Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
OJtpaON CITY ENTEItPKlSK, 1 V1U DAY, DECEMBER 11, 1908. i LOCAL BRIEPS Allium.)' H'ihiiIiIIii T. (Iildllh left nmiiriiiiy rnr it wm-ka tittnltti-MH trli MInk . (idliiMiiillli offi.r nil I'M "rii i mm n a (inrnt rmliii'llim, iiiniiii (irisxntiiwnllu, (inn of I (in wi'ii Known nniniTs of Hi'Mvnr CnmU iiinl h iiruiiilni'iit mmiKur, wns In iim' H'HI ' 1 1 y (HI Imnlni'UH Tllnsiluv. ArrunlliiK In immln.i Hum n CIhiih will inert i'vi'1 ylioily III W, ,, ock Mmidity iiIkIiI, Dm ilmr II, nt 7:0 P. M. II. H. t'nn, or Ciinliy, wuh In Ori'iiim lty Kihlny mi hlx wy limiin from minium, wtmrn hit ntloiiilmt tlm nn mini onhiliit of iin Niirthwust Kuril t'liU ni nl Anmii'liitliin. Mm. W. ,Ii n irnlHiH IIki Krnrnr fur ni'IIIiik Imr KoIkit1 (IiiIiImii (inln tniTi'ii which tin Ktiiiiiiil fur her. A. V. AihIkihoii, nf Anilnmnii, liriiiiiliiniit fiirmiT of ('Ini'Mmim (.nun ly. wna In Oii'kuii cilv Mmiiliiv Vim Imvn trlci tlu runt -now try lln llioil fur Mun't riuihliiK mid NIMH' at l.ovltl'n nf roiimii. Alloini.y C. N. Willi, of Cnnliy, wnii nn OicKon city IiiihIiikki vlHlinr Mini' inv. Don't overlook ti h or ilmiilmi u lie cniiHi. w nre miuill, iioriitmo wn urn hIkiwiiik n iiinKiiinreiit linn of Christ mini rsiIH In nieil'l linen ill ,ey III'", of cinirsn, Mrs. J. IV Hoehl, wlni Imn heen con. Ilneil tn her hiitnii fur tlm I nut two iikiiiIIih hy HrlntiH IIIiichh, In Improv Iim If ll's worth hnyliiK, lt' W(,rli sav liiK. K ii in (o Uvlir ttreiit CIoiIiIiik mid Hhon unlit fur It. The faculty of the I'nlvi-rslly of Oreiion in ,n, a xiroiiK renoln. lion HKiilimt (he atnitiiil ( IreuonO. A. '. football Kiinie miy plum nlati limn on Hie rampum. ()f the two limtllii Hulls. lln.l boys will not Jump over your fount If Imrlieil wire Is lrelrheil over lli lop. Krnnk Hunch Is anllliiK a Hew kind of wire nf jr.oo fret rover ItiK rapacity In oik. fmmlrcil pniiiiil. Mr. mill Mm II II. CmiiiiIKm. who were culled to VllllnmHxit t, Imllnnn. Heveml weelm iy n. ,(-iill of (he luller'n fullier. Mr. (IreKory, a well I known nitwapnHr tiiun, relumed liouin Hnttintny. Kodol for Iyspcpln, ni1lK-stlnn, weak utoiiiiti'li, muir stnmarli, an on (he louinch, etc.. In (tunmnleed In Klvn prompt relief from nny form of Ktoniuch trouble. It will cure your dyspepsia. Sold by Join's DrtiK Co. I'. II HiirdliiK left Krldny for Weal' "rn Oreuon. nfler n few ilnys' vlali with lila pnretita Mr. Hardline la cotinecled with tlm fnlteil Hallway. .Minn JiiiiIii l.urllliiK. wbn turn been vlslllng frit-mis nml relnllviK here ami In I'nillnml fop tlm pnat uioulh, re turned lo Imr home Hmnrdny. Minn IVnvoy. of New Kra. wax III (lila city on biisliii'sa trip Hnturdny. Particular Men ARE PLEA8EO WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK BECAUSE IT IS DONE RIGHT. BECAUSE WE CET IT OUT THE DAY WE PROMISE IT AND BE CAUSE WE GUARANTEE IT. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. CASCADE LAUNDRY Phont Main 93. Third and Main Striata. Mr. Wink, of New Krn, wua In Oro Kiin'Tlly Monday vlnltliiK 'frlimila. All trimmed I tula nt reduced price MIh C, (IiiIiIniiiIIIi. Mr, nnd Mr, lleiijnmln llnyhtirat luivu nuiilii luken chnixo of. tlm ten nnd aiilcit morn neiir III" H. ', ilepot A. lluyliurHi, fiiiher of tlm former, hit been In flhnrK during tlm III lien of Mr. nnd Mr. MnyliuiHt. Whan "tha bait" aarvant Ii looking for naw plaos, your ad. ahould ba "THERE. I.Icciihom lo mil try went IhhuoiI to (I K" K. MrKlnniiii II Nil K. (', I'leinliiK, ICvh Hmllli mid Wllllmn .Inlliinoii, Clnrn ItiiuiHiiy mnl Adolf llimel, of Wllliolt, mid Kallierlue A nun Knit mid (I. II, Hmtilnll, Ilio Inl ter n noii of (leoi'Kt Itllllilllll, of (hi cliy. '1'itiiliitlii Tent, KiiIkIiI of I he Mur- rnliee will llllllllle a cliix of 2f cull dlilnle next Momliiy ulKlit In WooiV men of Hie World Hull. Tlm temn from I'ortliiiid will iromn up In con duct I lie Door work, itiifrlimt-iit will -bit nerved nl (lie clone of tint llil- tlulory reromonlna. Wllliiiuelln Uubiklih Unlit", I. 0. 0, K will he honored IliU Friday eveiiliiK y vInII from Mr. Hnillh, of (IiiiiiIn I'iihh, who I (triind in-al- dent of Hip Order. Till la Imr flrat vlnlt In Hut OreKon Pity ihIk of H bekllh. Whan aomaona, who wanta to buy a lot, looka your ad, ahould ba "THERE." Mra. M. J. Moreliilul, who linn been condlicllin lint "Mnrehind" near the UHienlnii lirlduo, for aevurnl yi-nra, IlllH illninHei of tier llllereat III the hourdlliR limine to Mr. I'roaaer. Mr. Moreliiinl tin lald-n Hi" Mud dock hniiHit on Koiirleonih and Miiln alreet. where alio I to open a, bonrillim Imiiau. ARi-ncy for Hie rulehrnled Mt. Hood Heer. rloiiHir Tranfer Co. lioth phone. Wllllnm Hchiil, n(m of the proml nen( furmer of BinfTnnl, wn In OrKon City Tueadiiy. Mr. Hchntx, who owiia n 10 ncre fiiini, linn rent ed Rlniiit r,j ncrea of It. Mr. HclinU I ciit:uK-d l ralaliiii kiiiIh, pntutoi-a mul fruit. The Kniln crop (lila yenr lie av wn K'""!. bill Ibe fruit crop wna lint nn Inme na Hint of luil yenr. lie I miikliiK a nieclnlly of riilnlliK (lint Kiupea, nnd the crop wna iiiiiihu nlly intuit on hi place thl yenr. Wahn tha homa hunler bcglna to raad tha ada., youra ahould ba "THERE." W. I) II. Dodnoii, of rortlund, wna In Itreitoii City vIbIIIiir with friends Krldiiy Mr Uodimn. who recent ly returned from a two yenra' (ravel In Clilnn, I wrlthiK n nerle of In lerentlliK lilllcli-n oil Clillm. Hllil of the Itilinliltniila of t lint country, at-v-ernl of hi nrllclen which huve np tienred In endllit new inpera ami nniKiulnen. "An Anlnllc Mniinm Doc trine" I bin Intent production, which nppciircd In the December l'nclllc Monthly. Bmkuui xylha H.fKH:i Hi) kmnb$i 0utnt Cstocoda ond Coster n Clacktimos ESTACADA. Klirl Wllnoli, who left thia (Hy lnt July, .roiiirneil Monday inornlnx I" iein a few iliiya wlln hi pnrenl, Kd. Holier nnd Clydu Hcliock Npent Tucnduy nnd Wediiendny In rortlund, Mm W, II, lleylmun of Hpoknne, WiIhIi., who linn been vInIIIiik hern durliiK li"r hunhmid'H iibnencn In the ICnnt, relurned lo her homo on Tliura- dny nf hint week couiita of country glrla linlus In Iroub In In our county pnpera an woll an dully pupera, EAOLE CREEK. Mr. and Mra. II. K, (llion were vIhIUiik with tlm former' fnlber and lHter, Mra. Cora Ciloll, WciJuunduy of Innt week. Mra. Murphy nnd dmiKliter, MMa Kdllh. culled on Mra. Glbnon Innt Krl- (leoiKn Hhull. npent Hiindny Willi dny aflnrnoon, hi piirent nt Moutuvlllii. . Mr. Tnlfrey bulchend 12 Iiok and Tint nupper Klven by tlm Ijidlea' n cnlf on Monday. Aid Hocleiy of Ilio M. K. Church wna Arthur ITowliitt, of Portland, waa a Ureal nucciiH. Tint pliicit wna well the Kuent of hi undo. W. J. Uowlett, nlleiided nil eveiilnic, nnd tlm Indlt-a durlnn n part of tho week, urn well pleiiHed with tho Amount! Mm. II. II, aibnon called on lira, they took In, which wn HI 31. Tlm Victor Hern fiulidny aflernoon. proceed will ko lownnln tlm btllld-j Mr. and Mr. A. W. CookM, of Da IliK of a new pnrnoiiiiKiV mnacun, wero up Ut Mr. Cooke' Mra, II. (J. I'lilmnteer, who tin a been; fathitr'a homo on brief vlalt tho flrat vlnltlnx her dniiKhter. .Mr. ' Will; of tbo week. iihd Mra. (ieorKe CiiHler on tlm Colum- Jnnie Clbaon went to BprliiKwater bin HIoiikIi, nml Mm. John Rteveii of tho latter part of luxt ww-k v aee hi rortlniiil, returned to bur home the , lUiunhtor, Mra. Nora Held. latter part of Innt week. Home of tho farmora of thla neigh- John U llnlii of Wulerinmi, Or., horhood hnvo been buny plowlnif anil hn returned to Knlncndu mid i-xpticla aowlna; nnd drllllna; grain. tu apcttd tint winter In-nt. Mm. Viola Ivniglana vllled with W. A. Ileylinnu, mayor of Knlucada. 1 her daunhter. Mra, Jamca DeSharor. wa In Oregon City the latter part , Monday. of lant week, . Kurl Trncy, who linn been iiilto III for Urn pant ronpln of week, la ro- KEL80. covrliii. John (i. flrown of Currlnnvllle died j .i,in.rl.,, Ur. .n.i .h(, u,rri.. . ,lm. nt hi home, Thumday December 3 .! ,,,,r Company ar pri)parlnK to move .nr. nn wna limn l oi. jonn-oury, t,.r HBW nlln tO nW allea. VI., Ill 1H.K), and came to Oregon In Hlim MpKlnney and wife nro erect ISHt. He wn hurled by III reuuiMt in . ,. Awv,u,lr .i,,,,. ,n ... on til own ranch, Hnturdny. ; i,,,,,. On Killldny evenlllK. December , I ..iH vancuren . .later of Mr. vn,. Itev. Kl hi inn ii will preach In Currlnn-; m. DImh,. .,,.rt ln i.r,illnrt' ,,,! prlne will rocwlve new from hor hereafter. villi'. .Morning Hervlce will be held In KHlarnda, beginning at 11 o'clock. Hiitidiiy nchinil at III o'clock, ICpworth l'"giitt at C:l!l r. M. Horn, (o Mr and Mra. J. W. Heed. week. She had been ailing a long time, Mra, Hoffman waa very nick lant week, but la Improving now. Mr. Young haa bought a farm on PIRW00D, I.ant Haturday the Klrwood achool (llnlrlct voted, without a illanmillliK vote for a two mill tnx to aecure ncbool leal and aupplle. November 28 the Klrwood and Do ver commiinlllen held a meeting to organize tlmmaelve for tho aake of co-operation In aoclal and progrenlvi) puraiilta. About 30 were preacrt and rcixirt It a aueeeHn. Tlm next meeting will be held Hntiirday, December 12. On Hundiiy lant twenty-two of our mimical anplrant gathered nt the home of K. D. Hart lo practice nlng-1 Ing for Ihe coming ninellnu; of the "l'rogreidve Aawiclatlon." I Mr. and Mm. J. M. Ijimper are to j he congratulate'd a the parenta of a I lO-poiind bithy boy. , I Mm. W. Alt went to Portland Bun-, day. MIkh KU In Malar npent a few day in Portland laat week. There waa no achool Thumday af ternoon and Friday on account of the lllnena of tfio teacher, MlHa Nina Haycock. B. l. Hart and A. C. Mllllron were In Portland attending the convention of the Northwent Fruit Urowera Aa wiclaHon lant week. Leading Real Estate Dealers If you wish to sell your arm or timber land, or wish to trade for a good piece of city property, list it with W. F. SCHOOLY & CO. at the same old stand. Don't be foolish enough to go to some new firm who are changing around all the time. Dcn't forget the No. 606 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. Jewelry CITY BUYS McCEEHAN PROPERTY ll MY.i Hi Hwitl Mi T. U Helm and dnughter Han nah, who have been vlaltlug for (he punt month with their rmitiln, Mis Owcndnllne Hhnw, left Hnturdny for Tncoina, where Minn Helm will enter a btinlhi-M college. Mra. Helm will apend a month at Tncoma before re luming lo her homo In Mnryvllle, N. I)., where Mr. 8lm la the owner of a Onnarre wheat farm. They expect to aell (heir North Dakota properly next Hprtng nnd come to the Wil lamette Vnlley to r'ldo. Whan tha man for whom you ought to ba looking LOOKS your ad. ahould ba "THERE." Hnturdny morning, a girl. Mother and , Handy Itldge and moved there. (laughter are riolng well. ,M Ina Anna Jarl. who I attendlne Mra. N. Perry, alater of Matt Tilt-! bunlneaa rolleie ln lorili,.i,l lemon, who hna been renldlng near home on n vlnlt thl. week Biueni. naa o.enen up urn ronianu ; trrh ii,ertH. who ha been In realaunint. Khe ta being anninted by; Hood River helping to park the apple Mr. and Mr. Matt Pnttemon. who crop, wa )n K,.iHO Saturday on a hnvo recently moved Into ICnlacadu ! nh'rt vlnlt beforo going nouth. from their ranch mar Carfleld. The; There were four new balile. In the place wan rented lo (hem by John I neighborhood lant week three boys Zobrlat. i and a girl, at the home of Kmmet Ijint Thumday evening a large mini her of yoang people from Katarada nlleiided the apelllng mulch held at the Ciirrlnavllle arhoolhoune. All nt port having a very tileanant evening. Al. crtine wa In Oregon City Sun day and Tuendiiy of Ihla week at (ending to aoiiie legal bunlnen. DAMASCUS AND ROCK CREEK. Donahoe, Jim Fowler. Frank Irving. and the girl at Mr. Hltes. Victor Johnnon loat a valuable heifer recently from eating white lead. Farmer ahould be careful when mixing palm and not leave the white lead for the atock to cat. Ml Martha Kllgel, of Portland, wa vlnltlng home folka over Sunday. Mr. Cooper, of Dover, wa In Kelso Friday. It it t ii . rain ngnln hna stopped farm er from otilnldc work, but good farm er find plenty of work Innlde nurh nlormy weather, Ml Ada Summer and Mnrlon J Tolig. both of thin place, were united in mnrrlnge December 2, nt the home of the brlde'n parent, only the two fnmllle nltendlng. J. Tong. Mr. l Totig, F.nrl and lUrhel, of Flrlnnd, Portlnnd. attended the wedding. We wUh the contracting pnrtlea a long, hmipy nnd pronpenma married . life. Mr. Plrtle ha bought a new (earn nnd will noon commenre hauling cord wmid. He la now at Ijttourelle wotk Ing on hi new farm, which he recent ly bought. C. IL Hunter I romodo'ing and building a new addition on Mr. Aup liaup'a limine. If nmthera would give their count.-y girl proper training al homo, I doubt It If any of us would aee auch ac- DODGE. Dodge In to have a telephone meet lug to arrange for the construction work an we are organized. Ofllcera are: President, E. Lacey; vice-president, (ktorge Kellar; necretary, M. D. Horner; manager, I. M. Park. There neenia to be opposition concerning the route. Mr. Mamhbank wants the Itedland rou(o. while the majority want the Kstacada route. The Ksta cada route was chosen. The Dodge telephone company Wi known as the Dodge Kural Telephone Company. The new mill company la getting altmg fine. They .have a good many thousand feet of logs cut ready for tho mill. The dam la progressing fine. The ofllcera of the new company re huitlera. ' Miss Myrile Park Is teaching achool at Welchea, and has had one week. Bhe likes her school fine. The Enter- Secures IS Acrea Adjoining Mountain View 'Cemetery for S6000. Tho city council held a special meeting Wedneaday night and ar ranged to purchase the 15 acre tract adjofnitig the city cemetery at Moun tain View from M. M. McGeehan for I'lOOO. Thla Includes bin house and Improvementa and the property Is very desirable. The bid of Olds and Reed for the count ruction of the Fifth ntreet steps was rejected and the recorder was directed lo re-advertlse, bids to be received December 22. The council connldered the Olila and Reed bid too high. The matter of the city pound, which eemn to have mysterlounly disap peared, was referred to the committee on streets and public property. The lot wa rented from Mrs. H. l L. Clark for 20 per year and the rent was paid by the city up to next March. The fencea and buildings were de stroyed by unknown persons several days ago and there are two claim ants to the property. The vote on the city election was canvaHsed by the council and another meeting will be held aliout December 23. All Kinds of First Class Watches ELGIN, WALTRAM, HAMPTON and ROCKFORD, III. Clocks Repairing a Specialty. WILLIAM GARDNER, Main St.. near 9th WW Notice to Creditora. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Lizzie E. Smith deceased. All per sons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified and required to present the Bame duly verified with proper vouchers at the office of Gor don E. Hayes, rooms 3. 4 and 5, Stev en Hulldlng, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date here of. T. L. EMITH. Administrator of the Estate of Lizzie E. Smith, deceased. Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Estate. Dated December 7th, 1908. FIVE-MINUTE TALK Hew ! Ktp AwajjT CHICKEN LICE MITES COCKROACHES AND BED BUGS Tor Whol. Year BUfl Application M AVENARIUS CARB0LINEUM (Ormao Wood Prrvr.) No a-poison out. Sanitary 04or. Put up in Uthorphe4 emna only Vnn't lt your dmltr flv you i WOTtnle imitation. fOK BALK BY ALL UEALKKM. Carbollimm Wood frcrviDf Co. aruriiamiMj. vr. UllwaukM. WLt. New York, N. T. Saa Franctaco. CaL Fisher, Ttiosen S Cx i irr xlLLinl 1 1 Wbolvial ARPtita. V tS J IwpL 13. poniand I Wrtta for TmU- o y U 1 moolala. JL H 0NLY ONE GENUINE 1 THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE CARBOLINEUM, THAT IS THE HAVENARIU8 CARBOLINEUM. THERE 18 A CHEAP IMITATION ON THE MARKET THAT IS BE INQ OFFERED AT FROM $1.00 TO tt.23 PER GALLON. THE GENUINE AVENARIUS CAR- BOLINEUM IN QUART CANS 50 CENTS, AND ONE GALLONS AT $1.50 WILL DO ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. INSIST ON THE GENUINE, TAKE NO OTHER. PUT UP IN LITHO- CANS AND SOLD IN r GRAPH OREGON CITY. V. When the "furnished-roomer" cornea to look for something better, your ad. ahould be "THERE." When the right employer begins to read the "situations wanted" ada youra ahould be "THERE." WHY NOT TRY Popham't ASTHMA REMEDY Glree Prompt and posltlr relief tn every case. Sold by drussiaU. Trial package by mall 10 ceata. Williams Mfg. Co.. Preps Cleveland, 0 For sale by Hoatley Bros. Co. Careful of Your Property One of ihe secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furnitue Moving Williams Bro. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street NO RENT LOW PRICES You save big money by taking advan tage of our no rent prices FULL SIZE Morris Chairs r) IT '1 Veloar or Im. Leather Cushions We save our patrons from 10 to 25 per cent on bouse furnishings. Come to our store for proof Solid Oak Frame, $5-85 II" WW iHli fairnnii.iiiai' 3L3I Out of a large line of China Closets you can I find a most acceptable Xmas gift. Sale of Dinner Sets MHiattasaIIBIIMaMiiMaiMMKaMaaM(aaB 97 Piece Set German China, beautiful design, regular $28.00 value, now $1 9.00 IU Piece Semi-Porcelain Set, finely orna mented, regular $16.00 value, now 12.50 TOYS We do carry the best and largest stock of Toys. Figure with us and we will surprise you about the value of your dollar. Useful and Durable Gifts in Silverware COUCHES, LOUNGES, ROCKERS, EXTENSION TABLES, DINING CHAIRS, DRESSERS, WRITING DESKS, RUGS, LEATHER COUCHES, BOOKCASES, LIB- . RARY TABLES, PARLOR SUITS, PICTURES, MUSIC STANDS, MISSION LAMPS, LINOLEUMS, CARPETS, MATTRESSES FIKIEC ISUnn FURNITURE AMD HARDWARE 11th and Main Streets