Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
' M0UN1NQ ENTEKPRI8E,-FKIDAY, MARCH 10,-1911. ; . : v...... THE CHICAGO STORE Pays the highest pftc (or Second Hand Goods We boy And sell Second Hand Clothes W lo do cleaning and pressing 405 MAIN ST., OREGON CITY PHONE MAI1U7J1 LOCAL DRItrS i.,.. in. large fat Norway mackerel, in, lit HrrU' r,'rir' L Tmld. of Molalla. ba. purchaaed n,. ford r K,,lott "d r',rh" 'rknir. office room, la Qambrluu. JJ- learn heat. J- Tubln. ih'ii I Nul, of Bherwood, waa In JL tit, on business Thursday. 5 M"-fl,",n. of Krtm,r'. w" ,n Oregon i-liy on Thursday. rutrre Wright, of Liberal, was In Oregon City on Thursday on bu1' mm trip. v To will go ,,,n lo fln L rini aa ' i'ure White," II 48 a imrrU" Oroc.ry. frank Hull, of Cascade Locks, wa. b orrtt" on Wednrsdsy, and inrrnl at the Electric Hour Msrl Jon'; ad of William Jones, i Mullno U very III wlib pneumonls gad a nurse la In attendance. a purt, rmKiaiHl of Miles' Clinton, tA Trnori.ti. Cal and Milt 1'rlra. want lo WmNlburn Wednesdsy evening and returned .homo Thuraday, . H A Montgomery, of Centralis, Wain traiianctlng business In Oregon t'"y Wednesday and Thura- ur y r . Thud Ktii.D. a brother of IJvy Htlpp. vu In Oregon lily on i nursusy. iwr. Stlpp I known farmer of Lib ril The Sunday arhool traded . union - will meet on Friday afternoon at I t'elork at te nspiisi. cnurcn. nri, ay A Whit win learn mi pn-iinun 1 ary let 'or next Sunday. - Any Intelligent person may earn a upo Income corresponding ior nw eitwrlehco unnecessary. Bend Mima for full particulars. . Empire PTMi Syndicate, Mlddleport. N. T. Tb Mountain View Improvement Club "HI m",t Curran hall this aranlng. and the election of offlrera will taka place. Utner DUeinea. win w. ikhan mi . m r- j . d j. ThlTWla. formerly of Wlno- . . I J .J t. - Si, Minn, liui wno nas reaiueu tur ipi put two years In Portland, where be Ii reprentliig the Dal ion adding ma chine, wss In Oregon City Thuraday, tad whlin here vlalted wltb J. R. Brarndlr, who la alao from Winona, Ulna. Putting U New Store. CaWla KiM hfr, of Canby, waa In 'Orrfon t'lty on Wedneaday on bual Mt In Tonnertlon with the farming Impltmrnt houae hla father, A. Koch r, U mtabllahlDg- here. Andrew -Korhar wa here and la baring the grhrara building, which be will occu py, rvouKb lod. New ahelvlng and an offtre la Ix-ing Installed, and much of the farm tnai hlnery Is arrlrlng. Th More room aouth of the 8rhram store room hu alHo been rented by Mr. Kocher, who will put In a line of wtfont and bugglee. They will re Ula tWr ettabllahment in Canby, their bona, having Juat finished one of the tout up-to-date bungalows In that efty The grounda have been bfotllKl, and cement walks cod- MnicMd. PEOPLE POINTED OUT Mrs. Charles Spangler, of Caxua, la nry III at her home with pneumonia. MIm Clara Koerner, or 8t Johna, u In Oregon City on Thursday rlatt Ing with frlenda. Mra. J. W. Cole, who has been very 10 with la grippe, la able to be out Kiln. " ' Mrs. Wlrkham, whoae home la on Sixth and Monroe atreeta, Is very low, and her condition Is serious. - Mra. J. W. Jonea has gone to Port- Itad, whfre abe will visit for a few iyi. ' . f Mia Clara Koerner, of Bt Jobna. a former teacher In the Oregon City , KhoolH, wan In the city Thuraday calU kf on her girl frtnda. j Mra. Frederick Gurapert, of Port Und, In vlHltlng with her parenta, Mr. tnd Mm (. A. Deckel, of Mount Pleas ant. I Mr. Andrew Robertaon, formerly In in grocery bualneaa on Bevenin treet, was In Oregon City on bualneaa ' " : . . - J!". McC"lnd, da'ignter vi ricu met ituniauu, ie tvij 111 wim pneumonia ut the family residence on Seventh street. Mr. Fnwik Jaggar, of Cam., one or t ll, I . la. . I . I II J V " Den, ii not tne nasi roaa-ouiiuer a In (he county, waa In Oregon City on DininfRi TliurHday. Mra niiiM, nfDnttlind t siting with her alater. Mra. Deutte. X M fifth at root. She I. alao looking -"i iMuyrrijr iniereaia nere. ' Meiirs. Harry DM per, Roy Young Mn r. Clark Ur im and Wm. M. Bton. compoHndi.a ''box party" to at- ttni tht nerformanra at the ICIeotrlO T 5"trs Wednesday night. Sri. rted Woldner went to Portland ! " Tharsdar, where she will visit wltb 1 Jr "tighter, and will probably un-.;; rK0 a luralpnl xninilnn at tha hna ' . ltl befor. her return to Oregon City. It Wouldn't Pay A Poor Article- Nor . proposition of doubtful merit or honesty for ad-readera, "diys, are DISCRIMINATING. They know valuea thsy know GENUINE things, genuine opportunities. Any artlole which can ba Bold by advertising Is, by that teat, a GOOD article. YOU are) safe In' buying 'a thing which has "stood th fir. of publlolty." , Tht maksr of wld.ty advsrtlssd artlole, or commodity, I. at yi on trial for hi. bual nes. Hf. H. cannot ihlrk, nor ch.spsn his Product snd this la the best possible 'protsctlon for the consumer. Vou sr. SAFE. Inbuylng adv.rtl.ed things It's the loglo - of ""day, buslnss. conditions. - - Mlaa Olive lllalev haa raiurn&if tn bar home at Hlaley, after a few daya' 30 tendered aa a token of es vlalt with her slater, Mlaa Ethel, who um- Is a student or the University of Ore- Automoblllng la vary much like the it'. Mra. noehl. of Molalla avenue. hn haa been very III. la luinrovlna and her son, William Jouea. of Carua. who o, vlaltlng her, has returned to JhoMLi1.,M 'U.'i""1: tack ot typhoid fever, la confined to :.,T:",n w" " T'r" '"'CK f" r.i.H.HM.e , . , airs. Aimer liuuo, woo recently! went to. Gladatoue, where she la re-1 celvlng medical treatment at the hoe- pltal, undor the care of Mrs. B. Har- rinrrnn, m imm-oving. and will soon o aui 10 return 10 uregon Ulty. Utile Ueorgle I'uaey, son or Mr. and Mra. George Tuney, or (eleventh and Main atreeta, la Improving rapidly from hla acvere attack of typhoid fever, and la now able to take nourish-1 mem, Alt hough very weak be la able to alt up. Mr. Alllaon. whoae borne la at Moun- lain View, and who has been confined 00 Aubrey Wood's farm, and proapect lo hla bed for the nasi rear. Buffered Ing ror oil will aoon begin. from a relapse yesterday. Mr. AIM- son, whoew Both birthday occurred on last Hiiturday. waa able to partake of a birthday dinner prepared by bfa family. I ii. -uN,,,!.. .., w vi i. I bavins linprovementa made on hla a I S . n l"niww V btiuuimpiii w iv w a aev i place In the way of building of poultry ktiiua iki . .. iV .kI poultry bu.lnea.7hl. ywr The build- fng . being con.lrucled by John Gil- lett. Mr. Wln.low ha. already manyT'" " "u "V " ,Jv " -young chlckena out. . daughjers. E31Ien and Bllabb. Dr. and Mrs. JI. R. Nehrbajiwho have been spending their honeymoon I In California, returned to Oregon City oo WfHlneaday evening. Tbey bave ben "Pending some time at Ban , W- ego. Mrs. Nehrbss wss formerly Mia. Maude Ksrr, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Newton Farr. of thla cltr Mra. Evaoa, or Portland, the mother or Melbourne Kvane. was In the city Thursdsy looking up the matter or The epeclal taauo or Sunday's morn the ssddle bags thst wer left behind ng Enterprise Is a fine booster for by thst young msn when he was here ciackamaa Ceunty. and is a credit to on ble way to the Mt Hood country couple or weeks ago. Mia. Evans I thinks ber boy Is sadly abuaed but I admit a that he did not want to go tojagaJn on account or the winds, and achool and that he waa pushed ahead I talking haa been aa difficult a. In regardleaa or bla wlahe. In the matter. I olden time" confualon of tonguea. JOHN L.'S SILT USKD FOB IXHIBITIONS. Many years sgw a uumber or flgbt game followers wbo loved John L. Sullivan aa a cbninplon pooled HUKXJ and bought a beau tiful gold and diamond cbam- I plouahlp lielt. The belt, which T weighed alxteen kuui1s. Is solid Z gold Inlaid wltb 3.V) dlamouds. X many of which are over the f carat la alae. At that time Sulli van waa the greatest ever, aod bla frlenda swore by bint on any and everything be eald. Today John L. Sullivan Is doing a atage stunt In order thst be may live. and that 111,000 belt la being f sent from city-to city around the -X country, being exhibited In sa loons and other public places. At tbe present time It la being exhibited In a cafatn Columbus. Om and It doe not Wong to old T John L. It la tbe property of a T corporation, which lease. It ror a m consiaersnon . to cntcrprimng T manager, or boose emporiums. ana a a snow window cam it is T said tO be a money maker. It X doe. not look to be worth 111,000. Read tbe Morning Rnterprlae. Jape te Play Baseball In U. S. A Japanese baaeball team Is to In- Ta(jt the United States, landing at San' Francisco In April. Gsmes will be pi,yea tn Chicago. Boeton. St. Louie and other cltlea. The Japanese wUl re- turn boni , September or October. - - jhIS IS A BASEBALL REC . . ORO. One hundred and forty-one X " on ball. In thirty game, la going 6me. Bat when the aame I pitcher hits twenty-nine batter. and Issues eleven wild pitches sld pitcher Is going even soms more. Pitcher Bsusweln of Lav renaa' elnh at Tharlotta. In h Carolina association, wa. the pitcher who thus averaged six battery errors to a gam last to Advertise CORRESPONDENCE 1 COLTON Cheater Corbatt Is preparing to ave for the Grande IUnde oountry tbla week, where he eipecta to make u. lumrt noma, we all wlah him jood luck though' we are sorry to see him go. later, riev. Carl J. Reuhard and fam ily. Hpeocbea of welcome aod com mendation were given In Minniinn with the reaular lithnr lama nvn. I gram In the afternoon, a rura icninamana definition of oaatlnc: .Bw,,,n' walkee back a mile." lan't ll Oacar, and then aomeT .. Mr"- B- Jn"n haa been on the alck 1 'V.,! 'w .y.r ? btUr- . "u eiuiin iMrvy wr no me nM Ul .a m j " '"' "'.It. for curl. I.Utner. WILSON VILLE . The little daughter of Mr. and Mr. I rsi Ml iJ til. t.M.H 111 ..Ilk I ''a ii mm gyvrii m Willi l saSfiawsj, Mr. iiethun. mnt m Pnnt.nit nn Saturday. " Helen Murray a pent Saturday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Dutaon went to the Roae City on Friday. Mlaa B. M. Graham ha. gone on a trip to Ioa Angelea, Cal. I Mary Iirobat spent Baturday and I Sunday at borne. The river haa been very rough late- ly and the white cape have the appear ance of ocean waves. The toola have been ordered ror uaa Henry Aden Is Improving bis store n' making room for hla aplendld of new spring goods. Elmer Jonea went to Newberg on Tuesday on bualneaa. ine lecture ny nr. waiters on Bat .1 """" w" appreciaieu . . - by those who were fortunate enough tobepreaent " ,M"' Bro,i"tfcwrl,?VtDV hjt ,T?lhI " " d"'lht.,.u' "d ij pr,..rnPt i, nnt - r- mi... r a EOOj (Dng ' . MP..i. mrM. dPnt on B.tUrday evening while grind- , fMI(, b fettln ,,, ctvKbl ,n ,h- machn,ry( bai,y i.cer.ting It and cu, h of ,hrM of h,g nn Dr. UttleOeld, or Newberg. waa called and th band la doing aa well could be eznected. th printer aa well aa the artlata and writers. The telephone has been mixed up The Boland place waa sold lately through 'tbe agency of Mr. Botson. Mr. lloland'a many frlenda will be sorry to learn that he la undergoing a serious surgical operation In the Portland hospital. There will bo a social given at the Corral Creek school bouse on Friday evening, March 17th to which every one Is cordially Invited. The program la a splendid one, consisting ot a farce, recitations and songs. Baskets of lunch and cakes will be sold at the Zcloeof the entertainment, and the proceed, will go to tbe 'organ fupd for tbe aohooL Dor la Young returned on Saturday lo Corvallla. after enjoying the mid winter vacation at home. Dorli will graduate In June, but will, return to the college for post-graduate work having been offered a remunerative position In one of the leading depart' menta of the college. Henry Aden went to the Roae City Monday on business. Ray Baker apent a couple of days laat week In Portland, vlaltlng bis brother Clyde. Joe Thornton, our hustling bank caahler, spent Monday In Portland. Mrs. Howard haa been vlaltlng rela tives In the vlctnlty of Wllaonvllle. Frances Lwrence, who I. attend ing business college In Portland, spent Saturday in Wllsonvllle. MI.. Fran ce, haa a position In waiting for her aa aoon aa .he graduate, from col lege. The beautiful new home of Mr. Har rla, at 8t. Johna, was pictured lately in the Telegram. Mr. Harris Is well known here, being a brother of Mrs. Ed and Alison Baker Farmers are busy with plow and harrow, getting In the grain, and no doubt Wllsonvllle cropa will bo up to the usual high standard thla year. Potato buyer, from 8im Francisco were going the rounda or the various farms on Tuesasy, Mrs. Rusk, an aunt or Mrs. Elmer Jonea, from Eastern Oregon, la visit Ing at the Jones home. People doing bu.Ines. In Wilson vllle lately were much Impresaed with the site, style and convenience or Jake Peters' new hardware store, which Is thoroughly up-to-date In every particular, Including hardware and furniture line.. We are proud or the fact that the work on thl. hand some structure waa all done under the direction or our village contrac tor. Mr. Chalupsky. Mr. and Mra. John But son, are Plan ntng ror a trip to Europe thl. au ra ni ex. and expect to start in the early summer ror Mr.. Butson'a old home In England. The little child or Mr. and Mrs Chapman died on Tueaday and waa bnrled In the Hood View cemetery on vt wuiivihamj, Ilia luuvim uqiub " i 1 u one o'clock at the family resldenoe, There will - be an entertainment given at the Corral Creek school house on Friday evening, March 17th at eight o'clock, to which all are in vited. The program will consist or a farce, songs and recitations. The farce is entitled, "Too Much of a Good Thing," and will be played by the best talent In the district or Corral Creek. The personnel of the piay roi lows: Mr. Perkins Mr. Jone.; Mrs. Perkins Mrs. Aubrey Wood: Hattle and Nellla Perkins Misses Esther Nendel and Anna Batalgla: Fred Rohuvler. the City Cousin-Ray Baker; Tom Perkins, the Country Cousin- Roy Nendel; Eunice Boyles feari Raker: Jennie Cowper Anna Rela nes; Polly, the wsltlng-mald Mlaa Connie Thorn Dion. The young ladles attending are Invited to bring baskets of lunch, and the young men are of fered tbe usual pleasing request of bringing the money with which- to buy the .bankets. All are cordially In vited to come and enjoy Bt. Patrick's Day Social, on the 17th or March, at Corral Creek schoolhouse. . "- - i EAGLE CREEK. This Is fine weather and will make everything grow. Mr. and Mrs. Will 1 Palmateer, of Morgan, were tbe guests or relatives In this place ror a few day. of last week. Will Draglae. wa. a Poitland vis itor last week. Mlaa Carrie Ellla, a woman advent preacher, was the guest of Mrs. How lett a couple of day. or la.t week. On Wedneaday evening abe preached to a .mall congregation, and oo Thurs day evening b gar. & lecture at the schoolhouse. , Miss Lean Jonea returned borne laat Friday after vlaltlng ror a few days in rortiana and Vancouver. H. O. Huntington Is on the sick list. ( Wm. A. Baker, or Portland, was out this way Sunday, and held ser Vices at tbe schoolhouse at 11 A. M. Mrs. R. B. Olbson snd Miss Rosa Moehnke called on Mrs. Viola Doug laaa, and daughter, Mlaa Bine, Bun day afternoon. . Orrln Cornlah I. working ror Will Douglaaa. H. B. Olbson sold his fine team, which he recently procured In Ka st ern Oregon, to tbe Alt brothers, the other day. i ' Mlaa Ulna Douglaaa returned to Portland Monday after a two daya' visit at home. Her mother aocora panted ber to Portland. Some oT the farmers hava already planted some potatoea. The Watkina' man passed through thla neighborhood $a..Tueaday. Mlas Meda Mtarpby was the guest or Miss Blna DoukIsm. Sunday even- JENNINGS LODGE. Mr. and Mrs. Will B. Jennings, of Seattle, arrived on Saturday for u fortnight's stay at the old homestead Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davy are spend ing the week with the latter, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerber, of Igan. Mr. John Roberts and family are very pleaaantly located in the Newell bouse on the County Road. The prayer meetings are being nice ly attended, from eighteen to twenty being the nana! attendance'. G. D. Boardman wa. the leader on Thuraday evening, February 23. ' ' Rev. Heverllng preached a very able aermou from John 17:23 on Sunday afternoon. The preaching aervlce. at tbe Grace Chapel are held at 3 p. m. every Sunday and tbe Sunday achool one hour earlier, to which an Invita tion ia extended to all. F. O. Miller, wbo ha. been vlaltlng hi. daughter, haa returned from a pleaaant visit from Newport. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Clough have re turned from a visit to Newberg. A little baby girl came to gladden tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ro berts on March 1. H. H. Emmons arrived home from San Francisco rti March 1st and his trip was very beneficial to him. ' Mlas Susie Smith,, of Oregon City, haa relieved her brother of keeping bachelor hall and will look after his household duties for him during the summer. Mr. C. P. Morse spent Sunday at hla ranch at Yamhill. Mr. and Mra. Grant Lowia. or Ra- nler, have returned home kfur-a fow daya' visit with tbelr sister, Mrs. U Wilcox. The many friends of Mrs. Fred Terry, who formerly resided here, snd Mrs. Hurley, a former resident of Rlsley, are glad to hear they very much improved In, health since they arrived In sunjsau OwMfotadaw. .They together with Mra.CarrIe Pease and Mrs. Anna LeRoy, are very pleasantly located at Coronado, California. Mra. Wilbur 8. Eddy and Utile son of Oregon City, spent Wedneadsy of last week with Mrs. Calvin Morse. Ed Johnson Is again able to be about without the aid of his crutches, hsvlng suffered for the pa.t month with rheumstlsra.. Mrs. Geo. E. Morse and Miss Scrip tare, on Saturday laat, vlalted with Mrs. Grant Chamberl or Fotiland who haa recently come from Dubuque, Iowa, to make her home In the Rose City. Mrs. John F. Jennings, Mrs. Thos. J. Spooner and Miss Edna Wester field were among tbe guests on Thurs dsy afternoon when Mrs. T. S. Clark on ' entertained at her ahome in Ir vlngton in honor of Mrs. Portland Hunt Chase, of Buffalo, New York. Mr. and Mra. Thlaa, of Corvallla, apent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Palnton. Mr. and-Mrs. Silas Scripture, of Oregon City, were calling on . Lodge frlenda on Sunday.-. Mr. and Mr. Geo. Morse expect. to leave Saturday for Salem, where they will visit with T. W. Lewi, and family. They will also visit at Cor- vallls and Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Will Finley attended the funeral service of Miss Kathryn Cuatc. which was held at the Finley Chapel at 4 P. M. Sunday. Mlas Cuslc wa. a prominent buajnea. woman of Portland, having held a high position In the large department atoro of Meier A .Frank for some yeara. She had lived for aome time with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Finley, or Portland. Mra. Barnhardt la recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Miss Seattle, of Oregon City, vis Ued with Mrs. J; Z. Jones on Tues day. ' Mri and Mrs. Olln Ford have re turned from their wedding trip which they enjoyed In California and . Utah. and a reception waa tendered them at thai home of Re. Ford In Portland, when all the relatives of the bride and groom were present Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Newell and Mr. Clyde Ne well, parents snd brother of the bride, were In attendance rrom tne L-oage. The Community Club will have a special meeting at the Bets green house tonight (Wednesday)," when a committee of the Oregon City Com merclal Club will be present and talk over the feasibility of extending the County Road atralght through to Ore gon City and a reduced car faro over the O. W. P. The board of school director, has granted the use or the empty school room and It 1. thought the next regular meeting, which I. the first Wednesday In April, will be held there, a. the rapidly Increasing mem bership has made It neceasary to se cure larger ouartera. Tbe stationery which the Club had ordered haa arrived, and a quantity of It haa been sold and letter, are being aent Eastward to help adver tise this part or Ciackamaa County, The Pastime Club, or Meldrum, met at the home or Mrs. Erlckson, Mrs. Morse, tbe president, presiding. The afternoon waa apent In needle work and cake and tea were served by the hostess to the following ladies: Mes- damea Meran, GUI. White, Gardner, Morse, Freytsg, Wamblad, Powera, Harris and Miss Scripture. The quarterly meeting service will be held at the Grace Chapel on Bun day afternoon, March 19thr at I P. M. Rev. Hornachuh will preach and ad minister communion. In the evening temperance program will bo given, which, will be la charge of the tem perance secretary of the Evangelical chapel of this place.' A cordial invi tation Js extended to all to these Mr rloee. ' - i - WILLAMETTE. P. Berdlne departed laat Sunday for Bull Run with crew aad outfit, where he is to work for tbe Bull Run Water Co. Accompanying him wss Frank Ross, who will be the cook to mix the dough and cook tbe mullgan. The brass band of this place haa two public engagements to furnish muslo In the pear future? and on 8t. Patrick's Dsy. Philip Bower, of Salem, recently purchased for bis aged father the two and one-half acre, of D. Spots near this place. The aged father haa now moved onto the tract. , Klmer Seeley last Friday moved his family Into the cottage In tbla place, which formerly belonged to M. Fou ual. Mrs. E. Msy. bss her four lots all ploughed and ready to plant potatoea. Willamette last Sunday night was well represented In tbe Baptist chnrcb and all were well pleased by going. The singing by Mr. Stoat ws. appro elated by all C. Kanney ha. hi. place fenced by a fine woven wire, ploughed and all ready for pumpklna and pop corn. J. W. Rblner and wife made a bual neaa trip to Portland Monday. Mr. Downey, who own. the water y.iem here, has made extenaive im- provementa around the springs, In cluding a new fence. MOUNTAIN VIEW. The Mountain View Improvement Club waa represented at the meeting of tbe Mt. Pleasant Civic Improve ment Club on Tuesday evening, and a debate on "Resolved, That alngie tax la preferable to our present sys tem,' wss one of the features of the evening. Two of Mt. Pleasant de baters did not show up, but tbe debate waa carried on. Those from ihls'clty taking part were J. Gorbett Sam. V. Francis, George Roberta and J. E. Calavan. Mountain View bad the af firmative and won. The Maple Lane Grange meets Sat urday for an all-day session. The principal order of business will be the election of three delegate, to attend the convention to be held at the court bouse. ' There will bo preaching every Sun day evening at Mountain View church at 7:30. Emery C. Dye will preach. Clinton Griffin I. on the alck list having Injured his hand In tbe woolen mill. ' Will Edgeoomb and Albert Mautt are kept buay this week plowing gar- dene. W. W. Everhart, of Molalla, was In Oregon CltX-Xbursdsy all day and re turned home with bla mother Friday. Frank Sllvy haa an attack of la grippe. A family- la moving Into the C. B. Hyaom house. Grandma Pratt ia able to be up again. Mr. Morrison and family are moving Into Mrs. Brooks' bouse, latcy vacated by Geo. Haskell. There waa preaching at tbe Moun tain View church last Sunday even ing by E. C. Dye,, who gave a very Interesting talk. There waa a small audience on account of measles being prevalent. .Also some attended "the i aiuKing evangelistic mmiug ai iuc Baptist cnurcn. Mr. uye expects to be hero -again - the SrsW Smtoay In April at 7:30 P. Mi, when we hope to have a larger audience to greet him There waa a large' crowd at the Improvement Club meeting last Frl day evening, when W. S. U'Ren spoke on Single Tax. Clinton Criff'n haa gone to work again after a lay-off of two weeks wltb a so re hand. Mr. Morrison and family have moved Into Mrs. Brook', houae. late ly vacated by George Haskel and family, who moved Into their new house nesr Duane street William Edgecome and Al Mauts are kept busy plowing gardena. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wlnslow have moved Into the Osman houae. Mrs. Ben Beard and son, of Sell- wood, were the guests or relatives here Saturday evening. W, C. Williams, or Sellwood. spent Saturday here among rnenas. ana was the guest of his son. Horace ana family.. E. C. Osmon. of Prescott, Oregon, was shaking hands with frlenda here Saturday. A. L. Jones, of Carua. spent Satur day here with his mother, Mrs. J. P. Roehl. who Is not Improving very rsp- Idly In health. Mrs. Elmer Dixon Is at the hospital In Gladstone. - Herman Brandt, who Is working in a butcher shop In Portland, apent last 8unday at homei Mrs. E. C SilUwell, of Bandon, was vlaltlna- Mr. and Mra. R. M. C. Brown and Mrs. Frank SUUwell Sunday. Ben Hyson has returned from East ern Oregon as his wife has the meas les and pneumonia. Cheater and Walter" Gorbett. of Col- tpn, were In this burg Tuesday night em-oute for Southern" Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. John Wofatead started for their new home In Vancouver, B. C, on Monday of thla week. Mrs. Msude Pace, of Fortiano. is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Griffin- Mrs. 8. Martin and daughter, las sie, who were visiting relatives In Madras, Oregon, returned nome mon- Berrv Buckner. or wnnou, is Tinn ing his sister, Mrs. J. Parrlsb. Mra. Hattle Merrill ana aaugnier, Blanche, of Portland, are visiting friends tn this burg. Mrs. S. V. Francis andMrs. F-bui- la'rd are on the alck Hat. - OAK GROVE.. The nlano recital, given by pupils of Miss Eva M. Felix assisted by Mr. w. M. Rice Wednesday evening wa. a grand auccea. and enjoyed by all pres Wanted At Once! AT. Jennings Lodge . Oak Grove MlIwBttkec CARRIER AGENTS FOR THE , MORNING ENTERPRISE Liberal term, to hustlers. See Mr. Miller Circulation Department En terprise, Oregon City Oregon. ent Those taking part were aa fol lows: Lillian Dlgnam. Grace Billings, siary woe, Dora Nash, Florence Big- ham, Ella Blgham,' Orrel Rose, Mr, Rice. The young people certainly showed tbelr training and their teach or. Miss Felix, deserves much credit Fred Hsrrts, Mrs. Harris, E. C. War ren, L. E. Armstrong. J. M. Shupe, Walter Harris and other, were . In Oregon City Thuraday attending court Thomas Graham .pent Thursdsy In Oregon City. Mr. Graham I. from Canada so this I. his first trip West lie thinks Oregon Is all right. Remember the band concert Sat urday given by the Oak Grove girls' band In Green's hall, March ii. Mrs. Lillian Riley apent Thursday in Sellwood with her sister and fami ly. One of our prominent farmer, haa an automobile, a four paaaenger ear, We will aee aeveral new autos running around before the aummer I. over: J. A. Dowllng and wife bave pur chased a farm six miles from Van couver, Wash., and will move there next week. TWILIGHT. Charles Snooks, or -Vancouver, apent Sunday with hla parent, at the farm. George Lazell. and A. IL Harvey attended the Brotherhood banquet at the Congregational church Tuesday evening. The little daughter of D. L. Boylan, Cells. Is on the sick list. ' W. A. Dodds, master of Warner Grange, was elected -as one of the delegates to . Stat Orange . which meets at Corvallki In May. Tbe road supervisor, U Mattoon, has a large force of men breaking rock on William McCord's farm, so as to be ready when the crusher . comes, aa Twilight expects . to have a gravel road to the top of the Kelland hill this Summer. Tbe literary society held a very suc cessful meeting last Saturday evening In tbe hall. There was a large attend ance and well prepared program. The readings given by Mrs. Hornbradt, of Portland, was very much appreciated. - . CANBY.-- '. . J. C. Ho tetter, rrom Woodburn, passed through Canby en route to Oregon City on Thursday morning. Frank Dodge made a business trip to Oregon City Thursday, spending the dsy there. C. O. Sannes sold his farm south of town last week. At present we are unable to give the name of the' pur chaser. Conrad Sannes has also sold part of his farm to the same party. L. H. Tuft our jeweler. Is still quite 111. ' His condition has not Improved as rapidly, as we had hoped. His son, wbo is looking after the business In tbe store, is kept very busy during tbe absence of hla father. Wilson Bvana is also on tbe alck list He was unable to attend council meeting Monday evening. . Charles Brewer waa also absent on account or stckness. , , Mrs. A. J. Burdette made a visit to Oregon City Thursday. 8he Intends to remain In the city for two day. Tbe Ladles' Aid society, which held its weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. John R. Newton, wa. largely at tended, and a good time was enjoyed by everyone present . Elizabeth Romig, the little four year old daughter or Mr. and Mr. C. F. Romig, ha. been quite Ul thl. week. Mrs. Chris Craft, who was for some time at the 8t iVncent Hospital at Portland, is home again and we are glad to report that she i. now feeling so well. Mr. John Zeek is constructing an extensive arbor on his place In the south pan of Canby. We learn that he Is preparing to raise ginseng and that the cultivation of It requires shade. C. F. Romig made a bualneaa trip to the county seat and also to Port lapd Thursdsy, March I. . On Friday evening there la to bo a meeting of tbe Sabbath school class of young people of the M. E. church at the home of ,C. F. Romig, their teach er, the object being to organize a New Movement Bible Class. W. H. Balr Is diligently trying to raise through the businesa men of the city, enough money to oil the street, of Canby before the dusty season comes. BID8 WANTED. Sealed bids will be received until 10 o'clock a. m., March 15, 1911, at the office of the Oregon City Commission Company for the fixtures, stock, lease snd business. Prospective buyers will be shown the inventory of stock and any other details. A certified check for 10 per cent of amount must ac company all bids. Right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. D. C. ROBBINS. Assignee. Bsse Ball Sesson Opens. The McLougblln second bsse ball team played the Green Point team on Wednesday afternoon, the score being 6 to 6. The game was started at 4 o'clock, and the star player or the McLcuglina waa Percy Pollanx, and of Green Point, "Pike" White. . These two teams expect to do some good playing during the coming base ball season. , NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Story A Thom as, having been dissolved by mutual consent, all liabilities of the firm are assumed by Owen G. Thomas and all accounts duo the firm are payable to the aforesaid Owen G. Thomas. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 24th day of February, 1911. E. F. STORY, OWEN a THOMAS. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notleea under these clasalflad headlnaf will ba Inserted at on cent a word, first htMitlon. half a cent additional Inser tions. One Inch card. par month; ball Inch card. (4 llnea) 11 per month. Cash must accompany order unlesa one hsa mn open account with the paper. Nc financial responsibility tor errors: where rrors occur free corrected notloe'Wlll be printed for patron. Minimum Charge lac i. Wanted. WANTED Experienced girl tor gen era) housework In family or three. Apply at Huntley Bros.' Co. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Mare, 10 year, old, kind, true, 1700 lb. Trial given. Price $175, M. A., Hsnsen, New Era. Cara R. Kelt FOR SALE Space In thl. column Sell that old plow or harrow; yon don't use It since you purchased your new one. 71 aero tract good land, no rock. I mllee rrom Oregon City, 1 mile, rrom a W. P. oar lino. Oood fruit land, tut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, 100 to 23S per acre. Enquire of D. K. BUI A Co., Room I, Beaver Bldg , Oregon C1ty - FOUND. FOUND Black overcoat, Saturday night on Main atreet Owner may bay. 'aame by proving property, and paying ror thl. notice. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and Genera) Contractor. Estlmatea cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete wslk. and reinforced concrete. Res. phono Main ill. ATTORNEYS. 0. D. EBY, Attorney-et-Law, Money loaned, abstract, furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, gen eral law bualneaa. Over Bank of Oregon City. . . U'REN A SCHCEBEL, Attorneys-at- Law, Deutscber Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, msko collections and settlements. Office ' In Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office , Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary- public. CRITICS COMPLIMENT OKFCTITORSTCOPY W irwaw S Awviei UIMgj Wl VVU Viit E. H. COOPER., For Fire Insurance and -Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy,- aeU aad exchange. Office In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.. . . FRETTAO 8W AFFORD, Real Es tate Dealers, have choice bargain. 'In farm -land., city and suburbs, homes, good fruit landa aad poultry ranches. See n. .for good buys Near 8. P. depot. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. MANY TIMES yon can buy Just the article yon want just as good aa new, at a small fraction of the cost or hew, ir you go and see YOUNG, the second hand man. . HI. collec tion contains New and Second Hand Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Curio., etc See him; It cost, nothing to Inquire. Notice of Application For a Liquor Llcenae.' Notice la hereby given that I will, at tne next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business. The Hub Saloon, Main Street, for a period oT 3 months. FRED COOPER. - Notice Closing Streams. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESIS PRES ENTS. That, Whereaa, the Board of -Flah Commissioners of the State of Oregon and the United Statea Bur eau of Fisheries have propagated and stocked, and . are propagating and stocking the water, of the Wil lamette and Ciackamaa river., and their tributaries, tn' tb 8tate of Oregon with sal mon fish; and, Whereaa, aald streams are fre quented by salmon fish, and for the purpose of protecting the same, the aald Board of Fish Commissioners has decided to clos the aald Wil lamette River and ita tributaries, below and north of the falla there of , at Oregon City, and all of the Ciackamaa River and Ita tributaries, to prevent fishing therein. In any , manner, whatever, for salmon fish, during the period of Umo herein specified. , . . . Now, therefore, notice la hereby given by said Board of Fish Com missioner, that said Willamette Rlv-' or and It. tributaries, below and north of the falls thereof, at Oregon City, and all of aald Ciackamaa Riv er and Ita tributaries, are, and each of them la hereby closed to fishing. In any manner whatever, for salmon fish between twelv. o'clock noon, on the 15th day of April. 1911, and twelve o'clock noon, on the 1st day of May, 1911; and it 1. and will be unlawful to fish for, or take, or catch any aalmon fish In any of said waters during the Bald period of tfme above specified. Any and all persona whomsoever so fishing In violation of this notice will be prosecuted, as by law pro- Tided. -...- . BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. By OSWALD WEST, Governor. By THOS. B. KAY, State Treasurer. . Attest: R. C. CLANTON, Clerk .of the Board.. . PLEA8E NOTICE. ' To ' Introduce ' The Morning Enterprise Into a large major Ity or the home hi Oregon City and Ciackamaa county tbe a management haa decided to , make a a pedal price ror . the dally Issue, for a short Umo only, where the subscriber pays a year in advance. ... - d By carrier, paid a year In advance, $3.00. ' 4 By mall, paid a year In ad- vance, $j.oo. People who gave our canvas- ' aer a trial aubecriptlon ror' one or more montha, at ten cents a week, can have the dally dellv- rod for a year for 13.00 by paying a year to advance. . - People who gave our caafas aer a trial aubecriptlon. by . mall, for four montha at a dor- lax, may have the paper for a year for $1.00, Jf paid a year In advance. 8ubacribera to the Weekly Enterprise may change tbetr subscriptions to the dally. r celving credit for half time on the dally that the weekly I. '. paid in advance. When they e o choose to add cash to the ad- 4 vance payment equal to a full a year's advance payment they . may taka advantage of the $2 rate, 4 We make- thla special price a so that peoel who have paid la advance) on some other dally and wish to take the Morning Enterprise, may do so without e t too great expense. , d Read the Morning Enterprise.