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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1911)
j ! . . - : . ' HORNING ENTERPRISE ORSGOH CUT, OREGON E. E. BROOtE, Edit and Publisher. a4 a imai-rUji snattrr Ju MJT . ! mt the oHV at Wu City. On, af Um Act of Marc . III." nin WKCtlrTrS. Om Tmu. by atail Ms Wwha. br mall raw Moatha. by aill Par woe, by earc wutuAc turn .mm! .IHI . IN ' . m (( that lima to hav put Into effect. ' There U too amen twaddl about abaadontng oae'a country for aom o(br premaneat abiding plac to b healthful. 80 nodi Ulk baa been. In d'llced coocwrolng Wat. Corey's no Kun la rraoc that tba retired head of tbe steel trust felt called apca to make denial tbat ka bad any Intention of making bia permanent bom la tbat country. And why shoal bo not nv there permanently if bo like tbo clr mat and th country? "Tbo earth Is tb Lord .' and why mar not a rich prfrrl poatttaa any p. Pe " , please him T It's about tlm e FnfnrNl ponitrai"aay ' paaij ' per ' "ach recognised that the world To irrffcafc.. ..... v Bi, and ahould be free to all without Run paper other Cham first pe-, par each flrvt Inaerttoa 11c -fear of criticism.' Bua paver other thaa first pa-, per sch t . . a4t4 aaaertkMW. So J- Loral lr per rh: to rnUr adrer I When Senator Bailey criticises tbo "TT"1 . , Initiative, referendum or recall, coa- Waata F" To Reat etc . one . ,, cent a word rust inse.-tion; oa-blf cent jointly or evei-aHy, he offers an Insult eartt ad4it.rtai , b people cf Oreaon and to the Rato for drertl In the Weekly 4 k v Enterprt wtt! be tr iw as ta the people of other Stales who believe 18 dally, for dvrri-mnts at espclaIlT -.k. -,.-.i rorernment 1 far the week.' 1ATtt lh i1trtBft " m tranarvrr f-"re lit da: to the work- b tDA people themselve aro obooil tf. wit hoot rharre. the rale wflf be tc ! . . , ... - as tec for ins of th saaor. a4 1 a -OH I tk.e dyed-4n-he-wirW anrocnts tach tor speal poeitic. ' mbo ijeTe that, a few edocated men Cash UxK.'d rr- mpuir ororr wur parte ta unknoT in bulna office of the EJiterrnee Leal aaverttsina at kcaj adx ertiatnc atea. Ctrrua adrertletatt and tP"C'l trnefnt aoVarttatna at lie to ar If. mch. accwd laa to spectal coodl'mt (0erntr( the IIORNINO ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1911. BROTHERHOOD HOLDS DUOYABLE BANQUET Work of Raisintf the Is Not Quite One-half Completed outht to "gorern and think fr the masses . Btit they are in tb wrong, and they know It but knowing It they don't care If In any way they can de vise some method by which they can pontlnne in control. But It i not no ,?ih"ffarM.'--: much the .tiempt to continue in con- tlonai taeertlons taax Kiattrr c laeh. tpoj tn4t j, tn Insult though that W Newt Items and w!l wrtea artlcl-a . ,v- m.B .liK of saertt. with iatret t- local ra)rm. , unfair and unwortby the maa WHO will be tadly accert-d R.ected tnanu- gtlortlnc blood in hia Tein but the "led by etamoa to prrpar cctt. " Ir.ferenc that man ta beneath oaaa , ; . ji. ' notice, and not to be associated with. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. : who happen to dls'r trom TOU ,B -' : mattera'of governtcent, or even of Tho President manifested some lit- conscience. t) pljue at being forced to accept the reaigBatioo. of Ballinger. It won t pay . tn the long run to manifest any anger : . when the people are so Insistent as they seem to hare been In ibis rriti-: dsm of Ballinger. " ft Taft baa done as he said be would. and called an extra session. Thoae ollUdanj who thought they could do as tbey pleased with the Interests of tbo people, trusting the President to protect them In doing so lest his party should sailer If be attempted to call them to account, bare found that Mr. Taft coald not be scared with what an extra session might do to his own party. commended, regardless of other mis- j Y---i.. -C; aw .j- iv.-v - wi -. - i i. i at m Jr - I ava TWO GREEKS FIGHT OVER ONE WOMAN CLUBS AND FISTS DO MUCH DAM AGE -BUT NEITHER IS SERI OUSLY HURT. A" Two Greeks of this city got Into aa altercation Tuesday morning and ! started to make things "hum" on i Twelfth and Madison streets. Had For which Mr. Taft is to be i not one of their countrymen, who re- sides opposite me Barclay scnooi Hnnu interfered there would hare take he may hare made. ' been blood shed, although there was j enough bd It was from the appear Tbe Eastern press asserts that h .Vf.V'.V'lZr IDtaaram by SclaatlAa Aiartcwa.) . FTKR remalotog for more than thlrteew year la the mo d of Uarana barter the wreck or tb batUeafclp alatne ia aooo to exposed to tWw. A cofferdam la being rooatrwctetl abMit tbo hulk. . w -..iA tlwa watae artlt hw Huud out. the IDtKl will inu u vi . ,v .fu,t-v - -- - - - - bo cleared awai.'anJ the exact coodltioo of tbo wreck wiil t ascertained. As tb lllttemtloos show, tbe cofferdam is to bo ccnatrocted of a aerie of twenty cylinders, eaob' fifty feet to diameter. Each cylinder ta coaipoaaxl f 150 sbeet steel r.Uiu,r aeTenty-fly fewt long, which jwtl t drlen forty aftjTfeet Into tbe uiihI until firm clayTs encountered.. After tb cylinder ar completed they will be nlied with cUy and will t united oo th oursld by arc of piling, an.l th space between tb arc and tb cjliuders will nlo b nlll with clay. rJ-bt of tb twenty cyUndora ar to plac. and atoam .hammer mounts on l.anre ar drlrlng tn Other rXle as rapwty aa p- slble. Tb nu-lhj.1 of rai.nB the Main aftr tt la xpoeel ra not o determined, an.l th p'an to b adopted wtll dpo4 ou the condition of th ball. If pllle b!k heads will be constructed, and tb reel or tb larger portion of It will l?e fWte.1. Tb Maine was destroyed at t 10 o'clock on th night of Feb. W Itef.we t!w dlers quit aearrhlng the ruins 1H Unlle were recovetvl and sttty three meo wer ottlclally retirtl as tnlrag Their biMiea will prota My be found In tbe bold of ttie Tiel and will b forwaolc-d to the Arlliictun Xativnal ceuietery for burial beJe tbelr comrade. ter Ie Fisher Is as fitted for tbe posi tion of Forest Conservationist aa Bal ItogeT'was unfitted This seems, to be a case where the right man has beea placed la command because of tbe fact tbat the people set up such a demand for him. That being the participants after the battle was over. Their eyes were blackened and faces cut and bruised, and blood streaming down their faces. The altercation started at 7:30 o'clock, and attracted a large crowd. Th two men are employed on the West Side at the paper mills, and one, a boy of 17 years of age, waa seen to Tryrng to Collect Board Monty. lira. U N. Leach, of Molalla, wants the court to assist her In collecting $30? board money, which she says Is owed her. by R. P. Nononet aL, as the MoUlla Lumber Company. ..It seems Mrs, Iyach waa employed- to board men for the mill company and In some manner-there baa arisen a MR. LtWIt MAKES PRINCIPAL AD DRESS. WITH SHORT TALKS BY LOCAL SM!AKR. Tb Congregational Brotherhood held on ft l noable banqurU Tueaday evening at whlrh tlm -upward of eikhty sat don to a feaa' preimred by lh gd ladl'-a of h church. And after the fet was an address by Vlfe IteSldenf .l. ' the National tr.tbrh.HM. thai prod of great Intereat to thoa bt beard blm ''..' , . . Mr. Lla talked along th Jlu of st stem system In lh church and rk. svsteni bating lo do wlih' w (anliatloa. II said that th church and Brotherhood wer not organised as the Mg Industrie are, but (bat If the work of lh'' church was aa eaaeo Hal as we say It 1 then hy Hot M t.-matlj It that It will be prtnluor tn e i'T IheTirsrT'oaalT.l' i-eaulla. 'Every one In th church should hTV,V wirk to'do;f the speakrrisald. .T44 sbvHild do It gladly. An Inscllve mart Is no better than a dead on and is Ooly In the way." Th spt-akor then wyit on to amplify his slate menfaand punctuate them with tlul susetKMia and entertaltilng llluslra tloos, rmplet!ng a nnwit eotortalutng and Instructlv addreas. Speakers wer preaent from other brotherhixnls and mad short addres es. Will Hammond spok for the Eplacpal. Pro'. Toot ftr th Pre brtrrlaos and John W. Uler for th iULXUL-H.,r,,",n,",' l'artr lold hat he did In the legislature, aa also what h. didn't do. Ir. Batter, of Portland, who will speak at a futur meeting, mad a few remarks. Aquafiettmpo-orTessr: lder. Parker.- tleutt- and tJoodlng sang several selection. Tbo l Ijirtes orchestra played seterol Bum bera. ' WILL MAKE GOOD CITIZIN. Hnry Stall. f Bolton, TakM Out HI First Paper. Henry Stall, of Bolton, took out his first naturallaatlon papers Tueway and will In tlm becom a cllla of lh United 8t ate. Mr. Stall Is a good sturdy German and will mak an Ideal cltlien. aa so many of th tlermaa raea have don befor him. It I SUCh Madison street Tuesday evening It I .. ur. utall that mak U bearable Is a boys' daas. th to)s ranging tn j for ,he ppi, this country to koep ages np to 10 or IS years, and a very ,n0 doof of ctUenshlp open to thoss pleasant enlng was spent - j no, America, aad tb addition Tbe evening was devoted to games, ! to our cltlienshlp In tb past of tb after which a lunch aas served. Those good sturdy stock from Germany, Eng preaent were: Clare Miller, Robert fund. Ireland, France, gwedca has Voder, Earl Zimmerman. Jo Zimmer-! don much to mak th American cltl man. Mark gturgrs. Wallace Ma, j -on so vigorous and aggresa. misunaensanaing ana in court is 10 , Eltner Terrui. Ftaolc Terrlll. Seal asked to arbitrate the dispute. : zlmrnerlnaB, Mr mn1 Mr,. nianchard I . ; and Miss Elva Blanchard were among j SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS those who entertained. ! Entertained in Teacher's Family To- 0 ... t . day Ening t fcnuel Meyer, llvinjt at Fourth and Mrs. A. u Btanchard entertained 1 M'B "hwrt'' mf,r DOon the boys In her Sunday school class 1 Tuesday. Arrangements for the fun in th M. E. church at her home on , eral will be mad public later. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Henry F- Plp and Edit h M. liar greaves. Willi A.'Hutton and lllrdl O Welch. John A. Welch, father of tba bride, wss present and gave consent to th wedding of bis daughter, who Is under ag. Howard Ny and Marian Roaa. case It looks as If the President knew be waiting for someone and waa no- ( licea by resiaenis or uii pan oi u : bat to name if be wanted to do so, waa determined one of bis pets citr. Soon after a man aDoeared car- i rying bis lunch basket, and a few should hare tbe place until the time words ensued, aad then there waa . came that- the people would not sub mit longer. Ia a short speech at a banquet at Chicago Mr. Bryan said that Rooserelt aad Taft wer to great measure try lag to carry out tbe policies for which he eoa tended a few years ago. There . was where .Bryan failed in great sea rare be was twenty-fire to ttry years ahead f his time in advocating reforms. Aad It was the unusual activity of Roosevelt that ld to the cattiag tbe time limit la two, as he did, brtngjag about reforms ia a dozn years that tt would have taken otters flving of coat talis, dinner pails, the ; contents of the latter spilliag-in all directions. The boy grabbed a club J and commenced beating bis country man, who was about 40 years of age, over the bead, and yelling "I kill -you wife,'" "I geftee you wife." By ; this time the men had got down to . business, and had removed their bats ; and coats and were ricg after each ; other with fists and clubs. Tbe fight! had lasted about half an hour and the older man was commencing to get ' tLat 'tired feeling," when a Greek ' Hrlag opposite the Barclay school ' hocse, separated them. So far no ar rests have bern made, as neither has wort) out a complaint. 1 Read the Morning Enterprise. Our Bodies Should Be Better Understood By Us. Distrust of Medicine Arises From Ignorance. r Or- fREDEPIC S. LEE. Pro(Mr of Phytiolosv tt Columbia University. The Kind That STANDS OUT , "TV TOTWITIISTAXDLVG the swift progrena of medical aci ence we frequently meet with a DISTRUST OF THE I EFFICACY OF MEDICINE, a feeling tbat the physi cian knows far too little concerning disease and its cure ad a tendency to turn toward strange culta making fair promises. Ducn distrust is as old as medicine itself. I do not believe it is JUSTIFIED. - Doubting is indeed an entirely legitimate form of mental exer ae. Tbe. man of science who is not a doubter has no claim to honor able standing. But NOT ALL DOUBTS ARE EQUALLY ES : TEMABLE. There are those that betray much knowledge and those that betray little, t st st THE IGNORANCE OF THE HUMAN BODY AMONG MANY PER S30NS IS EXTRAORDINARILY GREAT. IT IS STRANGE TO FIND .THINKING. REASONING MEN AND WOMEN WHO WERE BORN WITH THEIR BODIES, WHO HAVE CLUNG TO THEM IN SICKNESS ; AND IN HEALTH, FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE, WHO HAVE USED THEM FOR EVERY VARIETY OP HUMAN SERVICE. AND, YET HOLD THEMSELVES UTTERLY ALOOF FROM A KNOW LEDG E of BOD I LY - AFFAIRS. - . ' There Is JSlo Such Thing , 1 As American Music. Br CIACOMO PIKXINI, Cwmpo; f "Tb Cari ft th Coldan Wasc" HERE is no such thing aa American music WHAT THEY HAVE IS NEGRO MUSIC. IT IS ALMOST THE SAVAOERV OF SOUNDS. THE - CRITICS RECEIVED , MV OPERA -WELL,' ON THE WHOLE. BUT HERE AND ' f, V THERE SOME GPTeoUt COMPLAINT WAS MADE THAT THERE IS NOT ENOUGH .".ER'CAN MUSIC" IN MY SETTING. 1 GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSErLEAP . SYSTEMS 7 I : ; T . transact a esi wmnamp wwina.. P frm a. islOM.WACo;iis-i WITH MUCH ME gSS Pathe ultlvt an ha boy. aad girls the LH aash anil, nave It. Mv(noi ' ".,. it. an ntrst In wln. It '", sm Thre la n better way te l.w .ha i- . live ef thrift A 07 ,Ur1 B-;-tlM v a graat tofluan.. en tb. .Mid', tuiwm " ' aPawLSw a. a. ... A . k ' " " " "v"9S D.p.rtm.nt The Bank of Oregon Qty It, u. uiu ins l l m rrwaigwav i . , . . . w THE FIRST NATIONAL BAfft of OREGON CITY, OREGON rllsiTAi 'asAtLu.. a SIUhI Bkla aual. DR. STUART THROWS R. CHARLES OUT 6F F. T. BARLOW'S DE LIVERY WAGON. ' lr. r. A. HtiMrt and his auto played a prominent part la a llttl mli-up on Main street Tueaday aftrnoon la whlrh th Doctor waa careened ov th dash of hi auto and It Charlra driver fur. K.1 T llarlow, waa throw Irom hi doll vet yj wagon Into lh m rc-. N on was . trliulT- h'irL but lr. Btuart's auto will b4 110 worth of repair. Young Charles waa standing with hi rig partly acroaa tb atreot at lb tlm when Dr. Rtuart ram. around lb corner at tb Bank of Oregon City and bit th wagon hoadon before b could stop th. machine. Tb. fat part of CharWs anatomy bit lh. pavmnt with a dull thud, and ovr the dash th Doctor went but landed on -his feet with mor or lea grace. Neither waa hart. Th machine struck tb rig with considerable fore and brok tb reach of th. wagon; tb. front of tb. auto was atov. In and will Dd consider able repairs. Tb Doctor waa driving a trtfl fast for tb) corner h was turning. It being on. of th. busy place In tb. city. " Sal of Household Effects. A. II. Nwman, who . resides all mile north of Molalla, on the pv formerly owned by Ed Carter, waa In Oregon City yesterday arranging for a sal of household goods, bora, cows and farming implements, which .will tak plac at bis horn on Sat urday, th. sal. to commence at 10 o'clock. . " Two Threatening t. Kill Css. Tho cj t f UhiI Mueller vs. Wm. F. Mueller, tb charr being threaten Ing to kilt, set for Tueaday, waa put over to Wedneaday. A similar cas In which David Dougtaaa rbarg. John T. Frerl with tbrests will also b on for bearing today, both cases In Jus tlcn Hamson's court. 0,000 GAME FISH. Commercial Club Aak. to Hav Local Stream. Stocked. Th Commercial Club, allv to the need, of the community In more ways tban one, ha. naked for tb. Blocking of th. small streams tn the county .with gam. fish that fishermen may aom day anjoy tb diversion, and If successful th pleasure of a few nice flsb. Tb. Club waata o,ooo Bah, as follow.: Flv thousand rainbow trout for each of thea. stream Mill Creek, Damascus Cltlien Tb. funeral of August Et Matthlaa, fit year, old, who died at bis bom near Sycamor. station on th Oregon Water aV lower Itne. waa bld March 1 from hla lata bom. Mr. Matthlaa had been a resident of tb. Damascus district for 30 years. Hla widow, on son and a brother survive him, mm VMM Your Home . Correct and Artistic Decoration at Moderate Cost. Henry Bosd Cczpsay's IVall Papers ww Tarh Chtoag. For th Season el Nine teen-elevcn reprrsrnt th best th World afford Ihiiasla Wafti taawa at rasr ftl . "'"""""In srl ;.Tk-" u4 rf (44mm Wlaw 1U lault kaanalMt Mioa J. B. FOX'W Marrl. Ceupi. ,t MU u' Justlc. H.n,a,in Nya and Ml.. Maria. J N dene Mnd.y sftaraooa aS1 tie .re from WuhJ avoman gav eoh preaent home ... Ub?,hwwl(J15k Hamaon baa a..lrnla afu" dnc. alnce he bec.B, IT year. ago. m UTESTJUrvin ''Oregon City Markr. Th. gractal market tatfe. k downward, la certals tosuWL! marked and In others ltcu7 7 lack of supply tending una J whan tb avotac It sirstk tk.2 deucy la downwarl APPUCH'J.nmI (ppia, w . . ntand yt and lh ark. 1 poller prlco. for ltoeJ. -Dough gal st.rk, aOrfW.ii tber. I. llttl or boaeauaibir .o k at any prlc. frtasj aZ bout Tic to id bos, tt j, cbolc. commanding u klxk n I Stork In hanrts .of grosrrt sail kt baa beQ .nil); it a tk ck a left and they romnaM isoai g IUxhI Hlvrr apple ar NHimu, rOTATOES-fllow awfeaax maad llitht. plenty of mt aorli th country yet .nd a frwavig outside buyers wer blddiag ar) well for thrra bet sow tat anat ama aallsrird or lb. ettywi k4 Many ar holding for pM p blgber than, th market sal Mat era cannot ship la safely; ana hippy, may hat. a batur Inat than local; must hir to sty ra: wanted by Thoae a t. ar koMtK VEtlETAItlJ-a-Uttk tkisna last report; onion ar. s Hum tt tn price but other vafattMst nw about th same. OnlaWiV. 1st and carrot. 74c to l art.svwJi to S1.Z& sark. pnai rUQi n AND KEED-now b I lower and demand weak.- t. down to IS Ho bast cfuctsi i 50; aom sriiing at bra at KT Draae and other feed irttaiM II a ton from last raports, stsra a lag $10. bran b.rly lULanB-' to fl.TO oata l:t lo I a. rrai for local wheat:' HAT .Loia of bar la awttrf being offered freely no: aat weak. With wlnir past farawrtW to all and th market bat Intat consequenc. All raos sr a from l to ciover m 111 to 111. timothy 111 to fits. fa SIS to $1T. . EOOS Are very pwauitu " prlc ranges about 17c. . oiittpii Var waak sal aaC V " - . m only commanding from W creamery always ntlnT 4 Ing aoe to lie n?Jfb,t'r. markt In only paying from a for country. ', POULTRY-Prfret wn hlgbr and th demand gwA - Dnng ion, nanoria - and mUed chicken. I3 to lit 10e to lie. hr. l JJJ, big dm.nd for ; mu Itot . IW fluctuate according w k . 1. In tic. IbMR r-1" to 76 each. - - , WOOL wring. 1 to W r mohair Wo to 30c. , DRIED raUITBPX, So and 7c, sun dried c pn gALT-Selllng 6c BO lb. aaclt, half ground 4W w 100 lh. aacks. -(js 102 ACRES 101 acre, of Pudding River bottom, M r tiv.tlon and balanc. s f f land but ta pastor, and Uaibw living watr, 4 room k', and outhous, famllf orcb. Phon. crwai , to school, t miles w to Hubbard. IS miios Surrounding land. I $100 and on up. This U a s , aeU for only 80 an aera, I'" and baUnee at pr cant . an " P d Fl I I0TT h y Near Suspension Srld.. 0r. DOYOUVAWT ANYTHING . . . " C Try tfie Clasfcd Coltit 3000 TUxdtxi rxr ' ; 1 iV f I