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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1911)
IfORNDtO ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, , APR IL 4, ,1911.' HOWES EHTEEP2ISE I cxicoar crrr. ojtrcoa? C C sVROOtK. CW mm4 are t IMlIi'ii 'aaJe'eaBa? "e oJwae P?iJ tee a a Mara a. id tens sf nuur im j W lMw By aaa r: i f " -Mmvas lim .- , : nm Pa. are nhi immm . ' PWM P. per tar ..! .i ril I . . . atae mir etW tVu fVH sua. aw aarai I 1 V Urn tee mt Km: aa rmiar tarta bsbbsb by tke -1 yar ago did tk tb party craft, ad tkeae a Ow la th Repwbttaaa party j aad waatas atay there U thte to th ca why U at ttttTW areas at Rep VI bwrsklp la OaagT tol Biedsed to thwart m ik Mit(ttoKWMlCMnutoBa eaaage? Three plausible ro.J f wale may to ikt ti Veterans of the ;Civil Var Give . Salute to Departlntf Soldiers IM jmeMiMnidm. Jl -A tort MWr C tifiMKw k pege Bet M eay th latetwet u lor .r Not a lr RrUinu wra to b dated aad aot to bar tecovtced fros Ik blow administered. i S rwc-trnfa llaUWa Inf . to CAM What tk ot rotate of tk Hat i t. or what damage to do to tke atP-rty; they parpoee to etaad by tk at-aa ewe ; interests u4 to do so k sack stead- ite wt ! fastaea tkat look en oa ruaot r. wtthart ftenr. tke rat. w3 ee a. ! Cause of tk stand tk few old war- aal Ti si. i i sitinV" .korse u tk Rrpubocaa ruki bar " Oaaa rtiK rrinniT wware ; take la regard to tk tariff tk tar- tc Krin-p-w IS vkirk M to w our Repoklkoot Lal aJTrUatac at Ircai tfniia j fiyinz at koto after tk raplradoa of ... - ... . ?tk oM CoDkTM. Tk old war- Mntuai at n t v aa ax. xnr. ' kor dactoro tkat . tkr akall b o t Waat& Tm Sal. 9 Maat. c. LI:; to bf aua i la rw i ; tariff rtrfekw at tela akm.'va If 1 TB-'iai5- a4 Baakrwrt ! ,hT n tklr TTy biftkrisktS ' '. ai. to tk ia4poat for tkir roteo to aw. wti iaimvr to facmi ruiiia. t ' Tift nark a rwrfltWT aearfnr taaai n to rae eaa aay Kooeaa vmo rot4 to vmxitj tk party, aad vko lid ec to kptc at bom nvany of tko bo vest contrary to popvlar doasaad. bUT tkat tk wko ats( thla reboie or tk parry cifac to tk old krr caa do ao ex eept to pay a political debt, or kcaa tkey ar ovaed body aad aoaj by Ik totervtta tkat tk lauitj akields aad fotrT CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. April 4 l.i American JJistory. . 1TTS-Wablnrtoo' arey hrt Cam bride. Ha. Id marvb to tk de fesa of rw Tori - 1T9S Tkaddro Ktrrroa. atatennaa bora; D4 1X Utl WTlIUai Henry Oarruoa. aiatk praakVat of tb Cnlted SIjiml died: bora 1773. - UCS-rrMideot Uncoia ratmd RW - It doeaal follow tkat one nnat tmrm kia back on fcl party bea ao torg a pro port ioo of it repreatatie Mod: Mqaeoc f tb faQ f r-1 aeent to bare tar on tkdr becto, tori ursMrx aa uo eracaatM i .it ,nmld admonlak him tkat It may uar rapxai oy ta cozuraerai. t&v. t .v,,. Lmu,.!,, U79 ata. rattenoo-Boaaparte. at a tlma wtf of Jrroac VapoJe ' ao yaaajt brotker. died; bora ITS. XSB3 Peter Cooper, pkltoatkiaadat. fovader of Cotter tnstitatc. la Kew Tort. dSd: bora 17DL n06 Gcaeral Blaoro. last raptaia r cral of Cah. d: bora 1632. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. I tiona to set all of tk kebckoiea of tk Intereat oa tk oat aid of tk ring. wber tkey caa do Utile barm. Tk mw Demorratie awaoera ar tke lateat repreaeatatlTea of tk peo ple, and tkey ar prkapa closer to tk people tkao aay other. And la many raaea tkey ar tk repreoeata Ut of tke diarttsted Repaklicaaa la (Fn ooon fdT ,o Iookw, j twU1- kere tk RepabU- taa aeta "i. rWa 523.- 128 a. ai. REPUBLICAN FOLLY MAOE DEMO CRATIC CONGRESSMEN POSSIBLE, la tk Congr ration 1 1 election in 11S tke Repabllcaaa kaaded tk caa-' KTesa fail to learn of tke past caa found it aeresaary to vote for a Democrat la order to Had a man who would 'repmeot tketa ia fact aad aot tie hia csartot to tae traat tkat waa phtaolar to rob Ike auaae. Aad there are kandred of Repabllcaaa who will repeat tke doae If It la aeresaaryJ If tb Repabllcaaa still left la Cob. thU e. I 1 - I II,.:' -t I I I v 1 TV SL'IPlf STOUlf Of PiE- LADIES OF CONCRtOATlONAL CHURCH WILL ,StVt THt , MAMMOTH PUMPKIN MAY t rrrta dt Moay. real tat ata oa 8a(k atreet. kav a Urg dla- play of frulta aad awa ia laur offtro. Aad oompylag a chief poaitioa aatoag tk artlcU displayed la a atam BMHk pi paaptln. that kaa ba ad mired a to Ha alt aad beauty by tkooaaada. WkaL tklak you. do tfc peopl latead to do wUh II aad I key promt to art bfor It to too 1st W1I lt yoa la on tk crl May 2 Is tk dai of tk avomniy meeting of lb Congregational Brotk- erbood for May. That win ia i attlng of th Brotherhood aatli after tb summer ena vsraiioa oema taka during tb aarm aummer m.iu at that Hate aa affort will be put forth to mat tk meetlag a Meord-braaklaa treaL Prominent Mikin will he arranaed for aad th todte of tb eburrk haowa far-ad Ui for tka axrtlac of their aup- hm-an alaanlne to Srr OB of laalr moat toothsom repasts. Aad her wher that big pumpkla comes la ilka th old rooster irai waa belna eared aalll th tin tbal tk prackr akold com for dloar. At tkt baaauet tk Udle of tk Co gregatJoaal charcb win aenre this big pampkla la pita aad oh awca pM aa tby ar to b. oa of the boat P aiaken la tb rhurrk to to b g1n a o c UTOtmrrr riwMwt THE FIRST NATIONAL D' " of 0REG071 CTTY, OREGON ' ' CAmAUlSOdSSS.Oa, S-naral taaktof tualnsa. , If. . . .' MACHINISTS. Ws d aeaeril rMnf. rkvn trtWlllfrV mads ri as aw. lapartg wHk aanna ng In, aoes; Mala mi Ha.ll'. ' -0, 1W FOURTH STRUT' 0RI00N CITY. REDUCTION During Ih reat aaentk a discount n mil DUI Wrk akr nu Marek. 1910. 111 a plala atory of growth. Receipts which wer sjiad up from a wider territory tkaa tost kalf dnaa aaalataats aad lamed too i yesr. war aa follows: , oa that puatpkla aad tkea tk maa la I March. 11. Catttom; Oneoa Cite wko falls to connect with ?: Iarra. 11?. a pleco or piece. If h la real god at I March. 1910. Cale. lit; tk baaaat of oa of tkoak pie Is going to talss half of tk ptoaaar of the aammer of 1111. Tkaa edtk tk story oa pi. lar r mr. Tkia will a a aatoadld fa, r hse been waiting t M their aeBtal weea o(,'X ' t make arranasmsat rly to fH aa spool at m.M 1 April Is a dull fK tort w preoeee to Mh Tk' n uaork will a tk bWd wwaaraatoa tk. "m r -.atss Is r t ye.rW J7rlCa DR. L. L. PICKENS DR. G A. r- DcstUU ' - Pseln States WelnharsJ P"a Wt. , . Ma. M Ami from Uat report. t. deamg, Prt. Real good ptXiiZT ' r act command. TlTj S 'JX' ra aot eaougk uSgVr-J l auaatltle.. frVu2l5' off lto a hu4itVr I? te:ir?- March. kJarral Marco. March, Copyrtsht ky Sr-VXTMEXT to strong among tke old soldlera. aa was saowa at Korfolk wkaa tk aoldtora there preprd to start aa tke harried trip to Texas. Tkera to a soldra hoc Bear Norfolk, aad tk ewtrraa f tk crtU war wee deeply totersoud, la tk warlike prepare tloae, Wbea tk tba cam for tk soldier to embark tk veteran lined ap sod grareJy Belated tk younger aaea. Wke caa tefl what tkougbts war coajared ap la tk mind f tk racoraa aa tkey stood at "ttteatW aad watched tk yoaag ansa to Ma depart? Did they psrrar tk days a half cwarary ago wbea tkey toft their koose t go to tk front, aad did tkey ery the ewaarer mea wko wer t e wsr ere If It wer aly aaak bettor Tk Dirt are a bora aaowa a Uao f tk reteran bidding tk yoaagee men fareweU. Tk other plrtar akows aaembers ef tk FoanJl caralry ptrell!xig tk Ba betwae El raao. Tea, aad Juam. Mexkro. to see skat tk aowtiattry tow ar atiered la ' BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. R- L. eV P- Ce. Eeaotoy to Cl brat th Event at th Oaks. admiasioa aad th skating aad dancing patllioBa will b pea to tkoee stieod lag. . TWILIGHT LITERARY. -Th Match Boa" t Be Put Tws WMfc. w Tk Urvrary toiOty of Ik TwllHcht arbool met at th ernoot-i oa Bat' arday alag, aad oav of tk ket arograjna r glrea by tb Boclety waa oa tkat nlcbt. Tk room waa Blled to Its caparttf with aa appre ciative aadleae, Tb program waa la charge of Mrs. Marion Thompson, Cka. Caldwell aad Curtis Dodd. It to tk tnteatioa to glr a play at tk Beit meeting, la leo weeks. Tke 111. SSI; Increase, 1 March. ldr hog 4J: lilt. Tt; laeroas. till March. Itl. skeap IMS; llt. IM1- Incraaae. looja. March. 1910, horse aad mule tot: March. 1911. ill; dorraaa. It March. 191, Care 401: March. 1911. WMi lacraaa, 10T. . : Rclpt for tk week bar been litt eattto. Ill ealvaa, lotl kogs, Out aheep. V Tk cattl market waa lie hlaher. ia aaeep market waa lie to IS high er. Tk bog aaarket waa Mead to lower aad horse, aad KBtoa sold at good price, oa four bora team brought lim. Thee war shipped out from Chlrejro. There la an at tract! re demand for good -korses aad fsrmera la tk raclAc North weal caa VEcrrABU-utihj a.- 41 The employes benefit aaaortottoa f Dit'ftCdttcAwhIa Piayino Baee BalL tk Light and Power Department oft W. E. Taylor, son of iTlX Tsrlor: wer be Portland Railway Light and Power i of thla rttr. wKa i. ..f..4i., tv- rw. Company will bold a famllv rennloa 1 ma Aeriraltarmi fiL... tor 1 ml lies of tk company aad tkelr ! lag baa hall a few days aco. dls- was : frienda at itm rtk m . ... .... ... . . . ... Jim uw, wnica will ao OOQDt Tb occaaioa for tk celebratioa la prevent aim from becoming a member th attainment of a reaerve of th geator baa baU tm of tb fund by the aaaoctatioo la less tkaa a ; College, which position k has been year. There is to be no cbarg for working hard to achieve. dldatea oa tke Republic ticket a Democratic circle will widen material . great, big lemon. Perhaps those wko If- Republican folly further continued received tkea lemons for there were may seat a Democrat ia tk White ait a n ember of them wbea tkey are ' House, all counted have aot tasted tkem and ' are totk to think tkem lemona, but ELEVENTH BIRTHDAY. tkey are. Aad oae woo Id naturally suppose tk party, aa I party, would 1 Friends Sorpris Cecil Stuart Satur begm to perk ap a lUUe to see wker 1 Ur It to eHpping. and If possible try to: J'.iil SI' get a to hold before slipping to the ' utTttt on Saturday evening, it being bottom of tke bJIL bis eleventh birthday, making of It an Bat partiea ar mack Ilka men. of 1 prU rooi Jbere wer a acor . . . " i of young folks in 11a wbea they which they are composed; keoc tk ,wooped d0wn on kirn la the early r- a-qiKi waicn we eee that same old j ealag. and tke event proved party hunching Itself Dp into position enjoyable one. The evening waa glv- to receive a few more lemotu And P to Sms and mnslc. with r- b-h -t .v.. , ; freshments suitable to tk occaaioo. , them-meanlng tb mes w Park, WOB the first prlM ,nd composing tk party who were not Violet Farr was awarded the booby, alaughtered in the last election, tkere- Thrse present were: Millie Jacob- by thinking tkems'res snd their po- tjT'- Lor'n Flagler, Norman Will, .ok- Annis Farr. Hsxel Parr. Vera Fair. ;'nva Park, olet Fair, Beryl Her-1 Why did tb Republican nartv re. bhr.a. Tereaa Hluart Kenneth n'.r , cedva aack aa orertamlng In tke late Kennetb Wrxdwar1. Gerald park, Mel lectioa? to this Information hard to l'V',' Took Wallace Farr. -A, or do tk majority of th Re- Ashbaugh and Cecil Smart, publican, hanging on-many of tkem j Rejoice Bicium If, s Girl, by tk skin of their teeth imagine Born. Monday. April 3. to the wife tkey caa Ignore the drift ai.d pull ' rrMk E Andrewa of Fifth and through again f Madison streets, a daughter. III, vi IHf VI.I WU MP 1 ... . . .... . t. - .. in u-t i. -.144 to I hair laonai br arvoartB ta many of tk young people of Twilight. --- -?m """" w A bow ataaw will b conatrartad thla . Hpratata sales hare ha as lMrvw ay . wek and drop curtains added. Twa a Bowncina Boy Baby. Bora. Kuaday, April t. to th wife of P. S. Flnnoeana. a 16-nnantt aoa. 1 1 .1x90 HIS TTT1II LATEST IDLIKETS - Prttand Markets. Receipt a -o tkto market for tk moath of March as com pa red with Tiara ar those who aver that th j Hold Fast to the Ideals of the Ameri can Home! By P. HOPRINSON SMITH. Author and Artist ' flT.Tl l . 13 i t . .... . . I ' ' k ana tradition ol tiia .! , JL A Amcrican tome and refuse to let tbc nub 7' - o' modern btuineas wecp tbeta ivay. 7 - V. . Prt of 106 tred men of tb . , , ow a7 to keep p gentleness and breeding in ! tbd da jg to come. ' '-i ' t 1 Joa"Uck fprt7 Vesrs.' Look .t . -- tna Daameat nan of that daj. Sea bim returninfj , C v from tig ofiSce ten sqoares from borne in tbe earl afternoon. He ; , diamoonta from hid hone and goes inside. Soon bo returns to the . .- t..Pla prepared for him. Tbe hose bag been played on the cobble. " to ntM in coo! comfort. - JJig danghtcr twine, her arms ground him: 'I ' ' V 'Aga'n- " PIct,Dre wbjcb drawn in the west. A It U-of a man "Tj; ortn fourteen million dollars. ""A lad froma' farm, with tha opportn ' aUies which America 'baa offered, he haa- AMASSED GREAT V: WEALTTX .But . T1TE COSTi At sixty ho is READY, TO 1K0P INTO A PREMATURE GRAVE, a grave which should " not claim him for years. " ' ' V-v V, ,' v. . , . , WE NEED TO GO BACK.' TO SOME OF THE THINGS OF THE ' - S,AV tr 0L WE NEED'TO TAKE TIMe JO REVERENCE AQE, .. . Wi NEED TIME TO RESPECT OUR WOMEN. TO ' 00 JUSTICE TO : L' PM,LDREN' AN THEN SOMETHING OF THE OLD CONTENT Nf WILL BE OURS AGAInI- V -' , V I HaBBWaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaB a most IB I i I II x steers ! sleer 192 steers UI0 I r aires 10 U calva in IS) hoga hi Si hog 1 hog 1 w ... .IMS X cows .,.t riM 14 cows MJ 3S cows S7I 1 1119 haU ,.ijjs 111 lamb wool ......... Id til lamb shora 94 119 wthrs shora 14 I01I.W... a II four bora team . 1 team drafters . 1 team male I chunks US 1 ma ir.od I.M - S.1I 00 S.Od 4JM M cT .' I.Sd (.04 71 1.19 140 I.M 1.71 1.49 4.10 4.10 11779 S7S XI tli The Kind That STANDS OUT Read the Morning enterprise. vf . GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY - ': .; Our New Sted Die Embossinc MaftinelSTUETIllNG Oregon City ENTERPRISE In' (he front nok ot the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAP SYSTEMS Ore son city Market. Markets, a a eaaaeaJ (bine aria slowly movtner down warde lart -J is comaa from th fact that th aa crop of eertala fooda la beDg barvaet. ia aoatBiaada. Othr to ssooauaa win Booa b aapptoatad by aw crop, or are loalne tka ;uu"' " uey poaseas aad must b-eooa marketed. If at all. camatag th price to fail. Thus, taking th Bsarkt aa a Whol. tkaro ia aa aaalae e.ii aw a . wmmm pvcea ana ia aom ca ft Is OU BOUCMbl. APPUOood stock to ecare) aad high, prlc ranging from 91 to It Local stock la nearly goa aad tk Hood River product la reduced to a lrt In tk local marked. rWATOEa Market la a Httl off - v. to arte but mu J about tb. aama OrdoamaK 4 carrot a TVs to i isek 23 ta ll li sack. cabbalT T. TSUbtos ar coahii hx prte. Local lettaestJ&fcV radiabaa Sc. onioag e; CC lac 10c head, asparagai lOehL Maalcaa tomatoes Itssssai .rLom a.vo rttD-utwd la flou,; ii.Bg dewg ta 91 tt 1 brtaglag about LM; ssat H to 14 90. la faed tk tssdeaty h t warC Rraa oaiaaaii tl 1 114, ahorta 4 to fU. Mat h. JO. proreaa torley UL ska I 29. cracked com J9. WHEAT mia ta iw kMi . ht show aa sdraae ef u k k C babe. Chlraro sad batara aa ar lower. Holders tore aat n prte and the local arte, a fc ft ' above th Mpnrtlsg prka. Um: era ar paying Sto to Ms tte k MAYls vary weak maad. Those ah kavs katonl. aotweH protactsd want to Met r lag th pric to grsdsaOy sMUt tower Vv.L Clover II is 111 at ' 111 to 111 tlsMthy 111 sss lit 1 fa comaiaads III ( $10. OATS (Meiers Wring or g, la meet the ams4 to Ike el tint, lagwgray 1U. while IBM Is L. tkat lb market Is vssk sal a. factory. BUTTER Very eU aai tor oaly romniaadlng frost 1st h 1 creamery always stlf aad saax lac lOe to lo no. Tto fri market Is only psjrlsg troa Ik t Ida. rkolc dairy IU krtM SO t Z&c BOOkV-Prices about tkt V demand about equalling Iks K Quotation at 19e doses. - v poiI trt Prices sn isatf higher and lbs demand sl I kriiw la masters Mc. VKI aad salted chickens lie to U4 lac aotag la larger fowls. VXATS-Vesl. dressed, h 19 t lie. kogs i tsd I ttt big giwul for mutkai IkM salt acta according ta akst h sL tETCS-CrseB I psaH , dry btdea 11 to 144 Astir" to) Tke each, WOOL wrrars lfa to 1 T saohatr tie to I0& t)SJCD TtinT-rspW a aad 7e, sod dried k. ' lAXT-oelimi M !L M lb, aaek. hslf ground T 100 Ih, sacks. , , Garage and Repair Sl)o; J ELLIOTT J. PARK V ; " 5th Street between Main and S. P. R. & Atetopobilcs for HifC ' Day of Night Gun and Locksmiths General Repairing . f BrazfDfi nd Vnlcanizin. 'Actntafof lesserVsrk: Caamteed Columbia, nartford aad Flyer BICYCLES pacirk rtM HTJiati" It Wouldn't Pay - to Advert v A Poor Afticle-r- :! .Nor a proposition f awobtful 'morlt. r fionsstiMef ' "", ar DISCRIMINATING. They knw vshs-,7 GENUINE things, genuln dportunltts. . : : Aay arttol whleh un to sold by advsrtlslno GOOD srtlols. f VOlTar safe In buylnfl .s tMa .M " th fir ef publicity." ; , . . . . V .. ' -f ;,: . .:, ' Th msksr of a wldsly advsrtlssd artlol. ar eo"B0,"v' wsys an trial for hi business lf. He earmt shirk, nor c-produot-nd this la th bst posslbls a,rttlan for f fr .You ar SAFE In buying advertised ;thln8-', K nowadayg buslnsss conditions.