Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 24, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    onnoox city extkiipkisi:. riiinw. mivkmiikk -ji, inn;.
c. f.
PualUhe tw.ry fnttj.
MOOlt, ti He Pvkllthar.
Kataratl at Or.oa City, Oro. I'oeiaSIca M mcdi(Iiu (nitur.
ufcecniitleaj Rflt:
The county court, after ipendiBiJ mil., after an ariiii(iii, by d-
t lariat that ' fnnu lb recorda obtain
IU II wou'd kiMsr that d.aliebi
huiitn4mj Uii.1 t fim In Or
ftw, rtiailr In lb part weal
i.f Ik Caacadtt."
! hundred, of tboutaud ( doll.n on
1 riHk uj grand ruad anj on atil.in
ha fiMiRil thai neither la aUa lo tali.
Oae rr II )
It Moalae H
Trial Hubecrlpllua. To Month J
Bubaerlbera 111 ft a 4 ika data of iDlrelloa nam pad oa their paper fol I
la a lag ikalr tux. If Ual payaiaat It not credit! kladly aottfy ua. tod, Ihlni true
up under modern iiain'. Judge An
drraoa baa Mid llial mat attain l' ntH
aland up for bull than lo )rara on
bratll) Ifatclrd hlaiiwa), and be la
no film lrlieer In mure peiwa
Bent l)ira of aurlatr.
And, Oregon lily I lo find I lie aaine
r!eenth ilml un Ilia lull.
ika saatter will recall our alteetlon.
Adtertl.lng Rate on apullcatlua
for ln.ta.ice, waa Imprmed allliln Ihe
hut three rar and II no a nmli r
. pair. Patching now would laat until
lint tear, and annually
unnuri nun nnar.nM i IllJ and wlaelt-. fur I hit rounl t 'a n' "'"
. .' . -..k .' thereafter the city would be comix llci
.. .1. . ! , p-ti nr a lib a 'haitlr roflcrrl haa . '
Mr. Hugh. hould. and probably ; aprlnkte cru.hed r k In lha holea
III'" II It" ! HI I" MM', a. a a
m.n lha next year, work. The rd... a ! "'T! """ f' ,'r",,
jtlon uf many In our un county ha.ir" " r"' ""'.
..... h. .1 .- t,. .. .nr.1 M'rl "" "'l-alra ftvni time lo
I ..... . . ... . ... . I HIM
obtained little, the Reaver tl almKl , j but not annuallv
i rllt Mit.1 it I v ftrTI.-l.ilai air Ilia Murlli.l
The tnajorit) u not !.irn ! . , . . , dimt l
l,r"',"v! ... - , ...aurfa..
, aii iiii !' iiii"iii m iiiiuii mi
dura fM-l niiuh rratiflrd In find (lr
frnn in nia riHiiiun. in a rrtuon
(snuilry hif. tilth rxl rraatin li
attiiifxj, felt aa rkrt'tlnn ntilih. but
It would aim
ty lilin
II rtrranU rraiinm to
... ' Ua tti thp tataira,
If mAiiM hit an .tif.iiriilliiH lit ttMlf I
,. , n u i iaiiM" a a-ttat k In lha prt-afiil irtia in
Uirt Onfon noinlnati-d Mr. Iluxhm.1 . , '
... . . . , , afntiiiii'iil for iwrnunrnl work ami
rml aha porforniisl a rrt-ul rrln rr i
. . . . . . .... , our rrintaiion now aa 'ri)i:rri
film wbra ahc dH'Urfd for hU nomlua , .... ...
, .. ., Iitiiinly with nrat-lbal iltaa would It
Hon In drw of at.) of Ih olhr, ' , .
M.,..-.aroflhoMl..i.IP.l. UU il ; wm thi (it)m irf u Wl IU 1I7 bud.r, or n-al ,.a..rr..l,.
or had ln n.li. iu-d by olh.-ra. Holh . , wwk on alrwl nrU yrtr aro
Mr. Cummin, and Mr lUirlon had ,.,ld ; ,, lo ,, hu ,tl.nul.
W ,1.11. and ma, .ann. br I.h rarrfulln plannlnc noxt """" "'' "' '"" -mrthlnK
'M'1 " ifF-t.-f. .-Hi i.. . n.ortt tH'f inani-nl mora aallarui'lnrr
i mild It ntfsr, wi adiiiil.
MorrttT. inaiBdain
aa fa.y on tralfU aa hard
IToiMiiil only that the laaa
llkft aurf4ii of th patliiK In wol
wralhtr la il.uio aaay with by rollln.
In raKratfl wht'ii Ihr aurfatf la !
Itig laid, aa atii;(raiitl by City Kticl
nr-r Millfr.
Orfon City haa wt ald lltKH) In
tltnf ramo h pronnuni'od th namr
of IIURhrtl.
It waa Mr. Jutir Muchoa hi-n thl
ociiirrH. Ilia rt.-inif. of oourao. haj
fwn flKurtne In prvhlilt-ntinl guttata for
immtha. but not with hi. authority. He
araaon'a work. If rtrr the" rounty ,
labould puru a poll' ) ot aufwy flr .t. I ,,n',!,m '' '"I'HiK p'an.
I ... . . ' it. fttl. I. .Mfnltl. IS. ...t.til ilLin 1.
wan la no
flilfflrt bftnap Itnf arlfhfttil a anfil I
from him, and with no knowlfduo of
rj made on the other aide of the con
tinent. Oregon cart? him her hand and
tMshed him lurk.
now- la thp lime. No rprliu'tit with
I men or rtimjnient ran pay when ro
mut h di-H-nda on Hip outcome. i
The aumnicr'. work tndid wo!
niontha ai:o haa Wrn a hiccck. JtnU
,i thla la famine thp rel'iit Jtlon of t-o
ln olio of the moat prore.ht rltlca
In Hip we.tern part of thp atuto.
I au uAuiMft rno lata
CBndldnte for thi,. , ... ............ . ,h. .,J
I""" " (5. ll,- ,l.,ll,m f Hut Ii,lll.llt
improved and the cost bllla at the ; allJ r,.rn.n.um tn the atate .the lic
t iimrf hitiiki W'm halt kiAifHl tntirh t i -. i i . a. .t..t...i.
him ncopl that derived from hla rec-K "J": ' J. "2 r, . " ' V,' " . "" ,u " """""
Mit-ut-. "..,'ttiiii.-M "'tuHitH ft-.-'iia Hier anu auiiitiru.. i nia la a
tuauent In road work, done muih edu ' mlatakt-u notion. U-lieM-a the IVudle-
catlnic IkHU at home and abroad and ton Trli'utie. The legislative depart
l nroawred under the benellla of a wlae-""' f he government la not 111
The tffect elM-where waa -onldcr i rivlH ,w,iirr n,l i,r,. u, .l r.a,l n.n tended lo be eliminated by the
Initiative, nor aliould Ihe men elected
ftKid ixilli y and a prat Ileal road man.
aWe. It a feather In the atrone i , h,i.-i in ih. .iimuit K-ii,... ,.i
Sentiment in other are.'...... ...... .. , i " "' fenate regaru tileir
' i dutlea ua lea ImiHtrtant or their re-
of ..peiienc. ut , retain an ,loll.hlllty lu the ptH.ple Icaa great
pert, who haa ahown he knowa hiaiM,Ullp f ,)(. auail ayatein of la
buitlnem. and not alio our rood fun U maklnu. The purpoe of the luitia
and our reputation a. a looking, fore-, tle la to anlin.lt to the people mcb
ward commonwealth lo be Jiifigled In : meaniirea ua the leiititluturo refuaea
the hunda of Ineiwrlencvd men. I lo rnl t- Thl11 at '' ""Kl't o "
iitan a cap. Sentiment In other
lloim, and partirulnrly In the rant, wko
Impreawed by this exhibition of Inter-
t and trust In a man not in pollllea
by a ilate ao diitant from thr.t man k
n-slilence and the arene of hi. activ
ity. Men ejTvied that there mu.t tx"
f-otnethins ery milch worth while In
Uie augctotlon that HitKhea tu tne
nii'ii for the emergency.
The Huehen boom, properly
The county court baa included au
the fundamental uae of the Inltlulhe
power. That of the referendum la
to aubinlt to the eople aueh lawi aa
the legioluture may err iu enacting.
tit. i
ct ln! acauired trenKth from that ilcm of W ln the county ouJ';t . V . 1 "H,orjI0 " ,ne ,a,c
c .lea. acquired birengtn irom tlut conatrucllnr an armorv I ,h"' t ourt ,f Trtor ln "'aWing
lime. riut. we,t end In the " A" are numerous matter, of It,.-
(entry, deapite the fact that the Re- " C'?- 1 -d,r. KP'an,"t-! porta nee to which the I.eKl.lalure
Mi.lic.m field of candidatea waa lare llned b-r ,h? lowmwlal Club and mv- 1I1(lMlh niii . .
MAI. KM. lira.. Nov :i A trlendl)
action be fore tha aupn-iue coiirt lo lit
teriiilne whether a at hoot dlalrlil
may charge outalda piilla for their
h,ire of lllli-real oil a. bmil prM1tlc
dfpret'Ullon and repalia. la being III
atltntetl by Ilia Ha'eiu at html Ixtaril,
dlatrb I No :i, through Atlornee l. C
The action takea the form of a pe
tition lo the court for a writ of man
daiinta In coiiiiH-l County H.iN-rlnlend
ent V. M. Hmlth to a.ie a warrant lo
tha dlatticl for the full amount of Ihe
coat of teathlug 1HI puplla during
The full amount aaked for la fT.Md.2t;,
the lultliia for 111 puplla at ITI 13
each. Huiierlntendent Miullh recently
tendered a warrant In Hie tliMnct for
a itirtlon of the amount, baaeit on a
per capita coat of f'.ii I:', but Ilia il.
trlct returned the warrant
The difference In ihe per capita
coat la found In the three iteina of de
preciation. Intereat and repair., which
total f I J.:.J j for the hlth at hool
The relr Item la IliJil M, Intereat mi
Inveatment fiiTM.IS. and depreciation
at four Hr cent. f:oi.",i!
The ai.lt la one of three klnda whb h
may l-e luatltuted directly before the
aupreme court before a trial In circuit
court, the othera being habena corpua
and quo warranto.
HI 12 candidate, w tin up to Thura
I day night bad filed their alaleliieut o(
I eit nt a with County Clerk Harring
ton under Ihe corrupt i.ratllcea act.
three. C. W. Watla. H.h Ulll noml
nee for county clerk; K'niina Hauler,
Him lullal lioinliiea for county ret older,
and It. K. Croat. Ile.ubllcan nomine,
(or couatable, .pent nothing on their
cumpaUn. Of the three, only Con-
alali'e Kroat waa vlclorloiia.
The Clackauiaa county Ifc'iiiocrullc
central coii.iultlee Tburatlay Hied a
atutenii-lit of eM'iiaea allow Inn thai
Ihe lommllteo apeut Mill) In tlto
loui.l) campaign. The caudldiilea
pabl ihe hall rem at Ihe many trlpa
taken to tarloua parla of the county,
and the coat of the llciuocratle par
.tie prior lo election la not Included
III thla aiiiu. Treasurer J. K. Jack of
i the committee etplalued Thuraday.
'The committee receded ii contrlliu.
tlona ranging from 2i t.-nla to The
lurgeat Item of evH-no waa $13 ID.
paid In J. O. Staala for a Hat of tint
reglatered roter. of the county.
The Itcpuhllcaii central committee
haa not yet tiled ita atateli.elit.
The amount Mt-iit by the cuiuli
dalea who had tiled by to Thuradiiy
night followa: V. A. IWtor. !U;
M. K. Dunn. 1 15; Kd rVrlune, l.;ti)
Hr. . K. Ilempaiead. $lii; W. W.
Kverhnrt. flOOM; J K Cwlavaii, $!.";
C. V. HU'ey. $:i)Mt. William .1. Wll
on. t:; a lUrriimton. i;o.
The greater part of the rpenaca
of Ihe Itepiihllcun nomineg conalnted
of tint iutheMnenta made by the coun
ty central cniunilttee. Candidate, who
lute not filed atateinenla of etpeuae
have until next Wednesday lo comply
with the law. Candldatea fur Hute
offlcea, Including (be dlatiict atur
neyahlp and plarea In the legliluture.
Ille their atatement with the iccre
lary of atate at Salem.
Practical Economy
Ikikinu powders miulo from iilum or
plitK.plmto mny b txiuht for u triflo lm
than Koyal Unking I'owder, which is miulo
fwm cream of tartar, dcrivtil from grapes.
Alum jxiwdcni are not only cheap, but
they differ greatly in leuvening power.
If a cheap baking powder i used for a
fine enko and thu cake turns out a failure
there b a wusto of costly mnterlnls wortli
more thar n wIkjIo can of thu cheap bak
ing powder.
Royul Unking Powder phhIucck the
finest food, and its use therefore, results in
an actual saving. '
New York
The foregoing eatlmulea for the expenditure, of Ihe court houae and the
county offlcea are more fully llemlivd ua folloaa:
Aimaor'i Offlci,
Aaaeaaor'a .alary f 1.2'iUOU
Aaaeaaor'a chief deputy, 7!i .er liuinlh HUiMI'l
Aaaeaaor'a ats-oml deputy, fiiu per month TJoilU
Aaaeaaor'a third deputy, iiil mt month 750 tm
Aaaeaaora field deputy I.Mionil
Kvtetullng tax roll ;io no
Htuiupa and travellm; exMnae :m no
Office auppllea id on
Aaaeaament and lax roll. I'.nun
Aaacaament blutika and ataleiiient. Kid oil
Tax rale ahei l, indexca, etc Ti 0
Total i s.::sim
County Clark'. O'flct.
Clerk', .alury I I.MOCHi
Clerk', chief deputy , Iiuo uo
Clerk', aecotid deputy ..; kinoo
Clerk', third deputy 70 no
Postage and box rent IJ0 0U
Office aupplle. and atallunnry i:.oo
Klllng caaea and card ayatein "N) uo
Iteglnlera, iHH.k. ami Journals Jon 00
County Court
end attractive, ta'tti of Hughe, in
creased. Krerything relating to him
tn. canrasaed, and everything proved
in hi. f.ivor.
At Chicnso he might have been
tionilnated ou the second ba'lot, the
first had demonstrated thnt none of
the others whose name, had been pre
sented to the contention waa any
where near goal, or could hope ti
mm tiri,n..rlt il.
proveu .. me cut council, ine " ;VoU. uttl.n,im. ,mong them auch
will give property of an eiuai value ; amendment, to the tax law. an will
and the tute will be asked to donate rmpel the foreign corporation, doing
ft 6.000. or a total of other contrlbu-; business In Oregon, notably the amo
tions, toward the building. In thl. , mobile companies, to bear a more Just
way, Clackama. county may secure a share of public burdens.
124.000 armory building without de-1 The atate I. sending vast sum. 01
lay. , ; money to the automobile center, of
Clackamas county at the present the Kast. Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo
time has no militia company. Oreeon ! and a dozen other cities and substan
("liv la ! nnlv tnu.it rt It. l -n In 1 tially nothius Is received In return.
reach Roal. Uoosevelt was Impossible, j ,he WPlttern ,)art o( ,he gtate wllt.h ; Tlie state is suffering from automobile
So. after a second ballot, which wasij, 0. h,ve . , . t . poverty. The Industry bus come to
merely a polite salutation to those j Bardsmen and this Is the only town ' lay- The wheels of progress will not
doomed to defeat, the Huphe. Iioom Lf ns Bze n the Willamette Valley j t,,rn ,yu'kwrl al the horse is too
swauowM all the other boom., and j w hich doe. not have an armory. Vet.
received the enthusiastic plaudits of
the entire body. No nomination was
ever made unanimous ith a better or
more sincere feeling, or a more earn
est purpose to secure, if possible, its
tvitificatlon at the jiolls. The Wash
ington Evening Star.
slow Tor this age. Still each state
owes some duty to Its own citlzezn.
If all the profits are to be made In tho
Clackamas county is known through
out the elate of Oregon, if not through
out. the entire northwest, as the coun-
(y which lays its own hard surface t
a cost far under the usual contract
price. During the last four months,
offieials of a dozen counties and towns
have visited Oregon City to find out
liow we laid high-class pavement at
50 or SO cents a yard, and other com
munities, seeing our success, are pre
paring to try their hand at putting
down hard surface without paying con
tractor's profits.
More than that, the people of Clack
fiinasTounty are learning the va'ue of
bard surface on main traveled hlfjli
ways. When properly laid, asphaltlc
concrete offers the best and the cheap
est highways, they find. Farmer and
townsman alike are discovering that
hard surface does not turn into a
desert or dust or a sea of mud, ac
cording to the seasons, and that the
never-ending and costly patching each
year Is a thing ot the past with main
traveled roads permanently improved.
The county court Is planning an arn
bltious program of hard surfacing for1
Oregon City, with Its water power
. ..... .a.. u.m. !;,. it U ,,roH.r fnr ,he Leia,,
sessed va nation when population I. ,0 m;lke ,,. men who wp hole
considered. ...... . proftt pay something into the public
The objection may be raised that treasury for the privilege,
the entire county should not help pay
for an armory in the countv seat. "
This argument is weak. Oregon City,
with one-tenth of the county's asses-
Is tin re to be no end to me crea
tion of governmental commissions by
state nnd nution?
The census commission and many
; other commissions created start In
! very Innocently and then are mado
! permanent.
l.KOK. Conrallls, No. 2! SkhIuI
A delightful surprise wua given Ore
gon City .Indent, at O. A. C. when Mr.
und Mr. I tort Ronkr. And tho Mlasea
Agnes llarrl.. Ksther Harris, and Mar
lon White motored into Corvr.lll. Sat
urday afternoon.
i lie wny ristieu Allien Koakc, a
recent p'edgo of the Theta Chi frater
nity. Miss rlorcnctj White. Miss Kva'i
gellne and Kverett Dye. Miss
Kvadnc Harrison and Wendell Smith.
A delightful dinner party was given
In honor of the Oregon City guests
Sunday. Those present wero Mr. and
Mra. Rouke. Mlsies Ksther and Agnes
Hurrls. Mis. Mr.rlon and Mis. Flor
ence White, Mis. ICvangeline Dye.
Mis. Evndne Harriiion, Miss .Stella
John N. Siever. I. secretary of tho
Clackamas county Republican ceil
trnl committee. Through his efforts
he can claim a largo part of tho honor
of swinging Clackamas county Into
the Republican column by over a 1000
votes. For two months before (dec
tiou hla coat always bora the red,
white and blue emblem of Hughes
sed valuation, raises $22,930 every
year fur the general road fund of the
county. Thirty per cent of that sum
is spent entirely outside of the city
limits of the town. Oregon City tax
payers pay ten per cent ot every
countv exnense. nav ten i.er rem nf
the state nnd ri -hnnl i:.v rioH in .ho I In (!r?'1' l'rHain the census is taken
county, and Oregon City does not com
Moreover, an armory would benefit
and the result mado known in twenty
four hours; here It takes years.
Now we are to have a tariff coinmis-
all of the county. A militia company a'n- a chance for more reprehensililo
is essentially an organization formed ! Kraft than was ever offered a few men.
for protection, and a unit of guards
men would benefit every part of Clack
amas county as well as Oregon City.
There is not one valid reason why
Oregon City should not have an ar-
mory and one of the strongest militia
companies in the state.
Why do we pay ctate officials, leg-
Islntors, courts, and all the depart
ments of government lf we must add
Ct'pposo you tried to conduct an
army or u business with a commission
on the outside of all the rcgulur ma
chinery set up?
PERMANENT ROAD WORK. Would It nnf he a f,.llr- u'
The council and the taxpayers at re!lt railroad commissions to make
Hut. today John Slevers la wearing
Miss Marjorlo Harr.Ht, MIsh ; a Wilson pin. not because lie has been
Zelta Feike, Miss Kva llntier, Miss II I converted to Democracy, but becuuse
rol Kelsey, Miss Eva llower. Mr. AI-1 he is paying an election bet. Oeorgo
bert Roake, Mr. Everett Dye. Mr. Wen-1 Hall, a Democrat from the solid south
dell Smith. Mr. Stunley Myors nnd Mr. land Mr. Slevers mude a bet that the
Homer (irow. (man supiMirtlng tho losing candidate
Mr. and Mrs. Roake and their pus- should wear a pin of the winner,
rengers returned to Oregon City Sun- Slevers Is carrying out tho wager,
day afternoon. j - a. -
tirants rass Improvement com-
Liectriflcatlon of S. P. line from
Whlteson to rorvalllH to bo complete
January 1.
puny to be incorporated to supply wa
ter to land owners In district north of
the budget meeting Monday night
made a wise move In deciding to do
some permanent street work next year
instead of staying by the old plan of
continually patching. The decision ia
in line with good road policies and
shows that the principle of true econ
omy is gaining ground.
The oure way to save it is
by depositing in a responsible bank.
You will then be exempt from the an
noyance of having it burn holes in your
pockets, and aside from the fact that
your money will be safer from thief, the
habit of saving tends to the establishment
of thrift, economy and general under
standing of business principals essential
to your success.
It harder to build and operate railroads
and utilities.
We create an Industrial commission
to stir up trouble between employers
and their employees and give jobs .0
There are now four commissions to
dw.l with the tarifr a federal trade
commission, a tariff commission, com
mission of appraisers, and a customs
The state of Wisconsin went so far
i as to create a commission to Invest!-
gate commission and then the people
i rebelled and kicked it out.
j The Pacific Coast Manufacturer
: ut;ks if It is not time to call n halt !n
all this commission business and gut
i buck to a simpler form of government.
There was a time when a atrong-
! armed man witli a good supply of the
- spirit of the pioneer and a love for
; hard work In his system, could take
! up a quarter section of government
i land in this state and in the course of
! a few years have a good farm. Pa-
tlence and steady labor from daybreak
until night, however, were the prind-
i pal requirements.
This condition no longer exists.
; From the different land offices of the
I state It Is shown that there are J.'v
:;37,809 acres or public land still op.;n
; for settlement, and that of this amount
n,9(2,34S acres are surveyed. This
land is open to entry under the home
stead, timber fnd stone. Isolated and
: mineral laws, but little or any of it
is choice farm land.
I-ilior Commissioner o. P. Hoff cs-
' tlmates that only 9,252 acres of land
j are open to entry ln Clackamas county.
Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Clackamas County, Ore
gon, makes the following estimates of tho amount of monoy to bo raised by
taxation In said county for tho year 1017, and nlso of the probable receipts of
the county from sources other than direct taxation nnd the amount of bal
ances on hand at tho time such tux will be levied.
For county purposes, constituting the general fund, tho following items,
Armory 8,000.00
Asphalt and oil Il.ti00.00
Assessor 6,225.0(1
Auditing accounts 0O0.U0
llrldges and culverts 2:1,200.00
Care of poor 1-1,000.00
Cattle indemnity (iOO.OO
Circuit court 10,000.00
Coroner 1,200.00
County court .'1,170.00
Court house 3,i:iK.OO
County clerk , -t.77fi.00
County physician '. K00.00
Damages 2,000.00
Election and registration ' 6,000.00
Fruit inspector fiOO.OO
Forest fires ,600.00
Health officer 2 060.00
Insane 800.00
Insurance fiOO.OO
Indigent soldiers . SOO.OO
Jail 1,000.00
Justice court 4,200.00
Juvenile court 1.000.00
Printing and advertising .' 2,800.00
Recorder '. 4,614.60
Road machinery and repairs 11.UOO.00
State and federal road co-operation 11,000.00
Surveyor 4,;i00.00
Sealer of weights 426.00
Sheriff ' 9,2:10.00
School superintendent 4,10.1.00
Tax rebate 400.00
Treasurer 3,01)1. o
Widows' pension '. 11,000,00
Wild animal bounty 600.00
County Judge'! salary
Stamps, stationary and excuses. . .
Commissioner'! tlmo and eieUhca
1.300 00
U'u 00
SO 00
l,7.'0 00
Total f J.nooo
Court Houaa.
Two Janitors t
Water ; '.'..'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.
Wood nnd coal
Ilruahea .'!.!!!.!!..!!.'.'
Toilet paper and towels !..'!!.
Mops, law n host), etc . .
Oil and disinfectant ...!!!!.!.!..!
Lock, and repair. !...!!!
icn !,!,!!.'!!!.'
Miscellaneous '
I.r.mi no
N7 00
f.io on
32 no
.12 on
46 on
16 00
10 till
75 no
30 on
60 III)
Mi) no
Total 1 3.1:tC 00
Health Officar.
I 7oo On
Ktlll (10
:ioo 00
2,.o no
Recorder". Office.
Fiunlgullon and disinfectant
Traveling expense.
Recorder's salary
Recorder's first deputy
Hook machine operator
Hook machine operator
Extra help
Stamp and box rent
Four blank deed records
Four blank mortgage records . .
Ono chattle mortgiigu record . ,
Ono blank miscellaneous record
Two typewriters
Two typewriter desks
Stationary .-.
Typewriter ribbon
Ink, pens, etc
!.nr.o 00
I. '.MO Oit
Willi 00
Mil 00
7 NO 00
too no
!l .'.!
90 00
Ax men and chulnnicn
Surveyor'. Office.
- 4,611.60
.1 I .Mil. 00
.$ 1,300.00
Sheriffs Office.
fi,i,.f j.r. ... l.'OO.OO
Special deputies ,
Investigating crime, etc '.
Stamps and stationary
Tax Depurthicnt
Chlof deputy H.m
Second deputy ! '
S.x.t.e,Srk.hn, .' '' MM
Three cash books .'.'.'!.'.'!!!.'.'.' !
18 M. tax receipts ' !!..'.'.!!!!!'.!"
Delinquent tax books
Turnover books
Ono adding machine !!!!!!!'.!!!!'"!!" '
One steel filing case , . . .
.$ n.Mo.oo
Total I17I.2I3.40
Apportioned road fund, Sec. 6320 ? 174,000.00
School and library fund 100,000.00
State tax 100,000.00
County School Superintendent's Office.
Superintendent's salary .
Ull.,nvlllr.l.. a.,1,,.., 1
a,' r"." """" 1.500.00
Expense of Superintendent i .'.'!!.".'!
Expense of supervisor
Truant offlcor
Pnalautt ti.,1 nvnvnaM ml'.
r..t,.nu u..,. VAIF. DOT ,.. ..An nn
a..,,ii. "U.UII
Eighth grade examinations .
Institute !!!"
Tacher's examination '.
Total 1371,000.00
Grand Total
estimated Receipt, from other Source! than Direct Taxei.
Clerk's office li.000.00
Recorder's office (i,600.00
Sherirfs office 750.00
Fines, circuit court 950.00
Fines, Jus! Ice court 500.00
Motor vehicle license 3,000.00
Forest reserve rentals 1,000.00
Delinquent tax penalties 900.00
5 per cent U. S. land sales ' 100.00
Total receipts : 1 20,300.00
Total expenditures 1546 213.40
Totul .receipts 20,300.00
Net amount to J.e raised by taxes
Treasurer's Office.
Treasurer's salary
Dlsbursment ledger ' '
Abstract of road warrant book
Register cancelled W. book
City record book .'...'.'!
Receipt book for special roads
Disbursement book ,
Stationary and typewriter ribbon . '.
Stamps, Ink, etc
Special receipt book for schools
Office repairs nnd steel counter
.1 l,li3.00
- 1,000.110
. 2.76
; That state official summarizes the sit- Estimated balance on band. Jn county general fund, January 1 ,1917..$ 6.000.00
c,.,.,.i..i i. ,,.h',!t' t,.'A in'i,!,'i'n,'.i',.'.i '.'J MiVLL'.;.' v n.oni.oo
............ ...... ....... ..... , ,. ,, property in i:'acKnuins
County not Included In high school districts 127 9X8 r4
NOTICE is hereby further given that a taxpayer's meetl'iii' wHl be.' held
In the court house at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 9 19lfi nt 10 o'cloelr
a. m., for the purpose of discussing the above estimates with thw'coiintv Cn, art
os by law provided. ' 1 rl
Done ut Oregon City this 10th day of November, 1916.
County Judge.