Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 14, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    nmwoK nrv kntkuhmni:. Mmav. .wui, h. umh.
nrction with Coun
on this side
ty Sral.
New a Itrnu ran be aildreaned to The
Oawego ItworJ. Oaweno. Ore., or
left ( the ator of U. V. Proaaer
or office of 11. W. Koehlcr.
Advartlalng nlt mad known upon
The Oawcuo Time or Moore'a lliil
letin. as It 1 Kiiu'rly known to the
resident of Oawcgo, haa en fit at
thli, lt early Inception, to develop In
to what in termed a "mm k raking
kheet" and in every particular I ful
llllInK the predictions of the city
majority that It ratabllkhircnt was
brought iIm.iiI for (fleet few. to
dvanre their Inlereata, "Krlnd" tli'lr
iei and rent th- ll petty piejudleeii
on certain partlci tlut happened to
meet with their disapproval.
In the ordinary com? of exenlu
The Oswego Kecotd. a local depart
ment if the Oregon City KnterprUo.
would not lend dignity to the attack
made by the Timet If It were not for
I iiU.rinl inn Iii.IivI.I.imIIv Thfcl lllrf
hoomeranf r(Tect of thro In the l'r
den of the aubscrlptiona back n the
"promotera" a the Mow that hurt
them wont of a'l nnj the public that
they evidently had aired up aa "eeay
had the aatlafacliiin of demonstrating;
to thete few gentlemen that their
Judgment waa unbound, to uae a char
itable eiprcMlon.
When thta money or ixintia wpa
finally ralw-d the I'oMiand parly rtv
il.li-il that the venture rou'd not lie a
Kliranenl auercaa an I withdrew ha
lti to Innta'l the paiie. It w u thi n
that the "prunioti r" ktnttet (:iim
about for a nuccemor to luVe hold of
their 'ronnl venture. Purliu the
tounie of their necotlatlona they con
sulted with a reprfa'itattv-1 of the
Kiiterprl about hl taking i hri;e of
the new paer project and 'or a while
iirlnln one led him In lellt ve that
they were alnc're In their al:.teinenta
to liltn that they riln-d him to aever
Mk ronncctlnn with ih Knlcr;irl c
and take the new paper, th after de
velopment proving conclusively flat
the Mine ayntetn of miitatemrt.( and
underhanded tactlea that charai tal
lied the recent artu'e In the Tip.
which It la evident thta name "Inter
eat" wrote. ernieated their dealing
at that time. When The Knterprlae
dlllon that made t tien-i.ary to deal
with gent'emeu nf am h looae Idea (
Integrity, our repr ciilatle went
ahead aloni hi own lla aa t new
nwr publicity for Oaegn. lie had
the one Idea In mind of not kvMIItu
anything on (Uweyo tlut would not
prove a uciea and being tnorouxh
tiipaxr man. peihapa he waa tap
nle of aeelng aVu.l a little wax l'r
ther than tluae "new babe In the
Held ol Journallm!." The remit of
III Idea ww the Installation of the
department In The KnlTpnae. tailed
The naen llecord. Illiiht at till
point we want to brand the atalemcnt
of "Moore' lliilletin" whuh we here-1
with die- '
"Tha Time tan cltt Vtrtiaara and
aubacrlbarg who gava up thtir monr
and ilgntd contract, btllrvlng all t"t
Oswego Woman Did
Noble Work in (he
Klondike Century
OSWKiill. April 13- trtpeclall
In the .b'.ilh of Mr. Archibald Kr
klne Smith, nee Mix I .aura Kn.
at Vancouver, It. t'., two wek aico,
llitrtu feel that It hi ht not only
one of It own resident, for thl aa
whllt that tht bomt mi for tnt ! her home for a (real many year tin
the fact that we think thnt thl U th
proer time to place ontr tact oe- repn entatlve slated that to hi mind
fore the public roncernlns: the new. ' Okwcko could Im better serve.' br a
aer situation In CHwero. I connection with ome ent.-'MI-he.l
The Oregon Tlty Enterprlne for a ! newpapr which would tend to Itrhl
Ions time rwoitnlred the fact that 0 j rn ,h operntlnK expenne of the pro
wcro waa in need of some form of j Voted iih t and further 'M ihes
publicity for the town and a a reMiH I "Rentlemen" nndertand that if he
of cloe tudy alven the aulijti t d Wrr endomed aa the one to tuk
elded laat November to Install an Or-1 fharite of tha rewpaier. that ft rob
wcro department. Thla department "nirs 01ll'l CI.KAN and I'N
waa Intend? I to Inks the place of a HIASE1. they ex:ierieni-'d chains
paKr, which 0 w ego did not have at of nrrt evidently, for they nm.tll
that time. That this Innovation wa ,',' etarted ncKoliation with a hot
opular wa attested to by the un!-1 of polm tool for their w..rk. Y.t
venal praise we received. About
three month ro the Osweco Com
merclal club (which we have since as
certained doe not represent the ma
jority of Oswego and (a controlled and
managed by a paltry half dozen men)
conceived the Idea of establishing t
newspaper plant In Osweco and with
that In mind et about securing; three
hundred and fifty paid subscription
at the rate of one dollar and a ha'f
per aubscriber. making a total In kll
of $5:5.00, which figure bad been dat
ed to them by aome Portland party
aa the condition he demanded to In
stall the plant That the collection of
thla money In advance waa an unusual
proceedurt and one that met vlth
popular disapproval was attested to
day by day. and In order to culminate
the "promoters"' effort with sneers
It waa necessary for them to contrib
ute anywhere from five to twenty-live
when this rhanpte of altitude took
place toward The Enterprise represen
tative, instead of notifying him that
they did not wlh to necotlnte further
with him. they led him to believe that
definite action on the matter had been
deferred for a period of a'Kmt two
weoks at which time they Intended to
hold a apeclal meeting to cunc'ude the
matter, and thn turned cr.ii'lcte..'
around and signed (practlcr.ll two
days later) with the present editor.
E. J. Jones, personally, so far as Mr
Jones is concerned, we feel that we
are among his best wishers in bis new
field of endeavor, and naturally one
cannot censure hitn for the fact that
the "25.M) which has been turnel
over to htm should prove a the ning.
net which first made Mr. Jones see
the "light' relative to Oswego's reed
for a newspaper.
Regardlet of the unfortunate cm-
Villiger & Schleiss, Props.
Pure Milk and Cream All New Sanitary Implements
High Grade Inspected Cattle
B-616I; Local 371
First and "A" Sts.
Oswego, Oregon
Oiwego Tim,"
a an AIISOI.l TK. t xyt AI-IMKI'
KAIEII(H)I) and u h statement
tend to prove oir assertion that the
touudutlon of the Time I b.ed on
KEPKKSKNTATION. and we are full
enough to advance the doubt Hint a
pernlcloui Influence ha been broi ghl
to l-ear nion the publisher of the
ncwpaiu r.
We further challenge the so called
"Times" to prove In any one slm-le
Instance wh-re we have secured sot
kvrlherw, advertiser or their tuouey
on mlstepn'sentatlon. The Oregon
Cilv Enterprise throughnul a perl nI
of fifty year has malnu.ned and en
joyed a reputation aNve niiroaeh for
fairntss. honesty and high Ideal i if
Integrity, something our rontcui'ior
ary along Its present line. nf endeav
or, will never accomplish V tr-a-lire
this reputation above all oth.r
conslderutloni and un'es the so
called "Tlni''" ran present proof of
lta charges, we Sre sure that the en
tire community of Oswego will brand
It. a a sheet that Is civen over to vil
lifltatlon. slander and lie and with a I
purpose in view of piopagatlng cal
umny. Ii Is perfectly in keeping with the
policy of the lo-called "Oswt-go
Time" that In support of lis calumni
ous article that it ahould uoie In
snport of its osition a publication
of the character of the Oregon t'lty
Courier, that has ost every vestige of
standing, with the vast matc-rlty of
Cacknmaa county residents dee to ill
anarchistic tendemie. It tends to
make wry clear the field of endeav
or that the Times aspires to.
That it never wa the Intention of
the "promoters" of the sorallttl "Os
wego Times" to edit what could be
properly termed a newspaper, la also
quite evident If one will tako the
pains to examine the Issue under date
April 6. To the exclusion of its city
and almost every other eotiMil. -ration
It has devoted its entire Ifsue to the
i defending and boosting of the "sp.v
clal Intere.-its" that really are r jspon
; sible for thl perfidious sheet, and it
' was because this very condition .is
i forseen that Oswego, almost a-i a
whole, refused to aisoclute thomsel
'ir give their support, to this dlsr. i -table
"gang" of vllllflers. who never
Iiave been known to delve Into any-
Ill her marriage, bnt alo a loat and
valued friend of the town. It a
while )( a voting girl, m ircclv out of
her teen, that Ijiura Kna braved
Mr. Archibald Ertkln Smith
the hardship and danger of a trip
into the Klondike country In Alaska,
where she sx-nt almost a fear, the
greater Mirtlon of whiih lime she wat
encaged in hospital work being
skilled nur. She returned to her
home here In Oswego in September,
IXI'S, and It was on September M. .if
that year that the Oregonlan pub
lished a pen sketch of Miss Evan. n
her Klondike coatume, together with
a lengthy story of her ihtIIoiis trio
of shooting the White llorsr rnpld.i
a feat said to have never before or
after been performed by a woman.
The Oregonlan artli le. ieukliig of
Miss Evans, said:
"A short, compact')' built young
woman with a pleasant. clf-pOKeei j
manner, rosy meek, black eyej Uiat
look as thouuh they could snap flro
If occasion warranted it. a hundred
little black ringlet, playing hide and
feck with the brim of her straw ha',
and a determined look about the cor
ners of the mouth that would bode
disaster to all who oppose her. If It j
were not dominated by the good hu
mor anil straightforward, dlspas- j
where aha rallied 111 a day. It waa
while In Ilia Klondike com, Ire Hut
Mis Evan and h r friend, I'r l.aih -r
I'oe, now ir I'ih liirjoy, ct.udui le l
I be Episcopal hoiull with decided
aocreks at Hkigway.
lira Smith died ou tha ann!urry
of her wedding to Mr. Smith.
Ihe huaband and father, who la a
aucceskful milling eiiglnn'r, la a tu
tu of Australia, where hi people at
present realile He ha retutned to
hi work at Vuncoover, II. t and
Craud Eoiks, where he haa Mime larg
contrails, but he hope In ahortly
oMn a blanch oftlTlce In Portland ko
that he tan spend much nf Ihe I line
with his children, who will Im cared
for by their aunt, Mrs II II. Tclllnger
of Oswego. The rhlblren are Archi
bald, agl I) )ear. Hunter. 7; Stein.
J. and Peggy, i. all of them pretty
and bright and showing in no uncer
lain degree the Im uh a I Ion nf splendid
home qualities aa Imparted by their
mother, whose every thought waa .if
her children and husband, with the
Idea of makliu home the dearest spot
on earth to them.
Porn In Pennsylvania, I -aura Evaua.
whi n but a girl, came to Oswego with
her parent over ii )ear ago, and
thla plate remained her home until
she married Mr Smith and removed
to Vancouver Even while In Alaska
she at III retained her home heie and
here It wa ahe returned after her
ty of almost a year In tlie northern
May Change Site
Of Oswego Dam
Grange Observes
42nd Anniversary
OSWEt.O. April U. (Speclall
Organlted April 30, INT. Oswego
t'.range No. 175. P. of II, one of the
otdeat. It' not the oldest, grange In
Oregon, celebrated .t t.'nd annlvcr
ary In It own hall In South Oswego
last Saturday. April 8. There waa an
attendance of KO. Including member
and visitor.
Of the 25 charter member. 10 ar
still living, five of whom are still ac
tive In grange work, and four of whom
were present at the anniversary.
Since the organlrwtlon of Oswego
Orange ?sS periods have signed tint
membership roll, and the pr sent
membership total S7. The meeting
laat Saturday was a happy one. beln
a reunion of old timer and friend.
tome of whom had not met in iiiativ j
year. All were g'ad to be Identified i
with the organization am b a the
grange and the opportunity It pre
cnts for the advancement of the
farmer and his rauae. t'harle I lick
Inson Is master of the local-grange
and he takes a grout Interest In it
work. During the progress of (be
meeting la-t Saturday, word wa
brought nf ihe death rirly that dav
of one of the grange's old time mem
ber. Mrs. l'rsiila Knausc, a former
resident of Oswego.
OHWEtiO. April IT I Special l
WhUe Ho definite in lot mat toll can le
gl.cn out at thla lima It la within lh
rang of posalbilliy that Hie Oswrx-i
lake Water, l-lgllt and Power mill
foTiy will .teforr loin begin la)lim
plana for Ihe construction of a con
rnte iluui anosa (law ego lake It'll
until Hit I done tlie llmUr dam.
which ha long served the company
to furnish water for Ha tuibinr. w I'l
continue to do service, and Hie break
III Ihn dam of two week ago when
Hie high w.tler of Ihe Tualatin river
forced one end of the dam out will
be repaired )ut a iiilckly aa pol
bin. S E. t in. who haa been In cbnrgi-
of Hpii roinian)'a iri tiler work 'n
Oawegii for a great many yer,.wll!
have riipervllon of the repair work
at the dim. and he already ha a ire
of men engnged III gelling Hie lien
aary timber ready for the lon.iruo
Hon work.
Secretary Patlulii of the Water.
Light and Power roiupaiiv, In pca
ing to The Oswego Kecnrd represenla
tive yesterday, stated that bis i m.i
pny would repair Hie dam temimrar
II v aa quickly a possible, that H
would In Hie meantime ami for a while
to come give some thought and con
aiderntlon to the erection of a con
crele structure, which he lelt sure
would be the ultimate outcome of the
power illlesllon In Oiwego Hut lie- I
fore mm n conalderatlon can be given
In thl questlin 'Investigation will!
have to l e made of Ihn aeveral !! I
auggeateil Hesldc the one upon
which la lisated the present dam, III
ha been auggeateil that the narrn;
offend giNid looatli n for am h a coir
structlon lieiause of the fad Hut
there i a rock wall on either aide nf
the lake to whb h could be anchored
the concrete structure.
Oswego Team Makes
Splendid Showing
OHM EMI. Apill II H !!--Ih'Splla
the la' I Hie Oswrgu baarball
team lost last Sunday' game Willi Ihn
Eultoil li) of Poillaiid. Ihe flil f
Ihe iaon rthlbltloii a f-
one, one that lliortiughly rii)n)d
by tha large irowd of fan ie'M'.
The aioie of I In 0 would eaally ile
Hole that there miiat have be n aoinn
giMHl pla)lng on both able. The Kul
Ion tlr were an utiipaiili d by a
small miiiHsny of funs. Will Au:ln
Old aoiue eliellenl Work III I be bo I
fur tin' Ih via. hi pllihlug lu llig a
feature of Ihn game, and he received
eicelteiil upHirt l hind the 11 (mn
Ool'h llnlne Klrr showed up "i
g ihm form with Hie stick, having 4
Ihn e burner to hi i ridll. ('barb
Ai'stln, manager nf Hie Oswego dam,
at Hie ioiii lusloli of lb" game, r
priosed himself a i well pleard o'er
Ihn show lug made b his bo) In lh"lr
flist game and Ihllika Hie) will de
velop Into a really fal le.illl In fine
the seaaoii'haa bei nine falrl) started
Alinlher game la In be !ucd licit
week, bill with what Ham I not
known at thla lime The bul looked
quite l lull and uptod.ile In their
new suit Plan are moving rlgiit
along for the improvement of Hit
ground and Hie bulbllng n a new
graiidalaud, but It la Hot Iboui lit like
ly that fiiml will lie foitlicomlng for
the einlo.lng nf the ground with a
bUh hoard feme
OSWECO, April U ISpeilall
' At the Itebekah's contest meeting In
! morrow night Hie pn'gram will lie uu
I der the leadership of Mr. Hi hWT
and It promise to be Interesting, for
I Ihn contestants are bending eveiy en
I ergy In outdo the effort of Ihe otb-r
'side. There wilt be recitations, orl.t-
So far the rompaliV has evperteiiceil
no trouble In securing sufficient wu '
lor to run lta power plant, thus ohvhr 1
Inst poetry and music of various klinla
and deacrlplloii.
OSWEliO. April U-lHpiclsll
I l"g the necessity of atsrtlng up ita '
kll.lllurw t.l,.t u I Ik. ..I... f I-.. .1- '
I .. . '.' At thla weeg'a meeting of Ihe Wool-
l-Plte the fact that . ,h .1 new.paper ; r , ,
tluillal,1 I I, n I f b.ifcl Ihs.. W. I I
" '"" " "-.Wednesday afternoon. Mr J. C. Ed
m ' . i warda of TlllauiiK.k. who spoke on '.he
j psychology nf good reading In the
BANQUET ENJOYABLE AFFAIR j ,ome. Mr. Edward' busbanj I own
: er and manager nf thn elm trie work
OSWEtiO. April IT (Special) - u Tillamook, and waa formerly local
Thn banquet tendered the winning ed at New but g.
aide by thn loser In the Kpworfli .
league attendance campaign at the. (Ogo Nw Cont. on Pag 7)
tiraiigo hall Int week Waa a thorough-1 - --
Drugs At Cut-Rate Prices
Can you Afford to Purchase Elsewhere at These Prices?
50c H & A Cream 41c
25c Colgate Dental Cream.. 20c
50c Pebeco Dental Cream ...40c
25c Bay Rum 20c
25c Mentholatum '....20c
25c Colgate Talcum Powder 20c
35c Fletcher's Castoria 25c
50c Borden's Malted Milk ..40c
Give us a chance to serve you. Your credit is as good
here as it is elsewhere.
Telephone your wants. We deliver.
Canned Goods Going Up
Our Prices are Still the Same
3 Cans Tomatoes, I Oc 6ize, 25c
3 Cans Corn, 1 0c size, 25c
3 Cans Milk, 1 Oc size, 25c
7 Cans Libby's Milk, 5c size, 25c
3 lbs. Small White Beans 25c
3 lbs. Lima Beans 25c
31 lbs. Large White Beans 25c
31 lbs. Pink Beans 25c
3 lbs. Southern Jap Rice ,. 25c
4 lbs. Fancy Head Rice 25c
thing unless It wan for their -isoual
While the ultimate end of "Moore's
lliilletin" wa. easily discernible, even
before Its first Issue appeared, it musi
lie a source of satisfaction to a good
many, that the "promoters" havo go
soon thown their true colors and are
so rapidly accomplishing their own
It was tliia paper, which, some see-
eral weeks ago, llrst called attention
! to the unsale condition of the South
i ern Pacific railroad crossing on Front
i street, noar the Oswego Lumber com
I pany and suggested thut some means
should be provided at once to protect
life and property from the trains thut
i pa3s over this crossing many hours o'
day and nluht. This matter has been
j threshed out In council meetings of
i late, but up to this time no conclu-
sion has been reached nor any under-
standing of any character with thn
j railway company. Some members of
j the council have suggested an over-
head street crossing, but this would
j not only be unsightly but also very
j impractical because tf the reason that
I it would have to be at least 20 feet
high above the street. Some people
believe that the dangerous (iiestloii
can be solved by the Installation of
! riaginen, and vhlle this would doubt-
less be more expensive: to the rail
, road company it would more nc-ar'y
Insure proper protection to ail who
, have occasion to pass over this crosi
i lug-
0 o
l Developments during the past two
J weeks have been sufficient to con
I vince the pe-jple of Oswego and vlcin
I Ity that If they wish to read the news
of their locality they must take The
j Oswego Record, as well as to have It
; presented to thorn In an unbiased man
i ner, free from prejudice and anlmos.
Ity. When you read it in these cob
iimns you can depend upon It beln
The blowing of the pipe foundry
' whistle Tuesday morning was a wel
: come sound to Oswegoans for It
meant the resumption of operations lit
I this plant and spells further prosper-
Ity for this locality. Many of the
j company's old and faithful employes
are back on the Job again.
j The city council of Oswego should
receive the united support of the peo
ple of thli town and locality in its en
deavor to give them better roads and
streets. Ihe Improvement of the high
ways mean better conditions for any
; donate common sense that looks yen
unflinchingly in the fuce. This 's
Miss Laura Kvans. of Oswean. wh-
has Just performed the feat of riding
the trrlblr White Horse rapids, be
tween 'Dawson City and llennett, In
the K'ondlke country."
Miss fclvnns gave a thrilling rcvb"v
of her trip down the White Horse rap
ids. She said that just the day ..
fore she made the water Journey, that
eight bouts had lecn cupslzed nnd the
occupants, men, women nnd children,
had lost their lives, the trouble large
ly being due to the fact that the wo.
men became excited and this mad"
the men, who were rowing, nervous,
with the result that they could not
properly propel their boats. As a con
sequence Colonel Slee'e, head of the
mounted police, made a rule that no
more women or children ahould go
through, and this rulo had Just gone
Into' effect when Mlsa Evans arrived
on her trip to Dawson from Hennett.
As It was important that sho continue
on her Journey, Miss Evans played a
trick on the police by hiding her boat
In thli bulK'B and having her crew nf
two men to row and an Indian to pilot
them, and at an opportune time get
out onto the water and away from the
police. She made the trip without
mishap, but did not know at what
time Bhe might go Into the water.
Miss Evans was away from fyom.
nine months, three of which she spruit
In Dawson. Shortly after her arrival
there she. was elected a special nur.i1?
for the Masons In a Catholic hospital,
Oswego Pipe Plant
Again in Operation
tv elltnvnbln afTMlr In U'lili K l Vim v,,un '
and old alike took. part. Kollowlnit
the banquet there waa a splendid pro
gram of music and rn ltujlnna, Inter.
leraed wtih plcnalua: Kiimea for the
younger onea, Instead of cards us wan
reported by a local newspaper, which
apparently doea not know thn differ-1 you do not rest much better
w- j able everywhere
Indication nearly alwaa dlnturba
Ihn aleep more or ieaa, and la often the
iuue of liiMimiila. Kitt a liubt aupper
with little If any meal, and no milk:
also take one of Chuuiberlaln'i Tallx la
Immediately after nipper. Mild ee If
(Adv I
OSWEtiO. April IS. (Special)
It was The Ohwcko Hecord that giue
to the people last week tho llrst In
formation of the definite resumption
of operations at tho pipo factory or
the Oregon Iron & steel company, and
on Tuesday of this week the whistle
of the plant announced that the mull-1
Ing of iron pipe was ugaln tile order I
or things In Oswego. It called to
gether some 50 or tiO men, many of
them old time residents nnfl employes
of the Iron and Bteel company, all or
whom were glad to again be at work
at their old Job. With the orders at
present on hand It i qulto likely that
tho plant will run ateadlly for aonio
months, and with additional orders
which are very sum to bo received
from time to time. It In thought proli
able tho Industry can he tualnlaln'sl
throughout tho coming year. Tho
three largest orders nt present In
hand lire the supplying of water pipe
for Portland, Mllwaukio and water and
gas pipe for tho city of Astoria. The
factory is under the direction of W. W.
i'odd, who has been superintendent
for the company for a, grnat many
Can Always be Found At the
Oswego Meat Market
Fresh Cured Hams, Dacon nnd Other Products
Fresh Fish.
H. BETHKE, Prop. Oswego, Oregon
A. J.Rossiter,M.D.
Physician and Surgeon
Residence and Office Front
Former President
Is Dead at Lents
Phone Home 71
A good baseball team is a sp'emlld
advertisement for a community, and
Oswego stands an A-I chance of hav
ing such a team.
I'rinevllle votes $100,000 bond lawn;
to start railroad connection with the
Oregon Trunk line near Redmond.
Your Blacksmith Work
Will be done right if you bring
it to me. Prompt and careful
attention given to every job.
Pratical Horse Shoer
Up-to-Date Wagon Work
Oswego Oregon
OSWEUO, April 1:1. (SpoclaD
In I.ents last Saturday occurred the
death or ono of the old time und for
mer residents of Oswego, Mrs. Ursula
Knausc, mother of .1. Knause of this
placo. The deceased, who waa 71
years of ago, has been In feeble health
for some time past. The Knausc fam
ily resided on a farm near Oswego a
number of yeurs. ago, nnd It was whllo
living thero that the senior Mr,
Knause wild kl'lcd, some .10 years ago,
by an explosion while blasting stumps
on his place.
OSWEUO. April 13. (Special) -There
wl'l be no preaching service nt
the Oswego Mothodlst Episcopal
church next Sunday a. m., hut Sunday
school will meet as usual at 10 o'clock
with John Haines as superintendent.
In the evening tlie Epworth League
Will hold its devotional service at 7
o'clock, followed by preaching at 8 by
the pastor, Itnv. J. Coleman.
Sanitary, Cleanliness and Quality
form the basis of all products of the
Our Establishment is Open to Inspection
We cater to banquets and Lodge parties
If we please, tell others; if we don't, tell us.
Owego Oregon
OSWEGO, April 13. (Special)
Donald -Iame.4 of Oswego and Miss
Helen Mcintosh of Portland were
united in marriage at the Marshall
Btreet I'resbyterlan church a few days
ago by Rev. A. J. Hanna. The young
couple will mtke their home In Oswego.
Good Eats, Drinks
and Smokes
Hazelwood Cream
and Sold at Portland Prices.
G. W. IPiro sser
the ranchera who have hitherto been
J ney and Henry Hewitt as clerk term-1