Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 10, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    OHROON CITY ffvPirniwiHii! ffRIHAV. 10. 1'"
Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County
Canny. Or.. April ..-(Nwiai -
II the nieellne held last night
cltv council It wa lioolilt'il that sharks
and barns must po. Complaint was
brought in ly many citizens of the
condition of the town and the couiui'
has found an ordinance giving It the
power to condemn noh places.
The council pave the city marshal.
Joe l.etsor. order to notify owners of
such barns and outhouse at once. Ev
eryone living In te business section of
the city will be forced to msiaii uio.-
ern plumbing at once, and several
barns will be torn down.
Arrangements for a new city jail are
being made hut nothing dofiulte has
been done.
M. J. l.ees electric llRht franchise
was read for final passage last night
but was laid on the table until next
Mondav night when a special meeting
will be called. Mr. lee has agreed to
put in lights for almost one-half the
rate that the present company is
Some of the councllnicn did not
think that the rate would stand, so
Philip Hammond, city attorney, will
visit the railway commission and find
out if I-ee can run his plant on such
ates. If the railway commission al
low Mr. Lee to run on such low rates
the franchise will probably be granted.
Canhv. Ore., April 3. (Special)
Last evening in their home Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. White celebrated their
crvstal wedding anniversary. Many
friends gathered and presented the
couple with a most ellegant water set.
The evening was spent at Five Hun
dred in which Mrs. Ii. Roy Lee cap
tured first prize for the ladies and Mr.
W. H. Hair carried off the gentlemen's
prize. Mrs. E. King and H. H. Eccles
walked off with the booby prizes.
Luncheon was served about mid
night and the guest after enjoying the
evening departed: Those rresent
were: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. tecies. .xir.
and Mrs. Lee J. Eckerson, Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Pair. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bradtl. Mr.
rnd Mrs. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Knight. Mr. and Mrs. E. King, Mr. and
Mrs. H. P. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. M.
P. Sailor. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, i
Mr. and Mrs. H. Yergene, Mr. and Mrs.!
U D. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.j
Priest. Mr. and Mrs. C. Prouty. Mrs.!
Cassey Evans. Miss Lillian and Mil-1
dred Wang. Lorraine Lee. and Plane;
White, Pr. H. A. Dedman. Dr. S. Wang, I
Dr. A. T. Murdy and Albert King. j
Canby, Ore., April. 6. (Special)
M. J. Lee of this city who has control
of the local water system, is planning
to give a much better service. Work
began this morning on a new S-lnch
well. He will also build a new 50.000
gallon water tank, and a pump which
will draw COO gallons of water per min
ute and which will have seventy-five
pounds of pressure. Mr. Lee has a '
smaller tank and pump but is unable ,
now to give the people a first class!
service because he has more custo-'
ers than he can handle. But In a very !
short time he says be will have en
ough w ater to put water works in ev-;
ery house in Canby.
Canby. Ore., April 2. (Speciall !
This afternoon at the home of Mrs. P. i
L. Coleman a few of her lady friends i
were most enjoyably entertained. Re freshments
were served and those
present enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, t
Among those who were present are:
Mrs. W. F. Schuller. Mrs. Harvey j
Douglas, Mrs. Fred Roth", Mrs. Dick
Garetto, Mrs. W. E. HlFaell, Mrs. I-eej
Eckerson, Mrs. Harry Carette, Mrs. j
Harry Gilmore. Mrs. Anna Myers. Mrs.;
P. Homig, Mrs. James, Mrs. Rile Gar
eUe. Mrs. C. A. Thomas, Mrs. George
Canby, Ore.. April . (Special!
W'm. Cantwell who has been very low
here at his home for some time was
taken last evening by Dr. H. A. Ded
manr city physician, to the St. Vincent
hospital in Portland. Cantwell has been
very sick for the past two weeks, but
Is expected to get better soon. Mrs.
Cantwell and daughter. Miss Mable
Iawrie, left this morning to visit blm.
Canby, Ore.. April 3. (Special)
B. V. Pfister who has managed a 10
and loo etore In this city for the pant
few years today bought half Interest
in the Canby Mercantile Co. from W.
F. Schuller. The (.tore will keep the
game name as before. A large stock
of new goods will appear soon.
Canby, Ore., April 4. (Special;
The dance given by the Canby band
this evening was well attendd In
spite of the bad weather. Tbo music
was furnished by Garette's orchestra
and all present enjoyed a pleasant
Canby, Ore., April 6. (Special)
There are three unclaimed letters at
Canby posU.ffice: Two for Miss Ma
rie Vigneron, and one for Mrs. A. 1.
Munnelly. Owners of same may get
possession by notifying A. H. Knight,
the postmaster.
CANBY, Ore., April 7. (Special)
The Canby baseball team will go to
Molalla next Sunday and meet the Mo
lalla Greys on their own grounds.
Canby defeated Molalla once this year
by a score of 8 to 2. A wek from next
Sunday they will meet Macksburg on
the Car. by grounds.
Canity, Oro.. April 4 (Special)
An egg Wlnl given I'V llio Candy IIikIi
H.-lUKll till evening f'T till' benefit of
tlu Canby baseball club was a wiff".
KnoiiKh money wn cleared to start
the loam out.
rDnUnrn HnICr pntTTQ ipjflflP
Molalla. Ore.. April t'.. (Special
A hall so crowded that standing room
was nt a preinlnm greeted Motullu
High sehixil students Saturday night
who presented the three act comedy
"What's Next?"
This play was rendered uncommonly
well for amateurs and many times the
enthusiastic audience was convulsed
with laughter.
The first scene was the Itoctown
school room, and the second and third
Madder residence. The characters
who figured In the play were:
Tolly Poke. Kthcl Wells: Mr. Chub.
Ray Pause Certle flush. Selma 1-Yied-rich:
Mrs. Madder. Gold Marie: Mr
Madder. Ross Kngle: I'hlneas Poke,
Hnrrel Cole: Mrs. Wallace. Maude
Steinlnger: Willie Xilly. Puane Rol
bins; policeman. l.oonard Vlck: Zepth
anla. Carl Perby: Samantha. Ruth
Itoyles: Jim Jones, Pave Stelninger:
Eli Reed, Marlon Toliver.
Po popular was the drama with the
public that the students are contem
plating giving it at Canby. Seotts
Mills. Falls City and other Willamette
valley towns.
Music was furnished by the Molalla
orchestra. Miss Agnes Clifford was
pianist. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Orandall
coached the students.
The money taken in is to go to the
boys" and girls' basketball teams.
Eleven Inning Required to Break Tie
of One to One Between Team ;
MOULLA. Ore.. April 6. .Special) ;
The baseball season 0ened here
yesterday when the Molalla Stars,
were defeated by the Macksburg nine
here. ;
At the end of the ninth inning the i
score stood one to one. but at the w ind !
up of the eleventh Macksburg had
come off ahead. 1 to 4. Leonard Vick
pitched for the local team and Lee ian church, officiated. Interment was
Adams caught. Ralph Coleman in Foster cemetery. Mrs. Case Is also
twirled for Mackshurs: while Royce -survived by another sister. Mrs. Wil
Brown did the catching. I liam E. Spicer, of San Piego, Cal.
ii nn
1! JJ- LjMiEl-L
a 1
fl I fi..i!riTTrTiir '"ni d irtr1! I !
m L
1 I -rfl
II I "Vv
ABB U 3 1
We sell Myers Pumps of all sizes, also water systems and engines. We will make you right prices.
W. J. WILSON & CO. Oregon City, Or CANBY HDW. and IMP. CO., Canby, Or.
Molalla Methodist Church Now Ha a
Residing Pastor.
Molalla. Ore., Apr. 3. (Special!
Rev. .1. K. Coleman and family, former
ly of 'Woodburn have moved into the
new Methodist parsonage. This is a
very commodious bungalow and does
credit to the town.
Before this time Molalla has be'-n
only a point on a Methodist circuit,
hut now with the minister residing :
v. .1,1. i, .ni
here this city will receive more atten
rive Act Drama, "The Heroic Dutch-'
man- Prnv In h. Pnn,,l I
man Prove to be Popular
Molalla, Ore., April 7. (Special)
The Needy school rendered a five act
drama. "The Heroic Dutchman" In To
wn's hall last night. The house was
full and the audience fully appreciated
the play.
Music was furnished by Cole's or
chectra. Prof. Coleman of the Needy
school played the part of the heroic
The setting of the play was several
hundred years ago and the character
wore quaint Dutch customes and white
wigs. The drama was prcceeded by
a short farce which convulsed the aud
ience. The Needy school will nrob-
amy present mis play at canby Thurs-foi
day night.
Molalla, Ore., April 3. (Special)
The Molalla High school student will
give a three act drama, "What's
Next?" In Tobin'a hall tomorrow night.
Considerable time has been put In
drilling for this play. The money tak
en in will go to defray the expense of
the girls' basketball team.
. !
Gla.Ntone. Ore.. April .- ( Special!
-K,.pr.fentnlive. from most of the
i ... ...i I- i il,i. ..! of Clack-
..' roimtv ere Present at the Sun -
aitms COlllllJ nr I
.lav school convention held here todi.v .
The morning session was opened at to;
cio r ni ;
church i.nd convened at noon
convention continued thro the after
noon and eienlng.
A number of prominent church work
ers. including S. MelMnald. Mrs. Carl
Smith. Mrs. Oromsby. Rev. W. T Mill
Ikon. Miss Knight. Rev, J K. Lands
borough. Rev. C. A. Phlpps. Rev. C.
N. Kdwards and Miss Ullce Clark,
spoke. A basket dinner wa served at
noon and In the evening.
It Seems That Those
Gladstone Teachers
Can't Take a Joke
CI.APSTONK. Ore. Apr. iSj-e-dullThe
lieauti.-s of Cladslone park
s.iealixl to about .b pupils of the lva
sclnHil more than the tiresome r-.u-tine
of study so Wednesday morning
thev failed to collie to school and went
ptcniclng instead. The entire affair
wa to bo an April fool Joke on their
t,,ai.i.rs, but when the students
turned for the afternoon session.
Instructors sentenced each of them to
a term after
. .l...l 1, Hl.,r,' ,l .i- for
the rest of th
Eagle Creek. Ore., April 2 --The fn
neral of Mrs. Elia Case, agvd ti'J. who
died here yesterday morning at the
home of her sister. Mrs. J. M. Hoyce,
was held this afternoon from the local
Presbyterian church. Rev. Aue of the
Sprlngwater circuit of the Presbyter-
I Vou wouldn't drink from a
I 9tt 1 M
Metal Valve Mats may corrode or rust.
Metal Valve Seats harden the check leathers quickly
CLASS VALVE SEATS DO NOT. The patent Myers Class
Valve seat Is
Ins; as any
i .
Two Men Hurt by
Fall From the Same
Horse, Same Day
WII.J.AMKTTK. Ore., April fi.-r.Sp...
clali-As a result of riding a hern-
lil.mrint .. ...... .1.1 i.i.. i,.
da afteo;.n .7 n7 ,'
"ay a'ternoon, two men of this c iv
were thrown to the ground and i...
Herbert Dellok was the first to be
hurt, lie was riding the animal about
tou-n u-ln.n 1. (.In...... ... ....
nP ,... :.. ", v " ,, r,H- "nen
. " ' .""'r . ,0 t,rn th h"e to a
nine mreei trie an ma ran uiraioh.
diieao. ana tnrew t3 rider to the
ground. Dellok Is not seriously In
jured although he has a number of
de p cuts.
The other victim of the horse was
Joseph Shlvely who was not Injured
as seriously as Dellok although hurt
In much the same manner.
Sandy, Ore., April 2. At a recent
meeting of the committee in charge J.
G. DeShazer was elected president and
Blanche R. Shelly secretary treasurer
tne fair to be held here October 2
and 3 by Sandy grange. A bigger fair
man ever before Is planned, with a
daily program of races, dancing and a
parade, in addition to the display of
farm products in three balls here.
An Ideal preacher Is one who can
preach loud enough to wake up all the
sinners without disturbing the slum
ber of the men who contribute the
ii k i.
1 I C--L Cit.J
Lodg t Mllwsuki Cun(r Honor
on Mr. Eva Cooper.
MllttiuiU". Or., Vi-nl :t Mllvv.inkle
I lo.i,:o of Hohoknh. No. I Ml. at II
'inn lift night, elected Mrs K '""!
cr district deputy president and rhoi..-
'Mrs Ida lVnnell and "
NU'kl. s us delegates to the slate
; bckali assembly, to bo held al M'-Mlim
! - - .. , ,,
v lite, for three dais ''" ''.',
Mvervievv louge o. ... .
v v I. It. A iiium
d I.. IV Robert as del. P.ue io i";ir
' . . ,
- - - ... ... ,..
grand lodge, to he held with the Re
' '"' ' - ;......, son, our Awful Aunt. Mr ..rmaii
lickahs Jjate asseinblv at 1 .1 y . Sav; rTank ll,.fel.o. I rge Halal
with K. M- Ilalght "aV ,J.;Jvigl: Arthur Wallace, the villain. K.iv
Stockton was choM-n '-" '"l" ., . ., h ..l....r. Norman Sal .
cnind master. ii,.m,..,i;
Theodore Zanders " ' ' ,
hi the first degree bi this luimo next
Monday night In grunge hall
Milwjuklt Student Will Met Wichita
; Today
Milwaukle. Ore., Vpril Spelling
teams were aolecteil Thursday from
the grades In the MMwaukie school to
have a try-out axalit the high chool
deparmeni students Kil.lav afternoon,
preparatory to the contest with the
Wichita school Saturday night In the
Milwaukle school. Representative of
the third, fourth and fifth grade met
pupils of the corrcp uiding grade of
the Wli-hlla school, and then the sixth,
seventh and eighth grade of the Mil
w ankle and Wltchll.i school w ill have
a contest A. O. Fre. l, of the llarclav.
school will give out the wonts ami ref
eree the contest. Principal (limit, of
Milwaukle school, will pick a team to
st. n against icgo " .'
M i'", .vrueiiw nil. im nin nirr. i-na
I ; rove. Hut to and Harmony (choola In
'. the Milwaukle school April II
Milwaukle. Ore.. April t iSpeclall
W. II Counsel! has been awarded the
contract of grading mid inacndaml.rlng
a section of the Oatfleld road, the
work will Im commenced at once and
calls for completion within ninety day.
Cough Medicine for Children.
Tm much car cannot be used III e
bi ting a cough nieilicino for children,
It should be pleasant to take, contain
no harmful substance and be most ef
fecttial. Chamberlain Cough Rem
eily meets these requirement and Is
a favorite with the mother of young
children everywhere. For sale by all
dealer. (Adr.) ,
rusty tin cup with a clean glass at hand !
Well then, why pay as much, or nearly as
much, for a pump with a metal valve seat
Myers Pump
well protected and Is as last.
metal seat and far superior.
For the sake of
I. V. Thcrt.ton and J. Peters have
b'-.-n in Oregon City for aeveral days,
serving iik vvltniase In a civil suit.
'Hie Or. gon Klectrlc has taken off
their lo.al tr;iin which stopped in our
village over nlht, and the schedule
has been somewhat changed.
Mrs. M. C. Voting spent enteral days
in Oregon City and Portland last week.
The survey for the flume has been
making progress lately, having reached
K. W. Graham's farm.
There will be an Arbor Day picnic
and program on Friday at the school.
The Judges for election appointed
at Wllsonvllle are: C. P". Wagner, Mar
. tin Tam-hmann and R. F. McGlnnls
and the clerks: H. D. Adens, Mrs. Cora
Hasselbrlnk and Mra. Amelia Peters.
The Parent-Teachera' Association
held their regular meeting on Friday
In the school house.
K. W. Graham spent Thursday and
Friday at the county seat, on business.
At the spelling match held In the
school house on last Friday evening.
Fern Dllss' side won out, John Say, of
the ninth grade, standing up the long
est, and !ah Wagner and Gladys
Shull of the Kth grade being the op
posing force who held out the longest.
Supervisor Vedder visited the local
sc.nooi on Monday and complimented
the school upon their spelling.
The choral society will meet at the
residence of Mra. Taylor on Friday,
April Z4in
The Ladles' Aid met at the home of
mrs. wnite on Wednesday of last
The Easter program at the church
has been well prepared, and all are
cordially Invited to attend.
The young people of the Epworth
League are working hard on a play
entitled, "Home Ties," to be given In
ih.' A. (V T. W. hull. April ?'" The
..lain of four '! and l the
'li.-alet production ever ait'iii'l'l In
i u ( in.ui t ll ninl It I hoped I'1' e''rT-
I ... . 1 1 I. ..1 I. .. II
one will aiienn ami wv in""'- -
Sill .'.'H
I he (u.lnes for election In the I le
.nil Hill district are J. C Niivdor. John
Smith and Mrs. Jessie Hav and the
el. rli are C. J. Calklll", J. C. Her and
Mr. J. T. Fox.
Our Awful Aunt" will be given all
Corral Crock a.-hool on Saturday even ;
lllg lril I -WI. '' n
f r,nracler I a follow- Mr
in Anrll 1 sili. ut e I ii in unum. i lie
Mdtoli. tile
i k.i it.. l .... .
A rir II AUK (T. I l"M I'hki-i ,
. jhn
Aful Aunt. Mr Norman
Pal Id 'Mann. Wallace accomplice, Kl '
m,r .,,.,,. ,,.,. , ,.. law. ubrer ,
........ .,, ...
I Wood and Austin ll.-nrr.
I..ii t full to i
I mi. utter of t.erson from hero Ntid
Frog Pond attended the funeral of
Mr (; Pnv on Frbltv I til. She I
died In Washington, where she ha j
made Iter home for some yeir with
her noil. The services were tedd Hi!
tin. Coi.greghiionnl church nt I'unl.i i
tin She bad been n resident nenr that '
place for mitiiv venr. wnero sh and'
her husband brought tin a Inrce famllv
She was the mother of rentern chll ,
dr. ii, twelve of whom survive her
She wns burled III the Tualatin renin-j
tery by the side of her hun'wind who
died some v.nr m Mr Plake
pn-ached the funeral sermon, and the;
Crange coiului led (he services nt th
tuvK In a very acceiUable nmiuier,
Thu one by one the old pioneer p
through the "('.ate afar " The church
was full, and long procession followed
another old friend and neighbor to
the city of the dead !
Mr. IN'tnperlne I no heller we are
sorry lo heaf and Mr llm kltian not j
as welt the past week. j
Mr. and Mrs. Cage railed iin-m Mr
Sweek upon their return from Mie fun '
ml Iday and werf glad to Hud lur
feeling better than she had for otno
lime She walked over lo the iherch;
to attend the funeral of one nh had
known for many year
An article appeared In Inst week
paper to the effect that Mr. Fredrtk -I
received $190 damage from the conn
ty, when the Meridian line wa extend
e,. this stntemeiit was Incorrect he
received onlr 110
Men are hauling coarse i k on the
piece of rad near C. Tl.deinaii' with
the in t .ii ( 1 1 in we hear, of covering It
Willi finer rock.
Next week Thursday the Ijlille1 Clr-
Water Systems
W wHI s-ladly mall ye a y ef eur nmm Pump cllo
upon receipt ef yew and addr. Ah lr cata
log Ma. and slate perpeae far which pump I wanted
cle will meet wllh Mrs. VV'eddle, that
Is on April 16th, and a full attendance
la expected as It will he the last all
day meeting during the summer.
J. Q. Gage is engaged In making wire
fence upon his father's farm and inci
dentally assisting In breaking In the
new auto. The condition of the roads
has prevented taking the animal nut
very far from home as yet.
Mrs. Aernl's daughter, Josephine has
been with her the past week, Hlie I
an accomplished aeamstrees, and ha
made the mother and younger sister
each a beautiful dress In which to at
tend tne weaning in Portland or an-
other sister, which will take place the
laat of the month.
The Oswego Grange will hold It1
fortieth anniversary on Saturday, Ap
rn ii. A Dig time is expected. A
good program Is being prepared to
gether with reminlscenKe from char
ter members and others. A big dinner
of course, and editor and reporter
especially Invited.
Wm. Klelnsmllh Is sawing wood for
Henry Kleinamlth.
Mix Sophie Mueller, who la attend-
, I"K school In Oregon Cltr. waa out on
vi"'t last week.
Mr. Zwahlen and daughter, Ida,
were In town on Monday.
Mrs. Frank Mueller visited Mr.
"d. ,'ml" 8unday-
Fred Zwahlen- la working for L. Duf
fy In Heaver Creek.
G. Marquardt waa In town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rottemlller and
daughter, Mary, were in town last
Mra. Lafollette went to aeteni Ore
gon some time ago.
Ai.i oiiuL i ruH ciinr.
AVctfcialnV rS-ramUtr Ai
llillar StiwnriB mllhxMrb J
lYimoIrs DiiSnlkwrtnTiW
rvNS.mil eVm'onuint vim
Djimi Mufiihuw iirMkxril.
OlM ,1111 Ulll.
A rvcrfrrt IVniriN' foe rmnfl
linn . Sour SUv h.lllJiitw
Wornu l'iwilMun Jrwftu
Itrss awl LOSS OF MXtf.
rKSV Sna(Wt of
Kil Copy cl Wrapptr
Mr llagel. Mr llultlrg. Mr Mc
Maliou, (he nliea on the alck list la'l
es-k, are Inuch better.
Mr and Mrs F II Child, were
guest nf Mr. Child mother. Mr
Shipley, of Oswego, Sunday.
Mr A. Helm wa vl.illng In Port
land Saturdoy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. H. ItoiiU were de
lightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
Fred lehman Sunday.
Mr. A. Worthington was a pleasant
caller In Portland Monday.
Relatives moved Mrs. Woodhouse,
who Is III, from the John Wanker home
to her eldest daughter's home in port
land. Mr. WoodhaiM bin been very
III for me time and we all hope for
a speedy recovery.
Mis Harriet Duncan was a guest
of Mis Mabel McCoy, of Portland,
Sunday evening
Mrs. Pollard. Mrs. Wilson. Mra. East
man, MIh a,icVay and oilier were
1 pleasant caller at the llultberg home
j Wednesday.
Ml"" N'na Wanker waa delightfully
entertained by her cousin. Ml l.uln
Wanker, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr. Alfred Thomas, of Staf
ford, were pleaaantly entertained by
Mr. and Mr. Theo. Stelnhllher.
Mr. Fred Uhmin spent Wednesday
afternoon wllh Mrs. Iiuncan.
Mra. H. 8. Houti and Mrs. F. Hull
berg were luncheon guest of Mra. W.
A. Robeson, of Portland, Monday eve
ning. Mr. and Mra. If. V. Kelfer, formerly
of llazella. but now of Port Orchard
Washington, announced the visit of
Mr. Stork at their home. In the form
of a blue-eyed baby girl.
Miss Harriet Dor can left for En
gene, Oregon, Monday, where she will
resume her school duties at the Uni
versity. Master Kenneth Haker la very III
with meaalea.
Mr. Armtrong la m at thla writ
ing. Dr. Mount is attending the rase.
The Misaee Nina and Mabel Wanker
were delightfully entertained by Mra.
MacMahan and Mra. Eastman Tuesday
The Rev. Mr. Wilson was a guest of
Tor Infuntt and ChlM
The Kind You Ham
Always Bought
Boars tho
For 0f
Thirty Veai,
Mr Hid Mr llo.itt S.itu! nn
and night.
Mil Hluart vlit.( l tV4
Halur.Uy ami Huti.Ur
There lll be an rj.irr I'fwifu
i.ra. hllil arrvl.-r al lliIH t
to lH.ln al S JO oVI.k p M i
A W Cm. lie and lf rr
villi Mra. Il.ialrll In.t arrl
Charlie M"imn. la ..r Inf
8 lilbaoti
Mr. I.Uile IHiihm and dauik
rle, of Orviioti City, orm lk
of Mr liny IvhukIk. IkI ik!
Ml Ann (irwiiarll. iioi
lav-ina Hh Mrs. lloal. it.
Mr A. W. Cuok I jI pr"
Mr llnalill.
J. '. Iiniwtr a In th wP
h.MHt Huiiday. and talkr.l tVii
tu the H.itn after Hunfcf e
Kliiinlirr the ('hBlllM',
cert lo he lren Haiurdav a""'1
rll II, t the Ikinnlail a. lnwlt
Mr Narlor I hlflrm Mr X Y)
wllh hi nl.vvtln
Almk llakfr and lf eer1
lier ftvieal of Mr. Murvhe'
H. Ii.hiI rloaj Monday on rw
felling hrnllh of the tea. h' r. 1
Mable I hliwlgreii. We hope '
on tin better. f
Mr. ('h Dolman left Momn'
Idaho, where alio will vlll her da
ler, Mr. Cornell.
Ml PsulliiM llofellr refe
home from Portland, where t.M
been working
Mr. and Mr. M. D. ChlmUm
children, Vivian and Marie, u
Mr Cha. Shepherd, rhlldraj ft
and Fraud, and Mle CnWVt'
Pauline lli.fetter penl Huiidi' t
O. Chlndgren'a. '
Mr. nd Mr. A. I.. Urkln. t
Itnlh. Alma and Allen, apenl fc'
al I). F. Jnhnaoii' at Cnlon '
Mr and Mr. Itulph Ib'lmii.
Charles, spent Hunday at Chtt i
Mr. Illddink who live on th(
place, him rented Mr. Chase' pi1
Mr. Stewart who Itoughl th
gra place hii a couple of I'slf
gardening for him. He also bai
men doing aome plowing. '
Gcmld Allnow, who reald-s d 'V
enwold tin the mumps. IUI l::
Mr. Allnow, has been d.dl VrW'.
pnper for hi son. I
Herlha I hitmen, Cindy Hmlll '
Ml I Men were present at U f
of liliui nird whlrh wa at ih K-,
Tinnier lnnt week. ?
Mr D. Iorret. who reside l
Hock I the guest of her diutf '
Mr. Hansen.
Mr. Hansen liaa been villi1"
Mr. Moore and Ml
Clsckstna. were gueat of Ml" '
v reaves tbl week. They sill""'
the lllue Illrd. si
Itny Appleby, who I a
Appleby of Ardenwald. U "JTi
from Shephard Spring, a"
been taking treatment M11 l.i,;
William llaylett has t i
Mathews' paper route. .B.,r
Miss Karr. of Aurora, l'en B"
evening with Ml IMen. . ftr
Mr. Hnrgreavea went
City Tuesday on biislm. rf
Mr. Stafford waa the y
home of her daughter, Mr. C
The Infant girl of M-. " ,
Remen. of Belwood Gardens. .
buried yesterday.
Mr. and Mr. Ch. "
moved to Eatarada. )
Mlaa Hazel (lllhens Is , J.Ja
week visiting friends and n'
Oregon City. . pi
Mr. and Mra. Wm. . "J,
PennelL nf Portland. vllted wi
GHhen and family Bnndar.
Miss Emma Dowty ana f
la were the gnesta of Mr. n
J. W. Dowty Hunday. ft
Mra. Henry Olthena and Mr. ,
rtoyer apent Friday afternoon ,
home of John Glthen.
A number of people T"mrZt
tended the dance at Eagle i ,
reported a fine lime. bf
Mlaa Cnasle Olthena, who V
Und. apent Hunday with ner jr
Willie Btlll la on the sir" '""y
Jerry Jone. of Eatacada. j
Ing for J. W. uowiy. h(
m up
ft tlfV I,
H. N. narton, who waa
away, la Improving verr