Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 13, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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l.'io ICtiul You ITaro Always
la us(f for over 30 years,
f ennui
Oc'-tA'V Allow
All Counterfeits Imitations and Jn-as-jrood " are hnt
l'xperiinents that triCo vith nml cm'.an;rer ttiv! healtli vt
Infants nnd Children Experience i:iivit Etei'iauuu
What is CASTORiA
Castorin is a harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pan
porie, lrops nnd Soothing Syrups. )t is 1'leas.int. It
contains neither Opium. Jlorphino nor other Xarootio
Mibstunrc. Its njje is its puaranteo. It destroys Worms
nnd nllays Feverishness It cures lMarrluva- and AYiud
Colic It relieves Teething: Trimbles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It nssin'tlates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, plvinjr healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Fanacea-Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
tig Dnd You Have Always Bouglit
In .Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc cchtau cmnut, tt Huaf iTHitT, mvm Venn cm.
The winter demon is fairly upon
us with snow, ice and cold winds, pre
senting a sharp contrast to the wea
ther of December. The old vear left
us with roses, violets and chrysanthe-1 City, is staying w ith his brother
mums a-bloom in the garden. Charley of this place. John is fight-
The Ladies' Aid of the Congregating bravely nsaiust consumption,
tional church held its annual meeting Freddie Moehnke has the sympathy
at the home of the president, Mrs. V. ! of all in his sad bereavement.
B. Reynolds. Thursday afternoon, Jan- i Miss Lyrtia Hornschuh assisted with
nary 5. The first half hour was spent1 Mrs. Lothe Hettman one day the past
in devotional services, followed by a j week.
short program- After reading of the ! -Nearly every farmer in this com
minutes and roll call, was the elec-! munity is taking turns with the other
tlon of officers. Balloting resulted members (f his family in guarding
in the election of X'rs. .1. L. Jones, i the henhouse at night. Some mys
president: Mrs. Eva Paul, viee-presi-1 terious covered wagon is making reg
dent: Mrs. M. E. C. Havward. secre-i ular expeditions into this section of
tary; Mrs. Isabelle Maither. treas
urer. The appointment of committees
was laid over until the next regular
meeting. The financial report showed
receipts for the year IIC7: expended
153.08, iesTfng a balance In treasury
of JH.97.
Letters received last Saturday from
Frank Foster state he is rapidly re-1
gaining health- Mr. Foster was very
ill some weeks ago with pneumonia.
About tin days ago he went to Spo
kane, visiting relatives and, as stated,
is much benefitted by the change of
A little child belonging to Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Cramer, recently passed
away after a long and painful sick
ness. Rev. J. L. Jones leaves town Wed
nesday evening for Mosier. Mrs.
Jones has been there for two weeks
visiting and resting with family
friends. They expect to reach home
on Saturday.
The annual meeting of the Congre
gational church will be held after the
preaching service next Sabbath even
ing. All who are interested in the
work of the church are invited to be
What Can We Say
More than if you are not satisfied
nfter using Sutherland's Eagle Eye
Salve we will refund your money. 25c
at all dealers, and Ceo- A. Harding,
A heavy windstorm Sunday night
prostrated telephone poles and gener
ally demoralized the service. The
windstorm was followed by a heavy
iain. i
Bain Howard is on the sick list, '
threatened with pneumonia. Dr. j
Mount was called to see him Satur-,
day. i
Mr. Wallace went to Oreion City ;
Monday to have his arm dressed, j
What he supposed to be a needle ,
broken off in the elboy. proved to be!
a shattered bone. Dr. Mount removed j
tlirf e pieces of bone from the elbow
last Friday and his arm is in i. ser-1
ions condition
A. ISlevlns and wife, who have been
visiting Mrs. Churchill and family, I
lett for their home in Linn County j
J. J. Mallatt has moved to his own
house, where he is keeping bach
elor's hall.
The ground was covered with snow
Tuesday morning with prospects for
more to come before night.
Despair and Despondency
No one but woman can tell the tory of the 5uileriii(, the
despair, and the despondency endured by women who carry
a daily burden of ill-health and pain because of disorder and
derangement! of the delicate and important organs that are
distinctly feminine. The tortures so bravely endured cum- -pletely
upset the nerves if long continued.
Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription is a positive cure for
weakness and disease of the feminine organism.
A V x
It is non-secret, non-alcoholic and has a record of forty years of cures.
As You Neighbors. They probably know of some of its many curea.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure
them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Fierce to pay cost of mailing
ny, and he will send you a free copy of his great thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to date edition, in paper covers.
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
Rouglit, mnl vliioh has boon
has borno t!i sitrnaturo of
has boon made under his per-
PHcrvtsion sinoo its Infancy.
nit iiha w1t(tfvfi villi iti fills.
Signature of
After a week of pleasant weather,
we are having heavy rains.
School began again last Monday.
1 John Menke, formerly of Oregon
Clackamas county after choice chlcK-
ens at night. A little more courage
and foresight on the part of four or
live of those who were robbed last
week, and the thief would have been
caught. They had the driver cornered
in the horseshed at the 1U o'clock
ch'irch the other evening.
The Dustest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made Is Cham
herlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They do the work whenever you re
quire their aid. These tablets change
! weakness into strength, listlessness
into energy, gloominess into joyous
ness. Their action is so gentle one
! don't realize they have taken a purga
tive- Sold by all dealers.
The Cams school has organized a
debating club. Claude Forbes was
chosen president, Melvin Leach vice
president and Fred Jaggar secretary
and treasurer. A short program and
a debate will be given every Friday
School Director Frank Jazi;ar will
address the pupils Friday afternoon,
January Yi. Parents are cordially in
vited to attend.
The Cams Literary and Debating
Society meets every Friday evening
at the school house. The subject for
the next debate is. "Should the chief
im of punishment be the deforma
tion of the criminal?" The affirma
tive is Abel Thomas. Chas. Cas'o. Ro
land Edwards, Otto Lyman, Echo
Spenee and Mrs. Ashton. The nega
tive side have Ce.vge Holman, J. L.
Ashton', Clyde Driscoll, C. E. Spenee,
T. H. Davis and Fred Spangler.
Any outside debaters wishing to
arrange a schedule should address
Abel Thomas, Oregon City, R., F. D.
No. Z.
He Never Got His Money
back. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve
cured his eyes and he did not want
it. Painless and harmless. 2"c at all
dealers and Geo. A. Hardin,', Drug
gist. LOGAN.
About 55 enthusiastic grangers at
tended the meeting of Harding Orange
on the 7th, and made an auspicious
start for the new year. The first de
grees were conferred on a class of
three, and a large number of applica
tions were received. The new offi
cers were Installed by L. H. Kirehem,
assisted by L. Funk. Henry Balder,
Louis Funk and Geo. A. Kohl were
elected members of the executive
It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain.
It tones and builds up the nerves. It fits for wifehood
and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, and
have nothing to urfle unnn vnn ' lust as tfnnd."
commit too and the committee was In
structed to Incorporate tho grunge. A
good program was given which In
eluileil a discussion of different
breeds of cattle, led by F. P. Wilson,
Tho young folks expect to have an en
(ertalumeiit on Jannary 21st.
.1. M. Tracy was In Utgun last week
and reported that Mrs. Tracy would
siHin ho taken to the hospital again
Albert ( llano, a brother of Robert
Pane, and who was raised In lAgan,
was frozen to death In Idaho recently.
We hear that Allen llutchlns will
so to (.'alitornla soon.
I A Medicine
i That lives ten years must have merit,
i Dr. Hi ll's IMno-Tar-lloney has been
i sold for sixteen years, and sales have
I Increased every year. So yon rim no
: risk. We guarantee It. At all dealers
jand Geo. A. Harding. Diuggist-
i On Monday night and Tuesday
about two inches of snow fell, and:
; the mercury went down to the trees-1
ling point- 'Chickens did not under-j
island the white mantle over every-j
! thing, and the majority ol litem
i pooped out and refused to leave their
i roosts, until driven off. Stock stood
'about humped up. apparently wonder
ling what that white stuff was. and
! dreading to venture into it.
I The health of the community Is
gonerallv good, but Otto Vetera has
! been seriously ill. Dr. Mount Is In
i attendance. He Is reported as being
! somewhat better at the present writ-
in-, nd Mr. Mient Voters, a neigh-
bo-, but not of the same latnuy, is
no better of the dropsy. He has been
sittieiing a long time.
Mr. V. A. Raker has a number of
Greeks grubbing for him. They are
batching in the old chop house.
Mr. belkar was severely bruised
last week when his young horse tried
to run away ami he held on to It un
til he got it under control, but he
has been confined to his bed for about
a week now, in consequence of his
heroic efforts to subdue the fright
ened animal.
Mrs Sehatts's two daughters, Rosa
and Anna, were home last week on
account of their mother's Illness. She
is not confined to her room, but does
not seem to gain strength very fast.
Mr. and Mrs. Holton and children
, took a spin out to Stafford on smiii
day, returning to their home In Port
land in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell went to Port
land iutulay and returned to Stafford
',n the evening.
Mr. Thomas has a man cutting cord-
j wood for him and clearing off a fe.v
acres. He gat board at Zack Files-
1 sen's.
j Mrs. Ellegsen spent last Thursday
with Mrs. Gage.
Miss Helen Rabic Is having some
dntist-work done by Dentist Mount,
but was unable to keep her appoint
ment on account of the weather.
Mrs. Clara Slumber, (nee Olden
stadt) visited at her father's house,
and attended c.nirch on Sunday, ac
companied by the new baby, now
about two months old, who never
made a rental k all through the ser-
O i Wednesday morning Stafford
awoke to find about S Inches of snow
and still threatening. It Is of Just the
right moisture for snow balling and
making snow forts, and recalls the
davs of our votith. when we took our
i,e3t gjri slclghriding, and tipped into
tiie Jitci. only here the ground is
soft and the cold not enough to tingle
orie's ears.
Well enjoy the snow while you may
boys, and girls, we will all grow old
in time, and prefer to sit by a warm
Eczema, Ringworm,
Tetter, chapped hands or lips, boils,
soies and all skin diseases are quick
ly cured by the use of Dr. Hell's An
tiseptic Salve. 25c a box at all deal
ers and Ceo. A. Harding. Druggist.
A creamy snow white ointment.
As cne of your correspondents we!
wish to thank the Enterptbe for Its,
cheerful greeting in memory of the :
New Year and In return may we be
allowed to wish for health, weal'.h and i
prosperity to the genial editor and nil j
his employees and especially may
tl:e!e be made manifest iu this year
cf 1311. and may his new venturj nf
i daily Enterprise prove successful
beyond his expectations.
The holidays for HUD 11 passed off
verv quietly in this vHnity.
The teachers, Mitia and Effio Grace,
attended the institute at Portland and
spent the remainder of their vacation
with friends. Miss Julia Weddle, who
is teaching the primary grades at the
Brown school house below New Era.
also attended the Institute and.cauie
to her father's home in this place, re
turning to her duties Monday. She
aiti tided the election of offcers In her
own Grange at Frog Fond S.itjrday.
Henry Elligson Is no better. He
still occupies his tent and receives the
best of care.
There are a number sick nt the
home of Simon Peters, and Mient pa
ers is seriously afflicted with (lro;:sy
Mrs. Brink and Mrs. Schattz are
Chrisl-nas day was the 25th anni
versary if the marriage of Mr- and
Mrs. Zack Elligson, and friends re
membered them with vari-.us presents
of silver appropriate lo the occasion.
Mr. Aerni and wife attended t Ti ; as
sembly of the Church of God In East
Portland a number of days, returning
to their home Monday, very much re
freshed in body and mind. Mr. Kel
ler and wife also attended.
Our rural carriers took a vtmiIot
Monday and we felt like we had gone
back to the dark ages wi h no in -i
for two whole days, but old settlers
tell us they used to wait a week then
travel over a hilly horriole road clea
to Oregon City after their mail, and
perhaps get one letter and a weekly
paper, whereas carriers all over the
country at the present time come lad-
n with dailies, magazines, letters,
cards and everything to make the
heart of the country dweller glad.
Mr. Niissbam Is getting another
natch cleared off ready for the spring
Jake Schattz is still doing carpenter
work for the Delltar brothers, who are
improving their surround inns, and
making things more convenient at
house and barn.
Mr. Namec spent a day at Mr. Stan
gel's last week
Mr. and Mrs. John Seedling and
daughter Eva made a New Year's call
at Mr. Gage's.
Dr. Eell's Pine-Tar-Honey
lu lionuo-tioM wonl in everv state In
the union as well as In several for-!
i ign countries. For Grippe, Coughs,
ColdK, Asthma and throat troubles It
U the best. Sold everywhere. Ixjok
for the Bell on the Bottle. Geo.' II.
Harding, Druggist.
Alex Scherriible was out from Ore
Kon City to look at the farm.
Mr. Ilottoinlller helped Mr. Maxson
Imtclier last Monday,
Mr. Itotteiuiller butchered . last
Mrs. V. is. Mlonsinlih spent Sun
day with. Mis. l.eo.
Division II fixed their telephone
line last Saturday.
Clarkes had an awful storm Sun
day night and a heavy rain. Snow
fell on Monday morning.
CI ii-kes School Notei.
"The Clarkes school debating society
met Friday, January t. and tho fol
lowing question was debated:
Resolved. That devotion to fashion
is a greater evil than the tobacco
habit. v
The speakers were as follows:
Affirmative, Ijinra titird, Zolm.i
Cumins. Clyde Kliigo, Raymond Chi
llier, F.dnn ilatd, Dora Maniuanlt, Kr
ma Loo, Ha;e! Ringo. Alfred Mar
Uiiurdt, Irene l.ee, lsvdla Ulleiismlth,
Willie Johnson.
Negative - lla.-el Kallinau, Ruby
Card. F.lxte Ulmer, Rudolph Miller,
liiCcit .Marquat -It. I.lrrle Marshall,
Sophie Miller, l ibido Sager, Katbor
l.lnilau. F.ilwin Kultemlller, Walter
Klletismlth. Mary llouemlller, Wesley
Our teacher acted as Judge and do-
elded the question In favor of the nf-
Urinative, li to II.
The question for
the next di bate is:
Resolxed, Thai the American meth
od of celebrating Independence day
is detrimental to tho public welfare.
The speakeis aie as follows:
Affirmative -- Raymond Clntber.
Clyde Klngo, Umra Card. F.tslo Elmer.
Alva Card, l.lbbie Sager, Sophie Mil
Negative Edna Elmer. Zelnia Cum
ins, Ruby Card. Rudolph Miller, l.li
ile Marshall, Ertna Hufert Mar-
There being no further business to
transact, the meeting adjourned to
mett again Fridav. January 20. Clyde
Ringo, President ; Rudolph Miller,
Mr. Card visited the school one day
last week.
The Fawvor children are very un
fortunate with sickness this winter.
We are glad to see lla.el Tallmaii
ami Willie Johnson back In school.
The fifth grade made a fine show
ing in their final spelling examina
tion last week.
The ninth grade is doing good
We are sorry to report the serious
tPness of Edith Stout. KdlUi Is a
qul.'t. ladylike girl, and wo hope to
see her in school again soon.
Vernon Lnrklns visited the one day
l'st week Just to recall schoolday
DAMASCUS AND ROCK CREEK. ,, 'm.rvo. The Interment was In
There has been a number of dark lm, Mountain View cemetery. Elder
clouds floating over Damascus the last g j-, Moffltt conducted the services,
week, but they have most floaed awsv i -r. Mountain View Improvement
and the hrlght sun has appeared a fi'vv (-u, m,,( in regular session In Cur
times: all te fanners are busy as r., H n,.!! ,n Friday evening. A short
usual this time of year.
Christmas and New Years passed
wav very miieilv, every one recolv-
i Ing some prosit if only a present of
Xmas and New Years card
Mrs. M. IVonley gave a New Year's
dinner. Those attending were: Frank
Stoll, Mrs. Lillian Hunter and Mr. and
Mrs Alonzo Hunter, of Strmyslde
Charlie Royer and family nre all
sick with measles. We hope (hey will
recover soon.
Mrs. Seth Young la on the sick list
he has also nnrtlv lost her eye sight
We all wish her g'vod health again so
she may continue her good work.
The fanners of this section have
been plowing up their farms to get
ready to plant farm products. The
gn'ss Is as green as it Is In June.
Stork has been eating grass all win
ter. Croat loads of potatoes are hauled
bv this idace. also hay, oats, wheat
and a iples. and even railroad
i from ih- Clear Creek sawmill,
other lumber for building houses,
crant Mirnnower's pocket sawmill
.n the Clackamas River Is sawing
lumber and th timber Is being hadled
out :v fast as It Is sawed.
Charl"y Hattan startiu to nam grav
pi for Hi? roads toward
RedlaiKl, so
the people are as busy here as usual.
Lust Friday afternoon tho young
people discussed the question of
whither or not the negroes should
vole. Those who do net believe In
negro suffrage will have to submit to
it. as the school district here has this
question settled.
The people are anxiously waiting
for lh:t electric railroad to put In an
anoeraiioe here.
The question cf constructing; a dam
on the Clackamas River at this place
is tall -eil of au-ain. and It Is hoped that
this time it will come.
Strawberries have been In bloom
until recently, but the chickens git
Inio Hie natch and scratched up lb"
vines, so we will not get early berries
this year.
A telephone meeting was called at
Damascus for Monday to o!c"t new
The hartpiest people In the country
are Mr. and Mrs. II. feathers, over
the arrival at their home of an 8-lb.
girl on December 2!ith.
A baby bov was born Sunday, Jan.
8lh to Mr. and Mrs. Vog il. Mothm- j
and cbilil tire doing well.
Mr. and Mrs. Stoll, of Portland,
were visiting their s'ms, Adolph unJ ,
Frank, part of last week.
We hear there are several people j
at Sunnvside who have the grippe. ;
We are sorrv to hear of Grandpa ;
Johnson's Illness. I
I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellis, formerly
of Sumivsiile, are selling their pro
erty preparatory to going lo ilerml.'
tqn to live. They wish to go on Tuch
dav. Only eight telephone lines are out
today on account of the wind slorm,
which la naturally supposed to be the
Mr. Soib-rberg Is having quite a
time with rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. Osterback were veil ing
at Sunnyslde Sundy.
Mr. Kllleen had about 20 cnlckens
The conlldence felt by farmers and
Hardeners in Ferry s Seeds to-d.iy
I would have been Impossible to leel in
I any seeds two score ol years
ago. We have made a
I science ol seed
I growing.
always do 1
exactly what you
expect of them. For sale
everywhere. UMTS till Sf ID
I AIMU Free on request
I 0. M. FERRY A CO, Oatroll, Mich.
killed last week by their puppy, and
of course they then killed the pup,
Mrs. J, Deaidorf Iiiih boon upend
ing the last 10 days with. Mis, Feath
The residents of this place were
surprised on Wednesday morning up
on awakening from their slumbers, to
find thai the ground and trees were
covered with a mantle of niiovv. Ii
presented a beaiitltul Hlglit, but we
do not care to call It the "beautiful
snow.'' Thoi'e Is a depth of six inches
ou the ground, and from Indications
there will bo more.
J. II. Horsey, formerly In tho black
smithing business here, has rcliirucil
In company with his young son,
Henry, Mr Dorsoy after leaving here
went to Kstacada, where ho was In
the same business, and from that
pine went to Florida, remaining there
(or about two years. Ho has doeided
to locale hero, and will be associated
with Ralph Cross, our well Known
young blacksmith.
V, tl. Hall went to Powell's Valley
on Sunday morning, reluming In the
Joe Jackson left for F.astern Ore
gon on Sunday, where he will lull
with his two brothers, Herald and
Vein, and his sister, Miss Winnie.
Mrs. 11. F. Mini Is on the sick llsl.
John Darling, Jr.. who arrived here
on Sunday morning to spend the day,
wiis unable to return to his work In
the evening, na he was threatened
with pneumonia, but Is on the road
to recovery now.
Mr. and Mrs. William lleard. of this
place, went to Mllw ankle on Wedues
dav. where thev intended tho Pomona
Crango that convened at that place
The Mountain View lublo Stuily
class met at the homo of Mrs. Ilahn
on Thursday afternoon, and a most
profitable afternoon was spent. The
next meeting will be held on Thurs
day afternoon if next week at the
home of Mrs. Newman. The delegates
who have been chosen to represent
the Mountain View Sunday school at
the Sunday School Convention tint
convenes at the Presbyterian church
In Oregon City on Saturday nnd Sun
day, are Mrs R. M. C. llmwn and
Mrs. F. A. Cllletl.
Mrs. l.l.'.'le Cvvlnn and three daugh
ters, Misses Minnie, Hessle and Hat
tie, of Walla WiHa. Wash., have ar
rived here to visit with the former's
sister, Mis. Ida West
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jackson, of
this place, were called to Red'and on
Monday morning owing to the serious
illness 'of the hitter's father, Joseph
Pruce, whose death occurred at I'M''
o'clock. Mr. ami Mrs. Jackson arrived
before Mr. Ilritee passed away. The
funeral services were conducted at
the Mountain View church on Wed
nesday morning at HI : :s o'clock, and
ni'iiir fi -lends of
the family attenileii
literary and musical programme was
'rendered and coiis'sted of lh follow
ing numbers: Instrumental solo. Mrs.
Everhart; recitation, lllanihe Merrill;
duet. Ressn (Julnn and Miss Wllloiigh
bv One of the features of the even
ing was the debate, which was, "Re
solved, That Hie White Slaves are
more In bondage than the Hlack
Slaves were." The questb n was de
cided In favor of the affirmative. .1.
Corbctt. Mrs. (!. V. Crllfln and Wll
'llnTh lleard were on the attlrtnatlve:
, u c, II ill. (). A. Varhoy and t.eorge
; i.,b(.rn on the in-gatlve At the mee
i i,. ,,f l-'rbliv evening of this
Rev. S. A. Ilayworth will be
olio ol
the teain sneakers, ah are
to these meeting i.
John Miller nnd Charley Miller
spent Sunday evening with Umls Sa
gar and family.
lie t'ook has moved from halls
VI..IV tn Clarke's place.
Fdward Fotist lost a valuniuo n use .
.,s, ,v,,i( j
cnndiiv was a fine day fr flying :
Several were seen flying l
m!d i'lr.
Dan Graves has moved to fit's new
home on the Nelchaster place.
Mrs H. Wallace and Mrs Umls
Sugar culh'd on Mrs. U Moser laHl
Mr. ii ii I Mrs. Otis DIx have moved j
to the DIx Bros.' Mills.
Will Wallace Is shingling his new
woodshed. " I
Jay DIx attended the telephone
nieMltig at peaver Creek Monday.
Mrs. MalnI Sng'ir' and daughter,
Maacl and Mattlo 1). Dayman, spent
i-.st Saturday with Mrs. Pert Cum
mons, at Heaver ''net.
Hue Klrbyson left for Mol alia Sun
day. Klllati Schmidt attended the stock
sin vv In Portland last week.
The DIx Bros, have p irchased a
....rtloii of the timber on S nlth Hr s.'
i.-,...r,,r,l M:ie:ir lias euirneii in
I ... V
Yaklmi after sev. I we-i s' vl-H a'
Falls View with his brother, Iuls
- n":ir.
I''mI1s View Detuning Foclely
u.o.ir.iiiu nleht In the Falls
Hchoolhouse and ilohntol upon the
question, Resolved. 1 h t the Single
Tax Should Be Adopted." Thoso who
nfrirmed Hie question were Jay DIx,
Klllan Schmidt, lla.ry Klrliysaii
Sclniebel and Louis Wallace.
Even. Plumber
ban bis specialty. Ours Is prompt ami
satisfactory work. Nowhere lu town
can you find such -high grado goods,
first clans workniaiiHhlp and prompt
service combined with such
as wo are now offering. All plumb
ers' supplies constantly on hand.
i Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and
' Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job
bing and 8praying Material.
914 Main St. Phone 2654.
who denied the question were -Ceo.
Schmidt, tleorgo Klrbyson, I.oiiIh Ha
gar, Mix. Klrbyson ami Will Wallace.
The Judges who worn Arthur Horn
schucli, OIIh DIx mid Peter Hubci',
decided la favor of the affirmative.
The society will debate again next
Saturday night and they are looking
forward to a very Inleresllng lime,
as I bo queallon to bo debated h, "lie
solved, That unman s suffrage should
bo adopted,' Those on the affirmative
are Rao Klrbyson, Mrs, Miller, tloo
Smith, Mis. Klrbyson, Jay DIx, P.dd
Schmidt and Mrs. Sugar, Those on
tho negative nro Huh Hchnobel, lien,
Klrbyson, Klllnii Schmidt, Hurry Kir
hyson. Mr. Miller, MuiIn Sagar and
Will Wallace, Those who like to hear
an Interesting debate will bo given
the opportunity to hear olio If t hoy
intend next Saturday night.
I'lianiberlaln's Cough Remedy Is n
very valuable medicine for throat nnd
lung troubles, quickly relieves and
euros painful breathing and a danger
ously annulling' rough which Indicates
congested lungs. Sold by all dealers.
Joseph II. and Flotilla D, Colt lo
William Hansen, lot 2.1, Orchard
lloines, III acres; II I ail.
II. S, ami Amelia Rii'iodiy lo It M.
Cooper, I !l acres, section 2 south,
range 2 east; $.
li. I'. and Mary E. Cooper to (luv
luveatiueiil Co., lot , containing IIS in
acres and the south l.' i'S acres of lots
! and ii, section 2, township f south,
range 2 east, and I II acres, S2.CS lines
III all; IIMiil,
O. T, and Mary A Kay to tiny In
vestment Co, north ;in acres lots IS
and (I. section 2. towtmhlp i itmit h
l aOfco 2 east ; $,',mi
K M. ami Minnie II. tloguit lo Will
lace F. Miller, southwest quarter ol
Siiut he ist quarter, seel Ion :ifi, town
ship 2 smith, range fi east, to acres;
C. Ray nnd Hat lotto Hockley to Or
ange Malleoli, 721 aires, seel Ions ft
ami l, tow nship 2 south, range 2 ea.il ;
W. J. and llnltlo llovverinaii to .1
II. and Myrtle M. llovverinaii, 21 acres
sections fi ami s. township 2 south,
inline :! east ; f I J ".
W. .1. anil ll.iltte llowprmaii lo W.
W and Hose II Cooke, !l' acres,
sections 5 mid S, lowiiHhlp 2 south,
range ;i east ; $1:175.
K. II and Matilda Slelager to .1
tl. Dregnle, nij acres, section tl,
township 4 south, range I east; $'nn.
Waller I.. Mosher to H. II. Day.
southeast quarter of northwest qiiur
ter, section li!, township (i south, raime 1
I oust; $. I
Martha A. and ti. O. Dolman t
Chrlsllm lllctisel, land III section 2!'.
township 8 south, raug S west; I !'ia '
Frederick and Emmii H.vurt to Fred i
Wleileinan, 2i acres, section 22. town- .
ship :' south, range I welt;
S I, nnd Eainia I Wooslor lo A !
0. Anderson, north half of southeast
ipiar'er of southwest quarter, section
:I5, township :i south, range 2 cant:
Anna S. and Frank M. Warri-u to
First Congregational Church of tire-i-o'i
City, laud ill Oregon t'i'y; quit
claim. Ceorge E. and Floreure M. Towle
to tien, F. Honey, weal half of north
east quarter of northwest quarter, sec
tion 21, township 2 south, range 5 east,
20 acres; II Soil.
Fiank and Janntte Jaggar to I). ('.
and A. I. Williams, lots 5 and tl.
block il2. Oregon City; $Sno.
Edward mid Kmllle llettuinn lo Kit ;
Ian nnd (icorgo Schmidt, lets K and '.I '
section 20. township I south, range 3 !
east, nnd land In section 211, township!
I south, range .1 east; $22011.
Sarah E. Hathaway lo (i. l. Hoard j
man, lot I I. first addition In Jennings j
bulge; $i',nil. i
Edward mid Eiiillle llctlmnii to Al
berl and Enimn (iasser, S2.M acres,
h.-i I i. hi j:i. township 4 souih, rangu.1
e.i . ..".
Niels and llerthll S l'llll to Ellen E
Thorpe, laud In sections :i and 4
tow nshlp .1 south
range I! enst, 42
acres; J2uoo.
Pauline and Fred Schwar'.
Ilia E. Hiirfus, lots I. 2 and
to Pel''
::. block
l.")ii, Oregon City; J'un.
Charles nnd Ida l.ucke to Christian
Krnft. In neros of seetlnn t, township
I aonlh, range I e nil , :iiii
G. A. and Magg'e Cohh to ('. ()
Thomas, lot SS, Canby Gardens; i',2"i.
Charles T. and Annlt M. Bates to
' b 'l l. s I. Hates, land lu ). I C. of i
Philander l,ee a ti wife, township .'!
s tn l ti. range I east ; $HI.
Phillip nud Christ Ian Si hnoi r lo
Theodore It. and Iterlhi Irene Daiou
port, lot i; of block :i. Wcslvnn; (I
.Margaret Kydd to James M. Krlck
son, lets 5, I',, block H, Barlow; I'.lun.
I. A. nnd Minnie II. Knupp to Ed
ward W. ami Harriet A. Itarlliolo new
21-, acres of section ,12, township I
south, range 2 east; $.X2.V
John K. anil Caroline A'stead lo
Hi rherl l.ucas, -In acres of section III,
lownship ;i south, range 2 east; I2'0.
Aurora Electric Company lo Fred
Phllllneii, of mi II ae of hecllons
I nnd !i. township -I south, range I
eiiKl ; JKMl.
I.ei.na E. Rnynoro to Mnltle A.
Diinbaiigh, VI acres of section
township 1 souih, range I east; $1.1110.
. John W. nnd Grace l.oder to 1VIII-
lam Buchanan, land In section 10,
lownship 2 souih, range ,' east; $10.
('. and Alice Kerr el nl lo Kutlle
Pleper, lot 1 of block "A," Kerr ti
Shlndler First Addition lo Mllwaukle;
Melelmlr and IiuInii Duersl lo Afel
hold Idiman, lot 2 of block 1, D ie-si's
First Addition to Mllwaukle; $.r,uo.
R. P. and Mary E. Cooper to Cuiby
Canul Co., 41) foot strip, containing
1.711 acres, section 2, township fl souih,
range 2 east, for right of way for cur
rylng water for Irrigation, power, etc.;
I.oiiIh G. nnd Hilda Wrnlslnd to Ove
M. Ansve, oneflflh acre, section III,
township 2 souih, range 1 cast; $1.
Ciirolltiu Batllii, et nl to ('mini oil
E. Ilattln, 7 acres, section 2H, township
I south, range 2 east ; $10
Caroline lint tin, el nl lo Cleveland
Ilattln, eight acres, secilon ys, town
shin I south, range 2 east; $10.
Caroline f Jin till, tt nl to lllrnm A.
Baltln, 7 acres, section 2K, lowiiHhlp
1 south, range 2 enst ; $10.
Edgar A. and Nora II. Slutwr lo
Robert U Morris, 115 acres, township
5 smith, range 1 east, nnd right of
way; $2275.
Mary Gregerson lo C, II. Jolianseii.
24 fool right of way over Houlheiist
corner of northwest quarter of souih
west quarter, section 2!), lowiiHhlp 1
south, rniign 4 eimt; qiillclulMi.
A'Mt(( A. and C M. Polny to . A.
Elmore, block 8, Mllwuukln Park;
Austin C. Mllllron lo R. W. Clark,
south biilf of norlhenst quarter of
iioiithwoHt quarter, section 10, town
ship (I south, range 2 east; $10.
The BhawFear t'o. lo t'nlvln P,
Morse, lot II, flint addition lo Jennings
Lodge; $111.
tleorgo II, (iiilhrle lo Mniehiiiilii
Suvliigs A TriiHi Co,, purl of iluiinlloii
land claim of peter ,M. Rlneai soii, nee
Hon III, township 1 sou III, inline noil,
HI loll acres; $1.
John II. nud Elizabeth lli'oljo lo
Aiitoue (I. Ilrolje, lol I, hiiImIIvIkIoii
block 2, Fir Grove; $1200.
Jehu II mnl Kllimhcth Ilrolje lo
Golibllr John Itollpgor, lot I, sub-ill-vliilou
block Fir Grove; $1200,
The following real estate li iniifeis
wore filed yesierday In the office of
Recorder of Conveyances E Will
Cm line mid W. J. Itluer lo Howard
II. and Vlaiina Tompkins, north half
lot A, tract III, Willamette Tracts;
W. O. mid Netllu llergeisofi to Et
R. Gruiulei'lanil, 6 4'J ueres, iieeilou 7,
t.iivuidilp I south, ruiigo I eanl; $,Y12.
Cum II Woods to W, W, mnl Annie
M. fUltiplnll, lol lit, JcunlllgH Lodge;
Clyde C. ami Jennie V, Haling lo ('.
A. ami Anna Jiii'iuca, JO acton sec
Hun lil. township II south, lauge 4
I'.lnt. $IHI.
Wallioe F. anil Ida M. Miller lo
Edna A. Prescoil, southwest quurier
of soul beam qiimler, section HT, town
ship 2 south, range f, cant, 10 neresi
Oregon Swedish Colonlallon Co.
lo John W. MIi'IicIhoii. southeast qimr
ler of nuiitlieioil qiliu'ler, Moot Inn !l,
township !i south, range 2 eanl, 40
aereii ;$:'.' 0.
Clarence anil Hamanlha SIiiiiiioiiiIh
to William Itt'i'grcn, bit U, mid emo
half lot , Gladstone; $10.
O. F mnl Agio s Hot kin tit J, J.
Miller, fi acres, loMiishlp 2 souih,
range II east ; $."'!.
T, It. A. ami Josephine M. II. Hell
vooii to Mlllou II. Guff, lots 111, 2.'.
nnd 2il, block 2, (julticy addition to
MilvvaiiMe; Hir,
Genrgo A. ami Ijillle M. I US tl lilil h
to Clackamas County, tract lu town
ship It souih. raio'.e 4 east, fur county
loud. $1.
I lei licit F. and Clnlie Judge lo
llendee Bros, 2 acres at knights
Stall, n, $1
Maigarel U Huberts lo 7. C. Crav
en, lets ::s, ;;. 40, 41. 42, Mock ri,
Mliillnirn Adilllloii to Portland. $1
II. E nud Ella T. Noble lo Maggie
A. Johnson. Iota 2, II. 4. ft, t'., 7, S, ,
in. II, block t'.ii, Mliithoru Addition
to Portland; $.'1.
S P. (minim et ill to A. G. Shepiiid.
north-half of nuiithwo.-il quarter of
inirihwesi quarter of section 2, lown
ship 2 south, range II east; f 1 -1.
A it n 11 ThouuiH to F. E Thomas, lift
aeies of section !4. township 3 smith.
, 1 lingo I can ; $10
; Vlv btii II. Mow reader lo Joignrog
1 Investment ( "i 1 1 11 p.. 11 y , ;o ii uf nee
Ion 2S, township a hituili, tame 1 rat;
Waller C iiml Kale Ki ll 'field 1.1 In
ga peck, Ho acres of him Hun .'", town-
bin II nun t It , nil go i; cant; $ln
John 11 nun 1 iiruiiiie McKcii'lc to
; V p. and Gottlieb Hulnlger, lot 7, Ho-
writ; M.'o.
i.iiev ,; ; ;;. mhi.t to 11, K
I 1 1 eo t li 1 a 11. 1 it ; e of ClnckauuiK Conn-
;ty: $;.
j Maggie Fretlerlcl to C'liveti. lots
!:it. ipi. 40, 11, 1.'. block io. Miiihorii
. I. Illl. .11 lu Portland; $1.
I' CraOen to t'luti It s II, Craven, lots
lis. .hi. n, 41. 42. block '.in, Mliithoni
Addition to Porllalitl; II.
Gladiilone Real Estate Association
to J' hu Auilertiiui, Ti.'.'ll nrren of Feu
dal C Cumin D. I. C. township 2 sunlit,
range 2 asl , $1.
Archlbthl ami llessln Howard to
Charles 'p. Chun h. K acres of aectlnn
oil, township 2 minth. Hinge 7 east;
tTickninns County lo Mai lit J. Will
lams, litis 7 and K of blin k 1)!, Ore
gun City; $10.
Mnt lie mid Horace j. Rice to Lewis
H. VVI11I cm, south half of lot 1, Jen
nings Utdge; $:T.iio.
J. N. and M. M. Penny '0 Albert
Lloyil and Dn'e L. ('line, lots K and 9
of block South Oswego; $112".
Old I, Predion to Nils C. Nelon,
.2ft of nil acre of section IS, toitiinhlp
I south, range I east ; $lft.
O. A. mid IJIIan S. Palmer to J. W.
and Mary K Maul. Hug, laiiit n rth
half of tract K nnd tract fl. Palmer Ad
In Ion to Porlnr; $120 1,
Ij'iin Ellis to Waverly Asho latloli,
lot 3 of block III, Ciimhtldiic: f l.
Mary Mader et al to Crls (). ('urn II,
part of D. I C. of Robert Cauflelil nnd
wife, township & south, range 2 east;
David llobeHon to Oregon Swedish
Colonliitliin Company, Ml acres of
section 4, lowiishlp ,1 south, range It
east; PC,n.
A. N. mid Ellabelh Swanson to
Dnvlil E. btfgreii, laud In section II,
lowiiHhlp fi souih, range II east; II.
Albeit G. Walling to Ella F. Taylo-,
7d 112 acres of Jesse Bullock mid w ife
D. U C. No. 40, township 2 south',
range I east ; $1.
Mary Ann Teler and Reuben D. Tri
er to i 'M11 F. Taylor. 7:IH2 acres of D.
L. C. of Jesse Bullock and wife, town
ship 2 s -iil It. tnnge J east; $1.
Austin C. Mllllron to Geprgn W.
Wlm-flcld, Pa) ncres of section in,
lownship (i ni nth, iiingo 2 east; $M.
Si tte of Oregon 'to F. P. Slauffor,
I K7 acres of D, I- C. of David Ciitllng
mil wife No. fill, township II south,
range II cast ; $7 10.
Anna .1. nnd I. W. Relnlinrdt to
William F. DaMert, blocks II and 4,
Sliver Springs Addition; $10.
.1. W. Springer to John anil Eliza
beth Desmond, lots 7, V and II, block
IS. Robertson; $175.
Max W. nnd Mlsnh Dnvles lo Wal
lace B Davles, Tract I), Sandy; $2500,
Land Titles Examined,
Abstracts of Title Made.
Ofllco over Bank of Oregon City.
Parson'i Poem a Gem.
From Rev, II. Slubonvoll, Allison,
In., in pralsn of Dr. King's New Life
'They're such a health necessity,
In every home these pills should bo.
If other kinds you've tried In vain,
And be well again. Only 25c at Jones
Drug Co.
LAPtns 1
Aak 7r Hr,,,l.l fur Ctll-Cltl'S TI!R'fl
,1.1 fur CIU-CIU'S TI!R'fl A
AND I'tl.l.S III Kl: niiilsX
Itiiirs, srnlril mllll lllllc
1 no iiTiirn. Ilur r Tr V
Ii fur I lll-CIII M.l l ,l V
lini.n itirtnllle
Nlta.nn. T'Vtcn ;
llrni-ffUl muA a.li
niA vioMt niiAMit I'll i.k, inr iwfi.ir-nro
yei.rs rrriii-rlril ns lirnl,H.ilei,t, AIwas k.'Ildl.lc.