Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
OREGON CITY KNTEKJ'KISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMHKR 19, 190D. : LARSEN & COMPANY Cur 10th A Main Bt. OREGON CITY, OREQON. Wholesale mill Knfull Groceries, Produce, Feed niul Commission Wo Pay tht H lyheat Cash Price For nit KIiiiIh of Country Produce i Wo curry the lui k"h( slock of good In mir llim In fluckmniiH County, mill urn In position, to offer ttpoiiiil Inducements to lArl lltiynre, t LOCAL BRIEPS Dr. I Q. Ico, DnntUt, Itoome 17 ixl 18. Masonic llldg. A M Klrrlii'iu, nf Iikuii, wus In Oregon city Saturday. Ml Mny KiiiiiIhi Ihih accepted u (swlllon with tliu I. Adams ilry goods More ). WHIn, pr r If tor of tin' Crystal I jtk I'm k. M II won h wan In Oregon City Tliiiimluy. Mm. Iliirloii Harlow I '-ft 'riiiirmliiy for The Hallos, where nlin goes for IIik ln'iii'lli of her lii'iillli. Ji'hkk Korri'HiT, u rlvll engineer, of Aluakn, hits lii'in visiting with lila unlit mill uncle, Mr. ami Mra, H. F. Scripture. Mnkn your Xinim selections at llnr MH'InliT it Atiilri'ai'H'a lilK fhiiinwnro Hill", Thursday, Friday and Hnl unlay of tliln wi't'k. Mine Kitln Klri'lixtn, of Ikuii, who him lii't'ii In tliln clly for ho mi' time, linn gniio to I'lirlliuul, whore aim will vlnii with friends, (In-iil Iti'iimval Halo on nil Millin ery goods. Mlaa tiolilamllh. Mini' thiin 1 1 iiu.i whs illnliui ici'il Fri day tiiimiitf lln Icuchcrs of thn rlly NihiHila, UiIh being tin' monthly pny ilnv for the pi'iliiKufcMii'a, Tln fllilhg piirty lii'iiili'il I'V Hill Ti 'It ii hi ri'tiirtH'il yi'ati'nliiy n nil I ' n Hill any tin' only full they had was drinking Folger'e Hidden (iiitu Cuffi'i' 10 II Miller, who hna I u conned ri wlh tin' McUirty Inllorahop for several years, hna gnlie to California. Iiiti' h" will remain during I lit will' l.r 1 : Mr mill Mra Arthur 1 1 1 la, mul ami, Hubert, of Wabash, liul , wore visitor Mt the lnuni' of Mr It ll it .Mia. Arch Ilium, of Willamette, tin' curly piirt of hint week. Hank lljamincr Cluinl Gntrh. of Sa lem, a In Oregmi Clly on Krliliiy .xuinlng Ihn iiffnlra of t h First Nil lloiinl Hank, mul llmllng the aaiin' In excellent chiiiIIiIoii. Mra Alii Sltnnmiia lift Saturday fur Kelso, Wash . when' she will villi Iht daughter, Mlaa Kilnn. who with Mitlili' (inivca. luix piirclmacil n mllll licry caliihllaiiiciil Kinlly Mldlum. tt.ii.Kht.'r of Mr. and 1 Mra W. K Mldlmn. of Canemiili, who haa been vnrv III for many weeka " with typhoid fever, la recovcrliiK, ami la .... .1.1.. to he up. I 1 lluii.plirey Tremluith. who la vry i with tuherciiloHla at Mllwaiiklc w " 1 r'1"" nH """led t ave hi,,, and ko Kaat Dlmlck the llllelltlou tlla condition will not & ,,,.k wr M,.II H a,(rni.vlt ktiii It hla Ih'Iiik moved at pieaent. I lv II Anderann, formerly propile l The mill-rhino of Ji'Hae Hepler to tur of a ciuifectliiiiery atore near the ! Illiilicli.' St.'Ko, lioth of MarkahurK, Klfctrlc Hotel. a In thla clly for a! wua aoli'muUeil In thla city Wednea few daya. Mr. Anderann la In tlie day. .lualU'e of the react' Sainaon of iiiovIiik plclure hiialneHa at 1 1 1 1 Intu no I IIcIuIIiik. It H Cue, of Cniiliy. wan In Ori'Kon I City Thnraihiy tin hla way from l'ort-1 'lev. T. K. Ilowen iierfornied the land, where lie hud met hla wife, who ! murrhiKO ceremony of MIhs Anna haa been on mi extended (rip to Will ow Ijtkc, Ni hi h liukotii, and In Mliine itHilla. Mra. mm .Meldriiiii mid two child li'll, Miulne mul iHirla, left Haturday tnr I'limona, Callfinulu. iilioul 40 mlh'H from Ivh AiiKclea, where they will Npeiid nix moiithea with Mra. Mel driima alaler. Kvery hat. feather, rlhhona and vet veta on mile at MlHa tioldanillli'a. Mra Kred C. Cailke left Monday iiIkIH for Tuconia, Wunh., whern ahe waa aiimmonetl on nci'oiuit of tin. ile, ill, of her en, ml, i, Herman llrmulea who died Sunday iiy. Mr. llramli'H waa i ItulUll iik. where lie haa the hit of Tiicomn. Mra. tiiul-1 .- oat Improved cleclrlc aiinlluiic. a hualneaa man ke will return to Orcein City the lat-i eH unit kIvch Hucri'saful treat ter part of thn week. I . meat. He haa practiced In Mra. C. O. T. Wllllama and iIiiiikIi- ' Kuropn and America, where ho ter, Mlaa Veda, who havo been vlall-1 I n k with thn former'a daughter, Mra .laniea Ijiwrnnce. at KoHehuiK, for aev oral moiitha, will arrive In Ori'Kon City soon, ami will remain hero ilurliiK the winter. Mr. nml Mra. Lawrence will hi Mm lake up tlie I r honie at llenil, where they have property Intereata. The realdence of TlionniB K. Uyan, on Klflh and Center Street, occupied hy Itev. It. p. lilackwell, haa heen Hold to Kred llluhni. formerly proprietor of Nine Oak Kurm, near llenrlrl achool noiiRo. Air. 1 1 ti it it) n a a tiiKen piiHaeH hIou of hla property In thla clly, and llov. lilackwell ImH moved to the .lohnaon houan on 11th mid WaahltiR liin HlroetH. Made from choice blue atom-wheat Ik nothing; oquiil to It on tlio OroKun who lino It." . Per 8ack .,M $1.45 Per barrel (4 aacka '. J $5.30 Five bble. (20 aacka) at one time, per bbl, $5.10 V SOLD ONLY AT . , . SEELEY'S, The People's Store Do aure you And the right pluco, aa we are excluave agents. No other place has It. ' " i 9th and Main Streets Mr. unit Mra. W. II. Dettiitiin, who liiivn boon upending thn summer at their ri'Hort, tlm Sunset Hotel, Long lli'iich, Wiuih , liiivn li ll I veil In Ihla clly mul inn ihn KiH'Hla of Coiiuly Treasurer J, (.'. Pnddnck, of (lludsUinit, Mia. Paddock being it sister of Mr Di'iliiliin. Mra. I I n i it ii Htnlca Hint thn pi'oplo of Long llouoh (lit vi) ro cnl ly wltlii'aanil aovcritl electrical Hloruia, lint worst Ihcy Intvo hchii for years, Hues y (in r sowing tniiclilnii lici'd elcuullig mot repairing? If It does why in it bring tlm It cud Into IC, W Mi'llli'il & Co.'N furniture atom anil liiivn ll repaired liy responsible repair cr? Tlmy arn agents for HIiik'T How I ii U Machines. Mra. Ilnrvoy K, Cross anil duiigh I r liiivn gone to Thn Imllna, whore Ihcy will tint l Ihclr fiiluro homo. At lorney Croaa ncotuiiitilcil hla fmiilly to their now homo, mul will return to Ihla city, whom h I'lpccla to con llliiin hla law business. Mra. William llamiiiiinil, daughter of Mra. Croaa will leave thn latter purl of the week for The Dullea, ami will remain with her mother until tlm flrat of the year, acompmileil liy Imr two chlhlren. FOOTBALL GAME SUNDAY. Brooklyn Will Play Oregon Clly at Canemah Park Field. Thn Ori'K"ii Clly Football tmn linn ai'hciluleil a itaiue with thn Ilrooklytt teiim, of I'orilmiil, next Hominy after noon at 2:. 'in o'cliM'k on Canemah I'nrk flelii. Tlm local men am much encour aged at their victory over tlm Robin aim Clothing Compuny team hint Hun day nml expect In win In their mm In u iininn, Th" Ori'Kon City line up will he about aa followa: Moore, left end; MeClurn, rlKht ('ml; Curothors, left tackle; Freeman, rlnht tackle; Hinlth, left Kimrd; Uikckoii, rl k lit Kunrd; Krlrk, renter: While, captain and ipinrter; Heller, left half; llernler, rln lit half; Iiik, full. MoiUKomery will auhalltutn for the ho rue team, FREE READING ROOM. Plana For Eatabllthmant of Place for Quiet Entertainment. Within a few weeka there will tie n free reailliiK room catnhllahcil In OreKon City. While wholly definite plana have not yet heen formulated, the aiiharrlpllona already madti liy puMIc Hplrltctl men ami women are a aiiftlclent Kuaranten of the aucceaa of Ihn movement to provide a place for iul"t I'tilertalnmenl for the liun dri'ila of pciiple In Ori'Kon City who have no dealralile limiiaementa for the Ioiik Winter I'vcnlnna. It la hroiully propimeil In Heciire a naim on the thlnl ll'Hir of the Muamilr Temple mul convert It Into a free reading room that wilt lie lieii'KMl tilo ilurliiK the day and eveuliiK. All of the Icndlim iitnic alliea anil iiewapapcra will lie on the reailliiK tnhle and a carelaker will lie III churKe. The room III iiiea(liiu huh a lire (inice ami la a lirlKhl, cheer ful apart iii"iit. Thla laiidulile move meiil la lielnn eiicuiiniKi'it everywhi're, mid It la Imped will he (he ultimate UH'iina of aeciirliiK a pulillc library al On-Kon City. The full acope of the plan will he aiiuouuci-d In a few duya. MELIN SECURES DIVORCE. Cotton Man Charge- Hit Wife With Selflahneta. .Inli n Mi'lln wiia Kraiiti-d a decree of tllvurcn Wciliieaduy from lluldu Melln, to whiun lie wiia niarrleil at IJverpool, KlIKland. In AilKuat, I'.IOH. He churcca criiil and Inhuman trentinent. alutltiK ' " I'mrreia.,,,,... iiiik an. Ml'--' l II- Id l lll'lll llllllltl- 1I1IU he wua compi'lh'd to ali-co In the 1..1....1 i .i ... i . " '" ' ' '" " ko u. ' """r "";,r l1,"m: llllltl (till II I V Hit. I 1 1' 1 1 tint muiiin i.f ,, ,,,,. ,hul ,, ,, , ,mi1(, m.r , rlKlit. lie further auya ahe threat. ui- Million ami Paul TrullliiKer. In thla city Suttiriliiy. KOIl SAI.K t.i'lille horao cheup. In ipilre S. K. Scripture, liliirkamlth Khop, Mh Street. i"i- ij" -S"j 'f' $ '' i'vf -J' v ELECTROTHERAPTHY AND NATUROPATHY. Ir. Vlmllmlr .llndra, natureo- path from ICuropt-, and n ape rlallst for chronic dlaeaaca, - pin hi fitninl In Hi,. Mnu.iiil,, haa met with ureal aurceaa. Officii honra are 1 to fi, 1 to 8 s P. M.; Sunday, HI lo 12. Pa ' clllc Phono Mjiln 112; Homo ' Phone, 23; realdenco , phoiie, Home 11 2:ili. . i j. . .$ j C. A. TUCKER Ths Photographer, Photographs that Pleaae. Good Work. Moderate Price. NEW ART GALLERY. 1003 Main 8t.. Falrclough Bldg. Fancy Patent Hard Wheat FLOUR Tho Flour with a reputation thore City Market Ask the Pooplo OREGON CITY, ORE. SOCICTY Tlm Koldeii toeildlny aiinlveraiiry of nir. ami Alia. William lliiiimiiu, of New Km, wiik I'l'lehriiteil lui.1 week. Mr. and Mra. Ilaiiuimi with marrleil In Ihmi mid am ihn parenla or ll child roil. Mra, lliiiinimi wua iiaalaled In Ihn entertainment ( diclr K,iIHta hy her iliuiKhtera ami Imr Kruiid ilaiiKh l ra.. 'fhn dluliiK room waa liialofully (li'ijoriiled In ferna, with a Keneral color aclieiun of yellow, ami Ihn IIvIiik riHim waa In urcen feriia. Many nan. ful and hiimlaoiiin Klfla were received by Mr, and Mra. Maun, an, Thn lat ter cut Ihn wedding eukit, DancliiK wua IiiiIiiIkci! la. thn iiiiihU: Ih'Iiik fur nlaheil hy Mr, Tlioinpaon, Mr. it ml Mra. Hlylnr, Mlaa Klhel Ul"f and Mr. t, A. I'wla, Thoan preannt at the celebration were; Mr. and Mra. C. A. U'wla, of Ori'K.ill City; Mra. A. HcIiIIIIiik and family, of McMlnnvllln; Mra. .lohn Ijiiiii and family, of Camua, Waah.; Mr ami Mra. Jon Itlef, Mlaa Kthel Itlef, Mlaa Ixttle Itlef mid Kuymond Itlef, of Now Km; Mra. J. W. ISvana, of WIIhoiivIIIu; Mra. Am, In Hurlaa, Mr. and Mra. J. Ilradtl, Mlaa Kthel llradtl, C'harlea llradlln, of kw Kra; Mra. K. Orleaaen and two chlldri'ii. of Ori'Kon City; Mr. ami Mra. Kd llradtl, of Ciuihy; Mlaa Mary I,ewta, Mlaa Naomi 1i'wla, John lywla I'.nil Alton l-wla, of Ori'Kon City; Mra. K. Chiih neilen and dan Khter, of Cortland; Charle, Itaitman, M. C. Iluuiiian. Max llauniHii, of New Kra; Mlaa 'ona K Wllllama, of Oregon City; Kuy Mlnto and lloaa Hlyter, of New Kra; 8. A. I). HiiiiKiite, Mr. and Mra. Hellmnii. Kred llulrua, (ieorK" llulraa. l'onard llul raa, 11. I.uraa, Mlaa Mary I.urua, Mlaa IMira I.iichh, Mr. and Mra. Hlauher Mr. ami Mra. Itlchter, Mra. Uila Hlch ter. Mr. mid Mra. Itaddal., Mr. and Mra. Kelenfor, Mr. and Mra. WlrfK, Mlcvhai'l Wlrf, A. Johnaon, N. John aon, Mr. and Mra. Tlel. Mlaa Kva Kent, A. Tlel, Kred Hellman, . le- man, Mlkn I'erliiKer, of Canhy; tilen Irlah, and nll Irlah. of Carua; Ho- bi-rt Kaatman, of Central Point; Mar tha Hellman. Hcrtha Hellman, Mnry lleiiiiuni, Dora Hellman, Uiiiiaa Hoga- Iiiiki'I, of Hherwood; Chrla Hvcnilacn of Clackamaa; Kred Itlchter. Carl Kit-liter mid Klmon Itlchter. of New Kra. The Herman Coffee Kranael Ijullea1 Society Kuve Mr. ami Mra. Wllllum Stover a pleaautit anrprlae at their home Wedueaday afternoon. A very enjoyahle time waa had and delirious refrealimenlfl were aervi'd durliiit the iiftern.ain. Mr. and Mra. Stover have been nutkiiiK their home near Tuco nia. Wuah.. for iilmoat a year, urn! be fore returnliiK to thla city they vlall ed with their ami, Itev. William Sto ver, who la paator of one of the lurir- eat rhtirchea In Tacoma. Preaent were: Mr. and Mrs. William Stover Mra ll Petold, Mra. C. Hurt man, Mrs. J Winkle, Mra. (. Schuoer. Mra. William Schwartz, Mra. Imls Nobel, .Mra. it. Seller. Mra. T. Slrohniever Mra. A. Knnpp, Mrs. Schoeiihelnz, Mra. Klther. Mra. Immbach. Mra. Itelaberi;- r. Mra. I). Memacn, Mra. jj. Mlchnela. The Wednesday Afterinain IlrldKO Club wua eiiterlallied jiy Mra. Charles li. Uitourelie, Us h Ih t.-il by .Mra. It. O. Scott, of Porllmid, Wedneaday uf- terntaili. T he afterniMin was siient in brlilite. the prizes beiiiK awarded to Mrs. l.lnwiHid Jonea ami Mrs. Morti mer 1). Uitourette. The home of Mra. I Jiliiurelte waa very pretty with lis decorations. The parlor and llvlnc room were in triillliiK nasturtiums. OreKon Krape ami autumn leaves, while the dlnlnc naun was In chrys anthemums. Delicious refreshments were aerved ilurliiK the afternoon. The next mcetliii; will be at the home of .Mrs. J. 11. Walker. The fortnlKtilly meeting of the Woman's Club took place Wednesday afternoon In the Commercial Club par- ors, and after the business session. thn members were entertained bv Mrs. Alice M. Welsler, of Portland, who talked on Psychology," and he Rave a very Interestinc hour. Itefresh menls were served. The next lui'et Iiik will be heltl Wednesday afternoon, lleceiiib.'r S, and the feature of the afternoon will be a paper on '.Mexico," by Mrs. Inez M. Hyan. Ir. and Mrs. Krnest A. Summer en tertained Friday nlnht at brldce In their beautiful home on the bunks of Willamette Ulvcr. The wide veranda, encased In Rlass. was brilliantly limit ed and decorated with Kreen fnlluKo, the red buds of the wild rose brier Kiive a touch of warm color to the scene. The prizes went to Mrs. C. I). Ijitourelte. .MJss Kllzabeth Kellv, O. . KuNthnin and Hurry K. Draper Itefreshnients were served. Mr. mid Mrs. Hoy Woodward were pleiiHuntly surprised at their home at ;il2 Madison Street Tuesday evening, by a number of their friends calling In a body. The evening was pleasant ly spent lu games, vocal nml instru mental music. Refreshments were served during the evening, after which a handsome cut glass sugar bowl ami creamer wore presented to the newly married couple. The Modern Woodmen of America gavo a smoker Thursday night in their lodgo room In the Kuapp building and nearly 50 members and their friends werg present. Music was rendered on tho piano and violin hy members of tho lodge and refreshments were served. Cigars and ' pipes made the ovonlng pass swiftly, and the affair wus a very pleasant one. Tho West Oregon Clly schools will give a social on Wednesday evening next week for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of wall pic tures for tho school rooms. Tho pu pils will render a short programme and all Interested in the welfare of the schools are Invited. Mrs. C. n. Johnson, who left Thurs day for California, was given a fare well party Inst Tuesday afternoon by the Ladles' Aid Society of tho Glad stone Christian Church at the home of Mrs. Grant Olds. Tho marrlngo of Dora Dextor Hol ton and Rnlotgh K. Camp waa solemn ized In this city Tuesday, Rev. Sol. A. Hayworth, pastor of the First Bap tist Church, officiating. The Oregon City football team Is arranging for a dancing party to be hold on Saturday evening, November 20. at Armory. Farmer's orchestra will furnish the music. Miss Hilda and W. A. Ely were married In this city Saturday afternooti by Recorder Rimlck. The young couple lire near Currlnsvllle. Estflcada and Eastern Clackamas ESTACADA. have organized an athletic club and ' 1 Kri-nt Intercut is taken. Wo havii had thn Ilral snow of the Mr. mid Mra. Hum P. Watnrbury, Hoanou am thn "old timers" report I formorly of Hood Klvor, and old plo II r.iimo eurllor this year llnin for in-era of Cliickamiia County, arn here many years previous; It rami) laat vIsIUiik relallvea and friends. Haiiirduy and for a few hours the' lakes nunc fast mid furious. Colder J FIRWOOD. wciuncr ioiiowkii aim me snow re- iiiiiineii on ine iiikii inna lor a day or two. Th" Parker place In fjarfleld, con sist I ti k of 80 acres with K'X'd Improve ments and about twi-lvn acres of youiiK orchard, was sold to Win. II. Htokes. M. II. Hickman, formerly of this place, hut now working at thn butch ery at K,iK"iie, waa In the city dur ing tlm puat week. Una llros. are fast completing the Improvements on their large barn ami will hihiii have It completed and rnudy for occupancy. Mra. J. P. Irvln wus In tho city Tuesday, looking for a houan to rent for the winter. She report that Mr. Irvln la coiillned to the house, Buf fering from a severe cold. K. C. Hunt la remodi'lliig his build ing on Main street, making It ready for the Htudebaker people, who will put In a large stock of wagons and buggies; 0. V. Howe will have charge of the slock. The nlmroda have been having fine fishing since the iKh water and a number of salmon have been caught with rod and lino. J. It. Cassady land ed a flftcen-pounder Thursday. Farmers with flocks of turkeya are beginning to realize handsomely from their birds, the market being on the raise as Thanksgiving approaches. Frank Hurklnrlcli-r disposed of his flock the past week at 19 cents a pound live weight. John Olthena ahlp- ped SO birds to Portland Wednesday. Miss Mildred Knplln and Mrs. Carey were visitors In Portland, Monday. The Ileed-Krench people, of Port land, have opened a branch of their piano house and havo a number of fine Instruments In the- large store near tho depot. A. Morrow has had a large force of men engaKctl during the past week loading ties. Itimlwr and wood at the railroad docks. Mr. Freeman, lately from the Kaat, has rented the Wllllama property on Main street and will move his family In the coming week. John stormer shipped a car of prunes last week and Phillip Wagner loaded a car for Portland this week; fair prices are being realized for the fruit. It Is reported that the grow ers that .contracted their crops earlier in the Benson have lost money there by as the price has advanced nearly a cent. It would appear that a good organization of growers to look af ter the handling and Belling of the crop could help tho growers and more could he realized for the fruit. Fred Hates and Milt Marshall, of Kagle Creek, were In the city Wed nesday, llutes has line crop or primes harvested this year and Mar- ir ann 3iar - ....ii i. i , " V. c u,, r ,m "l - Pie possibilities of his neighborhood. .vu.t.'.r .ma inn a coupie or hs- , i. ,r , . " ",c " '";". anu irom ,,.. .,.., r, ru , in creamery ll Z'Z ,n ' V?, ,n"C,h "f a-g,"'8S a" ,0. .7 V. j 'be represented soon. Mr. Holln and a party of timber j cruisers left Tuesday for the North BARTON Fork to look over a large bodv of, timber In that vicinity. Justice of the Peace Hates-It at Tlgnrdvllle for a few days visiting his son-in-law, Mr. Howell. Henry K. Hoen hns moved to Sell-1 wood where he will spend the winter! and return In the Spring to take up his residence on his homestead. SPRINGWATER. This place has experienced oulte cold storm recently. The first snow i in-ui. in mil mi onilirilttj, auu KUI to a depth of three Inches. The ther- momeier went down to 22 degrees above zero on November 13. An eight-pound girl was born to the . i in ..ii . i u . . wife of Winer nibble, and everyone In the family, Including the great-grand- Including the groat-grand father, is pleased. Miss uivlna Soli in til t has been se riously sick, but Is now Improving. In Springwuter this season 125.000 pounds of prunes were evaporated. The lute cold snap and storm have , ,""';. Z "w u:"7; ....'ni. ...I. I. 1...-..I.... ...1.1-1. Miss Walvo U-wellen hns come home from The Dalles, where 3he spent tho past year with her sister. Mrs. Zell. She reports her sister. who has bo;'ti 111, much Improved. The young people of Springwuter The Latest News of Fashion Is In The Fall Quarterly Style Book The Quarterly Style Book Is such a helpful book just as much ahead of ordinary pattern books as The Ladles' Home Journal Is ahead of other wo men's magazines and the Fall number is the best yet. It tells about styles. Just what you want to know about the latest styles, and In a most in teresting manner by true-to-llfe fashion pictures. And bfst of all It coata you but 5 cents If bought In connection with any 15- cent Ladies' Home Journal pattern. The Ladies Home Journal Pat terns are always neceaury to women who appreciate Individu ality and practice economy in their dress. PATTERNS 10 AND 15 CENTS John Adams Maaonlo Temple OREGON CITY, OREGON A meeting of the Flrwood Progres sive Association will bo held on Hat unlay evening, November 20. Every one In the community Is urg"d to be present, as there are Important business matters to be discussed. AH should be tntereatei In the ad vancement of the community. A special school meeting of district No. fi2 will be held al Flrwood hall on ..Friday, November 2?, at 2 o'clock. Cupid haa certainly been busily en gaged around Flrwood the past few weeks. Three of our young couples have been united In the bonds of holy matrimony, the third couple be ing A n tone Malar and Nina I). Hea- cock. Mr. Malar has been a resident of Flrwood for a number of yeara and Is respected by all. The bride's home la at Damascus, but she has been employed as teacher In the Flr wood school for some time. The young couple expect to make their home In Flrwood, and they havo the best wishes of the community. B. D. Hart apent a couple of daya In Portland last week, attending to business matters. J. C. Smith, for a number of years floor manager for the firm of Olds, Wortman & King, of Portland, who onaccount of falling health was com pelled to withdraw from business, has purchased 20 acres of the old Ream place, near Flrwood, and expects to make It a very attractive country borne. Planting 10 acres to apple orchard, he will devote his time to fruit raising. Mr. Smith Ig an ener getlc practical business man. and we are glad to welcome guch people to our community. He Is very much Im pressed with the beauty and pros pects of this part of the country and expects the vigorous mountain air to restore his health. We wiah him suc cess In his new undertaking:. W. L. Wllklns. Sr... who has gone East to attend to business matters there, will have the privilege of par taking of some cold weather and com paring it with Oregon winters. DOVER. Rev. Ellis was over and made us a call last week. You are all Invlied to attend the church services every first and third Sundays at 3 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Keith have moved to their lot Just across the street from our school house. The school received a new black board in addition to the one we al ready had; also a new dictionary which adds greatly to the equipment Itev Kvnn Iirh had an addition built on nh barn. , tk i,, ..n.nvi., na-nQ ,v rf... "' "t ! Waters Is being occupied by a furni lure manufacturer, for a Sandy firm. Mr. JostI)h DShazer is having a I ni'at bungalow built upon his ad- j,dnK property. The 8cnool debating team is doing v"y successful work. We hope to i Miss Crouch has organized a class ,n German, which will meet on Wed , nesday evenings. H. S. Gibson and Ed Douglass made a trip to Corvallls last week. E- I Palfrey purchased a fine f"rm 1,1 the Molalla country some days ago. . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodle passed I through this place Sunday evening I on their way home. They had gone l lo Eslacada on Saturday to visit with Guy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. e F. J. Lazarus is running; his chop mill. I l ne young people ot me tagie Creek church will give an enlertaln- luc-iii ui i iiijui i. a nan ill iiikic it-Trn Suuirilav evenlnl!i November 20. Ad. .i... ' Vti..,. - n.n o M'lll....-..'o ...ill I.. CnlA r-r.,., 1. mission free. Chicken supper 25 cents. Come one and all. Grover Douglass was seen in Esla cada Saturday. Fred Hoffnietster made a business visit to Estacada Saturday. Little tiilTord Hoffnielster, who has ".been so ill with the whooping cough. Is much better, Mrs. R. R. Gibson went to Estaca da Saturday to have some dental work done. Mra. Haynes Sues For Divorce, Louise Haynes has filed a suit in the Circuit Court against Joel G Haynes for a decree of divorce. through her attorney, Gordon E. Hayes. Thev were married in Ore gon City in February. 1S98. and have one child, aged eight years. Mrs. Haynes charges that her husband has become a habitual drunkard and she has had to support herself. Mrs. Caroline Grahn. The funeral of the late Mrs. Caro line Grahn took place at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the resi dence of her son, John Grahn, at Glad stone, and the Interment was in Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. j Grahn was born lu Sweden, September I 1 '1 1fiiO rwiiith u-tia .atiaail w rirnnilv and heart disease. She is survived by one son. Anna Brady, of this City. Anna Brady, the 12 year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brady, died Tuesday night at the family home In this city. The funeral took place from St. John's Catholic Church. Rev. A Hillebrand, the pastor, officiating. The Interment was in the Catholic ceme tery. Carpet. Of course you want all you can get for your money. Money In YOUR i pocket is what Interests YOU. We have an overstock of ALL WOOL IN GRAIN CARPETS, the best In the I market, John Gay's good in Philadel phia. His best carpets sell anywhere In the land for 95 cents per yard. We offer the same during the month of October for 73 cents per yard not sewed. Frank Busch. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING Rooms to rent Fine view. Suit able for man and wife or two ladles. Apply Williams Building, Howard's Store. What Would You Do? In case of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such Injuries ore liable to occur In any family and. everyone should be pre pared for them. Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost Instantly, and unless I lie Injury Is a very. severe one, will cause the parts to heal without leaving a scar. For sale -by. Huntley Bros. Co. DANCE i The Phonograph playa all and In perfect time. It la always ready when you want It, and la obliging enough to repeat any aelectlon you may wiah. It takes up little room and does away with the trouble and ex pense of hiring muaiciana. . We carry every machine and record made by the Victor and Edieon Companies and would be pleated to have you call in and hear some of the following numbers played on the lateat atyle Vic tor and Edison Machines. Edieon Amberot 204 Good Night Waltz. 265 Landers. 208 Quadrille. 272 Dixie Blossoms, 2-step. 275 Locky Moon, 3-step. 277 Barn Dance. Btirmeister Oregon City Jewelers Drum Corps Go to 8t. Johns. The fife and drum corps attached to Meade Post, No. 2. Grand Army of the Republic, will go to St. Johns next Saturday to attend a banquet given by the G. A. R. Post of St. Johns. The members of the corps are P. G. Wells, J. A Tufts. J. A. Con - fer, John Keley, E. B. Grant and Mr. Fitzgerald. Fred Miles Is Promoted. Fred Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miles, of this city, who has been connected with the Wells Fargo Com- pany for the past nine years, and who ' has been on the Southern Pacific for, the past four years, has been promot-1 ed and placed in charge of the com-' nx,Cn ff0""!1 ?T0Vfe- ,M.r'i and Mrs. Miles left yesterday for their n nomf; ! St. Paul's Guild Bazaar. The Ladies of St. Paul's Guild of the Episcopal church are planning to give their annual bazaar in Willam ette hall. The children of the Sunday school will have a table and the mer chants will give prizes for their ex hibits. . The chairmen of the different com mittees are as follows: Fancy arti clyes. Mrs. Dan O'.N'eil, Mrs. V. Har ris and Mrs. T. P. Randall; candy, Mrs. E. A. Sommer; eatables. Mrs. Charles Babcock and Mrs. Charles Burns; aprons, Mrs. Charles Evans; miscellaneous, Mrs. Thomas F. War ner. The King-s Daughters will also have a table, which will be In charge of a committee appointed by the pres ident. Marriage Licenses Issued. Licenses to marry were Issued this week to S. E. Bitting and George Pratt. Etta Daugherty and Steve Fisher, Lena Martin and Joe D. Wal lace, Hilda Linjenberg and W. A. Ely, Theresa Quirk and James Herson, Paul Trulllnger and Anna Mahon. Merle Myquist and Eugene Cahlll, Mary Ellen Glpson and H. B. Piper. Case Against Gregory Postponed. The suit of the Greenwood Lumber Company against James Adklns was settled out of court Wednesday. The case of the State vs. Gregory has been postponed. Judge Campbell al lowed the jury to go Thursday morn ing. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at Hie Oregon City Postofflce for the week ending November 19: Woman's list Elligsen. Ida: Hub bard, Mrs. Chag.; Lamoureux, Evelyn; Lord, Jlrs. Lucy. Brandt. Einar (2): Brown. B.: Eccles, Robt.; Gunen. H. G.: Jackson. Otis; Lucy. A. E. . Scholastic Football Today. The Gresham high school will come to Oregon City this Friday afternoon for a return game with the Oregon City high school. The game will be played on the Canemah Park field and will be called at 3 o'clock. The Gresh am team won over the local scholas tic team last Saturday afternoon at Gresham by a score of 10 to 6. Moore was shoved over the line for Oregon City's touchdown and Mulkey kicked the goal. The local men were out weighted 20 pounds to the man, but put up a stiff fight and hope to bring about a reversal of the score at the coming game. Farm Brings Good Price. E. L. Palfrey, recently of Estacada. has purchased (he Dr. Leavltt farm, consisting of 159 acres. The farm, which is one of the best In the-county, was bought about two years ago by Robert F. Watts, of Nebraska, and who sold the place to Mr. Palfrev. The buildings are all up-to-date and MISS C. GOLDSMITH - ! ALL MILLINERY GOODS BELOW COST ! MUSIC kinds of Dance Music, loud and clear Double Faced Victor 16182 Tres Jolle, Waltz. Handicap, March. 16069 Marsovla, Waltz. Moonwlnks, 3-step. 16282 Way Down East, Barn Dance. All Hands Around, Barn Dance. & Andresen Sospenslon Bridge Corner I about 100 acres of the land Is under cultivation. The price of the farm was $10,700, and It lies about one mile , from Molalla. ' Miller's Pet Dog Killed. I" -1. 1 .-1 i. r win n t 1 1 I' , " . j iii'ui ni luoa ci a vaiiiauie 3i;uicu Collie dog that was killed last Friday night. The animal was a great pet and last Saturday morning was found in a dying condition In the yard at the Miller residence. Some unknown nerson had fired a load of bird shot Into the canine's body. The dog was taken to Miller's garage for treatment but he lived only a few hours. News to Mr. Ireland. ls new" t s that Uncle Jimmy Moore wag one Qf Spectator promotera at Oregon City the pioneer news paper of Oregon. Personal acquain tance with I'nrle .Timmv. John Flem- ing ad others familiar with the facta when we established The Oregon City Enterprise In 1866, failed to re veal that part In history of The Spec tator. D. C. Ireland in Mora Obser ver. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Clara Chute, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie ViVlnn, Joseph Winn, her hus band: Aaron Hook, husband of Eliza A. Hook, deceased, and Alice Morter, daughter of said Eliza A. Hook, deceased; William Chute, Chas. T. Chute and Latona Chute, his wife. Defendants. To each of the above named de fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint now on file in the above entitled court and cause on or before December 31. 1909, and if you or any of you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: Fop a decree that the defendants or either of them have no right, title or Interest in and to Lots Numbered One (I), Two, (2), Seven (7), and Eight (8) of Block One Hundred Seventy-three (173) of Oregon City, Ore gon, or any part thereof, and' for a further decree decreeing that plaintiff is the absolute owner in fee simple of said described real property and ev ery part thereof and that all claims of said defendants or either of them in and to said property shall be for ever barred. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, and which or der was made and entered November 16th, 1909, and that the first publica tion of said summons as provided for In said order shall be November 19th, 1909. and the lust publication of said summons shall be December 31. 1909. DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of. Lucy Itoseman, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, her final account as such administratrix of said estate. And that Saturday, the 18th day of December. 1909, at the hour of teu o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said Court for the hearing of objections, If any, to said final ac count, and the settlement thereof. MALINDA CAROTHERS. Administratrix of the Estate of Lucy Roseman, deceased. CROSS & HAMMOND, ' Attorneys for administratrix.