Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 22, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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K3 Gets Uasafacturer's Aid In
r?FlMtef M Order Game.
: Avectna of Iwrf hr Mefcec Com a
Leea War U Intree'eea Qee !
New Territery profits "ilc,
.' 4 tlMIMN la ',
John Smith of Crrsoo. la., la In the
aba husioes. Ha la in competition
with two other (txw stores In K.wn and
thir-e (nffll (orr. He ta aLo flcbt
lag for trade In competition with mat!
order bow In Chk-ra VI tunes poll
and Kansas City.
WkM b put In a arm of good ht
Ande tbat ba cannot bur aaj cheaper
tbaa tb stores already In the field. Ur
ran bar abort made with hia own
name on them wnkb net bini a ixnrfit
oa an arerr of 33 1-3 per cent er
pair, bait b ta dealing -with a value
tbea wbtcb tb people of bla cotumunl
ty knaw nothing a boot, and be reeltiee
tbat It will be a bard pull to sell only
nose aboea which bear bla own turn
and whkrh bavt no Identity, ss to Talue
wttb the average couaunier. lie fluda
the ether stores sre estsbllsbed, doing
a comfortable business. They arc Jut
- aa popular aortal! aa be la, and he
looks about for some aid to enable blm
fb break' Into the aboe trade.
It is logical, (ben. tbat be should de
termine apon some sdvertlsed brand
of aboea tbat la known to eTery fam
ily (n bis neighborhood. which baa
been advertised ao effectively tbat the
standard of ratae la fixed In the pab
11c "a mlad. so tbat when be banca np
bis sic and puts bis adrenlaeroent
in the papers tbat ba bandlea
aboea tb people will Immediately
com to Mm berasse they revoirnbte
tbat be is marketing a well defined
boa Tains, t -
In a town tike Cresco John Smith
can generally get aa exdnslrn agency.
Ba can ham a shoe tbat to not sold
by any ether store la hia town be
can hart a aboe that la not sokl by
mall order bouses st all and tbat nets
blm so the arerax as good a profit aa
an nnadrertlsed brand of aboea.
It la trns tbat bis Initial profit on
tba advertised line of aboes may be
smaDer than the profit tbat is marked
on tbo nonadTcrUsed lines, bat tbe ad
Tortlsed aboa seldom requires a clean
no sale or a cat price to mors it,
whereas this Is the regular procedure
with tbe nonad'extised shoe, so tbat
tbo profit pereentage ntargln per year
is as good or better who tbe adrertla
ed Una as It Is with tbe aooadverttaed.
Tbe dea(erkrable to aell a aboe tbat
Is known to erery family in bla neigh
borhood, which can't be sold by mall
order bonnes and wblcb Is produced by
a BMnnfarrorer conat&aUy strfriag to
gjTo tbe dealer adrertlalng helps and
store co-operation ao aa to build np a
constantly growing business.
Tns dealer gets from tbo mannfao
tnrer this friendly co-operation be
eaass tbe dealer is tbe solo repreaent
atiTe of tbe line of goods In tbe deal
er's neighborhood. Tbe manufacturer
desires to build tbe dealefa account aa
much as poealble. He therefore sap
plies blm with advertising matter,
booklets, circular, window Ideas, and
so on, snd enables tbe dealer to be a
lire, pioeieaalTC adrertlaer. rrtntera
Office Bey-Coiooe SlaugUter Is
downstair. Shall I show him npf
Editor of tle Sca!per-No; be was
abown op sufficiently In yesterdsy's Is
sue.' Tee Much.
Bllarkmsly lncUnei Itocior-I know
nw out just grta and bear it. !d
- Editor We went some one to edit
tbe f hlWJreev department. Ne slang
' "be English most be choice.. . . ,
Appllcaat-rTbafa a T. guy
yet are looking for.
1- . "n b""r e. but blamed tf in
; - '. friar
.. '- - On the tpet .-
There's one good thing about Ea
peeanto." ;
"tear (fttelng lnectbaU
-Tea; yon cant build a llmk In
tbat laagoeaV
Tata la aUrbaroue.
CBstomer Hnrrab! Ererybody will
be piyg fcwthali now. . . .
Barber toot so enthusiastic) lea; no
n4e-catand ererybody ualng aafety
Fmi ef JrewWe. -
"A scientist ssys tbat Adam'e apnje
la tbe cause of Insanity. .
"It hasn't cauaed naif aa mu b troo-
bio aa tbe apple tbat Ere bad."
At the Nary Yard.
Vktltor la Ibis where tbey cast caa
aonT , Fanny Guide ho, ma'am. It'a where
tbey blow great guns.
She Waa a Fiend.
Escort -look! Tbat motorcar baa run
down a man and crushed blm.
Woman In tbe Case Ob. bearena!
And I bave left my camera at home.
Fergot to Ramamber.
Mamuia' Why, Tommy, rou did not
bring back anything from tbe drag
"I know, mawmay. Tbe maa ssld
be didn't bsTe w bat you sent for, and
toia him as plain as ever I could
lhat you said iueen-snne bills snd a
rial of pnenmonla."
uttofiholee Also RoaoieW.
Bar. f-lahsly Kalbom-Dar hab kin
0 snennr button In' do plate hash
lately fob con terbu. bona fob de hea
then dSt I'S tVMIIul tmm J.. -
- mi a
congngasbna fubnlah some gyartneats
Dont tevtl oM all tbe clover to the
cows. Save a sice lot for tbe ebeep.
They Will cat u nnk . 7.
aa any animal on the farm.
Bouensg pigg saasot be profitable
MUTES j, ,
CrrnvM rraaa
Two young ladlre rntered a rallwsy
car; and tbe uoly aeot A.aul was one
turned o face another In WBKB W
two voans men. No sooner bsd the
girls seetrd tkeotaelrea tbaa the young
men began to wor4btr Bugrre in Ibe
abtn Uaxunr of deaf mules, iney
were well dressed, geoilewaollke f el-
Iowa, and It waa evkleu front the, rap
idity with which tbe talked with tbl
handa tbat tbey could neither boar nor
speak. ''
-luj't it a plty.3racer said one of
tbe glrU to tbe other, "that those
young men are deaf mutes f
"And so handsome. tooL
Tbe words were spoken In too low a
tone for their b-a la to bear, even If
tbey bad been endowed with, bearing.
for tbe glrla could not quite feel sure
of their condition. As tbe train . got
ander way. msklng more and more of
rattle, the girls gained confidence
and raised their Tok-e-. Blnce no heed
waa pakl to them by tne young nten.
no matter what tbey said, tbey Dually
became used to apeaklog la tbelr natu
rat voices.
Isn't it funny. Belle." said Grace,
to be talking aboe I people before their
facoe and tbey not, being able to near
word?" ,
Tbere'a a fascination about 1C re
plied tbe other. Po you know. I am
possessed With a desire to say some
thing I wouldn't bare them bear, for
tbe unlrerseT
-Why sor '
"On. on account of tbe novelty of tbe
thing. IHdu't you ever say all sorts of
things to soms deaf person f
Yes, Indeed. My aunt Margaret U
deaf aa a post 1 delight to call ber
names right under her nose."
"Which do yon think the handsomer
of tbo two nienr
"Tbe one with the blue eyea end
light hair." '-
"lie hasat a muatarbe. Ton know
what, they say about kissing a man
without a mustache tike eating an
egg without salt"
"1 wouldn't mlad a kiss from biro
even If be has no mustache."
At tbat moment tbe two young men
ceased their silent ceeamunk stkm. and
tbe one with blue eyea, light hair and
no mustache looked through tbe win
dow. Ills companion was seised with
a slight coughing snd put bis bandker
chief to his mouth. But 'in a few
minutes tbey were wriggling their fin
gers sgaln. - r
"For my part." ssld Grace. "I pre
fer the one with that soft black beard.
think a beard tbat has not, long
grown la very nernming to a young
Why don't yon tell blm no kud
enough for blm to bear yon tbat la. If
be waan't deaf aa a manikin T
""Do -you dare" nr :
"Dare yoal Tbere'a nothing to dare.
Don't yon know tbat tbe reason these
people can t Ulk la tbat tbey are born
without tbe slightest ability to bear?
t ot being able to beer, tbey cant learn
fiow to ulk." : . -
tbat Itr "
"V eil. Mr. Man. your black board is
re r.. becoming, and yon with bin eyes
1-j fiend wouldn't mind your kissing
1--u tbe girls looked at each other
ano laughed. It was great fun to be
Dk to Ulk this way to two nice look
ing young men who couldn't bear a
word tbey were saying. Nor could
tbey help looking at the anbjerU of
their remarks to note tbe absolutely
unconscious look on tbelr feces.
Then tbe conductor csme around to
Uke np tickets, and tbe glrla ssw
tbat tbe young men's were for tbe
same station as their own. When tbe
conductor bad passed Grace said to
"IIow would It do to ask tbem to
coma snd see us tonight?"
"You csn ask tbem what you like. It
won't mske any difference. Indeed,
you might screech In their ears and
tbey wouldn't bear you."
"Well, then. I'm going to do It Just
for fun."
"Why notr
"Ob. It seems aa tf tbey ought to
bear ns, even If tbey don't"
"Do you suppose If tbey bad beard
wbat we bsd ssld about tbem tbey
could help showing It?"
"Of coorse not"
?Weli, then, whst are you afraid of r
"I'm not afraid. Toung gentlemen,
we are very much pleased with your
appearance. We lire at 84 North
Adams street We would be very glsd
to hare yoq call upon ua this evening."
She ssld all this looking straight at
her friend.' Tbe young men's flngere
were going like lightning. Tbey seemed
to bsve found a new subject of mutual
What would be tbe use of their
coming to see us?" said Belle. "Tbey
couldn't Ulk to us nor we to tbem."
"Perhaps tbey tarry slates to write
meaasgen on."
When the train stopped at tbe sution
where- all were to alight on of tbe
young men ssld to the other la a sono
rous bass voice:.
Goodby. Redmond. Ill meet rou at
st your room.
Tbe gtrls went borne la a carriage,
using smelling salts by tbe way.
Tbe time rsme when tbe young men
Bude-the girls' acquaintance and tbe
can aa well, but It waa all done wttb
eut reference to their first meeting.
I 7J7 way eoetemer fee
m thlnt nmnsnsna-t. saTlwa..
tnie apace. Either ess. Ea.
Perls nee wnneoseeary. JuSl.
ciowa advertisers witi. a
tblng to eell and something to
SSV will fln tkla a.
grease fsr a bwelneee aleg, - No
rniam. Msrnee persons of ms-.
turn age will nndereund. Call e
en, or address, Advertlelng e
Oregon CHy. Oregon. . , e)
WON BY , ,
Bv John callage jr
OwrerM e
4altae, I Ml.
alas Meredith wss sa lavetersie
gamble . Wearing be anOohia mviner
were In Paris, 1 went te see tbem sua
found only the mother.' Alan bsd goee
to Nice. Monte Carle Is aot rsr mni
Nice, sad. aoderataiKMug my friend"
nenrUvltlee. 1 felt sure thst be bsd
gone there U Indulge bis cravings for
kirs. Meredith wss perfectly aware.
tUt her eon waa toning Ibe family for
tune at gambling, but wltb whom he
gambled or when or how wss a matter
that she kaew nothing about. At one
time when she was la New. Tech sort
he at Vleana be had UlegVaphed ber.
-vj-.i imiii at be discharged "
Uk. calls b money had been more and
more frequent, and with every rail tbe
amounts grew larger.
Ilia morber did at know enougn
bout tbe lay of the land in Ibe Itlvtera
to feel worried about her son. but I
feared thai If he stuck lo tbe gaming
Ublee long enough be might rule him
self and ber loo. I came ! a sudden
resolution to go down there, bnd IX I
found. Alan playing 1 would eterclse
my Influence with blm lo get blm
away. o tne oeit nay ws
for tbe prtnclllty of Monaco.
I arrived at my hotel In 11 roe siy
for dinner, so Instead of searching for
Alan at hla abiding place I. concluded
to go where. In case he-wee at Moate
Carlo, 1 would be sure to find ajm-
tbe -gtrmbllng . tH"vtmn, .Tbere were
not many people about tbe tables, and
tbe place looked lonely It struct we
that those connected wltb the eatsb-
I Unmeet wore a look of gkwnt. But
soon people began to errHe. the gsnte
waa opened and alienee gave way 10
tbe bum. of tbe buy vnee about tbe
table. '
I was wstrhlng to see If Alan would
corns In wnen n serrsni sari me 11
my name wss Butler. I m telling him
tbst It wss. be Informed me that I wss
wsntsd at tbe telephoned wo there
snd 00 tsklng tbe reCelrsr brsrd tbs
well known voice of Also Meredith.
"Is that yon, ; Frank?"
"I'm glad you csme down. Take a
napoleon to tbe table put It on tbe red
and Were It there till yon get word
from me ts Uke It off."
'I'll do ne socb thing. I came down
knowing that you must bo bare, and I
propose to take yen to Parts with me
I lUtened for a reply, but
I called, but atm-ao-ann
bad doubfleea shut me off. I waited
for awhile, thinking I would be rung
np again; but anally got tired and went
awsy. I waa disgruntled at not baring
got Alan'a hotel sddreaav-fur , there
wss now nothing for me to do but
bnnt him up.
Aa 1 passed out I cast a glance Into
tbe gambling room, nod 1 was eurkms
to know what would be tbe result If I
carried out Alan's instructions. 1
thought that be might accuse me of
preventing bis winning some money If
I felled to do as be bsd aaksd. It
would take me but a few minutes to
lose a napoleon, and when 1 saw him
again I could then tell blm tbat I bad
done bis bidding. r .
I went Into tbe gambling room, el
bowed my wsy to a table and laid a
napoleon on tbe red.- I won. I left It
there and It won again. 1 hare forgot
ten bow many times in succession 1
won. but there waa a beep of gold on
tbe table for me when a servant came
and whispered la my ear tbst Mr.
Meredith bsd telephoned I was to Uke
tbe money off tbe red and make a dif
ferent bet wltb the whole amount
I don't know what It waa tbat In
duced me to Uy this order. I detest
ed gambling, yet on this occaalon I
waa worked to a freniy. I got sev
eral orders from Alan during tbe even
ing all by telephone, and somehow I
felt tbst I would keep on winning.
And so I did tll I broke the bank.
I scooped my winnings Into a light
overcoat I bad brought with me aad.
ttelng my handkerchief about tbe
gathered corners, set off for my hotel.
It'ls a wonder how I got there with
out being roMed. bat I did. Placing
my winnings In tbe hotel safe. I asked
tbe concierge to telephone to tbe other
hotels to ask at which one of them
Alan Meredith was staying.
"Meredltbr' be said. "Isn't tbst tbe
name of the American wbo committed
suicide In hi room this morning r
My heart stood still.
"Did an American of that name Uke
bla life. today here?" I asksd. horror
"Yes. . m'sleur. He lost heavily last
nigbt and tbU morning was found in
bis room with a bullet In bis brain."
It was soms time before ! waa able
to go further. When I bad regained
something of my equanimity I went to
tbe hotel, where I was Informed tbe
suicide bad taken place and learned,
true enough, tbat my cbum. Alan Mere
dith, bad Uken bla own life.
But tbe horror of tbe occurrence waa
intensified by the fact tbat I bad been
playing, or believed 1 had been play
ing, under tbe Instructions of'desd
maa. Had I been 00 playing! Was
aot tbe whole matter a dreamt f went
back to my hotel aad called on tbe
proprietor to sbow me the gold I bad
won. lie opened tbe safe, and there
ft was, a great yellow ablnlnc bean.
Two opposite emottona were apper
moat In me when I later turned this
nunt ever to Mrs. Meredltaeynv
pathy for her at the loss of her sorrl
Nnd satisfaction that he bad returned
tbe amounta she bad given blm.
If you would, sell
Try what tbe cheap columns of the
Morning EnterprHe can do for yen.
The Lion's Share
1 he world Wi full o rises of pt
eerreeschlug tbenuir trm
overreach eonie one ele. rabapplly
few of these cases come out t tbe ad
taauge of the iwrson overreached.
' IVter ins lee, a pnivrur, dUo
ered a rwh vela of .or-in Colon-do
and sold a half Interest to Knock
Rot I then, who orgaauMNi a cosir
fur Its devetupweM. laalee's ehnre
waa all la tbe at or a of the eonipany.
be owning, a few sbsres lees than
gmllha. tbaa giving Ibe purraasrr
full central to the. premlsen. Inelee
dkl not get any dtvmlenla a hie etwk.
and being very poor, with a. wife and
couple of hide te efrt. be wes
obliged te eell a few ehsree erraeloaally
te keep the wolf from tbe door.
Meanwhile ibe prte or IM aiora en
tbe etcbsnge was gradually settling.
When Ibe. rotupaay waa orgnalsod a
few shares were sold at D per rent
of their par talwa. Aa leiee tepi
patting II out he got lean aad lose for
It till he wsa oUlged fart vita con
skier Ne sbsree at a time te supply
bla necessities. After awhile he sold
the last of It f or rente on tbe dollar
About this time, going by the mine.
be ssw that a high fence had been
nut around It. lie strolled np to tbe
gate and waa refuseit admittance Tvr
tbe first time ft occurred to blm lhat
mltbsa had pretended tbat the mine
waa not payingla order te depress the
tuck. . " .
Inalee went to Potter, a broker. la
Colorado Fprlsrv and abed him to
find ent what Boating stork of Ibe
company there wss on tne aaariev
Potter Inveellgslsd sabrosa and -
covered tbat there waa all of Inalee's
original etork and a part of rmllh
eon's, which tbe- latter bad given In
payment for mining machinery and
Other hereasltle. In Ice IpH
broker about tbe fence recently put
around the property, eaylng also tbst
be suspected there waa a "nigger be
hind It Potter agreed tbat If Jnetee
lwwuW-at-aa-Ume find, out that tbe
mine waa dMag well be weakl ad'
ranee money to boy tbe stork, be get
ting a slice of all he boogbt beekiee
bis commlaalona. Jto they got P a
code of earn rou nW-atton and Inelee
went borne.
Ftalnlng bla face no as to pass as a
naif breed Indian. Inalee went to tbe
mine and applied for work. Ue waa
obliged to amtr several Usees before
being employed. When be got la
hind the fence be found that he waa
not allowed te ge set her waa be
or any other man ha the mine permit
ted to commafllcale with those ewt
stde except by letter, aad all letter
were Inspected before being neat
Inalee felt assured tbst tbe manage
ment were exporting something re
markable. Tbe one day It waa evi
dent tbat something remarkable bad
occurred, fmlthaon went by. Ulklag
eicttedly to a maa I as lee knee te be
a capitalist, and I sales beard Rmlthsna
aay. "Mi band red dollar to tbe toar
Inalee dared aot communicate with
Potter direct. He could with hia wife,
though only about family affair, aad
had told her before leaving ber te heat
bis letter. Tbe day be heard fltnlth-.
eon's remark he wrote ber. Inclosing
noma wages he bsd received. Mrs.
laslee heated tbe paper and brown
letter csme out 00 It
"Wire Potter to buy all be ran get
8li hundred to Ibe ton."
Mr. Inalee at once sent tbe message.
Potter fonnd thst already small or
der to buy the etork were being eie
cuted. and the price bad gone up froea
0 to 7 cents. He had learned who held
the sharse and went round buying U
at prlrate eale. in tbla way be kept
tbe price down till be had bought all
inalee'a original stock and so mark of
Fmlthson'e aa waa on tbe market '
Fmltnson's brokers were now en
deavoring to secure tbe stock st aa
advanced price through the eifbaagee.
but found none for sale.
One morning In lee walked Into Pot
ters office and told blm tbat a mag
nificent otrike had been msde at tbe
mine. Potter at ones began, to bid In
oeo market fur tbe a took. He secured
none, but effected his purposo, which
wss to give a better value to tbe shares
aa quoted.
Then Inalee, nndlagulsed. went to
tbe mine, called for Rmltbsnn and do
mkrtded an accounting. Rmltbson told
him. tbat be bad psld blm for bis In
terest and ordered blm off Ibe prem
ises. Inalee advised blm to be ready
to turn the property ever lo a new
management one month from tbat day.
on which waa to be bold the annual
election of director.
When tbat day -came around Inalee.
wbo held bis owa original half of the
stock and one-tbird of Bmlthson'a, ap
peared at the meeting of .atockboldera
-be and Brahbon held It all-end vot
ed la a new board with himself as
"And now, Mr. Smlthson, he ssld.
Til trouble jo$ to vacate tbea prom
isee." There: was nothing for imlthson to
00 trot to turn tbe mine over to Its dis
coverers, under the law governing cor
porations. Smlthson,. wbo was ambi
tions to bave both bla own and Inalee
share, fonnd himself obliged to be coa
toat with tbe lesser part Thiaheeveu
rosily sold tp Inalee at prlrate sale.
Tbe mine proved far asore valuable
than had been supposed even whoa the
tr!k was made, and tb roach It laslee
became saonsowsly rich, while Smith
aoo snbeeqnently lost what be bad
aoo. .
If you lose
YOUR 0CKtTi00K -
T-rja few liners In our cheap
they may find It fop yen- ' -
t .1 .
II ill - .:-,
. s . ; . " ' .:
Is to be as successful as the inter
ests bfiOregon City demands it
must needs havejthe the support
oLall. Thenewdaily has a
big work before it in boosting
Oregon City
G?unty. Your support meao
more strength for the work.
Will You Help Us;
Boost Your Own I
t . -. - t
Interests ?
t .
For a limitedltime theJ-NAorTiinj
Elnteiri$yill ber sold ,to pai4l
in advance subjcribers as follows:
By catlot,
By maU, J
r . t . n ts- f
. ' v :-'.
. V
and Qackanar
- !
' i
yean $3X
y $.
lfr , Hf
H '1