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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1911)
n OK NO NO' ENT E'KiP ROSE k Subscription for In Morning 4 Interprlee "Will be received for nly limited time at a special fate. Bond In your ordar today -a Ind ol benefit of low erica. 4 Th on!y daUy nwwpr twaan Portland and Valm; lru lataa In ovary aaatlon of Claaka- ) mil County, with population of 30.000. Ara you an advartlaarf t VOL. 1-No. ; OltKUON' CITY, OKKOON, HATUKDAY, JANUARY 14,-1911. Pra Week, 10 Cents OPULAR CHOICE OF U. S. SMS t3!Mt CIRTAIN TO COMK AT THE PRESENT tEMION OF CONOREH. JUi ENCOUNTERS MILD OPPOSITION f d!clon Mad That tha BUI Will r4t.nat. Within Thirty Daya. 'X And House Thl 'I'.. 8elon. . $: .. y iAKl'llSluToN. lau 13. (Hpl ) JrJttm it Hula doubt since tha action ' Of til" Senate today (tint tha Mil pro t! for" tha alM tlon of I'nlted CV" Senator by direct , vola of tha f" pl will l put to vole aoma tlma - .1.1- .... - Jia mi" wmiwh, line isenaior 'T ,!. objection to It IipIhk put upon t ali-ndar hut on mini at withdrew - f .lJif lbn and iheTIilil la now In I i for consideration. T,yiia amendment provides for eleo. ; UC3 of Sunatora hy popular voir, and 1 CxZaMor Itorah. who la In rharg of I hi' . tir predlrta It will paaa the 'Heuute ,fr' 4" !? tha. House before f" h 4- jrialn Senator ara asking for f who ara not believed to have a i w i . ...,tu... -rt...... . mi ... - t jaltlon. utrvertbelraS. Iteceiil d- ' -amenta aa to fraud In alttrllona ara - ', Jy to aid In lia paaaaxe. '. KIDENT TAFT PAVS C UTLITTLE ATTENTION X-TOHS BOURNE AND CHAM-j " mi AiBxi Ana" aaa la) u ar iAinr I C1RLAIN ARE PUSHED ASIDE DC -)' IN THESE NOMINATIONS. mHIIINUTON. Jan. 1J-.(1I I Tiiaiiia of fhlllp H. Malcolm war , ' t to the Henale today by I'realdeut i, for collector of ruatoma at I'nrt- A. Itenort- aaya - thtt . Henator lrne will object to Ma confirmation. f that i he objection will be on pure- rullllcal arounda. ih Moiirne and fhtmberlaln have aJ objcrtlcn to thla nomination, ajao that of t. H Marahall Colwell. 1 Mr. Taft indlii them In In the i f the priteata liidlcatea that the i If la on bt'twei-n the I'realdent and Oregon 8onatora. i : r LOST RELATIVES JHER LEAVES THIS COUNTRY X YEARS AGO POR TRIP TO AUSTRALIA. I: - - . I SIGHT OF REST OF FAMILY mother Wlahaa Data Aa to reabouta of Granddaughter Home Offered Them If Ntedlng On. AN FRANCISCO. Jan. 18. (Spec i-AIkuI the year lliBO In Sydney, itralla. Andrew Sydney Miller, then K with hi" mother. Mra. A. II. riiurtnn, rf the aame rlty. waa mar I to Mlaa Koaa Ruaaull. Tha young Jile CBnm to America ahortly after Ida and Buttled In Ban Antonio, Tex- Continued on pane two. e Don't Like To Dance 2 anyVody'a piping. We don't cart at tha regular prlc of any artlol w ara determined to clean up ir atock, and during our Clean Up J which la a money aavlna vnt at la looked forward to by ail wear. m or gooa wearaiiie w ar orraring Itlua that defy competition both In vallty and prlc. On buyj gt In the band wagon sum in. V icc Bt?othct?s EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Lika Othara . , th ana Main tta. IENDS HUNTING '. , Wanta Rapubllcana to Oat Togath Maltar of Tariff-.- WASIIINOTON. Jan.,' 13. (Hpl. I I'rcaldi-nt Tail today mad a atrong plea for lha creation of a permanent tariff commission. At a banquet be fore the Nutloual Tariff Commlaalon Aaatx-latlon li publicly endoraed tha oii-wortb hill, and today he Burn moiied the members of the way and tuvaua committee if the oua to the White llouau and aaked Ihem to ki-I' tiiK lh'r In ihiMiialtrr. mlinnAt Dnuintnnvvu Inatalla Offieara Prlday Night, With Social Hour Following. Or-Kon City ImIkb No. 302. Krater nul llrolhirho(id. Innlallod Ita offlrara Krldny nlxht. aa follow : I'realdint, H. V. linker: vlre praldnt, Arthur liMrui'a; acrrHnry, A. M. Hlimott; . ... Irfaatirrr, Mra. 1'aullne Hwiirti; phy; Irian. Dr. f. A. Htunrt; rbaplaln, Mra. Una lli'iifa; aerxoant at arni, Frank iiM: muirt'aa ai arniit, aiihb l.enit Slri-liln; Inaldo doorkevpf r. Knoa llurke; outaldn diMirkeeprr, f'hna. lit rkr; pant pn-aldt-nt, II W. Htrclilir; Klnle prenliltmt, M. ('. O'Mally, who arled IliHt all I11K officer. After tint InMUllnllon proper there were refrean in hi and a"pleaaut aoclal lioui - WANTS STANDARD DISSOLVED. Government Lawyer Thlnka Company Haa No Conaclance. NKW YOUK. Jan. 13. (Hpl.l Km nk II. Ki'IIokk. Mpt-clul cimtiHcl In the proaerutlon of Ilia Htandnrd Oil Co., made a atrotiK la today for the dUMilutlon of tha Htandard (ill I'o. of New Joravy. rltliiK the fart that lha company w a fluKrant vlolater of tho Fherman antl trunt law. He aald that hut for the fear of law the Ktandard would put the roontry under trlhute to thla KlKantlc I runt. CHICAGO BALL PLAYER -WILL LOCATE HERE HE HAS PURCHA8ED" OREGON I. jABvifaa aim VAi ill m BTT I ET LANDS AND WILL 6 h" WHEN CAREER IS EN SETTLE DED. rOHTL-ANP. Or.. Jan. 13 (Spl.l Joe Tinker, the CMcbko Cub ahortamp. ha iMiuRht an Oregon farm and ex ecta to become a fruit grower when be quit the diamond, lie haa Juat completed a abort vllt to Portland and before leaving he bought an 18- acre tract of fine farming land near Newherg. He eixcta tu Inaiall the Tinker family on the farm next Kali at 'he clone of the haaeball aeaaon. Two acre In an Kaat Side suburb were alao bought by the Tlnkera and an option taken on two adjoining acre Thla tract I held chiefly aa an In veatment. It being the expectation of the alar National I .entitle Inflclder to live on hla farm rather than In the rMitaklrta of Portland. The ranch ha alt the trimming In the way nf farm bulldlnga and It la within a ahort dis tance of the ranch now owned by Hilly Sullivan of th Chicago White Sox and of the land upon which Clark Griffith of the Cincinnati Natlonala bold an option. Holder Joliea, now a realdent of Hnland, looking after Tlnker'a In tereata In the property for the time being. OFF ITS TROLLEY" POSTOPPICE RECEIPTS SHOW WHAT A FARCE THE ENUMERA TION MUST HAVE BEEN. POSTMASTER'S FIGURES WON'T LIE Congressman Hawley Promise, In a Menage to Potmtr Randall, to Try to Got a Ro- " count. .. . The tremendous growth of Oregon City In recent yeara la clearly set lortn by the receipia of the local post office, which were 9,8C3 7S In 1900, and In, 1909 had leaped to tlt.249.Cl The . office receipts Inat year . were IIR.74G.2C. None the lesa inafvelou la the showing of the money order de partment. In 1909ther were 11413 ordera Issued, amounting, t,a $85,243.51. and 7419 ordera were paid,' amounting to T8C.f41.C4. Utat year 17009 order were laaited, amounting to 193,1 49. RC. and 7905 money orduta weia paid, amounting to f87.193.04. In view of t'.ie grett Increase In re- 0-lpti In 11 yt art, the fUture of 1910 being more than double those of 1900. Ihe recent report of the government renin bureau, giving Oregon City an Increase In population of about 700 In 10 yeara la considered ridiculous. It I very apparent that the population of the city haa very nearly doubled In the Inat decade, Congresaman Hawley ha wired tha Commercial Club that he will attempt to secure a recount for Oregon City. The bualneaa man at a Indignant over the report of the bureau. ' ... Maliolously Grounds Wlree. Investigation of the killing of the cowa In Gladstone earlier In the week reveals the fact that some one malio lously grounded the wire at least tha deed waa on calling for malicious Intent or eras Ignorance. If the cul prit can be located It la likely to go hard with Mm. PRESIDENT TAPT ANXIOUS CNS BUREAU IS THE CHURCH SITE IS AN IDEAL ONE OREGON CITY PRUIT. AND PRO DUCE UNION NEEDS CENTRAL LOCATION ON 8. P. RV. v - ' HEART" OF CITY AND ON RAILWAY Cohgragatlonal Church People Willing to Ball and Build on Site Secured By Them Upon the Hill Month Ago. The Oregon City Krult and Produce I'Mon, tho new farmer' co-operative coinpaiiy Incorporated for the aale of the prixlucta ..of. Clackamaa county (arinera. haaDi-en raatlng about for a warthouae at a point In the city where good shipping faiilltlea may be had. - The Congrrgatloiial church, which haa a fine property on Main street, fluda that with the railway tralna and the electric cara and wagoiia that It, preavut alle la too nolay. The church, therefore, ha purcbaaed a alte on the hill and hopca some day to build a new .Tmrch borne. 1 heae two facta are known and undcraiood by the leader In both en terprlnea. With Iheae fact lu view au"i-ffort la formulating to aecure for the I'nlon tho available alte of the churih. If the I'n Ion wa In poaaea alon of the alte In qtieatlon It would be iMMBlble to erect a aide track on its own property and the l ulou would then have an Ideal location for the trail auction of Ita bualneaB, aure to grow a the month roll by.' - When'qiieHtloiied In the matter of ficer of the Ctilon admitted that the alte would be ideal but thouKht that It wa not at preaent within the financial-reach of the I'nlon. It waa hoped, howevr. that the Colon would grow ao that auch a alte might be within the rang of poMalbllUy, and the wish waa expreaaed that the deal might not be ruahed with that poaalbillty In view. Church people were of opinion that no other alte could be found ao ready at band to the I'nlon aa the one they hold. And It I the dealre to ee de velopment that will enable the church to aell at a good figure and re-estab-llah ttaelf In a part of the city more conducive to a quiet observance of the ' lemiilty of the day. The Congregational property la oo of the beat and mom dealrable In the city. Peopl In the part of the cUy are glad to aee the trend In that di rection. And the fact that there Is little onoortiinltv to "expand on IheJ river bank level except to the north makes It aliuoat certain that If the I'nlon wlahea an available alte It muat eoon treat with thla church organiza tion STATE UNIVERSITY WORTHY OUR AID A HIGHER STANDARD OP EDUCA TION MEANS A HIGHER STAND ARD OP CITIZENSHIP. NEEDS OF UNIVERSITY ARE -URGENT People Willing to Foot the Bill Where tha Need I Legitimate and Money Spent i ji' Wlly. ORRCON CITY. Or.. Jan. 13. Edi tor Enterprise: It Is an established fact that the greatest duty of a people to Itself Is for the establishment and maintenance of schools for the edu cation of the young. No greater aer vlce can be rendered tothe state of which we are cltlrens than by raising the standard of citizenship In that state. No community or atate which Is slow In building up an educational system can hope to make any great progress along Industrial, aoclal, eco nomic or moral llnei. People must he educated In order to make progreaa. The achoola of Oregon City are at last coming to take their place with other school of the state. Our Pew high achooi building, with the Im proved course of study now pursued. I a credit to any community. Can we not go a step further In thla dlre's tlon and aee that our State University gets the appropriation for which It asks thla present session of legisla ture T Our leglalators are all public-spirited, men and If they belive that their constituents want the appropriation hill pned, they will rote for It- 80 It Is up to the people to let Senator Dlmlck and Uepresentatlvea Jones, Carter and Magone know thnt theirs' hearty aupport cf the bill Is expected. Four years ago an appropriation of 1125.000 wa secured. Since then the attendance haa nearly doubled, requir ing more Instructors and buildings for the accommodation of the greater Student Body. Although nearly $100, 000 per year Is required for University salarlea, the Instructors are not paid as well aa they are In other school of the aame rank, yet every one of them la working up to the limit of time and endurance. The Incidental expense connected with the Unlveralty, In addi tion to the annual expenditure of flOj 000 for book for the library, easily, consume the.balano of the appropria tion and leave no margin for building purposes. The urgent need for new building la apparent to all familiar with the growth of the University. Every Inch Continued on page two. INJURED WHILE COASTING. Mlea Freda Martin and Naomi' Arm strong Given Severe Jolt. A second coaatlng accident, and thl rt'ne quite aerloua, occurred Friday ev otilng about o'clock. Mlaa Kreda Marl In, daughter of Mr and Mra. II. I j. Martin, waa thrown from her Bled, her shoulder waa bmlly brulaed and It la feared fractured, and her companion given' a severe jolt. Kreda Martin and Naomi Armatrong were coaatlng down the Twelfth atreet hill, going at exprena train apeed, and when oppoalte the Hare lay school Ihe aied went over a bad "Jolt" In the atreet. The Jump given to the tied at thl point unsettled Mi Martin, who wa guiding the tiled, canning her to lone control. Aa a result the aled veered and ran Into a pole at the street corner near the achooi house, throwing both girla off and severely Injuring Mlaa Martin er shoulder wa badly bruised ant) probably frac tured and alio waa knocked Benaeless. Krlend carried her home, where medi cal attention waa given. Mlaa Arm atrong waa allghtly bruised, but alttln to the rear of Mlxa Martin ber In juries were very slight TEST RIDE TO BE HAD. PORTLAND. Or., Jan. 13. (8pU A test ride of 90 miles on hwseback for four tnajora and a lieutenant col onel haa Just been ordered by General Marlon P. Maua. commander of the Department of "the Columbia. The ride will be held from the, Vancouver riarracka to Sandy, Or., and three day. January 12. 13 and 14 are al lowed to complete the 0 miles. W. II. McCWilan met with I palnfq accident Wednesday at the home of hla daughter Mra. R. R. Alldredge, who resides at 815 Pierce street, which will confine him to hi room for sever- a! weeks. Mr. McCleilan while walk ing along, the porch slipcd oil the Ice and anow and fell, striking hi back and aide against the steps. He la in' Jured Internally. OREGON CITY FRUIT AND PRODUCE HON MANAGER CHOSEN IN PERSON OF O. E. FREYTAO AT MEETING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON .. The directors of the Oregon City Krult and Produce Itilon met Wed nesday afternoon In' the rooms of the Commercial Club to conaider the ques tion of a alte and the choice of a man- l-jger.for the corporation. All the di rectors were present, but one, aa fol lows: Geo- W. Waldron, O. D. Eby. It. Kuppenbender, A. J. Lewis, W. Swallow. W. F. Harris, M. J. Laxelle, and Geo. Heltok J. 8. Yoder being the only one absent. O. E- Freytag waa chosen mansger and the lease effected on the room to the rear of Freytag & Swsfford's of fice on Seventh street, or Just opposite the alley from the 8. P. depot. It Is.the general expression that the t'nlon haa secured a good man Tor tne place. Some of the best business men In the community are members of the Union Dr. T. E. Reard.-J. P. Deegan. J. C. M. Doods, J. 8- Yoder, W. F. Harris, Dr. U A. Morris and A. J. Lewis being among the number. The Union Is to be run for the bene fit of Its membera only. It is the purpose of the organization to get all It can for the produce of Ita members and to btwy things needed at as low a figure as possible, but unless one la a member there will be no effort put forth for their good. One of the ques. tlons threshed out at the meeting waa the decision to act only for membera: some wanted to charge 5 per cent to handle produce of members and 10 per cent for outsldera. This was-rot-ed down and It waa decided to do only for those enrolled. " . At the outset an effort will be put forth to handle In both buying and selling In car lots At the meeting It- was demonstrated that the Union can In Ita present state of organisation buy spraying materials for 9 cents aa against lg cents where purchased by the Individual a Bavlng of half. The Union has been Incorporated and la In working order now, don't forget that fact. It la not as large as It will be later, but It Is now open for business and doing business. Every farmer and fruit raiser la Invited to Join, and at once. Particular will be given those Interested. WHENWOU DYE it will save you trouble if you use DYOLA DYES , One Py For All Good 8ixteen Color , Ten Cent Per. Package i '"- Wc Fill All Drag WanU A Full Line of ' A. D. S. Remedies Prescription and Family Receipts 1 . Filled With Pra Drug. ' Quality and Price Right CHARMAN& Co. City Drug Store. Next Door to Electrto Hotel. Pacific Phone IS ' Home Phone 43 FUNERAL SUNDAY OF MRS. CORDON THE CORONER'S INQUEST BRINGS OUT PEW NEW PACTS DEATH WAS' INSTANTANEOUS. PLACE OF ACCIDENT DANGEROUS ONE Mrs. Gordon Will Be Buried Prom Con. gragatlonal Church Sunday 'After noon Haa Host of Prlende In Oregon City. , There are few new fact In connec tion with the death of Mr. W. J. Gor don at Canby other than printed In Frlday'a Morning Enterprise. Further Inquiry reveala the fact that Mra. Gor don wa walking by the aide of the track when atruck, that ahe evidently waa mistaken a to the nature of the track near which ahe wa walking thinking It wa a aidetrack while in fact It waa the main llne-i that she wa taking all necessary precaution had It been on the sidetrack, aa ahe supposed, and that her dangnr came In Its being the main line. The furtiier fact was elicited that Mrs. Gordon waa bundled up more than UHual on account of the cold and did not likely bear quite a distinctly aa had the circumstance been different- The engineer testified at the inquest, held Friday afternoon, that Mrs. Gor don was on the railway at appoint where tbsre are two tracks, that she crossed the switch at one point and by subsequent actions he waa of opln? Ion that she mistook it for the main line on which was bearing down at rapid speed the limited. Aa the fvroceeded. In full view by him, he stepped out to avoid a box car doing so In a way that Indicated to him that she was mistaken aa to her position on the line aa well aa to her danger In the situation. The Coroner'a Jury, sitting In the case Friday afternoon at Canby, ren dered the following verdict: "We find that Mrs. W. J. Gordon, 50 year of ge. came to her death at Canby, January 12. 1911. being atruck by an engine of the Southern Pacific Rail way." The Jury recommended in fu ture more care ba taken at Canby ela tion to fortify-the public against the re-occurrence of uch accldenta, prea ent . precaution not being aa they hould he. . - Dr. Fox and Mount were In attend ance at the inquest as waa Judge Dlm lck and Attorney Gilbert L. Hedges. Clarence Eaton, of Portland, represent ed the 8. P. Co. The evidence submitted to the Cor oner's Jury elicited the fact that there sre three tracka at the place of the ac cident and that anyone Is liable to be come mystified as to actual conditions Mrs. Gordon will be brought to Ore gon City for burial, the funeral being announced for Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The remains will be brought to the city Saturday, and tak en to the home of her Bister; Mr. and Mrs. U J. Lareson, on Mutn street nesr Twelfth street- The services Sunday will be conducted by Rev. W. M, Proctor, pastor of the Congrega tional church, from which church she will be buried. Rev. C. L. Creesy, of Canby, will assist In the services. In terment 'will be In Mountain View cemetery. RARE OPERATION E DR3- STUART AND ROCKEY REM EDY NATURE'S DEFECT. AND CHILD MAY LIVE. MOTHER AND CHILD ARE DOING WELL No Exterior Orifice Provided By Na ture and Child Taken to St Vincent'a Hoapital for Operation. Dr. C. A. Stuart, of thla city, and Drs. A. E. Rockey, father and son, Portland, performed a delicate and tinuHtial operation on the two-day old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rivera, of Sixth atreet, Wednesday. The child waa but two daya old at time of operation and la seemingly on the road to recovery. The case Is a peculiar one. Thla la the firth child born to Mr. and Mra. Rivera, and la the first one to live.' All before have been still-born, of abnormal presenta tion, and no Instance has there been an opportunity to save life. Instru ments were necessary in the case of thla youngster; all have been boys. The little fellow was born without a rectal orifice. Thla waa not noticed by the nurae, and Dr. Stuart was ao busy with the mother after the deliv ery that he did not note It till he came to examine the little fellow the next day. Thla made necessary an opera tionchild two days old and he was at once taken to St Vincent'a hospital, Portland, the Dr. Rock called In to assist, and the work waa done the sec ond day. - . ' When the operation was performed It wa found that there wa no pro trusion and the outer . orlflee waa closed and no chance for life aa con ditions existed. It' was necessary to make an Incision, pick up the extrem ity of the bowel, carry It to the outer orifice and aew up the wound In auch a manner that surgical skill would remedy tha defect of nature. Thl Continued onpage two. YOUNG BAB ARTISANS HOLD SOCIAL. Thar Was a Good Program and a ' Good Time. The Artisan held their social meet ing In the Woodmen Hall Thursday night, and a large number of member and their frlanda attended. The early part of the evening waa devoted to a musical and literary programme con sisting of the following numbers: Piano aolo, Oscar Woodfln; vocal duet. Mia Mabel Volkmar and Mlaa Kate Croper; duet, banjo and mandolin. Meir. Hendrirkaon and Schmidt. These number were followed by an Pocr2nd FROM SCIO SAYS HOLD new members will be added to the or der next Thursday evening at the ! regular meeting. 'Refreshments were served during the evening. After 11 o'clock dancing waa Indulged In until a late hour. SMALLPOX SCARE OVER. On Lonely Case In the Township. Across the River. The one lone case of smallpox In this part of the Willamette Valley has h-en fumigated and set free. It was the case acroaa the river In tbe town shipa Greek employe In the paper mills and the patient being long passed the point of contagion Health Officer Norri had him and the prem ises fumigated and the man set at liberty. There were no cases of con tagion simply one Isolated case Starting Life With 950. As an Indication of what la under taken In thla great Oregon country we cite the fact that a young man this week purchased a farm of fifty acres with a cash payment of ISO. He his a partial equipment for his work, and seeing the opportunity,- and having no more money to start, he took the risk with his $50. And tbe man who set him to work la sanguine that he will make good. Lad Sent to Juvenile Court Ieslie Kellogg, of Gladstone, waa ar raigned In Justice Samson's court Fri day on the charge of taking the bond- ng wires from the railway track of the O. W. P' line leading to Chautau qua Park. Constat-in Brown made the arrest Justice Samson turned the lad over to Juvenile court and he will have a trial today at 10 o'clock In the County Court D tectlve Cahill, of the O. W. P., made the complaint. Will Participate in Debate. E. C. Dye, one of Oregon Clty'a young attorneys, will participate In the debate at Woodlawn Grange, Port land, thla evening. It la to be a spirit ed affair and several young men of prominence will participate. The sub ject to be debated is, "Resolved. That tbe Federal Government Should Re tain Title to all Unappropriated Min eral Lands, Timber Lands and Water Power." ooeoooeoeoeooeoeooeooeoeoooeoeoeoeoeoeooeoe W. F. SCHOOLEY &XO. o RELIABLE REAL ESTATE DEALERS ' ' " We Buy, Sell or Trade and Deal in . " Large and Small Tracts.' If you want to sell list with us, if you want to buy call and see us. o o o o o o ! 612 MAIN STREET o oeoeoeoeoo4oeoeoeo-oo4oeoeoo4ooeoo4oeoeoeoeoeoo Price's Chop House Meals at Al) Hours If you want the best; of lowest pric s, cot with us. Our specialty is satisfaction. " - MILTON PRICE Between Fourth and Fifth Street. Get In On the ARE YOU STOCKING UP AT OUR CLEARANCE SALE-PRICES? WE CAN ONLY MENTION A FEW ITEMS HERE. , - 35c and 40c Combs 25c 65c Comb 34c 15c Nail Brushes 10c 20 On All Nail Brushes. 60c Cloth Brushes 34c 25c Cloth Brushes .18c 25c C- C. Pllle .J....- 15c 15c Talcum Powderf.."2 for 15o 25c Mann'a Medicated Soap 18c 25c Toilet Soap 18c PROTECT YOUR FACE Wash Cloths at Ht!f Pricg from the winter -winds. Special Here are some bargain bought cut price on. face creams thla direct from the maker. month.. V ' . " . 10c Lace Knit Waah Clotha. .- 11. . , Be a, tOc per tfoaan 40c Llstera Cream ..25o Kq TvrXlth woi ciott 25o Theatrical Cream . .16 jj Heft 35c Massage Cream. ........ 1o 15c Sponge Waah Cloth foV 1-J " 1 1 T Haatfey The RcxaII Dr;iat FORGER CAPTURED BY LOCAL OFFICER HARRY C. BEARD PRESENTS BOG US CHECK AT THE 'FIRST RATIONAL BANK. I Misunderstanding a to Meeeag Lead ! Stenographer to Give Anawar That Lead to Man'a Capture. Miss' June cnarman, stenographer In tbe First National Bank, was large ly responsible for -the unexpected cap ture of a self-confessed forger shortly before noon' yesterday, and ahe waa quite an unintentional .sleuth, too. Just after the bank opened yester day morning two men came In. one of them presenting a check on a bank at Solo,- Linn county, and drawn by C. ' W.. Beard. The men were unknown and Cashier F. J. Meyer declined to cash tbe paper, . unless he received telegraphic Instructions from tbe ScIo banking Institution. Thla the man said he would obtain and left the bank with hla companion. Not long afterwards, tbe constable at Sclo telephoned Mr. Latourette. at the bank, to bold a man posing as C W. Beard, in case he came Into the bank, and no sooner bad the conver sation ceased than the telephone rang again, and a man'a vole asked Miss Cbarman if the bank had received tbe -telegram. Thinking it waa the Sclo officer, and that he meant telephone. Instead of telegram. Miss Charman answered that the message had been received, and In a few minutes In walked the forger to get his money. Instead he waa met by Charles E. Hums.. who had been called In br Mr. Latourette, and the crook was prompt ly taken to the county Jail, where be will be held awaiting papers from Linn county, where he la aaid to have swindled the Sclo bank out of 125. Miss Charman had Jto Idea that Beard waa telephoning about hla own telegram, or that- ahe waa unknow ingly assisting him to get Into Jalt When questioned, the man broke down and confessed. He waa recently pa roled from the Oregon atate peniten tiary, and It la aaid hla corect name Is Harry. C. Beard, and that he haa a brother named C W. Beard, who. may have funds on deposit in the Sclo banking house. Beard'a companion was released, no request having been received to hold him, and he speedily got out of town. o o o o . . o o o o OREGON CITY. ORE. t Ground Floor 25 Violet Ammonia .'..16c All Blblea i. .......... .20 off 25c Rexal playing Carda. ,. ,19e 35c Fancy Back Cards 20c 25c Saratoga Carda .15c $1.75 Croklnole Boards. .. .1.35 3.75 Croklnole Arcbarena Boarda ta.7B All game boarda reduced. $1.00 American WatcLea. . . .75 Bscs Co oTica Cl7 1