Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 04, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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l iio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which lins boon
In uso for over 30 jrenrs, hs homo tho si;rnntHro of
- and lins boon inrulo under his por-
JL&JI' 8onft MUHsrvlsUm stnoo its itiflutoy.
Af7Y, -CUcAtA, Allow no ono to dooolve you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitation and " Jiist-ns-pHMl" nro but
Experiment Unit trtilo with and ondanjror tlio heitlih of
Infants nud Children Experience ngniust Experiment.
Castorlit is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pnro
iroric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant- It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Xnrvotta
substance. Its npro is its guarantee It destroys Worm
and allays Fovorlshnoss. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flntuleney. It assimilates tho Food, regulate tlio
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Pauaeert-Tho Mother's Friend,
Bears the Signature of
Homy Hnrth Is building a ham. an education, and before you cunt
for Mr. Larson on the Doors place. I your ballot just romoniltor (ho widow
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Mrs. Miller died on the 21st at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Hinkle.
after a lingering illness caused by
falling and breaking her thigh last
' March.
A good many Redlandites attended
the union meeting in Oregon City
James Smith and W. H. Bonney
have bought a new wood sawing out
. fit and are quite busy.
Chicken thelves have been in the
neighborhood. They seem to be look
ing for white chickens. Hope they
will get some buck-shot before long.
The Linn's school is closed on ac
count of the teacher being sick.
The directors of Evergreen school
are looking for another teacher.
R. Herr is busy erecting a barn.
Mr. Jensen and family have moved
to the James place.
you have not, and do not wish to
see your neighbor's children swallow
ed by this greedy power, then as a
wise guardian of your home, put your
x against this deception on Nov. the
8th. J. W. THOMAS.
Mrs. Ellie Tiler, Ravena, Tex.,
writes: I was blind as a bat. I used
Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve and it
acted like a charm. It cut the scum
off my eyes and restored my sight.
It is all you claim and worth its
weight In gold. 25 cents a tube at
Jones Drug Co.
Whooping Cough.
It is an old saying that whooping
cough must run its course, but the
use of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has
demonstrated beyond doubt that such
is not the case. It can be cured by
the use of this remedy. Jones Drug
Spring Hill Farm was surprised by
some thirty-five young people Satur
day evening. A very pleasant time
was enjoyed by all at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E.. K. Dart
Surveyor Hungate is surveying the
Harless corner, which has recently
been purchased by Robbins Bros. The
firm contemplates erecting a modern
store building next spring.
Sawtell I!ros. and Thomas have
Just put in a concrete vat at the Oak
Paint Dipping Plant.
From Molalla Town.
Editor Enterprise
Who pays Ex-Governor Rose? ,
The lipuor distilltr knows.
Why call it the "Home Rule?"
To make the voter a Fool;
Why steal the livery of Heaven
To call the devil, the Eleven.
Why now, for Oregon the Greater?
To deceive the very Creator,
Why the scare of personal liberty?
To blind und bias the voter you see,
Why address "men of the state?"
To doom their children's fate.
Why vote no on so "wet" a plan?
To make the con a Greater Man.
Mrs. J. Schroder, of Chicago, III.,
arrived a few days ago to spend the
Winter with her niece, Mrs. Sherman
B. Clark.
Gus Rosentrator has purchased two
lots on Fifth street and C avenue and
expects to build a residence soon.
Mrs. N. Van Horn and son, John,
left a short time ago for Ironton,
Ohio, expecting to be gone a year.
H. F. Nixon is building a bungalow
on Fourth street and D avenue.
The 'infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gardner, who has been very ill,
is convalescent
Miss Laura Shipley, of Gresham, is
staying with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Clintfelter, and attend
ing the public school here.
The Women of Woodcraft will give
a whist social tonight at the I. 0. O.
F. Hall.
William Piatt, who is employed at
the pipe foundry, had a couple ot
bones broken in his right foot la.t
Wednesday by a section of pipe
which fell on the member.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bichner are
visiting Mrs. Bichncr's mother, Mre.
Kingkade, at Los Angeles, Cal.
W. Bussby has sold his residence
on Fifth street and B avenue, and
with his wife has gone to California
to spend the Winter.
Lame back comes on suddenly and
Is extremely painful. It Is caused by
rheumatism of the mucsles. Quick
relief Is nfforded by applying Cham
berlain's Liniment. Sold by all dealers.
L. N. Jones, road boss, is having a
great deal of gravel hauled out on
On last election duy in the evening, the roads
after he "days work" was done, one
of Molalla's citizens, who had seen
one community In Its "ups and
downs" for the past forty years, and
had voted that day as he had always
argurei, that men and boys must be
"educated to be temperate," remark
ed in the cool of the evening: "If
I had my vole over again, I would
now vote it dry."
We have had the direct effects of
booze out heie and now are not. go
ing to vote to have a "wet city" to
flood a "dry" and prosperous country,
Voter, you knov who Is the whole
push of all this "Home Rule" Bosh
we hear so much of late In "bold
type," this is the mm power thai
would push "wet goods" into "dry"
places and make it convenient for
you to raise criminal "blind pigs" In
a prohibition state. Voter! have you
a son or daughter to contribute to the
"Home Rule'' Rum - Rum cause? If
Guy C. Larkins, who is teaching
school at Monticnsto, was Bick a few
days last week, but at this writing
has assumed the gavel again.
Rev. Mayes and Mr. Phelps, the
Evangelist, are having large congre
gations at their meetings.
Mrs. Liddla Ross and daughter of
Waltsberg, Washington, are visiting
relatives and friends for a few days.
The largo hotel sign of the Myers
Hotel Is a handsome one.
Mrs. Mary Marquam was seen
Fhowlng her friend, Mrs. Ross, around
the town the other day, seeing the
sights up Main street and down
Grand Avenue.
Mrs. Jo Jackson went to Portland
Saturday to consult with the hospital
doctors In regard to her Illness. She
was accompanied by her sister, Mrs.
Liddla Ross.
Charley Blrdget and others went
to the mountains to have their yearly
Wesley Voder says ho has plenty
of music at homo and Is not Instru
mental ell her.
Quarterly mooting at tho M. K.
church at Maiqiinm, November 9.
ami (ho orphan.
When a cold becomes settled In tho
system, It will take several days'
treatment to cure It, and tho best
remedy to use Is Chamberlain's Cough
For Colic Remedy. It will euro Quicker than
or any bowel trouble lr. Hell's Antl- any other, ami also loaves tho sys
Pain net like magic, relieves almost I tout In a natural ami healthy condl-
Instnmlv. Also good for all external i turn. Sold hv all dealers
pains. Jones Drug Co.
I The Chlntlgren boys aro doing uulto
Mr. Uothune wont to Portland on a rushing real estate business laioly.
Saturday. Mr. Smith, of tho firm of Fnsitmai
Mrs. Stlnoliaugh has been visiting ' & Smith, of Oregon City, was doug
at her old homo, near Wllsonvllle. business In town Monday. I
Mr. nnd Mrs. Nemlot from Arlle. j l. U Trulllnger Is building mid
Polk County, have boon visiting their otherwise enlarging his sawmill on
relatives near our village. j Mullno avenue.
A little baby girl arrived at the - Mr. Engle lias Just completed the
home of Marks Seely, on Tuesday, ! Improvements en South Mam street
October ioth. I to Molalla avenue.
Mao Baker Is attending high school I Word has Just reached ua that 1'.
at St. Johns. ! S Mayer has sold his placo i,( luisl-
Tho amendments to be voted upon . tiess In tho soul hern part of town,
at the coming election w ore ably dls- J 0. T. Kay and family were busy
cussed by 1-oder and Schuebol. at j nil day Sunday visiting Mr. Adklus
Pleasant Hill on Wednesday evening, and f.niiily of Mullno,
October it'ith. in tho Hood View j Mr. Orom li is il'sposotl of h.n prop
church. Messrs loder nnd Sehuebel , eity on Muhn avenue and nioed
are bright, up-to-dato lawyers from ! to IVnlson, Iowa, whero ho will
our county seal, having more than make nli Inure.
tho usual share of talents, as they j A. U Lnrktns made a business
aro splendid singers as well as talk-, trip to Oregon City Tuesday.
ers. and the music rendered by tho II. H. Cornell, of Portland, and C.
male quartette was a great pleasure N. Ilolman, were buggy riding and
to those who were fortunate enough j seeing tho sights around town Sun
to be present. day afternoon.
Tho dance given on Saturday even- Mr. llolllngsworth has moved to
lug In the M. U. A. hall was well :. the I. IX Larkin place,, where ho can
attended, and much enjoyed. 1 ' boiilllt by the high school.
The Republican rallv held at tho l" Success Literary snd Lyceum
A. O. V. W. hall, on Thursday even-t
lng. October 27th, was well attended.
considering that Ahe farmers are very I
busv at present. The speeches made
bv Mavor Rogers of Salem, who dls-1
cussed the state ticket, and the other ,
Our teacher this year seems to
ho making a better start than did the
last one.
Many school children suffer from
constipation, wlileli Is often tlio cause
of seeming stupidity at lessons.
Chamberlain's Si oilmen nud Llvov
Tablets mo an Ideal medicine to glvo
a child, for they ate tulld nnd goutlo
III their effect, nud will euro oven
chronic constipation, Sold by all
Alex Sehowililo wont on a visit
to Portland I his w eek.
Mr. Ilollomlller started to plow
to sow grain.
Mr. lluol sowed Ills wheat
Mr. Hang was In town Inst
on Saturday.
Mr. Wettlaufer plowed with
now disk plow.
Klmor Klelnsmlth wont lo tho mill
last week.
Sam Klmor has sowed his wheat.
Mr. MiiruunrUt was lu town Inst
Pen Marshall from Kllwooil was In
Clarks on Sunday.
Mr. Kaag went to the Cnlon Mill
Inst week.
rendered a very Interesting program
Krldav afternoon.
Republican candidates present who
talked upon their various topics with
regard to their views of our coming
government, wore much enjoyed by
all. Superintendent Gary of Oregon
City, was present at this meeting and
gave n -short talk on the "High School
Fund Law," to bo voted upon at the
Everybody Needs
a good salve and Dr. Hell's Antisep
tic Salve Is tho best It Is a creamy
snow white ointment. Guaranteed
for all skin diseases. 25 cents at
Jones Drug Co.
Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve
Is guaranteed for ccnoma, salt rheum,
totter, ringworm, running sort's, chap
ped hands and lips, pimples on the
face, black heads, bathers' Itch, sun
burn. Insect bites, fever sores nud
nasal catarrh. 25 cents at Jones Drug
C. li. Dye snd Hev. tandaborotigh
lectured at tho Klrgrovo scluHilhouse
last Saturday night. Quite a large
crowd enjoyed It.
Fred Wilcox lins been hired to
tench the Evergreen school.
Tho young men of Utgan nnd Red
laud are talking of orguulilng a baud
soon. Hope they will have success.
Dame Humor lias It that the wed
ding bolls will soon ring lu the shape
Mrs. Clark of Portland spent a few (of cowbells, tlnpnna and shotguns.
days with Mrs. It. Ginther, last week. Hoys, nsk no questions, but got ready.
iff it j
The Stover Engine is an ideal farm power. It is simple and strong. It has very
few parts. Just take that cut and compare it with the picture of any other engine
in the market. Notice the difference. Note that the Stover Engine is stronger and
better in every detail. Now, why don't you get next to the fact that you are cheating
yourself by not owing one of these engines? Every day you are doing work that could
be better and more cheaply done by a Stover Gasoline. Get the idea that an owner
of a gasoline engine has to be an engineer out of your head. He doesn't, that is if his
engine is a Stover. A few minutes instructions will make you able to operate your
Stover as good as an old hand. Thats why we say the Stover is an ideal farm power.
It's made right. It is giving satisfaction to 2500 hundred users right here in the
Northwest. We sell them in sizes from 1 to 60 horse power and we guarantee full
rated horse power.
Portland, Ore.
I would llko to havo your 8tovcr
Catalogue and further Information
regarding this englno.
coming election. Our county super
intendent Is not up for office, but Is
simply interested enough In the boys
and girls of this growing county, to
give up his valuable time, In helping
them to secure an education, giving
the country scholars an equal chance
with those who reside In towns.
The A. O. U. W. hall was packed
to the limit of its capacity on Sun
day evening last to hear Rev. Zim
merman in the interests of the anti
saloon league. The chairman an-
Will Hettman Is down from tho
hills for a while.
Mrs. Albert Hornschuh, and little
girl, of liclllngham. Wash., Is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornschuh.
Wu. Mnehnke has been laid up
with an injured knee, but Is Improv
ing under the care of Dr. Mount.
Henry Olnlher of Llttell, Wash.,
after having spent a month's vaca
tion among friends and relatives
hero, has gone back to his new home
In Washington.
The signs seem to point to another
ljet tho good work
What Ms You?
Do you feci weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head
eches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taate in morning,
"heart-hum," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after
eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells,
poor or variable appetite, nausea at time snd kindred
symptoms ?
If you have may considerable number of the
above symptoms you are suffering from bilious
ness, torpid lirer with indigestion, or dyspepsia.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is made
up of the most valuable medicinal principles
known to medical science for the permanent
cure of such abnormal conditions. It is most
efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel
regulator and nerve strengthened
The Golden Medical Discovery" is not patent medicine or secret nAstrum,
full list ol its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm,
(ul bahit-iorming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined
glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots ol native American medical,
iorest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
nounced that Rev. Zimmerman was
III and unable to be present, but Rev. ( wedding soon
Procter, of Oregon City had been sc-, go on.
cured to fill the vacancy. Rev. Proc-1 George Stevens and family
ter is a forcible, convincing speaker, t Mrs. Frank Kirk visited with
with a pleasant voice, and unhesltat- Gard of Clurkes today.
ing delivery which captivates his Elmer l-oe and family of Clnrkes
audience. Campaign songs were 1 visited with Jim Beeson last Sunday.
rendered by the Methodist choir, und
a collection was taken In the inter
ests of the Anti-Saloon League.
The voters of Wllsonvllle and vl-r-lnltv
can surelv be counted unon to
rim In a flnn votn in favor of the! Wlth thowtmi tn Jo th titbit of twin,
ring in a uno voiu in i.ivui oi iu. i .nll , ..if th.t n ,,, a mii,nil(.
High School Fund uw,' after that
Compare Our Prices
loirnn til work ri ynu 'ftatint ff't tmtUr aioiM
work an hurst, un iuUr ho ntut b you pap.
flnUh plat n1
: ; ' J iTi'iif work for out
'' A '-'i -j,; ' -i 'll town Mtrona In
't.i'V, i ."fM'ftinlMia oitrartion
' ' v' ' .a frs-st wrinn platt r
'-. ty ,Tl Iti'Ik work la ordnr
vvwf K.yj.. e nr.
splendid line-up of 'i'i to 0 In favor
of a high school In our village. This l
law Is the only one that has been j
advanced with regard to high schools I
that will give the boys and girls of;
country districts an efpial chance i
with those who reside in towns. We ;
hope that the Oregon City voters j
will remember the golden rule In 1
this respect, for although we are glad !
and proud that our county seat can ;
afford such a splendid high school, '
yet a little shack, out in the country
where our scholars cun attend Is '
more valuable to those who reside !
In the country districts. When vot- ' u ""'ktutir eunriiniiwd for firtmn ?r.
lng for the high school fund law, do j Wise Deiltal COeelnc.
not forirnt that vnu re votlnp In flu I . ..."
interests of the bovs and L'lrls. wlni 1 "alnleSS DemlStS
have to depend upon your vote for
Molir Crowns
Gild Filllnri 1.00
fnim.l Fi'linn 1.00
i Sltvar Filling! .SQ
fix.. 5.00
But Kail Rubbir-
piiM 7.50
B.W . a. will, IuwmSmii Piifil.ss Eitr'llgn .50
t ru imMMM ni rvnuu BKST MOTMOoa
rH!nr Boilrllni, Third indWtihinrton PORHAHD.ORE.
.uir.s. suitri. iui
om Sou: s A.
Tho Ifnllowo'en party given Mon
day night by Mrs. Harry Jennings
was a delightful affair. About twenty
young people of tho town assembled
In the dusk of thu evening and were
led along a trail lighted by Jnck o
lanterns, to tho large barn. Here
was found splendid arrangements for
the evening's amusement. Several
"spooks" woro In attendance und the
time passed merrily in appropriate
games, when at tho Invitation of the
hostess to "follow me," the guests
were led along a winding trail which
ended In a lovely rot.reat of wltchei
and fairies. Miss Ethel Mather, in
costume, presided over the black ket
tle of the witches, brewing a mixture
(coffee) of which each guest wan
only too glad later to partake of. lu
a pretty sylvan bower, a graceful
little fairy, Miss Ciiinmliis, stood to
welcome the company lo substantial
amhroHla of pumpkin pie, cake, etc.
The Misses Owendolln, Margarot
and Kutherlno Jones entertained n
party of little people Monday even
ing. After wandering around town
playing n few Hallowe'en plxey Johe-i,
the party assembled at tho parson
age for a good old fashioned candy
The School und Homo Club will
hold Its regular meeting Thurpday
afternoon at :i:.'IO o'clock at the
schoollioiise, In tho evening lit the
Orange haii, the club will servo a sup
per from six to nine o'clock, alter
which will follow a short program.
Friday evening the two churches
of the place will unite in a grand
prohibition rally ut tho Congrega
tional church. A speaker from Port
land Is expected, and Rev. Hples und
Rev. Jones will bo able to present
guild arguim'tita In favor of the'
The ftine-i'iil si'i'vlcns of "l'utlior
Monro" took plneo Weduesdiiy liiorti
lug nl ID H. m. from the M. K. c hi mil,
Mr. Miiitro has been lit feebln health
front dropsy for ninny months nnd I
his death comes its n release from 1
suffei'ltig. I
Tho various pollllcitl parties htive
represented beforn the pcnpli of this
precinct Hie vai led Ideiils or arhi'iiio.i
which need support, A fow days
hence will test the u.tiiillty of the
seed sown.
Lion Fondles a Child,
lit ritlsliiiig u snvngo Hop fondled
tho hniid Hint a child thrust Into his
cage, imager to u child Is some
times Kietit when Icnat regarded,
Often It comes through colds, croup,
and whooping cougli. They shiy thou
sands that lr. King's Now IHacovnry
could hum ssvod. "A few doses cured
our baby of n very bad case of croup,"
writes Mrs. Ileorgn II. Its vis, of Kin I
Rock, N. C. "Wo always glvo It to
hint when he tnkos rold. It's a won
derful miMlloluo for babies." Host for
coughs, colds, Uitlrlppe, iixlhimi,
hoiiiiiiorrhiiKcs, weak lungs. 50e, fl.
Trhil Isitllc free, tltmrnntood by nil
.1 -
... T"" -
r .., .!
' 'I $.' i;
i ' '? s
I ' ' I
John ytiKstruui purchnsod a new
hack for '.h.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. tlorhett moved to
Hull's saw mill Inst week.
Mr. Ihiulelsoii Is busy building a
Mr. mid Mrs. Ucrt Utson were
Collon visitors Inst week.
W. E. Honnoy has routed I. O.
Dlx's englno to rim his mill and Is
busv Hawing shingles at present.
Anybody wishing to have good shin
gles Just call mi Mr. Honnoy.
Mr. and MW. Curl Htromgroon
wore business visitors at Oregon City
last Thursday.
Mr. und Mis. Klsrhnr of IJUcntl.
were vUltlng with their daughter
nnd soii-Iii-Ibw Mr. and Mrs, W, tlor
hett at foltim Inst Hunduy.
W. James Is about to complete his
blacksmith shop on Mnln tflreot.
School district 72 purchased a
pump for the schinilk sell which was
put up last Tuesday.
P. ruts Is busy Hawing wimhi tor
Will James nl present.
C. StrlmiKreen inudn a trip to tlio
Mullno flour mills Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mat Handle of High
land left for their ranch III the bills
Inst week.
Mr. tiormley of Portland, cninn out
to his place at t niton Inst wecit.
C. S. Dlx was busy shoeing horses
for V. Axeno Monday.
Croup Is most prevalent during tho
dry rold weather of lh early winter
mouths. Parents of young children
should be prepared for It. All that
is needed la a hot! In of Chnmberlaln's
Cough Remedy. Many mothers nr
never without It In their homes ami
It has never disappointed them. Hold
by ull dealers.
Tho minister's classes In Centum
Mi-Id TucHday evenings ami Saturday
afternoons aro progressing nlroly,
and imn'lits are much pleuseif.
Last week, the event most talked
of sua the mnrrliige of Murk linker,
a progressive young farmer of this
place and Mls Ruth Mngnusaon, late
of Kansas, whoso people live at fan-
Tho marriage look plnco nt high
K Mm TucMtny nt tho homo of P, A.
linker, and tho resident Imptlal mill-
,'Mter, M. Lucas, perfortneii tlio cere
mony. The bride looked beautiful In
her gown of pure white, nnd brldul
veil adorned with nntiirul (lowers. A
bountiful dinner followed the Impres
sive ceremony, after which the bride
und groom walked hand In hand ns
Jhcy cxp.-it to walk through the
years stielchlng out before Ihcm.Mo
Ihelr own home, n short dlstuiico
away and when the shades of night
were falling fast from far and Hear
Trlends gathered In, mulo and femule
old and young, to Junior Murk and
his bride, with a genuine old fash
lolled charivari.
All bud nn Introduction to tho
bride of couro und rm-elved a gen
croiiH slice of the wedding cako. The
boys shot off a few guns and Jingled
tln lr cow Tu-IIh, und all went homo
wishing the young couplu many years
of ln'iili h and prosperity.
On Friday (he newly wedded pair
gavo a dinner to relatives and on
Saturday the two sisters of the bride
rVliirmnl to their Iiouich, accompan
ied ns far as Oregon City by Mrs.
Wlsemun und Mrs. Peterson, other
sisters who nre residents of Stafford.
Mrs. Smith Turner Is able to bo
about again after her long sickness,
also T. II. Turner Is Improving.
Henry Kllegsen's cough troubles
him at times when he takes a little
The Sharp children who were
stricken with Infantile paralysis, are
gctHng better slowly, also Sum Mor
ris' little hoy, und no new rases have
been hi'tird from.
Mrs. I.Uzle Frailenberg-Wrlght, and
htisliatid and son, who were old
neighbors of the tinges In Michigan,
resinned their Journey to Cottage
(!roo on Haturday. They nre very
much pleased with Oregon.
Democratic Nominee for
County Judge, Stands for
the Direct Primary and
Statement No. i,
I will stnuil, If elected County Judge,
for an economical administration of
my office, nud will tnko a special
Interest In trying to save (ho tax
payers nll the money possible, and
will endeavor to hnvo Dm road con
struction and lulilgo work done and
miiiingcd In such a way as to bo as
eipial mid Just mining tho people ot
Clsckniuns County as It Is poaalliln.
I will also Insist thai thnro bo no
more deputies and clerks employed
about thu rourt house during my tnrtn
of office, than la absolutely necessary
lu economically and properly carry
on the buslliesa tuude necessary by
As a member of tha Hoard uf Kipia
llzntlon I shall deem It my duty at
all times to so act ns to do absoluia
Justlro to tho taxpayers In r-qtiallin-tluii
of their taxes,
I will, If elected, to (ho best of my
ability, perform the duties of tho of
flco of County Judge In such a way
ns lo give the people a safe, sano and
biHlnnos like ndiiilnlslrallon.
If electi-d. I will have no pels and
favorites and will conduct the bust
na In such a wny as to glvo all pur
ple with whom I havo business, an
absolute square dual, regardless of
their political nfrillntlona.
(Paid Adv't)
liigtiui, whero tin wss employed In a
logging ramp.
Mrs. PrxKtou Cooper has returned
from Idaho lo iunkn her home Willi
her permits, Mr. mid Mrs. W. W. May.
Mrs. CiHipr's husband died a short
Hum ago lu the timu Ktato.
John Francis Is In from tho Ogle
Mountain Mines for a short visit.
Beautiful Eyes
nro dnslred by every ono. If there Is
any inflammation tho eyes can't be
beautiful. Sutherland's ICaglu Kyo
Salvo will removo the Inflammation
and clear tho eyes. Jones Urug Co.
A 7 Mi pound daughter arrived last
Thursday at Hie homo of Mr, and
.Mrs. Joseph Hedges.
Mrs. F. Ilusben, her sister, Carrlo
Shepherd and two children of Clarks
called on friends hero Saturday nnd
Mr nnd Mrs. Wllmer Fischer, who
nro camping nn llert. Cummins' place
at Heaver Creek, spent Sunday here
and In Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs, W. W. May woro In
Caneinnh Sunday, attending tho fu
neral of Mrs. May's sister, (ho late
Mrs. Marshall.
Curtis Selby has returned from a
sojourn of several months In Wash-
Beautiful Women of the 400 Who
Hive Luxuriant Hair.
In gay New York, whVro women
get their Ideas from their foreign
sisters, the hair tonic called Pnrlslan
Sage Is In great demand,
Parisian Sage Is the discovery of
a well known siientlst, and ho claims
most emphatically (hat It Is tho only
hair preparation that will kill tho per
sistent dandruff gurms.
Huntley liroa. Co. gtiarnn(tn Paris
ian Sago to cure dandruff In two
wei-ks, to stop falling hair; In mnkn
dull, lifeless and colorless hair beau
tiful nud luxuriant: to euro nil Itch
ing diseases of the scalp, lir money
Tho price Ik only 50 cents a largo
bottle. Ill rim Mfg. Co., Iluffulo, N. V.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend our sincere
thiinks to Hie many friends who so
kindly preferred us ihelr sympathy
and assistance during our recent be
reavement. MRS. M. M ANNINd. and FAMILY,
Willamette, Ore.
Dr, Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
will break up tho worst cold and al
lay throat Irritation. This remedy
quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe,
and all thront and bronchlnl troubles.
Jones llrug Co,
Is Incomplete without modern, sani
tary plumbing. You risk the lives
of your children by keeping old
fnshloned plumbing In tha house
We take contracts for
heating and ventilating. We can
refit your entire house, If you are
building this Spring nlve us a
chance to figure on the Plumbing.
Tinning, Hot Air Furnaces and
Hop Pipes. All Kinds of Job
bing and Spraying Material.
914 Main St. Phone 2054.