Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
8 OHEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, F HI DAY, DECEMDEU 11, 1908. Km OF THROAT AND EOIES i;n ii i im. my. imm irmmmm DAVID C. HATCH DEAD. Was Pioneer of 1843 and For Many Year Reiided at Canemah. David C. Hatch, one of the early Oregon pioneers, died at Steven:-.u. Washington, at the home of his soa. Ernest, on Saturday, December 5. at - tor a three weeks' Illness of acme stomach trouble. Mr. Hatch left tills city about two months ago for S.e enson, where he has been staying with bis son. Mr. Hatch was born in the Sand wich Islands, February 3. 1S43. inn in the same year came to Oregon with his parents, where they remained f jr a short time before coming to Oregon on the east side of Grand Street to City. He was well known throughout the most southerly corner of said Ad the" state, and was a member of the I dltion. thence north westerly on the Pioneers' Association, having attend- i northerly side of 9th Street to the ed the last meeting held in Portlanl He leaves two daughters, Mrs. E. L. Taylor and Mrs. W. D. Martin, of Hatch, besides two sisters. Mrs. Ai.ce Manning, of Venezuela. South Amer ca: Mrs. Abbie Farrar. of Portland. The funeral took place In this city Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Holman & Myers undertaking pariors. Many of the old time friends of the deceased attended to pay their last respects to the departed. The pall hearers were A. H. Finnegan. A. Plum mer. T. M. Long. W. A. Hedges, A. V. Stokes and William Fine. MRS. BYRNE DIES IN TACOMA. Located at Oregon City in 1852 and Was Married Here. Mrs. Nancy P. Byrne, widow of Lewis Byrne, died suddenly at her home In Tacoma December 3. Mrs. Byrne is survived by five daughters and one son, Mrs. J. E. Young and Mrs. James M. Harris, of Seattle; Misses Agnes A., Alice G-. and May Byrne, of Tacoma. The son. Charles Byrne, lives in Seattle. Mrs. Byrne has been a resident of Tacoma 18 years. Four sisters survive her, Mri. Mary E. Oliver, of Victoria, B. C; Mrs. Emma C. Martinson, Galga, III.; Mrs. David Henderson, Galve. 111.; Mrs. Stanley 'Baldwin, Jacksonville, 111.; a sister-in-law, Mrs. John Sav age, Salem, Or., six grandchildren and one great-grand-chlld. Mrs. Byrne was born in Jackson ville, 111., the daughter of John Jewett, In company with whom and her sis ters, Mrs. Mary E. Oliver, of Victoria, B. C. she crossed the plains in 1852, locating In Oregon City, where she married in 1854. Her husband died at Salem, Or., in 1884. This Is Worth Reading. Leo F. Zleninsk, of 68 Gibson St, Buffalo, N. Y.p says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had. with' Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I ap plied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores, bom under guarantee at Jones Drug Co. 25c. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Emma L. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. Andrew Nelson, Defendant. To Andrew Nelson, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 25th day of January, 1908. and If you fall so to answer plaintiff will take a decree against you forever dissolving the bonds here tofore and now existing between the plaintiff and you; for the right to re sume her maiden name of Emma L. Wilson; and for such other and fur ther relief as the court may deem meet and Just. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable G. B. Dlmick, Judge of the County Court for the County of Clackamas and Stale of Oregon, made December 9th, 190S, directing said publication In the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six (C) consecutive weeks, and the first publication being the 11th day of December, 1908. and the last the 22d day of January, 1909. JAS. L. CONLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Executor's Notice. Notice is hertby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, executor of the last will and test, ament of N. M. Moore, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased are hereby required to present the same to me. properly verified ag by law required, at my residence, south of Oregon City, on R. F. D. No. 6, with in six months from date hereof. Dated this 11th day of December, 1908. GEORGE LAZELLE, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of N. M. Moore, deceased. Vacation Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have filed a petition in the office of the Recorder of Oregon City In the Slate of Oregon, applying for the vacation of streets and parts of streets In Central Addition to Oregon City Included within the boundaries i m. KING'S for COUGHS AND GOLDS CURES THROAT LUNG DISEASES SAVED NCR SON'S UFE My son Rex was taken down year ajjo with lung trouble. W doctored tome months without improvement. Thea I began firing Dr. King'i New Discovery, and I soon noticed change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few week and now my on it perfectly well and works every day. MRS SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY JONES DRUG COMPANY. I of the property described below; that I such petition is now ponding In tho 1 council of said City and it will bo I presented to the council at its reiru- lar meeting on the first Wednesday ' of January 1909. of tho same. The description of the property in 1 which the streets and alleys are i sought to be vacated. Is as follows. ; to-wit: The tract bounded ty a line beginning 30 feet north easterly from the most easterly corner ot uiock 36, In Central Addition to Oregon City, and running thence south east erlv on the northerly line of 13th street to the most easterly corner of , said Addition, thence south easterly most southerly corner of lot 6. In block 50 of said Addition, thence north easterly to the most easterly corner of lot 6, in block 49 of said Addition, thence north westerly to the most southerly corner of lot 3, In bkck 35 of said Addition, thence north easterly on the westerly line of Pierce Street to the easterly corner of Block 35, thence south easterly to the north erly corner of block 49, thence north easterly to the westerly corner of block 48. thence north westerly to the southerly corner of Block 36, thence north easterly on the north side of Pierce Street to the place of beginning. Including Blocks 4S, 51, 53, 61. 62. and 63, and lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, In Block 49, and lots 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5 of Block 50 In said Addition. ANNA S. WARREN. GEORGE L. STORY. Dated this 1st day of December, 1908. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Christian Wellman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said Christian Wellman, Deceased, are hereby notified and re quired to present the same to me, properly verified as required by law, at the office of my Attorney, Thos. F. Ryan, in the Masonic Building, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 25th day of November, 1908. FRITZ WELLMAN. Executor of the Estate of Christian Wellman, Deceased. Thos. F. Ryan, Attorney for Executor. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of Ernst Lehmann, deceased: all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me or to my attorney verified as by law required within six months from date hereof or be for ever barred. Dated November 27, 1918. MARIA LEHMANN, Administratrix, O. D. EBY, Clackamas R. F. D. No. 1. Attorney for Administratrix. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Nettie Garred, Plaintiff, vs. L. S. Garred, Defendant. To L. S. Garred, the above named defendant: In the name of the State cf Oregon, you are hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled Court oa or before the 8th day of January, 1909, and if you fail to so appear and an swer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief pray ed for in the plaintiff's complaint, to wlt: a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between th'j plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This order is published by order of Grant B. Dlmick, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. The date of the first publication of this summons to be November 27, 1908, and the date of the last publi cation to be January 8, 1909. W. G. MARTIN and C. M. KISSINGER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 8ummons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Chas. M. Hallberg, Plaintiff, vs Anna Hallberg. Defendant. To Anna Hallberg, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court on or before the lGth day of January, 1909. said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this urnmons, and If you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and de fendant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. Mclirlde, Judge of the above named court, which or- COPY 50c AND $1.00 C der was made and entored on the 21st day of November, 1:0S. and tho time prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks, beginning December 4, 1908, and continuing each week there after to and Including Friday, Janu ary 15, 1909. GEO. C. rmOWNELU Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Edith F. Moody, Plaintiff, vs. Goo. J. Moody, Defendant. To Geo. J. Moody, defendant above named: In the name of the Stato of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 10th day of January, 1909, said dato being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to ap pear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: For a de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between plantlff and defendant This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the above named court, which or der was made and entered on the 20th day of November, 190S. and the time prescribed for publication thereof Is nix weeks, beginning Friday, Decern ber 4. 1908. and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday January 15th. 1909. GEO. C. BROWNEI.L. Attorney for Plaintiff, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack am as. Shedrick Rosebrook, Plaintiff, vs. Eva Charlotte Rosebrook. Defendant To Eva Charlotte Rosebrook. the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint against you herein on or before the lfith day of January, 1909, Bald day being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed ofr In his complaint, viz.: for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, made and entered on the 31st day of No vember, 1908. First publication on the 4th of De cember, 1908. Last publication on the lath of Jan uary, 1909. MAC MA HON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. John H. Countryman, Plaintiff, vs. Jennie Countryman, Defendant. To Jennie Countryman, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or be fore the 16th day of January, A. D. 1909, said date being after the expira tion of six weeks from the first pub lication of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer said com plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of Hon. Grant B. Dlmick. Judge of the County Court for Clackamas Conn ty, Oregon, which order was made and entered on the 30th day of November, 1908, and the time prescribed for pub lication Is six weeks, beginning with the issue of Friday, December 4th, 1908, and continuing each week there after to and Including Friday, January 15th, 1909. GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Fred Brosseau, Plaintiff, vs. Melvina Brosseau, Defendant. To Melvlna Brosseau, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm U ouicklr ibiorbtd. Oit Relief it Once, It cleunw-s, soothes, beuls and protects the diseased mem brane reHultinfi from Catarrh and drives away aCold in the Iload quickly. Itentires the Bonnes of Tat aud hiaelL Full uze 60 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use in atomiz'-rs 75 cts. Ely Brothers, 58 Warren Street, New York, yon aro horohy i-oqulred to appear Ami answer (ho complaint HUM nnnluxt .von in tho nhovo ontltlod still, un or li'fnro t ho last day of tho 4lmo pro scribed In tho .onlor if publication, to-wlt: on or hoforo tho Uth day of .Inmmry, 1909, and if you full to so appear and annwor, plaintiff will up ply to tho Court for tho rtllof demand oil in tho complaint Mod lioroln nmilimt yon, to wit: tir a doetvo dissolving tho bonds of niHtrlmouy now i-xlsiliin hetwoon tho plaintiff and yourself on tho urounds of dosortlon and for such oihor and further rollof as to the Court tuny seem equitable and juttt. This summons I served upon you by publication thereof for u porlod of six successive weeks In tho OroKuu City Kntorprlso, a weekly nowHpnpor of general rlroulntlon puhllshod In Clackamas County, Own. In pur snatice to an onlor of tho lion. 0. It. Dlmlok. Cotinly Judge for Clnckaniaa ttmnty, duly made on tho 1st day of lVeombor, l!os. Tho dato of tho tlrst publication thereof I tho th day of December, 1','os. KU..V 0R1M LYNCH. Attorney for Plaintiff. No. 25. Report of the Condition of THE FARMERS BANK. at Wllsotivlllo, lu tho Stale of Oregon, at tho close of business, November 27. 1 90S. KKSOi'KCKS. Uians and discounts $ S.4S3.32 Hanking house, furniture and fixtures 2.012.25 Duo from approved reserve banks 5.522 OS Cash on hand S.S-tS.tiA Expense account 2. in TOTAL 120,499.00 UAPIUTIKS. Capital stock, paid In $15.00rt.0i individual deposits subject to Chock 8.499.60 TOTAL $20,499.60 STATE OK OREGON. County of Clackamas. s. We. J. W. Thornton and Joe J. Thornton, owners of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear thut tho above statement Is true to tho best of our knowledge and belief. JOE J. THORNTON. J. W. THORNTON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th dav of December. 190S. KATE WOl.HKKT. Notary Public. My commission expires November 28. 1910. City Election at Willamette. The fltrst municipal election lit Wil lamette since tho adoption of the new charter was held Tuesday, with tho following result: James Downey, mayor; E. P. Ilerdlne, J. C. Edmunds, J. Lymp. Frank Oliver. 11. T. Shipley. John Ream, conncllnien; Ernest Mass, recorder. J. F. Saunders, treasurer; Joseph Painter, marshal. CROUP QUICKLY CURED. Don't Let the Child Choke to Death While Waiting for the Doctor. Hyomel. the miraculous, antiseptic, dry air treatment, will cure croup In either the first or second stages. Eas ily Inhaled, even when tho breathing Is Irregular, It reaches more promptly than any other, remedy (he terribly Inflamed membrane ot the windpipe. Its soothing balsams act Immediately, the Inflamatlon, . la allayed, and the swelling reduced. "Not long ago our little boy, Walter, awoke In the night with a bad attack of croup. We allowed him to Inhale Hyomel: he began to breathe easier, and In half an hour he was fast asleep. I am glad to speak a good word for a remedy that will rob croup of Ita ter rors." Rev. Geo. Slsson, pastor M. E. Church. South Londonberry, Vt Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-tno) Is guaranteed by Huntley Bros Co. to cure catarrh, colds, asthma, bronchitis and croup, or money back. A com plete outfit, Including at neat hard rub ber pocket Inhaler, costs only $1.00. An extra bottle of Hyomel, If after ward needed, cost but 50 cents. DON'T HITCH YOUR HORSE IN THE RAIN Get acquainted with E. W. Mellen t Co., Complete House- furnishers. Le their free stable room Mrs. E. C. Greenman, of Salmon, Is visiting with relatives In Oregon City. J. B. Harless, one of the prominent fnrmers of Molalla, was In Oregon City Wednesday and returned to his home Thursday morning. Frank Schoenborn. who hns been I'l for several months with typhoid fever, has resumed his position with V. Harris" grocery store. Marked for Death, "Three years ago I was marked for death. A grave-yard cough was tear ing my lungs to pieces. Doctors fail ed to help me, and hope had fled, when my husband got Dr. King's New Dis covery," sayB Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac. Ky. "The first dose helped me and Improvement kept on until I gain ed 58 pounds In weight and my health was fully restored." This medicine holds the world's healing record for coughs and colds and lung and throat diseases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold under guarantee by Jones Drug Co. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Miss Anna Benson, who has been connected with the Tufts candy store, has accf-pted a position In the LenU candy store. Miss Leatha Jackson, stenographer of the abstract office of John F. Clark, Is confined to her home by Illness. Attorney Fred J. Melndl, of Moro, Eastern Oregon, returned to his home yesterday morning, after spending a few days In Portland and In this city on legal business. O STOTIIA. ln tke ? m m 'n " a' ,1M lind Yw Han HI mart (ought J. S. Gill and son, Harry, prominent farmers of Logan were In Oregon City on a business trip Thursday. BIG LAND OPENING On January 20, 1909, at Roseburg, Oregon, 91,500 acres are to be with drawn from the Umpqua Forest Re serve. This embraces some of the finest dairy and timber lands In Sen ton, Lane, Douglas and Coos Counties. Not all of this land is subject to entry. For $2.50 we will send you prepaid 18 large lithographic townsnlp maps with above vacant lands colored hereon. Also full Instructions as to dates, manner of filing, etc., etc., he Douglas County Abstract Co. Successor to Frank E. Alley, ROSEBURG, OREGON. MARKETS WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. Vegetables, Fruits, Elo. OREGON CAIUUlSIC-lo pound. OREGON ONIONS- JI.0 suck. UIC1CTS 40o doen bunches. CARROTS 40c doe. CKI.KUY 40c doit. POTATOES , "Ho per suck. t'Al'l.lFI,OWKR--OOo do. IM'MPKINS M) to HOc don. lU'MHAItl) 8QI'AS1IM) lo fiOe dm. Tl'RNII'S lc lb. PARSNIl'S-20 lb. Butter and Eggs, HCTTKR- Ranch, OOw tl.'.o; cream ery. 70c per roll, KGtlS4He do. HONEY Klc frame. HONEY Strained, 7c to 9o lb. Fresh Fruits, Al'I'LES-OOctti 1 00 box. Dried Fruits, DRIED APPLES -Quartered, sun dried, 5 rents; evaporated 6 and 7o; primes, 8 Vote, silver pruuos tio to 6 Wo; pears 10c. Grain and Hay. WHEAT 9.V. GRAY OATS-$2t001f$ai.OO. OATS-$.11 00. MAY Valley timothy $15 por ton; 'Clover. $12.00; Cheat, $11.00; Grain. $12.00, WHOLE CORN -$:!! 00. MIDDLINGS - $;I4. CRACKED CORN- $10. SHORTS- $111. Clackamas County Live Stock. HEIKERS-$:l.2.V steers -$;t;to (i $:i 15. LA M11S- $;l 00 Si $;l.75. COWS $2.50y $2.75. HOGS - $j .'.0. Ml'TTON-$:t.00tj$3.50. HAMS 10c i ISc. DRESSED vi:.Lji$;r.ot$s.oo. DRESSED POUK $7.00. HIDES-lleef hides. Be; calf hides, 6c. TAUX)W-3c per lb. Poultry. OLD HENS 10c per pound, young rosters. 10c; old roosters, 8c. mixed chickens. 11c. AT THE MILLS AND STORES. Flour and Feed. Fl-OCR-Hurd Wheat. $195; Val ley. $4.00. RHEUMATIC FOLKS! Are You Sure Your Kidneys are Well? Many rheumatic attacks are duo to uric acid In tho blood. Hut tho duty of tho kidneys Is to remove nil uric acid from tho blood. Its presence there shows tho kidneys are Inactive. Don't dully with "uric acid solvents." You might go on till doomsday with them, but until you cure tho kidneys you will never get well. Doan's Kid ney pills not only remove uric arid, but cum tho kidneys and then all danger fmm uric acid la ended. F. A. Sutton, of 1125 Water street, Salem, Or., says: "For ten or twelve, years rheumatism and kidney trouble were the plague of my life and two or three times I was mid up on ac count of tho pains being so severe. I could hardly move owing to the lameness In my buck and had to leave my farm and cumo Into the city to doctor for the trouble. Nothing Helm ed to bring mo more than- temporary relief however, and I was In had shape Just before I procured Doan's Kidney Pills. My limbs would scarcely sup port me and I could only get around i at times with the greatest difficulty. ! Doan's Kidney Pills benefited mo at ' once nnd when I had used tho con-1 tents of three boxes I was free from I every symptom of my old trouble, and my health was better than It hud been for years. I can conscientiously i say that IXian's Kidney rills are tho ! Irest remedy of the kind I ever used." Plenty more proof like this from 1 Yokohama Clothing Company G. N. JOE STORE, 506 MAIN ST., OREGON GITY, ORE. Big Cleaning Out Sale ! We desire to announce to the public of Oregon City and Clackamas County that we have received a complete new stock for Christmas. TOYS, SILK HANDKER CHIEFS, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, Ladies', Gents' and Children's FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, BLANKETS. We want you to come to our store and examine our goods and get our prices. We will gladly show you through our place whether you intend purchasing or not, as we intend to make this Winter and Christmas a memorable one injj the Shoe and Clothing line. At Prices Never Before Heard of. pfcCn-ftft winter wearing apparel at prices never before heard of in the history of Clackamas county, and bear in mind we will sell you honest goods at low prices, as we feel as sured that by so doing we will double our sales and save you 25 to 35 per cent. Furnishing Goods LADIES' WOOL UNDERWEAR. $1.25 Garment now 92c $1.00 Garment now 73c 75c Garment now 62c fiOc Garment now 39c 25c Garment now 22c MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR $2.00 Garment now $1.43 $1.50 Garment now $1.32 $1.00 Garment now 82c 75c Garment now 62c 50c Garment now 38c LADIE8' WOOL GLOVE8. 50c now 38o 35c now 30c 25c now 22c G. N. 506 Main Street O t eg i m City people. Call nt I (mil ley tlioa.' drug More and salt wlutt tliolr customer report, For milo by nil Dealers. Prion Bit cotita. Foster-Mllbuni Co., Iluffnlit, N. Y., Solo ngeiits for tho 1'nllod Stales. Itomomlior the niliueDoiiu'a- -and talio no other. Notloe of Final Settlement, Not Ice In hereby given that the uu dei'HlKiiod administratrix nf tlm estate of Kriiuk K. Wills, deeeiiHod. has Hied her lliuil iiciimnt as such ndiitlnlstia Irlx lu the County Court of tho Slate of Oregon, for Cliiekaiuaa County, and that the said Court has lived Tuoie day. tho isith day ,if Jiiiimiry, I linn, at tho hour of 2:;i0 o'clock I'. M, of said day mid tho court room of said Court, as the (lino and plueo for the heiiiliiK of objections ami em-opt Inn to said limit account and the setllo liiollt of said estate. All petniiiiH hav ing olijoctlnnn to said lliuil account or to the settlement of.nuld estate are required to present the kiiiiio on or before mild ditto above moutlniird. SUSAN TIMM, Executrix of the jmt Will mid Tea I it ui -it t of Frank E. Wills, deceased. First publication Dec. II. I90S. Last publication Jim S, ItMi'.i. Graham A Clooton, Attorneyn fur Executrix. OUT OF DOOR WORKERS Men who cannot Mod . lor o rmnv rinv will iincl the; greciles i romfnrl find frriHomR ol bodily movement TA )p-ii y WATERPROOF 1 OILED CLOTHING SIICRERJ'SQPSUITJW Every garment bearing 1 i Ihe Jignol the luh' 'M guoronlrrd VKilfprOol J v. Cotalog free) IT IS A PERFECT FIT THAT WE GIVE YOU Thut Is tho reputation we maintain. William McLarty Tailor ANDRESEN BUILDING Secoud Floor Suspension Bridge Cor. jergbodgs I agazme CHRISTMAS NUMBER j Head REX REACH'S bear hunt. There's art and fun and wet feet all mixed up together. 1 One of the best doctors snys that j good reudlng keep more young folks out of mischief than an yothcr one ; thing Try EVERYIIODY'S. Get one now. j It's big and bright and powerful. j It's too good to go without. 15 cents a coyp, $1.50 a year. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. LADIES' WOOL H08IERY. 75c a pnlr now 62o 50c a pnlr now 40e Dry Goods OUTINQ FLANNEL. IHc yard now 14c 15e yard now 12'jC 12'4c yard now 10c 10c yard now 8c 8c yard now i 6o fie yard now So MEN'8 OVER 8HIRTS $2.00 now $1.62 $1.50 now $1.32 $1.25 now $1.10 $1.00 now 73c 75c now 62c 50c now 38c I . II SVTi y I L' H JOE STORE BARGAIN REFEREE'S AUCTION BALE " 186 acre farm, CLACKAMAS COUNTY Appraised at $2B.OO nn, SO aerox lu cultivation. Hplotidlil Hlock farm, 1 4 tnllo from school. II. V. D. root" it mile, dally mall, 2 churches within tnllo, no ruck, no heavy timber, sumo cord wood. Will ho hoIiI ill public auction at Court house In Oickhu City lit one o'clock P, M. Monday, Decern bor 2lsl. por further Information, terms, plat and abstract call at U'Ren ft Hcliuo bid's nltlce, OreKiin City, (loth phoium. 5 tfjRsrc . M ff.'v V J M- r li k Christmas Groceries ABE HERE IN BOUNTIfUL SUPPLY. RAISINS, CUR RANTS, NUTS, CITRON. CAN DIED LEMON AND APPLE PEEL, FANCY CRACKERS, AND ALL THE REST OF THE GOOD THINGS THAT MARK THE SEASON. Come and Select Yours BEFORE THE BIGGEST RUSH COMMENCES. WITH FEW EXCEPTIONS EVERYTHING BOUGHT NOW WILL KEEP TILL NEEDED SO Buy Now INSTEAD OF WAITINO UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY NEED THE GROCERIES OUR DELIVERY SERVICE IS APT TO BE PRETTY WELL TAXED BY THAT TIME. SEE OUR XMAS CANDIES AT 10c, 20c and 40c per pound SEELEY'S THE PEOPLE'S GROCER Ninth and Main Street. Oregon City, Oregon, Men's Shoes $5.00 Shoes ii(iw $3.75 $1.00 Shoes now $3.00 $1.50 Shoes now $3.25 $3.00 Shoes now $2.50 $2.50 Shoes now $2.15 $2.00 Shoes now $1.75 $1.75 HIioiib now $1.50 Ladies' Underwear FRANCESCA WAI8T8. $11.00 now $3.48 $5.00 now $3.38 M.00 now $3.25 $:i.50 now $2.50 $125 now $2.00 Oregon City, Ore.