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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, JANUARY Ql, 191J. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON. I. E. SRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Application anaea for aeeoes rlsse prWI tof at the Pnatofflce at Orsco. City, Ontnn. under the Act of Conartsa of March S, 1ST. RIDQE AND FIVE MUNOREg Fitfhtintf BullsAxe Raided .With The Care of Infant Children . 1 AO . .1 .ISo mw if wnciimonu On Tfw. by mall , - Dlx Months, by nail Four Mnaiha. by mall .. For wk, by rarrler AIVOTDIMC IATQ Pint Paao. mmr race, first laarrtki First Pan, par mrh sdiled lnaerthns. .10c rTrrr4 position any pa., jor first tnerrtion . 1 ta rrvrrrvd poaltha any pas, par la oh a!4r4 InarHtons... .-.lee paper other than flrat pare per tnch first Insertion lie Run paper othrr thaa first pass, par tnch adifal Insertions.'. (c tatoals lc per Una; to rrrular adver tisers c llns. Wasjta. For ftale. To RrnL etc . ona ernt a word first insertion; oa-haif rvnt 1 saco additional. - Rates 'for adrertlatn. In tba Weekly ' Enterprise will be the same as In tha daily, for advertisements art t-iMlv I for the waekty. Vhers the sdvert irrnt , . . . a.i.n,. ' - la transferred from tha dally to the week- photo Copyright by American Prase Association. ty. without chanr. tha rate will be Ic 1 . . . . . ., i..iin Tjjtnrrs an mch for run of tha paper, and lOe an Tba famous rk-htln bulls of Spain r ona of tba moat Intaraalln raatara inch for special poaltkw. Abilaluslan flaina. Th PtnUb bull oflan baa ratbar hollow Uik.. SZXi,:FXLZnS HI. bm. ar. tarn rather wM. and turned up and .bort the Enterprise. ! thlok ,mj turni downward, as la usually tha caaa wtth EnlUh bolla. la "' adv.rti.ln . fcu Mr,r you,n MBUk ,tt C1)luvmrtlv. frretlom oyer tha plain. Ha aarly Circus advertlMa, and special transient mak" aMtilntm. however, with the aarroohlsta-. pic. Though tb. tattaf advertising at ISc to 5e an Inch. aecrd- u a le with-no I'Ude. iut ouly a stfiall potnt Uka ahotf. end Of an inato special condition. r,vernln the ' ,n,ulH.k u , forlnU1.Me woapotl when deiterou.iy wielded. When two "Tire Sale- and Bankrupt Saie" ad-er- ! year "' he trnlnlnir of the bull aa a 0hter la atarted. Tha bull la worried twements e mch first ineertton; .ddi- j ,, tnl.lwd and thrown down day after day. If the bull after reortTtof nr'r:.'Jr"":: .J".. L. r.,1 of nasty lab. which merely Inflict fleah wound, and do 0,...B,'rU- w,tb in'rest to local readers, serious harm l undismayed and continue, to chanra aa gamely aa erer be wlU be tladly accepted. Rejected manu- . .... . . . wk. rn Rut scripts nerer returned unlvKS accompan j eumoa io prepay postage. MR. TAFT AS MR. TAFT. Things poIUlcaJ are , nqt so much I conditions as growths. What la today ta not tomorrow, and what la tomor-1 row la changed with the next moon. Many people and all politician change. with the drift that la always! moving In the world of business. And j ta evolution In business and social I eoodltiooa la almply a percursor of; what ia certain to follow politically. Tha politician ta a funny proposition t to those who do not understand him, but to thoae who do he la a small Potato. Thar ia but one major pro position that at all times fills the minds of the aimon pure politician, and that la to always alight upon his feet, cat-like. Hence when one aeea the lightening changea of certain poli ticians It la nothing to be wondered at that little faith la had of the future of the prattler whom you know la here today and somewhere else tomorrow. Tor twelve years the Democratic party has stood for progress, and has pointed to Bryan as a leader of prog ress. And when Theodore Roosevelt took up and pat Into statute certain of the Billy Bryan theories It was said he must be turning to Democracy and even to Socialism because of the ex- .n.i.i. to iir nliu-k and flra emu ah to be worthy Of the ring. But should he. finding that hla charges are fruitless, turn sulky, refuse to charge his opponents and endeavor to flee from them he la branded as cowardly. Is fxttned and tn due. tlma tnrned Into beef ' not want It. It Is simply another case Indicating that the man who has a Presidential bee buxslng about will willingly buy honey to feed the bee In caae the friends of the bee are abort on their honey supply. And they'll do It even If they have made the bluff, In an effort to make others hustle for the hooey, that they would at buy In from one foot to the other In hla lum be rings forward. - .What Taft should do Is to awake to what the people want. And we have reference In this statement to the TEOFLE and not to the iuterests aa masked to represent the people. He should push aside the Importunl ties of .those who would use him and me nepuoncan parry in tneir efforts any event But to paraphrase the words of to Pu" mor" thM thlr hr ' th Pilate when striving to rid himself, of "estnuie from the fire- He should the burden of sentencing his nrleoner 'rt"e bovP lf- PrtT -nd plunder to What will von that I do with Booa.! Plnt of i.wniage from which he can veltT" The Republican party has two men of prominence on Its hand a Taft and Roosevelt. Roosevelt is the idol. one may almost say, of the. common people. Taft waa accepted as a candi date of the party or at least of the people composing the wire-pulling strength of the party on the say so of their party idol. Taft has not come up to the standard set by many people and has been a disappointment to Roosevelt. ' Whether Roosevelt will alt still In the coming race for Presiden tial nominations, or Jump Into the frsy. remains to be seen. If Roosevelt de cides to sit still will the people accept tremaa to which thay charged he waa tne decision, or clamor for his activ ating. But In the late election the foun dations of the 'Republican party, and the foundations of the Taft policy were seemingly Jarred loose by the progressive friends and progressive policies of Roosevelt and hla follow ers. The Republicans lost the Lower House In Congress In sticking to con servatism; the Democrats gained what Ity? There Is a spirit of unrest abroad wSicb permeates the ranks of all clas ses of politicians and voters, but in no case Is this unrest so manifest as in the ranks of the Republican party. The defeat of the past campaign, ad ministered with something of Jubila tion on the part of the common peo ple, haa led those of the Republican the Republicans lost; and now the Re- i Pr,UMlon t0 Mk- "Where are we ajyTj publicans are awakenin, to tha towrd wnat "r w headed?" f la that progression Is popular. i u VTT I P"rM"0n W i perturbed by the blow that .truck hl-1', ,or men Adams", popular It don't take a politician long ! .v. . Jt " "T Zl Ji"The People's Store." Masonic TemnU ,. . . iu mc net ne uiu not taae u to nearx dm Taft seems to be the first to again Bid. 'pet his hreeth W KIU V waa wMtl aWn n I n a Prlaitlav r- vnnt n-i " -" a . i j i - - - ,i'v:udiv imi IO Kef. into lln With tha falln la carrvlnr th. k ..I"0 mucn M 80me nd h nM Taft Is fast pulling up his craft to the rear of progression and Ita policies one la led to ask the question, is Taft a politician? Many of his friends have all along contended that he was above the contaminating influences of poli ticsthat Taft wss a statemnan. But the latest news from the "seat of pro gression" seems to tell the story of Taft trying to crowd in on the front row. That Taft will be given a good seat In case he U willing to sit with the progressives goes without saying and he's entitled to It if be wants It. and we know of no reason why he should I settled down to his' old stride of seek ing what he wants and trying to get it when he wants it. He has reorga nized his forces, but in this reorgani zation he has tried to retain all of his old followers and at the sane time line np any who have not fol lowed before or if following have kept themselves well In the rear. TaTt is a pretty good fellow; he wants to do light and perhaps would do rleht If there was no pressure from the pie counter cohorts. But big as he is one need have little trouble in Jostling him from his feet if he will but choose the psycological moment to do so at the time when he shifts see the real and true Interests of the people; and once he aees these Inter ests clearly be should permit no other policy to turn him aside from that which la right, from that which will work out to the Interests of all the people In this great and. prosperous nation. It fa time for Mr. Taft to stand oat aa Mr. Taft to stand out with aa much prominence In his policy aa he does In his avoirdupois. : t-edj . ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Mr. Brown, of Mount Pleasant, who has been very sick. Is better at this writing. The second monthly banquet for the men of the church will be given In the M E. church tonight, Speakers from abroad will be A. King Wilson and Dr. C. E. Cilne, both of Portland. The Ladles' Aid will serve the banquet. The officers of the Presbyterian church win meet at the home of C. Schubel this evening to plan for the future work In the church. It Is to be a strictly business meeting. Ladles Home Journal patterns and Koyai Worcester corsets at John Ad ams', "The Peonie s Store." Masonic Bldg. Coal Supply Diminishing. Water Power Will Serve Nation In Future. -X CHAtLM , VAN HUE. Pmia.nt ot th. ,,,, , hi r NTETIESTS that control the water nower of th. country will DIRECT TIIK CONDUCT OF in WATIOW IN FUTURE YEARS. S. A plj will be EXHAUSTED AT THE ED OV the nineteenth century only 5,000,000 ton, had been Z"r""eCarth- ring the nineteenth uw.uw.uw, to,,, were mined WATER POWER WILL tUPPLY George Sullivan, son of Mr. and Mrs T. W. fiulllvan, who was so badly In Jured in a fall at Cazadero several months ago, was able to be out for the first time Monday. He was around on crutches and It will be some time yet oerore ne is ruuy recovered. Councilman Burke Is bearing th burdens of Council and getting fat He says there is much work to do Just now and as he has little to do, while certain other members have much to do, he Is agreeable to doing a little more than his share In an effort to keep things moving. There will be a business meeting of me urotnernood of the Congregational church Wednesday night, at the home of E. T. Avlson. The main Durnoae of the meeting Is to perfect arrange ments for the next meeting of the uromernooa, which Is planned for luesday evening, February 7. The Hesperian, official organ of tho Oregon City High school, which waa i some time ago admitted to the mails as second class matter but lost the privilege through suspension of nnhll cation, has again been recognized by uncie earn ana can again be mailed at pouna rates. Word received by friends In this city tells the story of Ray Williams. lurmeny or mis city but now living In the East, taking to himself a wlf rm. cently. There were very meager de tails out it was understood he wedded a young woman whom he met alnce taxing up nis abode there. The Knights and Ladles of Security nciu auciai in wooamen hall Monday evening. There was a good attend ance and an enjoyable event. There was a literary and musical program, which was followed by popcorn, pea nuts and candy. cen- AVAILABLI AT PREI'sit All Tu. rt WOULD BE POsaiai . t " ""T WE NEED. DEMANDED. THUS IT It IIEN THT WHtN TMf 'fn.J RUN tHORT THE WATER WERU ER "thT , T.ON, AND THAT tUPPLY OP WATER NEVER C" ,lT ' LJl IlECESSAIiY TIIAT TILE NATION HOLD ITS , W are coming more and more to believe thtt tie individual who ZtuLTSu TRU8TEE OF THAT PEOPEKTT and that be Is beholden to f attire genefttioo.. - rASloo1 wea: of OF THE NATIOV I f .TIIE MINDS OF THE "PEOPLE Took His "Eves" With Th Cyrus Powell doesn't think much of in ixa uamantan problem since his experience Sunday night. On that oc y stopped and asked .21 ,?d,n!. MnK Mtlsfled to sleep In the barn. Powell took them Into the atead, fed them fat at the breakfast hour, and set th.m .hi. 1 d. hH rupP- An boor later M. ! !.YerM tnat thr " cabled his glasses away with them, and be Is "7 "Jnin "u"4 In an endeavor to umj auq na aava aii 1. - .. . . . KUUW wiiuuui wearing nis glasses. REAL fTTf Ucar La Bennes to 8. B Reeaa Mri township south, range 1; $1200. A. E. Mathews to T. I. Loughim u interest SS lots Mlnihom u A ld.J Portland; $L - 7 . 7 A. E. Mathews to T. f r .. DEATH COMES SUDDtTI TOIWLCAPDI BRIEF FUNERAL tERVlCI AT THE HOME WITH BURIAL PROM FINLEY CHAPEL, PORTLAND. Mr.. Henrietta Lokhton Cam-a. wife of Kllcry Cairn. of Willamette, a high ly rvapected and well known resident of that place, died at the family home Hunday night about 6 o'clock, after a brlrf Illness. Mrs.- Captn was taken 111 at the family home Saturday even ing with heart failure, this being the intneuiaie rauee or hr death. Mrs. capeu'a maiden name was Man. rletta Lt-lghton, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ilghton. of t'a bridge. Maasa rttttselta. She was born in the vear of 1513, and at the time of her d.mlae was 67 years of aire. 8.he waa united n marriage Id the state of Masaarhue- etta to tilery Capen on May 1L U6i. They made their home In that state until 30 years ago when they came to Orygon to make their home, residing at i-ortiaad until year, ago, when they came to Oregon Cltv. m.klur thelr home at Willamette, where Mr i apen la manager and proprietor of the Capen Shoe store. Mrs. Capen leaves besides her hus band. Ellery CatMn. the follow Ins children: Mrs. Herman Hrhade. Mrs. Frank O. Smith. Edward W. Capen and (ieorge Capen, all of l"ortland. rYank Capen and Mrs. W. A. Roas. of Will amette, a brother. Leauder Capen, of Willamette, and 17 grandchildren, the eldest of whom Is about II years of age. while the youngest is tb. four weeks old daughter or Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ross, of Willamette. Mrs. Capen. since her residence In Willamette, haa made many friend. by her kind disposition, and her death waa a snock to her friends and qnalutaucea.-who will mourn her de mise. A brief funeral aervlce will b conducted at the family home at Will, amette on Wednesday mornln at o'clock, after which the remains will oe taken to Portland, where a aervlce will be held at the Plnler Chatwl. m Third .and Madison atreeta. at X o'clock. Rev. T. L. Elliott, of Portland, officiating. The Interment will be In the Rtvervlew cemetery. ' . DEATH OP MRt. KENNEDY. II Fer Only A W.ah At The Ql.d.ton. Home. , Mrs. Samuel Kennedy died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. r. L. Oswald, of Gladstone, after a week's uiness or pneumonia. Mrs. Kennedy's maiden nam. waa Phllette Hull, and she waa born at Maraailles. Ohio, 74 years ago. She was united la marriage on September 29. 1852. to Mr. Samuel Kennedy, and was the mother of nine children, seven of whom survive, and three of these residing In the state of Orea-on. Tha children are Mrs. J. B. Pettlt. of Sum mit: Mead Kennedy and Mrs. r. Oswald, of Gladstone; Sheldon Ken nedy, Roma Keanedy and Homer Ken. nedy. of Kenton. Ohio, and one daugh ter. Mra. Louie Halght, of Mtddlefield, The funeral service, will be held irom the Christian church at r.ll. The Entertainment fer the Evening at Mia. Marjoria Cautletde Heme. Mlsa Marjorle Caufleld entertained the members of the Thursday Ntgbl Club and tha l! at her home on B.vantQ aad Monroe streets Sttarday alaht at rtrld. and rive II indred. The prise for five Hundred wis won by Ml.s Helen Daulton and for Bridge by Mra. W. It. Godfrey. Pur ng th. evening the hoateas, who was aa.l.led by her sl.t.r. MM Kthe! Caufleld. served a delicious luucheon. The house decorations were of Oregon trap. 4're.ent were Mr.. W. II. Godfrey, Mrs- Theodore W. Clark, Mra. la K. Jonea, Mrs. A. I. Heat I e, Mrs. K. P. Rands, Mrs. William Money, Mra C. IX Latourette, Mrs. M. I), lattouretle, Mrs. J. N. Wlsner, Mrs. la A. Morris. Mrs. David Caufleld, Ml, r.nnle I 'or ter, Mia. Kate porter, Ml. IMIe Mat tley, Miss CIs Pratt. Ml. Helen Daul ton. Mia. Ilea. Daulton, Ml.s Ilea. Kelly. Mia. Almee lloltack. Mis. Mvra Hecoi, Mlas Veda William. Mia. Nell Caufleld. Mlas Ethel Csufl.ld. QUIET WEDDINO tUNOAY. In Are tp.ndlng Their H.n.ymeen southern California. . A very quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mr. Newton r'srr at :J0 Sunday evening when their daughter. Mi.. Maude farr, and Dr. K. N.hrbaa were united In marriage by Kev. Proctor of the Congregational church. lr. Nehrba I. connected wlrh th. New Sy.tem I)nllta a ho recently came to tbt. city, and the bride Is a well-known young lady of this rlly, who baa madeier home here all her life. After an extended trip through Southern California, they will return to orgeun City to make their home- WHEf ONE MAY HUiT -AliDVillATAIIDVHERE TEXT OF PROPOtEO NEW LAW THAT HAt A GOOD CHANCE J. "OF PAtttNa i" 'I The Ban!; of Oregon Ci: . ' i Gives its customers genuine strvs and its increased business and grri shows that such service Is apprecH THE OLDEST BANK IN. THE. Cojjivn Fef fine shoe reMlHng g t. THE OLD RELIABLE OREfV - CITY SHOE SHOP . ' Work dene tsthlle yee welt Oor Mottot Stltfctloa GoarAotecd -C SCHOENHEINZ, Proc n Main let. tlsth and tev.eth. a . ' . . oecuon, mat Section 1340 of Lord a Oregon Ua be and the same Is hereby amended so aa to reed aa ivnuws: .. .. Sec. taiO. It Is hereby prohlblaed and hereafter shall be unlawful for an person within the State of Oregon to um ror. pursue, take, catch or kill auy of the game animals, fowls, or birds protected by the laws of the oiai. or uregon during the open sea. son when It Is lawful to take the same, without such person having In hla per sonal posaeSalon and carrying with him at tbe time of said bunting, pur suing, taking, ratchlne. nr binm. . license therefor, duly laauad in him. the county clerk of one of tha of Ihbj State; provided, however, that i.w ictubv snaii p. required of a man or members of his own family for per m.l.u iu ouni upon ma own land; and the county clerk of each and ev ery county of tbe State of (). i. hereby authorised to Issue such license unaer ne provisions of this AcL Such license shall be numbered and dated. GEORGE A. HARDU DRUGGIST j- PURR DRUOt, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLU- STATIONERY. PRESCRIPTION AND ' FAMILY Rf CEIPTf CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. 2afn.HONEt MAIN mi. HOME. BM, Si t MAIN STREET Next Door to D, a LA TO U RETT! Preeldeev r. j. me THE FIRST NATIONAL t of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, faAOOOOO. TransMts a ft-eer.l Banking ueineee. mere waa some business la the horse division, and la keenlne with the aalea made. Quotations ar ahnui aa follows: Drafters, extra It 00 to I70O I ha tl65 to 3&0: drafters, fair to tmd 1126 to 2oo; Chunks. $100 to U0; chunk, medium. SO to 1100; drivers. mixrrum to good. 140 to 111.); plugs. 110 to f0. v Kepreaentatlve aalea are aa follows: One) free. A atone this afternoon at I o'clock. Rev . . w coou,n kr''f description Mulkey officiating. The Interment H "rmn ' hon the aane Is will be m the Mountain View ceroe- . u' ,0"ner Wl e and tery. !" r residence of each such person Mrs. Kennedy came to Oregon nine An"c" lued to sny person ae- yeara ago, and since that time haa "5 t0 provisions of this Act made her. home with her daughter ,B,l,1l lt times subject to tbe In- ne - . . sirkaea Irvsn . .mi a, a a ... Mrs. P. L. Oswald, and made manv ...... rienus si inst piace. Gats Drill- Cauoht In Mocks I, W. Rivers, who about four week. ago engaged In drilling a well on the ix c. Latourette property on the Wm( mae, when the drill became caught In the rocks, and cannot be dislodged. He hss given up the taak of removing "u ""s purcnased another drill, and will commence operating In another spectlon of any officer of the State of ureon cnargeo with tbe enforcement of the game laws, or any sheriff or deputy sheiif or constable wltbla the oiaie. or me owner or hla agent or representative of the real property up on which the holder of such license may be hunting. Section S. That Section tUl of Lord's Oregon Laws be and tbe same Is hereby amended an ss to Mt follows: Sec. 2341. All licenses Drovlded for nmrt rf ike ,-. am a. . s. . - a .is7 iiiiu W m Wfju wniCO Will I n ffcle. .a,... . . ' i no doubt be more auccessful thsn the !? 'ffi"".!11 follows: other. api'nraiion inereror hy any per- on, rimer n resident or nonrealdent m 1L.I. M.a a aa . W.d Monday Aft.rn. "l ln.'" . ' wno " e an affldav. R. C. Wallace, of Multnomah county. K,. . " '2.3 ' !Mn, fortb a vamv. n i- . .1--. " hla age, residence, occuoatlon. ete . an and Edith Harris, of Clackamas muni ly. were married by Justice Samson Monday afternoon, the ceremony beJn riciusive. 104 Steers 104 Steers 2 Steers St Steers 77 Mogs 177 Hogs . , ZS Cows . to Cows . , 14 Cows ., 40 Cows II Calves . 10 Calves , 795 Wetherg X04 Bwes T. t Hulls .. 1 Stag ... 1117 lots ,....lll IS&l MIS til too B.71 tie t tt see g.4o .104S ...MS ..1141 ... $7 ... ! . . 13t ...100 .7. Ill" ,..1150 ...1S&4) 4 Si 4 SI 4 00 t.S to S( 4 50 4 to 400 -1 k lai ' ItkJ - BtiGS firm at Jit, i m oiuppeareo. MKAThWOreead lie to is for choice. 11 He to We, mutton io POULTRY No aasaa,' er fowla. ehlckaoa jaBi will bring ic OalrtV Btaad. r-,-. 1 Hope The bop muuJ firmer and It Is baHr-ji Who hold for th. aataws Set IL No greet aW Balt-lJ.rpoo Block salt ry .... Book Just Off annual license shall be Isued to such person oy the county clerk to whom such application shell be made, and ahall be Issued as follows: (at 'n, ha, ... ...., . pniv niTiTTcra ,a . . ..' ix m nunung I or, POLK GAZETTEER It OUT. taking, catching, or kllllna any of th. Complete .nformstlen for Northw.., tedTy' fSS? 5S i vnirn aa in iirani, ...n . n . I I . . i - .win vuiiuty in. DSrtV tO Whom Sllftl llanaa la i-- ' Press Has Bualnaaa I tn hunt in, ... . ... Dlrectorw f Cll.. I. r. cawn, or Kill and wiehTno in. " l., " ?" ",lra-'' .r (The Mornlnc T.,.. .OI a.ur,n "-'.yyn mmn wneo u is lawrul to kill ... , ... ,w lne Mn)e and ev.ry tf,rkon whfl u Commercial Institutions of the rifv citizen of the Rial nf nr..nn are receiving the annual ir,iiu. lthe Issuing nf ...k n ' me r. u polk ft Company, which Is P" o the county clerk the sum of out for the states of Washington and l "d every nonresident of the State u . . , . rao"1 comP'ete work Oregon shall pay for such license or its kind Issued In the Northwest. th um of 110. It contains an accurate business ira. (b) No .h.n ..j lnr,no..i.i. . --- I n nmmi nir , lacoma, HpoKane, Port- penoa longer than one year, and all .!. . 7 r J' ,uwn ana Tillage '"-' snau expire on the thirty-first in -the two states. It aiv m.t.i.. div nf rw.mi... . . . . Iha mmm . mm "iniM. . I Hirer lUei T IS- trie names and addresses of country auance. and the aame shall not be srl A fa Fl si t t as e n i4 aLa.l a a I a M w r " pruiwasionai men, Mm """"'craDie. bermen and others, who fei an wii.n ' - .. In the smaller places. provision, of this t on .h.i h! I Bar. la a 1 . - .. . . . . " I . . ... .. vw .a a mmuina list or in. I aeemra eulllv nf a mUH.n.... ..a ernment officials, commissioners of upon conviction thereof shall be'pun. vf.'. .board--,nd ,t,tto',r pro- Mhed by a fine of not less than m thl a ' " : rr Mmw of nor An'or- than 1150, or by Imprlaon- telephone and telegraph offlcea, jus wherein such unlawful mU wuS tlces of the peace, a list nf tha un I mlitarf for nnt ia.. .v.. .. ' a . . . ' w i " nwm iiiau ten uiti nnr llin WpAlf I T tieaena a. ... . . a I a At . . . --w. wvn.. unweiunnrii' sarin mtnwi i nif trsn rnnn nmaie j-a--a a. . a . a. of Informally a.J....!' 7'. 7. i.-l" "7 wr 7."n BUCO "iun7 compnea, a i sua imprisonment nun, ucm;npive sketch of each town Canny Mark.ta. (Reported by Oordon Bros. Co.) iiMjiiNB-a-w neat eejiinc 11. corn ll.tO ewt, oeU $1.40. Paying I1.S0 raan ror oats at this time., firan brings gte sack, aborts 1.SI, middlings li s. tariey u.u. riour la selling at t in. oarrei. CHICKENS Springers brine 17e and. are in good demand, hass 17c. oia roosters ixc, young roosters 15c. Turkeys are quotable at S0e, ducks zue .na geeM lie. MEATS Dressed pork la selling at 11VC at this lime and the same Is be ing paid in trade; I0e Is paid In cash. Veal selling 14 He and paying ISVie cash, ftacon and. ham sella at c. anouiner 17C. lard commands He. FRUITS Apples command 15c boi, dried be to to pound, nrune. k m a POTATO K8 Potatoes sell at 11.45. oesi cssn orrer. seed stnrk cumuianus 11 ub, cssn 95c. HAY-Clover bsy commands l!sn caah, oat hay $14 50. wheat hay $14.50. ........ u, fn.Du, ni 1 1 eu EGOS Market none too strong at Ws and much valued data la riven An Important feature nf tha tlon Is the classified bnslness direc tory, wnicn enables the seeker of In formation to ascertain at a glance names and addressee of all of tha dif. .uiiirma engaea in any given line Jn. 30, Receipts on this of business. The directory has been "wket for the week have been 1469 .. y.. w meei me wants or the '"e, caives, 1683 hogs, 6909 sheen htlSlnaaa nmauU aaa t . I aal II it . . . ' " C LATESTJMRKET5 PORTLAND M1RKITI PORTLAND UNION STOCK business community and haa been In. spected thoroughly for the discovery "i any arrors whlcn might exist No y.iui.cmuon m mis section will supply the exacting demands of business life mi. one just rrom the press." It was only by ths expenditure of a l,r -iu m muD-7 mat tne racts were gath i iu inn iwrm mat tney were. The w aosoiuieiy reliable, so that It Is perfectly safe for a concern to Issue ...v i circulars, uauy letters and prove any address desired by referring AT mmnlll.. . a. .. - J The Official data lik . Ilia II., . , si .Z "-W4. "iornce Ml i . uovemment. atsta ' will M foun(j h mat the results or tt i... ..T: re all In and In consequence thehoob thoroughly ap to date nil 21 II. A- M The cattle market for the week has been easy In tone and prices nave irom 26 to co cents from the hu poim oi a week or two ago. There "thing of extra quality In the iL 111 " na in Irlc not , The hog market also shows weak- uoaa iu armD.inv with ni, Hl.hnll-a " 'ia. inau. up equal y from Missouri River and X . a.i- m " 'n. , ...u. ,rom contract deliveries was not such as to hrin nn ha " feVVi Good aualltr ihM f. tSr All aK awau. a 15.25 and ewes sold fn- n ia ... avat .L w s.u v, sWlUBL iVits v.rp off,r,d wr not 'i IU the heavy supply to choose from buyers were indifferent t a. Oregon City Quotations. A PPLK8 The apple market la still firm with large stocks still on hand. Demand la good with prices from 60o to $1. POTATOES Good stock Is sesree with the supply cleaning up; ton pay ng price $1.25 with the farmers hold Ing because stock la getting low. Sweets still on the market are all cel. if!L!nd thut bou exhausted. VEGETABLES Oniona ar. .iMn. at 2c pound; carrots, parsnips and tur. nips plenty wtth selllne- nrlr. . at ack; beets I bunches for trie ni.m. of all kinds but market free. Cabbage ..... in 7 an lauiornia Stocks. TX)Un The Inclination i. ward In sympathy w-Mh hi -vi.u Is off one eent a bushel. IVWial Ulna t". n.ra wneat brand $5 50 CORN-8olllng $1 ton cheeper mak- .... iin to 11.75 hundred, reed $'Sb.Ty ,pir!B'-br'n Mc- HAY Merchants n,,u. ni'.T' ,U f?r-motliy. a"nd $! o, pLI w""." ,,,",f for wo " o, i-ih'y t0 mt nanda aa reL BUTTER la weab.r h..i ..n?r'". tTk . mm, s-wjii iiisr BB.I, ln lim Drifts, navlnar . - m r- -" vuy IwUWtJat?) EECTRIC hn . f MAIN ITKT ENTE CHANGE PROGRA AIttuvs iitr new and r AT THIS THE i Cure Your Rl: AND OTHER ILLS 0M AT Till HOT U Sanatofi (The House of If Till 03EC0W-WC Raiir6:d&M . . - - ; Sella round-trip KtP month., allowing ' aoonmmodatloB at JJ1 rlum. at Portlaa O.W. RtK-F, For further Informstl' trated booklet, a"1!! Phy, Medical Supt "J , Lake, Oregon, anr " Agent, or writ to . ' WM. MeMUMj;. Qnrl VJrtr BO YOU VANT 4 ANYTHING . . . ( '' '. 1 ' ' : 1 Try tne Ctasdici Coloons ci ( IWORNINGEPITERPI 3000 tlcdtn Dally cept the beat.