Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908. 2 NEWS OP THE COUNTY TWILIGHT. Miss Helen McCord, of rortland, who has Ixon visiting her parents. Mr ami Mrs. William McCord, has returned to that city. Mrs. 11. U lioylnn was surprised at her h.nne on Sunday of last week when a few of h'T friends called anil spent the evening In singing. MIhs Klla Schaner, of Portland, has been visiting with her cousin, Pearl Srhuer, of this place. Miss Ruby McCord has been visit Inn hoc sUter. Mrs. Lawrence Mantz, of Maple Ume. Miss Emma Wllehnrt and Mr. James Hvlton. of this place, were married Wednesday, October IS. by the Rev. H V. Mulkcv. at the Ktrst Presbyterian nmnse In Portland. The affair was very quiet, gnd atfer the marriage cer emonv the couple went on a brief honeymoon. The bride was attired In a verv pretty gown of blue chiffon broadcloth with bat and gloves to match. Mr. and Mrs. Hylton have g:me to housekeeping on the farm of the late Mr. Wllehart, where they are at home to their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hylton Tire well known at this place and In Orvgon City, and their hosts of friends extend to them hearty congratulations, and happy life. v , The voting folks of this place had a Jollv time here a few evenings ago, when thev gave Mr. and Mrs. James Hvlton a charivari. They were invit ed Into the house, where they were treated royally by Mr. and Mrs. Hyl ton who served refreshments, and at a late hour they took their departure, wishing their host and hostess a hap pv future. Mr. and Mrs. Hoots, who reside near Mulino, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swick. Miss Myrtle Henderson, who spent several days with her sister. Mrs. P. L. Hovlan, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. James Hylton were taken completely by surprise on Fri day evening, when a few of their In timate friends called on them In a bodv. and a most enjoyable time was spent in music and cards. Refresh ments were served during the even ing and at a late hour the guests de parted for their homes. Present were Mr. and Mrs. J. U Hylton, Mr. and Mrs. George Lae!le, Mr. and Mrs. William McCord. Mr. and Mrs. James Hvlton. Miss Laura Hylton. Miss Flor ence McCord. Miss Ruby McCord, J. Hvlton Pennls Hylton. Miss Ethel McCord spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam McCord. D. B. Martin is lying 111 at his home in this place. MARQUAM SCHOOL NOTES. The Hallowe'en part y given at the home of Mr. B. B. Garrett for the scholars of the seventh, eighth and ninth grades, was interesting and en jovahle. Miss Gladys Brown. Miss Jewell Marquam, Miss Kate Ridings. Mls Onah Ridings and Miss Winifred Rnake. kindly assisted the host. Mr. Carl F. Anderson, In entertaining. The majority of the guests came to the partv costumed to represent literary or historical characters. This feature aided much to the atractiveness of the affair. Eighteen new volumes have recent! been added to the school library. Vlda Albright is the new librarian. The tennis court on the school ground Is nearing completion under the willing hands of the boys The equipment for the court Is on hand. The ninth-grade Is an enterprising class They intend to have classical educations. They are studying Latin in addition to algebra, English and book-keeping. Mrs J. E Marqnam brings good reports from the meeting of patrons and teachers at Silverton. Manv friends of Miss Maud Bark us. a 'former principal of Marquam school, attended her wedding at Sil verton last week. Some new periodicals are coming to the reading table. The ninth erade are studying Lays of Ancient Rome." and find it deeply interesting. The election and the teachers tn n n,ir itnrs' vacation: but most of the punils did some school work at home during that time. MULINO. Beautiful weather and everybody making use of It in getting their Fall work done. The two sons of Mr. Wallace, who bought Mr. Lee's nlace, are busy plow ing and clearing land. They seem to be rustlers. There 's quite a building boom In Mulino this Fall. Frank Manning. Ed Hall and Guy Jewett are each putting up a house. Mr, Saines and bride are visiting at the home of Wallace Porter. Nada Ixe spent Saturday and Sun dav In Woodburn. the guest of Miss Minnie Trullinger. Several of the Mullnolte? went to Oregon City last week to attend the institute. M0LALLA. The roads are good again. Farm ers lire getlng on well with their Fall seeding. Molalla doei not quite yet govern the presidential election, as we hear th?n An Ohio man by the name of Taft f wallowed the X. Y. "pi-:" plat': and all. What, th.nk you now, Mr. Sellwofid? Last Wednpslay a Mr. Warner, of Rio"!ivilIe, went out o-.i horse-back to salt his cattle, telling his 10-year old granddaughter that he would be back before dinner. Not showing tin at noon nor at. night, tl.e following morn ing the litle pirl wcr.t to a neighbor a.'rt gave the alarm. When search was made for the missing man, his iiorse was found with brill !e reir.s broken. Three days' search failed to locate Mr. Warner. S'Ui'Uiy several men went from Molalla to asstot in the hip't V r the lost man. He was found by Ade Boyle between two logs with his head mashed In. Evi dently the hone had jumped a log JOHN W. THOHA8, DENTIST. Moialla Mondays. H.IG. SURLES TEACHES OF VIOLIN AND CORNET Music furnished for all occasions. Phono Main 1581. close to a root of an upturned tree and falling on the the rider against the logs killing him Instantly. The unfortunate man was brought to Mo laMa and will be burled tn the C. 0. cenieterv. Klder . P. Rich died at Kusell vllle this. Monday morning, while on his wv to the Russellville school house last Kriday evening, whore he was holding a series of meetings, he was taken with a severe stroke of I anilysis. being In a short distance of the meootlng place. U U. Trull in ter took hint In his buggy to his home w here Pr. Powell was called, w ho ren dered all the medical aid possible. Mrs. Rich, or Pamascus. was notified of her husband's severe Illness, and the family arrived Saturday. He knew them, but was unable to talk. Kbler Rich has been preaching in this state and Washington for more than a quarter of a century. -Ho was a member of the Church of Christ. "Well done thv Faithful Servant." F. C. Perry Is remodeling bis wind mill tower base, and Is putting in a gasoline engine to pump between spells." l.ast week was vacaton In our seh.xils generally on account of teach ers' Institute and this conversation took place: -"Hello. Johny, where has your teacher gone?" "Oh, her is Just gone oft to learn some more." "Plvislon of Influence" Co where you may. you will be Impressed with a vast amount of energy wasted by factors of divisions In spreading the light of the Gospel to a sinful world. Almost any litle town has four to six divisions struggling for existence, all for one common end Ufe beyond this earth. Yet there are new divisions being added to the many hundred we already have. Then comes along those claiming to be apostles, by twos, men and women, claiming to have the "true light" but without the acconv panying power to "work wonders." and thus divisions are still divided, and It does not help matters whether the twos (apostles) come from Scot land, Ireland, or Corvallls; whether they are preaching for money: wheth er, some one sends them out on a mission they represent some division. There may be a good excuse for the few political parties we have, but none Tor the many divisions In the cause of Christ CLARKES. Nlce days a present with rather chilly nights. Potato digging seems to be the order of the day at present. Wallace and Son have purchased a new potato digger. A good many hunters and hounds were through this burg Sunday, but returned without the bear. School opened Monday after a week's vacation, the teacher attend ing the institute at Oregon City. Charley Freeman had on eye badly Injured by the breaking of a water glass on the donkey engine he was running, which Is used for logging at Dix Bros. Mrs. Lottie Cummings and Mrs. Lue Sager spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace and Mrs. Will Wallace and daughters spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Bullard's. A good many have sowed thel." grain. OSWEGO. Mr. and Mrs. P. Simmons were visit ing relatives at Seaside for a few days the last of the week. Mrs. A. King Wilson and daughter. Miss Mary Wilson, will go to La Grande this week to visit friends. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Harbin, October 28, a son. Pete Ranking has returned home from Tacoma, where- he had been for some time, visiting relatives. Thomas Brown has returned from a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller have moved Into the residence of Mr. McManus. Mt. Lehman has purchased the farm of R. Hayes, at Hazelia. Elmer Kingkade, who for several months was in the employ of the Seattle-Alaska Transportation Company, has returned home for the Winter. W. M. Gray is having his bungalow at Brier Hill completed. C0LT0N. R. H. Snodgrass was at Colton ac cepting shingle bolts last week. Miss E. L. Applegate. the teacher of Colton school, attended the insti tute at Oregon City. Andrew Johnson Is building a wagon shed for W. S. 'Gorbett.. A. B. Countryman has rented the Snodgrass place at Meadowbrook. Dolph Freeman, of El wood, was do ing some farm work for E. Llndstrom last week. Carl Stromgreen was a visitor at Oregon City last week. Alfred Berglund, who took a trip to California, returned last Wednesday. Erick Tries;, who had been away working at Portland, came home last week. II. Lindstrum is busy cutting bolts for D. Bouney. .Mrs. A. B. Countryman was on the Mel: lii-t last week, but is now Ira proving. Mr. and Mrs. Bergreen took a trip 'o Portland last Wednesday and re turned Sunday. OASTOniA. Bean ft ?lr,a a m kim fife Signature of MOUNTAIN VIEW. Improvements still go on. Ctiea'er Gorbett is having his resi dence painted this week. Mr. Moehnke Is improving his prop erty on Seventh and Taylor streets. He has painted the house and put up a new wire fence with many other im uruvements. Mr. Seeley ig building a new porch Xas.-il Catarrh qnickly yields to treat ment by the agreeable, aromatic Ely's Cream Bi-.lm. It is received through the nostrils and cl'iinm-s mid heals the whole surface over which it diffuses itself. Drug gist fll the Vic. size. Teit it and you are sure to continue the treatment till re lieved. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal paxeages for catarrhal trou blei, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known an Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the praying tube if 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. to his house this week, Will May has hta new housf ready for the shlngleo. M. P. Hradley was here last week Thursday, and had n tomb stono put l.i htu u-lfc't ernvtv Pert Henderson, of F.lwood was hero Monday calling on his sister, mis. lVlla Cottberg, He had been down to Portland visiting his wife, who Is In the sanitarium. Mis. Sieley came home from Ta coma last week, after a visit of three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Har per. Mrs. Hickman Is visiting relatives In Portland this week. Mrs. F, M. Parting was very pleas antly surprised last Sunday by her sister coming to make them n visit. l. W. Critllu. who works In Port land, sp.'nt Saturday evening and Sundav at home. Mrs.' Hickman has sold her cot tage, but we have, not learned the name of the purchaser, K. M Auien, of Klngsley. Oregon, was transacting buslnes In this city last Saturday. Mr. llamin iveotved news from Kan sas this week that his sister Is sell .uisly !1 with consumption. Mrs. Maggie Cur'aii had a new Home phone put in her house lasl week. Mrs. Tlmcker has improved In health so that she went to Salem last week to visit her mother. LOGAN. Harding Grange at the last meet ing, voted to donate $10 to the fund for defense of the Initiative and refer endum. "The people shall rule'' Is our motto. C. P. Nicolal has sold his farm for sure, this time, and has gone to hU old home. A. A. Allen and J. Cromer have made arrangements for a meeting, at the Grange hall, on the 20th. for the purpose of levying a road tax. Cow and beef purchasers are get ting plentiful. A. Swales and daughter, Mary, are living in the new house nnd Henry Swales has taken charge of the farm. U H. Kirchem has gone to build a barn for J. T. Fullam. The short, sharp toou of the C. C. U Co.'s donkey engine keep the air in constaut vibration. REDLAND. The bell of Fir Grove school, pealed forth its joyful notes. Monday, No vember 9, for the first time. There are l!0 pupils etirolU'd, and more com ing in. How Is that for a new dis trict? 'Mrs. Funk is expecting her sister. Miss Hat tie Haskell, of Portland, to visit her for a few weeks. Miss Ollie Motitimore. of Portland, teacher of Fir Grove school, will make her home at A. U Allen's during the schixil year. E. X. Brock, of this place, and Mr. Loran Tenney, of Viola, had their horses quite severely cut with barb wire last Saturday. Farmers, take warning: gather up that loose wire on vour farms. Mrs. G. Lash nnd children returned from their visit at Portland, Tues day. When E. N. Brock stepped Into his potato house the other morning, his dog ran in ahead and there had a tussle with a pole-cat. Now Mr. Brock needs not go to the drug store for perfume. It is not as sweet as some, but certainly Is lasting. SHUBEL. John Bluhm Is hauling baled straw to town. Mrs. E. F. Glnther went to Portland last week to spend a few days with her daughter, Mildred. Fred Heft shot a lynx one day last week near his place. Our neighbor Fred Moehnke, Is go ing to get married next Wednesday we hear. Good luck go with you. old friend. It may be a little late for a harve-d report, but E. F. Glnther threshed 93 bushels of oats to the acre on 3 3-t acres of well worked clover sod soil. The soil has been tilled for 20 years. Wallace Hart and Al Mautz, of Ore gon City visited friends in our neigh borhood yesterday afternoon. The young folks had a play party al the home of Mr. Babcock last Monday night. Herman ann Henry Moehnke have traded farms. Fred Heft Is moving his , saw mill. When a woman runs from her home half clothed for fear of her life. It Is time the sheriff placed the man be hind the prison bars. This happened close by here last week. The woman was given breakfast by friends here. Mrs. David Moehnke. Lottie nnd Lydla Hornschuh visited with Mrs. R. Ginther this afternoon. CLARKES. Jack Ringo has sold 110 acres of land to Ed Grace. W. H. Wettlaufer hauled a load of potatoes for Mr. Olson to town last Saturday. W. H. Bottemlller has finished dig ging his potatoes. Rev. Buche, purchased a pony team the other day. Miss Lizzie Olsen came out from Portland for a vacation a few weeks ago. Mrs. Sehlewe has gone to Portland to "tay awhile. Ella Schelewe is taking music les sons from Mr. Ogle. Mr. Grace has finished digging his potatoes, and wants to sow wheat now. The Clarkes school had a vacation last week. The teacher had to attend the teachers' Institute. C. Stromgreen was in town last Sat urday on business. Ben Marshall took a load of oats to town last Saturday. W. H. Wettlaufer sowed wheat and oats. W. G. Kleinsmlth Is working for Mr. Force. He Is adding a kitchen onto the store building. W. G. Kleinsmlth tore down his old cellar in Timber Grove; he wants to move it. Mr. and Mrs. Haag were In town last Thursday on business. I). Sullivan is digging his potatoes. He will finish In two days. DON'T HITCH YOUR HORSE IN THE RAIN Get acquainted with E. W. Melien & Co., Complete Houss furnishers. Cue their free stable room. The merchant knows that It would be a waste of money to print an ad. which YOU COL'LD AFFORD NOT TO READ! Watched Fifteen Years. "For fifteen years I have watched the working of Bucklen'g Arnica Salve; and It has never failed to cure any sore, boll, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. It baa saved us many a doctor bill," saya A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine. 25c at Jones Drug Company. Humor onO Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH v PERT PARAGRAPHS.' Many people prefer theoretical to practical work, but they don't like to take their pay that way. Getting out Into the sunlight of o clal Intercourse mill getting your dispo sition t.'iuiied Is ivc.muiicialcd for men tal health. When a mail discovers an f Unity a careful examination Into his business f f:ilr Is npt to dlsclivse s o in o croo k o d u o I here nlso. Truth Is stranger than fiction and often quite n diuiM'iMiis. When ii girl lus freckles, n snub nose and a dimple In her chlu she docsu't hn to caiv whether eu like her or not. There are others. Thcro are tueii who would really choose to Is' successful liars, so ninny avenues would then Ik oH'ii to tbein. It Is queer, but then' are men w ho seem to prefer to eiid the Income of larg'. fortune In dedging the govern or's requisition. You will generally find that the mnn who Is always tucful iirouud the house confines the sphere of his activities to the same place. A woman doesn't always cry when he baa to any more than she always doesn't smile when she can't. The reason any girl can fool any man la because (he man first fools himself about the girl every time. Don't be afrnld until you have rea son to be so and proceed to remove Ibe reason with great celerity. When there Is no nvun or time to be anything else. It Is then wise and com mendable to be pat ent Its Mcin At'.rac'.ion. Scpt.-mtH-r la u iiu-rr timh With ull lt K"l Vn v Ita In.Hn.i n ::n n.-r c t.rlKht lu-ne.-it )i ttu HUlcnci It.-'.riv Hut It haa mntiv m rr c::tr"ia Tho lhoi;.!i:t:,l u'!,n li w il. For. oh. S. iu-c. . r I -i nn It. Which lela i:ic 'T t:v Slue- April I.'.ji ! .Innt ileal a:iy kiml h 1 And Irir.l at thins I i . w icel Good action on oi.r!i. True. h.jre .?. ' " cr Hi enough, Ice ctv - I T tV'll:. I'n'.fij we lipid hihI took tha kind They order up with winka. And itiere wna is! nn.l r !.-- frulte And Le.-f. ec.i'-i. ;le.l -r p! lln, And many formj of Lr-.i :. food Forme I fror-j i ct-ltlccs uru'.n. But Iht re w ra v v..'ya aomethlna; any The iileua::n: u-.'.al In r.uxr Tor no! a a.i'.'l-v aLinmwr month. Is ntted wltlvSili n v- Bring out the Yr jI'.a of Italilmore tin half all.-!! an I on Ice. And let us atari the banquet right Reenr.lleas of the. price. And follow with a atew or fry or Just a acullop plain. A genermia helplnc for each plate. And let ua llvs aii.iln. Simple Duties. chorus :-we do! "What is the business of the quar termaster?" "To look after the quarters for the regiment, I suppose." "But who lo"ks after the dimes, hulf dollars aud dollnrs? Surely, the money comes to them In different denomina tions." Will Min It. "Going to the world's fair this year!" "There la no world's fulr, Is there?" "That's so. Where in the world will you tell folks you have been during the week you spend down on the farm with your mulher-lii-lawV" By Comparison. "He Is n great poet?" "Oh, so. so." , "You have rend Ills works?" "Some of them." "His imprinted poems are his best." "I would be sorry for them If they were not." Might Like To. "Who Is that horrible Sieclmcn across the street?" "Old Hill Junes. Too lazy to drnw his breath." "I see U" Is smoking. Does he have a valet to light his pipe for him?" Amended. "Would you consider M sufficient If a dlrl were simply beautiful?" "Ob, certainly. If" "If what?" "She were rich." Accident. "Woll. I told the truth, anyway." "Did your' "I did." "IIow did It happen?" Mind Your Business! If you don't nobody will. It Is your business to keep out of all the rouble you can and you can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble If you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria and jaundice out of your system. 25c at Jones Drug Company. On the occasions when your adver tising Is the moat Interesting in the paper your store will be the most in teresting In town. Use DeWltt's Carbollzed Witch Ha zel Salve It is healing, cooling and cleansing. It Is especially good for piles. Sold by Jones Drug fjo. my i i. Boys' Boys' CAR-FARE ALLOWED ON PURCHASES OF, $ 1 0.00 CHICAGO CLOTHING CO. SOL GARDE, PROPRIETOR "THE STORE THAT SIGHTS THE WRONG." 69-71 Third HARMONY. The luilles of the Women's Mission-1 ry Society gave Mrs. A. ('. Kaune j a surprise party, tiie L'Slh of October. It being her sixtieth birthday. Her! neighbors and friends also mi that day j Kiive her a post curd shower In re-1 ineinbranee of the day. A good time 1 was hud by every me present. The young inaldieis of MIsj K.ttlnr Knnkhaiiser s Sumlay School class j gave her a furewi 11 parly last Satur-' dny. as she Is seon to leave (ur Cull- i fornla on a visit. A g.Hnl time was i reported. The Ui.lles' Club will meet with Mrs. Thompson next Wednesday. I Wo were K'"d to see llessle's face , In our community once more. ' Tom Hallii Is getting ready to build a new house, lie has the old home stead rented to Japs. Mr. and Mrs. Iless. from Portland were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pollock's over Sunday. Kew cuit nuiv be ennecfed from the hens (hut roost In tree tops, old sheds or any place that they can Mud. The poultry house should be placid III a! dry location so that the fowls will not ! have to wade In mud nil winter. Damp ! houses are often responsible for roup and other disease. Make the liens comfortable; It pas. i Wherever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power--A Reduction in Expense An Increase in Output An Improvement in Product--Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS' ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Butchers Confectioners Portland Railway Light & Power Company C.G. MILLER, AGENT School School We say to you, make com parisons the only convinc ing proof that we give the greatest values. Boys' Suits Here From $1.95 Boys' Shoes Up Prom $ 1 .45 Watches or Air Rifles Presented With Boys' Suits. St. liefween Oak and Pluc Adjoining United Mutes Natlonnl IJunk., Portland, Ore. , ! To Intend to read the ads some day j Is us prolltlco us It Would be to III' tend to eat your dinner iinim day. 1 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bar the stf Kirnatura of CfuxS1. CLARKES. Mr. Freeman was seriously hurt Inst Saturday at Hlv's saw mill. Mr. Shcpperd and family are visit Iuk his folks at llrld.'il Veil Kulls. Mr. Iiiillirow. of Portland, Is visit ItiK Fred Fully. , Mr Fully. I back from Portland to slay. Anna and F.tnma !roHmueler went lo town Tuesday. Mr. Mack Force Is out vlsltlnu his brother. (!. W. Force. Kate Siuiilcrass visited friends at Clarkes Hiuliiy. Jumi-s Shannon has rented his farm and has moved to town for the Win ter. Mrs. 0. Usher and Mrs. V, Hetiman visited with friends In Portland a few Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers Launderes ANYONE USING POWER CAN PROFIT BY CONSULTING Suits Shoes day last week. IlloiUen Purry was up to her itls lei'a nt Clarke fur a fuw iln hint week You can cure dyspepsia. tiiillKottlon, sour or weak stomach, or In fact any form of stoiiiurlt trouble If oti will take Kmlol occasionally Try It to day mi our guarantee. We know what it will ml for you. Sold by Jones I'niK Co. For Sale or Trade Ilium. 4 or 5 years on farm 7 per cent. rein - 2 years at 7 per cent, j :iiO- XI years, 7 per rent I rtH - '.' years. 7 per cent Will also place your money on sufii security subject lo your approval. Will Sell or Trade DwelllnR house unliable for boarders null iiiumrii, a imn ni iiimi ini iin- K800 4 lots, pith and Madison, Oihii City M00 K'sj lots I and 5, block K'2. Oregon City 300 SiiKiir Pino Lumber Claim, noon, mm feei in California $3000 Also Private mimev lo loan. JOHN W. LODER, Owner. Attorney at Ijiw. Op'Kwi City, Oregon. Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers OREGON CITY, OREGON