hargea ao detailed and specific, ihaft If proved theyAayuld bo aulflclent lo marmot conviction undor the law. Gladatone Man Kant to Aaylum. E K. Inwe. aged 21 yeara, of (Had none, waa committed to the Inaane aayltim Friday by County Judge Beatle, after an examination by Dr. M. C Strickland. The complaint waa ade by A. W. Allen. Lowe la violent tnd two attendanta came down from Salem and took tbo unfortunate man to the axylnm. Wife Suae For .Divorce. Clara D. Macy, who waa married September 6, 1809. at Loa Angelea, Cal to Jeaae W. Macy, baa filed a ault for divorce, charging cruel and In human treatment. Mra. Macy aaya aer huahand failed to aupportter and eontrarted bllla, which ahe waa com Hied to pay. He la aald to have left ar without funda and among ttrangera. WIATHKR F0CA8T. Oregon City and Vicinity 4 Fair and warmer; weaterly wlnda. Oregon and Waahlngton ralr fweat; fair, preceded by ahowera aat portion ; warmer, acept 4 near the coaat; weaterly wlnda. HHvfVffMfMvv Read the Morning Botarpiiae. We promlae to ove honor obey W lov to da hualneee. We honor r patronaoe. Wt obey your wlehee. vWll iwe happily In our elothlng Ufa of every ault la long baoauee an , L. YTIM . Try u Vou fct have to apply to the eourta for "ivorce from ua. Ptice Brothers tXCLUSlVt CLOTHIERS Km the toWr Hh od Main . PtHPETRATEP vXWHJJE LIE5 THE 0NS WE HAVt TO TtLL GARDEN HI1H5. Now It Owlimct aaiec. AvrO buattpalortibWOnO.rlotMiti Pkauld a aaada MpaUily To pre ktnt led tKM ttd othrr ineofts tkrWMg.QeWC piant uU41oU tufJco you feel tkef oaty In. laoxMap; ma uorm a ma aae l aoam nuH tlph OXoulA be to out how latke evt-Hmo SXaA. your cHrtatoM tree nous from cKoi.aVrcic4 Seed . Fo taMltXotlaihrAhdBnsiw OocLUilstMaU lovely Uurt W)KUnra. Cram uhouili kc mAMayod dillv from oowon, THE HYACK STAR UPS AND SAYS :. IT IS UWW TD SPUT INFINITIES THAN KINDLING WOOfl JOB UJT Of Wi OWCO SPRING P0D13 KcV OUR MOVIN; PICTURE SEVEN FIREMEN ASK EXEMPT CERTIFICATE OTHERS ARE EXPECTED TO .MAKE APPLICATION COMMISSION .' MEETS WEONESOAY. The Oregon City Klre Commliutlon will meet next WVdm-Mday night In the council chamber In regard to granting exempt cerilflcatea to fire men. Seven membera of the Fountain Una Company tiave applied for car tlflcatea and more will aak for them. A man who haa aerved conttntioualy for aeven yeara la entitled to an ex exempt certificate, Thla relieve him from Jury duty, poll tax, etc. Tho who have applied for certi ficate are : C Oaborn, aerved nine yeara: Lt .Ruconlcb, eleven yeara: Fred Freeae, eight yeara; R. Wood ward, eight .yeara; William pet era, nine yeara- C. Charlea, eight yeara and Albert J. Cox, nine yeara. ADVERTISING NOT REQUIRED Railroad!- Need Not PublUh Tlma Table In Papara. 8AIM.)r., May 12. (Special In anawer to a reaueat for an opinion aa to whether the Railroad Commle- alon haa the authority to compel rail road companlea in thla atate to pub llah time tablea In c'rcuiatlng newa papera. Attorney-Ge'ieral Crawford holda that there are no lawa In effect requiring auch publicity, and la hi opinion the Railroad Commtaalon la not authorlxed to demand a publica tion of time tablea, even if fchould find that the vaiiona railroad com- nanlea operating In the atato were negligent In poatlng the boura of de parture and arrival or trains at me respective atatlona. The Commlaalon aaka ror tne opin ion ror the purpoae of ascertaining whether or not rallroada couiu do re quired to advertise train operations In the event tney ranea nu rru. to post notices In their paaeenger atntkma. The Attorney-flenernl bo llevea that to require railroad com panlea to advertise time tableo o newapapera would result In newa papei a charging any rate they desired. and thua work a hardnhlp on mo ti asportation companlea lthout giving Ihem an opportunity ' to re monstrate unless they go to inw. CHICAQOAN , CATCHES SALMON. Will Be Packed In lee and Shipped to Eaater Prlenda. Mr. and Mra. E. C. Schwettser and son. or Chicago, are vlaltlng with Mra. Schweltxer's slater, Mlaa Rlckerd, or thla city, and are at the home of Mr. and Mra. U J. LAgeson. Mr. Schwettser la representing 8 prague Warner 4 Company, of Chica go, III., and haa been apendlng his vacation on the Pacific Coasts Thla la their first visit here, and they Wrt much Impressed wltB Oregon and may decide to locate . hero later on. While In thla city Mr. Schweltaor had the pleaaure of Ashing ror salmojr at the falls, and aucceded In catching- k. i.rvPBt that haa l ranvht alnc.e the aeaaon waa op, i, It tipped the acalea Thla will be packea in ice uu -e.-- 'Hio.r. where rrlenda and reia- io .i v ,t. fiiharman mav enjoy aotne of the celebrated uregou vu. nook salmon. " ' aMhhwilie anlmofiMt took Pfir, rt". a,TV if u.e& a.k.iLitvAn tn and a half hours to . OltEOON CITY, BY WALT AcD0UCALL: DRAMATIC NOTES. - Llsic JanUctlcbcoleahti- Jr'UrtW day obouT month oo &h Brnkardl ndutny juM hrardlh ncus.Kcr Mnarer rt porta nutnctKin doinq Uuk ToMAUibiM tut 1 1 go ontKe ro4 cqwwiiff awaon. HISTPJONKUS. "A.f mm - 4 - Temptation WE STAND CORRECTED. O K HCl 6,4C 4cW J t44tM. M Alt 4V fupJ-- 3TUNT:-WHAT SOME people callTluck bring It Into the boat, and the boat waa almost capslxed In the act. The current waa strong, and the flah made an effort to releaae Itaelf, but the man from Chicago waa too much for Mr. Chinook, and he n Dally gave up In despair. After arriving In Chicago, Mr. Hcnweiuer ui exnioit me aai-j mon. as he la proud or hla catch. GOOD CROPS ANTICIPATED. Two Carloada of Fruit Boxes Received By Local Firm Lareen k Company, grocera of thla city, received on Friday two carloads of fruit boxes. ( Mr. Larsen atated yesterday that hla firm would bo ready for the fruit ea soon aa It cornea on. From all Indications there are good prospects for a large crop or berriee and cherries,-although the late froat did some damage. The earleat berrlea will no doubt bring good prlcea, ifd many of the growers of berrlea are looking forward to good pricca the coming season. CROWD SEES "GYPSY. QUEEN." Second Cantata la Given at Shlvely Opera House., "Tho Gypey Queen," a cantata In which about rorty young men -and women of Oregon City took part waa presented Friday evening to a crowd ed house at the Shlvely Opera House. The entertainment waa the last of a series or two given under the aus pices or the Daughters or the King of the 8t. Paura Episcopal church. The first. Red Rifling Hood," waa present ed Thursday evening. ... The cantataa were given under the management or Mr. and Mra. Simpson, rormerly or Chicago. Mlsa Moreita Hickman aa "Gypsy Queen." "Miss Margaret Jtrown aa "Queen Beautiful" and M. J.-Laselle aa "King" scored decided hit. .The .costumes were bright and pretty and every member of the cast deserves credit for the success or the entertain ment. By way or apeclaltlea Mr. 8lmpson played violin aolo which waa well received. The little folka deserve especial mention ror the man ner In which they rendered their part. Ill BUILDluG IS TO START WAY COMMERCIAL CLUB TO ERECT STRUCTURE IN WHICH TO SHOW PRODUCTS. Th nnntraet for the Commercial Club promotion building baa been let to Clarence Simmons, an Oregon City contractor, and work will be com menced on tho atructure Monday. The building will be located on Main atreet on a lot opposite ins couriuuuw. It wjl hare a frontage of twenty-rour fet, and will e of frame construction. Work oar the atructure 1 to be. pushe I ea. eapldly as possible, and ah effort -will be made to nntsn it in mreo The headquarters ot the Commercial Club will remain In the Mason o building, the new strncture being only for the display of Clackamaa county wi..t. Several flrma made bids on the work, but that of Mr. 8lmmons was the lowest. Patronise) our advertUers. OnEGON.' SATURDAY,' CCrJSIRABlE CITYFIED. WHEN WilUEABDOTT GOT BACK HERE FROM STAVI TWO WEEKS M NYA1VK WlRALaTr:OUGHTTHMC(XJEL HEiaD5TfWaMLV05HTALK WEVE HEATjrCOlRSE. 0' KENTRY RQBS KK3rV.UKEW15E .30METHIN u irrui 3UT WILLIE SPOKE O VILLAGE Wc8?L5HIS COUSIN ANNE A PIPPIN! HE 5EI THAT JIMSON GIRL'S SOME CLASS AN0 CALLS HIS UNCLE SOL A ROUE.Y! . - HtT5HIS COFFEE: .OEMtW ISOO . - J ANOTOKS WET) ORTEREAn CHOP SUY. ITSrErUf1UH'AN0ilXTMAT1 AT MEALS KE LIGHTS A aBARRtTTFI ISWS PLEASE CAN AaTH'rWCEEDttnTl AnOASO KK FUR A JtrtVltTTE HE TWJCAC2JTTH TABSLEOQTcr HESEZITISKoONEBESTGET ANOClAlMSTrrSTUFFT GITYER GOAT BCfiLAMOUMC.TrlGREATFYET! HIS mNTo ARE TURNED WW UP HIS LEG BUTWnjJESTHSTYLEIS RIGHT. rrHAT ISM GREAT WHITE WAYQLD PEG IrYUUAlNTnEPTOTnAT.GOOOKIGHTfl JOE Sill CARRIES OFF H0 III MEET OREGON CITY BOY SECOND IN .100 YARD DASH AND THIRD . IN JUMP. EUGENE, Or., May 12. (Special. T Jo Sheahan, the apeedy little Oregon t iiv Isd. carried off all honors ror bis team In the interschotaatlc meet here tooy. Thlrty,bgn acnoola from every section or the State were represented. While 8heahan did not land any first he secured a lce In every event he entered, clutching second in the 100 yard dash and 220 yard run, and third In the high Jump. Wilson. Hargreavea and Crosa, of Oregon City high, .were not placed, and the four could not nose out in the relay, -Wilson tried the 440 yard run, Cross was entered In the 100 yard dash and 220 yard run. while Har greavea contested In the 100 yard dash. 220 yard run and pole vault. The showing or Sheahan waa an eye opener to the track men of the col lege town. . .-..-. ALBERT II. DIES III, SELLVOOD FORMER OREGON CITY BUSINESS MAN YIELDS TO THROAT DISEASE. Frederick Grlessen, proprietor of the Willamette Hotel In thla city, re ceived word Friday afternoon ot the death of hla brother, Albert H. Orlee aen, at hla home In Sellwood. He bad been ill for several montba with a throat affliction. Albert H. Orlea aen kept a hotel In thla city for about eighteen yeara, and had property ln teresta here. Ho moved to Sellwood about eighteen montha ago. Mr. Orlea aen la aurvlved by a wife and two daughters. He was forty years old. Mr. Giieasen was a native of Swlta erland. The funeral probably will be held tomorrow afternoon. , Session Laws Affect Code. SALEM. Or.. Msy 12, (Special) According to the atatementa of Dana Allen, the apeclal clerk engaged by the state ,to edit the session lawa passed by the last Legislature tor publics Hon, 600 aectlona of Lord's Oregon Laws have been affected by tne acta paaaed thla year. Mr. Allen has com pleted the work and the printed mat ter la now In the handa or the binders. Secretary or 8tate Olcott annonnooa that the session laws will be pspared ror distribution within one week and will sell ror $1.26 s copy. Cam Here For Flan Egga. It C. Qreenman, or the 8tat Fish eries Department, oame down from Bonneville to take charge of a half million eteelhead salmon eggs that were brought up from the Tillamook hatchery on the ateamer Sue H El more. Mr. Oreenman, who was a, companled here by hla wife, will take the eggs to Bonneville thla anernoon, and they M tched thr Read tn Morning Enterprise. MAY 13, 1911.: . SCHOOL EXHIBIT ATTRACTS CROVD WORK OF PUPILS OF ALL GRADES IS SHOWN IN WCINHA-RD BUILDING. HACKERS UM!i SYSTEMS IN USE Public Invited to Vlalt the Exhibition Which Will Be Continued Today Drawings Are At- . tractive. V Hundreds ot residents or ' Oregon C! ituti C'?wamas County examin ed the work of the puo.ic eel crl ?MU " n mis euy wnich waa placed on exhibition mday afternoon la f be W.elnhard building. The. exhibition Is tbo first one ever given of tho work of the school children of tbta city. It will continue from o'clock Saturday morplng until 9 o'clock in tne evening Superintendent of Scboola Toosce, and teachora of the varlotis grades explained the work to the visitors. , , The botanical drawing and pen manship displsya are especially flno. Specimens of the work of every child In the public school? are ah'own ao the visitor may note the gradual Im provement of each child. The In dustrial drawing and manual training is taught. In each grade, the object being to give the pupils Initiative. The article to be made la Oral drawn without the pupil having aeen one of the finished samples. ' Among the subjects of which aam plea are shown In the grades are the geograghy, manual training, physi ology and hygiene, spelling, civics, nature study, maps, drawing and pen manship. In the high schools speci mens of the work in the following aubjecta are ahown: . English composition, blatory and civics, mechanical drawing. Latin translation,- botany, chemistry, phy sics and German translation. Hardly had the doora opened be fore the crowd began to gather and all afternoon and evening the ball was pretty well filled. It is expected that the crowd will be much larger today and thla evening. All the citliena of the cltv and county are Invited to ex amine the exhibition to aee what the children or the city are accomplish ing. INSTITUTE MEETS TODAY. Mere Than 100 Teachers Are Expect 4 to Attend. The Institute of the Clackamaa Schools convenea- In the Barclay achoot house at 10 o'clock today. More than 100 teachers are expected to be In attendance. Dr. O.- H. Patterson, Dean or Willamette Cnlveralty, will deliver the principal address. ., The following program haa been ar ranged: 10 o clock, "The Piaygrouna and Athletlca," John R. 81evera; 10:40 "Teaehins Writing In the Schoola, P. L. Coleman: 11:20. "School Man agement." J. E. Calavan; 12 ocloc. dinner served by the Women's Club or Oregon City; 1:30. programme by nmtnn C!tr Schools: 2:30. "What u'nmon'i riuha an kindred organlxa tiona can do tor the public schools," Mrs. W. A. White; 3:10. saaressyu A. Patterson, dean or Willamette unl verslty. V" CAKBYTO HAVE FOX HURT WITH RACE MEET SBBsesMesassi W HORSE SHOW PROGRAMME HAS BEEN ARRANGED ENTRANCE TO BE FREE. Preearstlons are being made for the big raoe meet and horse show that will be given at, Canby on June 3. It will be heia under the auspices of the Canby Driving Club, and one of the features will be a fox hunt at night by Vaughn Brothers' famous pack of fox hounda. Thre will be many other attractlona. " " The rollowing are the horse ahow classes: Best draft stallion, any breed i best draft mare, grade or pure bred; best draft team; best standard bred atalllon; best standard bred mare, over two yeara old: beat alngle driver: best saddle borae; beat driv ing tesm. . The entrsnce will be free, end the entries will close on tne osy oi i race. H. H. Eeciea. oi - be aecretary. Tne uanoy u-u - ... Mrnlsh the music ror the dsy, ana a big parade will be a rea(ure ot the day. Judge Scorea Matinee f A . . Q.x, mivnaro. Mav 12. After auch "all excoriation aa few men have; received In a court, i nm actor well known on the w" released by Police Judge Shot-tall af ter arrest on . hla wlfe'e accusation that bo had been living here In open lawlessness wun a soui Dale. The sliegeo soui mate dlwppered. It waa founa mP"""- to prove me cnarges -"I cot imagine a ma- a lower aepm. " , in his denunciation of the actor. DERTHICK CLU MEETS. Mr C. H. Caufield Read. "The Peter t bore Paoeant." . n-kiv riuh met at the home or Mra Charlea Caufield Friday after oon.MI. been planned to have the Miii( at tne noun 2!T.fe hut owing to her leaving bill owina . j.. nlaht. wnere '?r l "In- the serious IHnsss nil was " . . . . - ..tin was changed.. pisce oi r H.'r r4uf.e.d re- "Tt. Perbo Pareant" given, In puu n w MacDowell, and thla waa folkrweo! by "The Witch ea' Dance," the composer of wblcb . waa MacDowell, given by Mlaa Edna Caufield. Aa Friday, May 2, will be the Uat meeting day or the club until rail. It waa decided to have the next meeting at the Woodmen ball, when eight members of theb club will entertain. They are Mra. John W. Loder, Mra. J. E. Hedges, Mrs. C. O. Miller, Mra. leon DesLarzes, Mr. W. 8. IT Ren, Mrs. W. A. Dlmlck, Mra. Theodore member will have the privilege of In viting one friend, and there probably will be about 62 persons present. Present at the meeting were Mra. E. T. Avlson, Mrs. J. K. Hedgee, Mra. C. O. Miller. Mra. John F. Clark, Mra. H. E. Straight. Mra. J. W. Moffatt, Mrs. W. A. Huntley, Mra. M. D. Lat ourette, Mra. Anna Hayee. Mra. Theodore Osmond. Mrs. John W. Loder, Mrs. Matilda Cbarman, Mrs. C. H- Caufield, Mian. Kdna Caufield. ' r " Oregon Electrlo Buya -Btte. SALEM, Or, May 12 (Special) The Oregon Electric Railroad Com pany has made arrangitentB ' with Harry Albert and H O. Meyer, Salem property holders, to purchase a rourth blpck on Frcmt. between. Ceeter and Chemt&ct streete. on whic! to erect large freight building and ware houses. . ' . !:'. . "" ' It la aald the company Intends pur chasing an entire block for a frclnht bnlldinaVTae Council baa granted the Oregon EWtric franchise down Front street,, and notice baa been given' by Ch railroad that the laying of steel will be started aa noon as the city establishes a permanent grade. PORTUUiDAGACIVGIS FROM SAN FRAIiCISCO WILLIAMS' MEN ARE SNOWED UN DER BY VANCOUVER RESULTS OF OTHER GAMES. Portland again lefeated the Sun Francisco team yesterday, which givea the Beavers a ooJ lead In the percentage' column. Beaton pitched for Portland and (tutor occupied the mound ror the Bay City men. The game was close and exciting until the sixth Inning when Portland scored three runs snd from then on there waa Ilttle chance ror the home club. In the Northwestern League Port land never had a look in with Van couver, i The visitors began in tne first inning; by making three scores, and in the fourth sewed up the game with five more tallies. Berger- snd Bloomfleld did the twirling ror Wil liams' tesm and Engle worked ror Vancouver. " : - The following were the baseball LEADERS IN MOVEMENT TO BUILD CLACKAMAS SOUTHERN RAIL. ROAD INTO MOLALLA VALLEY. ' . - ' 7- a B. DIMICK. resulta In the leading leagues Friday: National League Chicago 6, New York 3; Pittsburg 5. Philadelphia 0; Cincinnati IS, Boston 8; St. Louis I, Brooklyn 3. AannYtoaa League' Boston 0, Cleveland 2: Washington 6, Chicago S: New York 6. Detroit 6; Philadel phia 17, St. Louis 13. - Psclflc Coast League Portland . San Francisco 1', Oakland 12, Loa An gelea 0; Sacramento 8, Vernon 7. Northwestern League Vancouver 11, Portland 1; Tacoma Seattle and Victoria-Spokane games were post poned on account of rain. STANDING OF CLUBS. Pacific Coastt W. L. P.O. Portland 24 17 .686 Ban Francisco ...24 20 .646 8acramento .....21 20 .612 Oakland' ,...22 22 .600 Vernon ' 19 3 .462 Los Angeles 17 25 .406 Northwestern. Spokane Seattle . . Vancouver Tacoma .. 18 II .....11 .,....... $ 6 8 14 14- 16 .783 .600 .671 .864 Portland Victoria .364 .286 i n4asooooooao ! " 17 A; N T. E D ! ' : I 5 toj 20 , Acre Fms--Katx Oxz- C ; tJTe have sever-I burers witinJ cad inaay UC t If your place is for sale and the price riht cczis t 1 t see us at once. . ,.v. f. c-:aQLmr c-cr. Phone: Peelfle M-8J. Hevee A-11 J. t:3 V 'n CX. C eowoewowoe-ato't? - Fn Week, 10 Cehtj POM TELL SPEAKERS AT MEETING ARC EN THUSIASTIC OVER PROSPECT OF CLACKAMAS LINE. 15w,CC3 TO EE RASED H TCni;3 Dlmlck Urges People to Threw Aside Jealousies anal Work Wr Road Others Pmlse En- 1 tSrpWse. -J- f ; ;; "Boom for your own town and voting ty," was tho keynote of the meeting held FYtday night In C'i rmrtora of the V- Oregon City CemamrciaJ jCJuh..tan those Interest! in tne progrees of the jected br tne ClackamaK- Boudiern Railway CooipaBf front . Ore" Cttr i IntA thMollhi VaJter V tie aiienaance ax in meet tag; iraa r large, those who xrerer there sits in- ' te rested to the point of enthusiasm. Grant B. Dlmlck, one of the men who has given his time and money to promote the construction of a Jin In to the Interior leading out of this city, ra th first sneaker ' rntcdatuAea' bv George A Harding, president of the company, who presided. He charged that the light attendance was due par tially to influences brought to bear from people who, for selfish reasons, bad no desire to see railroad built. pie are giving tneir moral ana unso cial support! to the project, .., Start 8an and Safe. "We have ' aUrted this road In a safe and sane manner." he said, "snd we are not going Into debt a dollar. We have about $28,000 par value of the stock subscribed, we hsve a com- ' petent engineer who was recommend ed to ns by- Chief Engineer Boaa or the Hill system, and we have graded the first mile of road for about $2000. ExDerienced railroad maa tell ua we have obulned the beat value for the monev spent that tbey have ever seen anywhere. Engineers figured that the grading from Oregon City to Beaver Creek would coat at toaat 110,000. v Tata note ne mie tne tunner, ana we then have a chance to get Immediate returns. Portland la now cry leg for ,. cord wood, which is selling there for $7 a cord, and the territory In and around Eastern Clackamaa and In Waahlngton County is- fast being de nuded of Us wood. "This Is a good time to lay aside your petty Jealousiea that have ex isted here for years and all pull to gether. This Is , a good legitimate- proposition as an Investment. It la an opportunity to make money by the advancement of property and the Im provement or business conditions. Don't be 'wood-pecker cltlsens, hut be broad gauged, put your shoulders to the wheel or progress and, 'help along thla proposition." -Eby Plesds for Road. O. D. Ebv waa tne next sneaker He told a good atory and recited the loss of the trade of Eastern and West ern Clackamas to Oregon City, follow ing the construction of electrlo lines from Portland. "The big tracts will be cut up," he said,' "people. will settle on the acre age and Increased production wU be the result. . Business relations that will be of lasting benefit win follow. It we cannot build this 17 miles of railroad to Molalla 'and equip It. we are no good. If you cannot subscribe stock, you can at least say a good word for the project, and that helps too." Dr. Wood, of Portland, said be had no Interest In Clackamaa County, save the money he had Invested In the railroad. He made It plain that he had Investigated the proposition thor oughly ana conciuaea io"-. was better thsa any Veal estate d-l he could find. . - ' Continued on page two. i ...... by .... , a D., EBY. " ' oa aaaeaet eoeoeosoeoeoeoec . :