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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1911)
- - -I 1X0ILYINQ ENTEUPKla FRIDAY. I'RIL 14, 1911. ' 1 ''','' ' ' ' w V'-'S'" .' .OE.IHtBllDE. OCWOCKATIC CLUBS Te MM la HatlaJ BaaaaH u l NEGATIVE WINS OCCIWOM AFTER ' A VIRY WARM DEBATE AUOIENCC ATTENTIVE. i.vmaxapous. 14. Arm n Dmooiii of KattoaaJ gaa arrlrtag today from varto part of (k njiai States for tk has away aa kw gteea have UMbjkt kr tk Xataoav I Utn eg Deeaocraffcr Cbak. Oo raor Woodrww nilauav. f Xe-w Jtrw U a area, hart WQteai J. Bryaa ha cunIM kia unwiiit. i. HaaUltoa Utli, of Chlraan. will he imiiMilif. 14 win tetrad ae Ike ClaJrmoat and Uouuli VWw HI louwwiag kmmi: rery eortette loraad koras Tharaday J Ganmar Woodrow Wlaoat. whose meat oer the eweatto. -Ro4Td. ! h"rt la TU Party 4 IW Pre-1 That the .tW Tar Is Preferable toj at .-Gora Harvey, of New Tort, oa j weicked. IB r' MBl 7 wvm. a m a " r - - - - aw a. Urea aitralaoc of tk frlawdt gweoav. of Saw Mexico. MillLaat Ue of b"tfc sMee a4 mack later, waa i naocrary;- Alia Albert," ef Cotembaa, meir-tra la ta qora'loo. la tk dt O. The Power aa4 lataaac. erf la t-eeeioe. aad la tba detlaioe taat a j Pra " Jot, a Temple Grarwa. of New Tom. tm x- )agov, oover- aor Once. of Oklahoma. "Democrat ,' Reforma. Subject can laev PwrUaad at 8:!. 8:62. :2X UL It U. I1:U a4 IJ . TW taat tw cara mt Fstb4 tear Or Oty at I JSS a. a. M I 'M a. aa, a- la to KrU aaraa alr. aUfl ra tiiry a Trva. Moaara. JoAa B. Haaipkrvr aa4 Kav. Ckaa. Baafcuaai war arty Ba ara ai ia rails taday. jLa Ik aterj m Mr. Haavavara ka4 acra Ikrni kia koofc tmm (W a(ar Mill aa artoa4 Iri aoa4 aaUao.' aar for a Mala aaorl TVta Uaaa H a lm tat tka flak wa4gka4 M i M a ca of auatai" Mr. Haatrkrrra aaraa4a4 la laWXrns kia akaklk a4 Ular ka4 M Tka dabat ona of tka warmat - that baa ba pull4 off tkla aiatrr or aprfc. la aaral caaaa tkara wara potato rl'rmi mada aad tka a Utrra kad a krd tlma of It to kaop aelr wtu aoar tka Uk of tk-tr Obvon-Bt WTitla tba qaaatioa la ant a popular un a. ft. and arktll It , lakf am lima to a inortKua aa- tfrratd!ac t-f a aobct. Ik oU- rtinlna of It la cartaln to to Ihtoklnf and oiwa 'ha AmarKa pta beiti to think tbTa la ao lot up till Iba maitr la ana m jfefir rlr rlht J. a Hodfaa .. C fionwkak .. C. C Ota ... rraak Bailard C. Ba0ar4 .... C Mania C Crooar .... C kV StlUaafl a r. Uaa ... I. "Ua Caiaarataa Mr4 SWtkaViy. rfVada satkarM at tka fcnn of Ekaaaaar Waraor WTaaaaAay aitor- aooa to raaaocat tko tlrd MrtkAar of tkat caa'braua. H kaa Ura4 a aaaa kar of yvar la tkla city, kot lor yaara Kt ton aato4 ?.M.r W lr oWl ' ,W ala. aaa rVck. ol It Worth Rail PmoitIiuU ui i a oo ev inran (aiaawaaj . -" ... . . 1 lo aa? tkair rraoacta aa4 la tek kl ftrmr Govaraor Cnri W H'tarala. aaaay rvtaraa of t a dir. WILL GIVE CftANO BALL, Tho nasail tokadabaU flen th dwrl.lon. Thoaa a ho wera rbora to o(ln that alda of tk qunWa wre Krank Mlni-r. fa Kordoaaat, Joto iafTB aa4 B Kap nnbradar. Afftnnatlr J frt. fr- Ro berta. J"bn Ca1!n and Wm IWard. I Haa Caraxrfca a Rara OM ridl. rraak Bock. Jr. kaa aa oid rtoita ..i,-. u.ti . r-. ; Ml Pwd a. Wktlo It kaa kku Bni rdkiL ' cr' P" bat a Rood -addla." Tb Mcrfr Brotkarkood of A.r- SLTrJ! fTT ? uiamtit at tba WtUaawtta Hall oa ' " trta- ,m.fc fj ha fatara tTb r U1 koaaiJ?" ' lho addraaa glraa by W J. AppWata. j "Z" 2TT5-T Ptata Bilun . iba Mooara Btk- 0,t ,b' rkl. of PortUod. Tba coaiaUttaa J r-bTaakar la Ha annafartaro. la rbara of tb affair oatta of A. ' 1 it ml!r. Mr Praixva Saaakaa, Miaa "m imm aiatMaa Ow at Twaifta P. Baals kt Catear ........ Waiter Todor ..... rraak Wlatar P. Albrlckt J. Oftsajor . , . . . W. C Oavfer4 . Albert Maau U T. Startair T. P. BtUIveU .... A. ft Haatfr P. MUWr t. 8aoaT P. Bparrard ...... Laarraca Maata Cart Baraoy WlUlaai ETrk4 R. Sartta ...J,.. Clyda paaol Lyaiaa Darick H SrkoUtk R. J. Skorklay . Pred CalfT It. Sckoeakoura kaa Lks ... AtVra Edwards . MM lt UN IS.M I1VS IM UN IW Usw 1S.M IN mco(Tafcisa:xts 1 aa, . iWal a.(VlLrladaa mill alBk. If. B'' v V aawaaa. ara f w aurw w a- oy i II raw. 'lor akat wa ba cbariabad la ear CYCLONE WIOEPRi0 Oiaaatar Coara Portion, of Four ftiataa. and Dath Laaaaa Mitttioly TOPKKA. Kan. April J IBpUli La tar rat urns from th four Bataa davaaUtad by iba rrclooa of Wadna day tacrftiwd the number of il-atka and kdda lo tha total of property loaa ra. Id many ' nlanrr thr mallr towaa auffi-rmt aa well Iba larger aad lh ialfnuhlc a-rvlf- bln mar tbera l""a rhanfa for the news gettlns out to tb world. News b" roma pourlnn In all day sod It Is but a repetition of h an fMMBeaaieBt of perwns dead aad uundd sod of property destroy ad. ti list of raanaltlea iron wtrb each hour, aad tkr pn perty toaa I m!tl j plricg atsurrUlly. Ataaada Zak. Mr, rkrutlos X- Boat- ' w Wowla owl a few stuna oa j q wiaaaaodla maa. Mtaa CyBtbla Paee lh rv Uae oa the rtaak Baati ' . TW. vfll K. nl uif faralah i proKartT Bar tba Willaaaetta Rlrwr I A- rBKB thi mumi td iyrm U m Anml TaeJftb atreat Wadaaadav tka I - Srkowabora bat 'bat tae fjr vitl e Unrely at- ; "rstteratl a bwacb c ladtaa reltrs orer I E. Ilaskes tefxi la" "w ABBoac taeai aaa oee aeat p fj HearM i-i isii u wwna a piarw la a moat any rotlsrJja of relic. Busrk Is jrery proud of It aad wDi add It to kls rich (Ooatlaasd frota sa 1 1 Idiaewaa aaytkUd roa wlafc la row lawMta arbool kulldlaca" Tfcka BocUl t aaiar panvw orkeater becaata Iks wordar of aeiakborlaar toaaa Ikirak saat aUaalloa to sew kow I key rB Tk Maror of RorkestaT arwaldad SI tka aMlir aad tba woataa of Bo ekawtar pro tided a baaauat. rlxfct la tka aablle arbool baiidlac Tbea Oo- araur Nackaa waat on w n was aoiac oa at tka Rorkeaier Social - . ' rniMi. Tker ssr kirn a baaauat la ilka arkool balldlaf lis said tkoaa w paopla. "Taw are kattreaaln tfce foun IN ; dailoa of democrsry. Toa sre making riN TM laN; Tka aea aiartad wlik-ea Civic chib, T.W 'bow ik era are elakteea Clvle claba. j se sad bo aad of boys' ctwka. aad woa ,iu n'i clubs all Interacted la booatlng - ..(.Ika R orkeater sckools aad lb Iowa iof R.vkaatar. Mor tbaa tbat. Iba tSN fnreuaera Is loan rams la sad rotated itMlrlnba. tber are lo Italian Clvle v.,CIba. "This Is wbst es dreamed of " i la Italy." tkey said, -but bad lo coae T 00 io America to get It S4 00j o,- S4IM (a preatdent of Iba :LM arkool board, "has a rlsbt lo Iry to a j regwlata what tltlaaas (ball talk about Mjla iktlron tilMlm 'IT I Columbas, Uhto. Boalon. I'hlUdel-41-j pfalaall aaat dalegates to' saw wbst 41 N i was gtng oa la Roc heater, sad br tiM adopted Ike aystsm. It kaa spread to 21 j Ctnrtnnatt.-Ckleagw, Ixa Anguiea. SDI .,! Portlasd la shout to opes lbs ,u w i Iji.14 ackool building for a SorlaJ Cea- ! . ire. Rocbester has latrodiieed aBMv- (100 Ing plrturo abow, and so baa Los Aft J7 (Mt j " aduratlonal films lo Inter--. ..l e4 lha rblldraa ta tblkis worth aea 11 1 big sad knowing, pree deatal rllnlca J;hae been added. Portland atarted ILtMlione roar moo tba ago, and already too TEACHER Oe" HISTORY. M aa Mary Belle Meldrvm is QWerad Xectoaj of rartos. Coed Pwarbaw at Moacaw. af Mr a4 Mr. Heary Meidram. of CUUJN IY COURTl i nia rnj. n J- a iwwt wit of hia'ory la tbe Hlgb arkool of Moa row, MjK.. ft jti nw her PRESBYTER1AM C. L ELECTS ITS OmCERS VXitrrt WILL HOLD A kPCCIAL WKTTMiTMUR KJAY AFTER- PRAYER kCRVICE- dun at that jiuMitatloB aert falL luoenaaed from y eat ero y Mim Meldmra gradoated from t be , Frank. Da ten port , I'niteraity of Idaho Ut year, and i J; 'phelpa, ..." at prevent tnfnw-ior of French. Pby- fmLL cal rimrapby and Latin la tk High . ' ? -nvl at Ooeae. Idaho Of tb lal- r- ABderwoa ......... Iter atudy be kaa foir claaaea, and la John Wlltard m-tir. with aacresa ! Frank Darenport TTua yoang aocsaa la well knos In i . . tkla rlty wbr tbe baa a boat of ; - fneiuU bo are pleased to bear of the i A- H Miller lacratita prltlr" be baa beea of Carl Una fered. 'Willie TJna kENT TO ASYLUM. "i j O'st. Ne. 10. - Mr, r Whence Richmond, of Viols Be- ' F-' E Thomaa , cana V-onl, Sent to Salem. ; Eatacada Mercantile Co . . Mri FVjreace Richmond, of Viol. , i ,. T IL Heartrf MM O. Shock lay . .. 40.Se ! Mr. Meyrlek 4S.75 j C. fttroag 4.i Harry gaelVey 30 00 ! E. BBTder .... M.00 C Joaea -.- . ..... . S0. W. H Roettger . . $ W W. P. llartaell laS W Hughes . .. ..r..... 8. P. Load erg is ... ,. ...... . t(h E Edwards ......... 10.00 E. Lewis .......! 1.00 ao great eipetiae- T CXrfM Ej'w aday of te ri'.,",ei n fvttrtk aeid tu aemi rsituat evnrrva vf dVrs ia tka trktmxa arra TVsrsday a-git Har rj VSeT waa r-fJl are'4ea4 aad k-jat SLaara ImAry was re-elected ynanaag, ium'jtrj i Ax Meade ; tew I' 'Jfe aad Miaa Or- 7a Bw2soa 'ia arw treaarer. 'rT. Jf j" L3aa Lot. Kti-y t-ja cf wwrlaeaa were takes t k4 aWaaawd Tt preaiaeat X a p-ej Ba.taig lor text 7Wcrir ewtg after tke prsrer tbeerig tos 4 bicb tic t be ao wy wfl C tbe Midget for tbe rtr. tear it, 4eJ! father Impurt ast toaser will also te broacbt op. Tbe roong people of this awlety are going to try to take the banner J'.t the beot attendance at the Toang People's RsIW to be held In the First Preaby'erian church of Portland next Wednesday evening In connection with ihe annual ga'h-ring of the Women's North PsrlnV Board of MIalon. atn- iirtsm-ThBrHir by J-wf' nm "' pee emoa. acting la the abrf-f"eiur- aure of Coanty Judge Beetle. She T. Beeby ... baa a k a band aad threw children. f; DeShielda Jin aucaawaa aaa bee troaoiea wits ; e0 I t.N a Carmlre H Mr. Becker II HearVI DUt. No. IS. Script ur A It-iullaa WlTaoa A Cooke B. Naah C. E, Black W. Joknaoa P. E. rraak W. M. MrCbrd M. Telford 7.o IN S.N 1S.00 Wa have a gold mine la tbe public arbool hnlldlagm. Kow wa moat learn 30 00 . how to mine It. The time Is coming In Oretoa Cltr. If It has not already ar rived, whew the neighborhood of arery school building abould And there tia Boelal eeatrevavot Interfarlng with tbe arbool. bat making It all tbe more Ike people's popular palace. Bys and girls of the day schools "ill bare ad- vantage of all this equlpmeat Is the ray time. Older boys end girls, work Ine In ahooa and ml Ha and ala 1.00 wa til bat aa uplifting, helpful and lO.oo healthful placa for arening study and 10 oo recraatlon. Mea and women of middle j Ufa ran hare renew tbeir youth. Or' rhetra and slnglnc rla'aaes rag be I conducted evenings. Ths orrheslra ' clubs together to hire Its leader or aewraigta aad apeat aeven week a Is a C Duncan por-cd koapt'-al wltkowt beneflcUI re- j J Da as . a JA. Botkia .. She kaa tried to kill herself, her j Jjokcloa avaaia being aoicidal. The complaint ; waa made by A. M Barrett, sod Dr. ' ' n M C Stricklaad coaducted tbe -, - Unn SIGNS THREE-YEAR CONTRACT. aasiaaJira- Mrs Ricamocd aaa taken C. "i jv:-a laa sight. HORSE CASE SETTLED. ;p Una ... Callff .. -Dwyer Holm .. Rhodes Parti tA nattrvrv TiiAm Cvt t a i P. Keep Out of Circuit Court. . : W. Rhode When C. gcboei-! got out the paper, c. Dkvia for the app-al of the Tom Montfeline , Marshall n H v ynck horae trading cae. rs iiiiendinr to tk- it into the Circuit Court, there was a acurrylng around Trr)an Powder Co.. to get it settled. Tbe defendant saw , c. H flauchy, Jr... that If th, csm. wa. taken tbrongb the ; John & 8mh '.ii'.uji 'tn auwm cxjbi mm. iua the team was worth and It waa com promised by bia paying half the coutt and calling It quits. $ : 13 ITS 1100 1S.N 00 HID 1S.S0 U.M 1JM its 00 MS 1.12 1 12 n.75 4.50 2.2$ 2.2S 4. SO 2.25 .1 7 . 101 . 12.00 , 1 j oo j (cncral lac tare In the large ssaambly ll.Oo . halls of escb building wber all gather 20.00 ! (ber gather at a Chautauqua lec- tralner. and practice once a week. . J m A .1 .Li I ntiin lur mt arBU,t riiuix riiui Diet. Ne. 11. ...... t OS 75 ...... 10.00 jC. Peckover 19.00 ; Percy Smith 15.00 LMattPog Prank Hendricks W. McCord O. P. Bslley D U BoyUg W. Ralney CHst. Ne. IS. Wltaon A Cooke ........ Wm Csaeday I. T. Meldrnm ......... Harry Cray Fred Chlnn D J Hughes Geo. Kelland W. 0 Randsll J. R. Cowthon .......... A. Siaehflr Ci. I. Thomas ,4 v. T. Ellefaoa Wm. Rtaehely 40.40 11.00 eo.oo 42 SO SI SO 62 50 tare. Sunday afternoons are given to choral singing, under a paid taseber. Rochester found that nearly all her lecturts were coulnbuted; It did not II ncjeoaV a cent abors now and then some i speaker a car fare. Ia Oregon Cltr wltk Its hundreds of mill boys. It Is our duty lo opea to : them our school houses, and to go our ST.Soj aves and meet and make their ac ' jgualntance. We do not know enough i of ona another. Eighteen yeare ago """"lour Chsutauqua here grew out of a I . IS.OVj study circle at my houas. Now we I 7 .SO I need more: w need a Chsulauqna all 100 1 (D Jr"r round, where everybody en ta Ait i receive th beat American Inatltntlonv have to give good elilieoablp. social . 3.oo j recreation, and educational uplift.. . 57.00 j . 2S.7i STAFFORD. . Zt.ZD 41.75 17.N IS 00 WASHINGTON. April 13. Walter Johnson, the Wahlngton American league team's star pitcher, who left the team while In Atlanta In training, r-fulling to sign for a salsry less than t"V0. ban come to terms with the club and aiinied a contract for three years st a salary aald to be $21,000 for tbe term. Johnson has resumed training, and will be pitcher either Saturday or Hunday. THE HALL OF FAME, . t I NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE Moat relelirated of tlie early American X novelists. J Born Halt-iu. .A Msxs.. July I 4. 1H04; died f Ply month, N. 1 U.. May l. ? 1WH. Was I graduated from now- i doln college X lo 1829. Mervsd In Boston cus- torn bouse 1S1H-41. Member of Brook Farm aaaodatlon In 1841. Rurveyot of tbe port at Salem 18VJ-8. United Ktatea rountil at Llvarpoal 1H.VJ 7. Returned to X TJnltad States In 1801. Ills moat famous book Is Tb Hearlet Z Letter. prfbtlahed In 1X50. His first story, "Pauahsws.M waa published In 182 at bis own ex- T Dense. Awoug bis well known f books are "Twlcs Told Tsles," T -XIAMmm Vmrn IMA at "Tbe fJouM of tbe aeven Ga bles." Tsnglewood Tsles" and "Tbe Msrble Fsun." NEW O.W.P. SCHEDULE VERY DISSAPPOINTING CARS LEAVE FEW MINUTES BE FORE HOUR. THROWING EM PLOYES BACK HALF HOUR. Rivers 4.01 WfflemHmHHTt until 7::68pnm.! . Employes of the mills and factories of Oregon City will be disappointed ahen the new schedule of the Port land Railwsy Light A Power Co. goes into effect next Sunday. Working peo ple from tbe woolen and psper mills bav found the cars leaving Oregon City at 6:35 and 6:07 p. m. a great convenience, but under tbe new sched ule they will be compelled to wslt nearly s half hour before taking a car for their homes In Uladatone and other suburbs north of Oregon City, where scorns of tbem reside. Theatre goers in Portland, too, will not rejoice over the new schedule, for tbe car leaving Portland at 11:15 bas Imen cut out, and tbe first car after tbe theatres departs st 11:52, unless the Mhow Is out early enough for the patroiiM to catch a car that leaves at 10:62. Cndur- tbe new schedule the first car lesves Oregon City st 5:46, the next at 6:17, than 6:47, 7:21, 7:58, S:28 and every 30 minutes until 7:58 p. m. After that time the csrt leave at S:2S. 8:06. 0:36. 10-(l!l- 11 -UK and 12:04. There la a car leaving at 8:16 ! p. m. that goes to the barna at Bell wood. ' Tbe last car leaving Oregon 'City for Portland at 12:04 Is sn Im provement over the present service at night. Out of Portland tbe first car leaves at 6:27, then 6:56, :27, 7:04, 7:31, then every 80 minutes after which hour the 4O0 16.00 2.00 f 23.10 10.00 9.00 3.00 20.00 20.00 2.00 7.76 Morsten L Clyde Best on Diet. Nov 12. W. E Haherlach H. owalea F. 0. Rlebhoff A. McMurray A. Eaden E. C. Cerber T. E. Anderson F. W. Rlebhoff Oiat. No. 14. Beall A Company , Pope A Company : Straight A Ssliabury D. C. Robblns 12.7 wiiaon ac tooH ............. tJ.II.Zi) C. W. Frledrlch 7.45 Everhart A Hall 9.45 R. Grove 14.60 Owen Parry , ,6.75 Ward Bros. 1.60 A.. R. Stephens 18.60 S. Norton 48.00 Geo. Randall 22.00 Ernest Gelbrlck- 11.25 H. Engel 22.50 P. gchelber 16.00 Tom Rlsncbard 20.00 N. Crltser 22.00 D. Crtteaer 20.00 C. Glaxler 6.00 E. McArtbar 12.00 Nell Thomson 21.7.1 Diet. No. 17. C. Thorns-. 29.00 Herman Plpkey 39.00 D. R. Dlmlck 32.50 D. R. Dimlck; 27.50 14.45 1.00 16.60 " Kann uen inn A. Johnson , . . . D. Hklnner A. II. Knight Dlst Ne. 18. vVllson A Cooke . -' Wm. M. Moehnke J. II. Cumins H. H. Hughes 6.00 10.00 6.00 4.00 10.00 f 7.10 160.63 1.75 .80 Hassler Af e You a : Subscriber to b'n e New Daily? - If The Morning enterprise la to be ss - successful aa tba Interests of Oregon City demand It must needs have the support of all. Tba new dally has a big work before It in boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour support maana more strength for the work. , Vill You Help Boost your owa Interests? - Fo! 4JLmU,d Hm th Mo1"! Bnterprtsa will b sold to paid In advance ubacrlbers aa follows; . . , c r. i r..r.. ,,,.00 2.00 A. Bblnburn J. B. Cumins J. F. Olbbs P. Unn G. Roberts D. L Torrants W. Lewis C. A. Clark A. Schmebel ................. J. Murapower B. W. Teckert P. F. Sharrard H. 'HIddleson W. Brenner M. C. Bprague D. J. Thorns P. Rltnoer. A. Splinter L Georgia O. C. Newman........ 29.25 43.6! 39.60 163.00 40.00 62.60 6.00 60.00 73.76 22.60 7.60 60.60 60.00 6.00 60.00 67.60 60.00 19.00 26.00 48.75 52.60 O. Moehnke : 12.00 A. Staoen '. 12.00 A. niuhm ". 16.00 J. Bluhtn 12.00 11, Hansen ' 8.00 C. Moehnke 10.00 J. Moehnke 2.00 Chas. Moehnke 4.00 A. Moehnke 4.00 H. Moehnke 4.00 C. Grofismlller 8.00 B. Duol ...... ....I.... 4.00 0. A. Shnbet 6.00 M. Hnllmsn .' 4.00 L. Mower .' 1.26 Wm. Martin - 7.00 W. Martin ifl.oo A. Bluhm 30.00 H. Staben 20.00 Wm. Thomas , , j.oo F. Kamrath 40.00 (Continued Tomorrow.) .. Read tbe Morning Enterprise. w owen g. thomas Put Yourself in the Ad-Readers Place... BLACKSMITHINQ AND . REPAIR -v WORK. Bsst of work and satlsfsctlon 0"r antsad. Have your horses shed by an axpart, i paya, A'l work tlon you Job 4 When you write your classified Kinas or repair work arM amlthv r . "r " "'na or an ad Irr t a . Prompt service: areater nor. f '"elude In It just the Information of yeur work can be done while ,ou a to "nd If you were an de your trading. Give ma a trial aa-raider and were looking foi an and asa f I can't please you. T M,f tna.t klna' d If you do this to even a small I OWEN G. THOMAS V t Si?nw wViS Cr. Main snd Fcm-i, r-.. Or-i Cly I . . A A A A This part of tbe universe awoke on Tuesday morning lo a white world. Snow an Inch deep bsd fallen, and farmers with grain and clover seel la th ground rejoiced. And again Wedneaday morning Uiere had been a little flurry of snow, and stock were glsd to stay under shelter and eat dry fodder. It rained Saturday evening, which kept a few from attending the entertainment and basket aoclal at the achoolhouse, but the room waa comfortably filled, and after a abort but entertaining program, Justice Bamaon, of Oregon City, mounted the platform and auctioned off the baa- keta In his naual style, reminding the young gentlemen of his standing; offer to marry any one who paid 15.00 for a basket, and added lie would even throw In his picture (a cbromo). The baskets all brought good prices, 26 baskets bringing tbe nest little sum of IC0.6O. Tbe teachers had also pro vided eight gallona of Ice cream. wbich netted $6.00. One basket sold for 87.00, hut there seemed to be a little sbensnlgsn about It. However, everything, aside, from that oassed off ploaaantly, aa tbe disturbing ele ment who were so thoughtless at a few of the meetings held at the achoolhouse two weeks ago, were con spicuous by their absence, or bad learned wiadom and kept quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Powell went to Wood land to visit her sister on Saturday, ana returned on Monday, Mr. Welsenburg had tba misfortune to have bis hen house catch fire on Tuesday night, about 10 o'clock, and ournna aooui 800 chickens. A neigh bor saw the Are Just by accident, and ran, alarming others as he went, tele phones Jangled and men collected as soon aa possible and aaved most of ine laying hens and one hen and chickens, but had hard work to keep the house from burning. One of the children la sick with ine measles. Tba school hoard die- mlaaed the school, and there waa none Monday and Tuesday, but finally de cided to let It continue, therefore on Wednesday the school assembled onoo more. The school purchased a flag soma years ago, but It haa lain folded In the library until patrona forgot we had one, but Saturday It waa ran un and the house looks as every school house noma, under tbe protection of the bisrs and Bin pes. . The alck at Relnt DoNul'a get bet- irr very sinwiy, nut seem to be stead- liy Improving. The mother alia up fm. nW M'M W,Ck' th nUr. aiimiaance upon the little boy. Last week, our supervisor, assisted by Perry and Frank Sharp, were run- Mr. and Mrs. Nest came out from roniana ana held the uaual aervloea morning ana evening on Sunday and stayed a couple of days and visited ine people, returning to tholr homo on Tuosdny evening. They ere rery pleasant, nice people, although aome oi us may not fully agree with them in aome of their teachings, but they have the merit, wa helleva. in heins mcere. Anna Nemlo waa home from school at Oregon City for the entertainment and stayed over. Sunday, and went with her mother to visit friends at Axe Tpa o t i To 1blke BJe. D AI L Yi The Mostokq Act Will You Help U Boost Your Own Interests? 4 car oy carrier, ye By mail, t year P 1 1.'-'.. i ' 'i Send in Your N: ' . A " ' . and Remittal wiisonvwe Over Sunday, -