Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1909)
OREGON CITY ENTER IMvMSF,, FRIDAY, .lANlUKY I. Early History of Canby The early history of Canity, written by the late George Knight, one of the prominent plonoers of the slate, who resided for many jeara at Can by, la Riven below: "Maker's Pralrlo, where Csnby now stands, was first settled In the early 4fl'g by a Mr. Baker, after whom the prairie la named. In 1S47, Thilandor Kee and family settled on the prairie. Soon after Tendleton, Josslln, See ley, Heals, Cross and others settled here. Mr. Pendleton built a ferry across the Molalla river at this place, and operated It In the early 50'. Soon after the county built a ! across the Molalla river at the Josslln I place, a'.uvit one-half mile above tie i IViidleton ferry. This bridge stood j until some time In the 70s. when it i went down. The comity then built : CLACKAMAS COUNTY'S FAIR Buildings and Grounds at Canby Admirably Adapted to Public-Spirited Enterprise GEO. W. DIXON Editor Canby Tribune another bridge at the same place, which is still standing. '"In the early 50's a cemetery was laid out on the Josslin place, with Lee. Josslin and others as directors. The cemetery was enclosed by a rail fence until 1SS0, when a subscrip tion was taken up by the citizens on the prairie, and a good board fence was erected around the cemetery. In the year of 1ST0 the Oregon & Calfornia railroad was built from Portland to Salem, coming through Canby. The town was laid out and platted by the Oregon & California Railroad Company the same year. There was some discussion as to the naming of the town, it being sug gested that a name be taken from one of the prominent men of the place, but that a name without a burg as the prefix should be given. At this time Governor CanDy was uiasa cred by the Modock Indians in the lava beds in the southeastern part of the state. His body was brought through this town, and it was sug gested that the name of Canby be given. The railroad company bought 300 acres on Baker's Prairie from P. Lee and the Knight brothers, who a few years previous had bought the Seeley, Josslin and Cross farms. The com pany then donated i0 acres of this land to the Methodist Association, with the proviso that the Association should hold campmeeting every year on the place. The Association built a large building 100x150 feet on the ground and set out a large number of shade trees, and otherwise im proved the place. A campmeeting has been held here ever since, many thou sands of people having attended. In 1871 a postoffice was established at Canby with Charles Knight as the first postmaster. On February 15, 1893, Cinby was incorporated. The officers of the town are a mayor, eight councilmen, treas urer, assessor, recorder, street super visor and chief of police. William Knight has been the recorder almost continuously since that time. ww f A v.. . v i Y i GEORGE LAZELLE, President R. S. COE, Vice-Preiident THOS. F. RYAN, Treasurer T. J. GARY, Secretary W. C. T. U. of Canby The W. C. T. U. of Canby was or ganized in November, 1907, just after the Charles Kinzel Memorial Contest. This contest, in which thirteen boys ad girls took part, was planned and managed by Mrs. Pearl Weber, who sent for Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh to come and preside at the entertain ment. Mrs. Unruh is a national lec turer and organizer for the W. C. T. U. and she came to Canby prepared to call the temperance women of the town together. The Canby women were quick to respond to the rally cry and a local union was organized by Mrs. Unruh. Thirty-five members signed the roll, and elected the fol lowing officers: Mrs. Etta Douglas, president; Mrs. M. Mandeville, vice president; Miss Harrle Bates, record ing secretary; Mrs. Viva Bradtl, treas urer, and Mrs. Pearl Weber, corres ponding secretary. Since this local union was organized, four silver med als and one gold medal have been given to the children, the gold medal ' raving been won by Royce Brown. The W. C. T. U. has furnished reg ular temperance instruction to the children in the L. T. L. and has had its Influence on municipal affairs in Canby. The work will be extended and broadened considerably during the current year. The present officers are: Mrs. Etta Douglas, president; Mrs. W. C. Clark, vice-president; Mrs. W. R. Porter, recording secretary; Mrs. Pearl Weber, corresponding secretary. It as through the efforts of the ?onimoroial Club and the prominent .-.on of Canby and vicinity that the oimty fair was brought to Canby. The 4i-acre tract that the Clackamas County Fair Association has au op tion on Is one of the most desirable pieces of land in the state for an af fair of this kind. The property is part of the C. X. Walt farm, and Is close to town. The race track that was built last summer under the su pervision of W. H. Counsell, Is said by horsemen, who are at present In Canby wintering their horses, to be the best half-mile track in the North west. The ground Is being packed by the rains, and by the opening of the fair next fall It is an assured fact that some of the fastest horses In the state will be entered for the races on the track. The horse races of last year's fair proved to be an Inter esting feature, and on the second day proved to be the big drawing card. Although the track was new last year, and much trouble was experienced In settling the dust, the races gave satis faction to the large throngs of people During the summer there was con structed winter stables for the ac commodation of horses that were to be brought here for the win ter's training, but it was found that more would have to be constructed, and J. Jk r. rah am and (i. W. Kessel ring are busily engaged In construct ing twelve more stables. 'which afe to be 12x12 feet. Many horses have been brought to Canby for the win ter training on the race track, and It Is probable that before the winter Is over there w ill be about 50 horses on the grounds. Several of the horse men who have come here are contem plating buying property and making their homes in Canby. Several have already taken up their homes here. The auditorium, where the exhibits are shown, was constructed by first class workmen, under the supervision of W. P. Weismandel, of this place. The building Is C4 feet wide and 120 feet long, with 20-foot sides. It is of two stories In height, but the second story was not completed for the fair last year. It is the intention of the Association to have this finished dur ing tae coming s immer, as there will great, and it was necessary during its o many more exhibits at the coming I construction to use an engine, the fair than ef last year. This building water being pumped steadily for S4 p-i sented a very Impressive sight dur- hours, but the tak had to be nluui 'ng the fair when It was docv. rated doued as the force was so great. A with bunting. Hags, evergreens and i pump has been installed for Its use. bright colored pennants. The fair grounds are Hlxiut onepiar- Opposlte this building Is the beautl-iter mile from the Southern Pacific do- ful grove, where those who wish to camp during the fair may do so. It lies In close proximity to the county road and to the Southern Pacific rail road. There were many campers here 'ast year who enjoyed the outing. There is a well on the grounds that Is both convenient to the exhibitors and to the campers. The well Is alxmt 30 feet deep with planked sides, am) the water Is excellent. The volume Is pet, and It Is the Intention of the Clackamas County Kalr Association to make provision before the opening of the fair next fall for better facili ties In car service to the grounds. An Immense grandstand will be con structed on the grounds during the coming summer, where the visitors may view the races and baseball Wiles. Owing to the lateness of the construction of the ot'ur buildings ulnn 1 1 - - : " - t . "i iUi!',.;,..":! .ii the grounds this bad to be li lied until then. President (Inline l.iuelle, of Mount Pliasant; Vice President, It. S. Cue .if Canby: Treasurer T. K. Itynii. of Ongmi City, and Secretary T. J Gary, of Oregon City, are deserving of great credit in the tiiuiiHgeiueiit of tin fair of last year. These men devoted much of their vuluable I line In help lug to niaUe the fair such a success It is probalile that the Clackamas County Kalr Association will pur chase the property where the talr grounds are now located, for no bet ter location In the county can hi1 found, which affords the advantages that are to he found here. The enter prising cltlens of Cnnhy and nearby towns of the southern part of the county will endeavor to keen the county fair In Canby. CANBY BAND. The Canby Hand Is progressing well mull r the leadership of .Mr, Kee iiaugli, of Harlow, who oigunUeil It November, lim. Mr. Keeliaugh Iiiih In ell successful In orKiiul.lug bauds In CalKornla and Oregon, and lie l-i x musician of high merit, being able to play nluiml any musical Instm nu lit. The Canby Hand Is composed i f about ?n members, mostly young men of the city. Meetings are held lwli- n week. .Mondays ami Saturday It will lie remembered that this or ganiiitlon donated the music at the Hi st duy of the county fair lat year, and also furnished the music fur (he On gun if'lty day, w hich was one of the nioHt successful days held. Andrew Kocher, the hardware and implement dealer, Is well known throughout the county of Clackamas. Mr. Kocher came to Canby from Au rora in 1899. and has been In the Hardware and implement business ver since. Through his fair dealings he has built up such a trade that he was obliged to erect another building to accommodate his large stock, and at present three buildings are used for his goods. The "building erected this summer, one of the finest bus! ness houses In the county, is at the end of Main street, and is one and one half stories In height, 50x120 fem. Mr. Kocher carries a full line of viv hlclcs, aaildles. paints, oils, harness es, crockery, graphophoties, etc. Mr. Kocher was connected with th Slav er & Walker Company, Implement dealt rs of Portland, for many years, and is a gentleman of much experi ence in this Hue. Mr. Kocher, who was born In Bethel, Mo., In IK51, came to Oregon In 1S07, and for many years resided In Union county. lit is known throughout the stnte as a man of honorable dealings to nil. CITY HOTEL Under New Management Board by the d( week or Month. Terms Reasonable. Harry G. Key, Prop. CANBY, OREGON. WHITE & SCHEER. si n of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheer, of The livery business is one of the ! Macksburg, who are highly respected greatest Importance 10 any city, and . residents of that place, Mr. Scheer in this respect Canby has a livery j '"'big me of the prominent farmers establishment that will compare fa-! "f fce county. vorably with that of any city larger I in size. White & Scheer, who are the i c- w- DAMM. proprietors of the Canby livery stable, are well known young men. Besides large equipment of buggies and C. W. Da mm, the photographer, was born and raised In Macksburg. Mr. operated a gallery at Wash- carriages, and fine buggy horses, is an j ougal. Wash., for a year. From there automobile, which was recently pur-1 he returned to Macksburg and travel chased by this enterprising firm. ; ed for some time taking views of the These men expect in the near fu- i different parts of the county. On Oc ture to install a four-passenger auto-j toljer I, 19U8, he came to Canby, mobile for the accommodation of j where he opened a photograph tu their patrons. Mr. White, before com- din In the Knight building, near the Ing to Canby, was connected with ; postoffice. Mr. Damm is a young man the Portland Railway Company, and ! of exemplary habits, and Is meeting has been a resident of this city for ! with success In his profession. Mr. the past two and one-half years. ! Damm keeps a large supply of photo George Scheer. whose home was at ! supplies. Many of the illustrations Macksburg before going Into bus'ness : in this number are the work of Mr. here, bought the interest of G. W. Damm, who'has proved to be an ar Whlte, a few weeks ago. He Is the tlst In his line. W. H. B A I R WHOLESALE DEALER IN Hay, Grain, Feed Potatoes, Onions Green and Dried Fruits Dressed Meats ALL GOODS BOUGHT OUTRIGHT or SOLD ON COMMISSION CANBY, OREGON CANBY GUN CLUB. The Candy (inn Club, which was organized about a year ago. Is com prised of many of the well-known sportsmen of the southern part of Clackamas county. Several success ful shooting matches have recently In en held here, In which many of the Portland sportsmen took nn ac tive part. The grounds where the mooting matches are held are situ--d near the fair grounds. There nre about 25 members belonging to this organization. An Important meeting was held In the city hall on Decern her 23 for the purpose of organizing o social club, a gymnasium where nth letlcs may be enjoyed, and a fire com pany was organized. The town Is prac tically without a fire company, and the organlzaathin of one will be -u great benefit. Officers of the Gun Club are as follows: C. N. Walt, president; Claud Italy, secretary; George Meek, treasurer. THE KNIGHT HOTEL Miss Annie Knight, Proprie tress. Rooms and Board by Day or Week. Rate Reasonable. CANBY, - . . . OREGON L A. BAIR Dealer In Veal, Pork, Beef Mutton, and smoked and Cured Meats. CANBY, OREGON. s NEW YEAR GREETING I am now installed in my new headquarters and extend to my farmer friends an Invitation to call and examine my stock of Implements and Farm Machinery, which Is the most complete In Clackamas County. I carry and am Special Agent for the most up-to-date lines on the market among which I will enumerate a few below: F. F. HANNA Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, Fruits, Candies, Nuts, Soft Drinks, Canned Goods, Bread and Bakery Goods. Hot Coffee a Specialty. CANBY, OREGON DON'T PORGET THE NEW GROCERY at FIRST AND D STREETS Staple and Fancy Groceries, Wallpaper, Glass and Crockery. C T. BATES, Proprietor o Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows John Deere Soft Center Steel Sulky Plows McCormick Binders. Mowers and Rakes Osborne Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Hay Tedders Dowden Potato Diggers Evans Potato Diggers Anchor Buggies, Hacks and Road Wagons Heney Buggies, Hacks and Road Wagons Moloe Wagons and Farm Trucks Weber Wagons Davenport R?lbearingWagons Monitor Disc Drills and Seeders Advance Threshers and Engines Amej-ican BunchersWindrowers Myers Pumps and Hay Tools Louden Hay Tools and Barn Door Hangers Plymouth Binder Twine Clipper Fanning Mills Planet Jr. Garden Drills and Cultivators Delayal Cream Separators Fairbanks Morse Gaso line Engines Olds Gasoline Engines New Way Gasoline Engines Dain Hay Press Also complete line of Builders' Hardware, Tin, Granite and Enamel Ware, Universal Stoves and Ranges, Crockery, Glassware, Kitchen and Pocket Cutlery. Agent for the Celebrated Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints and Varnishes, Doors, Win dows, Mouldings, Shingles and Roofing Materials. Keystone Royal American Field Fence. if ANDREW KOCHER CANBY, OREGON t 4 t 0