Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MARCH I, 1010. A 1'ao Kind You Havo Always nought, nnd which ltns boon in use for over 30 years, has foorno tho plpnnturo of - nnd lms boon made under his inr jt,i(f7! ' 8onnl supervision since its iiifuney. AiyjJ-UcAii Allow no one to deceive you In t lils. All Counforfotts, Imitation ntMl"tTtist-ns-irod"nre, but F.xncriinonts that trillo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants and CUildrcn Experience nguiust Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorta is a harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is l'loasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Jinreotio substance. Its njro is its guarantee. It destroys AYornis nnd allays Foverishnoss. It euros Diarrluva and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatnleuoy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and itoxvels, giving healthy uud natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Mr. Anderson butchered several bogs last week. Mr. Out was visiting nt homo lust Sunday. .1. Putt took fl trip to Oregon City Monday. Mrs. W. E. Honnoy Is visiting with her itaiiKhtor. Mrs. A. H. Countryman, at Modow brook, tills work. A surprise parly was given on IsMift Put last Tuesday evening The Luther League ilel:ito at Col ton was well attcmlcil last Sunday, There it Only One Pine-Tar-Honey That is Dr. Hell's It Is the original and can ho rolled on In croup, coughs, oolds, and all lung nnd bronchial troubles. Look for the hell on the bottle. Si The EM You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC OCNTAUN MMNT, TV MUMMAT TMCCT, ItCW VOK OTf. NEWS OP THE COUNTY MACKSBURG. Edward Burgess, of Portland, spent Sunday at Gibson's. The basketball team practices every" Wednesday aud Saturday night. About forty turned out last Saturday, In cluding players and rooters, and six full teams took turns practicing. There is a wealth of good material. Mr. McAnnuIty, Herman Wehner and F. W. Barth were the bright, par ticular stars of the evening. Cis Grim also played a fine game, while Groves, Harms and Raleigh Bowers seem to be particularly promising. There are at least twenty other boys who, with coaching will make good players. Dud Harms showed remarkable ac curacy in throwing baskets, and Walt Laniour, although not a showy player, has a remarkabie head for team work. Chet Smith played a splendid game but was hurt in a scrimmage and will be out of the game for several days. Mr. McAnulty and Edmond Gibsen rode over to Barlow Saturday to visit Joe Gibson, who is still working for Phil Tucker. Emil Kraxberger is hauling spuds to town. Miss Lena Kummer 13 staying with Ttev. William Kraxberger and wife in Oregon City. Get the latest song hit, "Something New," Dud Harms, composer, at all music stores. I ROCK CREEK. Saturday night, February 19, there was a basket social at Rock Creek Schoolhouse. A fine programme was rendered, some outside the school as sisting. The dialogues and tableaux were especially attractive, proving the worth of the teacher, Miss Perciful. Walter Smith was on band with his camera and took flashlight pictures of the audience and tableauxs. After the programme, Mr. A. Cooke acting as auctioneer, the baskets were sold. The amount made from the sale of baskets and candy wag $92.20. Fol lowing is the programme: Music by Sunnyslde Orchestra; Recitation, "Boys' Welcome to Spring" by Leland Johnson; Song by Quartet; Dialogue, "The New Boy"; Recitation, "Innocence," by Clara Moritz; Song, "Grandfather's Clock," by three little girls; Recitation, "If Mamma Were a Little Girl," by Florence Chllcote; Dialogue. "The Rehearsal"; Recita tion, "The Puzzled Dutchman," by Martin Eberhart; Song by MIbs Palm quist; Flashlight picture by Mr. Smith; Dialogue, "Three Scenes From the Ruggleses"; Song by Mrs. Konlt zer; Recitation, "Dolly's Lesson," by Martha Abplanalp; Violin Solo, by " Mrs. Hunter and son; Dialogue, "As Deaf a3 a Post"; Recitation, "The Vanity of Riches," by Eva Gustafson; Music by Sunnyslde Orchestra; Song by Quartet; Tableaux, "A Good Catch"; Dialogue, "He Never Was Known to Smile"; "The Mocking Bird," whistled by Earle Johnson; Tableaux, "Simply to the Cross I Cling." After the baskets were auctioned off two quartets favored us with songs. r McANULTY I HORNBACil REALTY CO. 617 MAIN STREET I OREGON CITY, ORE. I I Call and list your I farms with us we can sell them. CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL BAKER'S BRIDGE. Quite a number have signed their willingness to have a company bore for oil here. Some didn't like the woi dine of the leases and kept out. We hope they'll find oil here In pay ing quantities, as it will be quite a boost for Clackamas County. Engineer Rand's party of surveyors passed through here recently. They started from Estacada, came down the south bank of the Clackamas, crossed at Hackett's place, and connected with the S. P. at Clackamas. We hope this means a railroad soon. This passes through a rich section of ter ritory and a road would pay from the start. It may be a loop for the 0. V. P. line. Time will tell. Goodson and Sons are turning out wood pretty rapidly with their little gasoline engine. They cut the trees up in four foot blocks and split them by hand. Fred Brown's wife presented blm with a baby girl on February 23d. Fred used to be the Logan blacksmith but now resides at Barton. His many friends here rejoice with him upon his good fortune. May her shadow never grow less and may she be a comfort and blessing to her parents. The division of the county seems to be the principal topic now days, but when the Multnomah people get to thinking the matter oi-er seriously they'll not want to annex these peo ple. There are many reasons, but the chief reason they want to be taken over is that they want the Multnomah people to build their roads for them. Multnomah people have enough to car ry just now and God knows the Clack amas people have. Neither do we have good roads if we do spend $150, 000 yearly on them. Arthur Cliff came near losing a cow this week. It undertook to swallow a potato too large for its throat. After choking for some time it finally coughed up the spud and was relieved. Cattle are frequently lost by giving them too large potatoes. Tom Watts has bought a house to replace the one that was lost some weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haberlarb, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith ..were visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hackett a week ago Sunday. Erwln Hackett, Jr., is attending school in Portland. T. D. Crader was hauling lumber from Oregon City last week, but we didn't learn what's to be built. The school children are preparing for an entertainment to be given In the near future. Thus far they have given good ones and no doubt this will be up to the standard, and a treat for all who attend. J. C. Holcomb gave a little dance a week ago Saturday evening, and all had a good time, as they always do there. Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb know how to entertain their many friends and all have enjoyable times when they go there. CLARKES. And still the old Oregon weather continues, which is unusual for tills time of year. U Moser called on H. Wallaoe Sun day to look at one of Ills horses, which was snagged, making It quite lame. The railroad company has man out hero cruising umber on Its laud around this bete. Sid Smith spent Sunday and Mon day on baseball business In Mulino. George Anderson was a caller In our berg Sunday. Hilly Wallace purchased a full blooded Minorca rooster and some pics the other day. The Literary Society has Its new lamps Installed In the schoolhouse which It purchased with the social money. Mr. McMnrren Is contemplating buying a farm in partnership with his brother-in-law. W. Mueller Is home from the Agri cultural College. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wallace and daughter spent Thursday and Friday In this berg. Messrs. Adklns and Wallatt passed through this berg with a load of house hold goods a few days ago. TOWER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING will give you Ml value for every dollar spent and keorj you dry In the wettest weather. SUITS 322 SLICrERS32 POMMEL SLICKER: A.J.TOWER CO. BOSTON. USA. Tower Canadian Co. iimitio Toomoo 200.000 Tubes Of Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve were sold In 1908 and not one word of complaint, though every tube was sold under a positive guarantee. It Is good for nothing but the eyes. Ask your Druggist. SHU BEL. Win. Moohnko purchased a team of horses In Portland last week. Mrs. Frank (liossnilller, Annie and Emma Grossniill' r visited with Mis. It. Olutlior Monday afternoon. Will Clark has purchased another horse and will leg with two teams. John Heft has purchased a tine three-year-old colt from E. F. Olntber. Mr. llluhm Is 111 on the sick list Uunior has It that there will he a wedding soon. Jim llooson ts working for licit Cummins of lteaer Crook. George Stevens has moved back on bis own place acaln and is now work Ing for Fred I toil. Mr. and Mrs Martin Nelson, of Portland, vlslto.l relatives hero last week nnd have returned to Portland. Mrs. Clark visited Mrs. Frank dross miller Friday. Kev. Henry llornschuli. presiding Elder of the Evangelical church. preached here last Sunday morning MULINO. Wo are once more having regular old webfoot weather. March has cer tainly come In like a lion, and It re mains to be seen how- It will go out. Deputy Surveyor Parker was out at this place last week with a crew of men surveying for John Carlson, who was having the boundaries of his farm located. Dr. Eddy was called here Friday to see a sick horse belonging to Mr. Wallatt. also one for Mr. Smith. Hob Snodgrass is still up the creek looking after his shingle bolts. They are having a disagreeable time of It with such rainy weather. Mrs. Wood and children, who have been visiting at the former's uncle. Tom Fish, returned to their home last Wednesday. Mrs. Goucher and Henry Seltzer! were visiting with their sister. Mrs. Daniels, Sunday. The Southern Pacific had a man out cruising timber on Its land In this vicinity the last of the week. A Man of Iron Nerve. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are never found where Stom ach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels aro out of order. If you want these quali ties and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, the match less regulators, for keen brain and strong Ij'mIv. 25c at all druggists. Granulated Eye Lidt. Do not need to be cauterized or srarlned by a physician. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve Is guaranteed to cure them without- pain. It Is harm less and a sure cure for granulated lids. 25c tubes at all dealers. MARQUAM. The Marquam school Is to have a basket social in the near future for the benefit of building walks from the schoolhouse, which have been needed for a long time. If our business men of our town wonld take a little re minder In this kind of enterprise. It would be quite an accommodation to their customers, as well as being a credit to the town. Mrs. G. V. Bentley Is no better. Mr. J. P. Ridings Is Improving slow ly. Joe Jackson is in a critical condi tion. The telephone building begins to loom up. If the weather would only permit the carpenters would soon have It finished. Wind and rain, and rain and mud Is the order of the day. Some cattle have died on the ac count of scarcity of feed. Hay is in good demand. Quarterly meeting at the M. E. church 2 o'clock P. M. COLTON. A. Anderson who had been away for gome time returned last Friday. Don't forget the basket social which will be given at the Oil ton Hall next Saturday, March 5. A mistake was made In the date given last week. Everybody Invited. .Mrs. . Livingston and son, who had been staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Uonney, Jeft for Oregon City last Wednesday. Henry Fischer, of Liberal, was vis iting with ills sister and brother-in-law 1 at Cotton last Sunday, Miss Hattie Countryman is staying with her sister, Mrs. C. Beck, at Medow brook. Quite a number of the young people from Col ton attended the basket so cial at Meadow-brook last Saturday night, which turned out to be quite a succebs. Mr. W. E. Botiney took a business trip to Oregon City Wednesday. II. S. Snodgrass, of Mulino, Tias taken another drive of shingle bolts, of about eleven hundred cords laBt week. The Economy BARGAIN STORE W. B. EDDY & SON Corstr of 6th. Opp. tbc Bisk A few of this weeks Bargains : A uplendld assortment of ladles' fancy lace and embroidered collars. The kind you usually pay 25c for, special at l,c, two for ')C Ladles' Shoes, the kinl that wear, an extra serviceable pair, The "Estacada," a neat, dressy shoe g:.!."; "Progress," best patent leather,.. SI OO Ladies' Hide combs, good weight,.. 10c Fancy back combs, at J ()c liarrettes, plain and fancy, medium weight, special J ()c Extra heavy liarrettes M7ta See our bargains In men's goods as follows: Fancy four-in-hand ties, vtc A very dressy, light-colored soft shirt 'J.'Jp Best heavy work shoes, 45 Fine quality, strongly made black sateen shirts, $100 Strong,-heavy, black hose two for 2,"Jc For Croup Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar Honey is the best known remedy. U not experiment get the genuine Dr. Hell's Plno-Tar-Honey. CLARKS. Mr. Wi'ttlaufer went to town Mon day on business. , Alex Schernitde finished sawing wood for Edd lb'ttman last Saturday Alex Scherruhle Is sawing wood for Mr. Itottemlller. Edd Hettnian helped Alex Seller ruble to move his engine last Satur day to Mr. Hottemlller . Miss Mary Marshall has gone to Eastern Oregon to stay with her sis ter, Mrs. Martin. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer I.00 went to town Thursday. The county surveyor was out sur veying the road to Mr. Undau'H the other week. Fred Fully, of Portland, was out In Clarks. Phillip Putz, of Colton, spent Sun day with Alex Scherruhle. Sam Elmer started to plow last week In his new breaking. The horses sank down In the stump holes, and he gave It up as a bad Job. It't Elmer, front Idaho. Is visiting his relative. Sam Elmer took his brother. Pet. down to Molalla last Sunday to his sister, Mrs. Vlok. May Fawner Is down with the yel low jaundice. Rev. May had had luck on Monday. The horso broke the singletree and threw him nm of the buggy, canning the horse t.m away. Booster Dal at Oregon City Satur day. April Vi, An invitation Is ex tended to all. School Report. Following Is the report of Clarke School Dlst. No. 3. for the three months ending February IS, 1910: Number of pupils remaining enrolled. 52; total number of days' attendance for 3 months, 29Sil; number of days taught. 59: average dally attendance for 3 months, 50; times tnrdy, 17. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month ending De cember, 19 are: Esther, Wesley nnd Bennle Undau, Alfred and Rufert Marquardt. Laura Gard. Marie and Arthur Henton, Oliver Marshall, lien nla Elmer, Edwin and Claud Ilotte miller, Clarance West fall, Walter Klelnsmlth. During the month ending January 21 were Walter l,ee, Esther, Wesley and Bennlo Llndau, Sophia Mueller. Hazel Rlngo, Alva and Iter nice Card, Alfred and Rufert Mar quardt, Arthur Henton, Oliver Mar shall, Harold t'tlger, Hennle Elmer, Edwin. Mary and Claud llottemlller. Walter and Florence Klelnsmlth, Earl Carrlco. Marlon and Clarence West fall. Elizabeth and Theodore Sager. During the month ending - February 18. were I .aura, Ruby, Bernlno and Alva Oard, Arthur Henton, Karl Car rlco, Marion and Clarence West fall, Hazel Tnlltiian, Walter Klelnsmlth. Visitors present during the 3 months 13, Including our superintendent. VlBltors are welcome at any time. ROBERT GINTHER, Teacher. REDLAND. Surely March mine. In like n lion, but trust she will soon act 111010 like a lamb. The District Sunday School Con vention was held nt the M. 10. church of this place .March I, Address by tleneral Secretary nnd Field Worker, Kev. Clms. A. Phlpps, 11111I also liev. (loo. Clileiuley, of Sprlngwater. Rev. Arthur May, of Viola. 1111.I District Sunday School Stipeilnleiulont, Wil liam Lewi lion of prlngwiiter. The meeting was enloyod and appreciated by all that attended. S. K. Gray has sold Ills farm, nnd will move awny this week. Wo have hot leaiiieil the names of tho parlies but understand there me seven chil dren III the family, which will be a grout boon to the school. Mrs. Simpson has sold her farm to a parly by the tm me of Smith, from Grants Pass. Mrs Oliver mill children are visit ing with Mr. nnd Mrs. May. nt Viola, Tho voiintr men of Wodlnnd and Evergreen have organljed u baseball ' team. TERRIBLE CROUP. My little boy, who Is four years old. has suffered a lot wllh croup. On several occasions we thought be was gone. After trying all the old time reme dies and most of the new, I can1 homo one night at midnight, and my wife said. "The boy has the croup again suppose you get n bottle of llyoinel.11 "More Junk." I said, "but we will circulate our money so they will get some." I hastened to nn all night dreg store, brought It home. In five min utes lie was breathing easier. In fif teen minutes he was sound nsleep. It broke the croup so quickly It scared mo. Anyone wishing to cure the croup of a child I hope will give llyoinel a trial. Wishing you the best of success, which you surely deserve, I remain, Jos. E. Clark, 20 1 Cth St. 8. E . Wash Ington. 1). C. Oct. 7. 1909. llyoinel Is a remarkably effectlvn remedy In case of croup and It should bo In every home where there Is crimpy child. Full Instructions how to cure croup comes with each out fit. Complete llyomel out fit Including Inhaler costs (I Oil at druggists every where and nt Huntley Bros. Co It Is guaranteed to cure catarrh, coughs anil colds. MS. j COLONIST RATES TO: OREGON and the Grail Northwest The iiimiitgeiueut of the South ern I'lii'llle Co.. (Lines III Ore gon) takes groat pleasure In announcing that the low rates from Eastern cities, which have done so much In past sens one lo stimulate travel to and settlement III Oregon, will pre vail nualii this Spring DAILY liom Match 1 lo April Ifi In clusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have done tlielr pari; now It's up to you. The colonist rate Is the greatest of all home builders. Isi all you can lo let Eastern people know about It, mid cucourag" them to come hero, where land Is cheap and home building easy and attractive, FARES CAN BE PREPAID nt home Is desired. Any agent of the road named Is authorized to receive the required iexmll and telegraph ticket to any point In the East. Romembtr Tht Rtt From Chi cago. $;!:!, rioiu Ht Units, $ 1 J . from Omaha nnd Kansas. City, $25. This reduction Is propor tionate from fft other cities WM. McMURRAY Genenl Paiinngar Agsnt Portland, Oregon, SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. Rain. rain, will It ever cease Most people are finding fault with the weather. Mr. Itrnokman. who bought n piece of Mr. J. Stolls place, has sold 3'4 acres of the same for $innt, and the purchaser has the remainder rented nnd will live here so It Is sabl. Charley Hunter Is putting the fin ishing touches to Mr. Snildl'S house. The neighborhood Is having terrible ! TAKE THE HINT You can get the belt that money can buy If you buy of i our new itoclt of canned Table Fruits. They have the delict t cue, ripe flavor. t at ! HARRIS' GROCERY i Oregon City, t times with Hie Paclllc phone It has I n In good .working order about two days In about four weeks The hard winds tannic the wires so badly, but the company promised to have It give gisiil service soon, Mrs. Geo. Johnson was off on A visit to relatives last week. Miss Alma Soderberg bus roiim home, mid we nre glad to see her face among us again. Grandpa Johnson has not been so well lutely. but he Is 79 years old and we can't expect him lo be like a young man nt that nge. The singing class meets once a week nt Mr. Kills' home to practice. It Is getting along nicely Mr. nnd Mrs T. K- Huxley mid grandson were vMMng at Greshnm last week. Mr. mid Mrs. Adolph Stoll nnd baby F.ldn, went to Portland Saturday af ternoon to visit bis parents, returning Sunday evening In tho terrible rain but enjoyed their visit nevertheless. A surprise pnrty was given last Fri day evening In honor of Miss Katie Korh nt her home, aud a pleasant time was had by those attending Mr. Soderberg has sold H acres more of his place, lie has hud sur veyors out working, running the Hues A Smooth Skin. Illack lb-ads. Chaps. Pimples. HoreS and all unhealthy conditions of the skin lire unsightly and detract from the IimiKs lluy a box of Dr Hell s Antiseptic Salve, a creamy, iuiw white ointment, apply n directed nnd your skin will be ns clear ns a babe's. At nil d iilers In medicines. E. P. Elliott & Son All kinds of REAL ESTATE FARM, CITY PROPERTY A SPECIALTY Andreten Bldg. Oregon City, Ore. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MEADOWBROOK. Wanted for tho next 30 days, ten 1 hours of bright gunshlrio each day and moonshine at night. Mr. Daiigherty baa his new resi dence about completed and is moving 111 this week, Mr. iionney and Mr. Hall were In town Monday looking nfter the Inter est of the Mutual Telephone Co. Mr. Smith, of tho firm of Eastham & Co.. of Oregon City, was In town Sunday. The ba ket social February 20, was a grand nuccess. The sum of $;!C wan rained We hope to aee an organ. In tho High school building in the near fu I ture. A number flf our young orators at tended tie debate at the Colton 1 church Sunday afternoon, i Mr. Englo was In town Friday. On being Interviewed by Home of our business men he seemed to havo no I fears about the success of tho Repub lican ticket In Clackamas county. j Mr. Allen, of Portland, has moved j his family to the Ktaudlnger residence j on Hroughtrn avenue. Eiioh dodge Is building: the furnace j for tin; to w sawmill. j Mr. l.;uklnB and Mr. Orem have been hauling lumber lo Improve the j sidewalks on .North Main street. Mrs. Cralne, of Oregon f .'II y, was visiting with Mrs. J. W. Htaudliiger Monday. j Owing lo tho continued bad weath er our renl estate men report very lit tle biiHinesH for the lust few weeks. Gives Prompt Relief. William II. Douglas, dr., of Washing ton, D. C, saj-s: I take great pleasure In informing you I have used Dr. Hell's I'lne-Tar-Honey, and It gave me al most instant relief. TANTALUM A NEW ELECTRIC LAMP MORE ECONOMICAL THAN any carbon filament lamp. CHEAPER and MORE STURDY than the TUNGSTEN can be usCd in KEY SOCKET Portland Railway Light & Power Company K7 SEVENTH STREET O